#had one in mentor roulette where I was tanking and they were healing
galpalaven · 2 months
whyy are people with ultimate weapons in ffxiv either very nice or the worst person I’ve ever met in my life
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ioletia · 5 months
The FFXIV community has an issue- and that issue is the constant coddling of sprouts. The game is so easy, or has been made so easy, that anyone can learn it... And yet, I have seen some pants on head levels of idiot the last few weeks that have really tried my patience.
There are the whole collection of tanks that don't roll their mitigations- and when told to do so, they either stop using them altogether or say, "I am." No, honey, you're not. That's why I'm having to spam my gcd heals at you to keep you alive.
There are the whole host of healers who... Just can't? I had a healer the other day who "mained" Astro for "600 hours" and yet didn't know how their cards functioned- and then kept running out of mana because the two DPS had terrible gear and everything was taking forever. And then telling them that just drawing the cards themselves will fix their mana issues was responded with, "No, I'll learn the cards when the Dawntrail rework happens." What...
And then the DPS. I had a Samurai the other day who was purposefully taking damage just to pop his Third Eye. He was collecting vuln stacks like candy- and when I told him to stop he said, "But, I'll just heal it back- I have bloodbath." What... No. Not how that works. There was a Red Mage who ONLY used his melee abilities. I tried explaining to them that Red Mages were mainly a caster class and that their melee abilities are just there as spenders- and they cast one spell, didn't even use the dual cast, and went back to doing no damage with their sword.
And the community just lets this happen. People will actually defend this nonsense saying, "They're sprouts- they're learning." No, Karen, they aren't. They are refusing to learn and ruining the game that I'm paying for, all while they're still probably on the free trial. Fuck you. I am so frustrated by this. I'm just trying to gear up classes for Dawntrail- and the daily roulette has just become this constant mentor roulette where I'm having to deal with people not bothering to even learn the basics of the game that they're playing. And I'm not even doing the mentor roulette!
Ugh, such toxicity.
AND, while I'm ranting, USPS "delivered" my gay furry cologne to the wrong house... And now I'm sitting here hoping that no one opens it, because I don't want to explain why I'm buying cologne that smells that rat balls.
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jaliqai · 5 years
Jaliqai and I - a FFXIV journey
I do not say 'shooketh' lightly. Possibly once before have I ever said such a ridiculous modern meme out loud, but yo was I shooketh when I finished watching the job action video.
I've never shared anything about myself, or how I play Jaliqai, in ffxiv. I'm too nervous to make such an introductory rp post, especially since I'm not sure about the rp scene in Jenova pass <<REC U>> (hi, if you're from that fc, please send me a msg). So, I'll skip that bit for now and focus on the pve.
Jali and I handle approximately three top jobs, currently. One tank, one healer, and one dps. (This is ideal to obtain Mentor, amongst other requirements, you see, so I can sneak back in the Novice Network and ask Newbie Inquiries) They are Dark Knight, Scholar, and Black Mage.
I've been solid ffxiv gamer since late 2015, the year heavensward came out. To be honest, this is My First Final Fantasy Game Ever. I'm a WoW refugee. I never played a single game before 14. I watched the movie, VII: Advent Children... d-does that count? At least it's given me interest to play XIII, and one day XV, though I've watched practically both entire gameplays via friends.
When I first started, my job was BLM and I played it hardcore straight to 50. It took some getting used to the game (don't ask me how, but I couldn't understand the maps), which meant slower gameplay. But I was finally where I could power level through dungeons with my fc as I did the msq; I was always about five levels above the recommended level at solo duties. At the time, you had to open the second required class to unlock your main job, so I literally touched nothing but 15lvls of archer.
(The Scions and Ascians have come to know Jaliqai as <The Annihilator> through msq. Any new msq is done through BLM. If I'm unsure about any new dungeon or creature, BLM.)
It may have been nearly a year but I reached heavensward. Oh my Twelve, it was my favorite expansion. I opened my next job: DRK. Mostly for insta-ques, but the story is A+. I'm mediocre when it comes to handling Jali as a DRK, so it doesn't happen often.
When I finally completed heavensward and it was waiting time for stormblood, Jali wanted to try new things, like healing. I was more interested in opening multi-classes at this point, so what better way than two at once? I took on arcanist, which then lead to SCH, of course.
Did I say two at once? I meant I only took up healing but enjoyed it leveling SMN at the same time.
I may not be absolutely fine-tuned enough to manually drive Eos, but damn is aetherflow my bitch. Eos is a work in progress. I feel most comfortable with SCH and use Jali's healing skills to complete most of my roulettes and wt journals. We are currently sitting at ilvl386.
There's not a lot of classes I've capped to 70, so a lot of the new job actions were lost on me. BLM was the first on my list to appear, and WHOA. I bet my fireballs I witnessed fire v, that miniature implosion with the sonic boom aftereffect feeling... it was rad! And two foul!
SCH came next most of the video later. And. Oh. My. Mother. What did I see? So many new attacks, and shields (that look like protect *ahem* I'm not bitter noooo), and a new faerie gauge! And a super faerie! I'm so excited to play 71+, like whoa.
