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lughatul-qurania · 11 months ago
How can I be successful in Ramadan this year?
The surfacing of this intention, even if it is to resurface every year, such as; This year, I would like to be better, that my scale of good deeds becomes heavier, that my state with Allah the Almighty becomes greater. The mere presence of these motivations, aspirations and dedications indicates to the presence of Allah good-will is being extended to you.
So as long as your heart remains connected to these aspirations then Allah is willing to continue bestowing his grace upon you and continue enabling you. It is then likely that Allah writes much goodness for you that you could never imagine or feel but only if this motivation of drawing closer to Allah, ridding yourself of impurities and faults all remain. This is a symbol of felicity and Allahs good will for them, so remain firm upon this and don't fall short.
Even if one feels they haven't made progress or benefit from past years, know that the mere blessing of being able to fast, the extension of life to witness another Ramadan, and the desire to get closer, and be more firm and upright is a great blessing within itself which has a great impact on one's life, death, grave-state and afterlife.
Let there be an increase, dear sister/brother, in aspiration and hope, for whatever you hope from Him, you will find him to be greater than you hoped and greater than imagined. Exalted and Magnificent be He. He doesn't disappoint those who hope in him. This is the way and custom of Allah.
"Think of me as you wish, for I am as My servant thinks of Me," Allah has blessed you to still be alive to seize the opportunity to receive from the treasures of his generosity in accordance with your motivation and will still give you more than that! "So think of me as you wish"
Praise be to Allah, our hopes in him is that He will open many hearts in the upcoming month among the believers and turn non-believers into believers, thus preparing for goodness on earth and in the world and everything within. May Allah make this Ramadan one of the most blessed Ramadan for us and the entire nation of the beloved Prophet ﷺ.
— Habib Omar (hz)
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gondar007 · 1 year ago
MasyaAllah it's a Blessed day #habibomar bin Hafidz
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worldofsufis · 4 years ago
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❝ If you believe Allāh is the truth, then know that He has created in the nations before us and in the nation of Muḥammad, people with enlightened faces, and he who seeks them will be enlightened with them. ❞
— Ḥabīb ʿUmar bin Ḥafīẓ
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rizaldy-ray · 3 years ago
#Repost @defazaalodia • • • • • • Selalu lakukan sunnah ini ya semogaa bermanfaat untuk kalian semuaa💖 . . Repost by @hafiyyun_id . . #bandaramuslimah #habibumarbinhafidz #repostislami #habibrizieq #habibbaharbinsmith #habibsyech #habibomar #sayyidbahar #sayyidalwiassegaf #sayyidseifalwi #sayyidmuhammadalmaliki #sayyid (at Surabaya, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVH_NMwA16w/?utm_medium=tumblr
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simplyhasanah · 7 years ago
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@Regranned from @iloverasulullahsaw - اَللهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ . Muhasabah Diri dan Teruskan Berselawat. . #habibumar #kalamulama #pencintaahlulbait #pencintarasulullah #indonesiacintarasul #malaysiacintarasul #majelisrasulullah #himpunankalamulama #yatarimwaahlaha #ulamahadramaut #habibalizaenalabidin #darulmurtadza #habibmunzir #habibalizaenalabidinalhamid #habibalialkaff #habibalialjufri #darulmujtaba #iloverasulullahsaw #darulmustofa #tareem #habibumarbinhafidz ‎#الحبيب_عمر_بن_حفيظ #habibomar #الحبيب_عمر_بن_محمد_بن_سالم_بن_حفيظ #الحبيب #الحبيب_عمر_بن_حفيظ
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naderkhan · 6 years ago
