#had a moment of realization that out of all the mha characters i choose to like the one who looks like the food i cook
fried nugget rot hours pt.2
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dabi's outfit vs. touya's outfit
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dabi (pre-touya reveal):
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touya (post touya reveal):
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--> YasserMontasse5 on Twitter made a good point of how white is a colour worn for a funeral in Buddhism --> white can also represent peace as Touya has made peace with his reality or his peace with his two sides (ie. Dabi and Touya) --> one side who yearns for revenge and the other who yearns for his fathers recognition. --> Dabi to Touya reveal his outfits go from restricting to flowy from "simple" to more bold and extravagant designs and accents. --> clothes get more ripped man falling apart :> --> the majority black/dark colours to the slow transition change of his outfit to white could have foreshadowed his reveal but also his changing personality and goals he desired to/want to achieve
credits: gif (dabi's dance): @/pcrtgasdace gif (dabi's laugh after shoto blocked his fire): @/thena0315 divider: @/saradika
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cosmicaces · 2 months
i've never been good at writing intros to posts and that isn't gonna change today, esp since only a handful of people are probably gonna read this. i am making this post for me, because this is something i noticed and i wanna talk about it. leave it to me to make a detailed post about a character from a movie from three years ago.
rody has pstd! let's talk about it
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[ID: A screenshot from MHA: World Heroes' Mission. Rody is pointing at Deku, winking. Deku looks annoyed. End ID.]
to preface this:
i am not a professional 👍 i have ptsd 👍
analyzing characters is fun for me! this is how i am interpreting rody with what i know about him from the little media he's been in + some additional speculation. feel free to incorporate this into your belief system. or not! all that i ask is that you bear with me.
now, before i get into it (preface...2!):
everyone knows about fight or flight, right? well, did you know that there are actually 5 trauma responses? fight, flight, freeze, fawn, and flop. (there may be more, but these are the ones that have the most information on them.)
fight and flight are the body's primary responses to a bad situation. freeze, fawn, and flop are more complex responses that happen when the first two aren't available. little self-explanatory, but for the sake of infodumping:
freeze: the body is in a state of hyperarousal. the muscles are tight and ready for action but is ultimately paralyzed. think of a deer in headlights.
fawn/befriend/submit: this response involves complying/befriending the aggressor; people-pleasing in an effort to remain safe. this is more common in cases of abuse.
flop/shutdown/collapse: the body is in a state of hypoarousal, aka its shutting down; muscles go slack, brain stops receiving sensory info. this can often result in fainting. you know how some people faint when they see blood? or when they're on a rollercoaster? yeah, it's this.
it's important to have this context. as a matter of fact, you probably already know where i'm going with this:
rody faints when deku is climbing up the bridge. of course, right? he had reached such a heightened level of fear that, when his brain realized it couldn't trigger one of the other four responses, he just... flopped. why bring this up? well, and i think this is easy to miss, but rody didn't pass out once. he actually passed out twice.
when they first reached the train, it appears that, in their brief moment of safety, rody had collapsed.
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[ID: Deku picks up Rody to shield him from Beros's oncoming arrow attack. End ID.]
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[ID: Deku is carrying Rody, swinging under the bridge in an effort to evade Beros's attacks. At the end, Rody appears as though he is coming to. End ID.]
up until this point, rody had been freaking out during their escape from the police. for him to have no initial response to being physically moved by deku... hell, he looks like he's just coming to. if we're going based off of the dub, he even yells "what's happening?!" simply put: he shut down and, more specifically, he shut down in what had been perceived as a moment of respite.
the reason i point this out is because, while we don't choose our trauma responses, there are events that can impact what they can be.
so... what is the purpose of the flop response?
quoting from an article here, but it's thought to help people in three different ways: to reduce the mental impact of the circumstances, to cause a physical disconnect (thus experiencing the trauma less directly), and to prevent additional assault.
the point i'm trying to make here is, well...
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[ID: A flashback showing Rody protecting his siblings. A villain strikes him with a pipe. End ID.]
rody's been assaulted! and this is only one instance that we know of. we don't fully know what he's had to go through when providing for his siblings, but there is no doubt that there have been negative repercussions on his mentality.
did you notice how he startles easily?
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[ID: Rody puts his hand on Deku's shoulder, scaring him. His response startles Rody, causing him to flinch backwards. End ID.]
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[ID: Bakugou suddenly appears behind Rody, causing him to jump. He flinches back, turning to face him. Pino is also startled, flying to sit over on his other shoulder. End ID.]
with ptsd, some people can develop an exaggerated startle response. this happens when your nervous system gets stuck in survival mode. your brain is hypervigilant; any sudden sound or movement that you don't expect can make you feel like you're in danger and your body has to be ready to react in a given moment.
look at the difference between how deku and rody flinch. deku has a standard flinch, but rody violently flinches, almost as though he's been struck. do you see how he moves his head? his arms? how, after both instances, he's starting to sweat? yeah 👍
continuing along this line of thinking, let's talk about rody's attempted betrayal.
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[ID: Rody being approached by the oni villain. He braces himself for the attack, clutching at his head. End ID.]
i feel like most people, when cornered and under the imminent threat of being attacked, try to block it or defend from it in some way. rody... didn't do that. as a matter of fact, it looks like he's trying to hide.
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[ID: Deku runs towards Rody, shielding him from an arrow. Rody panics and turns away. End ID.]
additionally, in this scene, rody is apologizing. in this moment, he sincerely believed that deku was going to hurt him for his betrayal. instead of trying to run, he just... froze. braced himself again. i know he was very scared, but, despite deku having just saved him, seeing his fear at being approached... psychologically, there's something else going on here.
i think rody had been re-traumatized.
again, we only have that one flashback regarding a violent encounter with villains, but i genuinely have reason to believe that it wasn't a one-off scenario. the only reason rody tried to fight was to defend his siblings. they are his reason for continuing forward. but... what if there were times when they weren't there? and he had to face the villains by himself?
... yeah. i think that's why he responded the specific way that he did. his life was actively in danger, yes, but how many times had he been in that position? pleading, trying to garner sympathy about his siblings, wanting to be let go? i think the severity of his psychological distress in that instant is what caused him to try and hide rather than attempt to minimize any incoming damage.
as for feeling threatened by deku, that can be easily explained, too. rody talked quite a bit about betrayal, it seemed like a very natural thing to talk about. he's probably had to betray some villains and gotten hurt for it. honestly, you could probably argue that this contributed to his confusion regarding deku protecting him instead.
similarly with starting posts, i am also very bad at ending them 👍
tldr; rody soul has ptsd as a result of his encounters with villains after his father's disappearance. this has given him an exaggerated startle response as well as both a freeze/collapse response in times where his life is threatened. who knows what other symptoms he may have! what we can say for sure is that this kid needs therapy.
if you read all this, thanks! i hope you enjoyed me dissecting him like a bug.
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bakuhoes-dumbass · 4 years
Aberration - Chapter 2
MHA!Various x Fem!Reader
Words: 1.5k
A/N: Yay, here’s the second chapter of my new AU! It’s a little shorter but I promise chapters will get longer as we go.
Warnings: Yandere Themes, Mentions of murder, blood, felonies, bullying, swearing.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of MHA, just this story. In no way does this reflect the characters, writers or VAs of the show/manga. MINORS DNI.
Aberration Masterlist
"Now, on to your next subject. Inmate 04, Eijiro Kirishima." You flip the page of your inmate profiles to see a picture of a red-haired man. "He is of a higher danger level, so make sure to keep your guard up. And for the love of God, under any circumstances…
Do not touch him."
Only slightly acknowledging his warning, you look down at your notes, eyebrows shooting up in surprise at the words on the page. "He suffers from Erotomania? Interesting…"
Aizawa nods. "Ah, yes. A very rare condition indeed, especially in males. The affected person strongly believes that another individual is in love with them. This delusion develops and persists despite clear evidence to the contrary."
"That's a very exciting find. I can't wait to meet him." Your eyes light up, quite intrigued.
Aizawa sighs and gestures with his head. "Follow me."
Kirishima's room was only a few doors down from Tokoyami's. Once again, Aizawa presses his hand to a key code and you hear the door unlock, following a buzzer. You slowly make your way into the room. It mirrors Tokoyami's down to the last detail, the only difference being a redhead was currently doing pushups.
He barely acknowledges a person stepping into his room, eyes flitting to your form and back to the ground. It takes him a moment to realize it was someone new. As soon as he does, his eyes widen and he springs onto his feet, slightly startling you.
"Oh! Hello there! You're new!"
You nod your head and smile at the red-head. "That I am. My name is Y/N and I'm the newest scientist at this facility. My role here is to get to know and observe you all to help further our findings for a cure." You choose to leave out the 'friends' part, as something about him makes you weary. You don't need anything being misinterpreted.
"Hello there, Y/N! My name is Kirishima!" He takes a step towards you but is suddenly stopped by a lower force. You look down to see his ankles chained to the heavy-duty bed frame, connected to him by quirk-canceling cuffs. You look back up to see him looking at you intensely, with a shark-toothed smile. "Man, you're really pretty!"
You swallow thickly, but keep your smile. "That's very kind of you to say, Kirishima. Now, if I may." You take a seat at the desk like you did with Tokoyami. Kirishima follows suit and sits across from you on the bed. His smile never wavers, making you slightly uneasy. You ignore it and turn to a blank page in your notebook. "Now, if you could please state your full name, age and date of birth?"
He gives you a chuckle and points to himself proudly with his thumb. "I'M Eijiro Kirishima! I'm 22 years old and my Birthday is October 16th!"
You giggle softly at his extroverted personality. "Ahh, same birth month as Tokoyami." You mumble to yourself. His ears perked up and his smile faltered slightly.
"You met Tokoyami already?"
"Hm?" You look up and smile fondly. "Ah yes, I have. He was the first one. A very nice young man."
You look back down at your notes, failing to see Kirishima's eye twitch slightly. He returns to his signature smile as you look up at him again. "And what is your quirk?"
"Oh, it's so cool! I can harden my entire body to an extreme. I can make myself a shield or a weapon! Pretty manly, am I right?" Kirishima wiggles his eyebrows at you, causing you to chuckle.
"That is definitely a unique one, Kiri." You, once again, fail to notice the way his eyes light up at the nickname, too busy looking down at your notes. "Now I see here that you've been charged with Stalking and 2 counts of second degree murder. Is that correct?"
"Yup! Although I don't understand how it would be considered 'Stalking', when she always knew I was around. She was okay with it, too! I mean, we WERE in love, you know." He furrows his brows.
You raise a brow and write down everything he says. "Care to continue explaining what happened? Why were you brought into this facility?"
Kirishima sighs and rests his chin on his hand, a dazed look on his face. "Well, you see. There was this girl. We were totally, completely head over heels for each other. You've probably heard of her, Kim Hyuna?"
Your eyebrows shoot up. Yeah, you heard of her. She is one of the biggest idols around right now, extremely pretty and extremely talented. She has millions of fans from around the world. You already can see where the direction of this story is headed.
He continues with a wide smile. "We used to go out on dates everywhere. To the mall, the salon, even to her dorms. We were so in love." His dazed expression turns sour. "Then that stupid boy shows up outta nowhere. He took her from me. He dared to take something so precious from me. So, I couldn't take it anymore and, uh, kinda killed them."
You watched him rub the back of his neck sheepishly, like the situation was no more than a mere broken dish he dropped on accident. You nod your head carefully, writing the last bit of information down. Clicking your pen, you look up and give the young man a fake smile.
"Well, that's it for today, Kirishima. I must take my leave, but I'll be back to run some tests soon."
Kirishima frowns and quickly stands up. "W-Wait, already?"
You gather up your notes and clipboard. "Yes, unfortunately. I do have some other patients I need to get to before-" as you go to stand up, your foot gets caught under the chair leg and you trip. You accidentally fall forward and into something hard. Looking up, you realized you fell against Kirishima himself, your hands splayed out against his chest.
His eyes widen, staring down at your hands against his chest, something shifting in his eyes. Before you're able to pull your hands away, his own reach up and snatch your wrists, holding them in place. A blush appears on the apples of his cheeks.
"Y-Y/N. I-I had no idea you felt the same."
Your eyes widen in fear. You attempt to tug your hands away, but his iron grip tightens into a bruising force. "Kirishima, I would advise you to kindly let go of me. Please, don't misunderstand the situation."
His grin widens, showcasing his sharp teeth. Red eyes bore into yours with a wild look. You hear the door buzz behind you and a flood of voices coming in. You feel a pair of arms reach around you and hands grip your elbows. Two pairs of hands each grab Kirishima by the arms and force him to release his grip on you. You watched two of Aizawa's assistants hold down a struggling Kirishima as you were forcibly dragged out of his room.
Once safely outside, you were spun around to meet the eyes of a fuming and worried doctor. "Are you alright, Y/N?" Aizawa's eyes travel along your body, doing a quick examination to make sure nothing was injured.
You nod your head and rotate your slightly bruised wrists. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken up."
Aizawa sighs. "Didn't I say NOT to touch him? His obsession tends to solidify with physical contact."
You wince. "I know. This time it was an accident. I tripped and he just happened to, uh, be the 'wall' I fell against." You think back to the moment you fell against Kirishima. His chest felt almost rock solid, not like a normal human body would be. Now you're thinking that his quirk leaked through the cuffs and that thought scares you.
"Nobody said you were clumsy when you were hired," he sighs and runs a hand down his tired face. "There are still 9 other inmates you need to check with. And 6 out of the 9 are above Kirishima's danger level. Are you still up for it today?"
You shake out your hands and nod your head. "Yes! I am. A little scare never bothered me. This is my job."
Aizawa hummed in reply and flipped through his clipboard, stopping on a page. "Inmate 09, Keigo Takami. Mafia leader. He's a level 7 as well, but doesn't have delusions like Inmate 04 does. While he's very dangerous, he's a little more tolerable." Aizawa hesitates before continuing. "Er, minus the excessive flirting."
You sigh and flip through Keigo's information. "Oh goodie. Well, let's get this over with." You follow Aizawa to Keigo's door and once it buzzes, you enter the pristine, white room.
"Good afternoon Mr. Keigo, my name is Y/N and I'll-" You look up from your notes to see a half naked man with blonde hair and bright red bird wings lounging on his bed. Your jaw drops and you hold your clipboard up in front of your suddenly heated face.
Keigo looks over to you with his brows raised. "Well well, looks like we've got ourselves a new baby bird. How…" The handsome man's lips turn up into a cocky smirk.
Taglist: @theblueslytherin @sterassion @somechick30003 @meena-in-a-nutshell @justtj-andnonumberspls @zombieonna @amajikiwife @yulifee @atexansadventureintokinkandlife @ep-ip-ha-ny @hcneymilkks @pastelmoonwitche @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @railmeddy @unlimitedfirepheonix @confaegion @drownedbytears @burntcrips @silverqueenie @the-lady-writes-what @awkward-confused @themotherofmoons @ihaveakoreanseoul @1-800-multifandomness @tragically-here @andyronii @sunnnyshark @henhouse-horrors  @dabis-s-whore 
(If your name is bolded, I couldn’t tag you)
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shotorozu · 4 years
hello !! I'd rlly like to request Monoma if that's alright! I've had a huge soft spot for him for a while now and I'd love to see more content of him ;v;
anyway! we all know that superiority complex of his is definitely hiding some insecurities, but I also feel like he'd be quite touchstarved too bc of his peers seldom physically interacting with him due to his quirk, yknow?
with that in mind, I'd love to see how he'd handle an s/o who has "physical touch" as their main love language. they can give verbal praise/comfort, but they always get so shy abt it that they prefer giving physical affection to show their love. and maybe combining that with "quality time" being their second love language, they love to just cuddle him or toy with his hands/hair during quiet moments uwu
if you wanna do multiple characters, I'd love to request Shinsou, Midoriya, and Amajiki (separately) for the same idea, but if you'd rather do this with just Monoma then I'm okay with that !! no worries if you don't wanna do all four ♡
thank you if you do this request, and make sure to take care of yourself !! ♡
physically affectionate s/o
character(s) : monoma neito, shinsou hitoshi, midoriya izuku (i cut out tamaki for this one, sorry :[ but i’ll do another part if anyone wants it)
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, strong quirk but the details aren’t specific, reader is a part of 1-A
headcanon type : fluff (and if you squint, then crack)
note(s) : yes i do agree :,) monoma should be getting a little bit more content, and i’m sorry that this came out so late! i was multitasking with other requests (because i took a 2 day absence,,) but this doesn’t mean i don’t read people’s requests
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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monoma neito
monoma 🤝 bakugou “the pros at sending mixed signals”
if there’s one thing he’s known for— then it’s for the persistent teasing, and his quite obnoxious attitude (especially at 1-A)
but he’s not a terrible person, he sure does have his reasons. and by now, people either choose to ignore him, or they simply knock the wind out of him
so, he was not prepared to encounter someone that was tolerant of him, AND also his type— like.. huh. that’s.. odd
and he was even more surprised when they accepted his wild love confession. there must be some catch to it, right?
so like i’ve said— monoma sends a lot of mixed signals. it’s either he’s complimenting your existence, or teasing you in various ways.
so— it’s just another normal day of monoma mouthing off to you, teasing you in a playful way, while you guys are hanging out this is way of making you remember him
but then, you just.. leaned forward and placed your hand on his head— not exchanging any words at all.
monoma’s first reaction is (・・?) because what?? someone is touching him right now.. wait.. someone is touching him!
honestly really shook, and at a lost for words— because everyone has refrained from coming into any physical contact with him? what a surprise! what even is this?
after said incident, you decide to speak “you had something in your hair.” and for once, monoma is the one that’s sitting in silence
“R-REALLY, Y/N? DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT WAS GOING TO W-WORK ON ME OR SOMETHING?” he questions in his usual mocking tone, but his cheeks are accompanied in a flushed red
he’d only experience field day when he realized that touch was basically your love language, with quality time in the second lead
so whenever you guys are spending time together, you’d,, actually go closer to him! this has never happened before, let him be
he doesn’t really like the idea of getting his hair touched, so you usually choose to fiddle with his hands— sometimes observing his details, and other times you’ll be comparing hand sizes
he’ll ridicule you for being so touchy— but he’ll ask if he’s “that irresistable?” while also moving you closer to him. he loves it a lot, okay?
don’t let class 1-b see this, he will flex on them because when he starts getting annoying again, they’ll use you as blackmail.
