#h1ghr ambition
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f-ngrl · 2 years ago
kid milli x yanghongwon x jjangyou x dnopf x ???
ok lets go. first about my day, if you don't wanna know you can scroll down :D
so i had to book my train ticket for a train at 6:30 am bc they announced the concert super late and everything was expensive already. i cried abt it to friends for days bc i never leave the house this early, but then as i started to travel there were commuters everywhere just doing their regular thing. and like it's not that big of a deal xD
i arrived in paris at 10 am, successfully queued in the right queue to obtain my metro tickets, did so and successfully took the metro to the neighborhood of the concert (last time i took the metro alone i couldn't find the way out and when i finally got out i had to walk super far anyway and the ride wasn't worth it :D).
i dropped my bag and thought i could have breakfast somewhere but nothing seemed inviting and i had eaten some breadbuns on the train and wasn't hungry so whatevs. went to a park and walked around, it was nice. so many ppl working out here! decided i should eat sth for lunch but was overwhelmed with finding a restaurant that offered veggie food with good ratings and close by and is open and is affordable. also i learned i'm really not confident to go to restaurants or even cafés alone. so i got some prepackaged food at a supermarket but it was meh :D walked past the venue and there were a few people waiting at 2 pm. got bubble tea i love that stuff. then there was nothing more to do and i didn't wanna use up my energy so i went to the place where i'm staying and read a book. ate the rest of the lunch.
went to the venue! i thought, but it turned out i walked into the wrong entrance into the wrong event. i was already confused about the other people xD
then i found the right entrance and was confused again bc there was no queue at all. general admission was at 7:30 and it was like 7:32. there were 2 guys entering at the same time as me and one said to the other (in english) "yeah i played here 4 years ago" and i didn't think anything about it.
i got in and the club was SO SMALL!! even though i hadn't queued i got a good spot to see. after a short time, the dj, dnopf, started. and it turned out he was the guy from the entrance!! i felt sry for not recognizing him. he played only khh and krnb and i cannot explain how much i loved that. that's my dream like. having someone who knows khh really well rec khh to me? there were songs i didn't know but sounded good. a lot of jay park and coogie. a lot of aomg/h1ghr but no ambition or daytona at all. dnopf's tshirt said
i thought that was funny.
then jjangyou started right away (no waiting times, it was awesome). i'm not really into his music but wow he can make the party go crazy like himself. he even walked around in the crowd and was really close to where i was! he said he was sick and had a cold so we should cheer more to give him energy. poor guy, i felt bad ':D but this was a great performance, he was the most energetic artist by far.
then hongwon came on aaaah! he played 2 old songs and then only unreleased songs, 1 or so of which i didn't know. he introduced himself as "young b yanghongwon" and said when he returns to korea he will release an ep. (it has to he noted he's promised albums often so it's not really reliable but i'll still be hoping every time :D). slowmo is the album's name. his performance was wonderful ofc, he did all the raps properly as we know of him <3 idk what to say u know he's my fav artist rn it's just yeah.
and then kid milli. his show was also great of course! he's very professional, with carefully chosen song order etc so you know it will definitely be good. he showered the crowd in compliments (a bit cheesy for me but whatever :D). i felt bad abt knowing so few of his songs. he wore a hat (beanie style) and hoodie for the whole show idk how he didn't melt but he stayed strong :D
during kid milli's performance, suddenly hwimin jumped on stage for 1 second, yes you read right and i didn't see wrong bc kid milli confirmed it :D he said "do you like hwimin? we brought a representative for area, it's gemini!" so gemini came out and performed 3 songs and the crowd went crazy for him. i don't like him thaat much so i was a bit ?? but i guess it was the surprise effect, he said he'll be back next time with his own tour. parisians are lucky that so many khh ppl (esp former fa members and area members) seem to love paris so much, i don't see this for any other place except maybe japan.
after that, kid milli performed some songs with less action and then at the end as an encore some songs with jjangyou and hongwon together. they performed indigo last, with good guy kid milli rapping all of justhis' part <3
the show ended around 10:15? maybe. kid milli left the stage early but jjangyou and hongwon stayed around for a long time, gave signatures and talked to fans from the stage. that was so nice!
when i got out, it was still a little bright outside. not where i live! this was surprising but it's almost the longest day of the year after all. the neighborhood was still full of people enjoying the evening and sunset, good mood.
