#h*m*ph*b*s were right
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natsumeisu · 2 years ago
Why i have this intense urge to seek out for stupid gay love at night
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spoiledlbleach · 11 months ago
russian cyrillic alphabet for anyone who asked! it's gonna be hell of a ride but that's what you asked for kekw
So the cyrillic alphabet was based on the greek alphabet just like the latin alphabet and therefore theres a lot of greek letters in russian
disclaimer for reading rules (you can skip this part)
i need to mention that the russian letters denote sounds but in russian theres such a phonetical phenomenon called reduction and you can hear this as a part of russian accent in english when bed sound like bet, fog like foc, sob like sop etc (b, d, g & others at the end -> p, t, k). Also o, a, e vowels are pronounced differently in different parts of the word... And sadly for russian learners the stress on the words is flexible and changes bc of different reasons. And theres no way you can see stress marks on the words except if youre looking at them in the dictionary.. yeah. So if the pronunciation doesnt make sense thats why
There are 33 letters in russian alphabet. P.s. ['] means its a soft, palatalized sound, like british l in a word village
Аа - basic, its the 'ah' sound (Алфавит [ahl-fah-v'EEt] -> alphabet)
Бб - the capital letter looks like B without the head and the lowercase one looks like 6 for some. You were right when you thought that it looks like B because its the 'b' sound! (Буква [bOOk-va] -> letter, краб [crahp, no not crap] -> crab)
Вв - looks like B, right? that's a v. Imagine it like this emoji :B this silly lil guy looks like theyre saying vvvvv. (Вишня [v'EEsh-n'ya] -> cherry)
Гг - upside down L, its actually g, like a Бумеранг [boo-m'ee-rAHnk] -> boomerang. Another example, Гость [gohst']
Дд - that's a weird looking one, looks like a house and its Дом [dohm, not dom] in russian. Another example, друг [drook] -> друг
Ее - yeah. the pronunciation is yeah (Ель [yel'] -> spruce/christmas tree, деревня [d'ee-r'EHv- n'ya] -> village)
Ёё - the yeah brother! yo lmao (Ёж [yozh] -> hedgehog) its always stressed so no problems with that. btw if you ask me its the most hated letter. ppl dont put it where it should go and just leave e! wtf! its ё т-т)
Жж - looks like a bug and sounds like one. its zhhhh like in the word garage (Жук [zhook] -> bug, гараж [gah-rAHsh] -> garage, see the reduction there?)
Зз - ah yes the number 3. its the z sound actually (Змея [zm'ee-YA] -> snake, образ [OH-brahs] -> look, image, outfit)
Ии - backwords N is actually a vowel, its our ee sound! (Игра [EEg-rah] -> game)
Йй - и brother, the short и. its y- (Йогурт [yOH-gurt])
Кк - straight up k, always and ever, no example cuz its the same in every position and pretty straightforward
Лл - um... its an L.. idk how you should remember that... (Люстра [l'YOO-strah] -> chandelier]
Мм - an M (Медведь [m'eet-v'EHt'] -> bear)
Нн - you cannot laugh like that in russian, it would be not hahaha but nanana (Банан [bah-nAHn] -> banana]
Оо - oh (Облако [OH-blah-koh] -> cloud)
Пп - p sound (Папа [pAH-pah] -> papa, dad)
Рр - thats not p, its r (Русский алфавит [rOOsk'iy AHl-fah-v'eet] -> russian alphabet]
Сс - not c but s (Собака [cah-bAH-kah] -> dog)
Тт - T
Уу - not y but more like u/oo (Уже [oo-zhEH] -> already)
Фф - impaled o, almost like Q, yet it is ph/f (Фит [f'eet] = Fit)
Хх - never an x, its a h! xaxaxaxa
Цц - upside down п with a tail? erm alright its a ts (Цирк [tsyrk] -> circus)
Чч - upside down h, ch! (Что [shtoh] -> what, more like an exception; Человек [ch'eh-loh-v'EHk] -> person, human being, also чел is the way we say dude, also чувак [ch'oo-vAHk])
