#had to add those honerable mentions
perpetualproductions · 2 months
on repeat game!!!
go to 'on repeat/heavy rotation playlist on spotify/apple music, throw it on shuffle and share the first 10 songs you get
Thank you @spatialwave for the tag!! 💙
1. Slow Down - Peter McPoland
2. Genesis - Ren
3. The View Between Villages - Noah Kahan
4. Rational - Matt Maeson
5. Hate Myself - NF
6. Unconsolable - X Ambassadors
7. Woke Up Hurting - Frightened Rabbit
8. We Sink - Of Monsters and Men
9. Asleep on a Train (Piano) - Radical Face
10. Hear Me - Imagine Dragons
Honorable mentions: Sleep Deprivation - Chance Peña | Illest Of Our Time - Ren | Hallucinogenics - Matt Maeson | Asleep on a Train (strings) - Radical Face.
Constantly on repeat.
No-pressure tags!!! @minthandsoap @pinkcrocss @literaryspinster @freakshowtwopointoh @simiinthemirror @hezder and anyone else who wants to join in! Tag me! I'd love to see what you got. Fun way to discover new music too. Much love.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Oh! That cheating s/o ask where beat friend confesses? Could we have the mafias for that? If their answers are all the same, then some honerable mentions and whoever else you feel like writing for from your list? Just please add Don and Madame, I'm a simp 👉👈
Oof so this ask is a whole drama. Here is the original prompt:
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Don/Madame: whenever I write for them, just assume it’s a poly. Don and Madame are happily married so the only way they’re having a SO is if they shared. Anyways SO is SCREWED. And not by Don lol. No Madame will get revenge herself. Her lovely husband has mafia boss duties to attend to, and besides, she so rarely gets to show her claws~ as for friend, any respect Don had for them is gone. They lied to him and thought he wouldn’t take them seriously. And Madame is very disappointed as well. Honesty and loyalty are very important to these two
Snipe: I have no idea how SO could keep cheating a secret from him. Even if they fool snipe, there’s no way they can get it past ace and Madame. Those two can smell unfaithfulness like a shark smells blood in the water. Snipe already knew about the cheating and had been waiting for the best moment to drop SO. He’ll contact friend to tell them to stay out of it.
Bruiser: he’s kinda just resigned. Bruiser has had a few relationships before, and has been cheated on before too. It doesn’t make this suck any less, but he’s not surprised. What did surprise him was why friend didn’t tell him about the cheating. Sure they know about his “no snitching” thing. But surly this situation is different?
Ace: he already knew about the cheating. And ace was planning for a while how he wanted to call SO out. Most likely situation is that friend was in on it. Ace has them set up the whole scene in front of the people SO respects the most. And when they try to deny the cheating, ace will show off all the evidence he gathered. Get wrecked EX
Slim: SO is F*CKED. Ok first of all, slim is an absolute sweetheart who didn’t deserve this. Second, he’s the favorite brother and the one every one else is protective over. All the bothers are out for blood. and friend isn’t off the hook either. Either ace or boss will have a nice “chat” with them about why they should’ve told one of them sooner
Butch: stars this is dumb. SO is dumb for cheating on him obviously, and friend is dumb for lying about it, not trusting him, and then confessing their undying love for him to boss of all people. Boss! First order of business is breaking up with SO and making sure his angry brother doesn’t kill them. Next is telling friend to buzz off. He doesn’t need pansies in his life
Boss: he’s absolutely torn over it. When boss falls, he falls hard. And he won’t even care about revenge on his SO. Not that he needs to. Slim and butch are fighting over revenge privileges right now
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thefandomsurfer · 3 years
Favorites-Fruits Basket
Favorite Characters-
1. Kyo
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Hes angry, hes tragic, and he's a secret soft boi all in one. Kyos tied to me in a very dear way since, before the remake, He was one of the very first anime characters I fell in love with. I even named my orange cat after him! He's also a cat boi, and who does love cat bois? Hes someone who has been through so much in his life and decided he'd hate the world, himself, the person who he felt was responsible for his misfortunes, everybody. But he grew softer and softer as the episodes went on, until Tohru broke through his shell completely. He's a good boi, who deserves the world but instead got nothing.