“monoma, i swear— if you do that, we’ll tell Y/N-”
“HAHA— ok, i’m sorry.”
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shinsou hitoshi
he probably has the most chill reaction out of the bunch
again— another person that has been antagonized because of their quirk. he’s been perceived as villanious ever since his middle school days
kids have been told to keep their distance away from him at a young age so.. you’d bet that he’d be really touch starved
he never had any serious experiences with dating, and he never had any real friends— that weren’t cautious of his quirk
that was until he met you, which he just assumed you were another highkey stuck up person in the hero course
but, you were basically the opposite, and you were a real pleasure to have around. one thing lead to another, and now you guys are dating
he thought it was really cute whenever you got too shy to just sit in silence during dates, or to even give out words of affirmations
but hitoshi was surprised at first when he felt you pull yourself closer to him— resting your head on his shoulder. the concept of someone wanting to be in his presence is still sinking in for him
lucky for you! shinsou knows how to adapt to situations quickly, immediately slinging an arm around your shoulder, as he listens to you talk
he’ll be surprised when you start touching his hair, because golly!! are you guys close
but do it more pls, he loves it a lot— it sometimes makes him really drowsy.
if you play with his hands omg, his heart will do somersaults. he’s lucky that he’s able to keep himself composed.
loves watching you choosing to cuddle him, after briefly giving up on trying to form coherent words of affirmations.
it’s something he brings up quite often, but not in a teasing manner!
sometimes he’ll pat the free spot beside him, basically begging you to come closer to him.
eventually, denki notices on how touchy he’ll get whenever you’re around— but hitoshi will just shrug it off
“it’s always been that way.” he simply says, but he’ll turn around with this big ass grin on his face 💀
he’s whipped for your touch. so please, do it more
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midoriya izuku
he’s also touchstarved. actually, all of them are really touchstarved, and for different reasons 💀
well.. it’s not like he had a choice from the getgo. he was born quirkless, and that lead to him becoming an outcase— and also the victim of bullying i wanna hug him
and being told constantly that he won’t ever be enough, or he won’t ever be a hero— it’s obvious that he doesn’t have any dating experience
but he didn’t think he’d be dating anytime soon— especially since he was ‘just’ pinning over you. he was convinced it was going nowhere
until you confessed. he’s surprised that he didn’t pass out
ever since you guys started dating, he noticed that you’ve been a little timid— not in the way that you feel awkward, more like,, you wanted to say something
or do something, because when you guys were studying together, you just suddenly sat closer to him— and started counting his freckles
he short circuited for a second.
he was reduced to a stuttering, and blushy mess— and you just laughed, telling him “you should continue what you’re doing!” as you ran your other hand across his shoulders
that night, he was wide awake in his bed— recalling your gentle and loving touch, running his hands along the parts of his hair, that you’ve touched
he loves quality time, because while he does like to ramble a lot— he does enjoy spending time with you in silence, but it’s the touches that makes him flustered
despite him being quite shy to initiate any sort of touch, you— on the other hand, were shy with saying praises. so you coped with physical touch, and quality time
man, izuku never gets used to it. no matter how much he tries to— he’s just.. needy, touchstarved.
he doesn’t realize how lost he looks when you’re sitting beside him, and not touching his hair or hands for once. please feel free to do so
oh, and since we’re on the topic of hands— he’ll tear up if you start playing/fiddling with his hands, and especially when you start tracing his scars. it makes him feel so warm.
okay but,, please give him a heads up if you’re going to act touchy in public. he’ll start stammering and blushing hard you might have to put him in rice or smth
the dekusquad talks about that quite a lot, especially when they accidentally witnessed it in the common room (for the first time)
in short— he adores it. sometimes he’ll initiate it, by asking you if you want to sit beside him, to play with his hair. he’s so inlove
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing, and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, repost, translate, or use my works for audio readings without my permission :))
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Midnight Revelations - Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
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DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these characters, they belong to Kohei Horikoshi
MHA Masterlist - Main Masterlist
WARNINGS: Fluff, Swearing (It’s Bakugou, so, that’s kinda a given)
Requested by @luluwiie​ :
Given your gift for writing, I'm honestly utterly surprised your box is not already full :o but this is my chance ! Kuhuhu * robbing hands *
May I request a Todoroki or Bakugo one shot (Just choose whether you feel more inspired with one, another or both) where they are just sharing some moments with reader, and like, they enjoy their time with Reader and when they come back to their dorms, alone in their bedroom, they just realize how much they care for Reader? Like, more than their close friend and partner in crimes ? Like, more in a pining way? I just love emotional epiphanies 😳❤
Tysm if you do this ! CANT WAIT TO READ YOU MORE ❤❤
- Luluv
A/N: YOU’RE LITERALLY THE SWEETEST ❤❤❤. I had a lot of fun writing this one since Bakugou is such an interesting character, so I hope you enjoy!! (Also, the song “True Love” by P!NK was playing nonstop in my head while writing this.)
Word Count: 1.9K
If it was within his control, Katsuki Bakugou would be fast asleep in his own bed by now. It made sense to him - the sky was completely dark making the stars clearly visible and it was already past 10:30 p.m., so why on earth was he awake? The short and simplest answer yielded the same result; you. How you had wedged yourself in between him and his strict sleep schedule, Bakugou had no idea, so here he was, sat with a grimace on his face as you tried to work out the last math problem on the long homework sheet Ectoplasm had assigned.
“Wait, so when it’s a hyperbola, it’s a²- b² = c²?” You ask, glancing in between the blonde-haired boy sat next to you and the sheet full of conic section equations. Bakugou just looked at you with a mixture of a tired and dumbfounded expression.
“No, idiot, it’s a²+ b² = c² because the standard form uses subtraction. It’s the other way around for ellipses.” He explains gruffly, taking your mechanical pencil and writing down the equation roughly. However, due to the sheer force of his hand on the poor little pencil, the led snapped off. You laughed a little at the outburst that followed shortly after.
“Bakugou, don’t press so hard, the lead is thinner.” You say, taking the pencil from his hand gingerly. He simply scoffs in return.
“Yeah, well, normal pencils don’t do that. Get better ones next time.” He hurumphs, leaning back in his chair and letting his head hang off the back. He remains like this for a few minutes while you scribble down the rest of your equations, ultimately coming to a solution.
“Okay, I think I got it! Is it… (y+5)²/9 - (x - 4)²/25?” With a hesitant voice and a hopeful expression, you push the homework sheet in front of Bakugou to hopefully gain his approval. You wince as he scans your work carefully, raising his eyebrows on certain occasions. Finally, he sets the paper down and slides it back over to you. “Well?” You ask, a little exasperated.
“Yeah, that’s the correct answer.” With a sigh of relief you slumped back into your chair with a smile on your face. However, that only lasted for a few seconds. “Wait, then what the hell were those facial expressions when you were looking at it?” You ask, taking the math sheet and putting it in a folder that was then shoved into your school bag.
“Your handwriting is shit.” Is all Bakugou had to say as he stood up and stretched his arms out. You roll your eyes and glance at the clock.
“Damn, it’s already 11:15.” You murmur, letting one of your hands card through your hair, massaging your head and releasing the tension that was built up by doing several pages of pre-calc. “Thanks, by the way. You didn’t need to stay this late to help me out, so I really appreciate it.” You say, expressing your gratitude to the blonde. Bakugou rubs his eyes before slinging his bag over his shoulder, letting his blazer stay unbuttoned and his tie loose around his neck. You had to admit, his somewhat disheveled look did look quite attractive on him, but if you told him that he would either never let you hear the end of it or get pissed off for commenting on his fashion. He already got enough of that from his parents, apparently. 
“Yeah, I didn’t, and now thanks to you I’m gonna be tired as hell in the morning.” He complains, opening the door to your dorm to exit.
“You know, a cold compress does wonders for eyebags.” You say, a mischievous grin on your face. He narrows his eyes and flips you off. “I enjoyed spending time with you too, Bakugou!” And with that, the door to your dorm was closed.
Katsuki felt like a zombie by the time he got to his own dorm. He didn’t even bother putting his school bag on his desk or arranging his shoes by the door like he usually does. Instead, he just let the brown shoulder bag slump onto the floor as he fumbled to get his shoes off. Why the hell had you made him stay for so long? He finished all of his homework hours before you did, and still, he had to remain stationed at that wooden low table as he had to keep himself busy while you plugged away at your own work. After about an hour, looking through his phone got incredibly boring so he moved on to looking around your room, taking in all of the things that made it up. Of course, he wasn’t doing this to try to get to know you more, he already knew all he needed to… right? But as his eyes raked over the photos and decor of your room, the more glimpses he got into your personal life, so he stopped immediately.
Bakugou did make an effort to change his clothes. Peeling his blazer from his arms and hanging it up haphazardly in his closet along with his white button up. He tugged on a random black shirt and swapped his uniform pants for pajama ones and finally, finally, clambered into his bed. And, although he tried hard to make his brain shut off and just let him enter a dreamless sleep, his mind began to wander. He blamed his delirious nature for letting his neurons take him from place to place, situation to situation, until they finally projected an image of you into his head. It was a simple display of you and a recent one, too. Just Y/N L/N, sat at the little wooden table with her head perched on one of her hands with a stupid mechanical pencil in her hand. Did her hair always kind of frame her face like that? He wondered, scrunching his closed eyes. It didn’t look as horrible today, he supposed. Bakugou let his eyes flutter open, only to see that his digital clock read a clear 12:04 a.m. in electric red. He sighed and let his gaze fall on the ceiling right above him. Why was he thinking of you this late in the evening? And, to his surprise, he realized that he felt much more at home in your dorm room than he did right now, in his own space.
“What the hell…” He muttered, turning on his bedside lamp. His room was shed in a soft light, illuminating only the nearest furniture and himself. If he wasn’t able to go asleep, he sure as hell wouldn’t let this time go to waste. Picking up the book on his shelf that he was most recently into, he flipped through the pages to find his place and started reading again. He would never admit it, but Pride and Prejudice was turning out to be a much better read than expected. Bakugou found the main heroine to be much more likeable than any others he had read about. Her charisma and wit satisfied him where other characters were lacking, and the way she refused to be phased by an arrogant and sometimes brash guy who pushed her buttons constantly… He let the book fall to the ground without so much of a care as realizations flooded his brain. You put up with him. Whenever he was acting rude or was teasing you without relent, you would just simply roll your eyes and fire back. He put up with you, too. All your unreasonable habits, like staying up way too late, he was still by your side. Why?
“I…” Katsuki forced himself to look into the mirror. He saw his reflection to be way out of the norm. His eyes were wide, his posture was perfect, and his cheeks were red. “I like her.” He let the words flow freely from his mouth. With one more glance to the clock by his bedside, he grabbed a hoodie and shoved his head through it while opening his door and heading straight to yours. He knew from all of the prior knowledge on you stored in his brain and the light that shown beneath your door that you were, in fact, still awake. With three soft knocks, your door swung open to reveal you. Clad in soft looking pajama shorts and a flimsy top, your hair was a mess and your eyes were drooping. Bakugou never thought you could look so beautiful.
“Bakugou, it’s way past your bedtime.” You quip, your voice mimicking a doting parent. Bakugou shoved his way past you into your room and began to lightly pace. Your once joking smile fell into a confused frown, your eyes starting to swim with concern. “Seriously, Katsuki, what’s up? You’ve never stayed up this late except for that one time I insisted you did because a once in a lifetime meteor shower was on full display. I mean, you complained about it of course, but I knew you actually liked it because your eyes-”
“Just, shut it!” The blonde finally says. You pull back slightly, surprised at his words. “You write your twos and sevens weird, some of your habits tend to be unproductive, and sometimes I just can not stand you, but I like you.” The two of you are silent for a moment before you take a step towards him.
“You have feelings for me?” You ask, your voice soft like velvet and your eyes twinkling. Despite all of his reservations, his hard exterior and the sneer he always wore melted.
“Yeah, sure, whatever.” You shook your head and took another step forward.
“Don’t answer it like you're confirming that I correctly solved a math problem. Answer it like you love me.” Bakugou’s cheeks flamed at your sudden confidence, but he took a step forward so that your bodies were almost touching.
“I love you Y/N.” And with that, a wide grin spread across your face. Your arms wrapped themselves around the blonde’s neck and you leaned into him, your lips meeting his in a searing kiss. It was slow in pace but fierce in passion as he grew more comfortable, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing you closer so that you were flush against his chest. Breathless and red in the face, Bakugou finally pulls back to see your ecstatic face. “Oi, what’s with the face?” He says, flustered.
“Nothing,” you say, going into your bathroom with a little towelette. He raises his eyebrows. “I told you before, a cold compress works wonders for the inevitable eye bags that you will have in the morning, and this is the perfect size.” He huffs in amusement and plucks the towelette from your hands. “Plus, you’ll have to return it to me. It gives you another excuse to hang out with me.” Bakugou finally earns a little confidence and his trademarked smirk spreads across his face.
“I don’t need an excuse to hang out with you. You’ll need my help again on the homework.”
“Always the charmer,” you quip, walking with him so that he was standing in the hallway and you in the doorway. “See ya tomorrow,” you smile, pecking him on the lips.
“See ya, Y/N.” His blush was still prevalent, but his eyebrows narrowed and a scowl replaced the smirk. “And throw out those mechanical pencils, they’re absolute shit.”
“Anything for you, Lover!” You joke, closing the door. Lover, he thinks. He can get used to a nickname like that.
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sincerely-lev · 4 years
 'taking back what was once mine.' - kuroo tetsuro x female reader
Summary: your ex doesnt seem too happy with your new boyfriend, so he takes back what was once his.
Warnings: non-con, cheating, breeding mentions, creampie, crying, unprotected sex (wrap it b4 u tap it), face fucking, he calls u princess 🙊
Notes: i do NOT condone this behaviour in REAL LIFE, and all characters are 18+
THIS IS @tokito-protection-gang 300 special! (Yes that is my KNY, MHA and JJBA blog.)
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away from the crowd, Kuroo stares at you, and your new boyfriend, which happened to be his best friend.
his best friend. out of all the people in the world, and you chose his best friend.
he watches as you feed your boyfriend, whilst he plays on his phone.
he can’t hate his best friend, but he can hate you, and he does, from the time where Kenma introduces you to him, as his girlfriend.
he remembers, when Kenma had suddenly spoke up, whilst on a volleyball practise that he had found a girl, he was happy for his best friend at first, but.. he didn’t expect it to be you. 
to be his ex, that he didn’t realize he misses until now. he tried making it seem like he didn’t give a shit, but he can’t. 
no matter how much he tries, he can't seem to forget about you. even though, your unfortunate break up was two years ago.
he watches you, as you laugh with your other friends, and Kenma excusing himself to the toilet, probably annoyed of the loud music that was ruining his game.
hell, he's surprised that Kenma even came along to the party, since that was something his best friend would never do, and he knew him for so long...
he knew this was a bad idea, that he was ruining his relationship with his own best friend, and that he was being a selfish idiot, but he couldn’t care less, he’s delusional. he can feel it, that you’re still thinking about him, deep down in your mind, but you just refuse to show it. 
he wonders why he had even let you walk out of his life, but now, he’s going to get you back, and he will do anything to make sure you are by his side, til you bite the dust.
as soon as Kenma was out of the frame, he stood up, his heart pouding in his chest, ready to break out any moment.
his heartbeat was louder than the music that was playing, as he walked towards you and your friends.
to you, and your friends surprise, he yanked you, and dragged you to the females toilet, shoving you in the stall with him. 
