#h1z1 pro league
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hardcoregamer · 7 years ago
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H1Z1 Pro League’s Inaugural Season Begins with Focus in the Right Place
Everything Twin Galaxies is presenting with H1Z1 Pro League is pushing in the right direction, with a mindset that is determined to come out on top as an eSport, showing the world what gaming arenas have to offer. Twin Galaxies is hoping to create something special; not just another eSport having a tournament over the course of a weekend, but creating a space for sport and spectacle. 
Read more!
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ry-reviews · 2 years ago
Team Vitality : La fierté de la France aux pas chancelants
            Quand on a une culture à représenter, il faut prouver. Quand on est la première structure française, il faut prouver. Quand on a un ensemble de fan, dévoué et amoureux du maillot, derrière nous, il faut prouver. Quitte à décevoir, quitte à faire des choix, quitte à dépenser des millions, il faut prouver. Prouver qu’on est les meilleurs, que personne ne fédère autant que nous, qu’on est la fierté de la France, ce grand pays, cette nation au cœur arrogant et à la population compétitive. Prouver que, au même titre qu’au football, qu’au volley, qu’au handball, on est capable de rivaliser, non, de dominer les autres pays. C’est dans cette optique qu’une structure, reconnaissable par ses couleurs jaunes et noires, Team Vitality s’est lancé dans l’eSport avec un seul but : prouver au monde que la France aussi est la meilleure dans l’eSport.
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En 2013, à l’époque où l’eSport était encore une scène de niche, Team Vitality s’est créée. C’est suite à l’impulsion de quatre jeunes hommes, dont encore les très connus Fabien « Neo » Devide et Corentin « Gotaga » Houssein, que la structure à l’abeille est née. Elle s’est fondée sur Call of Duty, et uniquement sur ce jeu, avec les membres-fondateurs. Gotaga était joueur pour la structure, Neo était son coach. Mais très vite, la structure française s’est diversifié sur d’autres jeux, tels que Fifa, Rainbow 6 Siege ou encore League of Legends. C’est en effet après le rachat du slot de Gambit que Vitality officie son arrivée dans la scène européenne de League of Legends, participant aux LCS EU la même année que G2 Esports, en 2016.
La cadence s’accélère lorsqu’en 2017, l’équipe aux abeilles s’étend sur les jeux H1Z1, Player Unknown’s Battleground (PUBG) et enfin Counter-Strike : Global Offensive. Mais cela ne s’arrête pas là, puisqu’un an plus tard, ils investissent dans une équipe sur Rocket League et signent des contrats avec des joueurs Fortnite. En bref, la structure est tentaculaire, en plus d’être touche-à-tout, et cela, sans parler des nombreux ambassadeurs qui diffusent et créent du contenu avec le logo et les vêtements de Vitality.
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En termes de succès, Vitality a été couronné championne de l’ESL Pro League en 2016 sur Rainbow 6. La structure s’est créée un nom sur CS-GO avec leur joueur star et français Mathieu « ZywOo » Herbaut, et elle a dans son étagère un titre de champion du monde sur Rocket League datant de 2019. C’est une écurie française forte de son succès et qui compte parmi ses rangs de nombreux ultras, prêt à défendre bec et ongle leur structure (même quand il s’agit de défier le mur bleu de la Karmine Corp.). Mais qu’en est-il sur League of Legends ?
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On ne peut pas dire que le succès était au rendez-vous dès leur entrée en LCS EU. C’était encore une jeune structure qui devait se battre contre le géant Fnatic, quand la structure était la seule impératrice de l’Europe, puis du nouvel arrivant G2, l’antihéros qui déplait à l’ancienne génération. Il n’y avait pas de place pour Vitality, qui s’est tout de même hissé à la troisième place vacante du podium lors de leur premier segment. Néanmoins, c’était un fait qui ne s’était pas reproduit par la suite, l’équipe entamant alors une longue traversée du désert. Puis, 2018 était arrivée.
L’équipe se retrouve à nouveau parmi les grandes structures, retrouvant une place confortable pour les playoffs des segments de printemps et d’été. L’équipe aux abeilles pouvaient remercier Daniele « Jizuke » Di Mauro, l’étalon italien qui a surpris sur la voie du milieu, ainsi que Lucas « Cabochard » Simon-Meslet, vétéran de l’équipe qui a su se remettre aux niveaux des meilleurs toplaners de la ligue. C’est à partir de ce moment-là que la course pour les Mondiaux s’était entamée. En effet, avec les points accumulés au printemps, la structure française était en nette avance pour représenter l’Europe aux Worlds. Et avec la descente aux Enfers de G2 ESports et leur victoire lors de la petite finale face à Misfits, une équipe redoutable qui est parvenue à faire une première moitié de segment sans défaite, l’équipe a été qualifié aux Mondiaux.
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Mais parfois, le sort peut s’acharner. Lors du tirage des groupes, l’équipe française s’est trouvé dans une fâcheuse posture, tombant dans le « groupe de la mort » avec le grand favori du tournoi Royal Never Give Up ainsi que l’ancien champion du monde Generation Gaming. Pourtant, ils ont réussi à défier la fortune en remportant deux victoires contre les coréens de Generation Gaming et en faisant subir la première défaite aux hommes d’Uzi, RNG. Si l’histoire ne retiendra pas leur nom, puisqu’ils ont été éliminé lors du « Main-Event », ils ont néanmoins réussi à faire déchanter les ogres coréens et chinois et prouvé au monde entier qu’ils n’étaient pas infaillibles, d’autant plus qu’ils ont triomphé avec leur propre style.
Après 2018, Vitality ne parviendra jamais à trouver sa gloire d’antan. Quand bien même ils dépensent beaucoup d’argents pour leur équipe sur League of Legends, ils ont un gros problème sur le poste de jungler, puisqu’ils ne parviennent pas à trouver un joueur stable sur cette position. C’était un si gros problème que Vitality s’est retrouvé lors de l’été 2022 avec plus de quatre junglers en attente, sans pour autant trouver du succès. L’ensemble des joueurs de 2022 a été un échec. Ce projet de super-équipe n’a pas porté ses promesses, puisque l’équipe n’a pu aller plus haut que la sixième place. Alors, est-ce qu’en 2023, peut-on espérer mieux ?
