444names · 1 year
roman emperor, tolkienesque and french forenames + roman places and deities BUT excluding "i"
Adalf Adane Adanus Adette Adroth Aetor Agnus Alate Aldang Aldar Alemna Alemon Alenwë Alette Amrah Amrodda Anast Anbora Ancus Andel Andra Andred Androth Angeleb Annator Annon Annonum Antus Anáro Aphrod Apollus Aquaes Aracae Aracaen Arach Aragus Araharn Aranc Arancan Arata Arato Aravane Arazôn Ardanel Areth Arette Argestë Argetas Argette Argue Arles Arleth Arnar Aroma Artas Artha Arvedum Arvelyë Ascatar Ascate Astans Aules Auram Austus Bacca Baldar Balus Banna Barazôn Baugus Belebor Belegon Beles Belle Benor Beona Beorl Beracum Berence Berenée Beres Berna Berta Bolgero Bombul Brodel Caglas Caglor Calcar Calla Calmo Camed Cament Camuel Camula Caran Carazôn Carcel Carme Caros Castes Cates Catha Cator Celeg Celes Celle Celyne Celynea Celyë Cemeter Ceorn Cerea Clata Claud Claume Claur Claure Clotas Coelu Colas Coletor Comon Concal Concora Concorn Condela Consta Constan Constas Corum Cybello Daedalf Derna Deven Drastan Dylane Déago Ebona Ectho Ecthor Egaland Elander Elareth Elber Elendo Eleth Elfhel Elumer Emmanwë Eneldad Eorgel Eregorm Erenda Erylla Estans Estas Evert Eärenta Eärenus Eärené Eärenée Eärnus Faman Famanus Fannona Fanon Farahar Faunum Febrían Fenge Feronwë Ferra Ferula Florach Flore Forum Forus Franc Frandel Fëano Fëanon Gabalba Gaetas Galas Galda Galens Gantar Ganto Garwen Genel Geneta Gerent Gerette Gette Glander Glandre Glorach Glóred Golae Golane Gorba Gortona Gothéod Gratant Gratar Grato Hadoc Hadon Halba Haldog Haldor Halla Hallae Hanthor Helle Henator Henrva Heracum Hercel Hercus Herme Herucas Herum Herus Hestes Horon Jacque Jeanc Jeancan Jeanna Jessa Joanne Joceleg Jocetum Justes Justus Jutum Juven Juvenus Khamer Lactor Lagory Lalanta Laramna Laude Laume Laven Legund Leona Lette Lonna Lothéo Lucales Luent Lugduf Lugdus Léodwyn Madette Madoc Mador Maeda Magash Magast Magnès Magora Magund Mahtar Malanon Malas Malla Mallas Mamuel Mandrée Manos Mantona Manum Manus Mathel Matho Maura Meldë Menae Mendor Menette Mentas Menter Mohamen Mohamûl Monel Morges Mortune Mélan Nahael Narda Nathôn Necessa Nemes Neron Neros Nessor Nonum Océanel Océanes Olóred Orbag Ornen Ornovum Orodre Orona Orond Oronwë Ostanto Ostvera Palatar Palenwë Parcele Parcus Paulë Penae Perence Pereth Perette Pertus Perva Petella Peterre Phaesar Pollo Pollum Pompeda Porthur Portuna Portune Portus Porumor Posette Potent Quent Radanus Raphor Raymon Regon Regula Rence Robus Rogerme Rogeron Rogeros Rómence Sabeorl Sadoc Salmach Salmoth Sanck Sandel Sander Saradoc Sarus Satuta Secury Senoît Sephaël Sergel Sevent Shadoc Shagram Shelm Smaugus Smauhúr Sméagon Solas Solum Soros Sorsa Stred Stren Stéphan Summa Suzanna Taromë Taroth Tatan Teleb Tellane Telle Temnae Tempes Thena Thenrva Theodor Theophe Thorod Thoromë Thorond Thoros Thostor Thras Théod Tranc Trant Trebor Trebora Trenée Turna Turnus Vacum Vagna Vagnès Valad Valadûn Valas Valeth Vanne Vanny Vecthor Vector Venne Venua Verae Verna Verra Vertune Verula Verus Vette Volum Vorod Vulcar Vulturn Waldor Yandré Yanna Yanne Yanny Yavanus Yvonna Zenor Élodh Éomunda Éotha Éothéo Éverna Éverus
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universallywriting · 3 years
unghrngh... your OCs... my beloveds... *opening heart locket gif* I wish to see more of Emma and Claire? I think they're cute.
every time i get these requests i get so flatter and flustered i literally have no idea what to do with myself. thank you so much.
Her baby boy is conceived in magic. Emma has no interest in pregnancy. It seems like far more trouble that it’s worth - both to create and maintain a womb inside her. Instead, once she’s finished the core of magic within him, she sits with a small tank of her softly glowing magic and starts bringing him to life. It’s easy to start. Easier than she expected. She takes cells from an animals and she reprograms them. It’s worked with other animals before, but as she makes her son she worries that this is different. He’s human, and perhaps there is a human soul. She doesn’t have one, so how could she make one? If there is a god who imparts those sorts of things, she doubts they would grant one to a thing like her, or to the child she’s creating.
The fetus grows around the core just the way its supposed to and every day she stares into the tank and forgets how to breathe. Her child. Hers. He’s growing and he’s beautiful and in him is the pattern of so many humans she’s loved.
It works too well. She’s sure it’ll fall apart soon.
But it doesn’t. Every day he grows bigger with everything going according to plan. Each month the fetus grows, porcelain skin swallowing the core into itself, tying itself to it. She stares at the nerves, watching them bond to the closest thing she’s ever had to a soul. Still, somehow, everything is going as planned. Maybe all the rabbits who lost their lives in testing were worth the sacrifice after all.
“You’re smothering him and he doesn’t even have lungs,” Claire scolds her. “Stop gawking.”
She ignores that. She’s lived thousands of years - what’s a few months of watching? He grows and grows and soon she can no longer call him a fetus because he is quite thoroughly baby shaped, with little toes and little fingers and a button nose. She could scoop him out any day and start feeding him milk. He doesn’t necessarily need to be that magic womb anymore.