“what the fuck, Kuroo?” you grabbed onto his shirt, to prevent yourself from falling over, since he was practically leaning against you. 
breathing down your neck, inhaling your delicious scent that drives Tetsuro wild, he started leaving visible hickeys, nipping at any spot he could find.
between his huffed breathing, he spoke, “shoulda never let you go,” he continued, “but, now, I’m going to take back what once was mine, and you...can’t do anything about it..”
whimpering in both pleasure and discomfort, you tried to push him away, but he was too strong... stronger than you.
you could never expect less from the Nekoma’s team captain, huh? 
he grabbed you with brute force, flipping you around, so he could see your back, he leaned down, grinding his clothed cock in your wet panties. 
he continued to leave hickeys, nipping at your shoulder. he wants it to leave marks, he’s possessive, an animal.. sick, twisted, beast. 
 it scares you a lot...
back then, when you and the Nekoma’s team captain were still dating, sure, he was a little bit possessive back then (the reason you both split up), but he never forced anything on you. 
“ngh..why are you.. you doing this?” you covered your mouth, in hopes of hiding your moans, but he grabbed both of your arms with little to no effort. 
“because...I love you, love you so much...” 
what was he thinking? did he think this is love? this is anything but love, it was rape, you didn’t want this, but he didn’t give you an option, so you had to stand here, and take all that he gives you, until he’s tired, and you’re filled to the brim.
i’m only taking back what was once mine...”
that sentence.
 that ONE sentence, it leaves you shaking with fear, Kuroo Tetsuro has gone crazy. 
“get up.” he demanded with a voice that screams dominance. you were thinking if you should obey him, or ignore him... but apparently, a second of  thinking was too long for the impatient man behind you, so he chose the path of a monster, and rip your pants to nothing, and you could do nothing, but shut your eyes tightly, whilst tears stream down your face. 
"don't act like you aren't enjoying this, princess. you're fucken' wet..." he hummed, whilst you cringed at the pet name, princess? really? Kenma never called you that, it was always 'kitten' not like you and Kenma got sexual most of the time.
"you're wrong..i-..." you spoke up, but he would not let you, and crushed his lips into your soft ones, forcefully, whilst he had a strong grip on your neck, like he had intentions of cracking it, he could, he has the strength, but, you know he wouldn't.
he may be this controlling and rough, but surely, he would never hurt you.
physically at least.
"shut up." he growled in your ears, and pulled your panties down.
putting a hand on your mouth, he shoved a finger into your tight cunny, moving it around, and you could do nothing but whimper and cry.
after a few minutes, three fingers were shoved into you, wiggling around, whilst his thumb was on your clit.
"s-st..op.." you whispered, unable to speak loud enough.
he laughed, before he smile, a smile that could kill, you were afraid, but you're unable to do anything, he was stronger, taller, quicker.
you could do nothing but take it.
"good, princess, just sit there and let me do alllllll the work." he hummed once again, before he continued to finger you, stretching you out.
suddenly, he pulled his fingers out of you, forcing a whine out of your pretty lips.
"calm down, baby, you just need to get my cock wet, and i will give it all to you." he smirked, letting his cock spring up, into your face.
it was not small, nor was it big, but the thickness made up for it. just one or two veins there, but what scared you was his expression.
"come on, it's not gonna suck itself." he grabbed your hair, practically shoving your head, to take him all, before he continued, "if you give me any teeth, i will make it hurt. and i don't want to make it hurt, so choose wisely."
you don't know what he means by making it hurt, but you didn't want to find out either. so, you were going to play in his games, just to keep yourself safe from any harm.
you were struggling trying to take him all without gagging and accidentally vomiting, you could feel your drool drip down to your neck.
as soon as you have it all in, he started forcing your head back and forth on his cock.
you could feel his dick twitch in your mouth, but soon, he pushed you towards the wall, grabbing your head and face-fucking you harshly.
his balls were slapping against your chin, and you could taste the salty pre-cum on your tongue.
you were gagging, and your throat was sure going to be sore with his rough pace.
suddenly, warmth flooded your mouth, pulling you out of your own thoughts, he then held your nose to stop you from breathing.
"swallow, princess, and i'll let you breathe." he grinned, and you had no choice but to swallow his salty, pearly white cum.
you opened your mouth to show him that it was all gone, and soon he let you breathe.
but you weren't even given a minute to rest, before he flipped you over, and lining his dick to your entrance.
you shut your eyes tightly, tears streaming down your pretty face, as he practically rip you in two.
he let out a groan, from your tight heat. "shiit, princess, you're fucken tight.."
he doesn't even care if you're crying, he doesn't give a fuck. he continued to thrust in an animalistic pace, whilst you tried to get used to his manhandling.
he pulled your hair, causing your cunny to clench down on his cock.
pointing it out, he spoke, "you suddenly got tighter, are you into that?"
your eyes tightly shut, with tears running down your face, you shook your head.
however, he just had a shit-eating grin, "i never knew you were kinky, princess."
he continued to thrust, pulling out until the tip, and forcing himself back inside.
"what if I cum inside you, and impregnate you? how would my best friend feel about dating a cumslut?" he leaned down, whispering words that had your eyes widening in horror, as you could feel him getting close.
"no! please, pull out, i'm begging you, cum anywhere but inside me, please!" you continued to sob, wanting everything to end. you feel bad for your boyfriend, he was so sweet, and nice...
"why should i? when i have this..." he thrusted one last time, before letting out ropes of hot cum in your pussy. "beautiful cunt to cum inside."
you were still crying, but he picked up his pace once again,
"we are gonna be great parents."
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what have I created?
idk if yall like this, but they just exist not i guess :/
ok the the first one is Royalty AU
first things first, when I say Royalty AU, I don't mean the classic shit we've all become accustomed to. Im talking about the good old Chinese royalty! And I want to emphasize that these guys will/should be dressed in century appropriate attire. As someone thats read a handful of 'marinette, princess of china' fics from the ML Fandom, I've noticed a common trend. Marinette wouldn't be in the culturally appropriate clothes, always ballgowns. Not that there's something wrong with it, its just most of if not all these fic are set in China, so I'd expect Chinese royalty to dress as THERE dress code calls for. And since this AU takes place far in the past like, it won't make sense for any of the characters to be in royal clothing that wasn't from there region. I'm not trying to white knight/gatekeeping. Im Guyanese not Chinese. But since JTTW and Monkie Kid take place in China, it's only right. In my opinion that it. You don't have to outright agree with me.
With out of the way, it's time for that good old AU crack
- Wukong is the king of the Flower Fruit kingdom(or a different one if you'd like, again I'm only familiar with what western culture has taught me, but I'll try my hardest) 
- he’s single but rumor has it he used to/still is dating the Vigilante/thief The Six Eared Macaque
- *chants ShadowPeach violently* 
- no one know whether it true or not
- On of his wanders around the kingdom he finds an abandoned baby in a basket. 
- and no shit sherlock it's fucking baby Xiaotian 
- I think we all know where this is going because i'm a simp for Monkey Dad & Monkie Son shenanigans
- Xiaotian becomes prince
Shit, ill be referring to Xiaotian as Mk from now on, I mentioned this before in a fic I wrote for lmk that Mk's a nickname for Xiaotian for some reason- wait i don't have to explain my self to you people!
- Sun loves his son
- MK is treated differently by staff and others because he's not blood related to the king
- no one mistreats MK per say, because there King loved his adopted son, but words are said behind his back
- Sometimes MK hears what’s said, and he feels as if he won't live up to his dad’s legacy.
- He meets Mei during a festival
- Mei is from a noble family, that wouldn't mind if they got a connection into the royal family.
- but it becomes hella clear to Mei’s family very fast that the two are just friends, and will always will be. but hey there daughter is bffs with the prince so that's a plus.       
- the Demon Bull Family is rules a kingdom as well, I dont/am not creative enough to think of a name I leave that to you.
- It's a common misconception that DBK is a tyrant, when he’s not. 
- most of the time...
- they have been at war with the Monkey King for some time now and settled for a peace agreement.
- that agreement being there sons to marry
- oooo original i know
- MK and Red Son are roughly the same age, Mk being 20 and RS 22
- RS is revolted/disgusted at the idea of being wed to the Monkey Kings child, even more so when he realizes MK is adopted,
- but, that all changes the second he meets MK while he meets him by accident when he gets kinda lost in the palace when he and his parents go to discuss the arrangements.
- the second he looks at MK, he's instantly in love. MK less so, he's nervous and honestly kinda bummed he's not marrying someone he loves but it's for the good of his ppl, and he'll do anything for them.
- RS isn't even aware that MK is Suns adopted son until MK walks him back to the meeting room.
"Oh There you are MK! I was about to have a servant go fetch you!" Sun Wukong says, gesturing for his boy to come sit with him.
"S-sorry for keeping you waiting I got caught up in my lessons with Mr. Tang" MK responds, sitting next to his father. Red Son looked gobsmacked. The beautiful young man he had bumped into, was the prince of this land? Damn, life truly blessed him. Or cursed him depending on how you looked at it.
- the two are left alone in a separate room for a while.
- And MK straight up tells RS why he's agreeing to this union.
"Look Red Son. I've dreamed about meeting my one true love for a while. And I would give almost anything for that dram to be real. But I wouldn't ever dare give up my people, for as there price they mean more to me. I'm doing this for them, no other reason" MK says, his back straight and hands folded neatly in his lap. The look in his eyes was a mix of sadness, but that was drowned out by loyalty and determination. It just made Red Son fall for him even harder. Clearing his throat Red spoke.
"I understand, for im doing this for the betterment of my people to. But I propose a wager"
"A wager?"
"Yes, if i can make you fall in love with me by years end, before our marriage, we can live together like in the fairy tales from far away. But if I fail, in a years time afterwards you will be permitted to find your own path in life" Red Son stated. MK took a moment to process what was happening.
"So, if you succeed in making me fall in love with you, before our marriage we can live happily ever after?" Red Son nodded in response, letting the younger continue.
"And if I shouldn't fall for you, in a years time after our union, im free to leave?" Red Son nodded once more.
"So, what do you say?"
In the end, your free to choose their fate, should Red Son win the hart of Mk? Will he fail? Or will he let him go, and let him travel the country, after all Mk's a free spirit and keeping him trapped in a big house is like keeping a cannery trapped in a cage only for its song, only for it to dul. Or will the unthinkable happen and will both boys find their freedom? together or appart? I don't know, because that's all up to you 😉
personally, I’m partial to where MK and Red Son both find freedom together. Like they straight up run away together to somewhere far away and just live out there lives together. 
this could also be genderbent thing as well. MK or Red as their respective counterparts. Again it doesn't have to be, but it’s whatever bro. im just spitting out the idea. 
Also, there is a main side plot that they fight the WBS throughout the year as well, along with other shenanigans you wanna throw in.
The second is a My Hero Academia/BNH/MHA AU
truth be told i'm not a big fan of MHA i think it to over hyped(this is also coming from the same person that’s a Fairy Tail fan lol), and the fandom i don't even know how to describe that mess, but I will admit not the whole of its toxic since every fandom has some toxic members, some even more so. 
I just sometimes find myself enjoying MHA AUs like the Fullmetal Alchemist, Danny Phantom, Evil!Deuk AU and several others. 
to make it clear I don't see this AU taking place the same time as the main plot of the actual Anime/Manga. This could be either like 6-10 years before or after the plot idk bro. But i’ll do this after the main story plot of MHA, so keep that in mind ya? another thing, the gang is still in China, the top hero school in the world just so happens to be in Japan, and it’s only ever mentioned by Sun wukong and other pro heros. So MK never attended AU. in short it’s only ever mention/ reference.  
- Mk was considered Quirkless as a kid. 
- he was just a late blumer, i swear  
- Mai’s Quirk is called Dragon. 
- it pretty much works the same way as it does in the show(duh)
- Tang’s got a knowledge Quirk, 
- my man can retain information and he’s basically an archive of information drawback being his personality lol 
- Piggsy is a Animal that gained a Quirk
- in cannon to my current knowledge, there are two other characters that can confirm animals can become sentient. the characters being Fumikage Tokoyami, & Nezu the principal at the school UA.  
- Sandy is just Conner Kent, aka he like superman but can't fly, or shoot lasers from his eyes. And blue.  
I have two scenarios for Macaque and Wukong  
*- The first one is that, Sun Wukong & Macaque are brothers. twins to be exact. 
- they where legit people, but have mutation quirks that made them too like monkeys. 
- the added powers were just a boues. 
- Sun and Mac are close growing up, like there brothers but also best friends.
- the draw back to there quirks could honestly be whatever you want bro idk, same with the others tbh. Personally I like to think Sun just has lack of motivation, and Macaque needs to draw on other people's energy.
- Sun is a hero, Monkey KIng and Mac is a villain Six Eared.
- Sun was always treated has the golden child in the family, Mac always resented that, but there shitty up bring didn’t stop the two from being good brothers to one another.
- soon tho the resentment became hatred when Sun was able to attend UA in Japan, while Mac didn't.
- Mac be angy 
- so he became a villain, and joined the Chinese branch of the LOV(league of villains)
- Sun doesn't know this till he finds out during the all out war during the main story. and by that time he’s a full on hero with is own agency(The Flower Fruit agency)    
- when the hero's ultimately win and Mac is arrested 
- This ultimately hurts Sun a lot, his brother was in jail now, arrested for his involvement and wrong doings, he knew nothing about this! this brother, his blood. A bad guy? why? he hadn't seen his brother since he left for UA, he hadn’t seen him when he came home, and started his agency. 
- this just puts Sun into a funk so he’s not as active as he used to be, and he starts thinking he might need a successor 
*- The second one is that they were two separate people that had similar quirks and both attended UA but Sun ended up in the hero corse. so 1A.
- Both Macaque and Sun have similar quirks, Sun’s is obviously more light based while Macaque’s is more shadow based(this applies to the first one as well)    
- Macaque was placed in class 1B, U.A.’s High's Heroics Department, I believe, you can correct me. 
- In cannon Class 1A and 1B both went to the training camp. I can see the teachers pinning Sun and Macaque against each other to hone their skills. 
- And because of that they become great friends    
- In fact when they graduate they both co-found there hero agency together in China and are a duo.
- But due to Monkey King’s popularity and Six Eared's association with shadows(people sometimes saying he has more of a villains quirk than a heros) the public see’s Macaque as Sun’s sidekick when thats far from the truth. 
- now it’s up to you whether you think that Wukong and Macaque would be in a relationship together, but knowing how cooked we all are, ShadowPeach is a thing here more than likely. 
- If you do or don’t support/ like the ShadowPeach aspect, the two would be living together regardless since its more cost efficient. 
- They my be heroes but living costs are expensive!   
- I would imagine there would have been a huge fight/argument between the two in privet of course, at there home.(or in there shared office if you want the extra angst of the other people they work with hearing them fight)   
- If the two are dating, then this would either lead to an out right breakup, or Macaque just up and leaving with Wukong thinking he’ll come back once he’s cooled off. But after a week, with no sign of his partner, or him answering texts or calls, not even coming into work. Wukong gets worried that something might have happened to him. so there wouldn't be a confirmation if they were still a thing or not. 
- But Wukong remains hopeful, despite the nagging at the back of his head, and gut telling him to go find Macaque, or atleast make a public statement, or even just tell another pro hero about it.   
- on the not so shippy side, Macaque and Wukong still have there argument, and much like the ShadowPeach esc side, Macaque up and leaves, and isn't seen for weeks. the only difference here is that when Wukong comes home one night to there flat, most if not all of Macaques stuff is gone. 
- where as if this was the ShadowPeach side, Macaque leaves all of his possession in the flat he and wukong share. for the simple reason being, he still loves him and wants to go back, but Macaque being Macaque can’t bring himself to do it, especially after seeing just how hurt Wukong looked when he yelled at him just before he left.  
