#had two dog related dreams last night which is strange because I don't generally remember my dreams
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bobomcfoe · 4 months ago
Had a dream where I got a borzoi and named it dvd normal
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emcon-imagines · 4 years ago
also, i guess this is for telling you *our* most paranormal experience, but because I don't have any: 🌒 what's *your* most paranormal experience? I love paranormal stories a lot, so don't hold back.
OMG ok Clara I have to admit I’ve had a lot of paranormal experiences since I was a kid so I’m going to keep it as brief as possible but...
I grew up living right by the most haunted woods I’ve ever known in my life. My house abutted them and those woods and another set of woods covered a lot of our town/neighborhood. We liked to play in there, building forts, hiding from the older kids, sometimes using it as a cut-home from the middle school when it was getting dark.
When I was six, I was walking my dog by the woods, a little after dark, when my dog stopped walking and started sniffing the air before going completely stiff and staring into the dark. So I turned and saw the silhouette of this massive skinny creature standing on two legs and we STARED at each other for a good moment before it took OFF and I grabbed my dog and ran all the way back to my house. I thought it could be a deer on two legs, but the proportions were all off, and the head shape was all off. Also, I don’t recall it running away on four legs. The eyes were fuckin weird too. Ever since I’ve just referred to it as “the shapeshifter” and it’s the reason why if I’m hanging around those woods late at night, I still don’t like to look too closely into the dark or shine a flashlight in, because I’m afraid of what I’ll see haha
Umm and then when we were like 12 we were playing in the snow behind my neighbor’s house one evening when we saw these two lights in the woods. So, of course, we ran, until the lights emerged from the woods and we saw they were flashlights being carried by two little kids (maybe 5 and 7 y/o?). They were dressed in like winter clothes like from A Christmas Story haha. Anyways, we asked them “where did you come from? where are your parents?” and they said NOTHING and eventually turned around and walked back into the woods, their lights just kind of disappearing.
My roommate just told me “wait tell them about the deaths” and I really don’t wanna get into those, but we have it on good faith that those woods were cursed, both the woods themselves and the people who spent too long in them. I remember coming home from school to see police cars everywhere and a bunch of K-9s and they ended up finding a body where we would play. The other major one is too recent and I can’t get into it but one of the guys that used to be A Character in all of our childhood adventures made national headlines a few years ago for what he did.
There was also a haunted farmhouse near us (it was like two hundred years old) and when the original owner died, no one moved in, so it’s been sitting abandoned for the last 10 years. We used to sneak in there and explore, especially dare each other to go down to the basement, which had this like... face on the wall? In white? It was like the wall decayed Just So and it freaked us out that it sent us running out of the basement one time. When we played manhunt in the summer, hiding in that house/under the porch was a PRIME location because not many other kids wanted to go NEAR the place. Sometimes, at night, we’d see smoke coming out of the chimney, and there was a face we’d see in the window on the right of the front door. Looked like those masks that the death eaters wore in the Harry Potter movies. That house gives me the willies man.
Weird shit used to happen in those woods. We’d build a fort using massive logs it took all of us to raise and set up, and the next day it would be completely disassembled, all the logs in a neat pile. You’d always hear strange noises, and have the feeling that you were being watched, especially the closer it got to dark (we bailed the minute the sun started to go down). It was also a prime spot for partying teens and was a drop spot for drug dealers, so we had a LOT of odd encounters with people in there.
There were always strange lights in those woods. and OMG I just remembered the black helicopter that used to circle sometimes and would freak out my mom (now THAT’S some Stranger Things shit)
umm God one time we were playing and encountered these two pasty white guys who looked identical and were both bald and they stared us down from their car and we were like ??? hello????
OH MY GOD I FORGOT THIS ONE but we had this legend of a guy we called “Flashlight Jimmy” and the legends said that you would see him riding a bike around at night with a flashlight and if he got close to you, he’d ask to look down your throat and wouldn’t take no for an answer. We even had a game called “Flashlight Jimmy Tag” which was like flashlight tag but with the added local flair. so one night we were playing and my brother and I got chased by someone with a flashlight so we ran into our neighbor’s house which was deemed the “base” and everyone was sitting there watching a movie and it turns out we MISSED THE GAME ENDING SO WHO THE FUCK CHASED US
other general paranormal (non-woods related things)
the DREAMS we used to have the most WACK dreams (me especially, that could be a whole ‘nother post) but my brother and I shared the same dream in the same night once or twice. apparently, I used to scare people because I’d have these things they called “spells”? where I would wake up in the middle of the night and act possessed, (like screaming and making faces and shit and then not remember it in the morning LMAO)
I’ve stayed in several haunted houses? One was a house with no service and no clocks and an attic door in my room that opened during the night and the creepiest portrait of this fancy lady on the stairs. another I fondly call the “Jesus house” because my first night there I was going to bed and then realized the owners had crucifixes EVERYWHERE like every decoration had some like hidden Jesus motif.
I saw a UFO with my grandmother when I was ten? Bright, bright ball of light in the sky, we thought it was a helicopter but when we got outside it was completely silent, so we thought it was a really close meteor but then it made a right turn
Lots of paranormal stories were called into my old radio show, some of those definitely had me on my toes when I walked home after my show that night phew
anyways I know there are definitely more but those are all the ones I can think of off the top of my head? ahfakjdhf as you can see I LOVE talking paranormal shit
fireside chat to celebrate 700!
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