But she hasn’t seen magic from him. She’s been watching, despite Claire demanding she stop, and she told herself the time to take him out would be when he finally reached for his own magic. Then he would be done, all properly linked up and ready for the big scary world.
He never does.
As he becomes a week overdue, she chews her thumbnail and wonders what’s gone wrong. He seems fine - wiggling and squirming. His body does all the things its should be doing. If she carried him in the typical way, surely he’d come out of her by now. But she’s never done this before, and she has no idea when he’ll be done cooking, or what it should even look like for him to be done. She has no idea what she’s missing, or if she’s missing anything at all.
“You’re still smothering him,” Claire accuses. “He’s in a vat of your magic. Everything’s magic. He probably can’t even feel his own. Just take him out.”
“But what if-”
There are a million worries, but Claire softly rests her fingers on Emma’s lips. She sits by her, cast in the glow of the tank filled to the brim with Emma’s magic. “You have to give him a chance to fail or he will never succeed,” she whispers. “You have to.”
Emma births her son into the world on June 16, in the middle of the day. She steels herself and reaches in, scooping him out and snipping his cord, and the shrieks he makes as she pulls him into the cold air are simultaneously a beautiful relief and a terrible agony. She croons as she brings him to the kitchen, stands by the kitchen sink window and points to the flowers outside in the hopes that this will soothe him.
“Look, baby,” she says. “Look how pretty! It’s okay. Mama’s here. Look how pretty.”
His screams slowly ebb away, and his screwed shut eyes blink open. They were supposed to be brown, but they’re yellow. Bright, beautiful yellow- like the sun. Like the flowers outside. A laugh bursts from her, because there it is. Magic shines from his eyes like a light.
“Look at you,” she whispers. “Chrysanthemum eyes. Pretty boy.”
She trails green magic across him, and is surprised to find him latching onto her finger. He suckles at cool, green energy like milk, and her smile grows wider. He was conceived in her magic, after all. It makes sense that he would nurse for it. It makes sense that there are so many ways she can comfort him, and care for him, when she’s made him from spare parts and memories.
Later she tucks him into a cradle, everything warm and soft for him. When she turns off the light, he glows. It’s pure light beneath his skin and when his little thumb comes up to his lips, yellow magic crackles softly. He uses his own spark to ease himself to sleep.
“I told you that you were smothering him,” Claire says, and Emma doesn’t have the slightest care to disagree.
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minnorkkadj · 7 years
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Pt first, En bottom Encontrei o verdadeiro Capitão Hadoc!! 😂 ----------+---------- I've found the real life Capitan Hadoc!! 😂 #tintin #hadoc #cartoon #reallifecaracter #milú #funny #funnyaf #wow
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fatal-blow · 5 years
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Here’s Andares (left) and Meredith (right) from this death god story I’ve been talking non-stop about for the past 24 hours or so.
Some fun facts about each, with Andares first:
Genderfluid, but uses he/him pronouns
The embodiment of dumbass culture
Also the literal god of death, unfortunately trapped in a cavern where he got to rot for 3000+ years
His clothes are made of his long ass, mildly prehensile hair
Loves long flowy dresses
Aaaand Meredith:
Cis woman, she/her
Identifies as a lesbian (Andares throws this thoroughly out of wack lmao)
Oldest child of the Haultz family
Her guilty pleasure is poetry and flower language
Lost her entire family so she followed the call of the brand on her chest, which led her to Andares
I don’t have time to do Hadoc and Cass, but hopefully I’ll get to them this weekend -o-
Tag list: @goldandsapphire​  @siarven​  @kaypier​  @miniaturemagic​ @requiemforicarus​  @ofvisitorsthefairest​  @inkovert​  @hannahs-creations​ @aldrovanda​  If you want to be added or removed, let me know!
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This fucking place what the shit Massachusetts
I'm just a bakery counter worker and I have regulars who just give me shit???????
There's one who gives whoever is working foreign wine on holidays (as long as their legal)
I had one who would bring me t-shirts and hats
I have several who just buy or make me food
I don't even remember if he said it was hadoc or herring I just now have a bag of fish sitting in the store freezer
I don't even eat fish
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hardcoreuniteditalia · 10 years
Soon RoughSketch will play @ Hado Channel 2014!