- in other words, ANGST DIALED UP TO A 10 BABY  
- in either case, its a news report that confirms Wukong's suspicions that he desperately didn’t want to believe, and that is Macaque turning into a villain.
- much like if the two were brothers, Wukong just can’t take it and is no longer as active as he once was, and is thinking about, either A) Retirement  B) Saying, “Fuck Society, Be Gay Do Crime” and join Macaque as a villain himself, or C) find a successor, and a way to bring Macaque back to there side, but most importantly, back to him.    
- also extra points if you're after people's hearts and want to make them suffer;  - If there dating, Wukong curle’s up in the bed he and Macaque shared, holding/wearing something of great value to Macaque and just crying himself to sleep, where as Macaque is getting wasted on alcohol, as he stumbles out of the bar he’s in, he either see’s something that reminds him of Wukong or while he’s trying to put his wallet back into his pocket, a photo of them on their first date fall’s out. and Macaque just cries in a nearby alley way. And it’s there where he gets indoctrinated into the League.
       - If there just friends, macaque heads to the nearest forest and just levels it, where as Wukong just gets engrossed into his work, trying not to think about it. you could add you own spin on this, again i'm just spitballing.             
- NOW BACK TO MK! :D     
- Obviously MK is a huge Monkey King fan     
- at Twenty MK has come to terms he's quirkless (HE’S NOT)
-for ANGST reasons MKs fokes kicked him out at this realization at 13.
- he works at Piggsy's Noodle shop, and has been since he was 14.
- don't need a quirk to drive or cook!
- the boy lives a content life with his new family, till DBK happens :D
- DBK runs a Mafia(in conjunction with TLOV) and has been in jail for like 5 years thanks to Monkey King, PIF and RS brake him out one night when MK's out making a late night delivery since Piggsy had the bright idea to go 24/7 service!
- one thing leads to another and Mk somehow manifest what looks like the Monkey King's staff, but its not, it’s MKs powers, it just so happens to be the same power the Monkey King has. And it practically goes down the same way in the pilot. 
- but unlike the pilot Mk and Mei go straight to the FF Agency, after making a panicked call to Pigsy and Tang.
- one way or another Mk are lead into Wukongs office. Mei being forced to stay in the lobby.
- they have there convo, butterfly monkey squishing included.
- "And so, I want you do be my success-" BOOM 💥
- from there they rush downstairs and see that the lobby has been infiltrated by the DB fam, and you know fight.
- once the DB family seems like there down, PIF wisks them away. Much to Monkey King’s displeasure.
From there stuff kind plays out like cannon, the calabash ep is just a conjoint quirk the Demon bros have. As for EP9, ill have to script that one out myself lol. I'll get onto it as soon as my will to commit stabs me in the face. Till then have a dancing Kermit the frog.
Now if you'll excuse me, am about to Kermit a felony :D
(For legal reasons thats a joke)
Psst @writingamongther0ses its done
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Hello can I have a mha matchup please 💕
A fight drabble, were you choose the ending
She/her, bi
Personality: I am very empathetic, always trying to keep the people around me happy (even if I'm not in the end) I hate disappointing people so I can over work myself sometimes. Mostly I am kind and polite, but a I get very sassy moments (I can also be very sarcastic). Im also kind of reserved when I first meet someone and it can take me awhile to show my fun, goofy, happy side to them
Love language: physical touch
I want someone who has a good scenes of humor, is kind and friendly, who can match my level of dork also 😂 and who won't judge me ( and also give me food and cuddles)
Cute things I would want to so with a partner: take random pict of each other, do face mask with each other, do stupid things at 3 am
I have no gender preference ( and I don't care if I get matched up with a hero or villain)
I kin deku, kirishima, akaashi, and armin
I like reading books, writing, listening to music (mostly kpop). I also like to go exploring like in the forest or even abandoned places I also love cooking and baking (more so baking tbh)
sometimes I stop in the middle of talking because I think I talk to much (I've been told many times that I do so I just try not to really talk in a way)i play with my hands a lot, I have a really high pitched (idk sorta cute?) sneeze, I can be very clumsy (I literally tripped on air once😂) when I do something scary my hands shaky after I've done the scary thing (if that makes any sense)
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For this event, I match you with Denki and Bakugou. Denki matches most, if not all of your wants in a relationship and for Bakugou it was mostly a match because of your kins and that opposites attract and because I think Bakugo is a great match for a fight drabble.
For this drabble, the characters are aged up to about 19-20, and they’re about to go to their first hero gala as pro-hero’s, and they need dates.
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“ Back off dunce face”
Bakugou was currently holding you by the elbow. Less than five minutes ago he was as timid as you could imagine him. When Denki interrupted the two of you, you could feel the change in his bones. Something about Denki, in this specific moment, set Bakugou into a panic. You couldn’t think of why the two have fought in both mentally and physically, and Bakugou has one in almost all battles, so his sudden fear doesn’t make that much sense
What you don’t know is that this battle isn’t one of brain or muscles, but your heart.
The two blondes fell for you, naturally. they both had their reasons, their own moment that made them fall for you, the things that make their hearts beat faster than doctors would consider healthy.
Your two admires just so happened to be close friends. One night when Denki and Bakugo were hanging out with each other along with you, Mina, Sero, Jirou, and Kirishima. It wasn’t a shock that mina was pressuring each member to talk about their love life, past present, or future. That night Bakugo talked about the person he was interested in he was confident, he even talked about how he planned to ask her out to the hero gala coming up. When Denki talked of his crush he wasn’t smug like Bakugo but he was confident, but he rambled. His rambling was something that Bakugou would normally ignore but Bakugo started to make connections between Denkis crush and his own.
Eventually, Bakugou pulled Denki aside and basically forced the name out of Denki. Denki saw the look on Bakugous face when your name left his lips, he knew that Bakugou didn’t like that answer, and that’s how the two realized that their eyes were set on the same person.
Both parties became worried though they both seem like confident men but their confidence was easily disrupted. Both of them thinking that they would be your second choice, making them rethink their approach
Bakugou had precisely thought that he was all set to go on asking you out, that he had all the time in the world, but now there was a challenger, a nice, flirty challenger. Bakugo knew he needs to act fast if he wanted to be the one at your side at the hero gala. So the Monday after the group hang out, Bakugou rushed to you, that’s how you got to your current moment
You watched as Bakugou rushed toward you, you began to panic even though you are close to him, he still is strong and scary. And when he pointed at you, it did not make you feel better.
“You are going to the gala with me”
Bakugo yelled at you, you know that you never agreed to go to the gala with him or anyone else. And though you wouldn’t mind going to the gala with him, you don’t like that he’s telling you, and not asking.
He could see it on your face that what he said and how he said it wasn’t okay, and he wants to be more than ok so he tries again.
“I’m sorry, Can we talk? Like in a private area” You agreed, he grabbed your wrist pulling you into a private location in the building. When he grabbed you it was more aggressive than necessary. The reason behind that was that Bakugou saw that Denki was watching, and ready to interrupt, and Bakugou needs more time.
Once in the private hallway, Bakugo looked around as if this was a mission and a villain was around the corner, after he was done with securing the space he faced you, his hands on your arms.
He avoids eye contact with you and begins to talk
“I like you and I would like to know if you would accompany me to the hero gala”
His head is still tilted down, as you replay
“But what about the person you were gonna ask, the one you talked about on Friday? Did they reject you?”
The last part had some mockery tone behind it, trying to hide the slight hurt that you might be his second choice.
He looked at you the same one he does at Denki when he says something unimaginably stupid. Looking into your eyes and responding in a serious tone
“You are the person I was talking about, idiot. And I hope you don’t reject me”
The last part wasn’t meant for your ears, but you heard them anyways and they brought a smile to your face, you were about to replay when you felt Bakugous hand tighten around your elbow, pulling you closer to him.
“ Back off dunce face”
You realized that it was Denki by the nickname that was spat from Bakugous mouth. When Denki interrupted the two of you, you could feel the change in his bones. Something about Denki, in this specific moment, set Bakugou into a panic. You couldn’t think of why, sure this moment was internment but Bakugou was overreacting a bit, especially for smug Bakugou.
Denki responded to Bakugous demand, not a lot of people had the guts to say no to Bakugo in any situation, and here Denki was saying no when the air around Bakugo was unbearably tension
“No? It wasn’t a question, get out of here before I blow your face off”
Bakugo raided his hand, ready to send explosions Denkis way
“Go for it, she’ll still choose me over a jerk like you”
You were ready for Bakugo to leap toward Denki, but he didn’t and you wondered why
It’s because Bakugo believes Denki, he thinks that Denki is better for you. And he knows that attacking Denki will only prove that point
“Tch whatever, they already agreed to go with me”
You are shocked and you are not sure if you should even be. You pull your arm out of his grip and stand up for yourself.
“ I did not”
You roll your eyes as Denki interjects
“Yeah from what I remember, you didn’t even ask, you basically threatened her to go with you”
You and Bakugou both replay at one
“I did not”
“He did not”
You and Bakugo both blush at the way you two synced together while Denki interjects
“Well, he definitely didn’t ask?”
You were about to speak up when Denki steps forward and softly hold one of your hands with both his hands
“But I will. You were the person I was gushing over on Friday y/n, your the person I want to have by my side. So y/n, Will you do me the honor of accompanying me to my first hero gala?”
The whole time he looks into your eyes with his own, he seems to be full of sparkles, waiting for your answer
You which your options but don’t get far before Bakugou interrupts
“Just say yes, don’t try and pity me”
Bakugo goes to exit the hallway when you grab his hand, stopping him. He turns to face you, you’re now holding both of the boy’s hands, and looking at them
“Cant I say yes to both of you”
The two answer at the same time
Denki just wants you to go with him and doesn’t mind having to share, where Bakugou still thinks it’s out of pity.
“Well I either go with both of you or none of you”
The two switch answers, over and over until they both agree to both be your dates. But Bakugo still has some questions
“I don’t have to be his date though. Full offense but Denkis, not my type.”
Bakugo asks, his last sentence full of venom
“ back at you”
Denki replays, though there is almost no malice in his voice, he said it like Bakugou just called him hot, and not an insult
“No, I just need more time to decide what’s best for me, you or Denki, or someone else, I might just be better alone at the moment. And I think you guys should think about that too. You both seem to need to learn to love your selves.
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mshomestyle · 4 years
Yay!! This request can definitely be asked then. Sad and odd btw. What if when Oboro died he had a very young daughter that nobody really knew about, and Aizawa got custody of her because he's her Godfather. And years down the road she gets saved by Kurogiri. Idk how that happens, but she recognizes him. Not as her father right away, but he feels familiar. Then she finds out that's her dad and now she's trying to being him back because she just wants her dad again. I hope this isn't a sucky ask.
So, this will probably read a bit rushed, the reason being that currently, I do not write one-shots only drabbles for this blog. Getting this idea into a drabble was a bit challenging. >.< It is a great idea, though, and would be a really good story!
Also, though I primarily write reader-inserts and probably could have just assumed that the main character would be as such, I wasn’t exactly sure, so I did sort of a mix!
Spoilers! Spoilers! MHA Spoilers and Vigilantes Spoilers!
She had been so young when it happened, barely remembering a thing. She knew him, though, or rather a small part of her still seemed to remember. Not many people knew that she existed. Just Aizawa, Yamada, and Kayama, the three that had been the closest to Shirakumo, Oboro, her father. Her mother had wanted nothing to do with her, and her grandparents could only do so much. So, once he became an adult, Aizawa stepped in. He was, after all, her Godfather.
It wasn’t too hard of an adjustment as she was still quite young when Aizawa became an adult. He raised her up as best as he could, knowing exactly what Oboro would have wanted for his daughter. Though, even with a guardian like Aizawa, the young girl still grew up to be like her father. She was charismatic, cheerful, and an incredibly selfless person. Looking at her, could sometimes be like looking at Oboro, himself. It was something that was bittersweet.
[Name] hoped to become a hero one day. She knew that her father died trying to save others, and she wanted his dream to live on in her. Not only that, but being who she was, she knew that she couldn’t just sit still while others were in danger and she had the opportunity to do something. She had gotten her father’s quirk after all, which she was demonstrating now as she was currently comfortable sitting on a low-flying cloud. “What did I tell you about doing that in the house?” Aizawa asked, running a hand through his long black hair.
“It’s comfortable, though,” [Name] pouted trying hard to give a little kitten look-Kitten not puppy, because of Aizawa’s love for them.
“Cute, but not going to work,” Aizawa crossed his arms. With a mock sad sigh, [Name] descended, dusting herself off as she now stood on the floor. “I have a meeting to go to, so I trust you’ll behave.”
“Of course, Uncle Shouta!” [Name] smiled, “But only if you leave me money for take-out.” She batted her eyelashes at him. Aizawa let out a sigh, before pulling out his wallet and giving the now excited teen some money.
“Don’t stuff yourself,” he told her as he headed to the door, “And behave.”
“Will do!” Once Aizawa closed the door, [Name] went to find something interesting to do. It was still early afternoon and the meetings at U.A. could often last until evening, so she had the rest of the day to herself. After some thought, she decided to go for a walk.
It was a nice day out and there weren’t too many people walking around. [Name] did think about using her quirk, but she also knew that she could get in trouble for it. Not wanting to possibly cause a problem for Aizawa, she decided against it. “I might as well get dinner while I’m out,” she thought aloud. There were many restaurants and shopping centers that she knew of, and after much thought she decided to go with ramen.
The walk to her favorite hole-in-the-wall ramen place proved itself to be a far one, but being as it was one of those ‘best kept secret’ sort of places, it was worth it. Since this place wasn’t in what some might call ‘the nice part of town’, many people did indeed overlook it. The food there was amazing, and even as [Name] finally made it, noting the line of people, she knew that it would be worth it.
Tapping her foot lightly, [Name] played on her phone as she waited for her turn. ‘Shouldn’t take too long,’ she thought to herself. ‘And soon I’ll be at home relaxing again an-‘ A loud ‘boom!’ was heard and [Name] quickly turned to look towards where she heard the sound coming from only to see half of the restaurant on fire. She knew that she had to act quickly! She had to save as many people as she possibly could-No, she needed to save everyone!
[Name] looked for the nearest opening to outside, and the second she noticed a window she took a chair and smashed through it. People were screaming and running around, and [Name] worked quickly to make clouds to transport the customers from inside of the building to outside. She knew that she didn’t have a hero license, yet, so she could get into trouble. She just didn’t care at the moment.
As she worked quickly to save everyone, [Name] almost completely forgot about herself, so before she knew it, she began to cough, the smoke starting to get to her. “Almost there, almo-“ Another explosion was all [Name] heard before she saw black.
The sun was setting when [Name] woke up. Quickly, she shot up, hearing sirens in the distance. When she looked around, however, [Name] noticed that she was in what appeared to be an alleyway. “Oh, good, you’re awake.” The young teen shot up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice and looked all over until she saw its source. Now, [Name] usually didn’t notice people with mutation quirks in her day to day life since it was like regular people to her, however, this man…He was just a big cloud of black mist with glowing eyes.
[Name] didn’t feel afraid, though, because for some reason he felt almost familiar. “I will take my leave then,” he curtly spoke.
“W-Wait!” [Name] found that word coming out of her mouth before she could really register it. The mist man slowly looked at her. “What’s….Who are you?” He just stared at her, eyes giving away no emotion, and because of that [Name] was starting to regret asking her question. With a shake of his head, the man turned and left.
“Kurogiri…,” Was all he said.
Months had passed since that incident and on the day that [Name] received her hero provisional license, she could not help but to recall it. That man ‘Kurogiri’ had been found out to be a key member of the League of Villains. Why had he saved her, though? Those thoughts only appeared briefly, however, as she went back to celebrating with her friends. More time had passed, and the more it did, the more [Name] found herself becoming a better hero. She wanted to be able to save anyone and everyone, and she would continue to work towards that goal.
Luckily for her, she had herself a golden ticket to private training lessons with Aizawa-Or rather she would bat her eyelashes and give him kitten looks in order for him to give her some extra training. So, heading into the teachers’ dorm after being extended an invitation inside by Cementoss, [Name] went to seek her guardian.
“Well, what did you expect?” she could hear Present Mic’s voice.
“Not that. Not that at all after we were called in.” And there was her uncle Shouta. He sounded as if he was in a weary mood, which made [Name] pout. She hated to think that he had overworked himself.
“So, are you going to tell her? I mean, Oboro was her father, after all, and she knows about him.” ‘Oboro…’ That name. It caused [Name] to stop right in her tracks.
“Are you out of your damn mind?” Aizawa scolded Mic, “The last thing [Name] needs to hear is that her father was turned into…well that.” [Name] could feel her heart starting to beat faster.
