Explore tagged Tumblr posts
renanferrari · 1 year ago
I got pretty sick in the past few days and was sad that I missed our most recent hack week on Tumblr, but I came back today just in time to watch the presentations and I was instantly happy to see all the amazing things my colleagues were able to accomplish in just one week. (Seriously, I wish you folks could have seen @cyle's face, I thought he was going to cry at times 😁)
At the risk of sounding really cheesy, I just wanted to say I'm really proud to be part of a team with such talented, smart, funny, and generous people. And I just can't wait for us to put some of these hacks into the hands of our community!
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wip · 8 months ago
Hoping on Revamp Trending Page whereas this includes World Wide Trend Page and Locally Trend within the country/region, also Trending Tags must be have a Counts of Posted post within them
Answer: Hello, @otwol!
We are currently working on how we detect trending topics and tags, as it happens! And we hope to have this work wrapped up in the next few months. 
As part of other work, we have also discussed the possibility of changing how we source posts from Trending. These are currently posts that might have nothing to do with the trending topics. We have a different source that surfaces popular posts in trending topics, doing a round-robin to cover all of them. This should not be too tricky to look at, but we haven’t prioritized this yet.
There was also a Hackday project some years ago on localized trending, and we even ran several A/B tests. They didn’t show much impact, so this feature was disabled.
But as you say, it would be interesting to iterate on the trending page, and A/B test it against logged-out traffic to see if we can improve registrations. Thanks for your question here. We will look into it and get back to you with news.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 3 months ago
This day in history
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THIS WEDNESDAY (October 23) at 7PM, I'll be in DECATUR, GEORGIA, presenting my novel THE BEZZLE at EAGLE EYE BOOKS.
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#20yrsago Stephen King finishes the Gunslinger books https://memex.craphound.com/2004/10/20/stephen-king-finishes-the-gunslinger-books/
#20yrsago Neal Stephenson’s Slashdot interview https://slashdot.org/story/04/10/20/1518217/neal-stephenson-responds-with-wit-and-humor
#15yrsago Yahoo hires lap-dancers to entertain at its open, inclusive Hack Day event https://simonwillison.net/2009/Oct/19/hackday/
#15yrsago 86-year-old WWII vet on gay marriage: “What do you think I fought for in Omaha Beach?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrEbJBFWIPk
#10yrsago American cities, ranked by conservatism https://dspace.mit.edu/handle/1721.1/88528
#10yrsago LISTEN: Run DMC meets Danny Elfman (spooky!) https://soundcloud.com/dj_bc/the-king-of-halloween-run-dmc
#5yrsago Why we should ban facial recognition technology everywhere https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/17/opinion/facial-recognition-ban.html
#5yrsago The Catalan independence movement is being coordinated by an app designed for revolutions https://www.wired.com/story/barcelonia-riots-catalonia-protests-news
#5yrsago Yahoo Groups archivists despair as Verizon blocks their preservation efforts ahead of shutdown https://web.archive.org/web/20141018140923/https://modsandmembersblog.wordpress.com/for-the-press-2/
#1yrago Amazon's bestselling "bitter lemon" energy drink was bottled delivery driver piss https://pluralistic.net/2023/10/20/release-energy/#the-bitterest-lemon
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Tor Books as just published two new, free LITTLE BROTHER stories: VIGILANT, about creepy surveillance in distance education; and SPILL, about oil pipelines and indigenous landback.
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warrenwoodhouse · 13 years ago
My Tweets (LiveJournal) (Social Media)
Article by @warrenwoodhouse #warrenwoodhouse
Tue, 6:49 pm: hi linkedin, i have a question: what is the veterans hackday 2011 all about and what would you like me to build?
Tue, 7:36 pm: @BRAINWAVECENTRE my autistic disorder is on the edge, the very edge of the spectrum. it's a rare case, and undiagnoised.
Tue, 9:36 pm: is dr dre even a real doctor? what does he have a doctorate in?