2. Yuki
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Yuki is someone who slowly but surely climbed up my list until he made it to number two. This rat boi is not my ideal type at first. He was always sad, and I liked him enough, but I never warmed up to him. Until suddenly, I realized I just started to love him. His character grew, and developed and It happened so organically I didnt notice until I saw him acting so freely with Manabe. Hes such a good character, like most of the characters in this show.
3. Rin\Isuzu
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Shes been through so much in her life. She was told time and time again how much she was unwanted, how much nobody cared for her. But she found solace in Haru-And then the time came to let him go or he'd get hurt. So she did. Shes angry-Like Kyo-And a little too violent at times. But she's got hope yet, and shes very protective and loyal to those she cares about.
4. Hatsuharu
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Haru is an old favorite and he still holds a high spot on my list to this day. Hes funny and cute and his relationships to the other Zodiac members warm my heart. I love his relationship with Yuki, Rin and him makes me smile, and everytime he picks up Kisa and hugs her I get super soft. He also has that 'dark' side to him that adds spice to his character-So he's not just comic relief. Also-How protective he got over Rin?? When he tried to punch Akito?? Perfection.
5. Tohru
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Tohru is adorable and sunshine incarnate. However, shes also just as broken up inside as a lot of other characters in this show. She had also been through a lot, and even though she seems like the typical 'Overly-Kind, Cheerful Girl' she becomes so much more then that the more you watch her.
Honerable mentions: Hana, Manabe, Akito, Kureno, and Momiji.
Favorite ship:
I am a simple soul, I see angry cat boi go soft for sunshine cinnamon roll, I ship.
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What they both stand for in each others lives, the light in the darkness, their hope-Everything. Kyo was essential to Tohrus development, and Tohru was a key part to Kyos. His softness with her, his protectivness, his desparte want to be with her, and her finally being selfish and putting her wants first-Her want to be with him, and her need to keep him by her side-Its all I want in a ship. They have angst, they have fluff, they have domestic moments...The playfullness he exudes around her and the goofiness she has around him...They both dont show that side to other people.
But Haru and Rin grew on me in the final season and Manabe and Yuki are v cute. (Even though thats not the cannon Yuki ship)
Favorite Quote:
I have so many I dont think I can choose just one. But I'll say the one that sprang to mind first-Even if this is not the 'absolute favorite'.
"During Katsuyas Funeral some no-good relatives said some no-good things.
'She doesnt look a bit like Katsuya.'
'Are we sure shes even his?'
And 'She'll be no comfort at all.'
She was so young, maybe they thought they could say what they wanted and she wouldnt understand.
Idiots. Children absolutely understand what adults say."
Best Looking Girl: Rin\Isuzu
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Runner ups: Kyoko, Machi and Hanna!
Best Looking Boy (These two are a couple and it has my bisexuality quaking): Haru
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Runner ups: Kyo, Hatori, Kureno and Shigure.
Gosh this is hard....I love so many! Kisa and Tohru are so adorable, Haru and Yuki make me go so soft,Kyo and Kazuma warm my heart, and Saki, Uo, and Tohru are the definition of best friends...
But I think the end is a tie between...
Yuki and Tohru:
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Yuki and Tohru-I love them. Hes so soft around her and she cares about him so much. They are abosultly adorable! But not in a romantic way. I think their friendship is beautiful-And how much she helped him grow, helped him become more of a person with hope and strength pulls at my heartstrings. And now he wants to do whatever he can to help her the way she helped him and he seems to be willing to do nearly anything possible to do it.