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Pour 2023, la Team Vitality a décidé de faire table rase du passé et de reforger une toute nouvelle équipe. Sur le botside, on a droit alors à Neon qui assurera le rôle d’AD carry. Il est connu pour être un des éléments du succès miraculeux de Misfits lors de 2022, quand bien même il ne joue qu’une poignée de champion. Pour l’accompagner sur la voie du bas, Kaiser sera là pour le supporter. Son entrée en LEC a fait grand bruit grâce à son style de jeu et ses champions uniques. Reste à savoir sur la sauce va prendre et s’il y aura une bonne synergie entre les deux joueurs. Du côté opposé de la carte, la toplane sera officiée par Photon. En effet, le joueur star Alphari a décidé de prendre une pause pour se ressourcer, restant cependant sous contrat avec la structure française. Son remplaçant coréen provient de l’académie T1, connu pour avoir fait émerger des joueurs tels que Zeus, Gumayusi ou encore Oner, dont le talent n’est point à douter. Alors, Photon sera sûrement du même acabit dans une compétition moins compétitive que celle du pays au matin calme. Enfin, pour compléter l’équipe, le jungler sera Bo. En plus d’être une première pour l’Europe, la LEC n’ayant jamais accueilli de joueur de LPL, le joueur est prometteur en plus d’être bourré de talent (On va y revenir.)
Parmi les points forts à citer, on peut parler du topside. Photon est un aussi bon joueur de carry que de tanks, ce qui est un élément à ne pas négliger, d’autant plus que le vivier de talents européen à ce rôle est faible. Ensuite, la versatilité qu’apporte Kaiser à son rôle assure la phase de lane en plus d’épauler la voie du milieu. Enfin, tous les postes ont un énorme potentiel de carry individuel, ce qui a de quoi faire pâlir les autres écuries.
Mais il y a des défauts qui contrebalancent tout cela. D’abord, Perkz a de quoi nous interroger. S’il a été à son meilleur niveau chez G2 ESports, le succès n’est pas le même depuis son départ de la structure espagnole, d’autant plus que le niveau sur la voie du milieu n’a fait qu’augmenter depuis son départ. Alors, aussi surprenant que cela puisse paraitre, il est normal de le considérer comme le point faible de son équipe. Maintenant, on peut à tout moment assister à un éveil de son potentiel d’antan, ce qui serait destructeur pour les autres équipes. Ensuite, cela va faire un an et demi que Bo n’a pas participé à un match officiel. Être bon en classé est une chose, mais parvenir à jouer avec une équipe en est une autre. Surtout que l’un ne garantit pas l’autre (on se souviendra du colosse en soloq qu’était Magifelix, mais dont les pieds deviennent argiles quand il participe au circuit compétitif de Riot Games). Enfin, la plus grosse interrogation se trouve dans la barrière de la langue. Avec un Coréen et un Chinois dans leur équipe, la communication pourrait s’avérer compliquée, ce qui est un problème dans un jeu d’équipe tel que League of Legends. Est-ce que le monstre qu’est Bo sera fragilisé par cette barrière ?
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VIT Bo – le destructeur venu d’Orient
Bo est un joueur dur à analyser. En effet, à cause de la situation particulière dans laquelle il s’est trouvé en Chine, on se retrouve avec des informations vieilles en plus de décrire une carrière brève. Lorsqu’il était jungler pour FPX, structure chinoise championne du monde, le joueur n’avait aucune défaite au compteur. Il avait une carrière prometteuse, mais son parcours véloce a vite été stoppé à cause d’une sombre affaire de match-fixing en LDL, deuxième division chinoise, et en LPL. Il aurait subi des pressions de son manager pour arranger les matchs qu’ils jouaient afin d’avantager des parieurs. Suite à ces pressions, le joueur a choisi de dénoncer la situation. Malheureusement pour lui, son élan de justicier est un préjudice, puisqu’il écopera d’une punition de 4 mois durant laquelle il a été interdit de jouer des matchs officiels. Suite à cette annonce, et malgré la levée de sa peine, il a été boycotté par les structures chinoises qui ne voulaient pas s’associer à lui et, surtout, à cette histoire. Vitality tirera profit de cette histoire pour lui faire signer un contrat chez eux, le chinois faisant alors le voyage jusqu’en Europe pour jouer dans l’une des ligues majeures.
Maintenant, avec le peu d’informations dont on dispose, il est obligatoire de se pencher sur ses statistiques en classé. Et on s’aperçoit qu’il est capable de tout jouer en plus d’avoir un potentiel de carry remarquable, à tel point qu’il trouve actuellement à la place n°6 du ladder. En plus, d’après ceux qui l’auraient rencontré dans leur partie, il est considéré comme un alien, sortant des mécaniques hors du commun.
Avec les statistiques récoltées sur ses matchs joués en LPL, Bo c’est :
Une participation au « premier sang » de 40%
Un ratio victoire/défaite de 100%
523 de damages par minutes
Un KDA de 5,3
Une participation aux éliminations de 68,5%
Maintenant, il a beau être un monstre, être le plus redoutable des junglers, son talent est caduque s’il ne parvient pas à communiquer dans un bon Anglais avec son équipe. D’autant plus qu’on peut se questionner sur sa synergie avec son nouveau toplaner.
Si on devait faire une analogie du mercato de Vitality, disons simplement qu’ils ont joué un tapis avec leur jeu de cartes. Et ce jeu de cartes peut être le meilleur coup de poker de tous les temps comme peut être une action ridiculement mauvaise. Quand bien même il y a peu de doutes, on peut se demander comment va se porter la synergie sur la voie du bas entre Kaiser et Neon. Enfin, est-ce que Perkz pourra assurer son rôle de carry d’antan ou sera-t-il cantonné à se faire porter par ses équipiers ? Tout ce qu’on peut savoir, c’est que cet ensemble a de quoi être la meilleure équipe que l’Europe n’a jamais portée, dérobant alors le titre à la line-up de G2 ESports en 2019. Cependant, avec tous les doutes que soulèvent cette équipe et avec le passé de la structure française, le futur pour les abeilles reste incertain.
Place attendue : dans le top 6
Article très long, mais quand on aborde une équipe aussi prestigieuse que Vitality, il faut savoir prendre son temps ! Sur ce, on se retrouve dans deux jours pour un nouvel article et passez une bonne journée/soirée !
