#had to fix all the messed up imgur links since imgur deleted all my albums D:
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oc-menagerie-archived · 8 months ago
OOC: Took me awhile but I finally finished up my google doc of all my ocs I've ever made, series based and non-series based, as well as AUs some of them have with working links to pictures of them. :D
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condemnthem · 5 years ago
i was approached with more ludo testimony, as well as screenshots. as such, it will be under a read more. but before that i want to say how deeply sorry i am for what ludo put you through, and how painful everything must have been. i hope that sharing your testimony will help you, and i hope it will inspire others to come forward -- or spot the manipulation displayed in their own life and protect themselves from it.
there is also more testimony just as important that i’ll link here
in this imgur album you will find screenshots between the individual and ludo. i wrote quite a bit in the captions and kept deleting them because of how carried away i’d gotten from the anger at ludo. here is their testimony (damien = ludo):
I joined the RPG that Damien and I were in together after giving a lot of consideration. This RPG to me has always been very intimidating because the skill level of writers and i’d never heard many good things about the owners. regardless of how nervous i was, a friend of mine had a wanted role and I joined anyways and Damien was my first friend. it was my understanding that this friend i joined for and Damien had a falling out not long before and didn’t like each other. 
everything started great. he was really nice to me, always offered help if i needed it and even read all of my terrible narratives that i may have done. i thought i had made a friend for once that i could trust. 
eventually, it is revealed to me that Damien’s ex cheated on him with a girl in the group who i was also previously warned about before joining. admittedly i was intimidated by her as well. the screenshots i have show the start of a plan that Damien formulated to get back at this girl for sleeping with his LI. the plan was to make her fall in love with my character and then to break her heart and embarrass her. simply because he still believed she was trying to take his LI from him/wanted to get revenge on her. i knew that this was wrong and even though this person had not done me wrong, i went through with the plan. i do understand that it was a terrible thing to do, and i have owned up to that and regret it immensely. 
as things progressed, the girl kept being slightly rude to Damien in the blast, at events, etc. and he would take it personally. i was tired of the drama because it made me tired, so i ended things with the girl and used the excuse that i did not like the way she treated my friend (Damien). she was not happy, of course, and i understand that. 
my character was a cartel guy, so during a group wide i decided to progress his storyline that would cause him to lose sleep, panic, and all around just be not mentally there and somewhat having a mental break. 
in writing that the girl and i were doing (i was intending to use the writing for an activity check) after the group wide, my character showed up to her place and told her that he missed her because in some ways, she knew how to make him feel better. 
i don’t remember exactly how many days later or if it was the same day (sorry).. the friend i joined the group for logged into my page (because i used his pre-made page, which i know is my fault) to help me do something.. it was never specified what he was doing.. and read through my messages with the member’s page. saw the girl’s name for my writing activity check and read the paras, including the part where my character told her he missed her. 
between this time and when the plan was originally formed, i was approached multiple times by Damien, accusing me of actually falling for her, and liking her which i repeatedly denied.
i was at a super bowl party when i received a message in our group chat.. (damien, friend and i) and damien begins to address the fact they are demanding the truth about a situation i was being questioned for and that he was going to take the conversation to snapchat because he didn’t trust me to not screenshot. 
Damien begins to question and accuse me about the writing with said girl, saying that the friend was very upset by it and didn’t want to tell me. (friend later addressed this with me privately) and accused me of keeping stuff (i’m assuming my feelings?) from them. 
Damien then tries to deflect the issue of privacy by saying that friend went on to help me with something. 
I responded with the fact that the girl did not like it when people do not respond to her and the assumption of being kicked came from her friendship with the owner. 
Then he refers to the para where my character DID say those things, keep in mind, i had progressed the storyline to have him have some kind of a mental break (something that i was genuinely excited for but in this moment i was regretting) 
Damien then questions me (already ooc but even more so at this point) as to why it was necessary to tell this character that mine missed her. he then says he knows my character was messed up but was I.. me, the writer, messed up.  
he was angry because he thought i’d played them. at this point in the conversation Damien begins to screen record me, claiming that he was going to show friend. i was already angry because i was being addressed ooc while i am at a party so i told him i’d tell friend myself since he wanted to screen record. 
Damien then accuses me of doing a lot of things to hurt him. i am not saying that i did not do things to hurt him, but if i did hurt them it was not intentional by any means. friend and i didn’t have very good communication. he claims to care about both of us and reiterates that he’s speaking for both of them and not just him and then admits that he decided to confront me, it was not friend’s idea. 
Damien then goes on to try to get me to admit to lying, which i wasn’t, and making a very sad effort at leading me into a confession that wasn’t factual. i was so frustrated at this point that i told him if they didn’t trust me, then they should do just that… not trust me. i was angry, and extremely annoyed that he came at me ooc and was accusing me of things that were not true. over writing. because it was with someone he didn’t like. and tells me i shouldn’t be mad at him. 
i tell him that he’s backing me into a corner and i thought we were friends. at this point irl everyone around is concerned because i am acting funny and i’m turning red because my party has been ruined. 
Damien continued to tell me that there was no reason or excuse for me to write what i did because he didn’t deem it necessary. 
“i won’t let you make us think any less.” 