-10 minutes! :D :D
Meanwhile, let's listen to some Terror! >:)
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444names · 2 years
ayleid names from tes and + tolkienesque forenames BUT excluding "n"
Abalyë Adacil Adarothor Adohelor Adoril Adorl Adormeht Adorwalmo Aeriaril Aerumo Aihir Alacil Aladrahir Alassilmo Albeleth Aldadorimë Alduil Aldur Alivriel Alolfas Amarod Amborl Amdís Amlia Amrador Amramel Araam Aracir Arahe Araherostar Arahi Arambarahir Araphar Aravorl Arazog Arcir Ardad Ardalimo Ardar Ardil Ardilest Argoladomir Argor Arileles Arior Armare Artir Artiusil Arveda Arvegir Arvegothir Arvirë Atamras Atisil Aurhar Aylluglor Azagdufth Azagollu Badohi Bagalas Baladil Balia Baraldur Barim Barmessumar Barwerved Beldë Beleca Beleil Beletha Belma Belmo Belorgimo Berdilimë Bered Bereth Berethróm Berethôr Beriel Beril Berum Berúmir Bifurgol Bofure Bolch Bollas Bollu Bombaug Bomir Borlaiarik Boros Borthrair Brahallas Brahil Brimortz Bucald Bucalormto Bucar Bëorbagdui Calcar Calia Caraphaphel Celeb Celebregor Celelda Celest Celitë Celmo Celobel Celpered Celpert Celser Celvel Celwë Cemauglast Ceorfix Ceyrre Cilor Cilye Cirethel Ciryttohil Cladaldil Cladoc Cophiliaril Coulë Curhalas Curhaul Curth Daraamil Delas Deldar Deleme Destre Dombomil Draglu Drefix Dróregolla Durgolg Durod Duuromir Déaladuf Déalch Déothar Déothor Eilbêth Eilmader Elada Elagolia Elairis Eldarceor Elebomir Elegolór Elegróril Eleil Elemeldacil Elemer Elemirgorli Elemmaug Elessilmo Elest Elich Eliril Ellothéod Elmaril Elmog Elmor Elper Elralas Elwarvegoth Emablime Emaitë Emeht Emmacil Emmaitleg Erryar Essakh Essaulma Essir Estatar Eteriarda Eteril Eäred Eäresta Eärwe Falbel Falbeor Falmaglacal Falor Farchil Farodras Feath Feathor Feleg Felemaed Felusca Femir Fimborl Fimrothor Floriel Folfhil Follor Foredherior Forme Frecthmo Fredaradad Fregrador Frethos Fréagduca Fréalch Fréalmo Fréalveg Fyragróg Fírielmorod Galadorth Galgel Galotta Gamithor Gamlas Gilda Gilmo Gimbur Gimothôr Gimro Girikaldë Glacil Glagrod Glatil Glauglo Glimromë Glimuzgas Glóreth Goldohtarë Golfix Golimog Gollash Golwal Gotha Grahtar Grast Gratamir Gratar Grimo Grodrado Gromiel Grímadorl Gwaithil Gwalortil Hadartho Hadoc Hador Haerth Hagor Haitë Hakalola Hakil Halador Haldorod Halgel Hallaris Halmo Hamdír Harahir Haravi Harda Hardar Hauglór Helebragdur Helmaraik Helmo Herdil Heruldil Horwe Hostre Houlm Houlmalkhîm Houls Houreth Hourgor Houtele Huolimehtar Huord Hyarfimiry Hámad Idrahel Ilratar Imagor Imalmakas Imbrecalg Imoth Irumbre Isumar Isumo Ivieldë Ivratam Kílim Kúvir Lador Ladridregri Lalatië Lalor Laria Legamir Lestamûl Lightar Liryllassil Lormto Lugaldor Lugali Luril Lúthor Mablumbar Macaldë Maeregoldor Maith Malca Maldur Maldë Malmaergor Malye Maláf Maracil Maragor Marahil Maralluglob Mardilob Margorgil Marik Mauglagorl Mauri Mavor Melser Mielumareth Mirmahir Miryaragor Morod Mortz Mulsereduir Muzgalm Namil Namracir Neragol Nilmaeg Ohtambaug Oldormestis Orladuil Orostel Ostil Ostriar Ostrië Palad Palalmo Palas Palbêthéoth Paleg Palgrimor Palma Palor Pelebre Peraamitë Perada Peril Perië Perthaldor Ravir Ravrimo Rulath Rulfas Rúther Saegril Saelastor Saertz Sakilmo Salagrid Salmo Sarahir Scaramûl Scarchalda Scoth Scouter Shalye Smarik Soromir Sorthorm Sourielephe Souteregorl Stardalca Storl Talbada Talmir Talod Tarazôr Tarcerod Tarod Tatho Telebry Telephalmo Tellas Thedher Thragol Thrassa Thróf Théod Théodest Tisirë Tithôr Tulfhil Tulothôr Túriella Túrimraush Ufthor Ugdur Uglug Uldorost Uldush Umaitë Umakil Umaur Uragavi Uregos Ureth Urhalcal Vagdumo Vagolepher Valfalluirë Valimagoldë Valveldor Varavir Vatellober Vidred Vidur Vorlarór Vorlia Waldë Waláf Woropher Zilgal Zimielia Éoddaihil Éomil Éomir Éomirë Éorodia Éothelegol
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444names · 2 years
khuzdul dictionary and north sindarin names
Agess Aglak Aglish Arams Arazar Arufim Arvishal Azandu Azar Azark Azarâg Badj Badords Band Bards Barf Baruf Barâg Bead Beadj Beam Beams Bearaz Bearb Bearf Beath Bilver Bizan Bizand Bizans Bizarf Bizark Bizaruf Bizârak Bizârake Bizârall Bizârams Blaind Blak Blan Blass Bundere Bundess Bundulûn Buntaff Bunts Celack Celan Celass Cele Celed Celegor Celegorn Celey Cencin Cend Cendendu Centaff Centaind Cloc Clon Clorc Clord Clorn Clou Clound Clouraz Clow Clowbol Clowbold Cold Colleg Collons Colocum Colormou Colound Corc Cord Corod Couddy Cound Coundend Courams Courud Cumend Curse Curser Cuttin Cuttione Cuttiong Daled Dall Dalle Dalley Dallorc Dallou Dalls Darall Darams Darb Darâg Dencing Dendents Denderg Dentaff Dents Dered Dess Desty Dimne Docum Dorc Dorm Dowbol Dowboll Dubang Dubar Dubarb Dulûn Dwar Dwards Dwark Dwarâg Echoin Echol Echorc Echord Echorm Ecol Ecold Ecor Ecound Eress Ergrep Ergromë Excavat Excavath Falegor Faley Falled Falleg Falloc Falls Falôn Fele Feled Feleg Feley Fimne Forc Ford Fords Forod Foron Foronsil Gabilver Gabizand Gabizarf Gabizâr Gath Gathear Gathûr Gationg Gess Glise Glist Glistool Glâb Gream Gred Gress Grestred Grod Gromë Gron Grothal Grothlum Grou Groundu Grounts Grour Grouread Guagess Guagla Guaglast Guaglâb Gund Gundend Gunder Gundess Hadj Hadoc Hale Halle Hallegor Hallons Harf Harâg Hass Hasturep Hath Hathol Headj Heam Hear Heark Heleg Hith Hitheled Hithol Hithold Hithorn Hithûr Hoin Hoing Hoingund Hoins Hold Holormo Holorod Holou Hord Horm Horod Igil Igin Iginbark Iglack Iglâb Inban Inbark Inbarâg Indess Ingund Kheadj Kheathor Kheathûr Khele Khelegor Khuzbarf Khuzbark Khuzdu Khuzn Kibilver Kibizarb Kibizark Kibizâr Lacc Laind Lains Lander Landul Lang Lans Lansil Lass Lastaff Locuttin Loness Lons Lords Lorm Louddy Lound Loundu Louress Lowbold Lowbolls Lóming Lómins Lómise Lómishad Mand