And Rin and Tohru:
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Tohru and Rin are another soft spot more me because of just how cute they are! Rin also acts tsundere about it and it makes me giggle. Tohru brings comfort to Rin, a mothers comfort, and Rin never had that before so she clings to it (Much like Yuki). And Rins protective nature when it comes to Tohru how she was going to defend Tohru to Kureno and in the manga how she did it back because of Kaguras attack-I just really like it. And Rin gets a little soft for her sometimes as well-Its adorable.
Thats all for now! I'll do more of these sometime.
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strawberryybird · 3 years
12, 13, 22 for the FE16 ask meme! 💖
💖 oooh these were very fun qs, thank you!! 💖
12) Favourite final map? ashen wolves!!! i fucking LOVED the final map. it was the only map in the dlc i absolutely stormed, to the point i beat monster-mum before she used her special ability lmao, i was so confused as to why my brother got so frustrated!! i went back and did it a couple more times to play it properly and i had SO much fun playing that map!! it was my kind of challenge!! also Thematically, the whole retroactive foreshadowing for the ends of the other routes with the whole body-horror-monster-autonomy-free-will-devotion-dragon-mum-in-a-church-and-we-killed-her-with-other-thematic-buzzwords content. Now That's my kind of story. i fucking Loved ashen wolves, it might get the edge for my favourite route overall!!
13) Favourite song in the soundtrack? Oh it simply must be Colour of Sunrise. it's absolutely colour of sunrise. i love that track completely unironically, it's just marvellous on every single level to me. not only for the Fire Emblem Emotions it instills in me, but i'd also probably listen to it if it was on spotify. honerable mentions go to; Chasing Daybreak (rain) for the emotional decimation it wrought upon my ears when the timeskip turned all my little students into hardened war criminals; A Promise bc it, again, heavily tied to my favourite moments of the game; Broken Routine because i didn't expect the MUSIC to mourn jeralt as well. literally the music from this game is so, so good. i love how cohesive it is.
22) Unpopular or rare ship/support you really like, and why? ohohohoo well. my 3H otp is hubert/dorothea/edelgard/byleth. and ferdie too, why not. any combination of those 5, really. I saw the found family trope in the eagles and went 'is someone going to add romance to that' and did not wait for an answer. poly eagle rights. 'co-dependence' feels a little.. like a damnation, but when it comes to shipping, i very much enjoy those complex war-weathered relationships that are too entangled to separate. (sidenote: that's not exclusive to my fire emblem fanning. i see a fucked up group of fictional friends and i start making polycule onboarding jokes.) The other ship i'm ride or die for that counts as rare is dorothea/hubert!! I'm obsessed with their no children by the mountain goats vibe. their canon end card is probably one of my favourites, and honestly i just think they have some Discussions^tm to have with each other, which is why i crave their ship content lmao. my other otp that i do not think gets enough love is leonie/ignatz!! mostly based in my own headcanons about them, but I love them very very much. I think they'd have such an interesting post-war dynamic (as archers, as 'commoners', something something their utility to the deers/world in a post-war ceasefire environment flipped, both grapple with the idea of debt - to jeralt/her village and to his parent's wishes/raphael) and honestly i would sell off the remaining inch of my soul for more of them. i love them so much. I've been chipping away at a deers post-war!au fic about exactly that, but i lost a solid few months worth of work on it and now i'm so unmotivated to finish it :') i'm also SO on board for Edelgard/Ingrid as (and idk if it's rare or unpopular, but) most of the work i've seen for them has been absolutely class, and the very, very niche (to the point i'd almost consider it a crackship) Edelgard/Leonie. but that one's purely self indulgence <3
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arrow-uses-sketch · 5 years
Take on the humanoid Pokemon issue
At the point of this writing the Gen 8 games Pokemon Sword/Shield had been out for a week and the Starters had been leaked just one week before release. Of course they created controversy since two of them are heavily humanoid. And that got me to think… what does and does not work for humanoid Pokemon?
