#h-rich alkaline water ionizer
drinkprime · 11 months
Benefits of an Alkaline Water Purifier in Your Home
In the current times we live in, with the drastic rise in environmental pollution coupled with lifestyle changes, you must be aware of the dangers of directly consuming water from civic sources.  Getting access to safe drinking water, while is a fundamental right of humans, is denied to a large section of the population, highlighting the scarcity of this precious resource.
An advanced water purifier is your best bet in your quest for pure water, as it removes most of the contaminants. If you are on the lookout for a purifier that offers the twin benefits of advanced technology coupled with health benefits, then an alkaline water purifier may be an ideal choice for you. In this blog, we examine what exactly an alkaline water filter is, and the benefits it offers you.
What do you mean by alkaline water?
The alkalinity of water is determined by its PH level. The PH level is a number that measures how acidic or alkaline a substance is, on a scale of 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral. So, a substance with a PH of 1 to 6 would be acidic and a PH of 8 to 14 indicates alkalinity. The water we drink should ideally have a PH of 7, making it neutral.
When chemicals, pathogens, or gases are added to this water, it makes the water acidic or alkaline. In alkaline water, alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium, etc. are present, which determines its PH levels. Water, that is too acidic or alkaline, besides having an unpalatable taste, may also be detrimental to your health.
Can alkaline water boost your health?
Water that is slightly alkaline i.e., having a PH of more than 7, may offer you a variety of health benefits, which can mainly be attributed to its acid neutralizing properties. Let’s look at how you can benefit from drinking alkaline water.
1. Increase in the health of bones
Bone resorption is the process in which new bone cells replace the old bone cells which are broken down. Your bone strength depends on a lesser rate of bone resorption and a higher mineral density. Studies have found lesser bone resorption in people who consumed alkaline water which is rich in bicarbonates. 
2. Possible Reduction in lifestyle markers like blood, sugar cholesterol
Research has found that drinking a higher PH electrolyte along with vigorous exercise, decreases blood viscosity, which is the thickness and stickiness in your blood.  In adults, elevated levels of blood viscosity are associated with multiple life-threatening diseases. 
3. Increase in bone density
Recent studies have shown that consuming alkaline water may improve bone density in postmenopausal women, especially those with osteoporosis.
4. May improve longevity
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A study that monitored the effects of alkaline water on mice, suggested that the mice that drank alkaline water showed improved DNA markers related to aging.
Though more research and larger studies on humans are needed on this topic, many claim that alkaline water has colon cleansing and pro-aging properties while supporting your body with its hydration and detoxifying abilities. Alkaline water may also help in weight management and is touted to have cancer-resistant properties.
What is an alkaline water purifier?
If you go by the notion that a water purifier is a one-size-fits-all-water- all water source, then it may be time to rethink this notion. The quality of water you get from different sources is widely different and so the purifiers needed to tackle this vast array of source water differ in their abilities and functions. 
An alkaline water filter for home makes use of electrolysis to break water molecules (H2O) into +H and -OH ions. This translates to your source water being separated into ionized alkaline water and oxidized ionized acidic water. Most of the best alkaline water filters have two dedicated outlets for alkaline and acidic water.
The alkaline water with higher PH levels, provides you with antioxidant and electron-rich water for consumption, while the acidic water which is an oxidizing agent, is rejected and can be put to external use. You can choose the water that you want with the touch of a button. 
An alkaline water filter also remineralizes the water it purifies, thereby restoring it with essential minerals.
Benefits of using an alkaline water purifier
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Most of the best alkaline water filters, adjust the PH levels of your water to a healthy 8.5, which is alkaline, and the consumption of which has a plethora of health benefits. Some of the benefits are listed below:
1. Increase in the PH levels of water
An advanced technology alkaline water purifier helps you create water with the PH level of your choice. This is possible because ionizers function by breaking water (H2O) into H+ and -OH ions, which gives you the flexibility to choose the PH levels of your water. This incredible feature is available with most of the best alkaline water purifiers.
2. Hydrating properties
It is widely claimed that alkaline water is highly energizing and more hydrating than normal water. So, drinking a glass of alkaline water charged with essential minerals and supplements may provide your body with the additional energy and stamina that it needs to perform its daily functions.
3. Antioxidant properties
An alkaline water purifier, in addition to delivering pure water with a higher PH level, also provides you with antioxidant-rich water which is charged with hydrogen gas and deals with free radicals, thereby reducing your body’s oxidative stress.
4. Helps with acid reflux
The protein from the food you consume is digested with the help of an enzyme called pepsin. During an acid reflux, this enzyme leaves the stomach and refluxes into the esophagus. The acid buffering capacity of alkaline water helps neutralize pepsin, thereby providing respite from acid reflux. 
An advanced technology alkaline purifier may be a good investment for your home, as it combines the top-notch purification features of an RO purifier, with the benefits of an alkaline filter. Thus, you get an uninterrupted supply of pure water that meets all the safety standards, combined with the benefits of alkaline water, making this purifier a one-stop solution for your drinking water needs.
Source: Benefits of an Alkaline Water Purifier in Your Home
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mywelocitybooster · 3 years
Alkaline Water for a Healthy Life!
With preventive healthcare and alternative therapies picking up, Iodized, Alkaline water and its benefits are taking rapid strides towards the preferred option towards being Healthy.
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Alkaline Ionized Water scores over all the traditional water treatment procedures and stands head and shoulders above the rest in terms of its health benefits. Consumption of Alkaline Ionized water helps in balancing the pH level of the body protects from chronic diseases and even slows down the ageing process. Optimizing the blood pH is cardinal to the well-being and management of lifestyle diseases. Alkaline Ionizers are readily available in the Indian markets and are steadily being viewed as the preferred alternative.
What is Alkaline Water?
In this type of water mainly the pH level is increased. On a scale of 0 to 14, the pH level in water is calculated which shows how acidic or alkaline the is. In Layman’s language, 7 is the neutral and anything below 7pH is acidic in nature and above is alkaline. The extreme ends of the pH scale determine the extent of acidity or alkalinity.
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Alkaline water suitable for drinking is recommended with a pH level of about 8 or 9 whereas normal ground/tap/RO/ water is usually found to have a pH between 5.5 – 6.5 which is acidic in nature. The pH varies depending upon a plethora of causes like the presence of Industries, Municipal treatment, the presence of minerals in the source and others.
Benefits of Alkaline Ionized water:
There are various benefits of consumption of Alkaline water.
Ultra-hydrating properties those are present in alkaline water than compared to other normal water. The people who go out daily required a higher amount of water than others for them drinking this type of water can help.
By drinking this alkaline water, immunity is boosted. As it helps in neutralizing the acid that is present in the body caused due to stress, a bad diet, and  other environmental toxins.
Consumption of Alkaline water also strengthens the bones and prevents deficiency of Mg, Ca etc.
The Best Alkaline water ionizers in India are imported from Japan. They use the electrolysis principles in segregating the Acidic and Alkaline contents in the Input water and provides excellent drinking water with a multitude of Health Advantages.