Then of course the Warrior of Darkness job must show last, and fellas...it's everything I wanted from DRK ages ago and I can't wait to see how the job plays a hand in shadowbringers storytelling. That shadow-double&you attack... it blew my mind.
I'm thus far kind of unimpressed with Dancer, but the aesthetics are pretty. Gunbreaker will legit become the next tank to cap before I open mauderer. And, AND MCH FINALLY LOOKS SUPER INTERESTING TO PLAY.
All in all, bring me July.
Tl;dr: job action video shooketh me to the point of making a post of my personal gameplay and reactions.
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rosesongstress · 7 years
Why I Sometimes Really Hate Mentor Roulette
There are some dungeons that are just BAD when you see them in Mentor roulette, especially when I didn��t realize I had “in progress” checked. I got Dzemael Darkhold. And the first sign that at least one person didn’t know the dungeon was that they weren’t even to the first boss yet. I hadn’t looked at how much time it was, but the first thing I notice when we were at a group of adds, was that the tank was not in the “Crystal Veil” a.k.a. the purple stuff on the floor. I mentioned he needed to be in the purple and got told “BS.” I proceeded to explain it was because of the all seeing eye, and even put a parker down where he needed to tank and he still didn’t listen and proceeded to die again after we’d wiped on trash before I put down a marker. The DPS got it at least, but the tank clearly thought I was full of shit. We beat the boss after I had to lead the group to each and every purple and the tank still nearly died but he didn’t. Then he couldn’t even hold aggro on more trash, likely because wandering mobs.
He proceeded to ask “why” and I asked “why what” only for him to respond “You know what.” I may have been a little sarcastic when I said “I have aggro because I”m healing” and then a vote abandon went up.
*sigh* I like it better when someone listens instead of thinking they are the hottest thing.
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angry-healers · 8 years
Baelsar's nightmare
So I queue up with my boyfriend for expert roulette. He only has a MNK at 60 and I go on my BLM to try and get a little light going for my anima weapon. (I know dungeons aren't the best way to earn light but I work a full time job and farming is hard so I'm taking what I can get when I get it).
So we get Baelsar's wall. No big deal. People complain it takes longer to run but I honestly think it's more fun than Sohm Al hard so I'm good. No one has a bonus, everyone's been here before, so we're good to go.
From the start the tank does a big pull, and the healer just stands there. He makes no effort to heal at all he just stands by the tank doing nothing until the tank dies. Then he raises the tank, but at this point both of us DPS have died, he's dying, and the tank dies again immediately. No one says anything, I say to my boyfriend maybe the healer didn't like big pulls, I don't even blame him right now. The tank seems to get it too, and pulls one group at a time, slow and steady.
But even pulling it slow and steady, that tank sits at around 20% HP at any given time. A few times I even throw some panicked physicks on him a few times because the healer is just...not trying? I'm not even sure. He's barely keeping the tank alive at all. Meaning...he's definitely not keeping the DPS up. Both of us bite the dust in the first boss, because you can only take so many missiles to the face with no heals. The tank also dies and then the healer right after. We wipe on this boss twice.
Next round of adds, things are still really hairy. I die once, my boyfriend dies once, the tank is still hovering around 20% but for the most part we make it to the second boss.
...where we proceed to wipe twice. Now I should mention, no one is really taking excessive amounts of damage, not beyond normal anyway. Everyone is following mechs, moving out of all avoidable AOEs, burning adds, there's just no heals going out. This healer is decked out in 230/260 gear, not the best for this dungeon but passable for sure. The tank is pulling small and slow since the first wipe. But for some reason, this healer is barely healing.
Finally, after 45 minutes in the dungeon, we make it to the last boss. The tank pulls, gets hit hard by the tank buster, receives no heal from it. The boss moves to do his room AOE, everyone moves to avoid it except the healer. The healer eats the AOE and dies. He didn't even attempt to move, he just took it. So we wipe.
Now I'm at the end of my patience. I can't tell if this healer is just bad or trolling, but I'm starting to strongly suspect the later. I ask if they learned to heal from a rock (not a nice move of me I fully admit, but I am tired, frustrated, and have been in this dungeon for almost an hour now). They point out that I'm a mentor and I should be nicer but here's the thing.
This healer had 4 classes at lvl 60. PLD, SCH, BLM, and WHM. They also have a lvl 54 AST. They are clearly familiar with healing, familiar with the game in general. I have no problem being patient and polite with people, but at this point this healer has worn me way down past that, and if I wasn't sure they were a troll before, their next remark "This is only my SECOND time! I didn't know I was supposed to move!" is kind of making me sure they are. Even if you're unfamiliar with a dungeon, everyone knows what an AOE is.
We wiped 2 more times on the last boss before he was vote dismissed. I know it's not polite or appropriate to vote dismiss someone purely for being bad, but it's also not fair to expect us all to have to quit the dungeon because one person isn't pulling their weight. Especially because we've been in here for an hour already.
The healer is gone, and I drop so I can switch and queue in progress and finish it on my healer, light for my weapon be damned. A ninja comes in to replace my DPS spot. He's actually 100% new but has absolutely no problem with the mechs and we clear the boss quick and easy. 8 wipes and an hour later, we are finally done.
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