I’ve been thinking about this for a few days and I just kinda have to write it out. It’s mostly self-analysis as to what works and what doesn´t for me personally, but if you are interested below the cut will be the entire thing. Just so this post won´t be infinitely long. Obviously, this entire thing is just my humble opinion, so if you happen to see it completely different that’s absolutely fine!
So… humanoid Pokemon had been around since day one and surprisingly there aren´t too many of them. They just seem so prominent because the last 4 generations had at least one humanoid starter Pokemon, the arguably most important monsters of the entire game next to the box-art legendaries.
To make things easier I’ll group them together in 4 categories, starting with:
 Humanoid Pokemon that work:
Machamp, Hitmonchan, Mr. Mime, Jynx, Gardevoir, Gallade, Sawk, Throw, Gothitelle, Bisharp, Tsareena and Hattereene. Honerable mention: Alakazam and Hitmonlee, I suppose.
While I personally think at least 3 for them are butt freaking ugly (Jynx, Tsareena and Hattereene) still all of them work as humanoid Pokemon. The reason therefore could be that neither of them is based or only barely based on an animal. At least I have no idea what animal Alakazam is supposed to be or Gardevoir or Hattereene. The only exception maybe might be Machamp, since it’s pre-evos are pretty lizard like but other than that. They are literally just monsters that happen to look close to humans. We don´t have a real life animal counterpart to compare them with, unlike the next category.
 Humanoid Pokemon that don´t work:
Emboar, Aromatisse, Incineroar, Cinderace and Inteleon.
Yes, and this is where the starter issue comes in. I don´t necessarily think they are bad by any means (save for Incineroar, but that’s a different story) but unlike the Pokemon above, these are just… very unpleasant to look at in my eyes for the polar opposite as to what makes the others work. These are for the most part based on animals yet look way too much like humans in stance. They could have literally not given Inteleon a worse pose. Same with Cinderace. Which is quite a shame, cause I think they are pretty okay Pokemon otherwise.
Emboar was the beginning for fire starters that starter out on all fours to suddenly turn bipedal. And it really didn´t do the best job at that, so that left quite a sour taste in my mouth even after all these years though it did grow on me a lot since it was first confirmed.
Incineroar...  is it’s entire own story. I’ll be honesty here, I’m pretty biased against it for a few reasons but leaving that out... It’s sort of the same as Emboar. Started out adorable and then turned.... into that. What makes matters worse for it, is the fact that they made it run on all fours in the 20th movie! Why the fuck did they force it on two legs if they make it run like a gorilla anyway???
There is just something very weird about them, about the way the present themselves. It’s clear they are not human, yet they behave way too much like it in body-language and that just looks extremely strange. And it really doesn´t help that up to this point we don´t have any 2D art of Inteleon and Cinderace and are stuck with their rather unexpressive 3D models
 Humanoid Pokemon based on animals that work:
Lucario, Zoroark, Delphox, Greninja, Midnight Lycanroc, Salazzle and Zeraora.
The furry squad or “Pokemon that should be on all fours but are not, yet still somehow work”
So what do these Pokemon have their other animal based counterpart lack? Design wise… their freaking legs and their entire stance therefore. They don´t feel nearly as much human as the ones above just because their legs stay closer to what their real life animal counterpart in real life would look like if they stand on their backlegs. Just imagine them having these weird straight human legs and suddenly they become way more unpleasant to look at.
We can even compare Salazzle and Inteleon, since they are both based on lizards and I got to say, between the two, I think Salazzle is the better design and I don´t even like Salazzle. Give Inteleon the kind of legs Salazzle or its pre-evo has and congrats! You get a way better looking lizard Pokemon without losing the entire agent-thing it has going on.
I know Delphox is kinda a grey area here, because many people hate it, but for me it kinda works. I just sort of like the idea of a wizard fox since foxes are seen as this magical mysterious beings in Japan. I also really like mages and the entire online RPG theme Gen 6 has going on with them. But I suppose for those who dislike/hate it, it can also be put in the second category. It works too.