Original Post
Archived Post
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er-10-media · 6 months ago
KazHackStan: хакеры Центральной Азии входят в интеллектуальную реальность
New Post has been published on https://er10.kz/it-novosti/hakery-centralnoj-azii-vhodjat-v-intellektualnuju-realnost/
KazHackStan: хакеры Центральной Азии входят в интеллектуальную реальность
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TSARKA GROUP объявила даты крупнейшей хакерской конференции в Центральной Азии. KazHackStan пройдет с 11 по 13 сентября в Алматы и примет более 5 000 посетителей и более 30 топовых спикеров со всего мира.
Шестой год подряд мероприятие будет крупнейшим по безопасности в РК и Центральной Азии. За три дня на KazHackStan обсудят все важные вопросы по киберзащиты: национальную политику кибербезопасности и законодательства, связанного с защитой данных. А на Secure Development Day ведущие разработчики, специалисты по безопасности и исследователи соберутся для обмена опытом в области безопасной разработки, качестве программного кода и защиты информационных систем. И, конечно, не обойдется без HackDay. Там топовые мировые исследователи кибербезопасности, высокорейтинговые белые хакеры, и даже новички и неискушенные обыватели, смогут погрузиться в мир новейших хакерских методик, увидеть свежие уязвимости и понять, как все это влияет на киберзащиту государства и стратегию национальной кибербезопасности.
В 2024 году мы выбрали понятные всем в этом году смыслы искусственного интеллекта, о которых в ИБ не говорит только ленивый, но добавили туда очень интеллектуальную и дорогостоящую с точки зрения инвестиций в науку тему виртуальной реальности. Встречайте тематику этого года — Intelligent Reality (IR) (Интеллектуальная реальность). Это — сочетание виртуальной реальности (VR) и искусственного интеллекта (AI), создающее уникальные и персонализированные цифровые миры. В IR VR создает погружающие среды, а AI анализирует данные и адаптирует контент в реальном времени, обеспечивая более умный и индивидуализированный опыт как профессионалов в области кибербезопасности, так и руководителей ИТ-департаментов и рядовых пользователей».
Олжас Сатиев, президент и основатель TSARKA Group
Енлик Сатиева, продюсер и главный организатор конференции KazHackStan, добавляет деталей из программы конференции:
Мы собираем спикеров из разных частей мира — гостями нашей конференции были Диллон Каннабиран (США) — создатель и директор Hack In The Box, Павел Жовнер (Великобритания) — автор проекта Flipper Zero, руководитель компании Flipper Devices, Рауль Филипе Морено Хименез (Панама) — юрист с фокусом на кибербезопасности в бизнесе, Джейсон И. Стрит (США) – консультант по безопасности, известный спикер DEFCON, Ральф Эчемендиа (США), специалист по кибербезопасности, и многие другие
Также, в течении всех 3-ех дней будут проходить соревнования CyberKumbez — крупнейшее хакерское соревнование в Центральной Азии, собирающее больше 100 хакеров. Среди них есть представители как крупных компаний, так и государственных учреждений. Для участников подготовлены макеты реальной ИТ-инфраструктуры (промышленных заводов, парков развлечений и административных зданий в городе), чтобы участники могли сымитировать и обезвредить виртуальные угрозы, обеспечив таким образом в будущем безопасность государства и общества.
Организатор конференции: TSARKA Group и Комитет по информационной безопасности Министерства цифрового развития, инноваций и аэрокосмической промышленности Республики Казахстан.
Данная публикация выполнена на правах рекламы.
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make2explore · 7 months ago
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See the color of ☢️gamma radiation. Map out gamma ray energies to the visible spectrum. Every source gets a color fingerprint. 😍👏👍
#Arduino #Electronics #hardware #Tech
Know more on #hackday - https://tinyurl.com/3fy25uhx
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sreegs · 1 year ago
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i won this for hackday in 2016, took them long enough
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why is there a greyed-out clock icon at the bottom of all the posts
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medewerkers · 2 years ago
Tumblr hackweek, editie september 2022
Er is onlangs een nieuwe Hackweek afgerond bij Tumblr. Dit is tijd die we meerdere keren per jaar inplannen om de gebruikelijke activiteiten van onze teams te vertragen, zodat ze hun fantasie de vrije loop kunnen laten. Het is een kans om te zien hoe ver de creativiteit van onze technici ons kan brengen. De vorige Hackweek zag de geboorte van de knop ‘Een krab uitnodigen’. Deze kleine functie werd zo gewaardeerd dat ze niet beperkt bleef tot een 1 april-grap. Het werd niets minder dan de eerste widget die via TumblrMart wordt aangeboden!
