#had to play the sickeningly nice card yet again to get cel all riled up
alfredezra · 3 years
closed starter — @celinecapaldi​
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“thanks for meeting me on such short notice” alfie was out of breath from practically sprinting across campus to meet cel on time. “i don’t really know if this has a lot of sentimental value to you but it looked expensive so i figured i’d bring it back to you” he dug deep down into his pocket and pulled out a ring , one which must have slipped off of cel’s finger during their time snowed into the ski lodge.  “i heard you had a pretty eventful weekend after we left … something about the ‘slap heard ‘round the world’ or something” he chuckled , pulling out the seat across from her and sitting down. “hope you didn’t break a nail” he teased. 
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