#hades sad boy hours
thingsphoenix21 · 7 months
Hades: I need help.
Demeter: Two words.
Hestia: I bet they won't be helpful.
Demeter: Your. Problem.
Hestia: I was right.
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bagerfluff · 7 months
Nico Di Angelo x Will Solace x Son of Chaos reader?
AN: Thank you for requesting and I hope you like this. I also took the liberty of picking my own prompt since you didn't give me one so I hope you are okay with that. It is perfectly okay to not give a request without a prompt but that just means I pick one myself.
Chaos Follows You, But We Don't Care
Nico di Angelo x Will Solace x Son of Chaos Reader
Prompt - Angry Confessions
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You didn't know what you were doing.
You were currently sitting on a high branch in a tree. You had ran here after the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you. You've been here for a couple hours and you were still scared and embarrassed.
You want to know what happened?
You might have confessed to your two closest best friends. Nico and Will. They were your friends since you first came to camp. You've been friends with them for years. And you've had a crush on the both of them for as long.
You always knew you liked guys and that you were Polyamorous, but why did you have to fall in love with both of them. It was even worse when they told you that they were dating. It made you feel like a third wheel.
It hurt.
But you couldn't tell them; they didn't love you like you loved them. So you kept it hidden. No matter how much it hurt. Watching them act all lovey dovey. It made you a little sick. The pain in your heart when you watched them.
You couldn't even describe it.
So one day when you were hanging out with them at the beach, the sun beating down on your skin. The sounds of the crashing waves. The whispers of Nico and Will. It was pretty shitty. You were sitting a few feet to their left.
They weren't even talking to you. They were your friends, but they were too distracted with each other. You started to get angry and you yelled. You stood up and yelled at the two boys about how you loved them. But how it hurt that they didn't love you back and how they ignored you.
After you were done yelling you realized what you had said you had ran. You took one look and Nico's shocked face and Will's sad one and ran. You ran, even when you heard Will calling for you, you ran till you found this tree and climbed up it.
You've been here ever since.
You didn't want to go back. You didn't want to face Nico and Will. You didn't want them to have to tell you that they didn't love you like that. You didn't want them to tell you that you couldn't be their friends any more. So you stayed here.
Even when you heard the dinner bell you didn't move. You were fine. Though you were hungry you didn't move. You felt like crying. You blew it. You were going to lose your only friends. You made chaos. You did what every one you would do.
You were a son of Chaos. Her name said what she did just fine. That's why people were never your friends. Even before you knew you were a demigod, you made chaos. Everywhere you went chaos followed like a lost puppy.
You always made a mess of things and added stress to everyone's day. You never meant to, you were a kid. But people didn't know that. They thought you did it on purpose. Even when you found out you were a demigod.
People were still wary of you.
Nobody talked to you, nobody went near you. You tried to stop the chaos you made. You tried to stop your powers. You had the powers to cause chaos from nothing. But that never worked. Chaos was all that you knew and you were fine with it.
That was until you met Nico and Will.
Since there was no cabin for you they just placed you in Hermes. But since the Hermes kids didn't like that a claimed kid was with them, plus you made lots of chaos that they didn't like. Chiron had placed you in Hades cabin. Nico was rarely there and it was away from everyone.
So you met Nico first. He knew what it was like to be an outcast. He talked to you and he didn't mind when you made chaos. He even helped you control it. Nico was kind and understanding. He was a nice person to talk to when you needed someone to listen for a bit.
Nico was fun to hang out with. You both were outcasts so you two got along well. You both scared the shit out of campers. Especially new campers that saw the two of you leaning or sitting by a tree in the shadows.
Then you met Will. Some people decided that it would be fun to hurt you. They would try a little harder to knock you down during sword practice. People would miss fire really close to you during target practice. So every once and a while you would show up at the infirmary with a new bruise or cut.
Will would be the one who would patch you up most of the time. He said that he heard about you from Nico because they were friends. That might have made you blush. So you and Will got to talking since Nico was friends with you both.
Will was really nice and he really cared about his friends. Will was like a ray of sunshine. He brightened up your day whenever you see him. Especially when you walk into of the infirmary. Since you were all friends you started to hang out with the both of them.
It was hard since Nico was rarely at Camp Half-Blood and Will always worked but you guys managed it. Some of your best memories were with the both of them. They were your best and only friends. You loved them more then anything.
Now you were going to lose them.
Tears started to fall out of your eyes and onto your lap. You tried to stop them but they were coming whether you liked it or not. You started to quietly sob and you brought your knees to your chest. You wrapped your arms around your legs and placed your head on top of them.
You cried onto your knees but you stopped when you heard a twig snap. You glanced down to see Nico and Will looking around. Why were they here? Were they looking for you? You stayed quiet. You didn't want them to find you. You weren't ready for them to break the news to you.
You weren't ready to lose the ones you loved.
Unfortunately that didn't last long because Nico looked up and saw you in the tree. You and Nico held eye contact until Nico grabbed Will's hand and pointed up at you. Will looked at Nico for a second before following Nico's finger up to you.
Nico and Will looked at you while you looked at them. The boys on the ground looked at each other. "Hey Y/n? Do you want to come down?" Will asked. Will was always better at calming your nerves. He knew what to say to calm you down. Nico tried but it never really worked.
But it was the thought that counted.
"N-no", you said with a wavering voice. You didn't want to talk but you knew you had too. "Okay. we'll wait", Will yelled up and you watched as Nico and Will walked over to the base of the tree and sat down. You could tell that they were talking to each other but you couldn't hear them.
You needed to talk to them. You needed to bite the bullet and get this over with. Though the thought of that made more tears slip out of your eyes. You wiped them away and started to make your way down the tree. It took a bit but before you knew it you were standing in front of Nico and Will.
Nico looked a little scared while Will still looked sad. You sat down criss cross in front of them and stared at them. None of you spoke. You were scared and something told you that they were too. "Do you know why we're here Y/n", Will asked.
You knew but you didn't want to say it so you nodded. "We're not mad Y/n", Nico said. It was the first time he had spoke and you could tell from his voice that Nico was scared. "In fact we wanted to tell you something", Will said.
This was it.
You were about to lose your friends. You got ready to run away after they said it. You placed your hands on the ground and closed your eyes. You couldn't look at them while they did this. You heard more whispering and heard moving. Then you felt something touch both of your cheeks.
It felt like a kiss.
You vaguely remember your father placing a kiss on your cheek before he left for work. You opened your eyes and looked at Nico and Will with a shocked expression. They were now sitting a foot in front of you. They both had a smile on their face. Will's was bigger Nico's was bigger but they both looked really happy.
"Wha-", you tried to ask what happened but Will and Nico both spoke, cutting you off. "We like you too". You were so happy and shocked, and still a little sad. This was so much that you started to cry again. You didn't know why but you did.
Nico and Wil got a little scared but you were quick to ease their worries. "No I'm fine I'm just", you didn't even know what to say. Will smiled again and pulled you and Nico into a hug. You and Nico were shocked but you both hugged back.
They liked you back. You were so happy. Will pulled away and looked at you, "we're sorry for making you feel like that". Will was referring to when you were scared and how you felt when you left them. "It's fine, as long as I get a kiss as an apology", you smiled at the both of them.
Will let out a little laugh but kissed you any way. You smiled, it was quick because you heard Nico's grumble. You pulled away and kissed Nico too. "Does this mean were dating?" You asked and Nico rolled his eyes. "yes Y/n, we are all boyfriends", you smiled again.
Nico and Will loved you, chaos and all.
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I absoloutely love your Storys and i wanted to request one as well :3
Morgie x Male!Reader
Male Reader is Part of the Vk's or his studie Partner in an Assignment (your choice) and the Reader is in Love with Morgie, Morgie on the other hand is into Uliana and always talks about her which is breaking Reader's Heart
So- Hurt comfort/no comfort with a Happy or Sad ending, whatever you like more
I won't lie to you, something about this fic turned extremely dialogue heavy and this feels a touch behind the bar to my other works, I'm sorry about that.
Also somehow his friendship with Hook had me writing this in the mindset of “boooooo he sucks, kiss his friend” so feel free to read it as Hook having a thing for the reader. Adds to the one sided chaos
One Sided
Morgie le Fay x VK! Reader
Pronouns used: he/him/his
Summary: What else was he meant to do but just take the boy’s words like they’re rolling punches?
Warnings: no happy ending we die like men, Morgie gets called stupid out of frustration a lot
Word Count: 1.9K
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     “James, I am going to implode,” the boy flops onto the pirate’s bed with a dramatic huff, body just barely missing the legs that rest under his maroon blanket. Hook had grown used to this, shifting to making room beside him, in case his friend was  willing to take him up on it. Not that (Y/n) ever did, too scared that Morgie would walk in. If he saw how close the boy got to his roommate, the sorcerer would never see him as an option. Not that the serpent did see him as anything.  “Do you know what he just did?” He flips over onto his stomach, chin cradled in his hands as he whines at Hook.  The pirate lets out an sharp exhale that vaguely resembles a laugh, “I’m sure you’re going to tell me.” “He asked me to go with him to that new coffee place in town, and I mean, I knew it wasn’t a date. But he asked me to go so he could tell me more about Uliana. I mean, how blind does a man have to be? Asking a boy who’s falling at your feet to get coffee just to talk about some girl who doesn’t even want you.” He looks up at the boy, and where you’d expect to see sadness, all that sits on his features is annoyance. Hook laughs, patting the spot he made on the bed for the other boy. “Morgie le Fay is a boy at best, not a man.” It earns him a laugh from (Y/n) who sits up, turning to him but not quite filling the spot with his name on it. Hook does his best to ignore it, letting his eyes stay focused on his friend instead. With a shake of his head, he smiles over at the pirate, “He could be. He’s just, not.” 
      A hum comes through his closed, pouty lips. “If you say so. And since you came to me, I’m assuming that means he,” James drags the one syllable word out, waiting for the boy to finish the sentence for him. “Left me early because Uliana showed up. She needed someone to carry her bags for her while she’s shopping for Castlecoming. He’s so stupid, James. That girl is never going to look at him as anything more than someone to use. How does he not see that?” There’s a mocking air to the first sentence, eyes rolling with a wave of his hand. Mocking the sea witch in a way that would surely get him in trouble were she to see. Lucky for them, they would be alone for hours. “He’s a boy, (Y/n), he’s stupid.” It makes them both laugh, James reaching over to push his knees slightly. “You’re a boy, James.” “Yeah, so are you,” Hook waves a hand at him, a smile plastered on his lips. “I personally am a man,” (Y/n) laughs, putting a hand over his heart as he speaks as if he’s offended. 
    It was a song and dance both boys had become far too accustomed to. Morgie would upset (Y/n) by talking about Uliana while they’re alone, or even by leaving him for the sea witch like he had today. Then he’d come running to Hook, if Morgie wasn’t coming back for a while, they’d stay on his bed. Otherwise it was (Y/n) and Hades’ dorm or the hideout. The boy would complain, his pirate companion would comfort him. Then when he was happy again, and they part ways, Hook would get a soft thanks, a swear that he was a good friend, and they would split. And now, as they reach the finale of their duet, (Y/n) puts a hand on top of Hook’s, an adoring smile stretched across his face. “You know, James. I really wouldn’t know what to do without you. You’re the best friend a boy could have.” He rolls his eyes, a familiar and playful smirk on his face, “And you are a wonderful stroke to my ego, Lad, really.” “Yeah, yeah,” the boy laughs, standing up from Hook’s bed, “Thank you, idiot.” “Anytime.” 
                                     ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
    The next time that (Y/n) sees Morgie, it’s in “History of Piracy”, his head laying gently on the sorcerer’s shoulder as the teacher drones on. Something about a research project where they got to pick their own partners. Not that the villain cared to listen. Morgie would, he’d never admit it but, he always did. The kid was smarter than he let on, something about it was oddly admirable. And it was too hard to listen anyway, no way he could care about something as minor as pirates when he could feel Morgie’s body heat through the silk shirt pressed to his cheek. His head moving so slightly as the boy breathes that the human eye wouldn’t pick it up. It was so cozy, quiet, something out of (Y/n)’s daydreams. And for once, there was nothing about Uliana to interfere. Class was a genuinely Uliana free zone, the boy and the sea witch being blessed with wildly different schedules. It made going to class just a touch easier.
