#hacy fanfiction
broomballkraken · 3 months
Title: Seasons of Love, Chapter 2: Summer
Fandom: Octopath Traveler
Pairing: Cyrus/H'aanit
Word count: 1366
Warnings: None
Fic Summary: A peek at how four couples enjoy their favorite seasons together.
Chapter Summary: Summers were spent in S’warkii for Cyrus and H’aanit, and one of their favorite things about it was sitting by the campfire to tell each other about their vastly different days.
Summer was the season of outdoor activities, and one of Cyrus’ favorites was sitting around a campfire after sunset with the love of his life.
“Heren, Cyrus, giveth me thy bowl.”
“Of course, my dear.”
Cyrus’ eyes lit up as he watched H’aanit fill up his bowl with the hearty stew that had been cooking over the hot and smoky campfire. The sun had set, and the sky was filled with a multitude of shimmering stars that Cyrus could see quite clearly from the backyard of their modest S’warkii home.
During the Academy’s summer recess, Cyrus and H’aanit left their home in Atlasdam behind to spend the warmest season in the Woodlands. H’aanit could hunt to her heart's content with Z’aanta, while Cyrus made frequent visits to Duskbarrow to study the ruins there. They spend most of the summer days apart, but that made the nights that they spent together all the more special to Cyrus.
“Oh, this smells delightful, H’aanit,” Cyrus said, taking a deep breath through his nose as he held his bowl up to his face, “You’ve been tracking that boar for quite some time now, yes?”
H’aanit nodded and sat down on the log next to Cyrus after she had filled her bowl, and she chuckled when he immediately rest his head on her shoulder. “Aye. T’was a slippery beast, but it could not evade Linde and I forever.”
Cyrus smiled and watched as the snow leopard bounced around the yard, swiping at fireflies with her large paws. “Oh, I do not doubt that for a second! You two make for a formidable hunting duo.” H’aanit chuckled, and the cute blush that covered her cheeks did not go unnoticed, and gods was it endearing. Taking a bite of his stew, Cyrus hummed with delight and beamed at H’aanit.
“Oh my, this tastes even better than it smells! You are such a talented cook as well, my love.”
H’aanit cleared her throat and rubbed at her arm. “I’m, ah, glad that you thinken so...”
Cyrus raised an eyebrow at her and set his bowl down for a moment, before lifting his hands and cupping a surprised H’aanit’s face. “Oh, my darling H’aanit, have I ever told you how breathtaking you look with your cheeks flushed like that?”
H’aanit sputtered, and swallowed thickly before her lips set into a deep pout. “Aye, only every time thou teases me…”
“Aha, I am sorry my dear, but you do make it terribly easy sometimes.”
“Hmp,” H’aanit snorted, before grabbing Cyrus by the collar and smashing their lips together, coaxing a startle squeak out of the scholar. After H’aanit was through with him, Cyrus was panting heavily and quite dazed, and H’aanit chuckled before taking his hand and placing a kiss to the back of it.
“Thou ist lucky thou ist so handsome, hun.”
“I...er...W-What was I saying now...?”
H’aanit was doubled over laughing by the time Cyrus recovered from his stupor, and he started laughing along with her. Well, he certainly deserved that for teasing her so much, and he would always welcome the chance to get kissed stupid by the woman that he loved.
They continued with their dinner, and Cyrus listened as H’aanit regaled him with the details of her hunt, while Cyrus went over what he had discovered at the Ruins of Eld.
“...and unfortunately many of the books have been ruined by the elements, but the ones that I have been able to salvage have been most enlightening,” Cyrus said as they finished their dinner, and H’aanit stowed their bowls away and took his hand, entwining their fingers together.
“It soundeth like you had a productive day as well. I’m glad.” H’aanit placed a kiss on Cyrus’ cheek, and he felt his face heat up as he let out a fond sigh.
“It was indeed. However...I always look forward to the night, where I can spend time with my beautiful, strong, incredible wife.”
H’aanit rolled her eyes and let out a chuckle as she shook her head. “Thou always says the most nauseatingly sweet things. Doesn’t thou get tired of it?”
“Oh heavens no!” Cyrus dramatically placed the back of his hand over his forehead and leaned back against H’aanit. “I could never grow tired of telling you just how much I love you, about how your beauty is second to none, about how you possess the strength of a thousand hunters and could rival even the great goddess Draefendi-”
“Ugh, I getten it already!” H’aanit stuck her tongue out at Cyrus when he laughed, and a sly smile crossed her face as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close. “‘Tis nice to hearen how much you loven me, but sometimes I prefer when you showen me.”
Cyrus could feel her breath on his lips as he blinked slowly at her, and his cheeks flushed red. He lifted his hand to her face and brushed the back of his fingers against H’aanit’s cheek, and he smiled softly when she shivered at the touch.
“Well, who am I to refuse such an enticing request?” Cyrus said, his lips brushing H’aanit’s as he spoke, and he finally closed the minuscule distance between them and kissed her breathless. Cyrus still found it hard to believe that H’aanit had chosen him as a life partner, but despite their many differences, Cyrus loved her more than anything, and nothing would ever change that.
Their kiss was interrupted when Linde’s head suddenly dropped onto Cyrus’ lap, and he cocked his head to one side as he scratched behind her ears.
“What is it, Linde?”