“Okay, but what if we can get Oboro out of Kurogiri? Then what?” ‘Oboro….Kirigiri….Oboro….Kurogiri….Oboro…Kurogi-‘ It was way too much for [Name] to handle and without a second thought, she dashed out of the teachers’ dorm, nearly running into All Might, who was on his way in.
“Young [Name]?” All Might questioned, though was ignored. [Name] just couldn’t believe that! It couldn’t have been true! There was just no way, no way that her father was-Her mind quickly went to that incident in which she had been saved by him. She had wondered before why a villain would choose to save her. She even debated telling Aizawa about it or not, but eventually decided that perhaps she was saved before Kurogiri became a villain or something of that nature, just anything really to justify it. Now, however, hearing what was said, it only made sense.
Stopping in her tracks at the realization, [Name] thought long and hard about everything that had happened. Everything from what she knew of her father to the incident in which Kurogiri saved her, and now to this. Was he still her father under there? Did he remember her? Did he even know her? [Name] shook her head. There was so much that she needed to know. So much that she needed to find out. Most importantly, she needed to save him from the life of being a villain. [Name] had no idea about the whole situation with him, but she decided that day to get her father back.
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staygoldaj · 4 years
Analysis on the MHA Girls
(Part I: Uraraka & Momo)
I know that the fandom tends to dislike these queens and push them aside, and I know Hori doesn't really know how to write women, but what he has given us is great and I wish the fans would appreciate these awesome ladies more. So here's an analysis for my girls, I wanna do an analysis on the three musketeers (broccoli, popcorn, & candy cane) so that'll be posted soon too :)
BEST. GIRL. I love Uraraka so much, she is the reason why I started watching MHA and she's such a sweetheart, I wish she wasn't so hated amongst the fandom.
We first meet her as this wholesome, bubbly girl who saves Midoriya from falling, and it's pretty clear that she's gonna be the main love interest. Honestly, I was a little disappointed during her first few scenes. Like I said, she was the reason why I started MHA, and she turns out to be the typical sweet girl the main dude has a crush on. I didn't have high hopes tbh. What first intrigued me was when she admits her reasons for becoming a hero. You would never expect the innocent girl-next-door love interest to be doing something for money. Even she herself says it's "such an unwholesome motivation" in comparison to Midoriya's and Iida's reasons, and she gets praised for "looking out for herself." This is the first misconception I see often on her character; she wants money for herself because she's poor. If you look into her reasons, she just wants to make money for her parents, not for her, so that her parents can take it easy. She is just as selfless as Midoriya and Kirishima, but I don't see her get praised for her selflessness nearly as much as for those two or other characters. I also really like the small flashback they included; her father tells her to not worry about them and to follow her dreams. Whether at the start Uraraka truly wanted to be a hero or solely did it for the money is up for interpretation. I personally think she started solely for the money, which I'll get into after I talk about the Sports Festival.
Uraraka vs. Bakugo is one of the most emotional fights in my opinion, and it's one of my favorites. EVERYONE in that stadium underestimated her. I'm not going to say that the reason was because she was a woman, but rather, Bakugo is pretty ruthless and powerful, where as she is not, and people knew that. The fact that she was a "small young girl" just added more fuel to that, if that makes sense. And this best girl did what she could to prove EVERYONE wrong. This is where Uraraka proves that she isn't a typical sweet shonen love interest and I wish people took notice in that. People think of ambitious, determined, driven, cunning, and powerful women as dark and mysterious, femme fatale so to speak. But this fight shows that Uraraka, a pretty extroverted, kind, and bubbly person, is all of those qualities, just as ambitious and determined as the strongest male characters in the show, such as Bakugo and Todoroki.
And when she loses the fight (after basically passing out btw, queen didn't stop until the very end), she doesn't just mope and quit and wait for encouraging words from her love interest, she 1. GIVES the encouraging words TO her love interest and 2. she understands that her quirk alone isn't going to be enough to get her to the top, so she carefully chooses a hero agency where she knows she will be taught combat, AND SHE LEARNS. The next time her class is attacked by villains, she single-handedly takes down one of the more dangerous members without a quirk, just with the fighting skills she took the time to learn.
Back to what I said earlier, Uraraka started her hero journey solely for money. This plays directly into her development in seasons 3 and 4, which is criminally underrated. She sees her entire class working harder than ever, and even though she's dealing with unfamiliar emotions, she decides to push those emotions aside to not fall behind, determined to be a good student and hero like her classmates. During the events at Shie Hassaikai, Uraraka finally learns the true environment a hero works in. Failing to save Nighteye, she realizes that what she truly wants for herself isn't money or Midoriya, it's being a hero who saves people. I believe Nighteye's death directly ties into the "who protects heroes when they need protection?" line. This recent chapter in the manga makes me think that she's gonna do something big and go through a character arc. I said this on Twitter and I'll say it here, I want Uraraka to become a hero who protects heroes (whatever that could mean, it has a nice ring to it lol). Honestly, her character has sm potential, I'm excited for what Horikoshi has in store for her.
God is a woman and that woman is Momo Yaoyorozu. I'm tired of people calling her annoying because of one episode, as if you've never had self-esteem problems before 🙄 so now I'm going to talk about why she's amazing 😋
My initial impression of Momo was the typical smart girl, stern, formal, and aloof, but still caring. And as I rewatch the series, I believe this is what Horikoshi was going for at first. I think her voice was deeper in the first season too. As much as I love the Erza type of characters, I love where Horikoshi ended up going with Momo. As a teenage girl, I find the arc she went through during season 2 very relatable. It's obvious that Momo was raised to have full confidence in herself. While she may not show it like Bakugo does, I think it's obvious that she's not used to losing, she was probably praised for having an amazing quirk growing up, like Bakugo, but is a way more humble about it because she was raised differently. So at the Sports Festival, she experiences losing, seemingly for the first time, in a place where she just can't afford to lose. But she does. And this takes a huge toll on her.
She's rich, pretty, the top student in class, and admired by her peers, but obviously that's not what mattered to Momo. What mattered to her most in that moment was looking good in front of agencies, what mattered most was to be a worthy hero, and she feels like she's failed. She seeks guidance from a female hero, hoping to have a female role model guide her through issues she has as a 15 year old girl, but instead finds herself being used for her looks. Again, Momo doesn't care about any of that, she just wants to be considered a worthy hero, and her defeat at the Sports Festival made her completely lose the confidence she needed to accomplish that goal.
Now we have the Yaoyorozu Rising episode. Fans who hate her often refer to this episode as "evidence for Todomomo", "her being annoying by not knowing what to do," etc. etc. etc. 🙄
I like Todomomo. It's a cute and healthy ship. There are WAY more Todomomo scenes, not in this episode. Todoroki is a side character in Momo's story in this episode. This episode is MOMO'S. Sorry but she’s not sharing the spotlight. I know that seems a little aggressive, sorry, but this episode shows a lot of development in Momo, and it just gets brushed off as Todomomo content when it's not. She did know what to do, btw, she has a plan. She didn't know how to communicate that. She didn't want to communicate that. She was scared that her plan wouldn't work. She was scared that she'd fail. All of that stems back to her defeat at the Sports Festival, she has lost a major amount of confidence, and Aizawa and Todoroki notice this. Aizawa even says that her actions are of a normal 15 year old girl's, and even though he wished to help her, he couldn't, so Todoroki does it in his place. This is something I notice about Momo that is one of the most relatable things I've ever seen in a teenage girl in not just shonen, anime but just in fiction in general: she knows she has a good plan, but she doesn't have confidence in it until someone else gives her the validation. Upon seeing that others trust her, she regains her confidence and fulfills her plans with excellency. She is a REALISTIC 15 YEAR OLD GIRL which is honestly SO refreshing to see in a work of fiction. It's what I love about her character: she represents many teenagers, girls, boys, and theys alike.
And yeah, it might've been annoying if she had stayed the "has good plans but only executes them if she gets the validation from others" type of character. But she doesn't. By season 3, she has shown a significant amount of growth. She is shown to be more of a leader now that she's more confident in herself, and she's still dealing with it (that one scene with Sero & Jiro 💀), but she's gotten a lot better after realizing her worth, after realizing the trust others have in her, after realizing that others see her as an intelligent leader. So in the forest, she quickly comes up with a plan and executes it quickly. Had she not done this, had she not thought and acted quickly, who knows how long it would've taken before the heroes found Bakugo.
Another thing I want to mention before I finish Momo's section- at the hospital, All Might calls her a worthy hero because of her actions. It was her inability to act quickly at the Sports Festival that made her doubt her worth, and it's her ability to act quickly that makes All Might see it. I think this plays a major role for her character, maybe why she ultimately decided to go on the mission to save Bakugo. She's gonna have some of the spotlight to herself during the Joint Training Battle.
I also want to mention something from the manga, if you don't want spoilers then don't read this part.
Some of Midnight's last words in the manga are "Yaoyorozu's going to make a fine leader someday," which shows how her peers and mentors alike notice her potential. Additionally, she proves this statement right by quickly coming up with a plan to stop Gigantomachia. I'm very excited to see how Momo develops into an even more inspiring leader as the manga continues.
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natsubeatsrock · 4 years
Guide to Avoiding Fairy Tail Criticism
Fairy Tail is far from a perfect series. I'm not here to argue otherwise. I've made plenty of critiques about Fairy Tail over the years and I've been a strong proponent of people being allowed to say things they don't like about the series.
Though, as I watch the fallout of Hbomberguy's video on RWBY and how its fans are dealing with it, it's hard not to think about the stupid things people have said negatively about Fairy Tail. This series has its fair share of stupid, bad faith complaints repeated by critics over and over. While I've talked about some of these in the past, I think it's worth talking compiling a list of things that people who hate Fairy Tail say that I can't take seriously.
"Fairy Fail."
Let's just get this one out of the way. It's not clever in any way. I can't believe this has become as popular an insult as it has. I've seen so many people jokingly refer to this series with this name. No one who unironically uses this is genuinely interested in engaging the series on fair terms at all.
More than that, it's not even true. Despite any issues regarding the series, Fairy Tail is still a fairly popular series with fans, especially outside of Japan. It's one of Kodansha's most successful IPs of the 2000s. The fact that people put it on the same level as Shonen Jump's Big 3 is impressive. If this is what a failing series looks like, I can't imagine what success would look like for Mashima.
"Mashima didn't plan anything."
This is one I've fallen victim to in the past. To be fair, Mashima hasn't been the best at explaining this to his fans. For critics, it's easy to see that Mashima says he comes up with plot points as he goes. Of course, the reason this is a critique is that this is as far as many go.
As Mashima explains it, it's not that Mashima didn't have any plans for future events for the series and how future events would go. While he didn't start the series with many concrete plans aside from the basics, he has had plans for how the series would go. But rather than being fixed plans, Fairy Tail's decisions have been more fluid paths Mashima chooses to go down as the series continues.
This isn't a bad way to write a story. As a story progresses, you may realize that certain ideas may be less possible than others or things you've planned at the start make less sense than you originally thought. Again, the critique could be that Mashima's style of writing is responsible for some of the series' weaker moments. However, it's wrong to say that Mashima shot from the hip every week, as some people have described his writing. Luckily, Fairy Tail is the only series Mashima has written this way. Both Rave Master and Edens Zero have been planned more from the beginning.
"It's like One Piece, but worse."
I've seen it thrown around that Fairy Tail looks like One Piece. If that's all there was to it, I don't think this would be on this list. Despite what people tell you, Mashima was never an assistant for Eichiro Oda. Mashima got into the landscape without being anyone's assistant. That's easy to dismiss.
However, I've seen people argue that Fairy Tail is a poor attempt at trying to copy One Piece's formula. Ignore for a moment that Edens Zero is closer to following that model and even it isn't a copy. Or that every series this side of Dragon Ball has been accused of being similar to it and people have been doing the same with series after Naruto.
The focus of Fairy Tail isn't similar to that of One Piece. There is no grand treasure or giant goal that the series revolves itself around finding. A lot of the main conflicts to Fairy Tail present themselves less as threats to the individual goals of characters or but to the guild's existence.
"There is no point to Fairy Tail."
I've talked about this one in the past. One thing you'll see people say regarding Fairy Tail is that there wasn't a goal the series was getting to. People will often make the poor comparison to Bleach in this regard, despite Bleach's focus being Ichigo's growth towards being able to protect the people that care about him.
This is a point that even fans of the series miss. I've recently been describing Fairy Tail as a series told through the lens of its main characters about the guild. The focus isn't on how the Fairy Tail guild grows towards being the best, especially since they start at the top. We're meant to watch the characters in the guild as they interact with the world around them and the other guild members.
If that sounds like a weird way to run a series, it's not. Durarara has a similar setup but splits the focus from one core group of characters to several groups and individual characters split up across its main city. Its plot focuses on how each different group connects with each other in ways they don't know and we can't expect as viewers. I wish people would engage Fairy Tail criticism on this level because there are ways to criticize in its implementation of this. However, people see that there's no "I'm gonna be Hokage" or "I'm going to find the One Piece" plotline and think that the series has no point to it.
"Natsu/Lucy is a bad protagonist."
This is related to the last point. The series is less about how Natsu or Lucy achieve their specific goals and more about the guild after they meet each other and start working together. If the series were about those things, we'd get more time focusing on Natsu's search for Igneel or Lucy's growth in the guild. Once you understand what the series is about, the focus the series takes makes sense.
However, I want to spend some time explaining the functions that either character. Again. While the series is, for the most part, told through Lucy's perspective, Natsu is the main driving force of the series. The comparison I've been making for years now is the Sherlock Holmes stories. If Natsu is Sherlock Holmes, Lucy is Dr. Watson. Mashima's referred to both as the main character and the argument could be made that this focus expands to other main members of the Strongest Team.
"Juvia had no arc."
Yet another one I've been responsible for sharing. I've had a weird arc over the past few years of writing about Fairy Tail going from tacit defense to reluctant attacks to my current stance of nuanced critique. However, I've never been a huge fan of how Juvia's been written, despite liking Juvia herself. It's been thrown around that Juvia didn't have a real character or arc, especially outside of Gray.
Juvia's arc involves coming to experience love better. She goes from learning to love other people as friends to engaging with romantic love. She even gets the opportunity to share that love with others. While the focus of that arc becomes centered around Gray, it's not as if Juvia becomes less loving of others or that her arc focusing on Gray makes no sense considering he started her on the path of becoming more loving.
As much as I should sympathize with this argument, it's become a lot more annoying to see this kind of argument levied towards female characters. You're not seeing people argue that Jellal's change is too focused on Erza. I'm not even saying this as someone who loves how this has been played out in the series. It's just annoying to see at all.
"Watch Craftsdwarf's videos on Fairy Tail!"
I've talked about a few of the issues I have with the series already, but I keep seeing this brought up. I'll give credit where it's due. Craftsdwarf's "Overly Long Analytical Tirade on Fairy Tail" does make good points about the series. And considering it's broken up into different parts, it's more digestible than that rant about RWBY. I'm a big fan of the kind of media analysis videos and I've often linked some of my favorite videos in my posts here.
However, Craftsdwarf's videos aren't perfect. The videos come at the series from a hilariously uncharitable point of view, resulting in repeating many of the points I've already mentioned in this post. Their analysis of both Fairy Tail and Rave Master is often shallow and ill-formed. It might be helpful to watch the series to see a negative perspective about Fairy Tail. However, I worry that the points made in that series will be the foundation of future criticism of this series.
“Fairy Tail is the worst (popular) battle action shonen.”
It’s funny seeing this one levied towards plenty of series that aren’t Fairy Tail. People say this about Dragon Ball. People say this about the Big 3. People say this about other hits in Weekly Shonen Magazine like Seven Deadly Sins and Fire Force. People say this about the current popular stuff from WSJ like MHA and Black Clover. Fairy Tail is far from the first or last series to get this complaint.
Even ignoring how hilariously hard this is to quantify as objective fact as opposed to personal preference, I’ve noticed that most of the people making this claim don’t do the work to understand why things they don’t like happened. To be honest, I don’t know too many fans who are willing to do the same. A lot of fans have the infuriating mindset of “it’s bad, but I still like it”.
Despite whatever anyone tells you, Fairy Tail has internal logic outside of “nakama power”. Characters face genuine loss and win for logical reasons. Even if it’s not as consistent as fans would like it to be, I don’t think the anime/manga fandom is worse for this series being as popular and beloved as it is.
Let me know if I forgot any or if you’ve heard another one.
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ashleyh713 · 4 years
“His Reasons” Ch1
Hello! This is my ongoing MHA fanfic called “His Reasons.” There are many chapters so far but I thought I’d post the first one here. If this interests you, links to the full fanfic are below. I am very proud of this fanfic and I hope you will give it a chance, even if it may sound generic at first. Trust me, it isn’t. 