    As the man finishes talking, the whole room gets up, kids crossing left and right to get to their friends, picking out different partners. The shoulder he leans on shakes ever so slightly, earning Morgie a slight glance in his direction. “We’re going to be partners, right?” His eyes fly open, moving off of Morgie’s shoulder to stare at him. Mouth running dry as he lets his eyes flicker wildly over the other boy. “What?” “We’re going to be partners on this project, right?” Right, he should’ve known that. “Actually, I was thinking of asking Charming, got a huge crush on him, you know. This would give me a way in.” Morgie’s face falls, looking over to the prince. Charming is leaning against Ella’s desk, obviously partnered with her. He turns back to (Y/n), “Oh well, I think he actually has a partner. I could see if Ella could switch if you wanted? Not that I want to work with her, I’d rather work with you.”  He’d rather work with him.
    (Y/n) forcefully laughs, reaching out for the boy’s arm, “Morgie, I’m kidding. Of course I’m going to be your partner. You’re my other half.” A nervous smile stretches across his face, leaning onto his hand, “It’s not a funny joke. I thought you were actually going to leave me.” Lip finding its way between his teeth as he literally tries to bite back a smile. He was scared he would leave him? Maybe the boy meant more to Morgie than he thought. “Never,” it’s meant to be light hearted but (Y/n) can feel the way it tugs on him. It’s a promise, he knows in his heart that it’s a promise. And the idea of it is absolutely horrifying. 
    “So, what exactly is this project?” Morgie laughs, shaking his head as he pulls out his sloppy notes on the assignment. “We have to write a research essay on how being a pirate can lead to harm.” A teasing little smirk makes its way onto the boy’s face, an excited air filling the space between them as he bounces ever so slightly in his seat, “We could do it on James losing his hand.” The laughter that erupts out of Morgie is loud, light and joyful as it shakes his shoulders. Smile meeting his eyes, squinting them with their perky glow still barely visible. He looks amazing, (y/n)’s lip once again sliding into his teeth as he stares lovingly at his friend. “Hook would hate being used for a project,” Morgie shakes his head, absentmindedly brushing his scarf over his shoulder. “You must not know your roommate very well, le Fay. James would absolutely love being the center of attention. Don’t play with me.” “Well, if you’re so sure.” “I am. Let’s go to your dorm.” His hand wraps around Morgie’s wrist at the exact same time as the bell rings, dragging the boy up from his chair.
    There was no use in fighting against him, Morgie was well aware of that. So he allows his excitable villain friend to drag him up to his dorm, fingers wrapped tightly around his skinny wrist. Pulling him into his room and throwing the boy down onto his own bed. The bedsprings screeching as the sorcerer falls to it, his body bouncing with the mattress. The little display earns them a shocked noise from Hook, his eyes wide as they turn to him. “Whatever you two are up to, I am in here, please be aware of that.” It makes Morgie laugh but (Y/n)’s face heats up at the idea, glaring pointedly at the pirate. The look on his friend’s face makes Hook smirk, crossing his arms and leaning back against his headboard. “What could you possibly be up to then?” The boy laughs, perching on the mattress beside his friend. “We came to see you. We have to do a silly little project on pirates.” “Oh, do ask away then.” 
    It doesn’t take long for the trio to go off the rails, what was once James getting to brag about his times at sea quickly turning into the three just hanging out. (Y/n)’s head in Morgie’s lap and his legs in Hook’s. Fingers ghosting through his hair as the sorcerer who cradles him babbles. “I mean she just, I don’t know. She sees me, obviously she does because she drags me around with her but she doesn’t see who I can be, you know? And that’s so frustrating because all I do is try, I am constantly on her beck and call. It’s exhausting, she’s so beautiful and talented. Evil too, and I understand that love isn’t evil but everyone is just a little bit good, aren’t they?” He pauses, smiling down at his friend, “I mean you’re so full of love. Especially with the way you treat us, and Hook over here is a serial romantic. There has to be some sort of love to her. So why can’t she just point it at me? It’s so unfair, I just want someone to love me.” 
    Unfair? It’s unfair that Uliana can’t love him. He has someone who loves him, why is he so stupid that he can’t see that? The boy looks up to Hook, his dark eyes already trained on him. The two of them have a silent conversation, the pirate silently promising that he had his friend’s back. And as if that was all the push he needed, the boy stands up, cutting off Morgie’s bubbling rant that had been going on for at least the last ten minutes. “I need to,” he pauses, looking at both boys before heading to the door, “I need to not be here. We’ll finish that project later, yeah?” 
     And they don’t get a minute to respond before he’s storming out of the room. Two pairs of eyes staring at the empty space where the boy once was. “What,” Morgie looks up to the door, “Was that?” His question is met with a sigh, the pirate rising off his bed.”You really are stupid, you know that?” He huffs, staring over at the boy with his mouth agape, “Excuse me?” Hook rolls his eyes, rolling his jacket onto his arms and grabbing his room key. “You’re stupid. He’s been in love with you for the past year, mate.” And the pirate storms out too, leaving the sorcerer alone, gapping at the wooden door. He’s been what?
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fulltacs · 1 month
I saw hadestown the evening before I saw the boys from the blackstuff in London (two for two sad days) and its missing barry hour so
Price as hades. Thank you
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Well, if it's no problem, can I request an application for Sasaki and Hades? (maintaining the theme of the publication with the dragon goddess of curses)
Let's say that this is already years ahead (Sasaki lives forever and no one can say no to me, sorry, I love that old man), in both cases for each man they had twins, who physically look almost like their father, but have mother's eyes.
How would Sasaki and Hades deal with the antics of their twin sons, when the mother has to leave the house to do some work?
Let's say that, being identical twins, they must wear something that differentiates them so that the servants don't confuse them and the twins decide to wear the same thing to deceive them.
Let them play pranks on family friends or their uncles and cousins.In the case of Sasaki, his children run away to look for Raiden and end up drawing on his face if they find him asleep or try to challenge Lu Bu to a fight.In the case of Hades, that they play pranks on their uncle Zeus, or that they beg Hercules to throw them into the air.
And the twins only calm down if the father mentions the mother and angers her, or puts them to sleep by telling stories of her mother's pregnancy and the weird cravings she had for her. Also if they say that if they continue to misbehave their grandfather Draco and his grandmother will be sad.
-After many, many years together, Kojiro and you finally had your own children, twin boys.
-You were not happy once you gave birth, seeing that they both looked like him, something you pouted over, “I carried them! I suffered morning sickness with them! I handled all of the symptoms and the hard work of giving birth and they came out looking just like you!” Kojiro’s laughter could be heard all around your family’s compound, as he wasn’t bothered by your anger.
-Your boys grew, looking just like Kojiro, which you came to adore, with the only thing they received from you was their bright gold-colored eyes and the ability to change into golden colored dragons.
-They were mischievous little boys, pulling harmless pranks like jumping out at others, hiding things, playing hide and seek with their nannies or with Kojiro and not coming out which led to the seekers searching for hours, just to find them playing in their room.
-They also loved to play pranks by wearing the same thing, to confuse others, with you being the only one who could tell them apart, so they always had to wear something that would differentiate each other, different colored hakama, matching with their father’s fashion choices.
-While they had never done anything to every anger you, your sons knew not to cross you, you were extremely powerful, and they had seen you delivering divine punishment on a lower god who thought to insult you.
-Your sons were not afraid of you, they loved you more than anything and were constantly fighting over you, which you thought was amusing, but they were afraid of your power and always behaved around you.
-You had to go to a meeting with your father and B/N, as the direct heirs of your father, Draco, leaving your boys with Kojiro, who loved their father but liked pulling pranks.
-You left your family, pecking all three of them on the cheek, before heading to your meeting, and your boys dressed in the same outfit, to mirror each other before running to meet their father, holding each other hands.
-Kojiro chuckled, seeing them run up to him before he reached down and ruffled their black hair, “You two know better, but I suppose it’s fine. What do you want to do today?”
-They shared a look before turning and sprinting off, “We’re going off on an adventure!!” leaving Kojiro to chase after them for most of the day.
-It wasn’t until hours later when Kojiro heard the laughter of Raiden and he approached before instantly paling, seeing his boys trying to chest up to Lu Bu, demanding to fight him!
-The other two human warriors found it amusing when Kojiro ran in, huffing lightly as he caught his sons, making them bow, “Sorry for these two! They ran off on me!” however Raiden and Lu Bu weren’t bothered, finding them enjoyable to be around.
-Kojiro managed to get your boys home after going the long way home, as they wanted to explore more, and Kojiro couldn’t help but chuckle when they asked him to tell them stories about their mama.
-Kojiro agreed, only after they ate and bathed and they did both quickly before meeting Kojiro in your shared bedroom, crawling onto your bed with their father.
-Kojiro told them all sorts of stories about you, the battles you fought in, when you first changed into your dragon form in front of him, and how you took his sword and attacked your ex when he tried to hurt Kojiro.
-Your sons ate up each story, but with each one, they grew drowsy until they knocked out in unison, which made him grin warmly.
-You entered about a half hour later, seeing all three of them knocked out, arms and legs spread, snoring in unison and you stifled your giggles, taking a photo before you changed and joined them in bed, pecking each of their cheeks again before falling asleep beside them.
-Nine months, twelve days, fourteen hours, and forty-two minutes, that’s how long you carried your darling twin sons, you had morning sickness from hell, your mood swings were bonkers, cravings were just as wild, swollen feet, aching back, and sore boobs, all that work, and they looked just like your husband, except they had your golden eyes.
-Hades took everything like a champ, he was there to rub your back, got you anything you wanted to eat, and was practically glued to your side for the whole of your pregnancy, as he didn’t trust anyone but himself to guard you while you were so delicate.
-He was just as protective after your sons were born, watching Zeus like a hawk when he came to see you and the babies, and Poseidon with at least a side-eye.
-Your boys grew to be mirror images of each other, to the point where they had to wear different colored clothes so others could tell them apart.
-You were the only one that was able to tell them apart, no matter what, they questioned you many times and even tried to trick you, but you always knew, just saying that ‘a mother knows her children’ but in reality you could see their magic auras around their hearts, which were different, but you kept that secret for yourself.
-Hades, having raised three brothers, was an expert in keeping his sons under control, mostly, they loved to pull pranks and Hades threatened Zeus multiple times when he learned his youngest brother taught them things they shouldn’t know.
-The day that came home to ask about a new word they heard Uncle Zeus said, you were the one to issue the beatdown, yelling at the leader of Valhalla for teaching your babies, who were only five, how to say fuck!
-That’s when your babies learned that you were scary when you were mad, when you transformed into a dragon, having Zeus on his knees begging you for forgiveness.
-Hades just watched with a grin on his lips and hearts in his eyes, adoring you putting his brother in his place.
-While they weren’t afraid of you, as they didn’t want you to be angry at them, they were very respectful of your power, and always listened to you, which did annoy your husband at times.
-You had to return to your father’s home for a meeting with the heads of other constellation deities, just for the day, leaving your three boys at home.
-You pecked your twins on their cheeks and Hades on his lips before you headed off.
-Hades watched you leave before he turned with a smile, “So what do you want to learn today boy?.....boys?” receiving no response, his eyes instantly widened, seeing they were gone.
-He let out a deep sigh before heading off to find his children, before they got into too much trouble, again, as they were trouble magnets.
-When Cerberus alerted him by barking, Hades ran for the entrance of his domain, seeing the gates open and he sighed, rushing into Valhalla.
-Hades breathed a sigh of relief about an hour later, when he heard the laughter of his children and entered Zeus’s garden, finding Hercules tossing his much younger and smaller cousins into the air, playing with them, while Zeus was scowling nearby.
-Hades chuckled, glaring lightly at his twins who instantly froze, turning to see their papa and gave him identical big grins, which made him ruffle their hair.
-Zeus pouted lightly, “They’re trying to get me into trouble with Y/N again, they showed up demanding that I teach them more naughty words.”
-Hades’ eyes were sharp when he turned on his sons, who quickly flinched, but apologized, before Hades apologized to Zeus and thanked Hercules for keeping them occupied.
-On their way back home, each holding one of their father’s hands, they passed by a pregnant lady and the twins had sparkles in their eyes, speaking in unison, “‘Papa! That lady has a baby in her belly!’”
-Hades looked over and he nodded, agreeing with them, “That’s what your mother looked like when she was pregnant with the two of you. She looked so beautiful.”
