#hadn't realised that I was hyperfixtating on Klaus until some weeks ago
lizzie-queenofmeigas · 5 months
Caroline basically almost had every storyline at some point giving to her so I don't see how people can think she was more mistreated then bonnie
Yeah, they put Caroline everywhere even though her presence made no sense. Let me tell you a story, dear anon.
I started watching The Originals season 3 without having seen any of the previous seasons or TVD (I did know a little about Delena because of YouTube videos) and instantly Klaus became my favourite character. I was like 8/9, at the time.
And well, I stumbled with fanfiction and when I went to search Klamille fanfiction. There was nothing, specially given that at the time I could only read in spanish (and some Portuguese, but that's another story) so I clicked in one that had Klaus in it. It was a Klaroline fanfiction and when the character of Caroline appeared I had no idea who that was. Still, I kept reading because Klaus was/is my hyperfixation. I went like a year reading without knowing who the hell that was so I just sort of used Caroline as YN. I finally watched TVD when I was 11 thanks to the magic of the internet and my own obsession over Klaus. I had seen videos of Klaroline before in YouTube, but they didn't really illustrated Caroline as a character. So you can imagine my surprise when I find out who this character is and turns out she is the most annoying girl in the show. I was so confused as to why there was so many fics between them and none of Klamille. So, for a couple of years I read fics were Klaus was paired with anyone except Caroline (Klaulena/Klonnie/Klayley/Klefan and Klebekah were my saviours) until I ran out of them and had to read Klaroline fics. I kept doing the "Caroline as YN" thing because I hated the character but I needed content and some fics were very interesting. Then I learnt how to read in English and I was saved. Delena fics saved me from the never ending mountain of Klaroline fics.
In most of those fics every single character of TVD was somehow the villain in Caroline's story, in many it was Bonnie. In others Bonnie was Caroline's ride or die and hated Elena and was okay with Klaroline and was mad at Tyler for hurting Caroline, which is wildly out of character for Bonnie.
Anyway, now you know my issue with Klaroline and Caroline.
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