Шш - шшш quiet its a sh (Душ [doosh] -> shower]
Щщ - soft sh, sometimes transliterated as tsch or shch. jesus christ (Щека [sh'ee-kAH] -> cheek)
Ъъ - you cant pronounce that. its the glottal stop so you pronounce some sounds separately. like british water you would spell it with ъ in theory, waъer (Съел [s-yel] -> he have eaten; if there wasnt a ъ it would be pronounced [s'ehl] which mean he has sat down. different meaning)
Ыы - okay thats a tricky one. make this face 😬 and now make a sound. thats ы, ive marked it as y in the square brackets (Мы [my] -> we, us)
Ьь - cant pronounce that too. this one denotes the softness of the consonant sound
Ээ - ay without the y (=Эй)
Юю - you (Юбка [YOObkah] -> skirt)
Яя - ya, not backwards R (Яблоко [YAH-blah-koh] -> apple, Pommie ^_^)
Now try to write down your name or the name of a cc/npc/egg/other in russian ! you can leave them in the comments or in my ask box, id love to see you learning :D
some tips on transliterating:
ENGLISH w is generally у, can be в. q is к (qu is кв), j/g is дж, x is кс, h is г in the begging of the names/foreigh words like hannibal is ганнибал
SPANISH ñ is нь, pls google other cases
PORTUGUESE nh is нь, lh is ль, pls google other cases
general advice try transliterating like Fit -> Фит, so every letter/cluster of letters in the original language correlates with similar letter in russian. but in french portuguese and spanish you have to pay close attention to pronunciation, more than to the spelling cuz Ricardo will be Рикардо for spanish but Рикарду for portuguese etc etc
ok i hope you had fun with this long ass post ! ^_^
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years ago
Fri[day] 30 September 1836
7 1/2
12 20/..
No kiss finish morn[in]g (the flags wet) and F[ahrenheit] 48° at 8 1/2 - out 1/4 hour - then w[i]th my a[un]t – rath[e]r bet[ter] – h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d – the din[ner] bell hung
this morn[in]g - 3 masons beg[a]n the hall-cellar arch, and Booth help[in]g aft[er]w[ar]ds for 2 or 3 h[ou]rs - the arch
cov[ere]d in tonight bef[ore] they left off – Ingh[a]m and his man and boy at the dry-arch level[in]g and Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d and
his man Jos[e]ph gett[in]g up gard[e]n wall foot[in]gs and Rob[er]t Mann + 3 at the meer-head Spiggs wat[e]r
drain all the ab[ov]e (exc[ept] the masons) driv[e]n ho[me] by the r[ai]n immed[iatel]y aft[e]r din[ner] – br[ea]kf[as]t at 9 1/4 –
A-  [Ann] d[i]d h[e]r Fr[en]ch – h[a]d Mr. Husb[an]d ag[ai]n had ask[e]d h[i]m to wait till I wr[ote] my let[ter] (to Mar[ia]n in 1/4 h[ou]r
till 10 1/4) - and he st[ai]d till 11 1/2  plann[in]g stair-case wind[ow] – measur[in]g for it and gett[in]g hole made in the
wall – ga[ve] h[i]m 6d. to gi[ve] the guard of the mail as he pass[e]d the Lodge ab[ou]t 12, to ta[ke] ca[re]
to put my let[ter] int[o] the post at York - to ‘Miss Marian Lister Market Weighton’ - ‘Shibden hall
‘Fri[day] 30 Sept[embe]r 1836 - My d[ea]r Mar[ia]n - my a[un]t h[a]s g[o]t ov[e]r the night bet[ter] than we expect[e]d, b[u]t it does n[o]t seem
‘prob[able] that she can contin[ue] many days - she sp[ea]ks w[i]th diffic[ult]y, does n[o]t ta[ke] m[u]ch not[i]ce of anybod[y], and
‘app[ea]rs anx[iou]s to be as lit[tle] disturb[e]d as possi[ble] – w[i]th reg[ar]d to your com[in]g ov[e]r (we can accomm[oda]te your maid) I think
‘you qui[te] at lib[ert]y to consult your own feel[in]gs - I see no necess[it]y to compel, no duty to induce, no
‘comf[or]t to recompense your com[in]g - my a[un]t m[i]ght, or m[i]ght n[o]t be ab[le] to ta[ke] not[i]ce of your being w[i]th h[e]r –
‘I do n[o]t attach m[u]ch import[an]ce to any rem[ar]ks that may, or can be made by persons qu[ite] unac-