-Hades spent most of the rest of the day telling them about your pregnancy with them, as they wanted to know more.
-Hades took pictures between bouts of laughter when he told them of your pregnancy cravings, watermelon with mayo and pepper was the one they gagged at the most.
-Hades froze however when they made the decision, after learning more about babies, “‘We want a baby!’” his eyes glanced to the side, wondering how he was going to bring that up with you, but he wasn’t opposed to having another baby.
-Your voice then interrupted them, “You’ll have to wait about another eight months my loves.”
-They turned and Hades froze, looking at you before you smiled, putting you hand on your belly, announcing that you were pregnant and your twins quickly threw their arms up in cheers while Hades was stunned stiff, just like the first time you told him you were pregnant.
-You were able to get a picture of his stunned face while your twins were smiling brightly at the camera, which made you giggle softly.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 10 months
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: I'll see y'all in a few weeks! -Danny Words: 1,944 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter /Book II Listen to: 'The Exit' -by Conan Gray
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XLIII: It Got Too Fluffy, I Had to Do Something About That
Monsters are vanishing left and right. After Typhon vanishes away, Lady Artemis and Apollo help us strike down a couple more creatures, not to mention Tyson and his buddies are also stomping enemies like they're made of clay.
A blast of golden light comes from the sky, and we all stop to stare. The gods around us, all except Hades, go up to Olympus at once.
"Did we win?" Jake Mason asks behind me.
I realize we've run out of monsters, and everything is deadly quiet except for a few mortals' panicky screams in the distance.
"It's done," Hades announces. "Olympus stands."
I drop Almighty out of pure shock. "My brother..." 
The top of the Empire State turns blue all of a sudden, there is only one kid insane enough to ask Zeus to do that.
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"She said what?"
"It doesn't matter."
"It matters 'cause she's supposed to be your second in command and she's disrespecting you!" Leo insists heatedly.
"It doesn't matter," Ara repeats calmly. "This was just an argument, we'll make peace once I'm back."
"But..." he almost asks 'What if we don't come back?', but asking that is never an option, so he changes the subject. "I don't want you to leave this place sad, this is your home."
"My home is with my parents and Percy," Ara corrects him stubbornly, then pokes his cheek. "And you. As long as I'm with you, I'll be okay."
Leo softens at her words. "Alright. Let's go rescue your brother from Camp Stuck-up."
"I heard that!" Jason steps onto the deck with his backpack over one shoulder. "Don't go saying that once we get there, Leo. Be nice."
"I'm nice!" Leo puts his arm around Ara's shoulders. "But my girl needs me on her side right now."
Ara looks over the ship's rail, they're on top of the cliff where Bunker Nine is hidden, and she's meditating on whether it's a good idea to look for Lily or not. Their arguments wash away as soon as something bigger happens, so she's not too worried. 
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The next hour is a blur, while Hades helps us rebuild the city, Mrs O'Leary walks past us with Chiron on her back.
"Ara Jackson," he says my name as if he were talking to a badly behaved pet. "In the future, review your plans with me before you risk your life in such a reckless manner."
Mrs O'Leary shakes off a bit of dirt, making him wince.
"We can talk later, go to camp," I say gently.
Hades walks up to us after Chiron leaves. 
"Well, Jackson," he eyes my appearance. "Now is your time to come through with your part of our agreement."
I stare at him, not sure of what to say. He glances at Nico and the boy steps forward, looking anxious. "We should check on the others," he suggests.
"You're a good warrior, Ghost King," I nudge his arm as we walk together. "If I hadn't promised Lily the position, you'd be a good second in command." 
He makes a face as if he can't think of anything more horrid than following my orders forever. 
When we enter Olympus, people cheer for us. Percy goes out of his way to find me and holds me, after getting my mom's blessing, my forehead can reach his shoulder perfectly. 
"Pretending to be Achilles? Are you kidding me?! That was insane!"
"And I haven't pulled my craziest stunt yet," I mumble against his shoulder.
Percy moves away and frowns. "What do you mean?"
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"Ready to go?" Piper and Coach Hedge arrive with all of their stuff. 
Ara holds tightly onto the railing. Lily didn't come to say goodbye, she left Ara's cloak inside Ara's cabin in the ship, along with her tattered T-Rex. That's how she operates, Ara knows that. 
She pulls out the dagger her friend forgot in her room that same afternoon, Ara brought it as a good luck charm. 
"Annabeth's ready?" The girl eyes the blade, deep in thought.
"Yes," Leo hums, moving to the control board.
"Let's go, then," Ara sighs, trying not to sound worried.
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Lily gets called by Hades right after Annabeth becomes the architect of Olympus, he tells her there are too many corners that he doesn't want to leave unattended in the Underworld, and many souls to recover after this war, so Lily must work with Daedalus to make the Underworld safer and Tartarus harder to reach.
Percy could've become a god if he wanted to, but he turned it down. In exchange, he asks for the Gods to care for their children, to treat every camper with respect, no matter who their parents are. I think that's sweet.
"Arae Jackson."
It isn't Hades the one who calls me forward, it's Ares. I can't help the way I glance back at my friends in confusion. The god snorts. "Why are you surprised? You've been calling to me for a whole year."
I frown. "Lord?"
"We've all been listening, like you asked," Mr D says. "Isn't this what you wanted?"
What surprises me the most is that instead of passing out, I feel braver. Blame it on the Aphrodite in me, but I thrive on the spotlight. 
"Yes," I look at Zeus. "With your permission, then... I'd like to plead my case." The god's face is impossible to read, but I carry on anyway. "I offer myself as your next child of Olympus."
Demeter scoffs. "Why would we choose you?"
"Cause I want it," I reply cynically.
"Young lady," Poseidon speaks. "We haven't seen that kind of hero in centuries. What makes you think you're up to the task?"
"Well, what makes you think I'm not?"
"You're an Aphrodite!" Ares laughs. When my mother glares at him, he clears his throat. "I mean, it doesn't seem like it would be the calling for someone of your kind."
"I've fought plenty," I continue. "I've learned a lot and I want to keep our world safe. I also have this..."
I show them Almighty. Hephaestus shifts on his chair uncomfortably and looks away; Zeus frowns, but next to him, Hera gets excited with the revelation.
"Pantodynamos!" She beams.
"How do we know she didn't steal it?"
"I saw her in action," Hades says. "This half-blood tricked a whole army into believing she was Achilles, our last son of Olympus, and they believed it because she did a good job."
"A child of Olympus must be familiar with their armies," Athena nods in agreement. "And she's spent years learning all the crafts, has she not? She can fight, build, and knows how to lead."
"I say we give her a try," Mr D shrugs. "We can strike her out of existence if she's lousy."
"She has my full support," Hades announces. "And my vote."
Zeus glares at his brother, but then Hera speaks. "Mine too."
"Me three," Mr. D hums, he's already lost interest and seems eager to leave the throne room.
"I gave her my blessing," my mother smiles. "She has my vote and my trust."
"Mine too," Hephaestus grumbles. "That was a neat trick you pulled with my son's creations, I'd like to see more of that."
"I vote in favor," Artemis eyes me with interest. "Would've made a fine hunter, but if this is her choice..."
"I never forget a fan," Apollo winks at me. "She's got my approval."
"Well, I helped her kill a Hyperborean..." Ares ponders. "So I guess I vote in favor too."
"She has my vote," says Hermes.
"Fine," Poseidon gives in, briefly glancing at Percy. "She shall have her chance."
Percy steps forward but Annabeth stops him. It catches my eye and I look back at them, my brother doesn't understand what being a child of Olympus ensues, but he's visibly worried. Annabeth's staring at me like she can't believe this is happening, and Thalia's shaking her head, knowing the deed is done. 
Lily keeps her arms crossed over her chest, her eyes fixed on the floor, Nico's the only one who doesn't look anxious or angry, perhaps he wants me to succeed, cause that would mean he also can.
"Arae Jackson, kneel before the council," Zeus says at last. 
I do what he asks me right away, holding tightly to the hilt of my sword.
"The gods are granting you the greatest honor," he says. "Do not waste it."
"You'll be the General of our armies," Athena continues. "You're allowed to deny or authorize quests as you deem it proper, and you shall join them if you think it's necessary." 
"If we call, you must answer. We will grant blessings only when you truly need them," Zeus continues. "Choose wisely, we cannot grant you all twelve."
"Lastly," Hades smiles coldly. "You cannot favor your former godly parent over the rest of us. From now on, you are the daughter of Olympus."
"Do you conform to these rules?" Zeus asks.
"I do."
Every god in the room lowers their weapons and scepters to the ground, golden lines travel through the marble surface and climb up my body healing my bruises, cuts, and scars.
I hold onto Almighty as I get up and notice the purple cape around my shoulders, a gold pin shaped in the form of an omega keeping it in place. I also feel something on my head, and when I reach up, I discover it's a crown of gold laurels.
Zeus looks far from happy. "You may go."
I put my sword on the sheath that's hanging over my hips, and I keep my head up as I walk away without turning my back on them. 
I think of the friends I lost, of how lonely they must've felt in their last moments. I think of all the lives it could save to have someone who shows up when we need them. A hero who doesn't think we're inconsequential and who by magical binding, can't turn their back on us.
 I remember when the monsters thought I was Achilles. 
I'm just like him now.
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"You should take a nap," Annabeth suggests. "You have to look your best once we arrive."
Ara raises a brow. "I didn't come here to look pretty."
Annabeth shakes her head. "A child of Olympus is above everyone else, Ara. The Romans won't like that."
Ara feels her stomach twisting in knots, but she smiles despite it. "Won't be nice to discover a Greek is their commander, huh?"
"You'll have to assert your position, and for that, you need to look strong," Annabeth squeezes her shoulder. "Sleep, I'll call if we need you."
The girl makes her way to the cabins. As she goes she spots Leo moving from one side to the other on the control board, but she leaves him alone, they all need to focus on themselves.
Jason helped her practice the wolf glare all Romans have, and he's taught her the way the legions work, but just like Annabeth, he's warned her they'll show resistance to admitting she's their superior.
Ara has faced worse crowds, so she thinks it'll be fine. Becoming a daughter of Olympus didn't keep her loved ones out of danger, but at least no one can keep her out of the fight now, and she's going to become whatever she must to secure their victory over Gaea.
The girl falls asleep as soon as her head hits the pillow, but she doesn't get a demigod dream this time. When she opens her eyes, she's no longer on the ship.
"Ara," Aphrodite looms over her, eyes just as serious as the rest of her expression. "We need to talk about your curse."
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I don't understand why my friends are acting this way, but they aren't upset because I wasted their time, they're angry because I've given mine up. Ambition blinds me from the one thing the others can see.
I didn't care at first, I was fifteen years old yet my name would be written in our history books. No one was going to be able to put out my fire for a very long time.
I wish they had.
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Book II ->
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gayashelljatp · 7 days
James Hook x Morgie Le Fay | You Look Like A Dumb Boy, My Favorite Type Chapter 3/5
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Tags Fluff, Roommate, Flirting, Friends to Lovers, Magic, Banter, Hook Is Flirty that's cannon btw , I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Boys In Love, Sad and Sweet, Short & Sweet , Himbo Morgie, Bisexual Disaster James Hook, Morgie Has Golden Retriever Energy (Disney), Oblivious Morgie (Disney), Boys Kissing, Love Confessions, No Beta Read we die like Brandy Cinderalla, 5+1 Things
Hook flirts with everyone in a five-mile radius. That means the people around him are victims of his often excessive advances. Morgie, however, was unaware that he was Hook’s favorite for a special reason. Or 5 times Hook was flirting with Morgie and it went completely over his head and the 1 time it didn’t.
Content Rating: Teen and Up.
Wordcount: 2,871.
Hi, I'm Ace. I decided to finally upload this fic to tumblr it took me a long time to finally finish formatting this. Originally it was going to be all separate posts. But I'm a very lazy author and I'm still very clueless on how to make a blog post that looks good. So I'm compiling it all into one. I suggest you read on AO3.
But here's the playlist that inspired this fic that you can enjoy:
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Chapter 1
Another day, another hour of planning and scheming done in the Black Lagoon. Uliana was going on one of her spiels again on how to terrorize the freshmen. Hades and Maleficent were nowhere to be seen, probably enjoying each other’s company.