 And last but not least…
Humanoid Pokemon that have no excuse, but still work for me:
Machoke, Blaziken and Obstagoon.
For these… I got nothing.
Machoke is literally just  a bodybuilder with a lizard head attached to it, yet it’s one of my favorite Gen 1 Pokemon and Blaziken (the arguably first humanoid starter) could very well be just a guy  in a chicken costume, but it’s a very loved starter. At least I don´t see anyone complain about it.
So why is that? Well… I guess nostalgia is to blame for that. They really have no excuse and should be up there with Aromatisse and the others, but they don´t. And you know why? Cause when they came out, I (and I’m sure the majority of the online Pokemon community… supposingly anyway) was a small child that was just fascinated with this whole world of fictional creatures and how much I wished I could be part of it. I didn´t care how human they looked. That just came later when I became more conscious of literally anything. I’m serious. You could switch Blaziken with Cinderace and still get the same result. And I guess that’s the thing. Children don´t care. They don´t think how things could have been and just take things as they are. Maybe that comes later, like Jynx for me, but who knows. Everyone is different and there are plenty of people my age that love the Pokemon I think I don´t work, which is totally fine.
As for Obstagoon… I really got nothing. It’s not nostalgia, it’s everything I said should make it not work… yet here I am, thinking it’s one of the best looking Gen 8 Pokemon. Well, I guess exceptions exist everywhere.
 So… that is that. I’m sorry for assay, but this was just something I had to get out. If I’m being hypocritical I apologize, was not my intend. And please don´t feel attacked if you happen to like the Pokemon I made obvious I don´t enjoy. If you like them, totally fine! Everyone has their own preferences and tastes.
Feel free to add your own view! I’d be super interested in hearing others thoughts!
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embershx · 6 years
Tagged by @epselion
Because tag memes are an addiction for them XD
1. Post the rules 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger 3. Write 11 questions of your own 4. And tag 11 people
1. If you could only eat one more thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
How broad are we being? Because a part of me is flat-out ready to say ‘Food’ XD Probably pizza? It covers quite a variety of potential meals without being as broad-to-the-point-of-cheating as, like, pasta or something. 
2. You can change one thing about the world/universe, what is it you would add or remove?
Oooooh, this is tough. A big part of me wants to add magic. Like, give everyone magic powers - everyone gets a power. I dunno what but they’ll get one... But honesty, as much as I’d love magic... I’m probably gonna remove the concept of unkindness/cruelty or something like that. There’s so much about humanity I hate man. Racism, sexism, assholes, incels...
3. Is there a song you have a deep association with?
Lots of Icon For Hire songs really resonate with me. Particuarly ‘The Grey’ at the moment. It’s about knowing that what you’re doing isn’t good for you but being held back from changing by fear. Under all your excuses of not knowing how really you’re stopping yourself.  In a similar vein there’s their song ‘Iodine’ which is a similar theme specifically about mental health and how it becomes so much a part of your identity that you don’t know how to let go. Also ‘Fight’, which seems to counter these and say ‘I can do this, and I will.)
4. If you had to use a Shakespearian quote to describe yourself, what would it be? Catch me googling Shakespeare quotes XD As an honerable mention I want to point out that  ‘Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.’ is not a serious quote. It’s a dick joke. He’s talking about his penis. And thrusting it upon people. XD Please noone ever use this quote to describe yourself. XD (Unless you’re defined by dick thrusting or the reception thereof) ‘Lord what fools these mortals be’ is relatable AF but not quite the question. "Self-love, my liege, is not so vile a sin, as self-neglecting." is something I need to take on board more  I’d probably go with "Our doubts are traitors, And make us lose the good we oft might win, By fearing to attempt."