Todoroki X OC
Sibling Bakugo as well 
Feels, angst and character development a plenty. Not your typical OC story. 
Katsuki Bakugo was born at 1:10AM on a rainy Friday morning. When they weighed him he turned out to be irregularly strong for the newborn. 
His parents cried for joy but soon realized everything was not over. 
Amari Bakugo was born at 1:20AM and right away they noticed a drastic change between the two infants. 
Where as Katsuki was abnormally strong, Amari appeared weak and stick thin, almost purple and blue around the sides of her face. 
The doctors noticed this and sprang into action quickly, grabbing the child and attaching all sorts of tubes and wires while she remained silent. 
The parents raced forward and asked what was wrong but the doctor were too busy trying to keep the newborn alive. 
That was the start of Katsuki and Amari Bakugo’s very different lives.
After they stabilized her, Amari was forced to stay in the hospital so that doctors could monitor her health. It seemed her body was extremely unstable, and they knew exactly why. They didn’t talk about it though, especially in front of Katsuki. 
Katsuki himself was stronger than ever though, living his life like a normal preschooler would. He didn’t pay any mind to his sister and just lived as he pleased. 
He would sometimes visit her though, mostly because he was forced by his mom. 
His mother pulled him inside the building, practically dragging him. “Now listen here young man! You are going to visit your sister and you are gonna like it!” 
Although Bakugo had other plans. “Ugh I don’t want to! It’s gonna be so boring and she just sits there not doing anything. I’m supposed to go play with my friends! Let me go!” 
But the woman wouldn’t budge and soon enough they were face to face with Amari. She just smiled but he couldn’t help but notice the tubes and machines hooked up to her. “Brother!” 
Bakugo scoffed as his mom pushed him into the room. “Tch.” 
Pulling him even further, his mom smiled back. “Hello sweetie, how are you feeling?” 
She looked down for a moment before nodding her head, pretending to flex her non existent muscles. “I’m good mommy! Soon I’ll be all better!”
There was sadness in their mother's eyes then. “Of course you will. Now, mommy’s gonna go downstairs and get you something delicious, okay? Katsuki, watch your sister.” 
He grumbled at this. “Ugh. Do I have to?”
This caused her to narrow her eyes. “Katsuki..”
Rolling his own eyes, Katsuki scoffed again. “Fine, just hurry up.” 
Seeming happy with that, she left the two kids alone, hoping that this time would be good for them. They were practically twins after all.
Once the door shut, Katsuki strolled up to Amari and put his small boot on her bed, looking rather annoyed. “So what’s your deal? Why are you stuck here?”
Putting a hand on her IV, Amari just sighed. “They said I can’t leave.”
Being a young kid, Katsuki didn’t understand her statement. “So you can’t even go outside or anything? What about go hunting for beetles or play superhero games?”
Amari shook her head. “No, the mean doctor said I have to stay cause I could get hurt real bad.” 
Crossing his arms across his chest, her replied. “Ahh how boring. So what do you do in here then? Just stare at the walls?”
She seemed to find this funny. “Sometimes. Sometimes I think about what my quirk will be.” 
This got him excited. Extending his legs, Katsuki stood on the chair next to him, his fists out in exhilaration. “I already know my quirk is gonna be the best so don’t even think you can beat me! I’m gonna be the best of the best, like All Might!” 
At the name, Amari perked up. “You know All Might?! I see him on TV all the time. Brother it would be good to be like him!” 
He nodded his head in agreement. “Hell yeah! I’m gonna be the best!” 
Laughing maniacally at his own statement, their mother peaked in and couldn’t help but smile at the two. It seemed she was worried for nothing. 
A couple years later, Bakugo was sitting in kindergarten when he felt a small spark ignited from his fingertips.  
All of his classmates turned and gasped in awe at what they were seeing, even the teachers seemed impressed. “Oh! Congratulations Bakugo, you got your quirk, and a wonderful one it is.” 
Looking down at his hands, the entire class cheered and he felt amazing. Finally, after all these years he was finally going to be the best. 
Then, he remembered something he once heard in class. 
Leaning over to his teacher, Bakugo questioned. “Teacher, is it true that twins get their quirks around the same time?” 
She looked confused but answered anyways. “Uhh yes that is true usually. Why do you ask Bakugo?” 
It was obvious she didn’t know about Amari. Heck, no one knew about her. It wasn’t really something he brought up in class and because she was in the hospital that meant she basically didn’t exist in the outside world.  “No reason.” 
But internally, he was excited to show off his new quirk to his family, silently hoping that what the teacher said was true. Maybe then she wouldn’t be so weak. 
Rushing to the hospital, Bakugo threw the door open and Amari just looked confused. “Brother? What are you doing here?” 
She didn’t seem any different from usual but that didn’t phase him much, instead running up to him and shouting. “Amari! Look, I got my quirk!” 
He let his palms ignited with sparks and her eyes went wide. “Whoaa, cool! That’s so cool brother!” 
Nodding his head at the ego stroke, her brother stood proud. “Right? Now I can be the best of the best, the most powerful!” 
Amari smiled happily for her own brother but it didn’t last long. Her eyes then shifted from him to her very skinny arms, muttering under her breath. “I wish I could get my quirk too.” 
He stopped then, racing towards her bedside. “I heard my teacher say that twins get their quirks around the same time. If you really focus, I’m sure you’ll get yours also!” 
Seeming rather uncertain, Amari raised her brow. “You sure? The doctors said…” 
But Bakugo just cut her off. “Screw what they say! You’re my sister which means you also gotta be strong! Just try!” 
A moment of silence filled the air and Amari thought about what the doctors told her, that she might never get her quirk because of her weak body. But on the other hand, she didn’t wanna disappoint her brother who had never come to see her willingly before this. 
Nodding her head, Amari squeezed her eyes and tried to focus, willing her quirk to come to the surface. She didn’t know exactly how to do it but all she could think about was making her brother proud. 
Suddenly she felt an odd heat in her fingertips and looked down to find them glowing a swirling gold color. This wasn’t the power her mother or father had.
Eyes widening, Amari gasped and got her brothers attention. “Brother, look! I did it! I got my quirk!” 
Bakugo just stared in awe at her power and watched her laugh, a small tear coming to her eyes. “Does this mean I can be a hero too?” 
Her brother was about to smile when something unexpected happened. 
Amari’s eyes grew panicked as she began coughing excessively, heaving heavily and curling over her sheets in desperation. The glow in her fingers was gone and Katsuki didn’t know what to do. “Hey, what’s wrong with you?” 
She didn’t answer though as she put a shaking hand to her mouth only to find blood on her palm. 
Suddenly, a dozen doctors and nurses came running in, dragging huge machines with them and rolling them to the side before eyeing the girl. “She seems to be having an attack. We need a C34 now” 
They began hooking up a ton of wires to her while her body shook and seized underneath them, her small hand grasping the railing for deal life. 
Now noticing the boy, one of the doctors put his hand out in anger. “Someone get this boy out of here! We need to operate!” 
Bakugo felt a hand on his arm, pulling him away from the scene but he wasn’t having it, choosing to curse at the woman. “Hey, what are you doing?! Get your hands off of me!” 
But given his small size, he was easily pushed out as the door locked behind him. 
After about thirty minutes, his mother showed up looking panicked and the doctors pulled her into a private room so they could talk. 
Young Katsuki couldn’t live with that though and quietly followed his mother so he could hear the conversation the two were about to have, although knowing what he knew now, he wished he didn’t back then.
His mother put a hand to her mouth, whispering out her words. “How is she?” 
The doctor picked up a file from his desk and opened it carefully. “It seems we were able to stabilize her condition finally. Her attack was caused by her quirk awakening.” 
She eyes grew wide in shock. “Isn’t that a good thing though? You said she might not ever get her quirk.” 
Shaking his head, the doctor sighed. “Normally yes, getting a quirk is a wonderful thing but in Amari’s case it’s very dangerous.” 
Not understanding, his mother spoke up. “Dangerous, how so?” 
Pulling out another file, he showed the woman the statistics. “In order to be able to sustain your quirk, you must have a strong body, the more powerful the quirk, the more the body must work to maintain it so it doesn’t shut down. In Amari’s case though, her body was so weak from birth that using her quirk could potentially end her life. That’s why we didn’t want her to have one.” 
Katsuki remained frozen at his words. What did he mean his sister couldn’t use her quirk? Just because she was so weak?” 
His mother made a choking sound with her throat and put a shaking hand to her forehead. “Oh god, so that means she can’t ever use her quirk?” 
The doctor just simply shook his head. “I’m afraid not. As you know, Amari was born weak because in the womb, Katsuki took most of her energy and nutrients. It’s a sad fact but it’s not uncommon with twins. One just comes out stronger, and that one happened to be Katsuki. His quirk will surely be extra powerful because of that.” 
Leaning against the wall, Katsuki seemed dumbfounded at what he was saying. His hands grew unnaturally numb as the boy tried to process everything. 
The reason that his sister was like that was because of him? No, that wasn’t his fault. Yet it seemed like all the pieces were slowing sticking together. 
The reason she couldn’t step foot outside, the reason she couldn’t play with anyone else and the reason she couldn’t even use her quirk, there was no mistaking it, it was because of him unknowingly. His sister was sick because of him, because of his need to be better than everyone. The very realization made him sick inside. 
Feeling the bile in his throat, Katsuki ran away from the conversation, unable to hear anymore and fell to the ground, heaving at the reality that had smacked him in the face. 
Time and time again he made fun of her for being stuck in the hospital and being weak but the ugly truth was, he was the one that made her that way. Everything was his fault. 
A couple nurses came rushing to him and asked what was wrong but Katsuki couldn’t hear them over the sound of his own despair.
What had he done?
Because Bakugo got sick, his father picked him up and brought him home, although the child had far too many other things on his mind. 
He didn’t eat much dinner and just crawled to bed without any resistance which was rare for him. Usually his parents would have to fight him every night to go to bed. 
Laying down, all he could think about was Amari. Katsuki wondered silently if she would be okay. He hoped so, or else he didn’t know if he could live with himself. 
If only he wasn’t so stubborn in the womb and didn’t take all of Amari’s strength, then she would be able to run and jump and go outside like everyone else. It seemed almost selfish  that he bragged about his life to her, knowing everything now. 
Gritting his teeth, Bakugo sat up from his bed, throwing the sheets off of him and stood up, a new sense of passion burning in his eyes. 
He then realized that since he took all of Amari’s power that he wouldn’t let it go in vain. He would use that power to protect her and become the strongest number 1 hero the world has ever seen
Throwing the window open on the right, Bakugo sucked in a deep breath and screamed and the top of his lungs, all the pain and regret flowing out all at once. “I’M GONNA BE NUMBER 1 DAMN IT! I WILL BE THE NUMBER ONE HERO!”
He knew he had to, for her, and for himself. 
Shortly after that night it was announced that Amari would study in America so that she could get away from everything and hopefully have a new start. The medicine over there was also better for her sickness so everyone thought it was best. 
Bakugo hadn’t seen her since that night and he wanted to keep it that way. He much rather shoved her existence and the guilt so far down until he could hardly see it. Yes, this was better. 
Although one day, Bakugo and his friends were playing near his street when they caught a glimpse of a familiar shade of blonde hair watching them. 
He turned to her and that sickening feeling rose up again in his stomach, all the painful memories and guilt rushing back. 
One of his friends seemed to notice her as well and pointed. “Hey, who is that? She looks just like you Bakugo!” 
Another friend snickered at her appearance. “Yeah expect she’s like a twig. Are you related?” 
The two twins stared at each other for a couple moments and Amari opened her mouth to say something when Bakugo cut her off. No, they couldn’t know about what he did. “I’ve never seen her before in my life. You really think I could be related to someone that weak? Let’s just go.” 
Then, he turned his back on her and walked away, not bothering to see her expression. He didn’t want to see the damage he caused. 
His friends also agreed. “That’s true. Besides, Bakugo is an only child, remember?” 
Nodding his head, the other friend understood. “Yeah that’s true. I don’t know what I was thinking. Let’s go play superheroes!” 
Then they all hurried behind their leader and left the street, leaving Amari alone once again. 
And that was it. 
That was the last time that Bakugo last saw Amari,and the last time he had to worry about her. To him, she was just something that didn’t exist. 
Or so he thought.
10 Years Later 
Kicking off her shoes, Amari raced into the house and past the dorm leader who shouted at her angrily. “Amari, slow down! You are going to push yourself too hard!” 
Amari just looked back and smiled at the leader before putting her hands up in forgiveness. “Sorry Vanessa but I got something waiting for me!” 
Turning the corner Vanessa just sighed. “This girl, I swear..” 
Running down the hall, Amari stopped when she reached her destination, the mailbox. 
She then took the key out of her pocket and started muttering. “Please please please please let it be here please please…” 
Amari put the key in the lock before opening it slowly, squinting her eyes in case she didn’t want to see. 
She paused for a moment when she saw a white envelope with a red seal on the back. Amari squeaked in delight at this, shouting happily. “IT’S HERE, OMG IT’S HERE AHHH.” 
The rest of the dorm shushed her but Amari didn’t really seem to care, just putting her paper to her lips and smiling. 
Then, ripping open the paper, a little hologram message popped up with All Might shouting gleefully. 
Hello young Amari Bakugo.  It is with great excitement and pleasure that I welcome you to U.A.  Being one of the five recommendations this year, we expect great things from you.  But remember it isn’t just about status but rather heart and determination.  That is all, can’t wait to see you there Alright, transmission out!
The transmission then cut off and Amari couldn’t help but smile gleefully. Finally, she was going to U.A. 
Where to read the rest of the fanfic (Goes until S4 as of now and is updated every couple days) 
Quotev: https://www.quotev.com/story/12212516/His-Reasons/1
Watt pad: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/202689789/write/792330223
Fanfic.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13405192/1/His-Reasons
AO3:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/22762864/chapters/54392668
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uozlulu · 5 years
BnHA/MHA chapter 258 reaction and spoilers
Okay, who’s the messy bastard that named their color coded LA group carmine instead of red? lol
I like how this shows that now that Hawks is experiencing what it’s like not to be a hero, he’s seeing how the current system is perceived and affecting others who are not a part of that upper class of heroes. I’m curious if this will affect his actions, though I don’t think it might.
I like that Twice is suspicious of Hawks. Twice has good instincts.
Giving people weapons, calling it freedom, and then reaching peak lawlessness reminds me of the kind of gun slinging wild west nonsense some people want us to return to in the US. Also like the average citizen is neither hero or villain. Do they even known how to protect themselves? Aizawa said in the last chapter Yagi was All Might for decades, which made it sound like probably 30~+ years since most people don’t say decades and mean two decades. What is the average citizen going to do with this? How many of them know basic self-defense? I mean like a percentage of people will probably be like “Time to get the Purge on,” but I think most would rather just carry on with their lives without getting sucked into this revolution. It also makes me wonder like as the LA began drumming up support and getting noticed how many average citizens like took some kind of action to protect themselves just in case or how many just figure the heroes will take care of things so they just put this impending doom out of their minds.
Hawks: [talking about Twice, who ended up with something like Dissociative Identity Disorder due to overusing his quirk on himself in the past] When I heard that you conquered your trauma, a chill ran down my spine because at that moment, you went from being just another two-bit villain to the asset we ought to fear the most. I know that you’re a good-natured guy, and since I know you’re good-natured…
Twice, and many other characters, provide a narrative I think about Japan’s lack of mental health care. Much like in the real world, this hero-loving society has no room for someone like Twice whose quirk caused personality changes. The way Hawks speaks about Twice is in conjunction with a society that lacks compassion for his situation and lacks resources for his situation. Hawks thinks that Twice has “conquered [his] trauma,” but living with a mental illness is a constant. There is no conquering, there’s only managing, compensating, ebbing, and flowing. Hawks also notes that he thinks Twice is an “asset we ought to fear the most.” Why? Because he underscores the fact this society had no place for him so he became a villain? Because his kind nature could help facilitate something that might end in a truce? Because realizing how many villains might be like him could cause the average citizen to rethink the power they give heroes? Because Hawks thinks it’s deceptive? Could be any number of those reasons and more most likely. People like Twice are a threat to the current order of things after all because then the average person has to start asking why isn’t there a way to help and support Twice? Why did he have to become a villain to find that? How many villains are actually villainous by nature? Etc…etc…Heroes really can’t afford those types of questions.