That left Morgie to either bug one of the VKs he wasn’t close with or talk to the only person he knew who seemed to be doing nothing. That would be Hook, his roommate at Merlin Academy and Morgie’s right-hand (hook) man. He was also the only person who truly gave Morgie an ounce of respect.
Hook was in the corner, polishing his golden hook, the one that replaced his right hand. It truly shined under the light, from its silver base to the golden hook. The process almost seemed methodical. He polished the hook in certain spots and constantly raised it into the light, making sure the hook on his right hand hit the light perfectly. To others, it looked like pure vanity on display, but to Morgie, it was just normal Hook behavior.
“What are you up to there, James?” Morgie asked, giving the pirate a bright smile.
“I told you not to call me James. It’s Hook, or else you get the hook,” the eyeliner-heavy teenager said, pointing his hook towards his friend. Despite the closeness of the hook to Morgie’s face, he wasn’t alarmed one bit; he knew Hook would never actually hurt him.
“Okay, okay, calm down. I just wanted to see what you're up to. Can’t a boy just be curious?” 
“Polishing the old hook, you know,” Hook muttered, returning to his task.
A minute or two passed, and Morgie stayed idle, staring at Hook’s hook. His look was a mix of a dumbfounded smile and complete astonishment despite the rather mediocre and normal task.
“You're just gonna stare at me while I do this?” Hook asked after a moment, glancing up with a raised eyebrow, looking directly into the son of Le Fay’s hazel eyes.
“It’s better than staring at the ceiling,” 
“You're enjoying the view, right?” Hook’s voice took on a flirtatious edge, his British accent hitting just the right spot, his eyes sparkling mischievously.
“You look alright,” Morgie responded, completely oblivious to Hook’s suggestive tone and look. He was too sweet and too nice for this world, a sunshine among villains. But a menace when needed.
Hook smirked, shaking his head slightly. “You really are something else, Morgie.”
Morgie just laughed, the sound light and carefree, a stark contrast to the dark and scheming environment around them.
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Chapter 2
Sharing a dormitory with Hook was certainly entertaining. Morgie’s side of the room was filled with wilted plants, sadly not by choice—dark magic just kills anything vaguely happy or alive. And, of course, a scatter of green and black clothing items.
Hook’s side was extravagant, to say the least. Opulence was the word Hook used to describe it. But it was still messy, with jewelry and designer clothing placed in certain areas almost like it was a treasure trove.
One downside to having a messy pirate roommate was lost items. Morgie had to learn that the hard way when he returned from his last class to the sounds of one frustrated Hook.
“Thank the seven seas you’re back, you can finally help me,” Hook said in a frustrated tone, clearly preoccupied with the task at hand. His British accent rang around the room. Morgie couldn’t even see where Hook was—the room looked like it had been reorganized by a seasick pirate.
“What did you lose this time?” The teen sorcerer asked, trying to figure out what he had just walked into. Hook’s side of the room had small gashes, probably from his hook. Jewelry was scattered everywhere, and Hook’s canopy was slightly more torn.
“My pearl necklace,” Hook replied. Morgie soon found Hook’s legs sticking out from under his bed. His blazer was discarded on the carpeted floor.
“The one you stole from the mermaid seniors?” 
After a few seconds of searching, Hook popped out from under the bed and shook his head at Morgie’s question. “The other one, silly,” Hook said, grazing his hook against Morgie’s cheek almost affectionately.
Morgie smiled, oblivious to the flirtatious gesture. “Alright, let’s find this necklace. Where did you last see it?” Despite this task being purely based in vanity Morgie was willing to help.
Hook sighed dramatically. “If I knew that, I wouldn’t be tearing apart our room, now would I?”
Morgie chuckled, starting to sift through the pile of clothes on Hook’s bed. “Good point. Let’s retrace your steps. Did you wear it to class?”
Hook shook his head, getting up and moving to his wardrobe. “No, I wore it to the party at the lagoon last night. I swear I had it on when I came back.”
Morgie nodded, now digging through a drawer filled with silk scarves and velvet gloves. “Maybe it fell off when you were changing?”
Hook’s eyes gleamed as he moved closer to Morgie. “You’re quite the detective, Morgie. Maybe I should reward you if we find it.”
Morgie, focused on the search, missed the suggestive tone. “Just doing my part. It’s probably here somewhere.”
Hook leaned in closer, his breath warm against Morgie’s ear. “I’d say you’re doing more than just your part.”
Morgie’s eyes widen, he started to feel a strange feeling but he kept his attention on the task. “The bathroom—Let’s check the bathroom next. Maybe you left it by the sink.” He stumbled on all of the words.
Hook followed Morgie to the bathroom, smirking. “Always so practical. You know, Morgie, you’re quite the catch. Anyone ever tell you that?”
Morgie glanced back, smiling innocently. “That’s sweet of you to say, let’s keep looking”
They continued their search, Hook’s flirtatious antics flying right over Morgie’s head. As they rummaged through their shared space, Hook couldn’t help but admire Morgie’s oblivious sweetness.
It was getting dark, and the two were beat. “We’ve looked everywhere. I want to wave the white flag already,” Hook said, lying back on his bed.
“We are probably late to wherever we’re hanging tonight,” Morgie said as he laid on Hook’s bed as well, his side-swept brown hair more disheveled than usual. He turned to look at Hook, who was already looking at him.
“Think Uli’s gonna be mad we’re late?” Hook asked, grinning as he batted his eyelashes.
“Doubt it. You're her favorite,” Morgie replied. As he started to get more comfortable on the bed, he felt something by his head. His fingers brushed against a cool, smooth object.
Morgie sat up, his hand grasping the item. “Hey, I think I found it!” 
Hook’s eyes lit up, and he laughed heartily. “Of course, it was right under our noses the whole time, my dear lad.”
Morgie joined in the laughter, shaking his head. “Well, at least we found it. Let’s get ready to head out.”
Hook sat up, taking the necklace from Morgie with a flourish. “Now, the hard part: putting this on with one hand. Quite the challenge for a dashing pirate, wouldn't you say, darling?”
Morgie watched as Hook struggled with the clasp, the hook on his right hand making the task nearly impossible. “Need some help?” Morgie offered, stepping closer.
“No, I’ve got it,” Hook insisted, determination in his voice. He continued to fumble with the necklace, but the clasp kept slipping out of his grasp.
Morgie chuckled softly. “Come on, Hook, let me help. It’ll be quicker.”
Hook sighed, finally conceding. “Fine, but just this once.”
Morgie smiled, moving closer. “Here, let me take that.” Hook turned his back to Morgie, and Morgie gently lifted the pearls, bringing it around Hook’s neck. 
The close proximity made Morgie’s heart race a little but he didn’t know why, but despite the distraction he focused on the task at hand. As he fastened the clasp, Hook turned his head slightly, their faces just inches apart.
“Looking as sharp as that hook,” 
“Thanks, Morgie,” Hook said softly, his voice carrying a hint of something more.
Morgie’s started to feel a burning sensation on his cheeks, and he smiled. “Anytime, James.” Instead of the usual correction Hook just let that one slide.
They stood up, ready to head out. As they were about to leave, Hook placed his hand on the other teens’ shoulder. “Your looking rather nice tonigth.”
Morgie’s heart skipped as fast as a galloping horse, but before he could think of a respond, there was a loud knock at the door.
“Come on, you two! We’re late!” Uliana’s voice called out from the hallway.
Hook grinned, giving Morgie a playful nudge. “Saved by the knock.”
Morgie chuckled, feeling a mix of relief and disappointment. “Yeah, let’s go.”
They opened the door to find the other VKs waiting impatiently. Uliana raised an eyebrow, looking them over. “Took you long enough. Let’s move.”
As they joined the group and headed out, Morgie couldn’t help but glance at Hook, feeling a strange mix of emotions. Hook caught his eye and gave him a wink, making Morgie’s felt a peculiar feeling once more.
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Chapter 3
One VK was hanging out past curfew in the courtyard of Merlin Academy. While the rest of the villain kids were enjoying the night outside the confines of the school, one Morgie le Fay was by a bench, keeping to himself. Morgie often felt left out by the group, but it was a tale as old as time. Having a lot of alone time did come with benefits; it gave him time to experiment and work on his dark magic.
His mother had given him a plethora of magical textbooks to work from. Despite the rocky relationship between Morgie’s mother, Morgana le Fay, and the founder and headmaster of this school, Merlin, the old wizard still gave Morgie a chance to study magic. It was probably a bad move, considering how his mother turned out, but here Morgie was, determined to make the most of it.
Tonight, he was learning to summon a familiar. All good sorcerers have familiars, right? Whether it be a crow, a raven, an owl, or a bird of various sorts. It was no summoning and raising the dead like his mother’s feat, but it was a good start. Morgie, however, went with a more exotic choice: a puppy. Probably not the best choice considering the lack of flight and stealth, but he thought it was cute.
As Morgie reviewed the page over and over, making sure he was going to execute the spell correctly, he started reciting the incantations. His hands were trembling slightly as he muttered the words. Dark magic swirled around him, tendrils of shadowy energy forming shapes in the air. It was supposed to summon a creature of the night, a loyal companion to aid him in his schemes.
The shadows coalesced into a small, winged form. As the magic settled, Morgie blinked in amazement. Before him stood a magical puppy, with soft, golden fur that shimmered under the moonlight and tiny, delicate wings fluttering on its back. It was a golden retriever, its large, innocent eyes looking up at Morgie with pure adoration.
Morgie’s heart swelled with pride and joy. “I did it! I actually did it!” he exclaimed, reaching down to scoop up the puppy. It barked happily, nuzzling into Morgie’s chest. For a moment, everything seemed perfect.
But then, the puppy began to change. Its soft fur darkened, turning a sickly shade of green. The wings grew larger, more bat-like, and its eyes glowed a menacing red. The puppy’s form twisted and elongated, becoming more serpentine, scales forming where fur once was. Claws and fangs emerged, and a low growl replaced the happy barking.
Morgie’s joy turned to horror as he watched his creation morph into a monstrous creature, a grotesque amalgamation of various animals with a serpentine body, multiple limbs resembling those of a panther, and eyes glowing with malevolent intent.
The creature hissed, its fanged mouth opening wide. Morgie stumbled back, his mind racing to remember the counter-spell, but panic clouded his thoughts.
“No, no, no! This isn’t right,” he murmured to himself, his voice shaking. He tried to focus, but the dark magic was slipping from his grasp. The creature lunged at him, and Morgie’s instincts screamed at him to run, but he was frozen in place, unable to move.
Morgie turned to see Hook standing at the edge of the courtyard, his golden hook gleaming in the moonlight. Despite his usual arrogant demeanor, there was a flicker of concern in his eyes.
“Hook, stay back. I’ve got this,” Morgie said, his voice strained.
Hook smirked, though his eyes remained focused on the creature. “Looks to me like you’ve got it under control. Need a hand—or a hook?”
“I said I’ve got this! You’ll get hurt,” Morgie snapped, frustration and fear mixing in his voice.
But the creature lunged again, and to Morgie’s shock, Hook was by his side in an instant, using his polished hook to fend off the beast. Morgie watched in disbelief as the prim and proper, vain Hook wielded his precious hook as a weapon. Hook’s movements were swift and precise, a testament to his fencing skills, but Morgie couldn’t shake his amazement.
“I told you, I don’t need your help!” Morgie shouted, but his voice faltered. Deep down, he knew he was in over his head.
Hook grinned, his charm undiminished even in the face of danger. “You’re always so stubborn, Morgie. Sometimes, even the best need a little help.”
Despite his words, Hook’s actions were anything but self-centered. He moved with purpose, deflecting the creature’s attacks and pushing it back. Just as the creature managed to land a swipe, Hook winced he looked like he wanted to scream but kept it in.
He continued to fight. Morgie watched in awe, his fear momentarily forgotten, until he noticed Hook’s slight limp.
With a final, powerful thrust, Hook managed to drive the creature back into the shadows and put it back to where it came from. The courtyard fell silent once more, the dark magic dissipating into the night.
Hook turned to Morgie, a teasing glint in his eyes. “See? Wasn’t so bad, was it?”
“That could have ended way worse,” Morgie replied, still trying to catch his breath.
“The point is that it didn’t, and I would have never let it get that bad,” Hook said confidently.
“What was my little spellcaster trying to summon anyway? That was certainly a strange choice,” Hook teased, raising an eyebrow.