Mandend Mans Mazard Mazark Mish Mishadj Mishmêk Mishmênu Mistool Mistre Misty Moud Mouddy Moundess Mountain Mounts Mourg Naralleg Narf Nark Narvise Novron Novrone Novroth Novroud Novround Nâlain Nâlaind Nâlains Nâlak Nâlake Nâlan Nâland Oness Ords Ormou Ormound Ormourse Oroth Ortre Ortred Ortrep Ortresty Pathele Pathoin Pathûr Patin Pation Plum Plurser Pluruf Pongund Pons Poold Preams Pred Prod Promë Prong Prothûr Prou Pround Read Ream Reams Reards Reathe Rechoin Rechords Recourse Rescele Resceleg Rest Rish Rishalls Rishast Rishath Rishmêk Rist Rivere Riverg Rufim Rukhuzdu Rukhuzn Rumencin Rumend Ruments Saled Saley Sall Sallon Salls Shad Shadj Shalôn Shass Shathlum Shatin Shmênu Sigil Sigind Siglaind Siglâb Silverg Sion Sione Siong Slang Staind Ston Stoold Stooll Streat Stred Strep Stress Sture Sturse Sturuddy Sturufim Sturukhs Sturum Sufim Theathûr Thol Tholle Thûr Tone Toness Tong Tons Toolls Toolone Turake Turalls Turazard Turuddy Turum Ulûn Undend Undul Unts Uponess Upons Upool Uzbadow Uzbar Uzbarams Uzbark Uzdubad Vall Valôn Vath Vathear Vation Youddy Yound Youndend Younts Your Youress Zigin Ziglâb Zirake Ziralôn Zirams Ziraz Zirazan Zirazard Zârak Zârazan
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universallywriting · 4 years
Amethyst and peridot used to be my comfort ship. But now it only brings sad memories. Now a days I do like to read miraculous lady bug fanfic, but that’s more for fun than comfort. Why don’t you just show us more of your OC’s
ohmygosh I’m gonna cry. Thank you!
Here’s Alex’s platonic-lifepartner-moms having a parenting dispute.
“Claire,” Emma fussed. “I don’t know if this is a good idea. He’s mostly made up of human parts, you know. Bone. Flesh.”
“Skin as well,” Claire said with amusement, looking at the five-year-old she carried on her hip. “You’re a very soft boy.”
“Very soft!” Emma agreed, her hands hovering over Alex. “That’s why I think this may not be the best idea.”
“It’s the magic that keeps us safe in a vacuum, and he has plenty," Claire retorted. "He did just fine underwater.”
A hysterical laugh escaped her. “I didn't like that test either! What if we wait until he’s older? Say a century or two?”
“I will protect him,” Claire said calmly. “And it’s not a test. It’s an outing. Human parents take their children on outings all the time.”
“To the zoo!” Emma shrieked. “The park! They don’t take them to dead planets to look through telescopes! Why don’t you take him to an observatory here?”
“The telescopes here are primitive. And the one where we’re going has a pretty view of a spiral galaxy.” She bounced him once and he giggled at being jostled. “There’s a lad. Do you want to see what a galaxy like yours looks like from the outside? I have the prettiest one to show you.”
“But the planet you want to go to doesn’t have an atmosphere!” Emma shouted. “It’s gone! All the life on it is gone. They destroyed themselves and there’s nothing left there.”
“Mmm,” Claire agreed, chucking Alex under the chin. "I was good at my job.”
“Don’t make light of planetary genocide, please.”
“Humor is the only way to cope with tragedy.”
She cradled Claire’s cheeks. “My dearest friend, my truest companion, I beg of you: Do not take our son to space at five years old. Surely he can spend a decade on this planet before we take him into the unknown?”
“You are overprotective and you are preventing him from flourishing.” She looked at Emma’s pleading face and sighed. “But five years here or there will make a small difference. We can go to the zoo."
“Thank you, Claire!” Emma kissed her cheek with a giddy squeal, and rushed off to grab her purse.
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universallywriting · 4 years
Show us your ocs, please? Pretty please? Pretty please with sugar on top? Pwease?
i probably won’t do this very much, but, hey fuck it. block “hadOC” if you don’t want to see my OC. Names changed for my paranoia.
Liz would rather be wrapped in the smothering humidity of a South American rainforest than in the human jungle she finds herself in now. Pop music thuds from the speakers, making it hard to hear. Low lights take away her sight and the streamers, the tarp on the floor, the glittering dresses and colored lights, all come together to make the room busy - almost smoky.
She stands against the wall as she sips at her punch. Her dark blue dress and matching heels, the silver jewelry on her neck and wrist, are probably not the best look for her. She looks better in warmer colors. In gold. They suit the warmth in her brown skin. But apparently she’s pretty enough that Tom Bridges thought it was worth asking her to dance. He’s nice enough, but the idea of taking her back off the wall in a room full of people she can barely see makes the back of her neck prickle. She politely declines and feels awful about the disappointment on his face. 
Tom is sweet, if awkward and plain. He just wants someone to dance with. She could have said yes, but it’d be a lie. It doesn’t feel right to lie to him when he wants someone to like him so terribly. She does like him, because she likes most people, but not the way he wants her to like him. It would take a while for her to like him like that, she thinks, and she doesn’t think he’ll want to wait, so she says no and he’s disappointed.
When the music slows, Alexander comes from the crowd. She never lost sight of him, except for the brief moments with Tom. It doesn’t matter, because he doesn’t need her eyes on his back at a school dance, but what else has there been to do? He’s five nine and it’s a freshman dance. It’s almost a challenge to look away from him, to miss those near-black amber curls sticking up over the other teens.
