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✨ADVANCE BY LETTING GO OF THE THINGS THAT ARE HINDERING YOUR PROGRESS IN LIFE. 💎My mini-break is over and I am back with another episode of Live A Phenomenal Life Show with Madame Merola on Monday. 📌Topic: THINGS TO LET GO OF RIGHT NOW SO YOU CAN ADVANCE IN LIFE. 📌Date: 25th of April 2022 📌Venue: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube @madamemerola page/channel. 📌Time: 12noon GMT + 1/WAT (see poster for more time zone options). ➡️What was good enough the past level of success and advancement might be insufficient for your next level. What was not a big weakness in the past might be a huge stumbling block for your advancement. The earlier you discover them and let go of them, the lighter you will be to soar higher and ADVANCE. ✅Set your reminders. Invite your friends and share this poster with others. 💜Inspiring, Empowering and Transforming lives one show at a time on Live A Phenomenal Life Show with Madame Merola on Mondays online. 💛Powered by @merolatv XoXo from #madamemerola #thebangcreator #liveaphenomenallifeshow #advance #thingstoletgo #personalmastery #personaldevelopment #habitsandlifestyles #lifecoaching #talkshow #transformationshow #impactinglivespositively #empoweringlives (at Things To Go) https://www.instagram.com/p/CctIebRjx7y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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This is why we can't fake characters or manipulate nature and process. If we want something, we have to learn to become that thing to easily pass it on without difficulty in how people get to be influenced by it. There's always conflict if we try to influence people without first becoming it. Because we may truly not know the challenges involved in what it takes to be it. That's why the strongest people are those who have faced life challenges and troubles without fainting. We honor the late Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King because we can see for ourselves how they taught us to love and forgive without resentment. . . . . #habits #successhabits #goodhabits #dailyhabits #habittracker #habitsofhealth #habitsalon #habitsforsuccess #habitsofsuccess #habitstacking #habitsofmyheart #habitssaludables #habitsandlifestyles #habitsandcontradictions #habitsofmind #habitsbuildsuccess #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #habits365 #habitsmatter #habitstore #habitsworthcreating https://www.instagram.com/miracleyemoh/p/CZB7RPfKM3M/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Success is Overvalued. Avoiding Failure Matters More. This type of inverse logic can be extended to many areas of life. For example, ambitious young people are often focused on how to achieve success. But billionaire investor Charlie Munger encourages them to consider the inverse of success instead. “What do you want to avoid?” he asks. “Such an easy answer: sloth and unreliability. If you’re unreliable it doesn’t matter what your virtues are. You’re going to crater immediately. Doing what you have faithfully engaged to do should be an automatic part of your conduct. You want to avoid sloth and unreliability.” Avoiding mistakes is an under-appreciated way to improve. In most jobs, you can enjoy some degree of success simply by being proactive and reliable—even if you are not particularly smart, fast, or talented in a given area. Sometimes it is more important to consider why people fail in life than why they succeed. - taken from jamesclear.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #Habits #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #habitscorp #habitsofcreatures #habitsbecomelifestyles #habitsquad #habitsofhealth #habitsmakeresults #HabitsStayHigh #HabitShop #habitsofmillionaires #HabitsOfSuccess #habits #habitsofmyheart #habits #HabitsAndContradictions #habitsofmyheartpoetry #HabitsandLifestyles #habitsofhighlysucessfulpeople #habitscreateresults #habitsg #habitsalon #habitscreatesuccess #habitsnotacts #habitsforsuccess #habitshold #habitsbuildsuccess #habitsofmind #habits365 #vitaleducator (at Birmingham, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CATMv_QjQxy/?igshid=u4mohum55rhm
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Let's talk about Fitbit I Apple 6/10
#habits #habitscreatesuccess #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #habitsofmind #habitsbuildsuccess #habitscreateresults #habitslifestyle #habitsofhealth #habitsbecomelifestyles #habitsmakeresults #habitsofhighlysucessfulpeople #habitsofmyheart #habitsforsuccess #habitsofcreatures #habitsnotacts #habitshold #habitsofsuccess #habitsandlifestyles #habitsofmillionaires #habitsquad #habitsstayhigh #habitsofmyheartpoetry #habitscorp #habitsandcontradictions #habitssacramento #habitsg #habitshop #habitshn #habitsalon