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chansonwater · 4 years
Is Kangen Water the Same as Alkaline Ionized Water?
The question is Kangen water the same as alkaline ionized water has been asked several times. The answer is yes! Kangen water is also alkaline ionized water; however, it has been branded. The Kangen trademark comes from Japan, particularly in the United States; the alkaline ionized water is referred to as Kangen Water, as advertised abundantly.  Now let us know more about it’s origin:
Kangen Water?
The word ‘Kangen’ has a Japanese root, when translated into English it synonym ‘return to origin’. Kangen water is alkaline water produced by Enagic’s alkaline ionizer and water filtration machines. Kangen water ionizers are produced by the company Enagic (Japan), and its water is the product of ionization through the Alkaline water machine or ionizer. This ionizer is also recognized as a medical device in Japan and holds more than dozens of certificates.  
Since the last several years, Kangen water has been used in Japan to restore the body to its original state, i.e., alkaline in the state. These machines can transform your regular tap water into healthy, and fresh-tasting alkaline drinking water. This water is superior to purified and tap water.
Kangen water has harmful oxidation, reduction potential or ORP. This water does not remove several minerals that are lost in the procedure of purifying bottled water. By choosing to drink Kangen water over tap water, you help your body return to a balanced state. This water is a fresh, clean and incredible tasting way to obtain optimal health.
Which is Better Alkaline Water Vs. Kangen Water?
The fact is, there is no distinction health-wise as Kangen water is just an upmarket name for alkaline water. Kangen water is made by the Kangen Machine, which costs nearly $4000 – twice as many as other ionizers. The primary reason the Kangen Machine is so expensive is that it is a pattern. However, suppose you want health benefits that can come from drinking alkaline water. In that case, you can save thousands of dollars by buying an ionizer directly from the manufacturer and evade the manifold marketed products such as the Kangen machine.
Alkaline water, you call it Kangen water or not, you get its medical advantages from mineral hydrates. These mixes are made of essential minerals, for example, calcium, and magnesium, in addition to a cell reinforcement hydroxyl particle. Tap water doesn't contain mineral hydrates. That is the reason it isn't as good as alkaline water. Tap water contains mineral carbonates—mixes made of alkaline minerals in addition to bicarbonate particles. Tap water is, in reality, preferred for your wellbeing over most filtered water. It's only not equivalent to soluble water. A water ionizer utilizes an electrochemical cycle – called electrodialysis – to change the carbonate minerals in tap water into mineral hydrates. Soluble water's nature is dictated by how well a water ionizer changes over those mineral carbonates into mineral hydrates.
Does the Kangen Machine Produce Best Alkaline Water
No, the Kangen Machine is not that efficient to produce water that is super rich in healthy mineral hydrates like other ionizers it competed against. You can avail of a water ionizer half the Kangen machine's price that produces much better alkaline water. Power is the primary thing that makes the ionizer more capable, and the Kangen ionizer has only 230 watts. Thus it is not so efficient and powerful as other alkaline machines. Compared to the Kangen machine to Chanson Miracle Max Plus: The Chanson Miracle Plus costs less than the Kangen Machine and can adjust more power, making it one of the most efficient and powerful alkaline water ionizers in the world.
Suppose you are searching for an alkaline water machine for your home, then avoid going for the Kangen ionizer. Firstly, you will save thousands of dollars and get better alkaline ionized water along with some outstanding features and upgraded functionalities. The primary issue with the Kangen is that it uses older, incompetent technology. Enagic Corporation has never upgraded itself, despite the fact that significant enhancements to water ionizer technology have been introduced by several of Enagic's competitors.
Some Basic Technologies and Functionalities You Can Avail in a Chanson Ionizer, That You Can't Get in a Kangen Machine
●     Electrolytic Chamber has Solid Seven Titanium Plates (99.99% Pure)
●     Patent Dip and Baked Platinum Coating Technology
●     Platinum Plates are double-dipped, and triple baked makes the most substantial surface area.
●     Sealed Chamber can't be opened by anyone to protect health standards (WQA).
●     Miracle max plus-Active Hydrogen Boost Technology upto 1600 PPB (First time ever in the world)
●     4 Alkaline Levels, 1 Purified level and 3 acidic levels.
●     PH down to 1.8 and up to 12.2 with Negative ORP up to -1700
●     Full Colored Display with automatic Deep Cleaning features to protect plates which increase machine life.
●     Filter Replacement Cost after 9000 Liters or 1 year whichever is earlier is Only Rs-4500.00
●     On-Board Four Stage Filter is made of Silver impregnated Coconut Shell Carbon, PP, Sediment and UF certified by WQA Standards (Water Quality Association).
●     Uses only 50-150 watts of power which prolongs the lifetime of plates.
●     Largest Plates, but still one of smallest and lightest ionizers in the World 9.75 (W) X 12 (H) X 6.5 (D) Inches just 4.5 kilogram Weight.
●     No need of Pre-Filtration system.
●     Miracle M.A.X Plus can make strong acid water (1.8 pH) and Strong Alkaline Water (12.2) 100% natural process.
●     Enhancement of your health will be quietly noticeable if one continuously uses alkaline water.
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nuoc ion kiem giau hydro
Nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro là một loại nước tốt cho sức khỏe, có khả năng làm chậm lão hóa và cung cấp năng lượng cho mọi hoạt động của cơ thể con người. Hiện nay, loại nước nhiều năng lượng này đã được bày bán rộng rãi. Đồng thời, máy tạo nước ion kiềm cũng đã được sử dụng phổ biến trong gia đình, văn phòng. Để hiểu thêm về lợi ích của loại nước uống này, trong bài viết sau chúng tôi sẽ làm rõ những vấn đề nhận được nhiều sự quan tâm nhất.
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1. Nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro là gì?
Nước ion kiềm chứa nhiều Hydro là gì? Hãy cùng tìm hiểu định nghĩa và cách hình thành của loại nước này.1.1 Định nghĩa nước ion kiềm giàu HydroIon kiềm giàu Hydro là một loại nước ion kiềm có bổ sung nhiều khí Hydro thông qua quá trình điện phân. Đây là loại nước tốt cho sức khỏe con người, bởi nước mang tính kiềm và chứa hàm lượng Hydro cao. Trung bình 2 lít nước sẽ chứa 1,6 mg Hydro hòa tan ở nhiệt độ 2 độ C.1.2 Cách tạo nước ion kiềm giàu HydroĐể tạo nên nước Hydorgen cần có máy chuyên dụng. Dòng máy này sẽ tiến hành điện phân nguồn nước, sau đó cực âm của máy sẽ tạo nên nước ion kiềm có lượng Hydro cao. Các giai đoạn cụ thể như sau:
l Giai đoạn 1: Đưa nguồn nước đã xử lý đạt chuẩn sạch vào máy lọc nước điện giải.
l Giai đoạn 2: Nước đi qua lõi lọc tinh và đến buồng điện giải. Tiếp đến, chúng tràn qua các tấm điện cực. Tại đây, nguồn nước sẽ được tiến hành phân tách thành các cấu trúc phân tử và các ion nước.
l Giai đoạn 3: Sau bước phân tách các cấu trúc phân tử và ion nước, máy điện giải sẽ phân nước thành 2 dòng riêng biệt. Hai dòng nước này gồm nước giàu Hydro (H+ > OH- sinh ra ở cực âm) và nước có tính axit sinh ra ở cực dương (H+ < OH-). Độ pH của hai dòng nước này hoàn toàn khác nhau.
l Giai đoạn 4: Nguồn nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro sẽ chảy ra ngoài qua vòi và có thể sử dụng ngay. Qua quá trình điện giải, nước Hydorgen đầu ra có độ pH nằm trong khoảng 8,5 đến 9,5.