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clearkoalacollective · 5 years ago
Christmas 2019 Game Giveaway!
Ho ho ho! The Christmas season is upon us, and my annual giveaway of Steam codes (from leftover Humble Bundle games) is set to begin! 
Take a look, pick out ONE game you’d like, send me a private message, and I will send you the key. It’s my gift to you, but first come, first served. If you claim something, I ask that you use the code QUICKLY – I will be editing the post to eliminate claimed games, but if someone else asks for a specific game and the unclaimed key is still in my possession, you may lose out!
Happiness and health to you and yours, no matter what (or even if) you celebrate!
-Aesthete Claus
11-11 Memories Retold
Acceleration of SUGURI 2
Action Henk
The Adventure Pals
Almost There: The Platformer
Ame no Marginal -Rain Marginal
Ancient Planet
Anna’s Quest
Anno 2205 (uPlay)
ARMA Gold Edition
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
Auto Age: Standoff
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls
Avernum 3: Ruined World
Back to Bed
Battle Riders
Bit Blaster XL
Black Mesa
Black the Fall
BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend
Bleed 2
Bomb Defense
Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Bounty Train
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Standard Edition
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Additional Content
Carcassonne - Inns & Cathedrals
Carcassonne - Tiles & Tactics
Chime Sharp
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Crazy Machines 3
Crusader Kings 2: Dynasty Starter Pack
Cthulhu Realms
Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Rising 2
Deep Dungeons of Doom
Defend Your Life: TD
Deponia Doomsday
Deponia Doomsday
Deponia: The Complete Journey
Dimension Jump
DiRT Rally
Dreaming Sarah
The Dwarves
Emily Is Away Too
Endless Legend - Classic Edition
The Escapists - Alcatraz
The Escapists - Duct Tapes are Forever
The Escapists - Escape Team
The Escapists - Fhurst Peak
Elder Scrolls Online content: Bristlegut Piglet + 15 days of ESO Plus
FaceRig Pro
The Fall
fault - milestone two side:above
fault milestone one
Fearless Fantasy
F.E.X. (Forced Evolution Experiment)
Fidel - Dungeon Rescue
Fight’N Rage
Filthy, Stinking, Orcs
Finding Paradise
Flat Heroes
Forged Battalion
FreeCell Quest
Full Throttle Remastered
Galactic Civilizations III
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy
Gloom: Digital Edition
God’s Trigger
GoNNER - Press Jump To Die Edition
Gremlins, Inc.
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Guacamelee! 2
Guild of Dungeoneering
Guild Wars 2 Heroic Edition
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hard Reset Redux
Hearts of Iron III Collection
Her Story
Hexcells Complete Pack
Highway Blossoms
Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?!
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
How to Survive 2
Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 1
Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 2
Immortal Redneck
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
Infested Planet
Invisible Inc.
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
Jump Stars
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Kentucky Route Zero
Kentucky Route Zero
Kero Blaster
Kingdom: New Lands
Lakeview Cabin Collection
Lara Croft GO
Laser League
Last Day of June
Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Lion Quest
Loot Rascals
Lost Castle
Love is Dead
Love Letter
Macdows 95
Machinarium Collector’s Edition
Majesty 2 Collection
Master Spy
Memory’s Dogma CODE:01
Mimic Arena
Minecraft: Story Mode
Minion Masters
Mirage: Arcane Warfare
Monstercat Gold 1 Year
Moon Hunters
Mr. Shifty
Mysterium - Hidden Signs (expansion)
Mysterium - Secrets and Lies (expansion)
NAIRI: Tower of Shirin
Narcissu 10th Anniversary Anthology Project
NBA Playgrounds
Neon Chrome
Neon Drive
Nex Machina
No Time To Explain Remastered
Offensive Combat: Redux!
Old Man’s Journey
On Rusty Trails
Outlast 2
Override: Mech City brawl
Painters Guild
The Park
Passpartout: The Starving Artist
Pirate Pop Plus
Plague Inc: Evolved
Planet Alpha
Pony Island
Pony Island
Pool Panic
Portal Knights
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Project CARS
Project CARS 2
Prototype 2
Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator
Q.U.B.E.: Director’s Cut
Q.U.B.E. 2
Rapture Rejects
Rapture Rejects
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
The Red Solstice
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
Resident Evil Revelations
Restream 1 Year
Rivals of Aether
RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry
Road Redemption
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder
Roombo: First Blood (Justice Sucks)
Running with Rifles
Rusty Lake Hotel
Samorost 3
Sanctum 2
Scanner Sombre
Scanner Sombre
Scrap Garden
Scythe: Digital Edition
Seasons After Fall
Serial Cleaner
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Seven: The Days Long Gone
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
She Remembered Caterpillars
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Snake Pass
Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite V2
Sonic Mania
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Axiom
Space Run Galaxy
The Spiral Scouts
Squad (early access)
The Stanley Parable
State of Mind
Steamworld Heist
Steamworld Heist
STRAFE: Millennium Edition
Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition
Styx: Shards of Darkness
Sudden Strike 4
Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain’s Edition
Super Daryl Deluxe
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
The Surge
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
SYNTHETIK: Legion Rising
Tales of Berseria
Team Racing League
Thomas Was Alone
THOTH Ticket to Ride: First Journey
Tiny Echo
Tom Clancy’s The Division + Survival (uPlay)
Tormentor X Punisher
Tower Unite
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found
Train Valley
Tricky Towers
Tricky Towers
The Turing Test
Twilight Struggle
Uurnog Uurnlimited
Victor Vran
Wargame: Red Dragon
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus
Wasted Pizza
Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut - Standard Edition
We Were Here Too
Witch It
Wizard of Legend
World to the West
Wurm Unlimited
XSplit Premium 1 Year
Yakuza Kiwami
Yoku’s Island Express
Yume Nikki
Zero Reflex: Black Eye Edition
Zombie Army Trilogy
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pubghub-blog · 7 years ago
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Get Free H1Z1 Skins
GamersNab is one of the top legit sites where you can get Free CSGO Skins, H1Z1 Skins, TF2 Skins, KF2 Skins, Dota 2 Items, PD2 Skins, Steam Trading Card & Many more.
