#had to take these through the glass so theyre a lil foggy at places
poisonarium · 4 years
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frog party
dropped in a bunch of fruit flies in one spot, causing them all to congregate together for a minute (and several of them to stare intensely down in to the moss in these pics)
I know a lot of people put the fruit flies in a little glass dish in the same spot every time, so they’re sure their frogs eat every single one, but personally I think it’s a good thing to simulate their natural conditions by encouraging them to hunt. So I just throw in the flies where ever in their vivarium, and let the frogs go find them. They need to use their little frog brains and move those legs to get their food. The flies are very small, and easily hide among all the plants.
They probably don’t find every single fly, but I think encouraging them to be active, curious, and alert is more important. There’s no danger of them not getting enough to eat, since I put in a lot of flies, plus there’s springtails (and presently gnats, unfortunately) that are breeding in the vivarium which they can also pick off in between feedings. (But to be sure, I look at each frog and make sure they all have fat little bellies.) Never had an issue with them, and all their activity is entertaining to watch, too.
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