Hieronder volgen enkele projecten die we tijdens de Hackweek van afgelopen september hebben bedacht. Enkele van deze items zouden in de toekomst weleens kunnen worden doorontwikkeld tot een gloednieuwe functionaliteit...
Tumbeast, het digitale huisdier
Ben is bezig geweest om Tumbeasts, onze vriendelijke mascottes die op onze servers passen, in een schattig digitaal huisdiertje te veranderen. Je kunt hem voeren en met hem spelen, en natuurlijk heeft hij aandacht en verzorging nodig. Wie zou hier nu niet graag voor willen zorgen, dag na dag tot in het einde der tijden?
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Tumblr Blaze op TumblrMart
@adalpari heeft de mogelijkheid toegevoegd om ‘credits’ op TumblrMart te kopen en deze in te wisselen voor Blaze-berichten of weg te geven aan andere gebruikers. Dit is de perfecte oplossing voor wanneer je een geweldig bericht op Tumblr ontdekt dat het verdient om gezien te worden, en je er zelfs geld voor over hebt om de auteur te helpen het met Tumblr Blaze sponsoren!
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Een accountschakelaar
@yi5h heeft een Tumblr-accountschakelaar voor het web samengesteld waarmee gebruikers zich bij meerdere Tumblr-accounts kunnen aanmelden en gemakkelijk tussen die accounts kunnen schakelen. Uiterst handig als je een account hebt dat gewijd is aan een van je rollenspelpersonages en een ander dat gewijd is aan je gepassioneerde Star Trek-discussies. Erg handig!
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Op het web heeft João een idee uitgewerkt waarover steeds meer werd gesproken: de mogelijkheid om Tumblr-berichten te organiseren in ‘collecties’ die kunnen worden benoemd en gedeeld. Iedereen wil wel een collectie ‘golven’ die tot de nok toe gevuld is met GIF's van oceaangolven, toch?
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Volg ons zoals gebruikelijk op de blog @medewerkers​ om op de hoogte te blijven van hoe deze geniale ideeën werkelijkheid worden op Tumblr!
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prayfornobu · 5 years ago
I’ve been seeing magic mirrors around the internet for a bit now and have been thinking of making one for months.  With the pi 4 dual monitor support it seemed like a perfect time for a  project
Materials * 24″x36″ acrylic mirror * 2 monitors - I’m very happy with these monitors.  They’re very thin and light, I didn’t even need to remove them from the casing * raspberry pi 4, heatsink * wood frame kit - This is actually for an art canvas, so it definitely isn’t going to provide the necessary support we need, so we’ll have to build it in the back * 1″x3″ piece of wood to cut to build the support structure for the back.  You’ll need a total of 96″ to build out 4 24 support pieces.  I also cut the corners into smaller blocks that angle perpendicular to the top bar * black board - I got this at an arts and craft store, a sturdy light board painted black or painted cardboard would work, the lighter the better and easy to cut * black felt * clamps * handsaw - I hope you got a circular saw * Sandpaper - Most of my day was spent sanding and dreaming of power tools * Glue - wood + superglue or gorilla glue * Paint if you want * Right angle ruler * Power drill and screws
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A picture of all the materials App * BaseApp * Spotify * Googlephotos * Systemstats * Webview - this runs all the tumblr tv which powers the gifs.  Webviews out to tumblr.com/tv/simpsons for example
The cutting of the wood and painting were done prior to the build.  The assembly and  installation of modules and the app were a 1 day build
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Squaring things off to cut
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Nothing like handsawing barefoot
Lots of sanding ahead...
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Watching paint dry...