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#Repost @waseem.mahmood with @get_repost ・・・ RADICAL MIDDLE WAY Presents: CREED & GRACE: Islam in the West - The Sarajevo Symposium with HABIB UMAR BIN HAFIZ (Founder of Dar al Mustafa, Tarim, Yemen) DATES:- SATURDAY 20th APRIL 2019 - SUNDAY 28th APRIL 2019 Organised by The Office of the Reisu-l-Ulema Bosne i Hercegovine; Faculty of Islamic Science, University of Sarajevo; Radical Middle Way; and Convergence Trust (UK) PROGRAM DETAILS This special program invites participants to join Habib Umar bin Hafiz and other leading scholars and thinkers in a conversation about what it means to be Muslim in Europe today. Meeting in Sarajevo, in the heart of Muslim Europe, delegates will have the opportunity to analyse, evaluate and suggest ways of responding to the needs and challenges of their communities. . The aim of the Sarajevo Symposium is to bring together scholars, community leaders, charity workers, activists and lay people to engage with issues of shared concern. . It will bring together the maturity of traditional wisdom with the unfamiliarity of our present. Complementing the Symposium will be an organized tour of the sights, sounds and heritage of Bosnia, including touring the city of Sarajevo, Mostar and culminating in a visit to Srebrenica. As part of the programme there be a series of meetings with local religious and community leaders from different faiths and opinion makers. HOW TO REGISTER & APPLY If you have any questions about the tour, please contact Leanne Galley Tel: +447501 659 668 Email: [email protected] [APPLICATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY 5th APRIL 2019] *Please Share Widely* #HabibUmarBosnia #IslamintheWest #CreedandGrace #HabibUmarbinHafiz #TheFutureofWesternMuslims #BosniaSymposium #HabibOmar (at Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvS-dCOALj5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=moi4mv00of64
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shamfar · 8 years ago
Zikir Akhir Zaman
Pesanan Habib Umar Bin Hafidz, amalan untuk menghadapi akhir zaman :
1. Baca ayatul kursi di setiap 4 tempat iaitu;
Selepas solat, sebelum masuk rumah, ketika ingin keluar rumah & sebelum tidur.
2. Zikir رَبِّ اشْرَحْ لِي صَدْرِي وَيَسِّرْ لِي أَمْرِ
x100 kali setiap hari
3. Zikir "la ilaha illallah, al malikul haqqul mubiin...."
x100 kali setiap hari
4. Membaca Surah Al Kahf sekurang-kurangnya
x 1kali 1minggu
5. Mengamalkan sunnah bersiwak terutamanya ketika setiap kali ingin melakukan solat.
Dari Habib Abdul Rahman Bin Ali Masyhoor Bin Hafidz.
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elangdeztroit · 5 years ago
خير اوقاتك وقت تشهد فيه وجود فاقتك وترد فيه الي وجود ذلتك
Sebaik-baik waktumu adalah ketika engkau menyadari betapa tergantungnya dirimu kepada Allah dan betapa hinanya dirimu di hadapan-Nya.
[Syekh Ibnu Atha'illah, Al-Hikam]❤
Waktu terbaik bagi kita adalah waktu pada saat merasakan kehadiran Allah. Jika kau palingkan kepada selain-Nya, maka hanya akan membuatmu semakin jauh dan jauh dari-Nya.
Maka, buatlah dan hadirkanlah waktu terbaikmu bersama Allah. Waktu yang sangat khusus dan sangat pribadi bersama-Nya. Rasakan kebersamaan-Nya, rasakan kedekatan dengan-Nya.
اللهم صل علی سيدنا محمد و علی ال سيدنا محمد
#rasulullah #sufi #arabicmusic #syairarab #habibomar #pemudatarim #habibumarbinhafidz #alhabibumar #pecintahabibumar #habibalialjufrie #habibjindanbinnovelbinsalimjindan #habibahmadbinjindan #habibalizaenalabidin
#habibalialhamid #habibmunziralmusawa #tareem
#pecintaahlulbayt #wanitatarim #pecintatarim #tareemlovers #tarimfiqolbi #pecintatarim #pecintarasulullah #kalamulama #kalamsholihin #tareem_lovers #majelisrasulullahsaw #pecintashalawat
#rasulullahsaw #rasulullahﷺ #pecintahabaib
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"Cintailah orang-orang yang membenci & mencaci Anda, karena mereka adalah orang-orang yang patut dikasihani karena telah memilih jalan yang justru akan membinasakan mereka. Tuntun mereka dari sana, ajak ke jalan Tuhan, selamatkan mereka."
