lyriumsings · 1 year
new nOAh kahaN muSIc on tHsi day has me SOO hAPPY
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auroralwriting · 4 years
Writing on my Skin - Soulmate AU
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Prompt: anything your soulmate writes on their skin shows up on yours
Warnings: some sexual reference, somg slight angst, mostly fluff, cursing
Word Count: 1,839
A/N: I really love soulmate au’s.. maybe I’ll write some more yall decide
A Soulmate, that’s what everyone around you called it. Someone you’re destined to be with, someone who you’re soul is connected with. They’d say if you wrote on your skin, it would show up on your soulmates too, but that had to be a myth, right? There’s no way that actually happened. You’d spent years not even bothering to try, and it seemed like your soulmate did too. Never once did anything appear on your skin which only further increased your suspicion.
After a few years, you’d decided to join the Resistance after your father was murdered by the First Order. You sent your mother away to Naboo, somewhere safer than your small planet. As soon as you got there, you instantly made friends with Jessika Pava, and instantly hated Poe Dameron.
Poe was sure something, something you didn’t like. He was cocky, bossy, self-centered, impolite, boastful, and arrogant. It was sad that you hated him, he was right to call himself handsome. He knew it too, and so did you. But you’d always pushed it down, blaming it on your hormones. He couldn’t be that attractive.
Jessika always asked if you had found your soulmate to which you denied, saying it was complete bullshit. She always shook her head, saying she found her soulmate through the writing on her skin. They had to seperate though after he found a job being a Senator’s assistant. To prove it, Jessika had written on her skin. You watched in amazement as markings showed up, a different handwriting. Jess suggested you try writing to your soulmate, maybe they did exist.
That night you sat on your bed, pen in hand. Were you really about to try this? You slowly brought the pen down to your skin, writing a simple ‘hello’ on it. After a few minutes, nothing showed up. You sighed, maybe you didn’t have a soulmate, maybe it was real but you didn’t have one.
After a few more minutes, a new handwriting appeared before your very eyes. ‘Well hi there,’ they said. You smiled softly. You began talking about how you both thought this was complete crap until you saw it before your very eyes.
Before you knew it, you’d spent all night talking. The next morning, you grabbed Jess and pulled her into your room. You grabbed your pen and wrote ‘Hey there mystery man’ on it. Seconds later, his marking showed up. ‘Hey sexy,’ he had said. ‘You don’t know that’ you replied. ‘I don’t need to see you to know how much I’d love pinning you down on a bed’ he replied, you knew it was a half joke half serious.
“Do you know him?” Jess asked as she smiled. 
“I don’t, we haven’t shared anything besides where we grew up and our families and simple things, never did we once share anything else, even names.” you replied, realizing you needed to know his name.
Jess sat on her hands. “Tell me about him, I want to know everything!”
“Well, he said he’s from Yavin Four, a small settlement. His parents were pilots for the Alliance back in the day. His mother died when he was young, and he’s a pilot now too. He said he loves flying, one day he’ll show me the stars.” you replied smiling dreamily to yourself.
You watched Jess frown. “Y/n, I need to tell you something.” she said softly, her face worried you. Did she know your soulmate? Or maybe he was a past flame or one night stand of hers. But Jess wasn’t into that stuff.
“What? Jess, is something wrong?” you asked as she grabbed your hands with her own.
“Everything you said just described Poe.” Jess said slowly as you stared down at your arm. “If you don’t believe me, ask him if he wears his mother’s wedding ring on a chain around his neck.”
You grabbed the pen and scribbled out ‘Do you have anything that reminds you of your mom?’ and he replied ‘I keep her wedding ring on a chain, I always wear it as a reminder of her.’ That one sentence made you lose your marbles. Poe was your soulmate?! No way, he couldn’t be your soulmate! Frowning softly, Jess pulled you into her embrace as you tried hard not to freak out.
“Maybe you should give him another chance?” Jess asked as you shook your head. “He’s not that bad, he’s just cocky at first to show off, I promise he’s a good guy.”
“Jess, I can’t, I hate him and he hates me. My own soulmate and I hate each other.” you whispered the last sentence as Jess softly shushed you. She slept over to make sure you were okay.
The next morning was rough, you didn’t reply to Poe at all. You put on long pants and a long sleeved tee shirt. You put a jacket over it that covered your neck. Jess made sure most of your skin was covered, and if he tried to write on your face she’d let you know.
You took the whole day to ‘fix’ Jess’ ship while she ‘helped’ you. She knew you couldn’t be around Poe. For over an hour he tried to write to you, both your arms were completely covered in black ink. Still, Jess asked if you wanted to write him back. “No,” you said. “I can’t.”