5. If you could take a trip to an imaginary destination from any book you read, where would you be going?
Honestly, if I’m going for a trip probably Narnia? I love forests that I can wander through. The problem I always face with questions like this is ‘What is my status there?’ Like Hogwarts? Great, you’re a muggle, have fun in the run down castle. (I will,, ruins are my jam, but that’s beside the point). Westeros? You’re a peasant, good luck. So as I am? It’s gotta be some place pretty with not a lot of city-scape.
6. Do you have any weird food combo that is ungodly but so good?
Honest to go this sounds gross but is so good. Chicken Korma sauce and chicken, on Chow Mein noodles, wrapped in one of those rice-pancakes for duck.  Oriental all-you-can-eat buffets are great for it XD
7. If you could learn one artisan skill, what would it be?
I’m not sure I’m using this phrase right but I looked it up and from what I saw I’d say making clothes. I think it’d be nice to just be able to put together what I want to wear instead of going shop-to-shop and finding something close enough but not quite right and settling for it. 
8. What is the ultimate forbidden snack?
Tide pods
9. Which D&D race would you probably be if you were a player character, and what alignment?
I’m assuming this is if I could choose. I’d probably go for an elf of some sort (probably a healer, not that you asked) and Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral depending on how we’re defining it. Based on standard morals Neutral, based on for-others/equal/for-yourself Good, because I’ll do shitty things for the benefit of people, 
10. What animal/creature would be your witch familiar?
I’m gonna be hella vanilla here and say a cat, though anything large enough to pet and hug is a yes from me. Even if it’s generally not huggable, like a crocodile or smth. It’s my familiar and I’m gon’ hug it. 
11. Do you look up to someone, either a character or a real person, and why?
I look up to a lot of people actually; My mum is the main one, she tries so hard to put the family before herself. (Not other people so much, but she was certainly my rolemodel growing up. And she’s still the standard I hold for what a parent SHOULD be and not many measure up.  Ummm... My friend Hawke is another one; They’s so on-point with social justice stuff and they always have the patience to deal with my ignorant ass and my constant ‘but why’s XD I aspire to that level of understanding, both knowledge-wise and compassion-wise. 
Ok, my questions are 1. What supernatural race/species/etc. would you like to be and why 2. Favorite book series and why 3. Favorite TV show and why 4. Top Pokémon, nickname (if you’d use them), why you like them, and contest or battle  5. Starwars Prequal Trilogy, Original Trilogy, or Sequal Trilogy? (If you don’t watch/care tell me about a hot celeb/character you’d like to rescue you waving a magic glowing sword. With full details.) 6. Harry Potter house and why 7. Best and worst trait 8. You got black out drunk at the party. When you wake up your friend tells you that you   a. Pet like 10 dogs and cried because they were so fluffy  b. Got into like 3 fights. 4 if you include the one with yourself  c. Threw up on someone  d. All of the above  e. All of the above, and kept partying 9. In a dream world, your ideal job would be 10. 3 wishes. (You can’t wish for world peace or any global goals. Personal wishes(can wish for friends/family)) 11. You can have the powers of ONE super hero/villian. Who and why I’m gonna taaaaag @themightyblim @theonlyrufus @oswobblepot @childofvanaheim @justaseasaltyselkie   ... I think that’s all my friends XD
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clamonnaturalhealth · 7 years
Multiple Sclerosis Major Improvement
this is from friend that has adult MS, she bought a bottle about 5 days ago…….. Oh and by the way… We got in them drops last week and we both been taking them twice a day now for about 5 days now… And it seems to be helping Heather… She was able to walk Walmart today better than she had been and she has been able to pretty much stop taking her moloxicam & neurotin…
From Jennifer
I just burned the heck out of my hand with a flat-iron while doing my hair. I put one drop of Hempworx on it and it stopped the burning immediately, and this is the Peppermint! I thought the Peppermint may make it hurt worse, but nope! I totally recommend this for something as simple as burns. It works! Update: No blister today!  Read on the rest of these testimonials are truly amazing, too!!!!! For more information or to place an order go HERE.