1.3 Có nên uống nước Hydorgen không?Các nhà khoa học khuyên bạn nên uống nước Hydorgen (viết tắt của nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro). Vì sao? Vì loại nước này tốt cho sức khỏe.
Theo nhiều nghiên cứu, trong đó có nguyên cứu của Tiến sĩ Perricone, đã kết luận: Hydorgen là loại nước uống mang lại nhiều năng lượng, giúp duy trì và khôi phục thể lực tốt nhất sau hoạt động thường ngày.
Đồng thời, nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro mang tính kiềm này còn hỗ trợ làm chậm quá trình lão hóa, tăng khả năng phục hồi của cơ thể sau lao động nặng, hoặc tập luyện nặng. Trong đó, khả năng phục hồi của cơ bắp đạt mức cao nhất. Loại nước uống này còn trung hòa gốc tự do, giúp cho cơ thể tránh được quá trình oxy hóa, và mang lại rất nhiều lợi ích khác.
2. Phân biệt nước kiềm, nước ion kiềm, nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro
Nước kiềm, nước ion kiềm và nước Hydorgen khác nhau như thế nào? Hãy cùng phân biệt chúng thông qua phân tích, đánh giá sau.2.1. Về định nghĩaTrước tiên, để phân biệt nước kiềm, nước ion kiềm và nước Hydorgen hãy xem định nghĩa của mỗi loại. Theo đó:
l Nước kiềm: Là nước có độ pH lớn hơn 7 (pH >7).
l Nước kiềm Alkaline: Có tên gọi bằng tiếng Anh là Alkaline Ionized Water. Đây là loại nước được sản sinh nhờ vào công nghệ điện giải, nên chúng còn có tên gọi khác là nước điện giải. Ion kiềm là một loại nước kiềm tính gồm nhiều cụm phân tử nước rất nhỏ tạo thành. Loại nước này rất giàu khoáng chất.
l Nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro: Có tên gọi tiếng Anh là Alkaline hydrogen rich water ionizer. Loại nước này chứa tất cả các ưu điểm của loại nước ion kiềm đồng thời được bổ sung thêm nhiều hàm lượng Hydro.
2.2. Về thành phầnĐể thấy rõ hơn sự khác nhau giữa ba loại nước kiềm, ion kiềm và ion kiềm giàu Hydro có thể xem xét thành phần của nước. Thành phần của mỗi loại như sau:2.2.1 Nước kiềmTrong nước có chứa hai loại OH- (hydroxit) và H+ (hydrogen). Nồng độ ion OH- cao hơn H+ (Hydroxit > Hydrogen). Bên cạnh đó, nước kiềm có độ pH>7 và có vị đắng.Chỉ số ORP (chỉ số oxy hóa khử) của nước kiềm nằm trong khoảng từ -150mV đến -1000mV. Do đó, đây cũng là loại nước có khả năng chống lại sự oxy hóa khá cao và ổn định.2.2.2 Nước ion kiềmTrong thành phần của nước ion kiềm chứa nhiều vi khoáng và chất chống oxy hóa. Đồng thời, chúng cũng chứa hàm lượng thấp các chất OH-, H2 và Ca2+, Mg2+,... Thành phần của nước ion kiềm mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho sức khỏe, ví dụ như: cân bằng pH trong máu và các mô tế bào; loại bỏ các chất độc hại; loại bỏ gốc tự do,...2.2.3 Nước ion kiềm giàu HydroĐây là loại nước chứa nhiều Hydro, và nhiều thành phần khác của nước ion kiềm như OH-, H2 và Ca2+, Mg2+,... Bên cạnh đó, chúng còn chứa nhiều H+ hoạt tính cao. Nhờ thành phần được bổ sung nhiều Hydro hoạt tính mà loại nước ion kiềm chứa nhiều Hydro này rất tốt cho sức khỏe con người.2.3. Về cơ chế hoạt độngVì chứa thành phần khác nhau nên cơ chế hoạt động của ba loại nước này khác nhau. Có thể xem xét cơ chế hoạt đ��ng của mỗi loại như sau:
l Nước kiềm: Lắp thêm một lõi lọc có chức năng tạo kiềm vào máy lọc nước là có thể tạo được nước kiềm.
l Nước ion kiềm: Nhờ vào máy điện phân mới tạo ra được nước ion kiềm có giá trị ORP (-) nằm trong khoảng -150mV đến -1000mV. Mỗi loại máy điện phân sẽ tạo ra chỉ số ORP (-) không giống nhau.
l Nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro: Để tạo ra loại nước này phải nhờ vào thiết bị công nghệ tiên tiến có mang điện cực chứa hiệu suất cao. Công nghệ này sẽ giúp tạo nên loại nước ion kiềm chứa nhiều Hydro và có độ pH nằm trong khoảng 8,5 đến 9,5.
3. Các đặc tính, ứng dụng của nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro
Đặc tính, ứng dụng của loại nước ion kiềm chứa nhiều Hydro này khá thiết thực và mang tính ưu việt cao. Có thể kể đến những đặc tính dễ nhận thấy nhất như sau:3.1. Giàu tính kiềm tự nhiênĐộ pH của nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro nằm trong khoảng 8.5 đến 9.5, giúp cơ thể dễ dàng hấp thu mà không cần thông qua quá trình chuyển hóa. Tính kiềm tự nhiên có trong nước sẽ giúp loại bỏ mảng bám axit, hỗ trợ điều trị một số bệnh do dư thừa axit gây nên như: Gout, dạ dày,… Bên cạnh đó chúng còn giúp cải thiện chức năng hệ tiêu hóa.3.2. Giàu HydrogenLoại nước này chứa lượng lớn Hydrogen. Đây là thành phần giúp chống oxy hóa vô cùng hoàn hảo. Đồng thời, chúng còn hỗ trợ loại bỏ các gốc tự do trong cơ thể, ngăn ngừa và phòng chống bệnh ung thư, tiểu đường và nhiều bệnh liên quan đến virus,...3.3. Chứa phân tử nước siêu nhỏCác phân tử nước ion kiềm chứa nhiều Hydro có kích thước siêu nhỏ, 0.5 nanomet (nhỏ bằng ⅕ so với các phân tử nước thông thường). Chính đặc điểm này mà nước có tác dụng bài trừ và đào thải chất cặn bã, chất độc tố gây hại cho cơ thể ra ngoài. Đồng thời, loại nước này còn giúp vận chuyển dưỡng chất dinh dưỡng cần thiết cho các hoạt động của tế bào một cách nhanh hơn.3.4. Giàu vi khoáng tự nhiênNước Hydrogen chứa nhiều loại vi khoáng tự nhiên như: Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+,… Các vi khoáng này rất tốt cho cơ thể. Chúng giúp bổ sung canxi, tăng khả năng miễn dịch,...