“Hmm...” H’aanit tapped at her chin as Linde meowed at her a few times, and she closed her eyes and nodded. “I see...Seems that she ist having trouble with her firefly hunt.”
“Oh my.” Cyrus chuckled as he stood up and helped H’aanit do the same. “Well, it wouldn’t do to leave our feline companion to fend for herself in this endeavor, so shall we offer our assistance, my dear?”
Cyrus beamed when H’aanit laughed, and the couple proceeded to help Linde chase fireflies around the yard, with varying success. H’aanit had the hunting experience, so she managed to catch the most, but Cyrus had snagged a few of his own by the time they had tired themselves out.
“Whew, that was quite a workout!” Cyrus said as he collapsed onto the cool, damp grass. H’aanit chuckled and lay down beside him, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close.
“Methinks thou needeth to getten more exercise, hun.”
Cyrus winced as he rest his head on H’aanit’s chest and sighed. “Oh, you’re probably right. I do tend to spend most of my time stagnant, whether it’s reading or studying or teaching...”
“Let’s see...I can taketh thee on a run to Duskbarrow and back,” H’aanit said, “That should be a good start.”
Cyrus paled and lifted his head from her chest. “H’aanit! Are you trying to kill me? Just the walk to Duskbarrow takes a lot out of me...”
H’aanit snorted to try and keep herself from laughing, but failed, and Cyrus was gifted with the beautiful sound of his wife’s boisterous, unbridled laughter. His soon joined in, and when they had both composed themselves, Cyrus placed a tender kiss on her lips and stared deep into her ethereal, emerald-green eyes.
“H’aanit…I love you, more than anything or anyone else in the world.”
Pressing her forehead against Cyrus’, H’aanit nuzzled his nose with hers as her fingers gently brushed through his silky hair. “I loven thee too, Cyrus. These summer nights spent with thee aren the most precious moments to me.”
“I feel very much the same, my heart.”
Their eyes met once again, full to bursting with the love they held for one another, and H’aanit kissed Cyrus again as they lay tangled in the grass, with only the shimmering star-filled sky as their witness. Well, and Linde, who decided to keep chasing fireflies and ended up jumping right on top of her unsuspecting humans…
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truessences · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers!
I saw this from a mutual @teafiend and I'm gonna do it lol
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
9; they're mostly one shots. I think there are two that are multichapter. There are two that are part of a series of oneshots.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
I'm not sure if there's a formal way to check it but 26,602 (as of 11/3/23)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now Stranger Things. I have one Harry Potter one.
In the past, on FF.net there might be more, like from Final Fantasy VII and more Harry Potter but I don't post on there anymore so I'm not counting it lol.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Closer to You (Mileven oneshot) - 91 kudos
2. One More Light (4 or 5 chapter fic Mileven) - 58 kudos
3. Dirty Dancing (Dramione oneshot) - 55 kudos
4. It's a Mad World (One shot about Mike and Eddie's first meeting) - 49 kudos
5. Roll Away Your Stone (Mike & Max fix set in S3) - 40 kudos
5. Do you respond to comments? Why? Why not?
I always try to, since I don't get a lot of interaction (which is fine, I know how this works lol) so when I do, the comments are super appreciated. I don't post for comments but they are always nice.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?.
Ummmm lol I don't think any of them end angstily lol but maybe not Happily Ever After. At least the ones that are finished lol. Maybe Dirty Dancing because of how it ends? I don't know lol. I'm still debating on if my Stranger Things-Titanic AU will end happy lol
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I feel like they're all pretty happy but not like Happily Ever After kind of thing.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet lol
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, I don't feel like I would be good at it lol. Maybe one day and maybe in the Stranger Things-Titanic AU will be my first. I've written it before kind of... but not in a fanfiction... hard to explain lol.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
No but I did have an idea years ago of a Peter Pan/Hermione Granger fic but no idea where I wanted to go with it so lol.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of. Stealing people's fan work is low hanging fruit so get a life.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No... but I have written with people before for other "fan" stuff.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
That's hard lol I don't think I have an ALL TIME fave but I'll name a few and not in any particular order. And because I like these, doesn't mean I've written a fic for them or read a fic of them (most likely I have though). I actually did a post a while back on some fave anime ships, I'll link that. Fave Anime Ships.
Bamon (Bonnie Bennett & Damon Salvatore)
NejiTen (Neji Hyuga & Tenten)
Cloti (Cloud Strife & Tifa Lockhart)
Hacy (Harry Greenwood & Macy Vaughn)
Kanthony (Kate Sharma & Anthony Bridgerton)
Cole Cassidy & Sombra (this one is new but I really like it lol)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Nothing, I plan to finish everything.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm not sure lol, I feel like I capture character voices well. I tend to write in third person and I can still get across how my characters are feeling and thinking. I also write original novels and have been for over 10 years so I hope my strengths have strengthened over the years.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Tenses really kick my ass and I overthink it. I feel like some people have really beautiful and lyrical ways of writing and I definitely can't do that lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Haven't and won't.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
20. Favourite fics you’ve written?
Um.... I'm not sure if I have a favorite lol. Maybe One More Light only because I actually teared up a little when writing one of the chapters because I just let my fingers go and it flowed. Whether or not it's good, well lol but I do think that one is emotional.
But that's it!