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Knowing your #budget is stregth. ⠀ ⠀ How much you can expend on a project is helpful for you. Little oe big whatever the amount is know it is workable. If you know the figure and the market you know where things are headed💹⠀ ⠀ Before jumping into anything, learn what is necessary.⠀ Then execute ✌️⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ ⠀ #financialhelp #finance101 #financialwellness #financialadvice #learning #financialmanagement #financegoals #financecoach #financialfitness #prilaga #moneygram💸💸 #financialfreedom #financialhealth #financialtips #financialeducation #financialliteracy #habitsandlifestyles #money #habits #financetips #finance #awareness #financialindependence #financelife #learningeveryday #financial #financialtimes #financejobs #financialadvisor — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/388aFT9
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7 Powerful Habits Of Six-Figure Freelancers
Starting a career as a solopreneur or Freelancers and leaving your 9-5 job is a dream that many people share.
#freelance #freelancer #freelancelife freelancelifestyle #habits #habitsofhealth #HabitsandLifestyles #habitsforsuccess #HabitsOfSuccess #habitsofsuccessfulpeopl
freelancer, freelancers, freelance, freelance ideas, freelancing jobs, freelance business, make money freelancing, freelance work, Habits, positivity, how to have good dreams, how to better yourself, healthy habits
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Everyone has a bad habit or two.. It's what makes us human, so its completly normal. What's your bad habits? Orrrr guilty pleasures??? 💕 Mine would be smoking but shh.. Remember follow for follow #follow4follow . . . . . #glammerstudio #badhabits #habitsofmyheart #healthyeatinghabits #habits #healthyhabits #goodhabits #habitsofhealth #newhabits #yearofcreativehabits #habitsmakeresults #oldhabits #oldhabitsdiehard #oldhabitsneverdie #dailyhabits #successhabits #eatinghabits #habitsofhighlyeffectivepeople #7habits #changeyourhabits #habitsandcontradictions #habitsandlifestyles #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #healthyhabitspayoff #healthyhabitsforlife #healthyhabitsstartyoung — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2HMIZIw
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The Habits Scorecard To create your own Habits Scorecard, start by making a list of your daily habits. Here’s a sample of where your list might start: Wake up Turn off alarm Check my phone Go to the bathroom Weigh myself Take a shower Brush my teeth Floss my teeth Put on deodorant Hang up towel to dry Get dressed Make a cup of tea -taken from Jamesclear.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #habits #habitsalon #habitsofhealth #HabitShop #HabitsandLifestyles #HabitsStayHigh #habitsquad #jamesclear #habitsforsuccess #habitsofmyheart #habitsbecomelifestyles #vitaleducator #habitsnotacts #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #HabitsOfSuccess #habitsofmyheartpoetry #habitsofmind #habitsofmillionaires #habitsofhighlysucessfulpeople #habitslifestyle #habitsofcreatures #habitsmakeresults #atomichabits #habitsg #habitscreatesuccess #habitscreateresults #habitscorp #habitsbuildsuccess #habits365 #habit (at Birmingham, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAN12HgDGqs/?igshid=1j9kplasu0ief
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Full video on my YT: Vital Educator . . How to Build a New Habit: This is Your Strategy Guide 1. Start with an incredibly small habit. 2. Increase your habit in very small ways. 3. As you build up, break habits into chunks. 4. When you slip, get back on track quickly. 5. Be patient. Stick to a pace you can sustain. - taken from jamesclear.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #habits #habit #habitsofhealth #vitaleducator #HabitsandLifestyles #HabitsStayHigh #habitsquad #jamesclear #habitsforsuccess #habitsofmyheart #habitsbecomelifestyles #HabitsAndContradictions #healthyhabits #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #habitsofsuccess #habittracker #habitsofmind #habitsofmillionaires #dailyhabits #habitslifestyle #habitsofcreatures #habitsmakeresults #successfulmindset #successfulhabits #habitscreatesuccess #habitscreateresults #healthyhabits #habitsbuildsuccess #atomichabits #habitat (at Quarantine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAIzCFRjQ-e/?igshid=1imjm3v4p8d5x
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Let's talk about FITBIT 1/10
#habits #habitscreatesuccess #habitsbuildsuccess #habitscreateresults #habitslifestyle #habitsmakeresults #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #habitsofmind #habitsofhighlysucessfulpeople #habitsnotacts #habitsbecomelifestyles #habitsforsuccess #habitsofsuccess #habitsandlifestyles #habitsofhealth #habitshold #habitsofmyheart #habitsofcreatures #habitsofmillionaires #habitsstayhigh #wearyourhabits #habitsquad #habitsofmyheartpoetry #habitsandcontradictions #habitssacramento #habitshop #habitshn #habitsalon #habitsg