“It was supposed to be a familiar, but I messed that up like I mess up everything I do,” Morgie admitted, looking down at his feet.
“That isn’t true, lad,” Hook said, trying to reassure him. 
“How’s your hook?” Hook examined it before he answered confidently “Still perfect not a scratch,” Giving Morgie a grin.
Morgie looked up, meeting Hook’s gaze. For a moment, he saw something deeper in those brown eyes, something that made his heart skip a beat. But then he noticed the small cut on Hook’s arm, dark magic seeping from the wound.
“James, that looks bad,” Morgie said, his voice tinged with worry.
Hook shrugged, keeping his pretty boy persona intact. “Don’t call me James!” he protested. “And it’s just a small scratch. I’m just mad the thing tore up my blazer.”
“Dark magic isn’t just a small scratch. Let me help,” Morgie insisted, moving closer to inspect the wound.
Hook smirked, clearly enjoying the attention. “Alright, Nurse, do your worst.”
Morgie carefully took his spellbooks trying to find a spell once he found one, he put his hands gentle and precise on Hook’s bicep. Hook watched him, a flirtatious smile playing on his lips. “You know, you look quite cute when you’re all serious and focused.”
Morgie face reddened, his usual naivety kicking in. “Just hold still. This might sting a bit.”
Hook winced slightly but didn’t let it show too much. “You’re doing great, Snakeyes. I knew I could count on you.”
Once Morgie finished treating the wound, he looked up at Hook. “You shouldn’t have helped. I didn’t want you to get hurt because of me.”
Hook’s expression softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on Morgie’s shoulder. “I’ve got your back, Morgie. Even if it doesn’t seem like it.” Morgie wished this side of Hook was seen more often, not the ridiculously cocky pirate.
“For real?” Morgie asked, searching Hook’s eyes for any hint of insincerity.
“For real,” said the eyeliner heavy-pirate, his voice sincere. “We’re in this together, alright? Just don’t expect me to play the hero too often. It’s bad for my bad boy image.”
“You’re impossible, Hook.”
“Maybe,” Hook replied, winking, “but people adore me.”
“Let’s get out of here before we get caught,” Morgie suggested, glancing around nervously.
As they walked away, side by side, Morgie’s smile widened, the warmth in his chest growing. He was grateful for Hook’s help, even if he’d never admit it outright. As they walked away, side by side, Morgie realized that maybe, just maybe, it was okay to rely on someone else once in a while.
Notes: Idk why anyone would read this on here it's so long. But I hope y'all enjoy if you made it feel free to give your your feedback of course. I'm still tryna decipher how tf Tumblr works.
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bi-badass-geek · 4 months
Summer Games Fest 2024
Holy fuck if that shit wasn't putting me to sleep and it wasn't even because it started at 11pm over here. No offence to those devs and all but most of the stuff was Boring with capital b. Audience either didn't care bout most things showcased or was just asleep too cause that was just sad. My 5 cents that no one asked about since i fell asleep right after + gonna link trailers from IGN.
📣 First they pulled presentation of top 10 Steam sales january-may Palworld, Helldivers 2, Manor Lords, Enshrouded, Hades 2, Dragon's Dogma 2, Balotro, Deep Rock Galactic Survivor, Supermarket Simulator, Buckshot Roulette. I can see most but some i didn't even heard.
📣 Lego Horizon Adventures : Coming holiday 2024, nothing else to say another day another lego game soon we will see any universe with those.
📣 No one Room in Hell 2, Early Access Halloween 2024
📣 Harry Potter Quidditch Champions another game September 3rd.
📣 Star Wars Outlaws coming out August 30. Saying everyone waiting out for it this year is mad!
📣 Battle Aces that's RTS but 99.99% trailer had Tracer like is outta pocket!
📣 Cairn climbing simulator, face texture horrible, studio name 'the game bakers' tho cooks.
📣 Killer Bean EA summer 2024.
📣 Valorant coming to console.
📣 Palworld Sakurajima Update : New Island, New Raid, Arena, Xbox dedicated Servers, 27 June, Stronghold Oil-Rig, New Faction and boss, New Pals, New Buildings and Level Cap, New Subspecies.
📣 Skate console playtesting coming this fall great trailer especially 'STILL' working on it!
📣 Deer & Boy crazy name.
📣 Dune Awakening well it's MMO yikes.
📣 Wandershop fans of gardening, farming will enjoy for sure with a twist. Coming in 2024!
📣 Phantom Blade 0 i can't look at it the same way after i read Japanese Geralt or its Sekiro 2/Nioh 3 lol ,to experience on hand : 8-10 June Summer Game Fest, 26-29 July ChinaJoy, 21-25 August, September 28-29 Tokyo Game Show.
📣 Hyper Light Breaker comes out Late Summer typical Hyper's stuff!
📣 Monster Hunter Wilds
📣 Honkai Star Rail i seriously have no idea what it's about since i don't play but something new i guess?
📣 Alan Wake 2 Night Springs out now, 3 playable characters : Control, Quantum Break. Gotta say wild that they showed it in less than 24h hours before it was out love that and cool that they added other games! 3 episodes!
📣 Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 looks like more good ol' shenanigans that people are stocked for! Kiss Our Asses what's more to say! Coming 2024!
📣 The First Descendant out July 2nd, heard it's good, looks typical stuff. Melee character lookin dope!
📣 Enotria The Last Song : Spanish Souls what can i say! Demo out now! September 19th!
📣Dark and Darker back on Steam and Epic Store for free now!
📣Blumhouse Games : Project C, The Simulation, Fear The Spotlight, Sleep Awake, Crisol Theater Of Idols. Nothing got me more confused in entire livestream than this segment that was just dumped bucket of trash no offence.
📣Sid Meier's Civilization VII : coming 2025 not my vibe but didn't saw fans complaining!
📣Neva comes out 2024 from creators of GRIS.
📣Back Myth Wukong coming out August 20th. That's quick been a while since we last heard.
📣Once Human : Comes out July 9th. Around the corner not going to lie i forgot about this game till i saw it!
📣Asgard's Wrath Available Now
📣Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine 2 September 9th. Another Warhammer.
📣 Metaphor ReFantazio October 11th lovers of Persona got somethin to consume!
📣 Batman Shadow VR game Fall 2024. It's VR game that's all you need to know.
📣 Tears of Metal
📣 DragonBall Sparking! Zero October 11th. KAMEHAMEHAAA!
📣 Delta Force Hawk OPS Global PC Alpha Test in July.
📣 Battle Crush June 27th Moba Mobile nothin else needs to be said.
📣 Mecha Break Closed Beta Test in August such Gundam vibes when i saw trailer but funny how people called it Anthem 2 lol.
📣Slitterhead combat looks chunky November 8th it's out.
📣Unknown 9 : Awakening. Coming Fall 2024 got actress that plays Yennefer in Witcher show. People called it Forspoken 2 lmao.
📣Monster Hunter Stories &2 : Coming June 14th.
Sales : Monster Hunter Rise Up 75% OFF, Monster Hunter World 67%, Resident Evil 4 25%, Street Fighter 50%.
Among Us folks made OutterSloth that supports devs + fuckin tv show is supposed to come out think years too late but oh well.
📣 Sonic x Shadow Generations October 25th nostalgia hittin hard for some individuals.
📣 The Finals new Arena, New Ranked Mode, New Weapons and Gadgets, Weekly Tournaments.
📣 New World Aeternum October 15th consoles. Last i saw game was dead on dead.
📣 Kunitsu-Gami Path of the Goddess half of the graphics to gameplay confused my brain.
📣 Party Animal didn't catch what was that about.
Inside Out 2 Yong Yea voicing is cool!
📣 Squad Busters : Mobile that fuckin trailer killed it omfg! Way too OP for mobile!
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jonmyblaze · 2 months
Percy Jackson champion of Hera
Au idea
During the lightning Thief
Percy just lost his mom. Doesn't know if she's alive or dead.
Percy figures that the best way to find his mother was to go to the goddess of women And marriage herself
Lady Hera: Queen of the god, protectors of mothers during pregnancy.
Percy knew that She is supposed to be the protector of mothers and protector of married women in abusive situations. And Percy thought, If he was a victim of That bastard gabe, His mother likely was as well. And that both infuriates and makes him even more sad, Because he believes that ultimately, it was his fault that his mother had to put up with Gabe's abuse all because of his filthy stench protecting both of them.
That means every slap, every punch every bruise or abuse, verbal and physical was ultimately because of him, And his own birth. And she had put up with that. His mother was a saint in his eyes, More valuable than he.
He would have gladly let himself die if it meant her surviving. He felt like he was a horrible son, ungrateful and pathetic. So he was willing to gamble his life if it meant the chance of his mother being saved, He was willing to take the chance of talking with A goddess if it meant His mother rescued from her captors
Whoever they were.
So on the 1st of June, 12:00 a.m. Percy enters Hera's cabin
He lights a sacrificial fire, threw in some blue cookies from dinner the previous night, As well as some ambrosia that he may have swiped. And he prayed to her.
"Oh holy Queen of the heavens, Lady Hera, I give out these offerings in As a sacrifice to your power and abilities so that I may convene with you and that you may help me with my plight. "
Who dares awaken me at such an hour?
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Hera was intrigued by this young demigod sacrificing such delicious ambrosia and such strange entrees was rather interesting.
The fact that he did it in cabin practically demanded attention, The only time any demigods were allowed into her cabin was when A Demigod couple was to consummate their marriage.
This was but a child who was demanding her attention, But for what reason??
Percy explains His plight to the goddess, truly she sympathizes. Percy was a mother's boy and reminded Hera of A younger Aries. She was willing to help and she did.
However, as soon as she uses magic to check out the situation more thoroughly, She delivers devastating but solemn news. Sally Jackson was in the realm of Hades, Not dead But not conscious.
She is frozen in time As a hostage.
And Hera can't do anything more than negotiate with Hades, For he is using Sally Jackson as a bargaining tool for the young Demigod. With a simple request.
"Bring me my helm of darkness and I will return your mother safe and unharmed. I will Grant until the end of the winter season, For you to find my helm."
Ultimately, Hera haggling was able to get Percy a very large deadline. This would be enough to train so that he may go on a quest.
Hera is apologetic, She ultimately wanted to see the two reunite. It was a long time since she had any prayers or Any form of worshipers
In the end the two make a deal, He would become her champion, if it meant saving his mother. But that meant signing a contract with her and following the rules of the contract
here are the rules, In simplest terms
treat women as your equal In terms of societal roles.
No cheating on whoever you are courting during the courtship
And if you are to be wed, you will never cheat on your partner, (You may choose polyamory And be wedded to multiple but it has to be consensual between all parties.....)
...... Finally, sacrifice a bit of your food to me after Hestia and your godly parent.
(Oh, and don't reveal this to anyone until I give you a sign. 9
At the time, Percy was yet to be claimed by his father. This gave him a sense of purpose, train until the time is right, And then go on a quest. Rather simple. But then things got complicated. Percy was claimed
Hera didn't foresee that "old barnacle beard" would also betray the oath. At the time she was more focused on helping Percy then figuring out who his godly parent was. Now Her brother and her husband forced the kid to leave camp early in order to find the master bolt (And the helm of darkness) before the summer solstice.)
I promise I'm making a fan fic on this
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houseofthe-rrverse · 2 years
The Solangelo Book Cover is Out and You Get to See Me Try to Guess the Entire Dam Plot
Less than an hour ago from the time I'm writing this, the cover was released. So first, let's take a good look at it:
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Nico and Will in the depths Tartarus, in front of what seems to be the Mansion of Night. Now, according to my memory, Annabeth and Percy passed through the Mansion of Night (MoT) before reaching the Doors of Death, where they left Bob/Iapetus.
The premise is that Nico hears a voice calling from Tartarus, who he thinks is Bob. Rachel's latest prophecy tells that Nico will have to "leave something of equal value behind". Nico and Will head to Tartarus to save Bob, who could be in trouble.
Ohhhh shit.
That image is them looking for Bob, by heading to the last place he was: near the Doors of Death. Problem is, you get there by passing through Nyx's domain, where the MoT is.
Nico is holding Will's hand, desperate, pointing to the MoT. It's implied here that Nico is convincing Will to go to the MoT, although it doesn't look like Will is sold out on the idea.
"Leave something of equal value"? Nico is saving Bob, taking him away from Tartarus. He must leave something EQUAL to Bob behind, for an equal exchange. Let's not forget, Nico was the one who helped Bob and cared for him. Bob is important to Nico.