He’s already shining with sweat. He likes to dance. Not with much skill, but plenty of enthusiasm, and with a smile like his, enthusiasm is all you really need. He leans against the wall with her, breathing hard.
“Having fun?” she asks, lifting an eyebrow.
His laugh is breathless. “I love dancing! I have lightning bugs under my skin.” He shows her a shaking hand, as if that’s all the explanation she needs.
She grins, taking the offered hand in her own. “What does that mean, silly? You talk so weird.”
His free hand comes to his heart, curls into his shirt. “There’s energy in me and it’s buzzing. A-and it’s light! And I want it to come out of every part of me at once. Lightning bugs.”
Liz shakes her head a little and gives him a nudge. “You’re amazing. Go back to dancing, lightning bug boy.”
“Do you wanna dance?” he asks, ignoring her nudge because he’s already getting to big for her to push around. “I know I’ve been dancing with a lot of people, but I wanna dance with you too.” He laughs again and squeezes her hand. “I wanna dance with you most.”
She throws back the rest of her drink and tosses the plastic punch into a nearby trash can - overhand, her fingers splayed like she’s shot a perfect basket. Alexander, ever the good sport, lets out a silly whooping cheer before she looks back at him. “I’ll dance for you, sure. Let’s do it.”
She starts towards the dance floor, but his hands slips to her wrist. She stops and meets his gaze, letting her puzzlement show. He explains, “I didn’t ask if you’d dance for me. I asked if you wanted to dance.”
A shrug. “Is there a difference?”
“Yeah,” he says, and his eyes glow in the dim light, like the insects he says are swarming beneath his skin. “That’s why you said it like that. So it wasn’t a lie.” She rolls her stiffening shoulders and admits, “I don’t want to dance here.”
“That’s okay. It’s a jungle out there.” He swoops in to kiss her forehead, and she feels a little spark. She shouldn’t feel a spark, it’s very silly of him to use his powers in such a busy place, so casually, where he might have to answer questions. But she can’t respond before he promises, “I’ll find places to dance with less vipers.”
Then he’s off to the floor, and she leans against the wall. Vipers. Really? Who says that kind of thing out loud? Sometimes, she wonders how a boy who says weird things and loves to hold hands with anyone who agrees and can’t dance and can’t sing makes friends so easily.
But then he smiles at the group of friends he’s made, and her stomach fills with lightning bugs.
She understands.
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universallywriting · 4 years
It’s a little frustrating curse I don’t know what Claire and Emma look like. Are they robots or eldrick horrors or maybe slime monsters? How am I going to picture them if I don’t know anything about them? I demand (beg) that you adleast give us a hint.
y’all showing interest in my OCs is gonna get me a big ego. stop making me blush. I’m trying to be careful with what I reveal, because I want to get published and I don’t want everyone to know who I am LOL.
Claire and Emma are a very mysterious race of robot people, who appear nearly identical to humans in every way. They both have skin that’s just white enough to be striking without being inhuman. They’re both fairly rectangular and without much curve to them, though they do have afab bodies that seem to be around their mid-twenties. Their eyes are a bit too bright - Emma’s are green, Claire’s are gray.
Emma appears far more human. She has wavy blond hair, a soft face, and a more average frame - 5′5 and average proportions.
Claire has black hair, and all her features are very pointed and sharp - high cheekbones, pointed chin and nose, etc. She’s just under five feet and extremely thin, giving her an elfen look.
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fatal-blow · 5 years
Anyways in case y’all need more convincing to read that story I put on google docs have another excerpt
Tag list: @goldandsapphire  @siarven  @kaypier  @miniaturemagic  @requiemforicarus @ofvisitorsthefairest  @inkovert  If you want to be added or removed, let me know!
“Why two rooms?” Andares asks out of earshot.
Meredith shoots him a look with a single arched brow.  “I suppose a god can fit four people on one bed?”
“Ah, I see.”
As she steps into her room, though, she has to plant a hand on Andares’s chest to stop him from following.  He gives her a baffled look as Cass slips past instead.
“Men in one room, women in the other,” Meredith says.
“That’s segregation,” he sputters.  She folds her arms.  “You’re separating humans and nonhumans.  That’s double segregation!”  Still she doesn’t move, so he tosses her a casual chuckle, leaning on the doorframe: changing tactics.  “Meredith, my dear, think about this.  Why buy a room for Hadoc and I to share?  We don’t sleep!  I assumed you would share with me.”
“Oh?  Did no one teach you that assuming makes an ass out of you and me?” she retorts.  His confusion works itself deeper into his features, wrinkling his brow and pulling at his lip.  “It’s called privacy, Andar--Andy.  I don’t care how soul bound we are.”
He recoils as if she slapped him.  “Did you just call me Andy?”
She slams the door in his face.
A knock follows.  “What is it?” she growls, pinching the wrinkle of skin on the bridge of her nose as she attempts to strangle her annoyance into submission.
“Since you insist on this...I would like the key to the other room.”
“Try.  Again.”
His frustration hisses so softly between his teeth that she nearly misses it.  “I would like the key please.”
She opens the door and drops the key neatly into his hand.  “Better.”