(side note: the next day i found out that friend DID NOT ask Damien to do this and he took it upon himself. therefore the “us” and “we” that he speaks of does not include the third party.) 
he claims to be trying to fix things between us but if friend had an issue with it, then as far as i’m concerned it was not Damien’s business to tell me so. he also tries to tell me i am offended and for the second time in the conversation tells me that he is “blunt” when he is really just an insufferable bully. 
“and i adore you. otherwise i wouldn’t care this much to be real with you.” 
i’m sorry but backing me into a corner does not mean that you adore me nor that you care for me. it means that you need to have your hands in everything, even if it doesn’t concern you. 
in the final part of the conversation before Damien and i parted ways for good, he tells me that friend does not want to lose me and that Damien was just trying fix it. then says AGAIN, that he thinks it was weird what i wrote in the para to that girl. Damien then asks how friend was supposed to confront me and i quickly told him that friend confronted me the night before and we talked it out. Falsifying all of Damien’s original claims. Damien had no right to reach out to me to question me about a situation that does not directly involve him. 
after that Damien got defensive because i began screen recording him. he accused me of planning to get him kicked, when in reality i was screen recording to show my girlfriend, who was out of the room at the moment, because the conversation was absurd. 
the last thing he said before we both blocked was simply an accusation that i was going to use the video to get him kicked from the group. 
i was speaking with an admin of the group (as a friend, not a mod) the entire time this was happening and it was her that went to the owner, not me. the owner asked politely to see everything to resolve the issue and i obliged. role play has always been my escape and Damien is not the first person that i have encountered like this. 
the owner refused to let me leave over the situation was because i was milliseconds away from pulling my role. i was willing to leave so that Damien could stay because he had his LI, his friends, and everything else. ultimately he did get kicked and i was afraid to speak to anyone in the group for a couple days.  
i had a very brief LI-ship with the girl who was once his long lost sister who is now his LI in his group. i knew she’d had a few issues with Damien as well but told me that she was not angry with me because she knew how he could be. 
friend, if you’re reading this, i am sorry for not trusting your words about him and entering a friendship with him anyways. i strongly feel that our friendship would still be intact had this situation never happened and put us both on edge with each other, causing further lack of communication and eventually a huge falling out that i never wanted to happen. i was afraid to hurt you again since i had done so so many times already. stick to your gut about people because you were right about him. 
friend and i are no longer friends because of a situation with Damien’s LI but i have something else to say: 
Damien, if you’re reading this, i considered you a best friend. i really thought that we had a rock solid friendship and i am just sorry that i was wrong. i am sorry that i even allowed myself to be the “scapegoat” in your plan to hurt her. but i did it… because you were my friend. i do not want your apology for attacking me out of character: i do not want an apology for ruining my night and making me question whether or not i am the bad guy in all of this because the truth is, we both are…. only i own up to it. i originally wasn’t going to speak on this experience because it almost bothers me to dig it up, but i’ve seen multiple people acknowledge what happened to me so i figured i would just air it out and give the creator of this a chance to share the “snapchat” story. 
i do not want an apology. i want you to stop sticking your nose in situations it doesn’t belong. i want you to genuinely try to self-evaluate and figure what’s really up. at some point i thought we may be friends in the future until i was made aware of words still spewing from your mouth about a group you were no longer in and an owner who didn’t give you your way. i just hope that you get better and do your best to be the best you possible. do not apologize to me because you were forgiven. but i do not wish to be a part of your world, your life, and i wish we didn’t even walk on the same earth. 
i have owned up to all of the things Damien tried to throw me and friend under the bus for. i have acknowledged my wrong doings and have apologized to all parties who i hurt in this “plan” or in things that i said (about people) so that I wouldn’t cause any conflict with him. i could never apologize enough, however, because i actually feel guilty for the things that i’ve done. 
i hope everyone who has been hurt by him finds healing, and finds a way to keep telling their story. don’t stop now. 
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here ludo is seen collaborating to "ruin" someone out of character. mentally. wanting actual harm. reminder the person he was collaborating with to ruin this girl in question has since apologized and taken accountability. knowing what we know now about ludo, we know how manipulative he can be.
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here you see the pure vitriol and lack of care ludo has of someone else's mental health. this behavior has not changed. recently when he accused me of "doxxing" (which, btw, showing a public instagram you connected to your band name is not doxxing. you make manipulative songs used to guilt trip people. funny, also, how you said "emotional abuse is just as bad as physical abuse. get help" when you think therapy is a farce) he tried to intimidate me, say he was going to ruin me, etc etc. he hasn't changed.
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here ludo is bringing in character situations out of character. he claims telling an in character ex girlfriend "i miss you" is the same as saying it out of character. you also see him using another person to make his target feel outnumbered by using "we" and "it bothered him" - speaking for this other person as if to show them that they are on his "side".
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here ludo is seen trying to control the narrative because he's been called on his threat. i feel like you can tell how shitty ludo is being right here. i typed and deleted multiple times because his games pissed me off. but the screenshots speak for themselves.
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ludo straight up says "i don't really care" in response to "i thought we were friends" which shows he doesn't give a single shit about his friends if he has something he wants. which right now in these screenshots is to be right.
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here he gets upset that his target screen records what happened when he threatened to screen record the chat himself. it's hypocritical. there was no need for ludo to put his fucking nose in anything but he did because he's a narcissist with a problem with control. he HAS to be in control. always. and when he's not he throws a fit. 
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