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brutalgenji-blog · 7 years ago
H1Z1 أول مرة باللعبة
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walkingdeadforums · 7 years ago
H1Z1 Pro League Poised to Bring Fans Greatest Esports Battle Royale of the Year
The time has finally arrived. The inaugural H1Z1 Pro League season finally kicks off today in Las Vegas, Nevada. This marks the first season of the official esports league for Daybreak Game Company’s H1Z1 in a partnership with independent operator Twin Galaxies. Starting today, 15 teams and 75 of the best H1Z1 gamers on the…
H1Z1 Pro League Poised to Bring Fans Greatest Esports Battle Royale of the Year was originally published on The Walking Dead Forums
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kingdirrty · 6 years ago
Liked on YouTube: Die News vom 19.11.2018: Neue Xbox One 2019, H1Z1 Pro League am Ende https://youtu.be/UohAhdBOJSI
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twitchinsider · 7 years ago
The Esports Roundtable: Jace Hall, H1Z1 Pro League
Read the latest news on gaming & eSports on Twitch Insider. http://ift.tt/2o5AVWt
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iamgamer4ever-blog · 6 years ago
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Z1 Battle Royale (formerly H1Z1) is a free-to-play battle royale game developed by NantG and published by Daybreak Game Company. The game's development began after the original H1Z1 was spun off into two separate projects in early 2016: H1Z1: Just Survive and H1Z1: King of the Kill. The games were further split as separate projects in October 2017, with Just Survive dropping the H1Z1 name, and King of the Kill becoming simply H1Z1.
After three years of being in early access for Microsoft Windows, H1Z1 officially released as a free-to-play game in February 2018. It was later released for the PlayStation 4 in August 2018, and will be released for the Xbox One at a later date. In September 2018, development of H1Z1 was transferred to a third-party studio, who reverted the game back to an earlier milestone from early-2017, and renamed it Z1.
The game was originally released on Steam's early access program on January 15, 2015.At release, the game suffered from numerous technical issues, such as players reporting that they could not login to their account or enter any active server.A new bug, which made all servers go offline, was also introduced to the game after the developer released a patch to fix other problems.Despite the unstable launch, John Smedley, CEO of Daybreak Game Company, announced that the game had sold over a million copies by March 2015.
In February 2016, it was announced by Daybreak that the game originally known as H1Z1 had been split into two separate projects with their own dedicated development teams, subtitled Just Survive and King of the Kill.Later that year, it was announced that development of the console versions were paused in order to focus on the Windows version of the game, which was given an official release date of September 20, 2016. However, a week prior release, the game's executive producer stated that due to many features remaining unfinished by then, the game would remain in early access until further notice. As a compromise, the game received a large update on September 20, including many of the features intended for the official release.
A televised tournament for the game, titled H1Z1: Fight for the Crown, aired in April 2017 on The CW.In October 2017, it was announced that the game would be dropping its King of the Kill subtitle, becoming known as simply H1Z1.An invitational tournament was held during TwitchCon at the Long Beach Convention Center the same month. Additionally in October 2017, the "H1Z1 Pro League" was announced, which was a partnership between Daybreak Games and Twin Galaxies to create a sustainable, professional eSports league for the game.
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clearkoalacollective · 5 years ago
Game Giveaway, COVID-19 Edition
Hey, everyone! If you’re stuck at home with nothing to do, I’m here to help! The usual rules apply: first come, first served, be nice to each other, don’t be greedy.  You'll need to do your own research on the games to make sure your computer is capable of running them. I'm not giving any recommendations because I don't know anything about the vast majority of them, and I don't want to point out the "good ones" so they get snatched up quickly. I will update the list as games are claimed, so every title on the list should still be available, but I'm only human, so I apologize in advance if you request something that's already been taken. Multiple titles on the list mean I have multiple keys for that game. Send me a message with the title you’d like and I’ll send you the key!
1 Screen Platformer
11-11 Memories Retold
A Glider’s Journey
Acceleration of SUGURI 2
Action Henk
Adventure Boy Cheapskate DX
The Adventure Pals
The Adventure Pals
Almost There: The Platformer
Ame no Marginal -Rain Marginal
Ancient Planet
Animal Super Squad
Anna’s Quest
Anomaly 2
Anomaly Defenders
Anomaly Korea
Anomaly: Warzone Earth
Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign
ARMA Gold Edition
Artemis: God-Queen of the Hunt
Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation
Assault Android Cactus
Auto Age: Standoff
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls
Avernum 3: Ruined World
Back to Bed
Battle Riders
Battlevoid: Harbinger
Bit Blaster XL
Black the Fall
Black Mesa
Black the Fall
BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend
Bleed 2
Bomb Defense
Border Force
Borderlands 2 Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
Bounty Train
Carcassonne - Inns & Cathedrals
Carcassonne - Tiles & Tactics
Chime Sharp
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
Colt Express
Company of Heroes
Crazy Machines 3
Crusader Kings 2: Dynasty Starter Pack
Cthulhu Realms
Cursed Castilla (Maldita Castilla EX)
Dead Island Definitive Edition
Dead Rising 2
Deadlight: Director’s Cut
Death Squared
Deep Dungeons of Doom
Defend Your Life: TD
Deponia Doomsday
Deponia Doomsday
Dimension Jump
Downtown Drift
Draw Your Game
Dreaming Sarah
Duck Game
The Dwarves
Emily Is Away Too
Endless Legend - Classic Edition
The Escapists - Alcatraz
The Escapists - Duct Tapes are Forever
The Escapists - Escape Team
The Escapists - Fhurst Peak
Euro Truck Simulator 2
FaceRig Pro
The Fall
fault - milestone two side:above
fault milestone one
Fearless Fantasy
F.E.X. (Forced Evolution Experiment)
Fidel - Dungeon Rescue
Fight’N Rage
Filthy, Stinking, Orcs
Finding Paradise
Flat Heroes
Fluffy Horde
Forged Battalion
Framed Collection
FreeCell Quest
Frog Detective
Full Throttle Remastered
Galactic Civilizations III
The Gardens Between
Gloom: Digital Edition
God’s Trigger
GoNNER - Press Jump To Die Edition
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
Guild of Dungeoneering
Guilty Gear Xrd REV 2
Guns of Icarus Alliance
Hacknet Labyrinths DLC
Hand of Fate 2
Hard Reset Redux
Hearts of Iron III Collection
Her Story
Hero Defense
Hexcells Complete Pack
Highway Blossoms
Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?!
