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maomaojinshi · 2 years ago
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it’s in the family
Detective conan
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maddookkie · 2 months ago
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⌕ Pinku No Habira Ni Yoru (uso pessoal)
⌕ primeira capinha rosa
⌕ Feita em 23/12/24
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0rdinarythoughts · 2 years ago
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”اے اللہ! میں تیری پناہ میں آتا ہوں اعتماد کے ٹھیس لگنے سے اور ظاہری محبتوں سے دھوکا کھا جانے سے۔“
"O Allah! I take refuge in you from the betrayal of trust and from being deceived by outward affections.”
(Ibn Habira al-Fazari||al-Sadaqa wa al-Sadiq llal-Tawhidi: 125)
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somethingclevermahogony · 8 months ago
Happy WBW! What are some common names for pets in your setting?
Happy WBW! Thanks for the ask!
This really depends on where you are and of course what sort of pet you have. In Kishetal for example, it is not unusual to name pets after various plants or sometimes just a color, and often this is not not a color that appears anywhere on the animal (e.g. Woli which simply means blue) or their name may simply be an adjective like "Stinky" (Lewut). It is relatively common for pets to have human names.
Rather than just throwing a big list of names at you, instead I'm going to go through some of the pets that various characters have owned throughout their lives.
Bawebor (Korithian meaning Barker) a dog . Bawebor is a mutt, with shaggy brown fur, large floppy ears, and long almost greyhound-like legs. He somewhat resembles a mixture of a bloodhound and an irish wolfhound, though a bit more slender than both of those breeds. Otilia believes that one of his ancestors must have been one of the much prized Agrikolic hounds, if only because of his legs.
Nbuwa ( Knoshic for thorn) a ram. Dati was born the son of a shepherd, and worked as one himself. Of his flock, the most troublesome and yet also the one for which he was most affectionate was a ram which he named Thorn, a reference to the animal's prickly attitude.
As a princess, Ninma had several pets. Some of these she named herself, others were named prior to her receiving them. Unfortunately when she flees Labisa, none of her pets accompany her.
Ishuliut (Kishite meaning Hairy) A horned rabbit, he was a replacement for Ninma's previous horned rabbit, Jaishuliut (Big Hairy), which unfortunately escaped the palace and was subsequently eaten by a pack of dogs.
Bushili (Kishite meaning Bird ) A Sinrian parrot, originally named Buñchi (North Sinrian Dialect, also meaning Bird)
Habira (Kishite meaning Confusion) A weasel. Weasels are a common pet in much of Kishetal where they function similarly to cats in other regions as both companions and as pest control.
Tamel (Kishite Noble Name, name of the first King of Kishetal) Several different lizards of various types caught in the courtyard of the Palace by Ninma. Most were freed by her eldest brother Bazus or else escaped, now haunting the halls of the palace, much to the frustration of the Palace servants and slaves. Naming an animal with a noble name would typically be considered deeply scandalous and improper. However no one really feels the need to correct the child.
Woli (Kishite for Blue) a nanny goat. Gifted to Ninma at her 3rd birthday (before she had been given her name.) To Ninma's horror and displeasure, Woli was turned into the celebratory meal for her 4th birthday and naming ceremony.
Oli (Kishite for Red) a leopard. Akard's pet while he lived in Apuna. The leopard was discovered as a cub, caught in a trap while Akard was on a campaign in Namut. Akard raised the big cat and was quite close to the beast, even taking it into battle with him. However, with no intention of returning to Apuna and no reasonable way to take a leopard with him, before his journey to Labisa, he released Oli into the wilds of the Putla Delta.