It's obvious he wouldn't leave Will behind. He wouldn't even think of it. He has to leave something IMPORTANT. So:
Nico chooses to sacrifice himself. Will probably has a mental breakdown. Fits Nico's character. Or...
Will sacrifices himself, and Nico is gonna go absolutely CRAZY. Plus a mental breakdown. Fits Will's character.
(Extra Pain) Nico tries to sacrifice himself, but Will becomes the sacrifice instead somehow, through choosing to sacrifice himself. Extra points if they have a whole fight about it and Nico is left absolutely broken after Will's sacrifice.
Also, what the hell is this "sacrifice"?
Since Bob probably died, and his voice is the regenerated version of himself, I think the sacrifice is DEATH. A soul for a soul.
Where am I going with this? Well, people have been speculating that this story will be a parallel to the story of Orpheus and Eurydice.
TLDR: they were married, Eurydice died, Orpheus bargained with Hades so her spirit would follow behind him to the surface to the living world, but he could never glance at her before they reached the surface or she'd stay dead forever. In his love, he failed to do so, causing her to stay dead permanently. A very sad tragedy.
See where I'm going? Will dies. Nico goes to the Underworld, bargains with Hades, Hades ends up giving the same conditions as Orpheus had. However, this could be the other way round. Orpheus was wonderful at music, close to Apollo too. It could be Will saving Nico.
One thing to note is that Eurydice was bitten by a venomous snake, causing her death. Maybe Nico sacrifices himself and Will feels quilty not being able to save him. As we know, Will takes pride in healing and saving others.
BUT- I think Will dying is more likely.
This winds back to the title. "The Sun and The Star"...a perfect metaphor for not only the 2 boys, but also for that theory! Solace, a name close to words related to the sun. Nico is a star.
"Nico di Angelo has been through so much. But there is a ray of sunshine in his life–literally: his boyfriend, Will Solace, the son of Apollo." A clue from the blog post.
Let's see what Riordan had to say about the title:
"I have to credit Mark with the title! They have a lot more poetry in their soul than I do. It is not a title I would ever have come up with by myself, but I’m very grateful because it is absolutely perfect."
This final clue that really sold me on my final theory of Nico-saves-Will is the fact that Oshiro is more poetic. The title is meant to be symbolic of the 2...you know the metaphor of the North Star? That star was used by explorers as a navigation symbol. It was a fixed point of reference, a way you could use to find your way home.
Will is the Sun, Nico is the North Star.
The Sun shines on, the beam of light that shines on in the darkness. But it cannot shine forever. In the depths of hell, the North Star guides him back home.
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minthe-lover · 2 years
"And for every great man, a greater woman stands behind him. For Zeus it's Hera. For Posidion it's Amphitrite. For Hades it's Persephone, but behind both of them it's actually Hecate, and she's kind of hoping they distract each other enough that Hades will stop fricking things up with his 'sad boy hours.'"
Hecate is half of the actual shit that hades does.. and she is treated like shit by hades.
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thingsphoenix21 · 9 months
Hades: Dem is there any point of time when you will get over it? Demeter: Will I get over it? Mmh... No. But life goes on, but not for me. *Persephone dying of laughter behind*
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katagawajr · 10 months
10 Characters | 10 Fandoms | 10 Tags!
(tagged by @babeoffrontiers thank you!!! 🫶)
i think other than the number one spot, none of these are in any particular order. but yes let's begin.
Caleb Widogast (Critical Role). undisputed favorite character in any piece of media, he’s my entire world. literally a perfect narrative story, an emotional character exploration of grief and found family and time itself. profoundly sad man but also filled with so much silly sweetness that makes the sadness even MORE painful. he's a friend, he's a lover, he's a pining man, he's of the empire but not a friend to the empire. he's MY boy, he's a magic man, he's trying to be the man his parents believed he could be. i can cry (and have cried) about him for hours on end but i’m not making this list any longer. ("hi caleb... how are you doing today?" AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH)
Gale Dekarios (Baldur’s Gate 3). omg another sad wizard? sorry i have a type. wyll also belongs on this list but i’m hopelessly drawn to gale so i have to pick him. mama’s boy? cat dad? big wet eyes, a little suicidal and extremely devoted? i don’t know that i’ve clutched my heart harder than when i saw his act 2 romance scene for the first time. i think it also just pulls at my heartstrings that his relationship with tav is so showing of his kindness regardless of whether or not you romance him. even platonic gale is so ;-;
Ann Takamaki (Persona 5). i fought about putting yusuke or ryuji or even zenkichi but this spot has to go to ann because she's just so. perfect. the first arc of p5 is the BEST hands down and she's literally one of the biggest reasons why. the writers end up ruining her but the way she grows even in that first arc... her confidant scene with the line "i'm just a lonely, scared girl..." BREAKS ME. she's a treasure, she's strong and kind and wants to be a light for others while not giving up on the things that make her 'girly.' and her love for ryuji as best friends is one of my favorite dynamics ever.
Artemis (Hades). i love artemis in general, i grew an attachment during my greek mythology kid phase and never let go so i'm obsessed with every iteration of her in media. but artemis in hades has my favorite visual design in the game combined with her quiet sweetness :') and her willingness to have a family bond with zagreus because she's also an outcast who's overwhelmed by her other family members. and then to be a total badass of a goddess, ugh love her.
Katagawa Jr. (Borderlands). okay this one is funny because i honestly love katagawa as an OC more than canon... like canon treated him pretty badly and if it was based on that alone then august tftbl would be in this spot. but the POTENTIAL... ohhh the potential... youngest son born into the highest echelon of one of the most powerful companies in the galaxy, but to CEO parents who see them only as property?? and puts barcodes on the back of their necks?? and katagawa jr being the desperately lonely, attention-seeking son? don't get me started on him and naoko... genuinely my OC now. i took him from canon.
Julian Devorak (The Arcana). this one always embarrasses me to talk about because it's like a romance visual novel game. so let's make it quick. but julian is unironically such a good character, i'm a sucker for the way he loves his little sister more than anything in the world. also for being a silly pirate plague doctor who wants to help people, blames himself for a past he can't even remember, and trips over his own heels being so madly in love. the outfit and eyepatch too, 10/10.
Crona Gorgon (Soul Eater). the definition of 'nonbinary baby' LMAO- but seriously, i instantly fell in love with their design when i first watched. one of the best ever, including ragnarok's design being a part of them. being so powerful but so pained, just such a sad soul and it's so interesting to watch them on screen. i love a character that seems silly and awkward and then also can turn very scary/cool. brief shoutout to stein though, i almost put him on here instead because his design and fighting style are just peak >>
Mad Maggie (Apex Legends). my first ever apex love was horizon, but idk when maggie came out i just fell in love with her personality? she's SO funny to me. i also love her and fuse's backstory, and i think her tough attitude but capability of being kinda sweet as well is cute (although i genuinely just adore her as a mean character too. let women be meaner. she's funny and hot about it). her kit is also very fun even though i'm bad with it, i love riot drilling halfway across the map when i play her. her voice is 10/10 and even her theme music is banger.
Undyne (Undertale). undertale still has one of the greatest narratives in all of gaming history and i will die happily on that hill. sorry. undyne was always my girl, her being the badass knight (that everyone assumes is some scary guy), her theme music is still one of THE best video game songs ever. her design is amazing, finding out that she's papyrus's friend and that she's in love with alphys, her backstory with asgore. all amazing character beats. and that's not even mentioning the genocide run... "for the sake of the whole world... I, UNDYNE, WILL STRIKE YOU DOWN." ugh.
Prince Canute (Vinland Saga). gah i haven't even watched season 2 yet because i'm terribly behind. BUT. oh my god, i think canute's monologue in the snow in season 1 actually fundamentally changed my brain???? and the way that i think??? like i felt something crack within me. i actually gave a talk about that exact scene in an animation class i had once. anyways i loved watching him on screen and watching him change... watching him be so sad... not to mention his design is just very very pretty. can't wait to see my best friend canute in s2 i'm sure nothing bad will happen right.
tagging: @magnuficentwo @aliensmoothie and anyone else who wants to do it if you feel like it, no obligation :) i'm bad at the tagging part of tag games sorry!
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a-s-levynn · 11 months
5, 10, 11, 23, 29 & 30 for the music ask game!
Ohh thank you anon! 🫶🏻 This ask game is to be the one that exposes the fact that i listen to all kinds of crap not just the usually assumed metal (which still iss the main gengre i listen to the most but anyway) but i have no shame when it comes to music because i a firm believer that there is no such thing as 'guilty pleasure music', music is either makes you feel something or not. If it does, it's good. itr might not do anything else for someone else. And that is perfectly fine.
But let's get into the gaaame
under the cut because it got long the questions: a song to play loud, one to make me sad, one i never get tired of, one from my childhood and one that rimends me of myself
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD (Every single Sleep Token song)
A Revolution by Patrick J Avard, Anthony Demetrio Arasi, Joey Casanova Look edm is the best when blearing, there is no way listening to it quietly. and this one in particular is just really hit the spot when i first heard it. With this one it's a must to turn up the volume. I also can't stay still either.
10:A song that makes you sad This is not easy. Because yeah i cry on Telomeres by Sleep Token but it doesn't make me sad per se.. it triggers an ache and a longing but.. oh no i got it.
It's either Too late by Dead by Sunrise or Final Masquerade by Linkin Park The entire out of ashes album came out a time when i was just.. boy did it pull me through some stuff. And on one hand it reminds me of that. On the other.. you may know that weird thing when you look up to a public figure because yeah he went through stuff and doing fine so i can too.. and then there comes a moment when isn't? Yeah that was Chester for me at the time and it makes it hard to listen to.
And final masquerade is a song that is just irreparably tied to someone and my relationship to that person and yeah.. it wasn't.. great. Well it was but than it wasn't. I try to not cling onto regrets but that one is.. it's complicated. Okay, not really, but it's not easy to talk about it, that's why i talk around it.
11:A song that you never get tired of Uuuuh the obvious choice is Higher by Sleep Token because that is probably my all time favourite track.
Besides that.. Cyberhex by Motionless in White It's just everything i love rolled into one. Cyberpunk vibes, industrial elements, synths and screamy screams rolled into one with Chris's voice? What is not to love.
29:A song that you remember from your childhood
I don't just remember it but actively still listen to it. Look this song unlocked a mental image of a very very clear scene in the snow and all for me and i have to revisit it compulsively from time to time.
Lady in Black by Uriah Heep My favourite memory of this song actually is from not that long ago. Well.. it's is one of my most cherished memories since. It's been what... 9 years ago by now? relatively when i started uni, in the first couple of years i usually went home for every other weekend. from the same trainstation with the same train at a very early hour. There was this street musician guy i sometimes gave some change to when i hade some. (fun fact he looked exactly like Berger from the 1979 Hair movie just with blond hair) So he had seen me quite often. I already had the very varied black on black wardrobe.
One particularly cold winter morning he looked at me and started to play this song and i wish i had a recording of it because that was pure magic. From then on i made sure i always had some change and arrived at least a little bit earlier just to listen to him. He never played it again but man.. he seemed like a sweet dude. He always had a nice word for anyone who approached him, he only but threw his guitar every single time a dog came by to rush to pet it, and he was always always smiling.
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
People error by the GazettE
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soudeorabisk · 11 months
Tag Game!
I'll heed your call, @mehoymalloy & @inomakani ! 🫡
Current time: 11:20 pm when I started writing this.
Current activity: None <3 but I was aggressively filling out forms and sending resumes but 10min ago.
Currently thinking about: How could my girlfriend deny me Shrek (?) and also sad unemployed thoughts.
Current favorite song: Song by Everybody's Worried About Owen.
Currently reading: None <3 but I was also reading Imodna smut only a few hours ago.
Currently watching playing: Hades (also my 2nd run of Disco Elysium)
Recently watched: Nerissa Ravencroft make her poor sisters say "hey babygirl" to an audience of thousands.
but an actual response is likely an essay on the "gay cure" and how its hateful rhetoric dialogues with the genocide of Palestine, curated by the one and only Rita Von Hunty (It's in PT-BR)
Current WIP: Oh, there's a lot. I'll get to it in the WIP game? maybe?
This one here is SO pressure-free there's no one to tag, bois.