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thoughtfulpaperback · 4 years
501 Hacy FanFics....
Tumblr media
I'm gonna be real honest with y'all, when I first started watching Charmed and became a Hacy Shipper I was like 100% sure it was a crack ship and I wasn't going to get me hopes up. And then I discovered other Hacy shippers on Tumblr and saw that there were a few pieces of fan fic at the time. I thought sweet, but honestly wasn't sure the ship was going to be big or get much support.
While the ride (as far as cannon goes) has been wild, I love the fact that the hacy community here on tumblr and on AO3 has been mostly kind and supportive.
Mostly, I just want to thank everyone who has contributed to the data base and to creating content. Ya'll are amazing 👏 and the continued growth of the community and fan content make my ❤ feel very full.
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jnlnyaface · 4 years
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Charmed (TV 2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Greenwood/Macy Vaughn, Harry Greenwood & Macy Vaughn, Macy Vaughn & Maggie Vera, Macy Vaughn & Mel Vera, Macy Vaughn & Maggie Vera & Mel Vera Characters: Macy Vaughn, Harry Greenwood, Mel Vera, Maggie Vera, Ray Vera, Jordan Chase (Charmed TV 2018) Additional Tags: Christmas Fluff, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, New Year's Eve, Mistletoe, ancient spells, CW Charmed Secret Santa Gift Exchange, CW Charmed Secret Santa 2020 Summary:
An innocent Christmas tradition leads the Charmed One’s to discover an ancient ritual that will change one of their lives forever. *** A late Christmas gift to Amandapanda425 for the CW Charmed Secret Santa 2020 Gift Exchange!
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nomixl83 · 4 years
“A Little Bad” ... a long overdue Hacy Fan fic inspired by the finale’s bedroom scene ..
  The morning beams of light were barely visible through the closed curtains of Macy’s room. She laid frozen and unwilling to move from the position she was in under the man of her dreams. His body draped around her undressed with merely a sheet to cover him. His bare skin pressed on her naked flesh. The covers rippled across her California queen and the pillows were in disarray. They were one in body and soul. He rolled over and stared at her beauty. She finally opened her eyes and Harry gazed at her while playfully tapping her shoulder. “Good Morning” he said. She smiled at him and in response “ Thanks to an even better evening”. He rolled his eyes and smiled while toppling on top of her again this time wrapping his right arm around her.   With his chest pressed against her back as she half turned he then softly kissed her on the cheek. He then nudged his nose and lips to level around the crease of her neck. From there he  kissed her sensuously while she closed her eyes and lightly moaned.
  He soon tilted his head up and raised his body off of her. He said “ we should probably get ready, I’m sure your sisters are up by now”. Macy sat up pulling the sheet up to cover her bare breasts and in response “ what’s the rush?”. As Harry was about to raise out of bed, the sheet partially covering his lower half  Macy tugged the sheet pulling him back down on the bed. He laughed and then raised again. “I’m serious Macy we must get ready”. Macy groaned in a cute childlike manner and Harry smiled while locating his pants and shirt. Macy grabbed the bunched sheet and draped it around her body to entice him a little. Harry pretended not to notice but was secretly aroused by seeing this goddess partially robed.
 He recalled their passionate night. How she guided him to her bedroom by hand. The moonlight breaking through the curtains as the sun is now. Him slowly kissing her and pulling her light kimono off as she unbuttoned his shirt. After undressing they proceeded to spend the entire night making love. They both were so pent up, Harry especially, that in between climaxes came an even intense urge to start over. The few breaks that were taken were to stare into each other’s eyes. It was as if they were scared if they lost each other’s gaze they would be separated again. Harry always loved how Macy’s smooth skin felt, and he secretly fantasized about how it would feel gliding off of his. He laid her down undressed on her bed and took in the sight of the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. He then settled his body on top of her raising her left leg and gently entering her. The rotations rippled through her entire body igniting her senses as she struggled not to let the immense pleasure entangle with her new capabilities. She couldn’t risk her powers awakening her sisters or putting harry and herself in danger. She had to control herself while losing complete control to him. It was a balancing act that both frustrated and excited her.
  Harry snapped out of his daydream and discovered Macy had put on a silky purple teddy. She sauntered over to him as he stood partially dressed. She grabbed his hand and caressed her chest lightly while looking at him “one more time” .. He smiled at her and pulled her legs up to his waist as he guided her to her vanity toppling over brushes and perfumes. He began to thrust into her while unbuttoning his pants and quickly pulling off his shirt passionately kissing her as if the rest of the world melted away.
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heavilyimpliedstan · 5 years
Hacy AU-ish prompts
Macy and Harry as childhood friends, reuniting after years of separation.
Macy and Harry meeting on a train when Harry falls asleep on her shoulder.
Using sexual favors to bride each other to do the chores.
Harry lightly kissing Macy on top of a freshly formed bruise.
Harry is an immortal being of some kind and Macy is a mortal. Macy wants to become immortal and be with Harry forever, but Harry wants to relinquish his immortality and live a normal life with Macy.
A blunt person asking about their sex life...and they want details.
Harry buying Macy something because it made him think of her.
Macy is an alien who gets stranded on earth and Harry finds her.
Harry kissing away Macy’s tears.