I think also showing us Hawks interacting with Twice as opposed to any other LoV or LA member not only underscores the societal structure problems, but also underscores that we’re unlikely to see Hawks preform a triple cross. He’s loyal to the heroes despite what he did to Best Jeanist. It also leaves me with questions about what all went down with Best Jeanist. We didn’t really see much in regards to the details so it should be interesting to see an extended scene of what actually happened sometime. I’m sure it’ll happen because this is the kind of manga that lends to an anime that has to cut sections of it for time.
I’m still curious about the statement from last week that all the heroes disappeared from the cities. It makes me curious if perhaps Shigaraki’s quirk has been enhanced to the point he can pick and choose who to disintegrate. However, at the end of this chapter, we see the kids are gearing up to help the heroes they’re interning under evacuate various cities and so forth, so maybe the villains are going to find abandoned cities to rampage or something. I like that it leaves us with more questions.
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nerdsideofthemedia · 6 years
Bumblebee was always the plan part 2
It’s time to continue with my controversial posts. When I began writing this, it was intended to be mostly a response to arguments I see around and EF’s. Then my pretty confrontational post that had led to say to a friend “Thankfully no one reads my blog” became much bigger than I ever expected. There’s a good chance I would have gone for a different tone had I known it would get 500x the usual view of… 1, which is usually mine. This been said, it would have been a mistake. Still, I feel like I have to address some points that seem to have confused a few people and this is definitely to do that.
But first, soothing music to prevent knee-jerk reactions.
Let’s start with a claim that was kind of controversial: the suggestion that Blake could still turn out to be a lesbian instead of bi or pan as some claimed this was in itself bi erasure. I understand where this complaint comes from as bisexuality was basically considered to not exist in media, for example, Sex and the City has an episode where all the main characters but Samantha treat it as something alienating and a way to still be in the closet. Yeah, some episodes have not aged well. And I’ve lost count of the number of people that still don’t consider it a thing, even among progressive fandom like Janelle Monae’s and Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s (I just gave you 2 bi anthems1). Just so we’re clear, even though I do think Blake is bothsexual (let’s see if someone recognizes that reference), I have to put on table of her being a lesbian as some gay people have dated members of the opposite sex for a very long time, and there’s high probability some of them were abused in said relationships. I can’t ignore those experiences (I suppose I can, but I shouldn’t and hopefully never will).
Black Sun: the ship that didn’t sail
Again, there were a few that didn’t like that I compared BB and BS, which they interpreted as a dick contest. That really wasn’t my goal. I did that because those were the ships involving Blake that had a chance to happen (Catmeleon and Enabling-abuse2 were not on the table) and I was arguing for Bumblebee having been the plan all along (which, to me, implies that Black Sun was meant to be a red herring, though I didn’t flat out say it – sorry, I didn’t think I needed to). The point was to illustrate how there had been hints for Bumblebee.
I argued for that way before volume 6 by pointing out several clues like the dance arc, the songs and the injury. At the time, someone asked me how I could know BB wasn’t the red herring. There are 2 reasons why:
While it’s not lacking in hints and foreshadowing, they are (mostly3) on the subtle side when compared to the very obvious Sun’s crush on Blake;
They’re a LGBTQ+ pairing. There are huge double standards when it comes to LGBTQ+ in comparison to hetero ones – many people will deny the first one until it’s impossible to do so. The point of the bait and switch is to have a little twist and you can’t have that if a significant part of your audience notices the switch, but doesn’t see the bait.
And if you have doubts about the last point, remember: in 6x11, Adam attacked Yang out of jealousy, then Blake held her hand while making a speech that put them as equal in contrast to Blake-Adam, a relationship where one of them constantly tried to make the other feel small (the point of the infamous speech). There were many denying BB. Then, he tried to make Yang feel insecure about Blake by telling her she had made the same promise to him and asked the super platonic question: “What does she even see in you?” and people still tried to deny it. In the last episode, Blake and Yang spent the time holding each other’s hands and yet, there were still people denying it. Not that I’m complaining, since it only increased my celebration time. It was like: episode 6x11, “yeah! Bees” for 3 days, the internet crashed my party for one, then 6x12, “yeah! Bees! This time is for sure” for another 3 days, again I had my enthusiasm dashed and finally, “yeah! Bees”. That time it stuck. So thanks guys! It would have been bad if by 6x13 I had already used all my fireworks.
If you thought BS was going to happen – that’s normal, because it was the bait. If I am aware that people tend to think of others as straight until proven otherwise, why do you think the writers aren’t? I may not live in the same country as them, but I still consume a lot of USA’s media and I know that if guy stalks girl, he usually gets her. Not to mention, the number of times media announces a LGBTQ+ character as tactic to gain some support yet deliver nothing, like saying Dumbledore is gay even though there’s nothing in the films or books indicating it (let’s leave the conversation about the “word of God” for some other time). There were more than a few LGBTQ+ people who were afraid Bumblebee would turn out to be just that: queerbaiting.
Miles and Kerry knew all of that and, more importantly, they were aware that you knew it too, so they played on your assumptions to make their bait-and-switch. However, there were plenty of hints that Sun was just the red herring and that Bumblebee was going to happen. Last time, I focused on the latter, this time let’s concentrate on the first. Let’s take a look at Sun and Blake’s relationship, shall we?
Sun was introduced in the last episodes of V1 and Blake trusted him immediately, because… he’s a Faunus. Though she told him about herself and the White Fang, he showed immediately he’s not on the same page as her as Faunus rights mean a lot to her and little to nothing to him. In 2x01, Sun talks to Neptune about Blake and concluded “and the best part is she’s a Faunus”, which goes completely against Blake’s words in the next episode “I want people to see me for who I am, not what I am”. She began going on a downward spiral to which he reacts with “Is she being all Blake-y?”, while Yang’s the one who gets through to her by exposing her own vulnerability.
Sun not fully understanding Blake is something the show hammers in our heads quite a few times even in more recent volumes. Like when he assumed she’s on her way to fight the White Fang when she was actually going to Menagerie to rest. Or suggested destroying the WF while Blake wanted to take it back.
In volume 3, they had literally no interactions besides him winking at her in the Vytal Festival – yes, she blushed, which can be explained by the fact that he did it in front of an entire stadium or that she had a crush on him. Personally, I’m inclined to the latter, but it really doesn’t mean much: not all crushes lead to something. A lot of them are a result of idealization and I think that was the case for Blake. By the way, I have to speak of Blake’s crush as likely, not certain precisely because it was never actually confirmed.
When Yang asked Weiss where Blake and Ruby were, Sun was there, yet it was Yang alone who went after Blake. The next time we saw him, it’s after their injuries and he is noticing an injured Blake grabbing Yang’s hand.
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No, this shot doesn’t exist to show Sun seeing Blake injured, because he already knew that. He had just told Ruby that Yang was going to be OK, and the one who brought her there was Blake. Not to mention that if the point was to make him notice Blake’s injuries, it makes no sense for their hands to appear. Yang would have been kept out of the frame, instead of taking up more space than Blake. To me, this is the moment where Sun realizes Blake’s feelings for Yang. If the intention was for him to notice Blake’s injured, it would have made much more sense to see his face, then cut to her. Yes, they could have done the same with their hands, but this way they left it more ambiguous which was probably the intention. It would have made no sense for them to choose that if it was meant for Black Sun, because the audience was more than aware he was interested in Blake. We had been since V1 as there was never anything subtle about their relationship.
In volume 4, he flirts, Blake is usually either apathetic or downright annoyed. The exception is after the injury, and like I said, he’s the one who brings up Yang, revealing he realizes the bond between them. He is also hurt by the chick whose feelings weren’t reciprocated (I talked about that at length in part 1). In volume 5, their relationship is platonic.
Really, in spite of spending the volumes 4 and 5 together, it’s not about developing Black Sun in a romantic way.
Oh, a kiss on the cheek isn't romantic. It can be, but in the context, it was merely a "thank you".
Black Sun hasn’t sunk yet
While RWBY isn’t over, the possibility for Black Sun isn’t completely gone, though I don’t think I’m lying when I say it’s unlikely. You can like it more than Bumblebee, but it’s all right to admit it’s improbable. We (almost) all have been there. For crying out loud, in MHA, I sort of ship Kacchako4 (loses 2/3 of her readers – and that’s why this piece of trivia was originally intended to appear much later).
After everything he’s done for her (that she didn’t ask for)
This is usually phrased in a disgusting way.
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There is a lot to unpack here.
First, it’s ridiculous to think you can be owed love/getting into someone’s panties. You can’t. People either love you/want to do you, or they don’t. If you want to do something for someone else, great, but do it because you want to and like (not necessarily in a romantic way) said person or because you’re altruistic – don’t expect a reward. This is what you sound like to us:
You wanted the guy to get the girl, fine. You know you can watch that in almost everything else, right?
Second, it’s idiotic to associate getting the girl with masculinity or not getting her with being “cucked”. If your notion of being a man is tied to getting someone else, that’s on you. If you need someone else to feel good about yourself, maybe you have some underlying issues to address (another reference to Crazy Ex-Girlfriend – watch the show, especially if you’re making comments like the one I showed: you need it. I feel like the narrator in “S.O.B.s”).
Third, even by the logic of “after everything I’ve done for you”, Sun doesn’t win, because Yang paid a much bigger price: she lost an arm and had PTSD while he had a minor injury from which he had basically recovered by the next episode. This isn’t a “Yang deserves her” either – that argument is nonsensical no matter the pairing being defended, I’m just pointing out that it doesn’t even favor BS.
By the way, I noticed that a few people completely missed the point of why I compared Yang’s injury to Sun’s and think I did it to indicate Yang deserves it more or to win (?). It’s a bit confusing because I flat out say why I made the comparison, but here it goes again: it’s not to say Yang deserves Blake, but to indicate that, in fiction, we usually associate romance with higher stakes. I literally wrote:
“I think Yang’s and Sun’s injuries are everything I should need to prove the likelihood of BB as they contrast the two main Blake ships: Bumblebee and Black Sun. While heroes tend to save many people who are indeed just friends or sometimes not even that, there’s a reason why Superman and Spiderman usually include Lois Lane and MJ (or whoever the love interest is in said film) in the climax – it makes it more personal, raising the stakes. From this perspective, it’s easy to understand the importance given to either by comparing: what the injury was, who caused it, why and Blake’s reaction, thus allowing to conclude which couple was given more weight.”
“[…] point Bumblebee as the first one is more associated with romance.”
That was me explaining what the points were as well as why I was comparing the 2.
And yes, paying attention to dramatic weight is completely valid, we are talking about fiction after all. It’s not like we accidentally walked in on a guy threatening a gal and saying “I’ll destroy everything you love… starting with her” as another woman appeared in real life. Things happened the way they did because writers (editors, directors, etc.) wanted them to. 
Don’t pretend you didn’t know that it’s relevant that the one who caused Yang’s injury was Adam, Blake’s ex-boyfriend, while Sun’s was caused by Ilia, the friend whose feelings weren’t reciprocated, and that it doesn’t say anything about the links Adam-Yang and Sun-Ilia. I lost count of the number of BSers who wanted Sun to fight Adam and wanted him to be the one taking Adam down (even though it got in the way of Yang’s closure), which shows many of you were perfectly aware of the importance of said connection.
As for the dyke representation… (the fact that they phrased it that way is very telling) if it was just that, then any lesbian couple would do. RWBY is about 4 female characters. Seriously, how come people never ask themselves why this one is so popular, even though Yang and Blake aren't the most popular characters? From what I've seen, Weiss and Yang are.
The claims of “pandering” and “SJW” have been raining for a while and I expect them to continue until they realize CRWBY can’t be bullied into erasing BB. Count on that to happen whenever a show reveals a main character is LGBTQ+ mid-series (unless it’s a particularly progressive show). If your reaction to seeing LGBTQ+ characters is to call it “pandering”, it says a lot about you, none of it good.
I know that we perceive straight white male as default. This is so entrenched in our culture that the first Transformers didn’t have any female transformers because the writers thought it would require an explanation. Yup, apparently you need an explanation to include half of the world’s population.
I suppose screaming “pandering” is better than to pull an EF and say “Bumblebee was and is the safest LGBTQ ship they could have done. Lesbian couples are the safest representation a show can make […] It’s more comfortable to see woman on woman action just because of how fantasized they are”, which:
doesn’t justify why BB is the safest LGBTQ+ couple as there are a ton of lesbian couples possible (White Rose, Checkmate/Monochrome, Freezerburn, etc.);
fails to consider the high number of LGBTQ+ women in RWBY when compared to LGBTQ+ men probably has something to do with the fact it has more female characters;
when did we see woman on woman action in RWBY? How did I miss that episode?
if lesbians are so appealing to straight men, how come they’re the ones whining the most about BB?
The whole straight-men-like-lesbians while being the ones complaining about them is particularly odd to me. It doesn’t sound like they like they are spending their time wrapped up in sexual fantasies. Maybe they are and can't stop. And that's why they don't like Bumblebee anymore... Poor things... But really, it just sounds like they need some kind of… safe space.
You can tell them not to worry. They still have most shows/books/films. And for the next 2-4 decades, they'll be able to count on Disney (taking shots at it since my very first post).
As usual, the original.
More RWBY posts:
Filmmaking and Bumbleby
Bumblebee was Always the Plan
Bumblebee was Always the Plan part 2
Faunus and the White Fang: The Portrayal of Racism
BB & Renora
Weird Post on Weiss’s Clothes
Foils: Adam and Yang (this one is in wordpress; it was my first one and I didn’t have Tumblr then)
Let’s talk about Adam Taurus (I didn’t post this one on Tumblr because the title and tags could lead Adam fans thinking this was about “his wasted potential” when really it defends the decision of killing him off and explains why it happened)
1 “Make me Feel” can also be taken as a pan anthem as Janelle as identifies as such (and I think she’s OK with being called bi too).
2 Enabling Abuse is what I call AdamxBlake.
3 I still consider “Burning the Candle”, V3 finale and the ship named “Pride” to be pretty obvious.
4 Not only are the odds against Kacchako (BakugoxUraraka), the shippers are considered villains who worship chaos, which is fine by me. I can’t say some part of me doesn’t enjoy being The Dark Knight’s Joker and that part is saying: “Tell me Batman, how does it feel to be the hero of a film that everyone watches for its villains?”
216 notes · View notes
shotorozu · 4 years
i love love love making bakugou flustered
(crush) fem!reader who is usually pretty reserved suddenly showering a series of affection to bakugou <3
like reader combing through his hair after a spar because it was messy or hugging him when he seems grumpier than usual something like that
showering bakugou with affection
bakugou katsuki x reader
legend : [Y/N = your name] reserved fem!reader, quirk not specific.
fic type : headcanons + small scenario [lots of fluff]
notes : you don’t need to be a bakuhoe to realize how genius bakugou’s hero costume is. the flavor, ESPECIALLY HIS WINTER COSTUME!! 🪦
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bakugou katsuki
man is somehow the biggest tsundere for his s/o, and the biggest softie for them
bakugou’s SO glad that you’re not very touchy with him.
given by your nature— it was safe to assume that you didn’t like that sort of stuff.
he never liked too much pda, because.. why would you show things like that to the world??
but does he sometimes wish you’d just give him hugs out of nowhere, yes. even bakugou wishes things like that
he’s glad he has that much self control, otherwise he would’ve just hugged you until you suffocated.
today, bakugou was grumpier than usual. well.. he’s alway’s grumpy anyway.
but you can practically feel the grumpy energy radiate from him, everyone could feel it.
you choose not to make a comment about it, i mean.. it’s not abnormal for bakugou to be agitated
moving on! you guys are training vigorously right?
bakugou slides off of you, the both of you trying to catch your breath.
yet even after all that vigorous training, bakugou still felt agitated.
it feels like he’ll explode at any single moment, but when he feels a hand snake into his hair,
he halts.
bakugou halts all movements when he feels a warm gentle hand snake into his ash blonde hair. he looks towards you, clearly taken aback— seeing his crush merely inches infront of him, just threading her fingers through his hair.
he’s silent for once, and it’s almost on beat when the weight on his shoulders release. it’s almost like your hands had some magical touch to it.
his cheeks immediately break out into a bright red, and he moves to speak— yet, you silence him with a sudden tug, pulling him closer to you.
“you’re grumpy, right?” you mutter into his ear as you continue to play with his soft hair. despite it’s appearance, bakugou’s hair wasn’t sharp or blunt, but rather— soft.
he grumbles something under his breath, and he doesn’t care to snatch your hands off of him. bakugou’s very glad that you can’t see his face, since he’s positive that it’s redder than red.
at this point, bakugou’s silently wishing you’d touch him more (but not in the way it sounds.)