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444names · 2 years
tolkienesque forenames BUT excluding "ë"
Ablumaedh Adaca Adarang Adoron Adoronui Adradûn Adring Adrion Aegor Aelch Aeregil Aithan Allagon Allas Almog Amacir Amaulfin Amdís Amlia Anaihien Anamron Anaradras Andil Andilrod Andir Andoc Andor Andorl Andur Aneld Annakant Annamir Annar Anoros Antirin Anton Anurang Anáin Aradar Aradoc Araglór Arahir Araihir Aramras Aratuor Arazog Archad Arcilúth Ardach Ardad Ardaihil Argereg Argind Argol Argor Arinvan Arion Arnimlin Arondis Arthos Arthôn Arufing Arwendir Atton Auldor Avalda Avandrion Avrahtar Avrion Azagas Badûn Bague Balithir Baranil Barant Baravina Baravion Barenelca Beldan Beldorion Belegnorn Belegris Belenduil Belwin Berdaglob Beregamir Beregor Beregrór Bervelend Bifui Bifungon Bifurgor Bofui Bomer Boriorn Borlion Borondis Bragol Brahil Bramdís Bregnorne Bregolca Bridur Brondir Broth Brían Bríand Caldil Caldohir Callor Callothor Calmog Cardil Caril Catatar Celemery Celfwin Celim Celin Celine Celmoron Celperin Celven Cemnari Ceorn Cilir Cirmarveg Cothras Curon Curungol Círiel Círiendil Círine Círion Danárion Delegin Dendur Deragduil Dereg Deórwend Dirmton Dregor Durung Dáinron Déalda Déalingel Déawin Déodda Déodhrond Déodwin Déoth Ecalad Ecaldanna Ecalgalmo Ecaliond Ecthir Egothalir Eladûn Elbêth Elbêthil Eldad Eldane Eldoc Elecaras Elegil Elegimran Elegorth Elemerth Elemna Elene Elennas Elestrin Elfincal Elimalob Elpen Elpenduin Elperim Elrodwyn Elron Emberegol Embur Enburgor Endil Eridel Erindil Erindirim Erine Eryttârin Essakil Essar Essil Essingor Estarahil Estelmil Estrin Eäressum Eärethene Eärnhír Eärwair Eärwendil Fasfandil Fauhúrien Felcarath Felin Ferkenene Fimbard Finas Findilda Finel Finro Folladûn Folórwen Fregaran Fregil Fregnor Frenduca Fréaghâd Fuili Fundacali Funúmen Furumain Fílimor Fílin Fílir Galding Gamrant Ganákhôr Gargor Gavoron Gelephel Gildanor Gilduina Gimbad Gimendil Gimir Girin Glanel Gliar Glimbor Glinzil Glorlas Gloron Glottanak Glúthel Glúthmorn Golda Golir Golór Gothos Gradan Grion Groth Gríane Gríanthor Gwath Gwinel Hadir Hadoc Hadog Halach Haland Halanámo Halca Halch Halgrien Halmagon Halvedhel Handargon Hanth Harambeor Haramroth Haras Harat Haratar Harien Harnimaer Haulm Hengor Hereth Hilioron Huancar Huanuil Huorlinen Huorn Hyatir Hámar Hámormaen Hámoron Húrion Iladaelen Ilútho Imehtamil Imindin Imlothôr Imrodwyn Ingundil Inyar Ivrilm Ivrion Khânbrim Kílir Lagana Lagolo Landacir Lassak Legoldil Legond Lenen Linca Lothagon Lothir Lumbulf Macil Macir Maelenest Maene Mahiri Mainglo Makhad Manurgel Maramir Marombel Mauravien Maurwen Mavormton Mehtar Mendorn Menelu Meron Minzilmo Miryar Munínimil Munúmil Mírimen Mírin Nahiril Nakhôr Nakil Naras Niend Niendil Niene Nimbomir Nimrod Náine Nákhan Nólion Orion Orlin Ornhír Orodwair Orontar Orophar Orthmo Paldoc Paldor Peldoc Peleglas Pereg Perik Phariden Racil Ravaldber Rúthmor Salbêth Saragriel Sarma Sharamiry Sheryane Shnáin Shnákhâl Shnámando Shnárion Silbêth Sinvain Sirien Smain Smalgan Stondish Súriaril Tamrophan Tanbor Tandiryon Taradil Tardaina Tardalm Targil Tartz Tatur Telen Telendil Telenduil Telrost Thaedh Thaldin Tharant Theleth Therothir Thron Théod Théodeng Tinelfin Tirin Tulmon Turunírin Ugduf Uldacil Uldberine Ulduine Ulfin Ulfwin Ulkan Ulkhâl Ulmoros Umacir Umavor Ungue Unírdan Uolórwen Urophirin Urthost Urwaeri Vaihiel Vaithôr Valadûn Valan Valir Vanna Viducath Vinel Vornieleb Vorod Voros Waerth Woriel Wortz Yaturther Yávin Zilimo Éodrion Éombori Éottanelm Írdaca Írion
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444names · 2 years
tolkienesque forenames + theological angels and demons BUT excluding "r"
Abata Abath Abelmon Abhas Abielefas Adkield Adog Aeldago Aelegon Aelfimë Aene Agel Aghâd Aghâl Agon Agos Ague Ahadûn Aiel Alasa Aldbeth Aliah Alil Alin Alion Allo Almagda Alob Alobehuol Alotta Alph Alphak Alphies Amaii Amampon Amduma Amdís Amel Ameles Amephki Amias Amielu Amin Amsiel Ancalda Ancat Ancub Anculm Andil Anel Anfas Anglaphou Aniel Anth Anthilil Antiel Antil Anting Anue Anwë Anáin Aphin Apulwaldo Asfan Assinge Azago Azept Aziel Azuzgas Baalda Badons Badûn Bakalim Baki Bala Baldin Balephel Balfin Balmolë Bana Bata Batan Behu Behundil Belf Belmaell Beosteles Beth Bezbel Bezbelfax Biasfast Biene Bofui Bold Bolda Boll Bollastë Bomel Bomelevac Bomë Bucculmae Bucipes Caala Caaphos Calanaing Calchos Calin Caling Callob Celas Celego Celepazon Celm Cessalil Chaes Changus Chiel Chin