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endlesscrimson89 · 1 year
FFXIV Write2023, Prompt 24: Hunger [extra credit day]
[Continues the previous prompt]
It bothered Senri down to the morning of the party like an itch of a word sitting on the back of his tongue. It took a dream – memory – to remind him where he saw before those huge, ruby eyes…
In it, this dream, he was six or maybe seven, and his family visited someone. He didn’t remember details, other than his brothers – teens at the time – to keep him occupied brought him to a nearby playground. They took a bench, letting him go wild there, or perhaps got distracted… Anyway, next he remembered was pouncing with an infuriated hiss at the two boys picking on the third.
He was big for his age, always was, but most importantly, his brothers always protected him because they were bigger, so the idea etched itself in his head: you’re supposed to look after those smaller and more delicate, not make them cry. And those boys, bigger and older than the third, shoving between each other a small, redheaded Seeker went against the most basic rule his young mind understood.
So, he kicked their asses, then set to comfort the weeping boy… and that’s where he saw those huge, tearful ruby eyes.
He vaguely remembered his astonishment – what made the memory so stark in his head – with the stammered explanation that the boy was already always picked on for that unique eye color. For him, it was something so pretty, this crimson shade of the boy’s… Raha’s irises, and so well-fitting with his adorable face that he couldn’t understand why anyone would think it creepy.
What followed was a mirage of images of the next few hours doing his best to put a smile on that cute face because the first time it happened – when the boy smiled at him shakily through tears – he was instantly, painfully smitten with it. So adorable, with a hint of uncertainty and then growing trust, it made him feel like he was atop the world – like he was a hero – up until his brothers disturbed his playtime, announcing it was time to go. He remembered his disappointment – and matching one on the redhead’s face – and refusing until fed up, Hades tossed him over his shoulder and grumbling carried him off to the sound of Ares’s snickers.
The day of the gala, he woke up feeling sad with the last image of those ruby eyes welling with tears again and his worry that those bullies would be back to torment his new friend.
Brushing his teeth and watching his reflection, he wondered if Raha remembered that. He decided that unlikely when dressed, he headed out of his apartment. Yesterday, with the promised tux, arrived a note with a phone number and after calling it, that strangely soothing voice told him the car would be at his building at 7 pm, which was perfect because he had a bunch of things to do – especially when he saw a pretty nice deposit on his account.
In advance, a message from Raha’s number announced yesterday evening, and no matter how weird that felt… Well, he did need cash for a reason. This gig was a life-saver – and the thought, considering that memory, put a self-conscious smile on his face throughout the afternoon. Practically, even if he wasn’t aware of that, Raha was saving his ass – and he wondered if, in the evening, he should ask if the redhead remembered that day.
Most likely? He shouldn’t, not to make it awkward. Or, gods forbid, make the guy think he was after his cash. Senri would be hard-pressed to deny that he found that dude attractive – fuck, those lips! – but… Well, he was pretty broke and really, really wanted to avoid asking his brothers for cash, but the thought of Raha thinking that… made him cringe something fierce.
Quick research after that interview taught him that the redhead’s family was one of the richest in the whole goddamn country, and the gala itself – as Raha stated – was the celebration of his older brother, Damon Mallory, taking over the ownership of the company from their retiring father. The curious fact was that apparently those two were, in fact, twins, with Damon being an hour older than Raha, but the guy was apparently some kind of genius.
Senri couldn’t help but wonder where he – Damon – was when his brother was picked on, which was swiftly explained by another article, pointing out that the older twin, already at six, was sent to a school abroad for a gifted individuals. He couldn’t help but think that it must have sucked for both of them to be split up like that. He, obviously, had no idea what kind of relationship they had then – or now, for that matter – but it just sounded… cruel.
Another quick research online taught him that they weren’t really identical (as some other twins he knew) and that the older twin looked like a cold bastard. On the pictures, at least. But with Raha’s statement in mind that his older brother was protective of him? Perhaps there was something more under that chilling look of cyan eyes whenever caught by the camera.
Over lunch, he called Ares, his oldest brother, and listened to a litany of grumbled complaints about being ridiculous with this whole gig. Predictably, his brother insisted that if Senri needed money, he just needed to say so, and his brothers were happy to help… The thing he knew and very much wanted to avoid.
Not that his brothers couldn’t afford it, both having extremely well-off carriers, but he just… didn’t want to involve them in his issues. He was already sure – if he refused to ask – that one of them was behind the fact that in the last two years, each company he was fired from soon after completely tanked, announcing bankruptcy right after. Not that he felt sorry for them, all things considered, but with the last one… he had his suspicions, enough said.
The bitch who fired him for not being ‘cooperative,’ Agatha Palmer, a week later lost not only her company but apparently – as Alisaie crooned over the article in the newspaper about it – someone leaked a staggering amount of evidence to her inappropriate behavior toward her employees, a fraud or two, and she was promptly not only broke but spectacularly dumped by her husband too. Last he heard, she ended up in jail and won’t see freedom for quite a while.
Call him petty, but reading about that was pretty satisfying! He would be tempted to put it down to karma… yeah, if not because it wasn’t the first time. He suspected Hades, honestly, who by now was a businessman with a reputation of a shark – more so than Ares because his eldest brother was far more easy-going and consumed by his acting career.
And considering that they – Ares and him – looked nearly identical, with only difference in their eye color and height? Enough said, it was another thing that haunted him throughout his teenage years and young adulthood! He swiftly learned not to trust anyone after a few disappointing ‘friendships’ with people who thought that through him, they could get to his brother. Or saw him as a substitute for Ares, especially when one of the movies he starred in became a huge hit, promptly catapulting his brother into stardom. He didn’t come down from yet, because he was as dedicated as he was talented, too.
Senri was an awkward teen at the time, yeah, but after he matured and their similarity became downright shocking? He tried not to be resentful toward his famous brother for the sheer amount of bitches who thought that if they couldn’t have Ares, Senri would do just fine… no matter his opinion or preferences.
Now, after finishing college, he had an ambition of earning enough by himself to attend a good university and become a veterinarian – perhaps silly compared to his brothers, but he always had a knack for handling animals. The issue was so far only the fact that the ‘money earning’ part of it was going very poorly, considering that he could hardly keep a job longer than a few weeks so far.
Luckily, the advance from Raha was enough to pay his outstanding bills without the need to touch his savings, so when he returned home a few hours before the time he was supposed to play his part, Senri was in a pretty good mood. He spent some of that remaining time cleaning his apartment, then set to prepare well ahead of time. Considering how well he was being paid, he thought it only fair to ensure he looked as presentable as possible. He kind of hoped that Raha was not going to suddenly jump out with the notion that he should pretend to be his older brother because that would be a real bummer.
And perhaps a tiny part of him hoped that after this whole thing – when the redhead wouldn’t be paying for his ‘company’ – he would be open to the idea of a real date. He, obviously, had no idea what his preference was, but asking him to play his boyfriend despite his caution suggested he had to be bi at the very least. When he questioned her after that meeting, Alisaie assured him that she warned Raha well ahead of it, and that it was part of the reason why he was ‘perfect’ for this gig. He wasn’t so sure… but, honestly, he didn’t mind finding out if the redhead was still as sweet as his memory suggested.
And, yeah… he couldn’t help but wonder if those pretty lips tasted as good as they looked like, too.
Raha was never more nervous than when they met in the lobby of the hotel hosting the gala. He was sweating something awful under the tuxedo matching the one he very carefully picked to send to Senri, so he kept his hands in his pockets to hide their shaking.
That was it, he couldn’t help but think when he saw the gorgeous male enter the building, and his heart stopped before accelerating to a triple rhythm. His mouth a desert, he really believed that no amount of rehearsals could have prepared him for the mind-shattering vision Senri made in a in a tux that fit perfectly and accented his features, somehow making his pale, ice-blue eyes even more like a stark contrast to his pale carnation and dark hair.
Those gorgeous eyes that haunted his dreams for years with their unmatched kindness were now carefully guarded not only by the veil of thick, jet-black lashes. And not for the first time, Raha swore in thought, wishing he had found him sooner and wasn’t such a coward.
For almost two years, he deluded himself with the idea that watching over him from afar was enough. Senri saved him once and taught him that not all people around him were awful, so he rationalized that protecting him from a distance was only natural. After all, what had he to offer to someone so… perfect?
This whole thing was really an excuse to make the gorgeous man accept financial help, too. Or so he told himself, sometimes, to alleviate the shame of his desperation. Damon’s inauguration seemed like a perfect opportunity to use as his… stalking showed Senri’s thinning savings. By the end of the evening, he wanted to – hopefully innocently enough – offer him a good, safe position within Allag Corp. A place that he and his twin brother had under complete control, and with a few well-planned moves, he could make sure no one would fucking dare to touch his… fuck, not his, no matter how much he wanted to call him that… But, gods, even if Senri – predictably – would reject him, he still wanted to keep him safe.
He was a treasure without an equal, Raha thought with his heart pounding in his throat, watching the Seeker smile wryly as he approached him. More than a head taller than him, he had to look up at that painfully beautiful face and… Fuck, but it was so hard to think or find a connection between his brain and mouth.
“Evening, Raha,” the male’s smile grew warmer, eyes amused… then his nostrils flared delicately at the same time as his scent – sweet, delicious apple – filled Raha’s head when he took a deep, steadying breath… and he stifled a whimper, quickly looking away from these pale eyes, downward, to make sure his outfit well covered the unbidden, furious reaction of his body to that tantalizing aroma.
“Um, this way…” he managed, turning briskly and heading toward the elevator. The gala was already underway, but his twin was well aware that he planned to be late, and who he was bringing as his date… Well, not that Senri was really his date or…
…gods, I can't breathe…
His skin felt far too tight and hot, and he barely resisted tugging at the collar of his shirt, carefully keeping his eyes down when the elevator door dinged and slid open, and he stepped inside it. Thankfully it was empty, if he swore internally seeing that all its walls were floor-to-ceiling covered by mirrors…
…and his unruly mind promptly, eagerly dived into the gutter when his eyes caught an unreadable stare of pale eyes within the reflection when the male walked in, and the door closed behind him.
His brother – after they were reunited as teens – always mercilessly teased him that Raha’s face showed his thoughts like an open book. He hoped that for once Damon was fucking wrong because if Senri realized his thoughts… he would run away from him.
I could never forget those eyes, he thought numbly, unable to look away from their pale reflection. He had few lovers over the years, but even when he was with them, whenever he closed his eyes, he was quite ashamed by how his mind would turn toward the painfully sweet memory of those ice-blue irises, full of sympathy and tenderness.
Perhaps that was what finally gave him courage for this whole insane idea… because pining and wondering ‘what if’ could go on only for so long…
He lowered his eyes to the floor again and closed them when the elevator started, wrapping his hands around the wooden balustrade running around the back of the cabin.
“…claustrophobic?” he nearly flinched at how close that deep, dark voice rumbled by his ear and swallowed thickly, licking his lips nervously at the sensation of the wall of radiating heat behind his back.
“N-No…” he stammered and trailed off, feeling the elevator stop far too quickly. Or was his sense of time so distorted by Senri’s presence? That wouldn’t be that surprising… “Huh?”
Raha blinked and looked up, then his heart jumped in his throat at the sight of Senri’s hand pulling back from the console of the elevator, if it was the look in those ice-like eyes that caught him completely off guard.
The air around him seemed too thick to breathe when a much taller male rested his hand on the same balustrade next to his, while those pale eyes brought to mind the comparison of a hungry predator watching prey.
And I’m that prey… He thought numbly, hypnotized when Senri's other big, hot hand curled around his jaw, tilting his head until he had to turn sideways and the tips of their noses nearly brushed.