[ Al-Habib Umar bin Hafidz ]
#habibumarbinhafidz #alhabibumar
#alhabibmunzir #habibjindanbinnovel
#habibmunziralmusawa #habibnabielalmusawa
#pecintaahlulbayt #wanitatarim #pecintatarim #ilovetareem
#tareem_lovers #debutareem #kertastarim #kalamulama
#kalamsholihin #ibnetarem #majelisrasulullahsaw
#pecintahabibmunzir #pecintahabaib
#habibomar #habibumarbinhafidz #alhabibumar
#pecintahabibumar #buyayahya #pecintabuyayahya
#alhabibmunzir #habibjindanbinnovel
#habibalialjufri #tselfreminder
#habibmunziralmusawa #habibnabielalmusawa
#pecintaahlulbayt #pecintatarim #ilovetareem
#tareem_lovers #debutareem #kertastarim #kalamulama
#kalamsholihin #ibnetarem #majelisrasulullahsaw
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worldofsufis · 3 years ago
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"The person who prostrates while in his heart he sees himself nobler than the person to his right and left, he has a prostrating body but not a prostrating heart."
— Ḥabīb ʿUmar bin Ḥafīẓ
#habibumar #habibumarbinhafidz #HabibUmarBinHafiz #HabibOmar
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ahmadaliff-blog · 8 years ago
Kalam seorang pewaris Nabi seperti hujan. Menyejukkan. Melegakan dahaga. (Al Habib Umar bin hafidz💞❤️) . . https://youtu.be/eFStFY73wdo ° ° ° Seperti inilah menyikapi perbedaan aqidah, perbedaan pendapat dan pemahaman. Jangan pernah saling menyalahkan, mencaci, membenci, dan membid'ahkan. jika kalian membid'ahkan sama saja dengan kalian mengutuk orang tersebut masuk neraka, siapa antum yang sok tau mengenai siapa yang berhak masuk neraka apa surga? Surga dan neraka milik Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala, Allah yang maha membolak balikkan hati, Allah yang maha segala2nya. Allah yang maha kuasa atas segalanya, Allah menghendaki apa yang ia kehendaki. Jadi nasihat buat kita semuanya saling menghormatilah, saling mencintailah karena Allah, saling mendo'akan karena Allah. Teladanilah semua sunnah2 rasullullah dari yang terkecil sampai yang paling tinggi lakukan semampunya saja, InsyaAllah dengan berjalannya waktu akan bertambah dan terus bertambah dalam meneladani sunnahnya Rasulullah. Terutama teladanilah adab dan akhlak Rasulullah shallahu 'Allaihi wasallam, karena "Adab dan akhlak lebih utama dari pada ilmu" (assyeikh Abuya sayyid al maliki) "Ilmu tanpa adanya adab dan akhlak akan menjadikan manusia Rusak, namun adab dan akhlak disertai dengan Ilmu akan menjadikan manusia itu mulia disisi Allah dan juga manusia yang lain" #dakwahtauhid #kajiansunnah #aswaja #sahabataswaja #habibomar #habibumar
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muhnurdin93-blog · 8 years ago
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Setiap mata pasti akan menangis di akhirat nanti, namun beruntunglah bagi seseorang yang banyak menangis di dunia karena takut kepadaNya Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala .. (Al Musnid Al A'rifbillah Al Habib Umar bin Hafidzh) . . #muhnurdin93 #mutiarahati #mutiaracinta #nasehat #habibomar #habibumar #quality #kualitas #diri #popularitas #popular #instagram #instagramers #photooftheday #newpost #komunitaspecintarasulullah #untaianhikmah #indonesia #jakarta #indonesiaku