Macy and Harry in a video chat when Macy falls asleep in the middle of it. Harry decides to let her sleep since Macy had a long day and he like the sound of her sleeping. Bonus: someone walks in to find them both asleep. Double bonus: they won’t stop talking about how they “slept together”
Macy and Harry are neighbors and ends up locking themselves out of their houses on the same day. They decide to do something until their families get home.
Macy and Harry getting dressed in the morning, Harry however is feeling a bit playful and decides to hold a piece of Macy’s clothing hostage so Macy has to try and get it back.
Macy and Harry getting married.
Harry falls asleep in Macy’s lap and Macy has a conversation with someone else while stroking Harry’s hair as if he was a sleeping cat.
Honestly, they could go either way, of course. Like Macy is holding the clothing while Harry tries to get it back, ya know.
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fangirldumpling · 5 years
Hacy One-Shot (Again?)
“I love you.” The words were like the silky petals of a rose and the way her fingers would glide across them, oh, so gently. They hovered in the air, hanging in between the two.
“No.” Her voice was shallow, almost as if the word was one with her breath.
He looked up, confusion wrapping around his heart in a desperate attempt of holding it together. Her eyes glistened, tears bubbling up and threatening to spill. Her expression controrted into one of pain, as if her words were physically hurting her. He parted his lips, the air stinging their dry surface. “W- What?” His words had become the thorns that hid on the stem of the rose. “I don’t understand...”
“Just, please...” She looked up at him, “Don’t say that.” They tore each other apart, pining only to be together.
“Why?” He whispered, still desperate to repair this. Them. It was as if they were cloth and he was searching for thread and a needle. “I thought we had something...” He tried to justify himself, his words, his actions. He wondered if maybe... he had done this. Had he shattered the relationship they wanted? Or was he simply not the man she needed?
“No, you can’t be in love with me.” She shook her head gently, wiping her eyes. “I don’t- I don’t deserve you.” She didn’t know why she was doing this. Fear? Anxiety? It could be anything. But she was letting go of the one chance she had. She could be with the love of her life, and yet, here she stood. Rejecting him.
“Macy,” Harry tried to reason, hope lingering somewhere inside him. “Please, you deserve the world and more. What am I compared to that?” He slipped his fingers into the palm of her hand, gently wrapping her cool skin with his warmth.
“The universe.” She whispered, the words drifting out into the air before she could stop them.
Harry’s heart sank, heavy with love and heartbreak. “Macy, I want to be with you.” His words were gentle, once more. “And I believe that you deserve more than the universe anyways.”
Macy lifted her head, her gaze finding his. She couldn’t help but wonder how he was always so... gentle and soft in these moments. He could pass for a teddy bear, in all honesty. She felt a smile pull at her lips.
Harry broke out into a smile. “There’s that smile.” The smile settled onto his lips. “Now, can we try this again?”
Macy laughed softly. “Sure.”
The Whitelighter took a breath, gently taking Macy’s other hand. “I love you, Macy.” His voice was soft as it had been before.
She smiled softly, laying her head on his shoulder. “I love you too, Harry.”
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tea-and-cardigans · 5 years
Slipping Away - Hacy - CharmedCW
Summary: A short one-shot from Dark!Harry's POV. Macy is injured by a demon and no matter how much he wants to save her, it's not him she needs.
“Macy!” Her name is torn from his lips. The sight of her collapsing to the ground as the demon vanishes in a flash of flames almost knocks him to the ground himself. Not much has an impact on him anymore, he can sometimes remember what it was like to hope, to feel, to love. 
He could almost feel it again when he sees her. The pull towards her, the need to reach out and feel her skin against his own. He can’t resist when he comes to her in her dreams. He knows the Harry that she knows would never, never break that trust, to be so forward as to give in to what he actually desires. 
But the first time she wraps her arms around him, he is lost. He can’t help but run his thumb along her cheek, to cradle her jaw in his hand, feeling an invisible pull towards her lips, before she is lost to him again as the connection severs. 
Macy has always been his weak spot. 
The connection to her is flimsy at best, his reach only strong enough to catch her when she is vulnerable, in her sleep, or when she is kidnapped while attempting to rescue another witch. He reaches out to her again, telling her that he can help, if she would just tell him where they are. 
But now she is on the floor, the gash across her stomach evident as the lilac of her top is slowly enveloped by the deep red liquid. 
This wasn’t part of the deal. 
She was to be allowed to live. The other two they would take, he had made peace with that decision long ago, but Macy would be safe, they could be together again. They could be happy again. 
“Macy,” he says again as he cradles her body against his, his hand placed against her wound, a vain effort to try to stop the bleeding. 
“Harry?” she murmurs, quietly at first, her eyes fluttering open a look of fear crossing her face before it is replaced with relief, “It’s you,” she says as her eyes flutter closed a small smile forming on her lips. 
He wills the magic to return to him, his fingers outstretched as he begs the healing magic to flow through his fingers into her body, mending her wound, and bringing her back to him. 
But his magic is gone, replaced only with a power that creates havoc, destruction. He couldn’t save her then and he can’t save her now. 
He presses a kiss against her forehead before he lays her back down. Backing away into the shadows created in the old abandoned warehouse. 
At the loss of his arms around her, she begins to stir, her head moving from side to side, her hand outstretched in front of her, where he just was. 
“Harry?” she asks, as she tries to rise up, but her arms are weak and can’t support her weight. “Harry?!” she screams, and he wants to go to her, his hand gripping the edge of the wall to keep himself in place. 