Jal (Ustani for Wind) a Steppe Horse. Kumad was only a boy in the distant lands of Ustan Juk when his clan was defeated by a rival and he was subsequently traded into slavery, eventually ending up in Kishetal. Though young, Kumad had already been given his first horse, a tan mare named Jal. Steppe horses are known for their bulky physique as well as their intelligence. To some outside of the steppe these horses are known as "Dogs with Hooves"
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fandompost · 6 months ago
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First Volume Spotlight: ‘Habira no Uta – Tales of the Butterfly’ Manga By Minosuke http://dlvr.it/TCw0qC
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infosisraelnews · 7 months ago
🔴 Syrie : "Israël a bombardé des dépôts d'armes, à proximité d'un aéroport qui sert de base iranienne"
Le Centre syrien de surveillance des droits de l’homme a fait état ce soir (jeudi) d’explosions dans la zone de l’aéroport militaire “A-Sheirat” près de Homs en Syrie. Selon le site d’information “Col Habira”, affilié à l’opposition syrienne, il s’agit d’une attaque israélienne contre des postes militaires dans la zone de l’aéroport. Également sur la chaîne de télévision saoudienne “Al-Hadth”,…
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weid · 2 months ago
hát ne is habira adják már a munkáshitelt! :))
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meg a kurva anyád
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blueiscoool · 3 years ago
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Ancient Hebrew “Incantation Bowls” To Repel Curses Found In Israel
Bowls marked with magical inscriptions were buried beneath the floors of ancient Mesopotamian houses to ward off evil forces. In the unlikely event this worked, it appears the benefits wore off over the centuries, because a large collection of these bowls have now been uncovered, and the possessor faces charges carrying long jail sentences. Ancient coins, glassware, and weapons were also found at the site.
The recovery of archaeological artifacts is a fraught business. Rare and beautiful items can attract a high price, and many buyers don't care too much about whether they are getting them from the rightful owners. Indeed, the question of who those owners are is often in dispute, as demonstrated by the long quest by many nations to get former colonial powers to return the contents of their museums.
Israel's Antiquities Authority (IAA) has an entire Robbery Prevention Unit to deal with items taken by people whose concept of ownership does not extend past “finders keepers”. The unit recently conducted a joint operation with Lev HaBira police, and returned with a remarkable haul.
Among the items the IAA found in an individual's home are numerous “Swearing Bowls” that date from the 4th-8th centuries CE in what is now Iraq.
In an era when literacy was rare, some people made a living by writing personalized messages to repel curses, demons, or other perceived threats. One of the bowls collected in the raid has a painting of a “night” demon – the terror the household sought protection against.
“In 2003, following the war in Iraq, thousands of stolen 'incantation bowls' began to enter international trade markets,” the Authority's Amir Ganor said in a statement sent to IFLScience.
The home's resident has yet to be tried, and may have a plausible explanation for how so many of these magical bowls came to be in his possession. However, the Authority not only alleges he acquired them illegally, but had performed repairs on them in order to sell them.
Potential charges include possession of property suspected of being stolen and failure to report the discovery of antiques. Other items found there include ancient coins, geometric ornaments in a style associated with northern Israel in Biblical times, and Phoenician style bone and ivory items.
The Authority also hopes that documents seized at the home will allow them to identify who the items were bought from, potentially implicating a much wider network.
"Antiquities belong to all of us. They are our heritage,” said the Authority's director Eli Eskosido "Unauthorized antiquities dealers encourage looters to go out and destroy ancient sites in search of finds for sale on the antiquities market. In the name of greed, they plunder antiquity sites, removing the finds from their historical context, thus obscuring parts of human history.”'
However, the Authority faces plenty of criticism of its own. Recently the United States organized for the return to their countries of origin of illegally acquired items that had been part of the billionaire Michael Steinhardt's collection. However, some of the 40 items returned to Israel are claimed to have come originally from the West Bank, attracting resentment from Palestinian officials, who have not received any returns.
Israel's refusal to ratify the UNESCO convention against the illicit trade in antiquities has been alleged to contribute to its status as a center for black market trading.
Indeed, the house where the items were found is in Ramat Shlomo, an area captured in the six-day war and considered by Israel to be part of Jerusalem, but widely criticized as an illegal settlement on occupied land.