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
How to Survive 2
Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 1
Idol Magical Girl Chiru Chiru Michiru Part 2
Immortal Redneck
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
Infested Planet
Invisible Inc.
The Journey Down: Chapter Three
Jump Stars
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Kentucky Route Zero
Kentucky Route Zero
Kero Blaster
Kingdom: New Lands
Lakeview Cabin Collection
Lara Croft GO
Laser League
Last Day of June
Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition
Lion Quest
Loot Rascals
Lost Castle
Love is Dead
Love Letter
Machinarium Collector’s Edition
Majesty 2 Collection
Masquerade: The Baubles of Doom
Master Spy
Memory’s Dogma CODE:01
MetaMorph: Dungeon Creatures
Mimic Arena
Minecraft: Story Mode
Minion Masters
Mirage: Arcane Warfare
Misadventures of Laura Silver: Chapter 1
Monstercat Gold 1 Year
Moon Hunters
Motorsport Manager
Mr. Shifty
Mr. Shifty
Must Dash Amigos
Mysterium - Hidden Signs (expansion)
Mysterium - Secrets and Lies (expansion)
NAIRI: Tower of Shirin
Narcissu 10th Anniversary Anthology Project
NBA Playgrounds
Nemo Dungeon
Neon Chrome
Neon Drive
Nex Machina
Ninja Senki DX
No Time To Explain Remastered
Offensive Combat: Redux!
Old Man’s Journey
On Rusty Trails
Outlast 2
Override: Mech City Brawl
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2
Painters Guild
Paper Fire Rookie
The Park
Partial Control
Passpartout: The Starving Artist
Pirate Pop Plus
Planet Alpha
Pony Island
Pool Panic
Potatoman Seeks The Troof
Pretzel Rocks Premium (1 year)
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Primal Carnage: Extinction
Project CARS
Project CARS 2
Prototype 2
Pumped BMX+
Purrfect Date - Visual Novel/Dating Simulator
Q.U.B.E.: Director’s Cut
Q.U.B.E. 2
Quest of Dungeons
Rapture Rejects
Rapture Rejects
Rebound Dodgeball Evolved
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad
The Red Solstice
Regular Human Basketball
Regular Human Basketball
Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition
Resident Evil Revelations
Restream (1 year)
Rising Dust
Rising Storm 2: Vietnam (includes 2 DLCs)
RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry
Road Redemption
Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder
Rogue Rocks
Running with Rifles
Rusty Lake Hotel
Samorost 3
Sanctum 2
Satellite Reign
Scanner Sombre
Scanner Sombre
Scanner Sombre
Scrap Garden
Scythe: Digital Edition
Seasons After Fall
Serial Cleaner
SEUM: Speedrunners from Hell
Seven: The Days Long Gone
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
She Remembered Caterpillars
Shiness: The Lightning Kingdom
Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition
Snake Pass
Sniper Elite
Sniper Elite V2
Songs of Skydale
Sonic Mania
Sorcerer King: Rivals
Soul Axiom
Space Run Galaxy
The Spiral Scouts
The Stanley Parable
State of Mind
Steamworld Heist
Steamworld Heist
The Stillness of the Wind
STRAFE: Millennium Edition
Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition
Styx: Shards of Darkness
Sudden Strike 4
Sunrider: Liberation Day - Captain’s Edition
Super Chicken Catchers
Super Daryl Deluxe
Super Rude Bear Resurrection
The Surge
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon
Tales of Berseria
Team Racing League
Think of the Children
Thomas Was Alone
Throne of Lies: The Online Game of Deceit
Ticket to Ride: First Journey
Tiny Echo
Tom Clancy’s The Division + Survival (uPlay)
Tormentor X Punisher
Tower of Guns
Tower Unite
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found
Train Valley
Tricky Towers
Tricky Towers
The Turing Test
Twilight Struggle
Uurnog Uurnlimited
Victor Vran
Void Bastards
Wargame: Red Dragon
Warhammer 40,000: Mechanicus
Wasted Pizza
Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut - Standard Edition
We Were Here Too
The Window Box
Witch It
Wizard of Legend
World to the West
Wurm Unlimited
XSplit Premium (1 year)
Yoku’s Island Express
Yume Nikki
Zero Reflex: Black Eye Edition
Zombie Army Trilogy
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years ago
H1Z1 Pro League is shutting down
Co-owner cites “dwindling curiosity” within the sport
Earlier this yr, I used to be invited to Las Vegas to cowl the inaugural weekend of the H1Z1 Professional League, or H1PL. It was a giant, glitzy affair, placed on by league house owners Twin Galaxies, with visitor appearances from celebrities like Michelle Rodriguez who was there to launch what league supervisor Jace Corridor thought-about the subsequent evolutionary step in esports.
Gamers within the league signed a contract and have been to obtain a part of a $250,000 stipend paid for by the league. In response to ESPN, that stipend was by no means paid, and whereas some workforce house owners have been in a position to cowl participant bills out of pocket, others weren’t. Obey Alliance was the primary workforce to drag out of the league two months in the past, and now all of the groups have been let go from the league. In response to a message despatched to groups by Corridor and obtained by ESPN, the league continues to be working to pay the groups.
The H1PL launched in April, airing solely on Fb, however apparently was solely in a position to attain a top of seven,900 concurrent viewers on the platform. Compared, the Overwatch League Grand Finals peaked at 319,000 viewers this previous summer season. H1Z1 is on the market now for PC and PS4 with the latter platform hitting ten million downloads earlier this yr.