“Harry!”, she screams again until a flash of light and magic is beside her. The man she is calling for beside her and scooping her up into his arms, holding her close like he wishes that he could. 
“Please,” he whispers to himself, “please save her.” He can’t bear to watch her slip away again. 
It’s not her time not yet, as the glow emanates from Harry’s fingers and envelopes the wound, knitting her skin back together in a matter of moments, while the whitelighter strains under the spell. She gives a deep breath as her eyes open and she clutches at his forearm. 
He watches on as they embrace. Harry’s face buried in her neck before they then pull back, staring into each other’s eyes. The wall strains under the pressure of his fingers as he deepens his grip. Memories flooding into his mind, as he no longer has the strength to keep them at bay. 
She’s not yours, a little voice reminds him. A voice he has continued to silence on this journey. A voice he can’t deny any more. 
“I know.” 
The last thing he sees before he turns his back, is Harry leaning down to press his lips against hers, more than a tinge of jealousy in his heart until he sees her smile against his lips. 
Starting their own story.
He hopes it has a happier ending than his own.
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sunflowers-and-hacy · 5 years
Hacy fics
Long flight, booooooo, can you all recommend some hacy fics to read? Keep me from falling asleep on the guy’s shoulder next to me...please?!
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neptoons1998 · 5 years
Making a new hacy fanfiction combing my two things: coffee and single parent! Slowly coming together.
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xoheatherkw · 5 years
Mistletoe, Meddling, and a Christmas Miracle
For @fadingcolorsdeep for the @charmedsecretsanta 2019. 
I couldn't choose just one prompt, so I kind of did them all: snowstorm in Seattle and the four are stuck in the house, Macy tells her sister (well one) about her feelings for Harry, Maggie convinces Harry to open up to Macy, bed sharing, and Christmas dinner.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"And she feels the same way about you," Maggie said softly.
He sighed, knowing she had a point that if he never spoke to her, he'd never have clarity. For the first time in a long time, he allowed himself to be hopeful.
Maggie let out a gasp, before letting go of Harry's arm. With the vision she just saw, she was certain they would figure out their feelings soon enough. "Everything's going to work out just fine. Trust the empath, Harry."
Read on AO3
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
The snow started early one morning. They usually only got a dusting of snow every now and then, but the cold front this winter seemed to encourage the snow. There were a few snowfalls already this month, but most of them melted off with the afternoon sun. 
At least they had appropriate attire since their house magically relocated from Hilltowne. They were used to cold winters and snow, much more than the Seattle residents were used to. 
Businesses shut down in preparation for the blizzard of the decade, if you were to believe the weather forecast. Even Safe Space closed their doors, insisting that the employees stay home and avoid driving in these dangerous conditions. That's how the three sisters and Harry found themselves in their house. 
Maggie looked out the window, now later in the morning. "It's really coming down out there, isn't it?" 
Harry joined her at the window. “It appears so.” 
Mel called out from the couch, “Wait a minute. Is the snow sitting on top of our cloaked house? Or do you think it still looks like a vacant lot?” 
Harry’s eyes widened, unsure of the answer himself. “Be right back.” 
He orbed out of their living room and appeared just a few seconds later. “Still looks like a vacant lot, now starting to cover with snow,” he confirmed. 
The two sisters let out a breath of relief. 
Mel got up and went to the kitchen for a refill on coffee. She grabbed a second cup, one of Macy’s favorites with a depiction of an atom on it and filled that one too. “I’m going to go see if she’s awake,” as she excused herself to go upstairs.
Harry wandered into the kitchen, taking a seat at the island. Maggie followed and pulled up a chair close to him. 
The two younger sisters watched them dance around each other for months now, and it was finally time to convince them to do something about their feelings. 
Maggie placed her hand on Harry’s arm, overcome with a sense of longing, a split second before she felt his walls go up. 
"Harry," she said softly. 
"Maggie, how many times have I told you to respect my privacy and the privacy of your sisters." 
She put her other hand on his arm as well. "Maybe if you both talk to each other, I wouldn't have to read your thoughts." She reached out with her mind, still blocked by the walls he put up moments ago. 
"Yes, well as I've told you before, there's nothing to interfere with. Macy needs a friend and her whitelighter, that's all." His words were saying one thing, but his hopeful gaze was saying something else entirely. 
"You'll never know if she wants more if you don't talk to her and find out." 
He ran a hand along the back of his neck. "I don't know Maggie. What if I screw everything up?" 
"Really Harry, what's the worst that could happen?" If they could only see when the other was looking at them, Harry would know his feelings weren't one sided. But every time, they looked away for the fear of getting caught staring. 
"The worst that could happen is Macy says she wants nothing to do with me. And even worse, insist that I leave this house and never come back." 
Maggie ran a comforting hand up and down his arm. "Macy would never do that. The power of four, remember. That was her idea. You're a part of this family, Harry. You always will be." 
He mulled it over, still uncertain. 
"And she feels the same way about you," Maggie said softly. 
He sighed, knowing she had a point that if he never spoke to her, he'd never have clarity. For the first time in a long time, he allowed himself to be hopeful. 
Maggie let out a gasp, before letting go of Harry's arm. With the vision she just saw, she was certain they would figure out their feelings soon enough. "Everything's going to work out just fine. Trust the empath, Harry." 