4. Lợi ích của nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro đối với sức khỏe
Thông qua những đặc điểm, thành phần vừa nêu trên, có thể thấy nước Hydrogen (nước kiềm chứa ion giàu Hydro) mang lại nhiều lợi ích cho con người. Có thể liệt kê một số lợi ích đối với sức khỏe như sau:
l Ngăn chặn và loại bỏ sự hình thành của các gốc tự do. Vì các gốc tự do là nguyên nhân gây ra nhiều bệnh lý nguy hiểm như ung thư, tiểu đường, gout,…
l Loại bỏ axit gây hại dạ dày, đường ruột.
l Tăng cường sức khỏe của hệ tiêu hóa.
l Giúp giảm cân.
l Giúp làm chậm quá trình lão hóa (của da và các tế bào trong cơ thể).
l Hỗ trợ điều trị một số bệnh dạ dày do dư thừa axit gây ra như: ợ chua, viêm loét dạ dày….
l Hỗ trợ điều trị bệnh gout.
l Giúp cơ thể bổ sung năng lượng cho hoạt động thường ngày.
l Giúp khả năng hồi phục sau hoạt động nặng (làm việc nặng, tập thể dục...) nhanh hơn.
5. Uống nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro sao cho đúng cách
Tuy nước Hydrogen rất tốt cho cơ thể, nhưng để loại nước này phát huy tác dụng tốt nhất, bạn phải biết cách sử dụng đúng cách. Đặc biệt là nên để cơ thể thích ứng dần, không nên gượng ép hoặc quá vội vàng.
Khi mới làm quen với loại nước chứa ion kiềm, bạn nên sử dụng nước có độ pH trong khoảng 7.0 đến 8.5. Sau một khoảng thời gian sử dụng, cơ thể đã quen dần với loại nước này thì bạn có thể thay đổi loại nước có chứa nồng độ pH cao hơn, nằm trong khoảng từ 9.0 đến 9.5.Thời gian thích ứng nước dài ngắn tùy thuộc vào mỗi người. Đối với những người có sức khỏe tốt thì cần thời gian khoảng 2 tuần. Đối với người bệnh hoặc người lớn tuổi, thời gian thích ứng sẽ kéo dài lâu hơn.
Với những loại nước có mức độ pH 10.0 hoặc lớn hơn thì không nên tự ý sử dụng. Bởi, rất ít người có thể tiếp nhận được lượng nước đạt mức độ pH 10.0 hoặc trên 10.0.Bạn chỉ nên sử dụng nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro có độ pH từ 7.0-9.5.
6. Thời điểm uống nước ion kiềm lý tưởng trong ngày
Ngoài việc uống đúng cách, lựa chọn thời điểm uống thích hợp sẽ khiến nước Hydrogen phát huy được lợi ích một cách tốt nhất. Do đó, những thời điểm tốt nhất để uống loại nước này là:
l Uống một ly khi vừa thức dậy: Lượng nước này sẽ giúp tăng cường sự trao đổi chất và khởi động mọi chức năng trong cơ thể. Nên uống nước khi bụng đang rỗng.
l Uống 1 ly sau bữa sáng (cách bữa ăn 60 phút) .
l Uống 1 ly trước bữa trưa (cách bữa ăn 30 phút).
l Uống 1 ly sau bữa trưa (cách bữa ăn 60 phút).
l Uống 1 ly vào giữa giờ làm việc của buổi chiều.
l Uống 1 ly trước bữa tối (cách bữa ăn 30 phút).
l Uống thêm 1 ly sau bữa ăn tối (cách bữa ăn 60 phút).
l Uống 1 ly trước khi đi ngủ.
Sau khi cơ thể thích ứng, bạn nên bổ sung từ 2 đến 3 lít nước Hydrogen vào cơ thể thay lượng nước thường ngày. Để có chất lượng nước tốt nhất, bạn nên uống ngay sau khi lấy nước từ máy, không nên đun sôi hoặc để quá 3 ngày.
Nước ion kiềm giàu Hydro thật sự là nguồn nước tốt cho sức khỏe. Hiện nay, hãng Hitachi Maxell, Nhật Bản đã cho ra đời máy lọc nước ion kiềm Atica Gold sử dụng tại gia đình hoặc văn phòng rất tiện lợi. Để biết thêm thông tin về máy và giá bán, hãy liên hệ trực tiếp tại cửa hàng Enterbuy hoặc thông qua hotline: 024.777.66666.
Nguồn tham khảo: https://enterbuy.vn/tin-tuc/nuoc-ion-kiem-giau-hydro.html
Địa chỉ Enterbuy: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=24722241190328670
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kyk33000weebly-blog · 8 years
Use Water ionizer to Drink Healthy Alkaline Water
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A water ionizer (otherwise called a basic ionizer) is a home machine which cases to raise the pH of drinking water by utilizing electrolysis to isolate the approaching water stream into acidic and basic segments. it can soften the segments up your drinking water into h+ and gracious particles goodness particles are called hydroxides they bound with soluble minerals like sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium in your water amid a procedure called "electrolysis" and increase negative charge and vitality they can hydrate your body parcel superior to anything typical water giving you part of wellbeing benefits. Soluble water from a legitimate Water ionizer tanked crisp can discharge plentiful "hydrogen gas" in your body which is most solid effective cell reinforcement light weight effortlessly ingested and very responsive produce vitality in your body. Alkaline water machine can change over your typical water into solid cancer prevention agent sedated basic water it is less expensive than your prominent plasma/lcd television or a brilliant led apple telephone or a rich furniture set in your drawing room or a quality air conditioning machine in your room it can shield your long haul wellbeing in a major huge manner for a simple brisk and live show how it impacts your over all soundness of all your relatives please feel to reach us. Get more info about my service and agency please visit now: http://kyk33000.weebly.com/
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Effect of Concentration and pH on the Size of Silver Nanoparticles Synthesized by Green Chemistry-JuniperPublishers
Journal of Chemistry-JuniperPublishers
Nanotechnology is versatile subject, which deals with biology, chemistry, physics and engineering. The term “Nano” is derived from Greek word which means dwarf and size of particle varies from 1-1QQnm [1]. Nanotechnology is the synthesis of nanoparticles which exhibit different sizes, shapes and morphology. Nanoparticles being very small in size posses large surface area to volume ratio due to which nanoparticles exhibit very different properties such as electrical , magnetic and optical properties than its bulk material [2]. In nanoparticle synthesis it is very important to control not only the particle size but also the particle shape and morphology as well. Therefore, controlling the shape and structure of nanoparticles seems to be the most attractive fields of current research.