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silence-in-my-life-blog · 6 years ago
Necesito mas amigo con alas, todos los ángeles que conozco ponen concreto en mis venas. siempre voy a casa solo, ya no tengo vida, como mi teléfono... no hay nada que perder, cuando nadie sabe tu nombre, no hay nada que ganar, si los días parecen no cambiar... Nunca jugué a verdad o consecuencia, tengo que comprobar mi espejo para ver si todavía estoy aquí, mis padres no tenían idea de que siempre almorzaba solo en el baño. no hay nada que perder cuando nadie sabe tu nombre, no hay nada que ganar si los días no parecen cambiar... Los profesores decían "solo es una etapa" que cuando creciera mi hijo probablemente haría lo mismo. los niños aman jugar ¿ quien habira sabido que me enterrarían a los 16?  no hay nada que perder cuando nadie sabe tu nombre, no hay nada que ganar si los días no parecen cambiar... yo he muerto justo hoy...
billy talent - nothing to lose 
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maomaojinshi · 2 years ago
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Akemi 😭😭 such a gentle soul
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danieleneandermancini · 3 years ago
Centinaia di reperti antichi, incluse ciotole ceramiche inscritte e rari manufatti in osso e avorio ascrivibili a partire dal periodo della monarchia biblica fino al IV secolo d.C., sono stati sequestrati durante un’operazione dell’Unità salvaguardia del patrimonio dell’Israel Antiquities Authority e della polizia di Lev HaBira contro un residente di Gerusalemme, del quartiere Ramat Shlomo,…
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julex93drawings · 7 years ago
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Lily y la Nieve
Mi primer gif, algo sencillo para experimentar por el momento, habira hecho algo mejro si no fuera por que olvide usar flash jajaja pero el año entrante si que trabajare en mas gifs y animaciones como meta para ese año. Espero les guste :)
Lily and the Snow
My first gif, something simple to experience at the moment, would have done something better if it were not for forgetting to use flash hahaha but next year if I work on more gifs and animations as a goal for that year. I hope you like it :)
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guardiannews24 · 4 years ago
Israeli police commander indicted for assault on youngster during ultra-Orthodox protest against Covid restrictions — RT World News
Israeli police commander indicted for assault on youngster during ultra-Orthodox protest against Covid restrictions — RT World News
The commander of a Jerusalem police station has been charged with assault after video emerged of him slapping a 12-year-old boy and harshly shoving a man during a protest by ultra-Orthodox Jews in early October. The chief of Lev Habira police station, Shimon Marciano, was in charge of providing security at an October 4 rally in Jerusalem, which saw religious hardliners protesting against…
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trimebutino · 4 years ago
Si alfinal somos dos personas humanos todo el resto nos lo pone la sociedad encima la vida es una sola¿?  cual es el impedimento, lla moral, etica, la bibiblia, el papa, seria la familia mal vista,  porque habira que reotrceder?
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girlandirto · 6 years ago
Reggel arra ébredni ,hogy Kali Ágnes Sepsiszentgyörgyön készült interjú bömböl reggel 7 kor a youtuberól.A lakótársam meg dörömböl az ajtómon, hogy ébredjek fel ,mert este megígértettem vele,hogy keltsen fel,amikor indul melózni!
Azonnal indulni boltba venni szörpöt,mert a górénak megittam a szörpjét nem akarok habira bemenni ,amikor neki meg én ígértem meg h. veszek egy kitűnő szörpöt.Gondolom szereti a 30 százalékos szörpöket.Én csak egy kb 10 százalékos gyümölcstartalmúba ittam bele.Ó hogy verjed bele:) (még rímelt is mi)Persze nem utálom őt,de azért chefnek el tudnék képzelni kissé pedagógiai szinten értékesebb embert is erre a posztra.Mindenkoron és mindenütt.Valahogy a séfek idahaza :”Jégből vagyók,talán fel sem olvadok” szinten működnek csak és kizárólag.Totál gázok.Belefáradt megélhetési séfek.Na jó ...persze kell a szakember, de azért némi pszichológiai vizsgálat évente nem árt nekik.Egyeseket nem a forgalomból kéne kivonni, csak továbbképezni.De a vendéglátásnak ez a rettenetes hátránya ,hogy NINCS továbbképzési ága .Idehaza nincs.