Mel lightly knocked on her sister's door and waited a moment before letting herself in. Half expecting her to be sleeping still, she was surprised to see Macy sitting up and staring off into space. 
“Penny for your thoughts,” Mel interrupted. She raised the cup of coffee as her sister turned to her. 
Macy extended her hand to accept the cup. “Thoughts about what?” 
Mel sat down on the bed next to her. “Thoughts about your feelings for a certain whitelighter,” she suggested. 
“You picked up on that, did you?” Macy was surprised by her own admission, but found herself relieved not to keep it to herself anymore. “Maggie too?” 
“She probably knew before you admitted it to yourself. The downside of having an empath as a sister.” She smirked at Macy, knowing she would understand. 
“I don’t know if downside is how I would describe it. More like a learning curve.” 
They laughed together. “Most definitely," Mel agreed. "So what are you going to do about it?" 
"I don't know. Who's to say he even feels the same." 
Mel shuffled closer to her sister and wrapped an arm around her. "Now you listen here. You are brilliant and a wonderful person. Not to mention drop dead gorgeous, although there are more important qualities than looks." 
"Of course." Macy hugged her tightly, thankful to have the wisdom and closeness of her new found family. 
"What I mean to say is that Harry would be lucky to have you. Anyone that you choose to be with would be lucky." 
"I guess you're right." 
Mel extracted herself to leave Macy to her thoughts. "Let me know if you need anything, okay?" 
"Of course." After Mel left, Macy put on an episode of Heaven's Vice for some mindless background noise as she mulled over their conversation. 
The snow continued late into the evening, ensuring that the sisters were snowed into their house. 
While they avoided each other all day, Harry and Macy finally wound up in the same room. They both had a lot to think about and work up enough courage to take Maggie and Mel's advice. 
Once or twice, Harry orbed in front of Macy's room, but unable to knock and left minutes later. 
Macy went to her own door a few times as well, unable to communicate to her feet to walk through the door and go upstairs to Harry’s room in the attic. 
But here they found themselves, bumping into each other in the hallway outside her room. 
"Excuse me," she said. 
"Pardon me," Harry apologized at the same time. 
They both laughed it off. It was only then that they noticed how close they were to each other, although neither backed away. 
“I was just about to get a cuppa, if you care to join me?” Harry gestured for her to go first. 
Macy nodded. “Yeah, that sounds good.” 
The pair made their way to the kitchen, occasionally bumping into each other on the way. 
Just as Harry was pouring tea into two cups, Macy noticed they had an audience. 
Maggie simply cleared her throat and pointed up at the mistletoe carefully located to the little corner of the kitchen where Harry and Macy frequented. 
“You did not,” Mel exclaimed. Macy looked up and rolled her eyes. Of course Maggie would try something to push her and Harry together. 
“Did not what?” Harry asked as he turned to the sisters. 
Macy simply pointed up and let Harry connect the dots. 
“Maggie, really, of all the juvenile pranks-” 
“You know the rules,” Maggie insisted. 
Harry turned to Macy and set his cup down. “We don’t have to,” he said gently. 
“You don’t want to?” The words flew out of Macy’s mouth before she could stop them. 
“It’s not that.” He lowered his voice to a whisper only she could hear, “We don’t have to be forced by Maggie’s involvement.” 
“Hello, I see the serious heart eyes going on over there. Come on, it’s tradition.” Maggie stared at the hopeless duo. 
Mel gripped her sister’s arm. “Forcing it won’t help things.” She turned to the very embarrassed Harry and Macy. “Please just ignore her.” 
Macy placed a hand on Harry, turning his focus back to her. “It is tradition.” 
Before he could tell her again that they didn’t have to just because of a silly sprig of leaves and berries, he felt the press of her lips against his cheek. His face flushed and he forced himself to stay put, every nerve in his body wishing him to orb them away from the watchful gaze of the others and speak to her privately. 
“Goodnight,” Macy said as she excused herself and rushed upstairs. 
Mel pulled her sister along to leave Harry be. “No more meddling.” 
“Yes, mom.” 
Harry felt the warmth left by her kiss and orbed back to his room in a daze. 
Macy adjusted the item so it would stay fixed on her ceiling. She wrung her hands together, willing her nerves to calm down. She smoothed down the sides of her snowflake pajamas that Maggie gifted her sisters last year. 
“Harry,” she called out. She was surprised that her voice sounded calm and even, unlike how she felt. 
The familiar displacement of air had her spin around and face the man she had avoided as of late. She took in his green plaid and messy hair that tells her he might have been in bed. 
“Macy, what’s wrong?” The furrowed brows and tense stance softened slightly as he took in his surroundings. He placed a gentle hand on her arm. “Macy?” 
“Nothing’s wrong, Harry.” He lowered his hand, but Macy captured it with hers. “I was hoping we could talk… about earlier.” 
He finally took the time to take her in, after eliminating the possibility of danger. The shy smile and enchanting gaze was breathtaking. He spent so much time avoiding her, avoiding the possibility of rejection. He was perfectly fine to pine hopelessly until he got over his crush, or until she moved on, whichever came first. 
They were both at the mercy of one very determined Maggie Vera earlier, so he wanted to give her an out. “We don’t have to talk about it.” 