i was gonna post photos but will do that separately. tumblr app is broken and uploads different photos or replaces my uploads with different photos from my phone no thx
good night!! 💕💖💕
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gaogrotesque · 1 year ago
231210 K-Hiphop Fest in Asia 2023 [Swagger] - TAIPEI ①
這是一篇沒有照片的無聊後記 🥹 我被持有S23U的朋寵壞ㄌ…真的太太太感謝(怎在這說) 這次我的位置離舞台的距離A52S已完全派不上用場XD 所以整場就認真地用肉眼好好觀看了
這個巡迴在我看來滿神奇的,出演藝人好像基本上以AMBITION/Daytona + IMJM(AP Alchemy)組成(+AREA)
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個人體感KHH在台灣最有市���的應該是AOMG/H1GHR啊 🤣 但不管怎麼說,能在自家主場(?)看到IMJM我真的是只有感恩的心 🫶
RGP(HAHA & SKULL)的舞台作為開場,是可以讓台上台下都一起玩得很開心的氛圍,HAHA本人是當天唯一這麼認真跑全場飯撒的藝人XDD
JAEHA和Skinny Brown都是我相對不熟、只聞其名的藝人,當天感覺有很多人是為他們來的~ JAEHA的setlist中我比較喜歡/有印象的是這首
Skinny Brown有唱和PATEKO合作的〈Rainy Day〉(我第一次聽到這首歌是在今年HPF尹辰煐的舞台,所以還以為是他自己的歌 哈XD)
ABLE(張賢勝)的部分真的很有他本人獨特的感性和氛圍XD 但比較可惜的是,在拼盤演唱會裡就有點吃虧~因為其他藝人可能都是��嗨、可以帶動台下氣氛一起玩的那種,相較之下這段表演就顯得很文靜
盧允夏開場第一首唱了〈Warrior〉…是我在今年AP合輯裡少數喜歡的歌曲之一 🥹
從盧允夏到Blase這個Drill session(?)現場聽蠻嗨的,但老實說Drill真不在我平常的守備範圍內XDD
GroovyRoom打碟時我一直好希望能看到合作舞台 🥹 (然而沒有XD) 輝珉當天也是通常運轉中的暴衝(?)與可愛,圭正又變帥ㄌ 👍 (抱歉只有這種膚淺感想)
然後是 梁洪元…!!! 一直到前一天我們都還在擔心 「這小子該不會搭不上飛機吧」 的梁洪元 🥰 看到洪元的瞬間就已經想尖叫ㄌ…一身黑衣又帥又可愛,比HPF看到他的時候感覺得出來整個人的狀態好太多了、作為粉絲/觀眾的滿足度也跟著蹭蹭蹭提升! (HPF時應該是潛水多時之後久違的公演、甚至是這麼大規模的音樂節,而且也是一直連絡不到、後來才緊急追加的,時間被排在一大早 😂 那天看起來很緊繃?很努力想做好、不出錯的樣子,讓人看了也有點跟著緊張XD 雖然還是覺得可愛又喜歡但也有點心疼?XD)
(到現在還是覺得《Stranger》和《SOkoNYUN》這兩張專輯好經典 🫠 也是從此奠定了我愛梁洪元的基礎)
還唱了IMJMWDP合輯中的〈나쁜맛〉、還沒發行的〈25YB〉、充分表達DICKIDS自負心(?)+罵人罵得好爽的〈B-site〉、SMTM6的〈Search〉 每一首都好讓人尖叫 🥵 都充滿ㄌ無限回憶
最後一首是〈No Cap〉
ment也蠻可愛的(?)Rap還是很猛 雖然有不小心嘴ㄆ一ㄚˇ失誤了一下XD 但反應太可愛ㄌ無法跟他計較(到底為什麼變得這麼寬容寵溺XDD) 講話的時候就…0國語言XD 也和其他人一樣提到這是第一次來台灣(昨天台下大家的反應應該有讓各位藝人們滿意啦,好幾位都有提到沒想到這麼熱情/有這麼多人喜歡他們之類的) 「我現在大概知道(你們的反應)是什麼感覺了(台灣的粉絲們)」 請問到底知道了什麼XDDD 😂
演出結束之後回去過幾天新單曲就會發行 真的假ㄉ(幹)前幾天還說1、2月餒XD
梁洪元唱完時我整個措手不及,20分鐘過得太快ㄌ… 😭
在聽的時候腦海裡一直循環的念頭:天啊他的聲音真的太讚了吧…!有這種聲線的人真的天生就應該吃音樂這碗飯欸…! 還有覺得表演的時候rap起來這麼帥,但到底為什麼平常過成那樣(那樣)XDDDD 這就是反差萌ㄅ。
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khhsh-t · 5 years ago
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“The time is tickin’”
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a-fence · 3 years ago
Code Kunst (Jo Sungwoo)
Faking It
DPR Ian (Christian Yu)
Pose For Me (M)
An Exploration (M)
DPR Live (Hong Dabin)
Beside You
I Want More (M)
Sinder Twindler
Text Me
DPR REM (Scott Kim)
Jay Park (Park Jaebum)
Pinot Noir
Trial Dad
Jayci Yucca
Jeon Wonwoo
Body Warmth
Paint (M)
pH-1 (Park Junwon)
Suit and Tie
Simon Dominic (Jung Kiseok)
Chili Lips
The Quiett (Shin Donggab)
Woo Wonjae
Trouble Sleeping
KHH/KRNB Playlists
Fic recs
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khh-and-kactors-reactions · 4 years ago
Ash Island and Jay Park reaction to falling in love with a strong and independent woman:
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Jin Young would hopelessly fall in love with a strong and independent woman because of one, very big reason: you are able to love yourself, a personality trait he finds to most charming and loveable in a woman. However, falling for you and confessing his love for you are two different things. Jin Young is rather reserved person who does not feel very comfortable talking about his emotions or feelings, except in songs, so it takes a lot of courage to confess. Being a strong woman can also overwhelm him sometimes, so be attentive to his mood and do not push him too much to voice out his thoughts. He is a deep thinker, and you have to accept him like that. But when he confides in you, know that he trusts you more than anyone.