‘-quaint[e]d w[i]th the partic[ula]r circumst[an]ces of the case - It is diffic[ul]t for me to gi[ve] an opin[ion], b[u]t I th[in]k, and feel,
‘that, were I in your pl[a]ce, I sh[oul]d n[o]t co[me] - I am gl[a]d you ha[ve] sp[en]t 3 w[ee]ks so agreeab[l]y at Scarbro’ and
‘hope you ha[ve] rec[eive]d gr[ea]t benefit fr[om] the sea-breezes - Miss Walker joins me in love to yours[elf] and
rememb[ran]ces to your fr[ien]d – Bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r Mar[ia]n alw[a]ys aff[ectionatel]y yours AL- [Anne Lister]’ – aft[e]r Mr. Husb[an]d w[e]nt at
11 1/2 h[a]d Booth ab[ou]t the stair-case wind[ow] and chim[ne]y breast bring[in]g up fr[om] the cellar – H[a]d Rob[er]t Mann –
s[ai]d he h[a]d best leave the Spiggs wat[e]r drain job (rais[in]g the wat[e]r and bring[in]g it n[ea]rer to the old engine pit) and
the meer-drift job finish[in]g till we h[a]d drier weath[e]r - then h[a]d Jos[e]ph Mann ab[ou]t A- [Ann] ‘s Travellers Inn
wat[e]r gett[in]g job - Holt (Ja[me]s) nev[e]r ca[me] to Walker pit last Tues[day] in spi[te] of his prom[ise] – s[ai]d I w[oul]d wr[ite] to
h[i]m – m[u]st ha[ve] h[i]m or so[me]bod[y] else to look aft[e]r the concern - then w[i]th A- [Ann] and w[i]yh my a[un]t 1/2 h[ou]r - then
out ag[ai]n w[i]th the gard[ene]r – w[i]th the masons - in the stab[le] – h[a]d Sugden – w[i]th John Booth in the cowh[ou]se giv[in]g orders
and ab[ou]t till ca[me] in at 6 - the gard[ene]r to wr[ite] ab[ou]t a man to co[me] as soon as poss[ible] – h[a]s one in
view at 14/. or 15/. a week - Sugden ga[ve] £38 for the 4 y[ear]s old and £48 for the tall one - the
bet[ter] bred of the 2 b[u]t plain ab[ou]t the neck and 2 sm[all] splents and a boney excrescence on his
right und[e]r jaw-bone - and a wart on his right eyelid, yet warrant[e]d sound - yet a nice-
look[in]g pair for the mon[e]y - John Booth to get 2 bush[e]ls of oats extra for the 2 bays
and bran for them - and 200 st[ock] more hay – th[in]ks the pig may be kill[e]d the end of next m[on]th – sh[oul]d
ha[ve] oatmeal the last fortnight - will weigh 15 or about 16 st[ock] – 1/2 h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t till Mr. Jubb
ca[me] at 7 and sat by my a[un]t’s bedside 1/4 h[ou]r - he w[a]s here a lit[tle] bef[ore] 9 in the morn[in]g - my a[un]t’s pulse
120 last night, 96 this morn[in]g, and 84 tonight! I sat in the r[oo]m 1 1/2 h[ou]r this ev[enin]g aft[e]r din[ner] at 7 1/2
and coff[ee] upst[ai]rs and she really seems bet[ter] tonight – spo[ke] a lit[tle] - told me I w[a]s a ver[y] good
nurse - Just bef[or]e din[ner] A- [Ann] h[a]d Mr. Thomas of the firm of Thomas and Holt who are
mak[in]g her wat[e]r lane steam engine on a/c of w[hi]ch she p[ai]d h[i]m on Mr. Husbands’
writ[ten] recommendat[io]n £30 – fr[om] 10 1/2 till 11 wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today – whi[le] w[i]th my a[un]t skimm[e]d ov[e]r
tonights pap[e]r – Let[ter] fr[om] L[ad]y VC- [Vere Cameron] Braf[iel]d h[ou]se 3 p[ages] and one end – L[ad]y St[uar]t w[i]th her, and the 2 br[ace]
of moorgame s[e]nt aft[e]r h[e]r - the baby ver[y] fat and well d[itt]o d[itt]o V- [Vere] hers[elf] ‘the dean of Windsor,
‘my fr[ien]d L[ad]y Broadhead and Miss Cameron are sponsors - and she is to be call[e]d Vere Julia
‘or vice versa....’ Vere Julia! n[o]t interest[in]g to me - no news fr[om] the S- [Stuart] de R[othesay]s bey[on]d
Cologne - to stay 2 or 3 days at Coblentz - old L[ad]y S- [Stuart] does n[o]t kno[w] the add[ress] of the courier –
n’importe - Rain bef[ore] 11 and ver[y] rainy till it beg[a]n to clear ab[ou]t 3 p.m. and aft[er]w[ar]ds damp
b[u]t fair for the rest of the day aft[ernoo]n and ev[enin]g – F[ahrenheit]38° now at 11 5/.. p.m.