H1Z1 Professional League to shutter amid cost points [ESPN]
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livioacerbo · 7 years ago
‘H1Z1’ Pro League’s Vegas matches stream on Facebook this weekend
‘H1Z1’ Pro League’s Vegas matches stream on Facebook this weekend
The tournament will stream exclusively on Facebook at 7 PM PDT (the streamed festivities will start 45 minutes earlier), and will feature Michelle Rodriguez (Fast and Furious) and Kristine Leahy (American Ninja Warrior) as co-hosts. Alliance, GankStars, Rogue Gaming, Cloud9, Impact Gaming, SetToDestroyX, Counter Logic Gaming, Luminosity, Team SoloMid, Echo Fox, Noble Esports, Tempo Storm, ……
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frozendoorgaming · 5 years ago
Morning Mist #86
Announcements, Releases, Trailers
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX Coming in March
Watch the dramatic opening for Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV
Save the cutest cat in the universe in pastel brawler Super Crush KO, out next week
The Sims 4 aims for millenial realism with Tiny Living Stuff Pack
Super Comfy Town Builder Dwarrows Release Date Announced
Doki Doki Literature Club to receive cute new content in 2020
Magic Legends shows off 10 minutes of the fiery Geomancer
The White Door is a new, more 'personal' Rusty Lake game about memories and color
Microsoft vows that Xbox One will run Xbox Series X games like Halo Infinite
Online WW2 shooter Days of War leaves Early Access at the end of the month
Dota Underlords tunnels out of early access in February
Warner Bros. is teasing the new Batman video game again
Biomass is a 2D, sci-fi Soulslike with a hefty free demo
Talk the Talk in Speaking Simulator, Arriving January 2020
Don't Miss: An in-depth breakdown of Dead Cells' mobile port
Acclaimed text-adventure-inspired horror anothology Stories Untold heading to Switch
Space Invaders Invincible Collection Trailer Released
Final Fantasy 7 Remake PC Version Likely, Data Miners Say
Milestones, Industry
Here's some of the best moments so far from Awesome Games Done Quick 2020
Sea of Thieves has turned 10 million people into pirates
10 Million Super Mario Maker 2 Courses Have Been Uploaded
PS4 hits 106 million lifetime sales as Sony starts to turn attention to PS5
GTAO, Apex Legends, Warframe, and H1Z1 are among PlayStation’s most-downloaded games of 2019
Blizzard announces ESL Pro Tours for StarCraft II and Warcraft III Reforged, expanded Hearthstone Masters Tours
Crowfall preps beta, raises another $12M from investors to bring total funding to $35M
DICE Will 'Probably' Rebrand Says Incoming Studio Head Vince Zampella
Fantasy Flight Interactive are closing their doors just two years after opening
GAME intends to close 40 stores in the UK
Nintendo president tries to explain why they haven't supported the Smash Ultimate esports scene
Platinum Games Tencent Partnership Announced
American trade union launches campaign for games industry unionization
Deals, Freeware
Bungie is raising funds for Australian firefighters with a limited-edition Destiny 2 T-shirt
Lovecraft-inspired Metroidvania Sundered is currently free on the Epic Games Store
GOG New Year's Resolutions Sale 2020 Has Darn Good DRM-Free Deals
Headsnatchers, the party game about ripping skulls off of bodies, is free on Humble
Two Point Hospital, Shadow of War and Dirt Rally 2.0 all feature in the January Humble Choice bundle
Toss a few coins at Humble's The Witcher sale and save up to 85%
Nintendo's massive 900-game Switch sale actually includes some first-party stuff
At 8TB, this is the largest portable SSD we've seen
AMD releases GPU driver optimized for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne
Nintendo Switch NES controllers are going back to full price soon
Elgato’s new external capture card records 4K gaming at 60fps, costs $400
Sony brought the PlayStation 5 logo to CES 2020
League of Legends Season 2020 Starts
Next week's Sea of Thieves update is all about celebrating legendary players
Bethesda want you to test Fallout 76's Wastelanders update
Pokemon Sword and Shield kicks off a new Wild Area event
Pokémon Direct: Pokémon Home Service Launches Next Month
Monster Hunter World PC players reporting deleted saves, performance issues following Iceborne's arrival
Final Fantasy XI adjusts Beastmasters and Ambuscade for January
DC Universe Online turns nine years old tomorrow as anniversary festivities roll on
Apex Legends’ Grand Soiree Arcade Event features two weeks of changing game modes
Anime multiplayer brawler KurtzPel announces an update that adds a new weapon and sweeping PvP changes
The next Pokémon film looks like a mash-up of Tarzan
Ni No Kuni film hits Netflix later this month
Hatsune Miku to perform live at Coachella 2020
Keanu Reeves Cyberpunk 2077 figure coming from McFarlane Toys
VVVVVV creator Terry Cavanagh releases source code
Microsoft shares new technique for detecting online grooming of children in video game chat
British Royal Mail commemorates classic British games like Elite with collectible stamps
China is cracking down on online games and streaming even more with ‘Healthy China 2030’
More older adults play games than ever before, according to AARP study of people over 50
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entergamingxp · 5 years ago
PlayStation Store’s Top 10 Bestselling Digital Games of 2019 Revealed
January 10, 2020 8:52 PM EST
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Days Gone, Beat Saber, and more all made their way onto the bestsellers lists for PlayStation Store in 2019.
With 2019 having officially come and gone, some of the most intriguing facts of the year are always the year-end sales and bestsellers lists. Sony is no exception, and as is tradition, the company has shared a full breakdown of the bestselling digital games that were sold on the PlayStation Store in 2019.
Over on the PlayStation Blog, Sony officially shared the charts for the bestselling digital games on PlayStation Store for both the US and Europe in 2019, which you can find in full below. The charts themselves are PS4-centric and exclude PS3 or PS Vita, and are broken down into four main categories: PS4 games, PS VR games, free-to-play games, and expansions/DLC.
Taking a quick glance at the charts, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Grand Theft Auto V topped the charts in the US and Europe, respectively. Call of Duty being the top downloaded game of 2019 for PS4 owners in the US isn’t too much of a surprising statistic, given that Call of Duty traditionally is among the top-selling games each year. However, in Europe somehow Grand Theft Auto V still managed to reign supreme, which is astounding for the now six-year-old game.
For the other categories, both Apex Legends and Fornite wound up towards the top of the free-to-play charts, with Apex managing to come out on top of the massive popularity of Fortnite, surprisingly. For PS VR, Beat Saber was the top-selling VR game across both North America and Europe, while Fortnite DLC completely dominated the DLC charts in both regions.
However, some of the most interesting stats to take away from the full bestsellers list for PlayStation Store are PS4 exclusive games, with Days Gone appearing as the bestselling digital PS4 exclusive of 2019. In the US, the game appeared at #10, which managed impressively to chart ahead of major releases in 2019 such as Borderlands 3 and Mortal Kombat 11. Other PS4 exclusives that made the chart included 2018’s two marquee PS4 titles, God of War and Marvel’s Spider-Man, at #15 and #20, respectively.