Chomin Chos Cithiel Claamdís Clabas Clas Cothassë Cubus Culcast Culkab Culwin Dael Dajjali Dalas Dalmotho Demmant Dentiel Deus Duccubi Duil Duin Duinemo Dwalphus Dwyn Déago Déagus Déawin Déod Déomail Déomë Déowfane Ebomë Ecth Egolgata Egon Eiel Eilim Elaingel Elas Elcal Elebusata Elegiel Elennimë Elin Elius Ellapus Elzepalen Elzeth Elzôn Emnakavy Emulomin Enes Fang Felen Fenn Fimin Findil Finen Flad Flas Fock Fundiel Fëan Fëane Fëanzil Gaas Galas Galil Gall Gampulkas Gane Ganwë Gasyavy Gath Gato Ghos Gildis Glan Glasil Glimo Glion Golfhel Goli Gothiel Gualachu Guna Gusih Gwael Gwaim Gwal Gwalas Gwinaas Habalagas Hadoc Hael Hakas Hakiel Hakinya Halgen Halil Halind Halkassë Halthin Hamaas Hamlo Hamtan Hand Hang Hant Hasméa Haus Helephes Hemmo Hene Henelwë Hielegamy Hielphin Huanc Hyavi Hymolastë Hámandiel Ibang Ibat Ibatheleg Iduil Ilias Ilmaus Incitë Inggion Ingon Inyalda Ipenna Ipowfasa Ishaldë Isihine Isith Istostel Jeqon Jinda Jophue Kane Kavi Kenwë Kies Kílion Kúva Lain Last Lego Leguel Lelech Lemota Lend Lenna Letha Leyast Liah Liminka Limog Limung Lineles Lits Lucas Luch Lunglith Lunúmin Léoth Macipel Mael Mail Mait Malasmas Malat Maldus Malgas Malm Mancalin Mand Mandane Mane Mang Mannas Mant Mantin Mavalag Meje Melephax Melfwin Menos Mept Metel Micha Miel Mieleth Mithéodel Moda Moth Muan Mund Munínies Nalimo Nanákhîm Nies Ninwë Nion Náman Nínin Nólim Ohemo Olap Oldo Ostë Paik Paikalian Paling Palphost Phamas Phand Phel Phima Phon Pitë Pulap Pulwë Pulë Qaphashya Sabothiel Sado Sael Saglúval Sagoldë Saki Salion Sathmo Saus Scaaldë Scalat Scaldowyn Seielfin Seien Seil Semal Semon Shel Shellan Shmamalmo Siel Sielecth Siesta Sing Sion Smon Snolwë Soing Sonith Soyel Stis Suca Suil Suma Tamieneus Tana Teldon Teles Telmo Tembah Temongel Thal Thalm Thiel Thius Thoelepha Thyato Tiel Tilmil Tolandil Tuel Tulas Ufthalio Ufthushym Ugas Uingel Ukabhas Ukoka Ulad Ulagiel Ulkh Umog Undavy Uola Vain Valat Valetz Valmo Vanaldë Vane Vangon Vangonwë Vath Viel Vánae Vánamil Wainel Walas Walin Wenwë Xapul Xassë Yelegues Yequnge Yeth Yávion Zagaamy Zaphindil Zapul Zilg Zimian Zimo Zoavas Zont Éodem Éodhel Éoth Éothane Éothoel Óindil
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444names · 2 years
khuzdul (external and common) names and dictionary + natural satellites
Ackrot Aclon Adome Adorandu Aegam Aegil Aeone Aiarkûn Anarse Ancalacc Andus Anthae Anulons Arax Arirrie Arâg Athar Aumburi Authrár Auttioc Ayge Azageme Balad Balia Barb Barf Barâg Bebhion Bede Beli Belia Belvina Berilvi Berons Bestlak Biang Bilgathe Bill Billi Bizanca Bizdîn Blad Blakzir Blan Blarix Blas Blathûn Bolls Bolonark Bomether Bomia Borme Bunda Bundaín Burome Burs Buzung Caldemos Calenul Call Calli Callibea Cark Carpon Carvis Carviuq Cavathe Celfarb Cenulûn Cergron Char Cliethel Colls Corn Corth Corti Couddy Cours Crin Cumed Cupords Curad Cuttia Cuttund Cylloge Cylls Darin Daris Darqeq Deip Dela Derc Dergûn Dess Deuans Deuckro Dianke Dicalin Dicalyke Dike Dime Dimlike Dimne Dimr Dinbalit Ditne Dords Doril Dortundu Dows Durse Dwal Dwallica Dwaly Dwar Dwarak Dwarg Dwarâg Dysito Dysnoe Eadu Eleda Eles Elin Elite Ermede Euaglâb Euanu Eucents Eukthoe Eupo Euri Eurtis Euruddy Extea Exter Fareip Farg Farros Farvi Fela Feleda Felibad Felxid Felxin Fene Feneret Flóin Ford Fordiche Fords Forie Forin Foris Frad Frakin Franulie Fraq Fraxa Fráin Fráing Furn Fílis Fílite Gabion Gabizd Gabizâr Gacc Gaclir Gaclo Gall Gamanda Ganscord Garbe Gimne Glack Glarie Glói Glóinark Glóni Greid Grergrór Gros Grouddy Guage Guan Gund Gunda Hadoc Haeon Hali Halirake Hallis Harc Harmis Hathele Hauton Hegatur Hegilân Hela Heled Helmir Helxin Hizdîn Homet Hornjot Hospida Hyour Hype Hyperit Hyrrotet Ibad Ibadikel Ibund Ibuzdîn Igir Ijirrhe Inbark Iorn Ishaz Isto Jants Jarâg Jupori Kaly Kalôn Karf Karix Katitar Khee Khio Khizâral Khund Khundin Khuzbann Khuzbark Kinaq Kinscri Kiverin Kolyke Kormene Kuto Kília Kílicar Lack Lang Lans Lanulë Lasid Lassax Loculike Locupid Lodenere Loges Lond Loud Louddy Lóin Lónis Maharqeq Maled Mandapus Manus Margûn Mast Masto Matita Matlypso Medela Megalia Mege Metit Mimr Mono Mund Munde Mung Mênus Nale Nall Namir Narax Narb Nark Narpol Narpoot Narviuq Nord Nushar Nálinsao Obea Ofaraxa Ofarix Ophe Ords Oriel Orilverd Orin Paala Paalite Paalle Pali Palthys Palysnoe Pandus Pangron Panth Pasida Pergan Perito Phan Phnia Pornand Prazad Prong Proolli Proot Pror Pros Prosa Pucesto Rall Ranan Rearbhio Rephe Ressall Rhel Rhobe Rholls Rhores Rinda Riviuq