 pr[ices] of the 2 horses
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just-jordie-things · 5 years ago
Wisdom Teeth (part two) - Richie Tozier
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word count: 2930 warnings: swearing summary: Richie doesn’t remember all that much of what happened after his operation... but he does have a hazy memory of a kiss and it’s driving him mad. ___
When he came to, Richie wondered for a minute where the hell he was.  Because he definitely was not on his bed at home.
It only took a few seconds for his brain to wake up for him to realize he was at (y/n’s) house, sprawled out on her living room couch.  The thought brought a smile to his sore mouth, and he rolled onto his side, pulling the covers back over himself as he got comfortable to go back to sleep.
But as he switched positions, he caught sight of her.
She was passed out, and it must have been unintentional, because there was no way she would have willingly slept in the living room chair. Her body was balled up and her limbs were sticking out at weird angles, in ways that he knew were going to hurt when she woke up.
But she looked so precious when she was sleeping, and he hoped that he hadn’t worn her out too much.
He vaguely remembered the events of the day before.
Getting into her car with a lot of struggling, eating jello, a kiss, watching movies-
Richie shot up from the couch, and it was at that moment he figured he probably wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep.
A kiss!?
Had they kissed? Had she really kissed him?
He grabbed his glasses from the coffee table and rubs his eyes roughly before putting them on.
The memory was fuzzy, and he wasn’t sure if it really happened, or if he’d just dreamed about it.  Fuck he really hoped it was real, he really wanted it to be real.
(y/n) sat up straighter, all sorts of popping sounds coming from her as a result as she stretched and groaned.
“Jesus Christ,” She muttered, hands on her back as she tried to get the last of the cracks out.  “What time is it?” She asked Richie, who had just been sitting on the sofa, staring at her.
“Um- did I wake you up?” He asked, but she shook her head.
“No, I don’t think so,” She answered, rubbing her eyes before turning around to look at the clock on the wall.  “Oh my god it’s already noon, I hope you weren’t waiting up because of me” She said, getting up and stretching even more.
“No- no of course not, I just woke up” He assured.
He watched while she fixed up the cushion and the blanket on the chair to make it look better.
He watched her like he needed to study and memorize each of her movements.  And she wasn’t blind, she noticed how weird he was being.
“You alright?” She asked, picking up her pillow.
She’d managed to bring her pillow and blanket from her room to be comfortable watching movies last night, but didn’t manage to go back to her own bed when she started to grow tired.
“Um, yeah, yeah I’m… fine” Richie mumbled back.  He covered his awkward answer with a yawn and a stretch.
“And how are the holes in your mouth?” She asked, only kind of teasing.
“It’s not that bad, just dull pain,” He shrugged.  “I once almost got eaten by a demon clown, so..”
(y/n) laughed, holding her pillow close to her chest.
“I’m gonna take a shower, and then I’ll make breakfast?” She offered.
“What are you gonna make that I can eat?” He asked.
“Breakfast… smoothies?” She tried.
“Babe, please don’t ruin a bunch of good and decent regular food by blending it-”
“I was going to use fruit, dummy,” She retorted.  Richie shrugged, and nodded his head approval.  “I’m gonna shower now”
She left the room, heading off with her pillow and blanket, and still, Richie’s eyes were trained on her.
He could just ask about the kiss, but the idea of asking her that sort of thing made the hairs on his arms stand up and a chill of anxiety go down his spine.  What if it was just a dream and she thought he was lame?
Or worse.
What if it did happen, but only because she felt so bad for him, what if it was a pity kiss?
Richie scrambled up from the couch and practically dove for the telephone.
He dialed one of the only numbers he knew by heart, but only because he used to call it every day in the second grade.
“H-hello, this is-is B-Bill-”
“Yeah I know its fuckin’ you Bill you have a pretty telling voice”
“R-Richie?” Bill spoke, confusedly, through the line.  “H-how’d the sur-surgery g-go-?”