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Strong Abs
#habitsbuildsuccess #habits #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #habitsbecomelifestyles #habitsofmind #habitsofhighlysucessfulpeople #habitsofhealth #habitsofmyheart #habitscreatesuccess #habitscreateresults #habitslifestyle #habitsmakeresults #habitshold #habitsnotacts #habitsofcreatures #habitsforsuccess #habitsofsuccess #habitsandlifestyles #habitsofmillionaires #habitsstayhigh #habitsquad #healthyhabits #changeyourhabits #habitsalon #prhealth #vaughan #habitsg #compoundhabits #physiotherapy

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Portion size
#habits #habitsofmind #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #habitsofhealth #habitsofmyheart #habitsbecomelifestyles #habitsofhighlysucessfulpeople #habitsbuildsuccess #habitslifestyle #habitsmakeresults #habitscreatesuccess #habitscreateresults #habitsnotacts #habitshold #habitsofcreatures #habitsofsuccess #habitsforsuccess #habitsandlifestyles #habitsofmillionaires #habitsquad #habitsstayhigh #changeyourhabits #healthyhabits #physio #physiohabits #habitsg #habitsofmyheartpoetry #habitsandcontradictions #prhealth

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Weight Loss Habits
#habits #habitsandlifestyles #habitsforsuccess #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #habitsofsuccess #habitsofmind #habitsbecomelifestyles #habitsmakeresults #habitsbuildsuccess #habitslifestyle #lifestyle #habitsofmyheart #habitsofmillionaires #habitscreatesuccess #habitscreateresults #habitsquad #habitsofhighlysucessfulpeople #habitsofhealth #habitsstayhigh #habitsnotacts #habitsandcontradictions #habitshold #habitsofcreatures #habitsofmyheartpoetry #habitshop #habitssacramento #habitsg #habitscorp #habitshn

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To burn a Big Mac
#habits #habitsofmyheart #habitsofhealth #habitsforsuccess #habitsbecomelifestyles #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #habitsofmind #habitsofsuccess #habitsnotacts #habitsbuildsuccess #habitsmakeresults #habitsofhighlysucessfulpeople #habitslifestyle #habitscreatesuccess #habitscreateresults #habitsofmillionaires #habitsandlifestyles #habitsquad #habitsofcreatures #habitshold #habitsstayhigh #habitsandcontradictions #habitshop #habitsofmyheartpoetry #habitssacramento #habitsalon #habitscorp #habitshn #habitsg

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Progress - Not Perfection ....
#habitsforsuccess #habits #habitsofhealth #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #habitsofsuccess #habitsofmyheart #habitsofmind #habitsandlifestyles #habitsmakeresults #habitsbuildsuccess #habitsofmillionaires #habitslifestyle #habitsbecomelifestyles #habitsofhighlysucessfulpeople #habitscreatesuccess #habitscreateresults #habitsstayhigh #habitsquad #productivityhabits #habitsnotacts #habitsofcreatures #habitshold #habitsandcontradictions #habitshop #habitsofmyheartpoetry #habitssacramento #habitsg #habitscorp #solopreneur

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If you eat every 3 hours, you are less likely to feel hungry.
#habitsofhealth #habits #optavia #healthyhabits #healthylifestyle #dailyhabits #habitsofmyheart #habitsforsuccess #habitsofmind #habitsbecomelifestyles #habitsofsuccessfulpeople #habitsmakeresults #habitsbuildsuccess #healthcoach #habitsofhighlysucessfulpeople #habitscreatesuccess #habitscreateresults #habitsofsuccess #habitslifestyle #habitsnotacts #healthyliving #habitsofcreatures #habitsandlifestyles #habitshold #weightlossjourney #habitsofmillionaires #weightloss #habitsalon #habitsquad

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