Nanoparticles and nano devices contain potential to reduce pollutants such as water and air pollutants which can be used for efficient alternate energy production. Nanoparticles show activity against bacteria, fungus as well as Virus. Various chemical and physical methods are known for preparation of silver and other metal nanoparticles. These methods are very costly and toxic to the environment [3]. The use of plant parts like seed, fruit, bark, stem, leaf etc. for the synthesis of nanoparticles is quite novel method compared to the chemical and physical method [4]. This is cost effective and easily scaled up process. Photo chemicals present in the plant posses anti-oxidant or reducing properties which are responsible for reduction of metal compounds. Methods used for the synthesis of nanoparticles are eco-friendly, bio-compatible, non-toxic and clean [5].
During recent times several groups have achieved success in the synthesis of Ag, Au and Pd nanoparticles using extracts obtained from unicellular organisms like bacteria [6-9] and fungi [1Q-12] as well as extracts from plant parts e.g. geranium leaves [13], lemon grass [14], neem leaves [15], aloevera [16] and several others [17-21]. The spectacular success in this field has opened up the prospect of developing bio-inspired methods of synthesis of metal nanoparticles with tailor-made structural properties. Among the various bioreductants, coriandrum sativum leaves extract was chosen for the present study since they have minerals and vitamin contents including calcium, phosphorus, iron, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. They also contain sodium and oxalic acid.
Techniques using citrate reduction or reduction by plant extracts are all termed as green synthesis methods. To distinguish from others we refer to our method as biosynthesis. Silver nanoparticles have an advantage over the metal nanoparticles (e.g. gold and copper) because the surface Plasmon resonance energy of Ag is located far from the interband transition energy The Ag nanoparticles-contained composites are investigated for the non-linear optical effects solely based on the surface Plasmon contribution. In situ growth of metal nanoparticles in polymer films and their nonlinear properties have been reported by group [22]. The advantage of this method is the use of aqueous medium for the fabrication process, employment of the polymer itself as the reducing agent, mild thermal annealing for generating the metal and in situ generation of the nanoparticles inside the polymer matrix which serves as the stabilizer as well.
Different types of nanoparticles like Copper, Iron, Titanium, Zinc, Gold, Magnesium and Silver have been come up but silver nanoparticles have proved to be the most effective as compare to other metal nanoparticles because the surface Plasmon resonance is located far from the inter transition energy. On the vast of available literature on this topic, we hypothesize inherently Capparis Moonii which is rich in photochemical and could form a basis for the synthesis of silver nanoparticles [9-15]. Capparis Moonii is a medically important plant which belongs to Capparis a flowering plant genus in the family. The whole plant contains a number of medicinally important compounds and it is an excellent  analgesic used in the treatment of asthma, Bronchits, Dyspesia, Flatulene etc. In this paper we report, for the biosynthesis of the Ag nanoparticles using Capparius Moonii fruit extract as reducing agent. The nanoparticles are characterized by UV-Visible spectroscopy, XRD, IR, and TEM analysis. The usefulness of these biologically synthesized nanoparticles as antimicrobial agents are also discussed.
Preparation of Fruit Extracts
Preparation of Fruit Extracts
2gm of Rudanti fruit was taken and was crushed with help of mortar and pestle. And the crushed fruit was taken in a 250 ml beaker containing 100mL distilled water. It was kept in a microwave oven for about 30 minute. Prepared fruit extract was filtered with the help of Whatman filter paper no 41 and collected in a beaker.
Preparation of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs)
The fruit extract (50ml) was added to 250ml of 1mM of AgNO3 solution and kept in microwave oven. After 3 minutes added distilled water to maintain a constant volume of 300ml. This process continues up to 30 minutes. After heating color changes to dark brown this indicates the formation of silver nanoparticles [23] The bioreduced silver nanoparticles were collected and UV- Visible of the solution was measured. The nanoparticles were diluted to avoid errors due to high optical density.
Results and Discussions
UV-Vis Spectra Analysis
UV-visible spectroscopy analysis was carried out on a SHIMADZU-1800 visible absorption spectrometer with a resolution of 0.5nm between 190nm to 800nm. Equivalent amounts of the suspension (1ml) were diluted in a constant volume of de-ionized water (10 ml) and subsequently analyzed at room temperature. The progress of the reaction between metal ions and the leaf extract were monitored by UV-visible spectra of AgNP'S in aqueous solution with different reaction times as shown in (Figure 1). It was observed that the peak centered at 413nm at 5, 6, 7 minute samples on irradiating with microwaves. The reduction of silver ions and for the formation of stable nanoparticles occurred rapidly within an hour of reaction [24] (Figure 1).
Effect of Concentration of AgNO3
The UV-Vis spectrum shows the effect of silver nitrate concentration on the formation of silver nanoparticles using the fruit extract of Capparis Moonii. Characteristic surface Plasmon absorption band was absorbed at 430nm. Absorption spectra at different values of the concentration (1mM, 2mM, 3mM, 4mM, and 5mM) are presented in (Figure 2). A general trend is that the surface plasmon resonance peak shift towards the higher wavelength region as well as becomes narrower when the concentration value increases. Assuming that the shift in the plasmon resonance peak indicates a change in the size of AgNPs and hence any shift of the peak towards the higher wavelength is accompanied by a decrease in the size of the prepared AgNPs, we conclude that the raising concentration of the solution results in the formation of nanoparticles with smaller size [25-26]. On the other hand, the broadening of the surface plasmon resonance peak indicates the existence of the wider range of size in the solution (Figure 3).
Effect of pH
At the alkaline pH range, the stability of cluster distribution and colloid formation is increased with a declined tendency for aggregation of the particles due to complete charging of the clusters which maximize the repulsive electrostatic/ electrosteric interactions. At elevated, monodispered and small spherical nanoparticles are formed as well as the amount of AgNPs was also higher. A possible reason for this result was that during the elevated pH, the reaction rate will be increased with subsequent crystallization into smaller particles, which involved the nucleation and growth processes of smaller particles from Ag nuclei. There are many factors that affect the size and shape of the silver nanoparticle. In this part we will address the impact of the pH on the size of AgNPs by monitoring the size variation as a result of changing the pH of solution. Absorption spectra at different value of the pH (3, 5, 7, 9, and 11) are presented in (Figures 4 & 5). In the acidic condition the peak becomes broader and the size of particle increases. With increase in pH the absorption increases and gives the narrow peak at pH 9 with uniform distribution of size. Hence we presume that the basic condition is favored for controlling the particle size. The pH is inversely proportional to size of AgNPs (Figure 3).