For a closer look at the bestselling digital games on the PlayStation Store in 2019, you can check out the charts below:
PlayStation Store US
PS4 Games 1 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition 3 NBA 2K19 4 Grand Theft Auto V 5 NBA 2K20 6 Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege 7 Madden NFL 20 8 Star Wars Battlefront II 9 Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 10 Days Gone 11 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 12 Borderlands 3 13 MLB The Show 19 14 World War Z 15 God of War 16 Mortal Kombat 11 17 Rocket League 18 The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Complete Edition 19 The Forest 20 Marvel’s Spider-Man
  PS VR Games 1 Beat Saber 2 Superhot VR 3 The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR 4 Five Nights at Freddy’s VR: Help Wanted 5 Job Simulator 6 Creed: Rise to Glory 7 Borderlands 2 VR 8 Firewall Zero Hour 9 Blood & Truth 10 PlayStation VR Worlds
  Free-to-Play Games 1 Apex Legends 2 Fortnite 3 Dauntless 4 Realm Royale 5 Brawlhalla 6 Warface Live 7 Don’t Even Think 8 Warframe 9 H1Z1: Battle Royale 10 3 on 3 Freestyle
  DLC and Expansions 1 Fortnite – The Laguna Pack 2 Fortnite – The Cobalt Pack 3 Fortnite: Battle Royale – The Wilde Pack 4 Fortnite: Battle Royale – The Red Strike Pack 5 Fortnite – The Wavebreaker Pack 6 Fortnite: Battle Royale – Breakpoint’s Challenge Pack 7 Fortnite – Lava Legends Pack 8 Fortnite: Save the World – Standard Founder’s Pack 9 Fortnite – Fallen Love Ranger Challenge Pack 10 Fortnite – Batman Caped Crusader Pack
PlayStation Store EU
Grand Theft Auto V
Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition
The Forest
Need for Speed Payback
Gang Beasts
Beat Saber
Blood & Truth
Job Simulator
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood
Fortnite – The Laguna Pack
Fortnite – The Cobalt Pack
Fortnite: Battle Royale – The Wilde Pack
Fortnite: Battle Royale – The Red Strike Pack
Fortnite – The Wavebreaker Pack
Fortnite: Battle Royale – Breakpoint’s Challenge Pack
Fortnite: Save the World – Standard Founder’s Pack
Fortnite – Lava Legends Pack
Fortnite: Battle Royale – Shadows Rising Pack
Fortnite Battle Royale – The Summit Striker Pack
Apex Legends
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2v2 Alpha
January 10, 2020 8:52 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/01/playstation-stores-top-10-bestselling-digital-games-of-2019-revealed/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=playstation-stores-top-10-bestselling-digital-games-of-2019-revealed
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readymade-world-blog · 5 years ago
TOP 10 fortnite masters in the universe
Top 10 Fortnite Players In The World
In December 2011, Epic Games revealed to the world that they were working on a new project, called Fortnite. And on July 25th, 2017, Fortnite was released to the world. Today it’s almost hard to imagine a gaming scene without the battle royale game, popular amongst both young children and professional sports teams alike.
Since the free-to-play game’s release just a few years ago, the game has exploded into a pop culture phenomenon. So it would only make sense that many Fortnite eSports players have risen to record levels of fame, wealth, and status. The Top 10 highest paid Fortnite players alone have a combined total earnings of over $3.5 million dollars. And the highest Twitch streaming channel in 2018-by an incredible margin-was a Fortnite gaming channel.
So, without any further delay, let’s look at our list for the Top 10 Fortnite players in the world.
Tumblr media
At only twenty-seven years old, Tyler “Ninja” Blevins has had incredible success when it comes to Fortnite, and through this, he has significantly contributed to the mainstreaming of eSports and also the image of what a gamer looks like. His breakthrough also coincided with the worldwide breakthrough of Fortnite itself, so it’s even hard to talk about the game without mentioning the one they call, “Ninja”.
Blevins is one of the most popular Twitch streamers of all time-the top Twitch channel of 2018 that was mentioned in the intro was him-with over 226.85 million hours viewed in 2018 alone. That’s more than double the #2 slot-which was the entire Riot Games channel, also known as the Twitch launch platform for LoL, one of the biggest eSports games.
Last year, Twitch signed with Overwatch League for a two-year deal to stream their matches only to Twitch, the largest contract in eSports history, for $70 million dollars. Blevins tweeted about it at the time, questioning what his audience would be worth considering he was able to rake in about triple the number of views of the Overwatch League channel.
And it’s a fair argument. Signed with Luminosity Gaming, Blevins consistently rakes in tens of thousands of live viewers and boats 14 million Twitch followers and 22 million YouTube subscribers. He has even reached such a status that he even appeared on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon and Ellen, as well as being the first eSports player to be featured on the cover of ESPN. Because of this, he has in many ways contributed significantly to eSports breaking into mainstream culture through the previously separate worlds of traditional sporting and television.
Blevins was born in Detroit, Michigan, but now lives just outside Chicago, where he grew up. In his personal life, Blevins has a happy marriage with his wife Jess, who is also his manager. The two live together with their two dogs, in a million-dollar home that Blevins constantly streams from, sometimes even for causes he believes in. Through Fortnite charity events, Blevins has raised and donated well over $1 million dollars to different causes, including suicide prevention and the Alzheimer’s Association.
2. Turner “TFue” Tenney
Credit: https://fortniteinsider.com
Potentially one of the more controversial Fortnite players on this list, Turner “TFue” Tenney is a 22-year-old Twitch streamer from Florida. He is one of the highest paid Fortnite players in the world, and, up until very recently, he played for the eSports group FaZe Clan.
According to his FaZe profile, Tenney is “one of the best Fortnite players in history.” And, like Blevins, Tenney rose to fame by streaming gameplay of H1Z1 and PlayerUnknown’s: Battlegrounds before switching to Fortnite at the crux of its historic rise to popular culture. His FaZe profile also mentions that he is one of the only Fortnite players that can compete with Blevins’ Twitch streaming numbers.
The numbers he rakes in can support that claim-with 6 million Twitch followers and over 10 million YouTube subscribers, he has a serious fanbase. His total earnings in the past have exceeded $500,000 dollars. Also paired with his passion for the sport and his large support base is his incredible skill set. In September 2018, he broke what was the record for single-match kills on PC with 57 kills.