Ha utazgatsz lesz.AZ utazás az  félretett pénz,egzisztencia kint,és alaptőke a bankodnál ,nettó nyelvtudás és persze NO család igénnyel létezik.:( egy 40 éves séf meg már ezt nem teheti meg.:( 
(Max. Zalakaros, welness, 2 hét ,család, 2015 nyár, fotó, első szelfibot ,anyád is hívott “gyerekianagymedencébőlJulikateisbaszd megpontmondtamodanemenjbe!! ”)
Sosem óhajtottam séf lenni .Idehaza az kb. akkora presztis ,mint az Audi Hungáriában Team Koordinátorként zöld gallérral baszogatni és baszva lenni.
megjegyzés:Kali Ágnes a példaképem,plátói szerelmem és egyúttal kár hogy a Benjivel jár:(
De mivel fitt vagyok és sokat futok ,így futok boltba is.
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blueiscoool · 3 years ago
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Officials Recover 1,900-Year-Old Roman Coins, Bronze Jug in Jerusalem
What began as a routine pullover of a suspicious vehicle by police in Jerusalem turned into an archaeological discovery harking back over 1,900 years ago—inside the trunk of the vehicle, Lev HaBira detectives found a box containing ancient “battle spoils” captured from Roman soldiers by Jewish rebels during the Second Jewish Revolt.
Inspectors from the Israel Antiquities Authority Robbery Prevention Unit were called after officers in early December made the startling discovery inside the vehicle, stopped for driving the wrong way on a one-way street in the Musrara neighborhood. Suspecting something was afoot, the detectives initiated a search and uncovered a wealth of ancient artifacts dating back to the Bar Kokhba Revolt, (fought around A.D. 132 to 136).
The trove of “remarkably well-preserved” ancient items included two 2,000-year-old ornamental bronze incense burners, a bronze wine server, an ornate stone tripod bowl, Roman ceramic lamps, and hundreds of coins dating from the Middle Roman period (second to third centuries).
It was determined that the artifacts were illegally excavated from an ancient rebel tunnel complex once used as a hideout in the Judean foothills, which had been under surveillance in recent months; and that the suspects made their way into Jerusalem with items, intending to sell them, before being apprehended.
Such bronze artifacts are relatively rare finds in Israel, the Authority stated, as metal was (and still is) an expensive commodity that was usually melted down for reuse. “Such finds are generally recovered from archaeological sites where they were deliberately concealed, or in tunnel complexes left after being taken in battle during the Bar Kokhba Revolt,” the statement said.
It’s hypothesized that the objects were spoils seized by Bar Kochba rebels from Roman soldiers during the said Jewish revolt, after the second temple’s destruction. But they would not have been used by the rebels themselves, because the Roman artifacts were decorated with pagan symbols and figures that would violate their prohibition of idolatry. “If the Jewish fighters wanted to use such artifacts, they would deface the figures to prevent idolatry,” the Authority stated.
The ancient bronze censers, used for burning ritual incense, probably belonged to affluent Roman houses or temples, researchers added; depicted on the bronze wine vessel is a Roman banqueting scene with a reclining figure holding a jug of wine.
As for the suspects, the Authority has launched an investigation that they said has “reinforced suspicions that the items were brought to Jerusalem to be sold to an antiquities dealer.”
Meanwhile, director of the Authority’s Robbery Prevention Unit Amir Ganor credits the actions taken by Lev HaBira detectives, stating that their “vigilance led to the finds’ recovery and the success of the investigation, thus thwarting the attempted sale of unique antiquities.”
Director of the Israel Antiquities Authority Eli Eskozido said they are “working day and night to combat illicit excavations at antiquities sites around the country” in cooperation with Israeli law enforcement agencies.
“These ancient finds embody the country’s history, but for robbers and dealers they are merely a commodity, sold to the highest bidder for pure greed,” Eskozido added. “It is tremendously important to prevent any attempts to deal in illegal antiquities, to recover valuable finds and to return them to the public and the State. When legal proceedings against the suspects are complete, the Israel Antiquities Authority will ask the court to confiscate the finds and hand them to us for conservation and further research.”
BY Michael Wing.
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