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When it comes to Jay, it is not only about falling in love with a strong and independent woman but also about needing one. His life is dominated by music, as an artist and the CEO of two companies, which means your life will also be heavily influenced by it. Having a girlfriend who will constantly waits for him to come home or who makes him choose between her and his obligations will not work for him. He will feel guilty for not spending much time together and eventually end things. So, he needs someone who lives her own life and someone who can put him in his place from time to time or make him think things through. Being in a relationship with a strong, independent woman means living in the moment and not thinking too much about the future for him.
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ronjunnie · 3 years ago
50 shades of Blonde part 2 💛
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weaselsevlover · 4 years ago
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arm tattoos khh icons
reblog if you save!
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music-is-a-painkiller · 4 years ago
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✨They are here✨
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kfash1on · 4 years ago
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veniteme · 4 years ago
Requests are open!
Hello, just wanted to let you know that I am now taking requests for khh oneshots! Hunting for Gems will be my main priority but hopefully these requests keep me writing so I don't lose inspo/motivation. See below for who I write for!
Simon Dominic
Woo Wonjae
Kim Hyoeun
Way Ched
Ash Island
Just Music
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khh-pics · 4 years ago
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life-is-drip-or-trip · 4 years ago
Hello- I’m H
I just noticed that there was a lack of KHH gif content... so I’m gonna try and fill that hole a bit. I also draw a lot so that I will be sharing here too. 
Some of my favorite artists are: 
- Ambition Musik artists
- H1ghr Music artists
- Bloo
- Nafla
- Tabber
- Colde
- Woo Wonjae
- Code Kunst
- etc (I can’t think when I make lists like this but I like a lot more) 
Anyways, I only really gif what I like and can find for material, but I hope you like it here
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f-ngrl · 4 years ago
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2021.04.17 changmo_ 때로는 멋진 무대를 사람들한테 보여줄라고 별 난리 쳐야 “되”는 수도 있어. 오늘 낮 12시 SUPERNOVA 발매됩니다 @whereistrade  @g_theprince @sungpyo119
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khhsh-t · 4 years ago
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Underrated K artist part 12
KIMMUSEUM Ted Park Dooyoung 
Mcdaddy Yella D Seungrae
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millithekid · 4 years ago
yln foreign, jaeha and lil bemo eliminated from hsr4 😢 wishing all the best for them musically talking and even in general bc they deserve it
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ph-won · 5 years ago
If you weren't under H1GHR MUSIC label, what label would you be under?
😂 Watch the full English subs H1ghr DF interview below and make sure to follow Ashley at khhoncrack on ig.
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