FTIR Spectra Analysis of AgNPs
FTIR spectroscopy (Figure 6) is performed to get the idea regarding various functional groups and their interactions with silver, which may be accountable for fabrication and stabilization of silver nanoparticles. Represents the absorption bands. The absorption range 346Q-35QQcm-1 indicates the presence of a carboxylic O-H group and 2933cm-1 range indicates the presence of Aldehyde C-H group present and 1746cm-1which represents the Carboxylic acid and C-O stretching in the organic moiety. And1632cm-1 which assigns an amide group present and characteristic of C-O stretching is observed. The bands 123Qcm- 1 represents the characteristics of multiple CO (Figure 4).
Particle Size Analysis of AgNPs
Particle size analysis at various concentration and pH shows different particle size. The sizes of nanoparticles are in the range of 540nm to 16nm (figure 5) and (figure 6).
3.5.1.X-ray Diffraction Study: X-ray diffraction pattern of the synthesized silver nanoparticles is shown below (Figure 7). A number of Bragg reflection is observed at 20 values 27.81° 32.16° 38.12°, 44.3°, 46.21°, 54.83°, 57.39°, 64.42° and 77.45° which corresponds to (21Q), (122), (111), (2QQ), (231), (142), (241), (22Q) and (311) planes of pure silver based on the face-centered cubic structure (JCPDS file No. 04-0783). From XRD results, it is clearly observed that the silver nanoparticles synthesized by the plant extract are crystalline in nature.
Biological Activity Studies
Bacterial growth was reduced with an increase in AgNP concentration. Further increasing concentration of AgNP caused absence of bacterial growth. Their antibacterial activity can not solely be explained on the basis of size, since the shape of silver nanoparticles may have significant effect. The factors that influence bacterial activity are initial bacterial concentration, microbial strains and composition of culture media. More over the size, shape, crystallinity, surface chemistry and capping reagent of silver nanoparticles is likely to play an actual role and may cause variation in the anti-bacterial effect. Results showed that the anti-bacterial potential of AgNPs was greatly enhanced as their size was reduced.
Anti-bacterial activity
The result obtained is shown below in the table. The inhibition zones obtained indicates maximum anti-bacterial activity of the prepared test sample of silver nanoparticles at different concentration and pH. As the concentration of AgNPs increases anti-bacterial activity increases with the decrease in particle size. On the other hand the pH of AgNPs increases with decreasing anti-bacterial activity. The below table shows antibacterial activity of silver nanoparticles and is synergistic activity against P.A (Pseudomonas aurginosa) S.A (Staphylococcus aureus) V.C (Vibrio cholera) and E. Coli (Escherichia Coli), these are compared with standard values of Amoxicillin. In this S.A of AgNp-5 shows a higher anti-bacterial activity at 5mM concentration and shows a lower activity at AgNp-10,and P.A of AgNp-5 shows a higher ant-bacterial and lower antibacterial activity at AgNp-10, P.A of AgNp-5 have anti-bacterial activity near to standard value of Amoxicillin and it is favorable. Similarly a V.C shows a higher anti-bacterial activity at AgNp-5 it is near to standard value and low anti-bacterial activity at AgNp-10. Similarly E. coli has higher Antibacterial activity at AgNp-5 and low at AgNp-10(Higher pH) (Table 1) and (Figure 8).
Antifungal activity
In the antifungal activity as the concentration of AgNPs increases with the increase in anti-fungal activity On the other hand the pH increases with the decrease in the anti-fungal activity or negligible. The AgNPs have higher anti-fungal activity and maintains pH in the acidic medium. Anti-fungal activity of silver nanoparticles and its synergistic activity against A.N (asperigillus niger), P.C (Penicillin chrysogeum), C.A (Candida albicans) and C.O (Cladosporium oxysporum), these are having standard values and comparable with above anti-bacterial activity of AgNPs having different concentration and different pH. In this table A.N of antifungal activity of AgNp-5(higher concentration) shows highest anti-fungal activity and low antifungal activity at AgNp-10(higher pH).And in case of P.C shows their anti-fungal activity at AgNp-5 and negligible or zero antifungal activity at AgNP-8, AgNp-9, AgNp-10. Similarly in C.A AgNp-5 having higher antifungal activity and low or negligible activity at AgNp-8, AgNp-9, AgNp-10. And finally C.O having higher anti-fungal activity at AgNp-5 and low at AgNp-9, AgNp- 10 (Table 2).
We have successfully synthesized silver nanoparticles using capparis moonii fruit extract. The nanoparticles were characterized by UV, XRD, IR, and Particle analyzer techniques. The size of the particles was varied depending upon the pH and Silver nitrate concentration. The synthesized silver nanoparticles were screened for antibacterial and antifungal activities. All samples showed both antifungal and antibacterial activities. The activity was size dependent and showed highest activity to lower sized nanoparticles which is in agreement with the literature. We are currently exposing the anticancer activity of the synthesized nanoparticles.
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hidichi-things · 6 years
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FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Molecular Hydrogen is the master antioxidant that specifically targets the hydroxyl free radical and instantly converts it to water.
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Why can’t we get H2 from H2O?
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Why should I drink all of the prepared H2 H2O as soon as I open the bottle it is prepared in?
H2 will escape into any air space inside or outside your bottle. By drinking the hydrogen-rich water immediately upon dissolving, you get the benefits of the H2 inside your body instead of letting it escape into the atmosphere.
How many HydroActive™ H2 H2O tabs should I use daily?
Limited evidence exists to suggest the best dosing protocols of molecular hydrogen, however experience indicates a minimum of 1-2 tablets HydroActive™ H2 tabs per day. Very active people may use up to 6 tabs per day. Many find greatest effect by consuming 3-4 bottles of hydrogen-rich water per day for a few weeks, and either reduce tor increase after.
Are there any contraindications from ingesting HydroActive™ H2 H2O?
There is no risk of toxicity from the magnesium being ingested. Hydrogen gas does not cause toxicity at levels significantly higher than what the tablet produces. Hydrogen doesn’t build up in the body. Any excess is simply exhaled.
Can you overdose on HydroActive™ H2 H2O?
No. In fact some studies indicate more is actually better. Any excess hydrogen simply escapes as a gas.
Can I get the same benefit from food grade hydrogen peroxide?
Food grade hydrogen peroxide [H2O2] has no similarity to dissolved molecular hydrogen [H2]. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizer and is used as a bleaching agent and disinfectant. Molecular hydrogen [H2] is a reducing agent/anti-oxidant.
Does HydroActive™ H2 H2O have external uses?
Agricultural chemicals can be rapidly removed from food by soaking in H2 rich water. Foods cook faster with H2 water because of the penetrating power of H2. Benefits can be derived from bathing with H2 water.
Are HydroActive™ H2 Tablets explosive or combustible?
No. Just don’t get water inside your bottle of H2 tablets. It will heat up.
Why are HydroActive™ H2 tabs a more effective way to produce hydrogen-rich drinking water than alkaline ionized water, hydrogen sticks, or other water soluble or ingestible tablets?