“Anyone ever told you… you smell absolutely mouth-wateringly delicious, Raha?” that deep voice, hoarse with want, sent a violent shudder down his back, and before he knew – or could stop it – his stupid, unruly tail wrapped around Senri’s thigh, claiming it and at the same time attempting to tug him closer. He stopped breathing at the sight of ice-blue fire it set off within the pale irises, swallowing thickly when Senri growled softly and that hand of his lowered to delicately, almost tenderly, encircle his throat. “Guess if I’m to play your boyfriend, babe…” something downright wicked was in a grin that curled those too-pretty lips, so painfully close to his…
Yes, please… He nearly whimpered, maybe did, when sharp teeth nipped at his lower lip. A gasp tore from his throat, and Senri gleefully used it, diving in and irrevocably claiming him with the unbearably sweet taste that instantly filled Raha’s mouth. Turning completely, he moaned as his fingers found their way into soft, ink-black strands, and he held on for dear life as one of his fantasies became a reality…
He always thought that Senri would be a sweet, delicate lover – despite his intimidating size – but the reality of his kiss had him revise that instantly. It was rough and demanding as Senri’s hand clamped around his neck, keeping him firmly in place as the taller Seeker seemed bent on eating him alive. Not that I would mind… Quickly turning harder, hungrier, and so hot he was melting, whimpering, and mewling softly for more… He put to that the sensation of moving and choked on a groan of protest when the elevator's door dinged open, and Senri pulled back, leaving him panting raggedly.
“…taste better,” the ink-haired male breathed, curling his hand around Raha’s jaw. He trailed his thumb over his bruised lower lip, mesmerizing him with that predatory look in his ice-like eyes. He was sure he should have said something, did something, but his whole damn thought process was reduced to not begging for more… and surrounded by Senri’s heat and sweet scent, with his divine flavor lingering on his lips… Without conscious thought, his lips parted under his thumb, and he whined when it pressed in. Caught in the snare of those eyes, curling his tongue around it felt natural, and he barely registered the way Senri’s free hand shot toward the console, and the door drifted shut again as the cabin moved. He couldn’t when at the same time, the bigger male growled at him aggressively, and his insides melted in a painful need to submit.
He was shoved into the corner of the cabin, but he didn’t care or mind because those delicious lips were back, hungrily devouring his needy sounds. Wrapping both hands around the taller Seeker’s neck desperately, he replied in kind, his head stuffed to the brim with growly, aggressive sounds vibrating over his lips.
Sure that it was either heaven or another dream, he didn’t mind when the door opened again, and he was promptly dragged out of the small cabin into a silent, empty corridor on one of the floors. He had barely a moment to catch a deeper breath and take a quick look around before Senri was on him again with a choked snarl that made something like bubbles fill his insides.
He didn’t mind the rough treatment when he was pinned into one of the walls, too drunk on the sweet flavor and the idea that it was him – Senri, the love of his life – kissing him as if he was starving for him.
When they finally pulled apart, he fought to catch his breath when Senri stayed nose-to-nose with him, bracing his muscular arms on the wall behind Raha’s back. One of his hands was still curled in the black hair at the back of his head, while the other framed Senri’s jaw as he couldn’t help but stare in wonder, hoping that if this was a dream… he wanted to stay in it just a moment longer.
“We will be late, babe,” Senri – if anything – looked amused, and his left hand lowered to Raha’s side, moved down, then tore a gasp from his mouth with its possessive grip on his hip.
No, his image of him was completely wrong, he was ready to admit. Senri as a lover was aggressive, downright domineering… and he fucking loved it!
“I don’t c-care,” he breathed, closing his eyes with a quiet groan when that earned him a pleased rumble of deep purrs. The sound was more fucking satisfying than any of his earlier experiences, not to mention that hand moved off his hip and tore a strangled sound reminiscent of a yowl – embarrassingly loud and submissive – when it curled over his painful erection with that tantalizing sense of ownership.
“Aww, babe…” A low chuckle accompanied by a delicate squeeze turned him into a whimpering mess, shuddering helplessly with the agonizingly slow slide of that big hand over his dick. “…you’re so cute… so perfect,” cooed by his cheek, made a furious blush claim his whole body – or so it felt like – but at this point, he could call him whatever he wanted as long as he wasn’t pulling back, because nothing, ever, felt as good as the rough press of his hand, the sound of Senri’s rumbly purrs and the mind-melting heat of his big body.
His mouth was taken – no other way to call it – into another scorching, devouring kiss while Senri shifted over him and Raha fed him a little, desperate whimper when the ink-haired male’s hand pulled back, then gasped with relief when it roughly tugged his belt open, then shoved under the material of his pants and boxers. He nearly came at the sensation of hot skin around his achingly aroused flesh, moaning under Senri’s hungry lips when his hand pressed over his cock, massaging the rigid flesh in a circular motion. Soon, it had him matching its rhythm, rolling his hips into the hot pressure as everything inside him tensed in need of release.
His hands scrambled, blindly tugging Senri’s black jacket, then white shirt underneath, open. He nearly died feeling a hot, smooth skin stretched over the muscle trembling under his palms. Then again, with a nearly animalistic sound Senri uttered when he shoved his hand behind him, then curled it about the base of his tail.
“Go on…” the ink-haired male growled in a warning by his lips. “…and I’ll take you right here, babe…”
“…please…” he choked out, unable to think or recognize his own voice. “Senri… want you so b-bad…” for so long, too.
“Shhh, sweetness,” Senri cooed, smoothing his lips against his cheek, but when he tried to catch them, he pulled back then roughly caught both of Raha’s hands in his by their wrists and pinned them down against the wall above the redhead’s head. Both panting raggedly, he knew he should have been appalled by a desperate sound that left his lips, but the scorching heat of pale eyes, when they trailed over his body, felt nearly like a reward for the painfully aching hardness between his legs. Freeing one hand, Senri wrapped his fingers around Raha’s chin, then tilted his head, narrowing his world to his taste as his lips took his mouth again, but now into a sweet, agonizingly slow kiss that lingered long after he lifted his head. The mix of heady desire and humor in those pale eyes was tantalizing… but not as much as the sight of sweet tenderness that filled them and stole Raha’s breath, making his heart lose it, stuttering out of rhythm furiously with the reminder of the best day of his life. “You know, babe, I couldn’t remember where I have seen those gorgeous, ruby eyes before…” Senri said in a low, smooth tone and with a little, self-conscious smile on that achingly beautiful face. “…and I don’t think you remember it, but we met once as kids.”
“I know,” he admitted, closing his eyes and feeling like his face would burn away as he pushed his back harder into the wall. “You… saved me,” he whispered, despite his tight throat and stupidly stuttering heartbeat.
“And I felt like a goddamn hero, too,” Senri chuckled, and he dared to peer through his lashes. Caged against the wall, he couldn’t help his downright painful arousal with the position, even while the sweet, wistful smile on Senri’s face made his heart ache. The far-away look was in pale eyes even while Senri's thumb delicately brushed his lower lip in a soothing rhythm. “You were so cute… So adorable that day, I think I had this image of you – a perfect little cutie that needed me  – stuck in my head for years. I was so fucking worried that those guys were going to bully you again after my brothers dragged me off…”
They did, but the thought of you… the idea of you made it bearable, he was tempted to say, but his throat clamped around his heart, and he could only stare when Senri lowered his dark-haired head and brushed his lips against the corner of his mouth.
“I’m honestly happy I got to see you again, Raha,” he purred, and the redhead shivered in response, choking down an answering sound. “A pretty funny coincidence, right?” Senri laughed softly against his cheek, and he nearly passed out, biting back a confession about how NOT COINCIDENTAL it was.
But how could he? If he admitted to everything, Senri was bound to freak the fuck out.
“Funny… y-yeah…” he trailed off, then cleared his throat awkwardly, feeling his face grow impossibly hotter as he slightly tugged his hands. Senri chuckled self-consciously, freeing him as he leaned away, then braced his hands on the wall around him. Raha took a deep breath, flushing deeper as he quickly fixed his clothes, feeling Senri’s gaze when he shakily set to fix his shirt, too, not daring to look up lest he see the lie in his face.
One day, perhaps, he could tell him about the stalking, hacking his accounts, or destroying the bitches who dared to touch him… and maybe then, they would laugh about it, but now…
He only dared to look up when his face cooled as he closed the last button on smoothed his hands over the front of Senri’s jacket, biting his lower lip at the sight of scorching heat in the ice-blue eyes.
“After this whole thing is done and I’m no longer your employee… Want to go out, babe?” a disarming, charming grin accompanied that question had another blush burn across his cheeks, and he wished that he could simply say yes.
But hey, priorities, right?
“Actually…” he took a deep breath and peered at him from under his lashes, worrying his lip again with his teeth. He leaned back against the wall between Senri’s hands, to be safe, shoving his in the pockets of his pants. They so badly itched to touch him, he couldn’t trust them! “…I was hoping you would consider a more… permanent position in my company after this.” And I’m so ready to lie my ass off so you’ll take it…
“…oh?” Senri’s dark eyebrows rose expectantly while a strange glint sparked within his pale eyes.
“I mean…” he flustered, lowering his gaze to the ink-haired male's collar as he swallowed thickly. “…if it goes well, I constantly need a company for this sort of events, and if my family already knows you and believes you’re my b-boyfriend, then…” and I can keep you safe if you stay with me.
Please, WANT to stay with me…
“I see…” Senri chuckled, then wrapped his fingers around his chin and forced him to look up in his eyes. “Anyone ever told you sort of… suck at lying, babe?” The amusement and tenderness in those eyes stopped his heart again.
“I’m… ummm…” he stammered, trying to figure out which part of it he meant.
“Never mind,” another chuckle, then he was dazzled by his sweet, sweet flavor in a soft, temptingly gentle kiss as long, delicate fingers rubbed his ear in a tender caress. Breathless and purring his bliss by the time Senri pulled back, leaving him blinking stupidly, his brain refused to cooperate when the ink-haired male snickered softly, brushing the tip of his nose against his. “Let’s get this party over with, okay? Then we can talk some more about this… offer, yeah?”
“Ah… o-okay,” he replied, blushing furiously when Senri smirked, pushing the button summoning the elevator next to them.
“Let’s try it again,” the ink-haired Seeker grinned cheerily, then tugged him into his arms, resting his chin atop his head and his arms around Raha’s shoulders as they waited for the cabin to arrive. “Anything I should be wary of, babe?” he whispered by his ear, and the redhead shivered, involuntarily nuzzling his nose into Senri’s collar and getting dizzy from his mouth-watering scent. He helplessly gave in to the temptation and wrapped his arms around the taller man’s waist, trying to bury into his heat without wrinkling his clothes… more than he already did.
“My brother,” he sighed, pulling back reluctantly when the door of the elevator dinged and slid open. He flushed when after stepping in, Senri innocently enough caught his hand and laced their fingers.
“Your brother?” he repeated with a frown, and Raha smiled sheepishly, pushing the button of the floor where the gala was taking place.
“Yeah… Damon’s kind of intense,” he said carefully, keeping a neutral expression when his eyes caught the confused stare of pale eyes. “And he’s sort of… really into your brother, you know?”
Enough that I had to swear to plead his case to get the asshole to cooperate with my plans.
“My… Ah, Ares?” Senri asked, still with that frown marrying his beauty, then he blinked, seemingly mulling something over as the elevator smoothly moved down. “Like… How into him we’re talking?”
“He’s NOT going to pounce on you,” Raha stated hauntingly… well, hoping he wasn’t lying. “He’s just a bit…” …obsessed. “…curious. So, he might ask you…” …a billion…” …a few questions about him. Likes, dislikes, and such…” …and how to get a piece of him, probably…
“Again… you really suck at lying, babe,” Senri chortled, then gushed when Raha pouted at that in reflex. “Gods, but you’re still the cutest fucking thing ever, too… So, let me get this straight… Your brother, who – by the way, I looked him up a bit before this – from today is officially the head of the biggest company in the country… has hots for Ares?”
“…mhmm,” he admitted reluctantly.
It was a delicate way to put it!
Senri leaned in to whisper against his ear when the door opened, revealing the massive, crystalline door leading to the ballroom, and the sight was accompanied by the sound of quiet music behind them.
“How hot are we talking, babe?” he chuckled, then nipped the shell of his ear, and Raha bit back a moan.
At least as hot as I am for you…
“He would probably give you the company for Ares’s number,” he said without thinking, then cringed internally when Senri snorted, then started laughing as he pulled him toward the door. He might find it funny because he didn’t know how honest it was. Not yet, at least.
Raha knew it by heart, because he would do the same – in a heartbeat – just to see Senri smile, and when the ink-haired male brushed a kiss against his overheated cheek right before pulling the door open… Well, he was only more set – convinced – that he would do anything and everything to keep him.
Make him happy and keep him safe… and if by chance he could win his heart in the process…
Well, Raha was nothing if not patient and determined. And the thought of seeing those pale eyes look toward him with more of that mesmerizing tenderness seemingly only whetted his already bottomless hunger for this man.
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