Her smile widened slightly. “I want to talk about it,” she whispered. She tugged on his hand, bringing him closer into her personal space. He couldn’t resist her gravitational pull in this moment, even though his brain was shouting at him that a change to their relationship would only further complicate matters, would complicate their working relationship - the fate of the world and all that. 
“If you insist,” he said against his better, no rational, judgment. 
The change in light made her notice the flecks of green in his hazel eyes and made her thoughts temporarily short-circuit. Harry took her pause to grasp her other hand in his. 
“Macy,” he said softly. “What do you want to talk about?” 
His voice broke her out of her reverie. “I know you didn’t want to talk about it, us, earlier. But I’m tired of ignoring my feelings for you. I want to give this a real shot, Harry.” In the middle of trying to get back their powers and navigate this new life, they had more pressing matters on their hands. Now that the sisters have gotten their powers back, and then some, Macy thought she might as well take their shot before the next big bad showed up. 
She waited and waited, but Harry seemed to be processing what she said. “So, what do you think Harry?” 
He let out a sigh of relief. “I think I’ve been half in love with you since the moment I first saw you,” he admitted.
“You mean right before you kidnapped me on my way to the lab?” She tilted her head in amusement and smiled at Harry. 
He returned her infectious smile. “I actually saw you the day before, walking across campus. I was momentarily struck by your beauty and your intelligence. I overheard you discussing, well frankly, something that is far above my knowledge. I could tell you would be a force to be reckoned with. In a thousand lifetimes, I never thought you’d reciprocate.” 
She smiled brighter at his admission. Macy leaned in closer, mere inches from him. "Well now you know I do, so I think that's cause to celebrate, don't you?" She had a mischievous look in her eyes, but he found himself nodding. "Look up." 
He tore his gaze from her face. He laughed as he saw the sprig of mistletoe and berries, wrapped in a bright red ribbon. "Well it is tradition." 
She smiled brightly at him. "I was hoping you'd feel that way." She leaned in further, waiting for him to make the next move. 
He hesitated a breath, looking for any indication that she would change her mind. Having found none, he closed the gap and pressed his lips firmly against hers. She returned the kiss with enthusiasm and let his hands go, for favor of bringing them behind his head, threading her fingers through his hair. 
He pulled her flush against him, hands gripping her waist. She smiled into the kiss. He tentatively swiped his tongue across her lower lip, nearly surprised when she deepened their kiss. After a moment, he pulled back but rested his forehead against hers. "Can I take you on a proper date?" 
"I'd really love that." She lightly stroked the sides of his face. "If this snow storm ever lets up." 
"I could orb us somewhere warmer," he suggested. “We could even go now, if you’d like.” 
She smiled brightly and pressed her lips to his in a chaste kiss. “I don’t mind the cold. And besides, I think I know a handsome, charming whitelighter who could keep a girl warm at night.” 
He was a bit taken aback, unsure of what she was suggesting. 
“Let’s go to sleep, Harry,” she clarified. She tugged on his hand, leading him to her bed. 
As they laid down, Harry marveled at how well she fit into his side. He brushed her curls away from her face. “You know, I’m thankful for Maggie’s interference for once.” 
She laughed and snuggled even tighter to his side. “Don’t let her know that. You’ll never live it down.” 
He pressed a kiss to her forehead as the pair drifted off to sleep. 
The next morning, Maggie snuck a quick look into Macy’s bedroom. She saw the pair with their legs tangled together, wrapped in a tight embrace. She was hoping they wouldn’t be too mad at her. They just needed a gentle push to admit their feelings to one another. 
The contented look on both their faces told her that her meddling was successful. She quietly closed the door and went back to her room. They deserved their alone time. 
Later, when they joined the other sisters in the kitchen, Macy sent her sister a sly smirk and she knew all was forgiven.
A week later for Christmas, Maggie saw her vision come true. Harry and Macy stealing kisses in between making Christmas dinner. A true Christmas miracle. 
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deliriumfics · 5 years
FIC: Coffee and/or Tea
Title: Coffee and/or Tea
Pair: Harry x Macy 
Tags: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining
Summary: In a devastating turn of events, Harry and his Darklighter remerge against their wishes. Now, Harry is juggling all of his living memories as well as separate personalities of who he has been. Seeing how much he’s struggling, Macy tries to help Harry accept what’s happened and lean on her for support.
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earthsickwithoutyou · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Charmed (TV 2018) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Greenwood/Macy Vaughn Characters: Harry Greenwood, Macy Vaughn Additional Tags: Shameless Smut, Friends to Lovers, Romance, Plot What Plot, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Touch-Starved Harry, Lonely Macy, Emotional Hurt/Comfort Summary:
It is Harry's natural instinct and solemn duty as a whitelighter to immediately appear at the side of a Charmed one, should she call him in a state of need. However, there are certain eventualities he never counted on, and one of them is Macy losing herself in a heated moment of self-pleasuring and accidentally shouting out his name. Takes place post-2x08.
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thoughtfulpaperback · 4 years
Check Out the Hacy FanFiction!!!!!
I have been MIA as far as being able to read and comment. But took today to catch up and it is amazing how yall have been adding to the archive!
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jnlnyaface · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Charmed (TV 2018) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Harry Greenwood & Macy Vaughn, Harry Greenwood/Macy Vaughn Characters: Macy Vaughn, Harry Greenwood Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, references to drinking, references to death, Pining, Light Angst, Canon Compliant Summary:
Things to do at a party:
1. Drink Heavily 2. Dance Like No One Is Watching 3. Obsess Over the Moral Implications of Leaving Your New Found Family Behind For a New Job 2 Hours Away?