Read more: http://bit.ly/2RvSjEB
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smallusername-blog1 · 6 years
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heydenblog · 6 years
Nitrification is a heat treatment in which the workpiece is put into the medium of a large number of active nitrogen atoms and, at a certain temperature and pressure, infiltrates nitrogen atoms into the surface of the steel to form a nitrogen-rich hardening layer.
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1. Nitriding can make the surface of the part more hard and wear resistant. Such as made of 38 crmoala steel hardness on the surface of the parts after nitriding treatment of HV = 950-1200, the equivalent of HRC = 65-72, and the high strength and high wear resistance after nitriding to 500-600 ℃, not significantly change. 2. Can improve fatigue resistance. As more compressive stress is formed in the nitrification layer, under the action of alternating load, the parts show higher fatigue limit and lower notch sensitivity, and the fatigue limit of the workpiece after nitrification can be increased by 15-35%. 3. Improve the anti-corrosion ability of workpiece. Due to nitriding, the workpiece surface forms a thin layer of phosphate phase with high chemical stability, which is highly resistant to corrosion in water vapor and alkaline solution. In addition, some of the molds can be nitrided to not only improve the wear resistance and corrosion resistance, but also reduce the adhesion between the molds and parts and extend the working life of the molds.
1. Gas nitriding Gas nitriding is the workpiece in a sealed space, ventilation with ammonia, heated to 500-580 ℃ heat preservation for several to dozens of hours. Ammonia in above 400 ℃ will occur following decomposition reaction: nh3-2-3 h2 + 2 [N], thus furnace has a large number of reactive nitrogen atoms, reactive nitrogen atoms [N] is absorbed by the surface of the steel, and the internal diffusion, thus forming the nitride layer. In order to improve the hardness and wear resistance of the nitriding usually nitriding temperature is 500-520 ℃. The residence time depends on the thickness required by the nitriding layer, which is generally calculated at 0.01mm/h. Therefore, it takes about 20-60h to obtain a thickness of 0.25-0.65mm. Raising the nitriding temperature can accelerate the nitriding process, but it will make the nitride aggregate and coarsening, thus reducing the hardness of the surface layer of the part. For nitrification to improve hardness and wear resistance, alloy steel containing Mo, A, V and other elements must be used in nitrification, such as 38CrMoAlA and 38CrMoAA. These steels are highly nitrogenous and contain various alloy nitride such as AlN, CrN, MoN, VN, etc. These nitride have high hardness and stability, and distribute evenly in the steel, so that the nitride layer of steel has high hardness and wear resistance. Cr can also improve the hardenability of steel, so that large parts can get uniform mechanical properties before nitrification. Mo can also refine grain and reduce secondary temper brittleness of steel. If ordinary carbon steel is used, pure ferric nitride will be formed in the nitrification layer. When heated to a higher temperature, it will be easy to decompose, gather and coarsen, and no high hardness and wear resistance can be obtained. Corrosion nitriding temperatures generally between 600-700 ℃, the decomposition rate is roughly in 40-70% range, residence time by 15 minutes to 4 hours, depth is generally not more than 0.05 m m. For corrosion-resistant nitrided steel, any kind of steel can be applied, and good results can be obtained. 2. Liquid nitriding Liquid nitrogen is a relatively new chemical heat treatment process, the temperature does not exceed 570 ℃, the processing time is short, only 1-3 h; And do not use special steel, test shows: 40Cr after liquid nitrification treatment than ordinary quenching and tempering anti-wear capacity improved by 50%; The anti - wear ability of cast iron was improved by liquid nitriding. Not only that, practice has proved that the parts treated with liquid nitrification have different degrees of improvement in fatigue and corrosion resistance. The high - speed steel cutter is treated with liquid nitriding, which can increase the service life by 20 ~ 200%. After liquid nitriding, 3Cr2W8V die casting can increase the service life by 3-5 times. The liquid nitriding surface is hard but not brittle, and has a certain toughness, not easy to spalling phenomenon. However, liquid nitrification also has disadvantages: for example, its nitrification surface layer is relatively thin, only 0.01 -- 0.02mm. Cyanide salt is used as raw material for liquid nitriding abroad, and non-toxic raw material for liquid nitriding has been used in China. Our non-toxic liquid nitriding formula is: urea 40%, sodium carbonate, potassium chloride, 30% and 20%, 10% potassium hydroxide (mixed salt melting point is 340 ℃ or so). Although liquid nitriding has many advantages, because of the toxic reaction of salt solution, it affects the health of operators and the waste salt is not easy to deal with. Therefore, with the use of increasingly restricted. 3. Ion nitriding Ion nitrification, also known as "glow ion nitrification", is a recently developed heat treatment process, which has the advantages of short production cycle, high surface hardness of parts, and the control of nitrification layer brittleness. As a result, in recent years domestic development is rapid, use range is very wide.
Ion nitriding is put the parts in vacuum ion nitriding indoor, nitriding parts of the cathode (negative) of high voltage dc power supply, electric furnace shell to the anode (the anode) of dc high voltage power supply, when the vacuum container filling the ammonia, but keep container pressure between 200-1000 pa, between cathode and anode plus 800-1000 v dc voltage, ammonia gas ionization and the gas after ionization effect, produce positive nitrogen cationic [N +] and negatively charged anion [N -], forming a plasma. Nitrogen positive ions in the plasma zone, under the high voltage electric field acceleration, quickly rushed to the cathode, the bombardment cleaning surface of parts to nitride, the kinetic energy into heat energy, also because of the nitrogen ions into a nitrogen atom, and release large amounts of heat energy and emit bright violet color, voltage when landing near the workpiece also generate heat, heat of these three parts were heated to need nitriding temperatures.
At this temperature, nitrogen ions react with the metal surface of the part, and nitrogen atoms infiltrate into the surface and diffuse into the interior, forming nitrification layers.
Characteristics of ion nitriding:
(1) rapid surface heating can shorten the heating and cooling time to one-tenth to one-twelfth. And the rest in addition to the processing surface heating at low temperature (100 ℃) condition, both saved the heating power and reduce the deformation of the parts.
(2) the diffusion process is fast. Under the action of high pressure electric field, since the movement speed of nitriding atoms is many times faster than that of gas nitriding and the infiltration speed is faster, it generally only takes 3-10 hours.
(3) the nitrided layer has good toughness, high fatigue resistance and wear resistance, and the brittle white cement phase (Fe2N) of the nitrided layer is controlled in the range of 0-0.2mm, thus eliminating the grinding of the nitrified parts.
The surface hardness is as high as HV900(HRC64), and the depth of nitrification layer can be mastered at 0.09 -- 0.87mm.
1. The salt bath nitrification furnace is simple in structure, low in price, easy to master in operation process and low in nitrification cost. However, the quality of nitrification is not high.
2. The gas nitriding furnace is complicated in construction, slightly expensive, slightly difficult in operation, but the nitriding quality is good, which can achieve deep infiltration layer and high hardness, but it takes a long time, and the amount of ammonia gas is also high
3. Ion nitrification furnace production and manufacturing process require a lot, the materials used are also very particular, the electrical control technology content is very high, and the overall requirements for operators are high, but the nitrification quality is the best, the infiltration speed is fast, and the nitrification cost is lower than the gas nitrification, which is a good development trend.