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More drying paint... The white is the outer frame the black is the back structure pieces
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I actually bought 2 of the 24″ frame kits to glue 2 sides together to act as one of the support beams.   The frame portion became a nice holder for the top monitor
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Build the frame and place the mirror in.  Use wood glue on the  corners, mallet the plastic corners in that it comes with.  Dont skimp on glue
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Theres a small gap around the sides of the mirror and the frame that I padded with felt
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Start lining things up and marking off exact mount points, also removed the protective stickers
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Add the bottom monitor reversed and cut out the black board, we will need to cover the entire area that isn’t covered by monitor with board
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Add the two support beams,  Stabilize with wood glue and screws.  This should be packed such that the monitors won’t move. Where monitor meats board, cover with the black felt held to the blackboard with wood glue.  I left a gap near the edges of each monitor with felt flaps that I can lift up later to place a motion detection camera for future use Glue in the corner squares and clamp them in place
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Add the middle supports
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Use the pi as a template to cut out a board and drill holes where the pi mount screws go.  The board is about an inch or so bigger than the pi.  Its from some packaging material I had at my apt, any small board will due, this gets glued to the backboard
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After all the glue has dried.  Added some metal hooks to help support some wiring
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Final product Backside
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Overall I’m pretty happy with how reflective it is and I’m very happy with how sturdy it is.  From certain angles you can kind of see the outline of the monitor but its not much.  One thing is I totally didn’t cover up the monitor lights lol, so theres 2 dots - so cover those, I just say it adds to the aesthetic :)
Future things
I need to push some code changes to the magicmirror because it doesn’t support dual monitors.  I’m actually running two apps on different ports for each monitor and some hacking of the js/electron.js to change the x position.  But the app itself should be able to support extended displays, doesn’t seem like much code change i’ll make a pr when I get around to it.  This was for hackday and I was running out of time, gimme a break
Add motion camera, not really sure what it’ll do but i imagine it’ll turn on different modules
Hookup to bluetooth.  I plan on automating turning on and off the monitors and apps when it detects my phone connects to its bluetooth or is in range of it or something along those lines
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sreegs-archive · 5 years ago
Here’s a short demo of my hackday project for bringing custom Color Palettes to iOS. Colors inspired by those purple Gamecubes.
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edisonsciencecorner · 2 years ago
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3D printed Jumper Wire Sorter/Organizer #3d_print #3dprinter #3dmodel #jumper #jumperwire #filament #creality #crealityender3 #ender3v2 #hackday #hacksterio #electronics #electronicbasic #electronicsproject #tech #diy #easy https://www.instagram.com/p/CjA6vCCL82e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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oneunderproects · 3 years ago
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1863 Burda Hackday: Future of Finance
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
This day in history
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The Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers’ Workshop summer fundraiser is almost over! I am an alum, instructor and volunteer board member for this nonprofit workshop whose alums include Octavia Butler, Kim Stanley Robinson, Bruce Sterling, Nalo Hopkinson, Kameron Hurley, Nnedi Okorafor, Lucius Shepard, and Ted Chiang! Your donations will help us subsidize tuition for students, making Clarion — and sf/f — more accessible for all kinds of writers.
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#10yrsago Iain Banks’s The Quarry, his final novel https://memex.craphound.com/2013/07/26/iain-bankss-the-quarry-his-final-novel/
#10yrsago What EFF learned at Comic-Con https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/07/what-we-learned-san-diego-comic-con
#10yrsago PIN-punching $200 robot can brute force every Android numeric screen-password in 19 hours https://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2013/07/22/pin-punching-robot-can-crack-your-phones-security-code-in-less-than-24-hours/