Susan shares:
Long testimony! I have suffered for 20 years from fibromyalgia, horrible headaches, super tight painful muscles, stiff joints, depression and anxiety. Most recently March 2016 I suffered a hip injury, started limping which caused greater trochanter bursitis, tendinitis, and I have been limping ever since. This caused problems with my SI joint, muscle spasms in my legs, and plantar fasciitis. I have gotten injections every 4 months just so I could continue working. My quality of life sucked because I was in so much pain. This wonderful woman ordered some CBD oil for me and told me to take it. It took me 4 days to try it and the only reason I did was because My pain kept me from sleeping and I could barely get out of bed. I started out with half a dropper full of 500 mg and It started working immediately! I could feel my muscles instantly relaxing. I’ve been taking half a dropper 2x a day for 2 weeks and I feel like a well oiled machine! I don’t have any joint pain at all and I feel like my whole body moves so smooth. I am not limping anymore and my plantar fasciitis is better. I don’t even think about taking my anxiety medicine because I feel so calm. My headaches are almost non existent and I can go for days without ibuprofen or Tylenol. I am in such a good mood because I feel great! This stuff is a miracle and I wish I would’ve found it sooner. All this stuff didn’t happen overnight..it happened gradually so give it time to work and take it consistently. Thank you God! CBD Oil Is it Legal? What is it? Will it Help Me?
From Kelli:
HERE IS MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE::: Well, folks. Its been a week since i started giving Sierra the CBD OIL in place of her 20 mg Adderall 3X daily. I guess i should start this by telling you all that Sierra has ADD/ADHD/ & ODD. While the pills do work, they have horrible side effects, such as thoughts of suicide, depression, sleepiness,and not to mention the horrible mood swings, plus many more that i wont go into. Sierra isn’t quite 15 yet. She has always been on the Honers Roll and been a top student. However, she can sometimes be mean, both physically and emotionaly. I researched this product for months. After all, I was going to be giving it to my child. After seeing other parents sharing about the results that they were having i decided to give it a try. I absolutely HATE giving my child her prescribed medication almost as much as i hated the side affects it gave her. For the past week i have been giving Sierra 5 drops in the morning and 5 drops in the evening. I stopped the medication completely before doing this several days before hand. Her and i both noticed a difference on day 2!!! Not only did i not have to fight with her to take it, but she actually said, “Hey mom, do i take that calming oil again today?” That is NOT normal for her. Within just a cpl of days of taking this oil her mouthing and meaness has all but subsided. There is no more anxiety, her ADHD/ADD is non existant to those around her, and her ODD is nowhere in sight. I cannot tell you how happy I am that i gave this product a try. I am now taking it myself for my pain from my endometriosis and since i started taking it i haven’t taken any over the counter or prescribed meds for pain. I absolutely love this oil and i fell so very grateful that i was introduced to it. All You Need to Know About CBD and Anxiety (Infographic)
Hey everybody!! I have something new to add….I started using hempworx for anxiety, depression and chronic pain. It has worked fabulously for all of those! I’ve been taking it for 2months and in that time it feels like my body has been refueled!! My pain, shaking, anxiety and depression have completely disappeared but never in a million years did I think it would do what it’s done for my skin!! Not only do I feel healthy but I look healthy too!! It has evened out my skin tone as well as diminish wrinkles!! Also, water is tasting exceptionally good and so is fruit!! It has revived cells that were inactive!!ive used all of the products now and my life as well as my outlook on life has completely changed!! Thank you to hempworx and all the helpful people involved!!! It’s truly amazing y’all!! I have started taking a dropper in the morning, half of a dropper in the middle of the day and a dropper in the evening! I feel wonderful!! I’ve been searching for this feeling for years and now I’ve found it!!