Sounds exactly like something Macy Vaughn would do.
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nomixl83 · 5 years
Never Again..
  Macy was frozen in silence and disbelief. Did she really witness her biggest fear? Moments before she was ready to bare her soul to the man she loved, and now had taken to the arms and passions of her treacherous rival. As she crept back secretly from the entrance of the command center she knew she had to get away from that room, away from Safe Space and away from them !
A sphere of thoughts spiralled around her mind all rotating with jagged edges that sliced her like glass. Every cut deepened by the betrayal. Her doubts mocked her harshly. He wanted her, he desired her, and she was everything that Macy was not. She was bold, seductive, unrestrained, unconfined, and most of all unkind. Macy was neither of those things and yet here she was left to walk the lonely path home to her hidden sanctuary.
The fear rose in her of running into Maggie and Mel. Always putting others above herself she couldn’t dare face them and risk their relationship and vision of Harry being tarnished. The lights were on and Mel and Maggie were both drinking tea in the living room. Mel -“Macy is that you?” Maggie “ Did you find Harry?” Macy felt a chill creep up her spine to utter his very name felt wrong. “Um, yes “ “ I mean No” “ I mean he was talking to Abigael and I thought I’d wait to see him back” Maggie and Mel both looked confused. They could sense that sisterly connection that something about Macy had changed. Mel asked “ Is everything ok , did something happen with Abigael?” Macy did all she could to contain the anger and rage from hearing that vile name and she restrained herself all she could by uttering simply “ No”. Able to push the rotten feelings down she told them she was going to bed. Maggie and Mel again stared at one another confusingly “Ok, have a good night”.
 Tormented by the mixture of betrayal, hurt, confusion, and lingering self doubt she decided this would be the best time to retreat back to her own safe space. A warm bath, some Puccini (Tosca being the most fitting) and a cucumber mask. She ran the bath water and poured in her favorite combination of salts, powders and bubble spirits to foam the water. She went into her room opened the dresser pulled out her favorite silk nightgown and undergarments and was ready for her release.
 After her bath her mind felt a little more at ease compared to the torturous walk home. The pain was still present, her thoughts although slightly subsided still ripped into her like dull daggers. If only she could go back to the hours before that kiss. If only she could have been more honest with Harry about how she felt. That it wasn’t Jimmy she desired, but him. Her fear drove her to seek comfort with a part of him she was certain wanted her. On the other hand why should she feel guilty? Why should she feel anything but annoyance that Harry should have been more direct about his feelings? If he cared about her so much, if he wanted her then why not pursue her?
Jimmy wasn’t a gentleman, not entirely, but he knew what he wanted and he went after it the best way he knew how. It wasn’t proper, it wasn’t polite it was passion and it was desire. He desired her the same way Harry’s new paramour desired him yet he responded to the one most forthcoming. None of it made any sense. Were they both at fault? Could either of them be blamed? It didn’t make sense and to a dedicated scientist who spent her whole life looking for logic and reason this was the worst headspace to be.
   All of the past judgements and looks of contempt for expressing interest in a man that represented a part of him that he despised, yet seemed to have no issue with  if that same embodiment took the form of a young , and beautiful seductress. Anger, pain, envy and bitterness on top of yearning .These conflicting thoughts swirling in her head did little to comfort her only bring about more pain and more anguish. She wanted to stop hurting. The tears began soon after and they were of little relief. Each drop burned when it was released from her swollen eyes. They stained her face as they eventually sprinkled her pillow.
  It was late into the night and Macy finally fell into a deep somber sleep. She soon awoke to hear a soft voice calling her name “Macy” she didn’t think much of it and closed her eyes again. “Macy” the voice was familiar and one she could go months without hearing. “Harry I’m tired and I’m really not up for one of our -chats-. I just want to sleep”. The voice croon a bit louder and the base dropped deeper “ Harry’s not present at the moment”. Macy leapt upright her eyes drawn directly to where the voice was coming from .“ There sitting at the edge of her bed was Jimmy, James, the one she thought she’d never see again. Was this a dream? Was Mel and Maggie ok? Should she call to them? It’s what she should do. It what she probably would have done. This was different, this time she wont.
   He had the same look of hunger and seduction that gave her the feeling of electricity flowing through her body. The feeling of relief and need seemed to be a beacon to the man, not a man but a presence, that was devoid of all of the parts that hurt her so cruelly. He was a piece of Harry, the piece that was unspoiled and untainted. Her piece and he was hers. He crept closer towards her and any binding or restrain that had resided in her previously had left and Jimmy picked it up. He slid closer to her his face merely an inch from hers. He looked down at her gorgeous lips and simply whispered “ do you want me to stay?” Macy closed her eyes, her body felt chilled but she was silent. Jimmy whispered to her ear “ tell me what you want”. Macy was still frozen in silence but her eyes remained closed. Jimmy caressed her shoulder while leaning his body to her. Macy finally said “ I want this feeling to never end”. Jimmy devilishly smiled and leaned forward on top of Macy pinning her down as she laid flat on her bed. He stared intensely into her eyes and whispered “ Never again”.  
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