#10yrsago UK censorwall will also block “terrorist content,” “violence,” “circumvention tools,” “forums,” and more https://www.openrightsgroup.org/blog/sleepwalking-into-censorship/
#10yrsago No, Mr Cameron, you can’t solve porn with a hackathon https://www.theguardian.com/science/political-science/2013/jul/24/anti-porn-hackday-cameron
#10yrsago Teachers open camping kid’s sealed letter home; eject kid for confessing to eating chocolate https://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/10190649/Child-banned-from-school-trip-for-eating-chocolate.html
#10yrsago David Cameron’s favourite censorware is built and maintained by Huawei https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-23452097
#10yrsago Jane Austen to grace £10 notes https://www.theguardian.com/business/2013/jul/24/jane-austen-appear-10-note
#5yrsago Bloom County’s second reboot collection: the election of 2016 and beyond https://memex.craphound.com/2018/07/26/bloom-countys-second-reboot-collection-the-election-of-2016-and-beyond/
#5yrsago Big Tech’s active moderation promise is also a potential source of eternal commercial advantage over newcomers https://memex.craphound.com/2018/07/26/big-techs-active-moderation-promise-is-also-a-potential-source-of-eternal-commercial-advantage-over-newcomers/
#5yrsago Facebook shares plummet on tiny shortfall in predicted growth https://www.wired.com/story/facebook-just-learned-the-true-cost-of-fixing-its-problems/
#5yrsago Appeals court kills the dirty trick of using Indian tribes as a front for patent trolls and claiming sovereign immunity https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/07/court-native-american-tribe-cant-be-a-sovereign-shield-during-patent-review/
#5yrsago What it’s like when Nazis infiltrate your conference https://twitter.com/JairusKhan/status/1021576115670933511
#1yrago “A Half-Built Garden”: Ruthanna Emrys’s stunning First Contact novel https://pluralistic.net/2022/07/26/aislands/#dead-ringers
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bastamanography · 4 years ago
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#Monday #MondayMorning #MondayMotivation #MondayMood #coffee #BlackCoffee #IndonesianCoffee #IDontLikeMondays #HackDay #Covid19 #Covid_19 #KeepStrongIndonesia (at Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJCsWLJAD97/?igshid=1glnvaymm0mv9
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jbaeteng · 7 years ago
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lokaleblickecom · 5 years ago
Im Moerser Rathaus wird gecodet: Hackday 2020
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Moers. (pst) Das „Digitale Klima“ in der Stadt stärken und den Nachwuchs der IT-Branche fördern – das sind die Ziele des Hackdays am 28./29. März 2020, der gemeinsam mit der Bertelsmann Stiftung ausgerichtet wird. Im Fokus steht der Co-Working-Aspekt: Bürger und die Stadtverwaltung kommen zusammen, um mit den offenen Daten der Stadt Moers zu arbeiten. Im vergangenen Jahr ist dabei beispielsweise der Prototyp eines Monitors entstanden, auf dem künftig die aktuellen Abfahrtszeiten der Busse in Rathausnähe zu sehen sind. Anfänger und Experten können mitmachen Bisher haben sich für den Hackday und die Workshops rund 150 Teilnehmer angemeldet. In ganz Nordrhein-Westfalen gibt es keine vergleichbare Veranstaltung in ähnlicher Größe zu dem Thema OpenData. Der Beigeordnete Claus Arndt betont: „Der Hackday ist nicht nur für studierte Programmierer. Hier kann jeder mitarbeiten.“ Stefan Bernoth, Leiter der Stabstelle Digitalisierung, erklärt genauer: „Kinder und Jugendliche werden ganz niederschwellig an die visuelle Programmierung herangeführt und können beispielsweise angeleitet einen Mini-Roboter programmieren.“ Neben der Heranführung ans Programmieren steht die Nutzung offener Daten zu gesellschaftlichen Zwecken im Mittelpunkt. So soll beispielsweise vor dem Hintergrund der diesjährigen Kommunalwahl ein „Wahl-O-Mat“ entstehen. Interessantes Programm mit Vorträgen von Experten Vor fünf Jahren ist der Hackday in Moers mit drei Vorträgen schmal gestartet. Inzwischen konnte ein weitaus größeres Programm entwickelt werden. Mit dabei sind in diesem Jahr unter anderem Thomas Langkabel von Microsoft Deutschland sowie der Moerser Schüler und Softwareentwickler der „Mein Moers-App“ Lennart Fischer. Claus Arndt findet es „erstaunlich, was sich aus der kleinen Keimzelle OpenData entwickelt hat,“ und freut sich auf zahlreiche Teilnehmer. Einstieg für Mädchen und Frauen Für alle technikinteressierten Mädchen und Frauen gibt es eine Woche vor dem eigentlichen Hackday, also am Samstag, 21. März, das Angebot der „Rocket Girls“. Durch dieses geschlechterspezifische Angebot sollen eventuelle Hemmschwellen bei Mädchen und Frauen abgebaut werden. Infobox: Mehr Informationen zum Hackday gibt es auf www.hackday.moers.de. Bildzeile: Beigeordneter Claus Arndt (links im Bild) und Stephan Bernoth, Leiter der Stabstelle Digitalisierung, planen den Hackday. (Foto: pst) #Hackday  #Moers #ClausArndt   Read the full article
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