The writings stopped for a while, you assumed Poe went to work. An hour later, the devil himself walked up. “Hey Jess,” he turned to face you. “L/n.”
“Nice to see you too, Dameron.” you rolled your eyes as you go back to work.
“Jess, I need your help.” Poe said as Jess walked up to him. “Look.” Poe said as he showed his ink-filled arm.
Jess pretended to chuckle at the sight. “Seems like your soulmate really likes you.”
You watched as Poe shook his head. “I think she’s in trouble or something, she won’t write back. This was all me. See, look.” Your eyes widned in horror as he wrote on an exposed part of your neck. You quickly zipped up your jacket to cover it.
Poe turned to you as you kept working, Jess’ eyes following. “Cold, L/n?” Poe teased in a harsh voice.
“Yeah, it’s freezing in here.” you lied, wiping a bead of sweat off your foreheard. A black line of grease smeared along your forehead as you saw the same mark appear on Poe’s forehead. You quickly grabbed a rag to wipe it away, but Jess saw and her eyes widened.
“Jess, you okay?” Poe asked as Jess turned to you, panic showing all over her face, 
You bit your lip, you knew she was having a hard time lying, and she was about to break. “She’s fine, just tried. Right, Jess?” you said, grabbing her wrist and pulling her to you. Wordless, Jess nodded.
“I dunno, she’s never quiet.” Poe said as he walked up to the both of you. He went to grab Jess as she pulled away from the both of you.
“I have to say it.” Jess said loudly as she looked to you with an apologzing look on her face. “Y/n and Poe are soulmates!”
Poe’s mouth hung open as tears filled in your eyes. Poe looked to you as you took off to your room. Poe called out after you but you ran too fast. You got to your room and slammed the door shut, collapsing on your bed.
This isn’t real, this can’t be real. Poe knew, he knew you both were soulmates. You took off the ot clothes and chnaged into a grey tank top and tan shorts. The writing on your arms was fading, sigaling that Poe was washing it all off.
Then, more writing showed up. ‘Can we talk about this?’ he asked. ‘No, we cannot. Now leave me alone, Dameron.’ you replied, kicking off your shoes and laying on the bed.
After a few minutes, more writing appeared. ‘If you don’t open your door I’ll get BB-8 to break it down’ he said. Not wanting your door to literally be broken, you went to it and opened it a crack. You saw Poe standing there, Jess behind him.
“Y/n, I’m so sorry!” Jess cried out, you could see how visibly upset she was.
“It’s fine, Jess. It doesn’t matter.”
Poe took this as his turn to talk. “But it does matter, Y/n. We’re soulmates!” You’d never heard Poe say your name, nor had you heard him say it so softly. You’d never heard anyone say it the way he did. He sounded so genuine and also upset. “Please, just let me in.” Poe pleaded with you. You slowly opened the door as Poe opened it wider. He nodded to Jess as she walked away.
You went to your bed, sitting on it and facing away from him. Poe shut your door and slowly sat down next to you. “Y/n-” he started, but you only shook your head.
“No, Poe, don’t say anything, you shouldn’t even be in here. You hate me, I hate you, that’s how it works.” yout turned around to face Poe. “Whatever chose us to be soulmates was wrong, it was a mistake. We shouldn’t be together and you know that deep down, we’re a bad match. I’m reserved and you’re outgoing, you’re a pilot and I’m a mechanic.” you said, tears welling in your eyes. You didn’t even notice them falling until Poe’s had wiped them away. His fingers were callused and rough, yet they were smooth and soft all at once.
Poe scooted closer to you and kept is hand on your face. “I don’t hate you, Y/n, not one bit.”
“Then why do you-” you started, but Poe shushed you.
“I do the things I do because I don’t know how to act around you. You’re- you’re so damn perfect and I’m just.. I dunno, a silly pilot.” Poe said as you slowly out your hand on top of his own. “You really are sexy now that I see you in person.” Poe mumbled as he looked you up and down.
“Poe..” you said softly. “I don’t hate you either. I’m the silly one, you’re so handsome that I covered it all up by.. hating you I guess.”
Looking down at your lips, Poe looked into your eyes. “Can I?” You nodded as he pushed his lips onto yours. His lips were soft and slightly chapped. He tasted like the slightest bit of alcohol and something else, something sweeter, but you couldn’t put your finger on it. He pulled away as you smiled. Then, he suddenly put his hands on your shoulder and put his weight on you slightly. Your back hit the bed as you stared up at him. “I knew I’d love pinning you to a bed.” he smirked as he leaned down again, kissing you slightly rougher.
Maybe it was a good thing Poe was your soulmate, after all, he knew how to treat a woman right.
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