#hae-in and so-min both said that the drama was very healing so it better have a good ending
sjoongki · 13 days
when a drama says that it’s going to be a romcom, I expect a proper romcom like “business proposal” ok 😭
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sjoongki · 13 days
Do you think that LND is going to have a sad ending? The illness reveal was so upsetting.
putting my thoughts under the cut because this got long 😅
despite how upsetting that cancer illness reveal was (and believe me, i was very upset), i really don't think that LND is going to end on a sad note. i could definitely be wrong (so don't hold me to this), but i think that this drama, while showing us how unpredictable life can be, is also trying to show us how one is still able to persevere through times of hardship when they have the strength and support of their loved ones.
it's clear that seok-ryu is trying to hide her illness from her family and even friends, which is most likely why she asked her ex to accompany her to the hospital. since he was there the first time she got sick in the US, he's already aware of her health history and can keep her diagnosis confidential. we also now know that seok-ryu's time in the US was riddled with near constant stress and anxiety, workplace harassment, feelings of isolation from her friends/family/homeland, and severe illness. flashbacks in the earlier episodes gave us a glimpse of how her ex majorly screwed up and prioritized other things (like partying? cheating????) over seok-ryu and neglected her when she needed him most, so i think this recent health scare is meant to show that seok-ryu will finally heal (both mentally and physically) with the love and support of her family and friends.
i went back and watched the long promotional trailer for LND, and there's one scene that we haven't seen yet that I believe will air in one of two scenarios: 1) when it's seok-ryu's birthday, or 2) when she's back from the hospital and on the mend. the scene is of her and her family, seung-hyo, and mo-eum all wearing tiny party hats and watching seok-ryu eat at the table while her mom says that "they're a family that shares the harsh, sad moments together". once her sickness is finally revealed, i'm sure that her parents will finally understand seok-ryu's dream of being a chef and their dynamic will change for the better. preparing and eating food for seok-ryu is healing, and food has always been about sharing parts of yourself with those you love.
i believe jung hae-in and jung so-min when they said that this was a healing drama, and that it gets a lot happier/and more heart-fluttering in episodes 11-16! it's obviously going to be painful until we get there, but hopefully next week's episodes will wrap up the angst and the annoying ex can finally get lost lmao.
if you're still watching, let's hang in there together 💓 if you're not, please take care of yourself and i hope you find something else to watch that makes you happy and warm inside!
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