“oh well,” you hum, and pull him into a hug— not caring about the afterglow of the training sweat. the nearly welcoming, sweet smell of caramel fill your senses. he melts into your touch immediately, burying his head in the crook of your neck.
he would’ve said “grumpy? the fuck does that mean?” by now, but he’s simply appalled, and if he spoke— his voice would’ve shook, which he’ll never live to see. bakugou too flustered, to the point he stammered.
never in a blue moon would he imagine you to do something like this. i mean— again.. you never deprive him from physical touch, but you’d never hug him out in the open like this.
there’s a strong silence, and he decides to break it then and there. “thanks.” he simply says, his voice still sounding gruff— yet it sounds different in a way, it’s probably because he’s calm.
“no problem, baku.” you mumble, “anything so you don’t explode right?”
he looks at you, his cheeks still tinted red “the fuck does that mean??”
you only giggle, smiling at the very classic bakugou reply. even when he’s flustered, he’ll always be the same.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei. i only own the writing.
do not plagiarize my work :))
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arkus-rhapsode · 6 years
Eden’s Zero Chapter 1 Review
Hey guys, now before I dive into this already longer than usual review, I did wanna take this time to mention something. Its been no secret that I turned on Mashima and FT pretty hardly after the end of FT and some of you may be aware that I was moderately active in the fanbase with putting out my reviews and such. That said some may liken that shift in mentality to me not liking how the story went and a common critique of fans is that when what they’re fans of doesn’t gel with what they want they wanna destroy it. As if the fan has ownership of the source of the fanaticism.
I admit there are times that I’ve question decisions on Hiro Mashima’s end and has posted rewrites, but that’s not me doing it out of a sense of ownership. I’m doing it because I have a standard. Being a fan of something and letting your disappointment get to you and fester into salty, bitchy purest is one thing, but being a person who’s judging what a series puts out and actually caring about the quality of what’s in the popular media is important. FT got negative reviews in its latter half because it was that bad. By the end of the series it was legit that bad. Now I don’t say that is someone who was in the fanbase and hated Hiro’s decisions cause they weren’t mine, I hated them because it was bad writing. I’m a reader with standards, as are all of you, and in the digestion of media we make distinctions between good and bad. I make this claim with more concrete surety now that I’ve been around longer and have reviewed more series than just FT, I think it be harder to believe if I made this case when I was just starting and all I was talking about at the time was FT.
Some of you might remember when I first started out on MHA, my second chapter I ever reviewed I had found it boring and mundane and to date its my least popular MHA review and I still stand by that assertion. I hold everything to the same standard, and that includes FT. The reason I write this is that while throughout this review I will mention comparison’s to FT’s first chapter (and yes, even ways Eden’s Zero improved on it), but I will be holding it to the same standard. So this entire review won’t be me holding a grudge against Hiro, but it will be me holding it to the same standard as I do everything I read. That out of the way lets dive in.
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We open on a hill side and met our MC named Shiki. Beside him is the mecha demon from the cover page and what they see is a... dragon. Yeah, Hiro I thought you wanted this to be wholely original?
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On the hand I actually like this scene in the sense robo demon here is actually encourging actual adventure (something FT lacked) and its kinda amazing listening to this demon looking guy talking about friendship, yet on the other hand, damnit Hiro. Is this the only thing how to write about? Like damn man.
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We cut to the future where we see our main female Lucy-I mean Rebecca! Y’know I could make a Rebecca from One Piece joke, but she’s kinda already a bit of a decisivee figure so I’m not gonna bother.
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I mean its okay. Its just castle theme park. Also Rebecca we find out is apparently a youtuber. Look if DBS can have GodTube then I can put up with Blue Cate (Aoneko) website. Also yeah Happy here, no sugar coating its just Happy. Also Rebecca here purposely made her skirt short. Just because you point out the sexualization in canon doesn’t make it better, ya still drew it, Hiro.
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We see that the theme park is full of robots and each one acts as an assist in sending the guest through some kind of medieval simulator. And if anyone has seen Westworld you know where this is heading. To be fair I love worldbuilding so please, explore!
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So we find out Rebecca’s dream is to have one million suscribers and now here’s where I gotta give props to Hiro because he actual made a dream for a character that doesn’t seem like it can be achieved a chapter from now. Granted this seems a bit hard to actually quantify, but this dream could potenially evolve into something of why she wants the suscribers and could be like Nami making the map of the world that getting video of unknown locations may actually be worth something to the general population.
We see that Rebecca chooses to go on a monster hunting quest and they encounter...
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...This thing. Also it seems Rebecca’s character quirk is she really likes cats I guess? But this doesn’t last long as someone crashes down on mecha cat.
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Okay that was kinda funny. I mean if this was FT would’ve actually gotten the panty shot so maybe Hiro has learned his lesson! Also note that wrench!
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Oh god damnit Hiro. So this tarzan guy after acting like an animal is knocked out by Rebecca. Y’know it took about 60 chapters before Natsu got all up in Lucy’s chest, guess we’re cutting straight to the chase here.
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Okay is joke with here just going be about here short skirt? Damning it with faint praise here, but at least he still hven’t flashed us them yet. Also Tarzan here is the only human on the island.
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We get some scenes of Shiki here wanting to be friends with Rebecca cause she’s a human and Rebecca isn’t interested and she returns to the Granbell town where Shiki is there and the robots know who he is.
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Shiki’s expressions and creepy advances really gives off this tinge of sci-fi horror, unfortunate Hiro doesn’t really go that route and we’ll get to it. Also that wizard looking robot from the color page is also here.
They then have a party where the robots all celebrate them having a costumer for the first time in so long they have a party being nice to Rebecca and lavishing her with stuff outside is robot that looks like Robin Hood and he reports to his boss this machine king.
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Oh look, Hades if he was a robot.
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We see Shiki trying to bond with Rebecca and it leads to him expressing he wants to leave the kingdom and see another country, but we also learn he’s in charge of fixing this and the robots are acting up lately. We find out that the one who was talking to Shiki and is his “Grandfather” was called the Demon King a robot designed for playing that role in the park.
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Umm Rebecca... That’s being a dick. So you don’t like it, so you decide to cut it, cause it bothers you. You could’ve framed it like, “If he fixes you up then maybe he needs better vision” or “He’s been so nice to me, let me do something for him.” And what makes this worse s that Shiki is asleep, so she doesn’t even consult his feelings. Like seriously, that’s not being a good friend . But for contrivances sake I’m sure Shiki will wake up and love it, won’t he?
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Huh? I was wrong instead we got shitty 80s comedy. I don’t know if that’s better or worse.
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Y’know I said I’d give Hiro atleast two free fanservice moments for his first 3 chapters. He’s now used all of them up in a single chapter. Also Rebecca is tied to a stake while robots with torches surround her along with the machine king.
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Shiki is also there and here’s something that did remind me of rave, the tightness of the first chapter. Everything seems to flow like one continuous story and doesn’t seem to do some dumb interlude like FTs first chapter did with that awkward moment where Lucy leaves Natsu and she’s just randomly in the park reading.
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The King wants to use her ship to leave this world and we get som kind of motivation out of him.
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Oh wow, for a first chapter villain that’s actually a really deep thing to unload. That as amusment park hosts they must’ve just been seen as pleasure tools and with no one around these robots who seem to be senstinent must’ve felt betrayed and...
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Oooooor you cut out all moral ambiguity by just saying they have a virus. Sure. Trust me, this is where it gets stupid really stupid. And that’s the inconsistency.
So these robots I guess are like the ones from the Animatrix where they just kinda develop sentience out of nowhere. But unlike Animatrix it doesn’t seem to imply when they developed this sentience and that they began to think they were being abused.
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Tired of Friendship already, it ain’t leaving.
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So why do you hate humans? They abandoned you I guess, but there’s not other robot saying “hey our times were fun together” no everyone is like they left us to rot  so we hate them. Not like Humans did anything legitimate bad. We actually see that at the end of the chapter that there is some sort of central battery on the park that all robots are hooked up to. You could make their reason for hating humans that. That even though they left these sentiment robots still had a little kingdom to themselves, but realized that its all just going to end one day and humans didn’t even bother to unplug them. They’re existence is literally knowing when they’ll die, imagine that as why they harbor negative emotions and maybe Shiki actually fixing things might’ve actually been prolonging their lives so maybe that be why they kept him around. This whole sentience things just feels like Hiro wanted to do a trope of crazy robots and ended using multiple to fit the whatever story purpose at the moment.
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You do run the planet, dumbasses. This entire plane, apparently for hundreds of years, has been solely controlled by you. Maye this should be rephrased as, going to the place that built you to get revenge or as I spoiled with the battery we’ll take the ship to get more power for our kingdom?
Shiki doesn’t do anything and kinda lets the robots just wail on him as he found out all things in his life were a lie. Then Rebecca gives a friendship speech. A stupid stupid friendship speech.
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You’re right, Rebecca! Too bad we didn’t see that. I’m serious we barely see memories of Shiki with any robot outside of the demon king and Michael so there’s no weight to this conflict. We only get the vague sense they raised hm, but there’s no moments of Shiki really laughingg and enjoying their company outside of the party with Rebecca which rather is made more for getting Shiki to like Rebecca for this moment.
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Shiki remembers what his Grandpa the Demon King said and just blows them all away.
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We see Shiki’s hand and apparently he has these marks indicating he has Ether gear. The power system of this series.
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You’re sentiment! You have out grown your programming! You can choose to have a concept of friendship.
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So they fight with shitty action scenes (If I can give Horikoshi a hard time for how he draws his fight choreography, then I sure as hell will give Hiro the once over.) Happy manages to save Rebecca and like Happy from early FT, he basically spots off exposition on powers.
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So is it like a literal gear? Because Happy afterward destincties as the Gear of Gravity, so is it like a devil fruit? Is ether in all humans, but this specific gear brings it out in a certain way? If its internal then I guess its like the magic circuits from Fate? And then every of has their own unique variation like Nen? Like cause Happy gives it the distinction of Gravity it doesn’t seem like Shiki gives a reason why he has this power. I’m hoping \its like devil fruits, literal gears you implant and then it brings out your ether in a certain way.
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Shiki punches out the machine king and cause a massive collapse.
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Credit where credit is due, Hiro actually did build up the reveal of this power throughout the chapter and its actually really well done. Kinda reminds of something Oda would do with subtly building up a devil fruit power without revealing it. Like Crocodile drying out a flower but it isn’t stated his power is specifically sand.
They then flee when the other robots rally and Shiki takes Rebecca back to her ship.
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This scene would actually be really nice if we actually saw more young shiki actually having fun with the machines and not a being a creeper with them.
Shiki and Rebecca take off and we see the universe.
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Not gonna lie, that’s a really pretty shot. Like damn, I could get behind this.
It seems like worlds in this universe are basically like kingdom hearts worlds. They’re not real “worlds” so much as they are islands in space.
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Sure, keep the mystery alive why don’t you, no that be too much.
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Well great place to end the chapter. Little dry of a first story, but I definetly see that has room for improvment and there is something-Wait this isn’t the last page? But what else is there to talk about. There’s nothing left-
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Oh for fuck sake. That’s right they were trying to send SHiki away. Because apparently these robots thought there was no way to restore battery life even if stayed.
Here’s a tip, ifyou really care, and had such a close bond, maybe tell him to leave? Tell SHiki the truth that you guys are tied to a battery and instead of Shiki vowing to leave for the stars so he can make 100 friends (I’m not kiding that’s his actual goal here). Then this would be an interesting goal.
But no, you have to act like human hating jackasses and shatter the boy’s entire reality, just so you he would go out and “change the universe”
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This would be a really nice scene with a very nice amount of character development starting point, if we actually saw their past. All we know is they raised Shiki, but its never really seemed like they’re loving or caring or Shiki openly gets upset if one of them had a problem. Again the biggest flaw with this chapter is that it sacrifices seeing one potentially interesting relationship (Shiki and the robots) for another one (Rebecca).
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So we end on this page which reveals that Shiki’s goal is to have a hundred friends. Not going to say something snarky I just realized this is the same motivation as Yuki from future diary. Like before the crazy yandere shit.
Post Chapter follow up:
Lets be positive and look at the good stuff in this chapter. The first thing great about this chapter is it improved upon two of the biggest failings in the first chapter FT. Goals established and world building. Not only does this set up force Hiro Mashima to actually world build (literally) but each person in the first chapter has a goal that doesn’t seem like it can be accomplished quickly. It means we can have investment in the story.
Another thing I’ll give is Shiki is an okay MC. He has more personality than Natsu, but not as much as Haru and this first chapter is about him. Its easy to understand that Lucy is often considered the MC of FT because it literally focuses on her for the story than Natsu. But this chapter had a healthy balance.
Also the power system at least seems to have some definition. Unlike how anyone could have magic yet normal people just don’t choose to use it like in FT. Ether Gear seems to be a powersource that only a select few can use. Now we need to see first if there are ways of combating it like technology or such so a non ether gear person can still fight.
It also has its own unique aesthetic. Ft is a pretty generic fantasy world. It doesn’t have the bleakness of bereserk or the Japanese aesthetic of naruto. You could say Black CLover, Fairy Tail, and Seven Deadly sins all had their first chapter happen in the same world and I’d have trouble arguing it.
Now on to the crappy stuff. This series suffers from the usual Mashima foibles such as the sexual harassment, the stupidly way it tries to justify and give all conflict happy ending, not actually bothering to have a situation drawn out ad built up too, etc. I mean for the first conflict of the chapter its a heavy one, these guys raised SHiki yet their own mentality is against humans so Shiki has to choose, but instead of actually answering that question, it turns out there was no real conflict and the machines were just faking.
As for my like for Shiki, I flat hate Rebecca. She is so pointless and useless. Look I will defend Lucy and she actually can d things. First chapter she saved Natsu by using aquarius. But Rebecca? She’s just all of the bad traits of post timeskip Lucy. She is used for pointless fanservice, does nothing contribute, and becomes a mouth piece for friendship.
Speaking of friendship as a concept and goal here, Hiro just rewrite what you mean. Have deeper meaning than friends for once. There is ways you could take the motivation “I want to make 100 friends” in a compelling way. Prehaps Shiki is going out to make his own world where he can make a happy place for people where they can laugh and cry in harmony. Like story telling wise its pretty weak.
Like me personally, I would’ve taken the first chapter like this, the robots are sentinet and they are nice to Shiki and Rebecca and they have genuine fun together. They gradually reveal that they are shutting down maybe one starts acting wonky and tries to hide it and maybe the machine king is the real bad guy. He has sentinece and hates humans and he wants to eliminate SHiki and Rebecca and that’s because they’re shutting down. The other robots say they don’t care they were abandoned, they were mad at first but Shiki showed them that why they loved catering to humans. King and Shiki fight and they all reveal they’re shutting down and Shiki cries he doesn’t want them to go. The robots say its inevitable and they don’t hpw to recharge the battery and Shiki vows to leave the planet and search for a power source to bring them all back. Then that’s shiki’s goal and it even can cause questions like “Is it worth all this for machines?” or “who designed them maybe we can figure out the right substance to power them up?”
or if Hiro wanted to go a more darker route. Have the machines have no sentience and literally be dolls for the King who turns out to be a human who stayed here on Granbell and made his own little kingdom. Make it a bit meta on how Shiki’s only friends were just hollow imitations of people who were only friends because that’s what their programming dictated and they can all be switched off. It be meta as critiquing Ft and how all the guild characters basically had no conflicts, all got along, and were just friends with no depth or reason.
This all highlights the issue with Hiro Mashima and that’s he is not a good a writer. Hiro is an incredibly talented person and can come up with incredibly unique ideas and looks, which is why his cover pages are the best things he puts out because its him free forming. But writing. He has a limited scope on that and stuff like sci-fi and fantasy can be very morally grey things. But Hiro doesn’t seem to understand tragedy in the sense that its tragic because a person fails or dies unsatisfied. But he only seems to know how to write painfully obvious concepts like “save the world” or “friendship” instead doing a concept like “what it is to be a hero” like MHA does which can have a variety of answers to it.
So what’s the final verdict? Well I actually am going to do something different than usual. I’m going to say what I though the quality was compared to FT and then to what I’d consider this work compared to anything else.
In comparison to FT, Eden’s Zero gets a Final verdict of 8/10
Improves on a lot of FT’s first chapter flaws
Created a more unique environment for a story
And actually has a lot tighter narrative
But in comparison to everything else...
Final Verdict: 5/10
Even if it wasn’t Hiro, its a pretty generic start (some names aren’t even all that inspired like Machine King, Demon King)
Potential to grow into something better is there
Nothing is outright offensive
Cool concept
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