Rowdeia Ruke Rukhee Rukthype Salarion Salin Salls Saomimr Shad Shal Shalin Shizdîn Shmêk Siaq Sidape Siethee Sigim Silfar Silgalls Sillian Silâb Sind Sion Sita Site Skalde Skaled Skolong Sper Sperhol Spid Spin Spinoe Stebed Stlykerd Ston Stondu Stoot Stootep Stre Stumbria Suryde Suttury Sycolls Taff Tara Targ Tari Tark Tayge Teatebhi Tephoede Thall Thallend Tharchol Thariete Thearvos Thel Thela Theros Thewer Thoe Thry Thyoudys Thyper Thypsams Thûn Thûr Tinanke Tiss Toold Treia Tumbrin Tumund Turas Turi Turn Uddy Uddysno Udubad Umun Unda Undes Undulûn Undus Unguages Upid Upol Upolode Urse Ursethe Uryde Urydelad Uzun Valiraxa Valiter Valle Valthee Vene Vergams Wordia Wori Wrix Xinam Yong Zigillof Zigline Zira Zâraq Zârazar Óinda Óinoeda
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444names · 2 years
inheritance cycle dwarvish dictionary + tolkienesque forenames
Adalgrimë Adangel Adangrod Agash Aiwen Akhôr Alade Alcar Alcarho Alcarrv Aldacil Aldaneld Aldarmer Aldog Alfrecthen Allas Amanwë Amlaitë Amonguard Amroddesti Anatar Anbori Anborond Ancal Ancalmar Ancarmer Ancien Ancienna Andil Anfaugh Angerda Angers Angnarharn Anáro Arach Aragor Aragorlaf Arahild Arandil Arangers Arannot Arassa Arathey Aration Aravanish Arazôn Arethirion Argel Argent Argrimst Ariën Arrev Arrim Arrion Artheim Artos Arveduil Arvel Arvlor Atherion Athiel Athing Balim Balimë Balindil Barahards Baraphert Barzûleg Baugh Baugly Bearth Belar Belatar Belatárien Belebrin Belemmaiar Belendir Beless Belgon Bella Bellan Beorl Beorlimë Berall Berylladil Blador Bolgerdûm Borindur Bregold Bregorl Brimë Brodreth Calace Calimë Caragon Caragondil Carho Celendigen Celendur Celenthiv Celenwë Celepharng Celeth Ciryatue Clange Countar Cousing Cously Cowards Creat Curungol Círdacil Daerion Daeros Daneldë Dangerda Daron Differunír Doubless Dragolas Dragond Dragorbag Dragund Drahad Drahild Drahir Drasting Drâthn Duilion Dware Dwarrvel Dweir Dômarë Ecstair Ecstamir Egalmir Egrimë Eiline Elardil Elaróf Elates Elebrían Electhen Elemir Elemnarda Elendir Elendless Elfhil Ellador Elmacil Elrast Ememore Endûnakh Enerdûm Engolodh Enoth Eowyn Equival Eradonnû Erall Erally Erein Erenht Erestred Erker Estir Etall Eären Eärendurin Eärnurlag Faland Famir Fangbor Fangborn Fanger Fangerost Fanimrahad Farth Fatesti Fathir Felatanel Fight Findomir Firmador Fistep Flickers Forgen Forgon Formacil Fortuness Fough Fountar Frectly Frerinien Friel Friendeard Frostation Fundis Fëanorin Fíril Galacarans Galack Galadri Galdar Gamilzôr Gamir Gandoher Garwen Gauhúr Gedthride Gencesten Genough Ghadoc Gilrast Gimil Gimloth Giver Glauds Gollorss Golodh Gorom Greater Greatum Grimsthad Grimula Grimë Guage Guardacil Guarded Guardil Guestep Gwine Gáldhiel Gûndnzmall Hadoc Halbarzûln Halemir Halland Hally Halmo Hangrod Hangrodûm Happengold Haroth Heftha Helmo Heren Herining Hireca Hirteen Homeone Hously Hrestone Humor Hyarin Hyarmador Húrion Imbul Indil Indor Interm Inzilade Inziladril Inzilas Inzilass Irmation Ivrin Jealouse Jorda Jurgeless Knurlagduf Knurlas Landor Lanor Lanthir Lanthráin Liberegrin Liberein Liberghadn Likenel Likenes Lists Lobella Loverghade Lugduf Maegnorin Magle Magol Magons Magonui Mandui Mannon Marahildor Meitum Meldir Menducali Messa Messarth Messenge Mezzinto Minel Minurlagol Minyë Mithrond Mometal Mortunes Mothain Mountaros Míril Narfinwë Neckless Nessail Nielandil Nielseriën Nimline Nimlotha Nimrothos Nostone Nínien Nïdhwathir Ondil Ondir Onehead Ordamir Oromir Orondir Orophir Peren Perië Pharn Pharûg Plack Pledwonnû Priznarho Ragund Ratch Rellanor Ridernal Riverghas Rúmily Saerindir Saghâl Sakalthôn Sartisans Sarumor Saurond Scathis Scholy Shadn Shador Sheilin Shelzvog Shiem Shing Simula Simultan Sindelva Sindil Sirior Smaladrize Smalanth Smauhúr Smithe Smithgech Somer Sorrond Speardacil Spearmer Stain Stainly Stamilzôr Stativen Staturgon Steen Stelpere Stoherin Stong Strat Stratch Stronto Sweldireca Sweldûnakh Súrin Telepharn Tempere Theligen Thert Therumore Thining Thire Thorn Thornthing Thrid Théod Théodel Théodeneld Théodreth Trancarn Turam Turamir Turgel Uftha Uglir Uglistel Uinurlands Uldorrow Ulwar Unbear Undac Undearth Unstop Urzhador Vairs Valatarcil Valemmakin Vanishnákh Vardsver Vargrim Vargrining Vidumanwë Vidumavir Vondil Vondir Vorom Vorontir Vothos Vrent Warrann Warve Warvedui Warvinca Wergil Wheth Worded Wormv Wounter Yáviel Zeith Zimraharn Zimrothéod Éowynth Íriel Írieldil Írient
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