Take the one-time charging capacity of 400 kg as an example: the initial investment is as follows
Salt bath nitriding furnace investment in about 20,000 yuan
The gas nitriding furnace is around 40,000 yuan
Ion nitrification is around nine hundred thousand yuan
To achieve the same nitriding layer, the cost of ion nitriding is about 60% of the cost of gas nitriding (since nitriding in salt bath is difficult to reach the nitriding layer of gas nitriding and ion nitriding, so their operating costs cannot be compared).
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Hydrogen water bottle
Hydrogen water bottle
Why you should be drinking hydrogen-enriched water? Electrolysis can result in two types of water, one with higher concentrations of oxygen (acidic electrolyzed water) and one with higher concentrations of hydrogen (alkaline electrolyzed water). A. pH does not measure the concentration of molecular hydrogen (H2) only the ratio of H+ to OH- ions. This is why we recommend you put the stick in a personal water bottle and drink directly from it.
Another study at another place did analyze the water, and the people doing this study assumed the water in this study would have similar characteristics. Allow higher temperature of water - Most of the Hydrogen products only allows up to 40 celcius degree, while H2-PEN could allow up to 80 celcius degree of water. A. Yes, but not enough to skip purifying your tap water by other means.
Dr. Hayashi is the man who made water ionizing machines so popular back in the '80s. Hydrogen is the ultimate antioxidant for over 85% of the different disease models. A. Dr. Hayashi recommends replacing your Hydrogen Stick every six months for optimal benefits. In other words hydrogen fights oxidation (anti-oxidant), which is a source of aging and has been attributed to degenerative diseases in the human body.
We cannot tell you exactly what the pH of your water will be after using the stick because we do not know what the pH of your water is now or what kind of mineral content your water has. Use tap water or purified water only for this machine (do not use untreated water such as from a lake). Water into hydrogen-rich water. So it's acidic water, you can just put lemon juice in tap water and achieve a similar result.
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mywelocitybooster · 3 years
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Alkaline Ionized Water is by far the most superior drinking water available. Ionized Water is electronically enhanced water created through electrolysis. It is produced by running normal tap water over negative (cathode) and positive (anode) electrodes, which ionizes the minerals in the water creating positive (hydrogen) and negative (hydroxyl) ions.
Alkaline Ionized Water is negatively charged and alive with electrons, for which our bodies are starved. Along with its alkalizing and hydrating properties, Ionized Water is a liquid antioxidant, which is why it can be considered the best substance we can put in the body.
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mywelocitybooster · 2 years
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mywelocitybooster · 2 years
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mywelocitybooster · 3 years
Buder Alkaline Water Ionizer
Buder Alkaline Water Ionizer - 7 Plates (HI-TA 817) Energize your mind, body, heart and soul with the Award Winning Alkaline Water Ionizers from the World’s leading manufacturer- Maxell Ltd.
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HI-TA 817 Water Ionizer model is Buder’s most advanced technology piece of innovation from Hitachi Maxell. With 7 solid platinum-coated titanium plates, it results in the best electrolytic ionization process and produces a wide range of strong alkaline water to strong acidic water, pH 2.7- pH 10.50 without add-on chemicals. It's patented auto-reverse cleaning feature makes Buder HI-TA 817 the darling product for the sellers and consumers.
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Automatic reversed cleaning during Electrolyzing by 1/50 second. All “ BUDER” water ionizers are “MADE IN JAPAN” by “Maxell,Ltd.” (old “ Kyushu Hitachi Maxell, Ltd.”), and the electrodes are “Platinum Electrode plates” with ”Maxell,Ltd.” unique patent and High-End “Perfect Platinum PFC” Technology for electrodes surface treatment.
“Maxell,Ltd.” unique patent- “Perfect Platinum PFC” surface treatment Technology! The platinum electrodes plates are treated by very fine electroplating one time and then second time treated by Sintering. Sintering is an effective process to reduce the porosity and enhances properties such as strength, electrical conductivity, translucency and thermal conductivity.
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The platinum electrodes after two times surface treatment, the form of electrodes thickness are thicker than other manufacturer. It brings the best performance which is the best water ionizer in the world.Also the UF membrane mixed with silver carbon filter cartridges for our water ionizers are “MADE IN JAPAN” by “ Maxell,Ltd.” too.
“ BUDER” Water Ionizers are certified by TUV / ISO13485,” and the UF membrane mixed with silver carbon filter cartridges are certified by JIS / SGS, has the best quality in the world.
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mywelocitybooster · 3 years
Healthy Ionised Water by Welocity Booster
Japanese people live longer and are hardworking. And this leads them to the great path of success worldwide. They are the best in all fields whether it is technology, education, business or health they are at the extreme level. But the question is how?
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The reason behind their success is healthy practices in day-to-day lifestyle. With a healthy diet and exercise, they used to intake alkaline water. So, if they can why can’t we?
Water: - 
Booster Water is one of the most essential elements of the human body. Our body is made up of 70% water only. And it is also responsible for metabolic activities. Water has many forms and ionised water is also a form of one of them.
Micro clustered water: -
Micro clustered water or ionised water is one of the pure forms of water which also contains all the essential elements and minerals that are required by human body.
It has a pH higher than normal water
It is alkaline and has many health benefits.
Health Benefits of micro-clustered water: -
Micro clustered water or ionised water offers more health benefits than normal tap water or RO water. since it has smaller molecules than normal waterIt is absorbed by cells rapidly, aiding in quick rehydration and also providing quick energy.
It is more beneficial for those who work out, sportsperson, and athletes.
It contains minerals such ascalcium and magnesium which plays an important role in maintaining healthy bones and preventing osteoporosis.
It boosts our immune system. Thereby lowering the risk of various infections and diseases.
It also slows down ageing and provides glowing skin.
Improves gastrointestinal health and decreases the risk of cancer and heart disease.
We all know that ionised water is natural water that runs through rock and absorbs minerals and we cannot get it easily.
But after the research and lots of efforts of our team we are Introducing Hitachi water ionized by Welocity Booster based on Japanese technology,it will provide you with the natural water benefits of ions and minerals, it also purifies the water and Its platinum and titanium plates ensure that only good natural elements are there in the water for consumption. It makes the water alkaline with an increase in pH levels.
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Hitachi Maxell water ioniserprovides you ionised water as it is found in nature. The water enriched with the goodness of mother naturewill keepyour body hydrated for a long time will provide you energy and keep your brain active.
It also Purifies the water by removing the impurities from it using the pre filters
We should drink alkaline ionized water so that we live a long and healthy life like Japanese people.Ionised water is more beneficial than water in its natural form.
It's a saying that” a healthy brain only lives ina healthy body”,and for the healthy body we need to Intake water enriched with minerals and ions.
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mywelocitybooster · 3 years
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