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elangdeztroit · 5 years ago
ينبغي التحبب الى العارفين واستجلاب مودّتهم و محبّتهم بما امكن، و ذالك انّ قلوبهم محلّ التجلّيات للحق و نظراته، فربما تجلّى على قلب احدهم فوجدك فيه لعناية صاحب ذالك القلب بك و ذكره اياك و محبّته لك، فتحصل لك السعادة الأبدية ببركك تحبّبك الى ذالك الولي و حسن ادبك معه و تعظيمك اياه و كثرة ذكرك له بالقلب واللسان
«الكلام الحبيب عيدروس الحبشي»
Seseorang seharusnya berusaha untuk mendapatakan cinta para wali Allah dan mencari penyebab kecintaan mereka kepada kita dengan sebisa mungkin, karena sesungguhnya hati mereka para wali tempat turunnya cahaya اللّه dan pandangan اللّه، barangkali اللّه menemukan nama kita di dalam hati para wali karena perhatiannya seorang wali kepada kita, ingatnya wali kepada kita, dan kecintaan wali tersebut kepada kita, yang menyebabkan kita akan mendapatkan kebahagiaan yang abadi berkat kecintaan kita kepada wali dan baiknya adab kita kepadanya dan penghormatan kita kepadanya serta banyaknya kita mengingatnya di dalam hati dan lisan «ALHABIB IDRUS ALHABSY»
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِ سَيِّدِنَا مُحَمَّد
#habibomar #habibumar #habibumarbinhafidz #habibalialjufri #habibahmadbinjindan #habibalizaenalabidinalhamid #ustadhannanattaki #guruzuhdi #habibalialkaff #santri #habibnovelalaydrus
#pecintasholawat #ngaji #majelisrasulullahsaw #zaadulmuslim #ustadzadihidayat #habibmunziralmusawa #habibjindanbinjindan #menikah #sholawat #sholawatnabi #nurulmusthofa #abahhaji #habibabdullahbinalialatthos #pecintaabahgurusekumpul #abahgurusekumpul #darulmusthofa #darulmurtadza #ustadzabdulsomad #tomiimot_"
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iabdullahmkh · 8 years ago
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الحبيب عمر بن حفيظ في ساحة روضة النعيم بجوار سيدنا الإمام الحسين والشيخ نصر العقاد #الحبيب_عمر_بن_حفيظ #habibomar #habib_omar #habib_umar #egypt (at مسجد سيدنا الحسين)
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rizaldy-ray · 5 years ago
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#Repost @mediatarim • • • • • • [ @MediaTarim ] اللهمَّ صلِّ على سيِّدنا محمَّد وعلى آلِ سيِّدنا محمَّد . . . [ Follow @MediaTarim ] Untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang tarim & lainnya. Silahkan dishare / Bagikan, Semoga Bermanfaat. Source : @media_dakwah165 | #Kajian #Hijrah #MuhasabahDiri #Dakwah #Islam #HabibUmar #HabibUmarbinHafidz #HabibOmar #Tarim #hadramaut #pena_tarim #majelisrasulullahsaw #majelisrasulullah #media #mediatarim #media_tarim #ilmu #islam #dakwahislam #nasehatdiri https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Gx8AnJ4a_/?igshid=v3vn5opuy3fs
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aha02 · 7 years ago
Retweeted عمر بن حفيظ (@habibomar): عند إهلال شهر رمضان يجب أن تعرف ما قابلك به الرحمن من تيسير هذا الموسم للغفران، ولحط الذنوب وتنقية القلب من الران والأدران، فاستقبل الشهر بفرح بفضل الله عليك، الذي جعل الموسم رحمةً منه لك، لا لحاجة منه إليك بل هو الغني عنك، ويسره لك ووعدك فيه بأنواعٍ من المثوبات والإفضال والغفران
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