From Christy: i have been taking the 500mg oil for just over 4 weeks. I have had great results with regaining my clarity, less anxiety, energy level is up, and fewer night sweats. I have also noticed how my finger nails have become harder and grow quicker AND my hair feels thicker and darker. Anyone else experiencing less gray?
Hello. My name is Glenda. I’d like to share an experience that I haven’t seen here. Today is Tuesday. Sunday night I felt the manifestation of a cold sore, a fever blister, on my lip. I put a drop of HempWorx CBD oil on my lip before going to bed. Yesterday morning, the swelling had gone down and there was no pain. Another few drops throughout the day (maybe three total). Today, Tuesday, completely gone! I love this stuff! Thank you for being patient and showing me this marvelous product which I now share as well. Blessings to all.
From Jenny .. “My personal testimony: In September of this year, I was about to marry the man of my dreams but my body was so uncooperative. I was on 14 different medications. I was chasing symptoms and side effects. I was miserable, stiff, and in pain all the time. I was about to get married and just barely even mobile. I did a lot of research on different brands. I finally decided to try Hempworx. I started with just 5 drops of 500mg 2x a day. I worked my way up to a full dropper 2x a day and decided to move up to the 750mg. It took some time to really feel a difference. It didn’t happen overnight. After about 3 weeks I started noticing that I was taking less pain medication so I cut down on the long-acting dose I was taking. Over that next week, I started cutting down on everything. Currently, I’m not on ANY extended release pain medication, no NSAIDS for inflammation, no sleep meds, no acid reflux meds. I take my Humira injection weekly and my 2 meds for diabetes and that is IT. From 14 meds down to 3 in a 3-month time frame. My advice to you? Be consistent. Give your body time to adjust to the changes. Don’t give up, you can and WILL feel better!” Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain, explained, Including CBD Oil
  Last week, I followed my gut and took Ryan off ridalin, with his doctors consent. He would come home agitated and filled with anxiety and just did not want to be anywhere. No appetite which I was told was normal and loss of sleeping. Headaches and imagining bugs and over moody started to appear after being on it for 6 months BUT he was getting amazing results at school which is what I wanted. Don’t we all want that for our kids.
Last week I decided that was enough, I miss my boy, doing good in school wasn’t worth it. So I reached out and got some ordered. I talked to her back in September but it was working so I wasn’t completely on board just yet….I did my research. I thought it was illegal…BUT ITS NOT!!!! Look you the farm act, CBD oil does NOT have THC which is why you can buy it in Minnesota
The first day of switching with his new meds that aren’t a controlled substance and the oil, his body was adjusting….he did not have a good day. But Tuesday no note was sent home, his school work was done and he was his normal energetic self! The third day was the day it hit me, he got off the bus just tired and Hungary. He’s only in kindergarten, that’s a long day…..I listened to him complain, I put the drops under his tounge because he likes how it makes him feel and five minutes if that complete 360….we were talking about his school day and what he drew and my plans for the night which he didn’t fight me, he was just happy and calm I’m sharing my story because I know alot of children are affected with these controlled substances and it doesn’t have to!!! #cbdoil #itworks #miracledrug
No more Xbox or screens to just make it through the day!!! He’s just happy to be alive and around us again.
For more information or to place an order go HERE.
DISCLAIMER: The information here is NOT medical advice. Do not institute any changes in your current health programs without consulting your Medical provider. For medical advice please consult your private physician or preferred health service provider.
DISCLAIMER: So as per FTC Regulations I would like to let you know that I do have affiliate links throughout this blog. The links provide me with a small percentage of commission but do not cost you anything extra. I (Elizabeth) is also a participant in multiple Affiliate Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking.
DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) considers non-THC based hemp products to be “food based” and therefore legal without a medical marijuana license.
CBD Oil Testimonials (more from Hempworx amazing stories of healing) Multiple Sclerosis Major Improvement this is from friend that has adult MS, she bought a bottle about 5 days ago........
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