Earlier this week, Tenney made headlines with his lawsuit against FaZe Clan, in which he claims that the eSports group took unfair portions of his earnings and pressured him to do “dangerous stunts and drink underage.” While FaZe denies most of Tenney’s claims, the lawsuit could set an important new precedent for eSports players looking to back out of the structure of the industry and seek an independent career, so Tenney could become even more influential in the future.
3. TSM Myth
Credit: https://www.fixfortnite.com
Captain of the Team SoloMid Fortnite team, and with millions of followers on his main platform of Twitch, TSM Myth is one of the youngest and most popular Fortnite eSports players. He originally rose to popularity through YouTube, but made Twitch his main platform for gaming around 2016.
Self-nicknamed “The Architect”, Myth has a reputation of being one of the best builders in the game. Although his main source of income is his Fortnite escapades, from which he has built a net worth of around $1 million dollars, he also does merchandise and branding to build up his reputation while making a nice chunk of coin on the side.
4. FaZe Cloak
Credit: https://www.fixfortnite.com
The fourth name on our list, and the second FaZe member so far, Dennis “FaZe Cloak” Lepore, more commonly known as just “FaZe Cloak,” also rose to fame in the same time period as the rise of Fortnite. He has the honor of being the FaZe Clan’s Fortnite Team Captain, and according to his FaZe profile, “he’s become one of the world’s best players” and “is an excellent shot caller” in his matches.
Cloak keeps much of the detail on his personal life private, as evidenced by the fact that he’s almost always referred to as FaZe Cloak. Originally from the Austin area, he last year moved temporarily to the New York/New Jersey area, before returning back to Austin, Texas. He has expressed interest in living in the FaZe Clan mansion in California though, where, alongside many of his clan members, he could live and live stream from just outside Hollywood.
Although his numbers aren’t quite the millions of subscribers and followers on YouTube and Twitch that Ninja or TFue rake in, he has been able to get hundreds of thousands of fans in very short periods of time, even doubling his fan base in a short period of time just last year.
From the little that is known about Cloak’s personal life, it’s clear that he’s had a long passion for gaming from his early childhood. In general, at just 25 years old and with an estimated net worth of about $250,000 dollars, it’s fair to say Cloak is doing very well for himself.
5. TSM Hamlinz
Credit: https://heightline.com
Another TSM member on the list, TSM Hamlinz is another exceptional Fortnite player has one of the highest win percentages of anyone playing the game professionally, at one point having a win/loss percentage of nearly 50%-meaning he won 1 out of every two games that he played in.
He’s also been called “the second best builder” in Fortnite, right behind his TSM clanmate TSM Myth. Unlike many of the other people on this list, though, Hamlinz rose to a relatively high level of eSports fame back in 2013, far before the introduction of Fortnite into the gaming community. Although still young, his long eSports career has made him just as recognizable as a Fortnite player as he is a Halo or Call of Duty player in the eSports community.
6. TSM Daequan
Credit: https://battleroyalesettings.com
Like many above him, TSM Daequan Loco began playing professionally through streaming H1Z1 and then playing for TSM. However, what others do not have is the legendary Fortnite abilities that Daequan has brought to the Fortnite community. He mainstreamed the “double pump shotgun” strategy that has become so popular and effective.
While those at TSM know him as one of the Fortnite group’s founding members, his TSM bio mentions that his fans know him best for his sense of humor, catchphrases, and hyper-aggressive gameplay. His charm and humor really do set him apart from his fellow Fortnite streamers, and in his streams, he often offers advice on how to do well in Fortnite to his fans. Now, he lives in a TSM house in LA with teammates Myth and Manliz where they stream together often.
7. High Distortion
Credit: https://youtube.fandom.com
Yet another TSM name on the list, High Distortion (also known as “HD” or “Jimmy,” his actual name) gets his reputation as a Fortnite GOAT for skipping solo games and facing off alone in duo and even squad matches-and he easily takes down the larger groups of his opponents. HD is one of the older players on the list, at 34 years old, but that in no way slows him down, as earlier this year, he surpassed Ninja in total eliminations, with over 100,000 total kills.
As for his skills, HD is known for the “20 bomb,” a phrase fans coined for his ability to get at least 20 kills in his solo vs. duos matches. He also often collaborates with other top players, and because of his skill solo or in cooperation with fellow pro Fortnite players, he has an incredible lifetime win percentage of almost 30%.
8. FaZe Jaomock
Credit: https://twitter.com/Jaomock
It has been said that what makes FaZe Jaomock such a figurehead in the Fortnite eSports world is his consistency-he always manages to end matches with double-digit kill figures and finish matches with at least a respectable job, if not a win.
He sits high in the list of total kills by Fortnite plays in all time, and his numbers really do speak for themselves. He was pursuing a career in college basketball before FaZe Clan picked him up because of his incredible skill set, making him one of the original members of the pro Fortnite roster.
9. Dakotaz
Credit: https://bestfortnitesettings.com
Another TSM player, Brett “Dakotaz” Hoffman has pulled in a serious fanbase on YouTube and Twitch because of his incredible sniping skills, which he is often able to win entire solo matches with.
He has played Fortnite since it was created, and all that time with the game has blessed him with a rapidly growing fan base. Is May of 2018, he started rising to become one of the most watched Fortnite streamers, and his views count skyrocketed within a matter on months. Not much personal information is available about Dakotaz, but, in his streams, he usually has a more relaxed atmosphere with his audience, so the best way to get to know him is by watching him.
10. Nick Eh 30
Credit: https://youtube.fandom.com
Another versatile builder in the game, Nicholas “Nick Eh 30” Amyoony is the most popular Fortnite streamer on YouTube. He’s right up there with the best when it comes to total kills and score, has over 2,000 wins, and set a world record for squad match kills alongside FaZe Cloak and FaZe TFue (which was later beaten by TFue and his team).
He shares the incredibly high level of talent in the game as the others on this list, but Nick Eh 30 also keeps his channel and his streaming style unique. It may come from being the only Canadian on this list, but he maintains a family-friendly environment on his streams and it’s made his content accessible to a variety of fans across the world.
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battleroyalemarket · 6 years ago
via Twitter https://twitter.com/B_R_Market
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