“It went fine, move on Bill, there’s bigger problems,” Richie cut him off again.  He didn’t have the patience to go through the pleasantries with him right now.  “I think (y/n) and I kissed”
“Y-you think?” Bill repeated, obviously confused by the statement.  “You d-don’t r-remember?”
“I was practically high!” Richie declared, whisper-screaming into the phone.
Bill was silent on the other end, and Richie was left to imagine the bored ‘really?’ face he was making.
“Okay, not high, but seriously, I don’t remember anything before the anesthetics wore off.  Not well, anyways.  It’s kinda blurry”
“Richie, y-ou’ve s-somehow remembered all the n-nights you’ve g-gotten w-wasted.  I th-think you c-can re-remember if you k-kissed-”
“I can’t tell if it was a dream!” Richie cut him off again.
“Y-you’re d-dumb.  J-just ask-”
“I’m dumb? Bill, I can’t just ask her if I kissed her”
“O-okay, sh-shut the f-fuck up.  Y-you called m-me,” Bill snapped, tired of not getting to finish a thought.  “I-I thought you l-liked her?”
“I do” Richie mumbled defeatedly.
“W-well then w-why not j-just risk it a-and ask?” Bill suggested.  “M-maybe sh-she likes y-you back?”
“What if she doesn’t though? What if it wasn’t real and she-”
“I’m p-pretty s-sure she does,” Bill argued.  “She w-was the one to p-pick y-you up from the hos-hospital, a-and you t-two are r-really close,”
Richie didn’t say anything, pondering the idea that (y/n) could return his feelings.  He liked thinking about it, reading into the things she’d say, the way she’d call him sweet names without really thinking, and she did tend to touch his arm more than necessary.
“Do you r-really h-have to th-think about it all w-while we’re s-still on the ph-phone…?” Bill asked awkwardly.  “I k-kinda have h-homework t-to do…”
“Yeah fine, bye Big Bill” Richie muttered, and placed the phone back on it’s holder.
He sat back down on the couch, trying to think as hard as he could about what happened yesterday.
“Why the hell do you want to marry me? Because I bought you jello?”
Her voice rang in his head, and he was sure that she’d said that.  The confused face she’d made a vivid image in his head, too vivid to have not happened.
“You’re al’th’o very pretty”
He remembered saying that.  Richie cringed at the compliment now, realizing how cringey he’d been when he’d flirted with her.  Usually he was pretty smooth, or at least funny.  That comment was neither.
“So!” (y/n’s) voice rang out as she came back into the room.  “Strawberry banana, or mixed berry?”
Richie turned to look at her.  She’d changed into a fresh set of clothes, and her hair was still kind of damp.  She looked really pretty, and he’d been right to tell her so yesterday.
“Rich?” She snapped her fingers in front of her face.  “You in reality, babe?” She asks, and she starts to laugh when he blinks rapidly to focus.
“Yeah, sorry.  Whatever you want to make” He answers, and she’s already heading into the kitchen.
“Strawberry banana it is” She decides.
He followed her into the other room, sitting at the counter while she gathered the ingredients for their breakfast smoothies.
And he just can’t bring himself to tear his eyes off of her.  Especially her lips.  If he had kissed her, he knew that her lips had to have been as soft as he imagined.  Like kissing a marshmallow-
Richie cleared his throat, trying to disrupt his daydreaming and get back on the right track.  Remembering.
“You sure you’re okay today?” (y/n) asked, dumping ice and fruit into the blender.
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He lied with ease, but she still doesn’t believe him.
Her eyes meet his, and she studies him for a minute, trying to figure out what he’s thinking.  But it’s hard, because even though she can read him pretty well, Richie Tozier’s a bit of a loose cannon.
“You’ve just been quiet,” She shrugs.  “And usually you don’t shut up” She adds playfully.
Richie rolls his eyes, but doesn’t say anything, so she starts up the blender.
He was still being weird, but she knew that he’d tell her what was going on in time.  Eventually he wouldn’t be able to hold it in, she knew, because it wasn’t the first time he’d let something bother him this much.
It was pretty easy to get on Richie’s nerves though, so (y/n) tried not to worry too much.  He probably just didn’t want to tell her how much his mouth really hurt.
They drank their smoothies in peace, and the quiet wasn’t too uncomfortable.  Richie relaxed as much as he could, and tried not to dwell too much on yesterday.  His memory would come back to him in a matter of time, he just had to wait.  And he figured spending the day with (y/n) would help trigger it.
They played games and watched movies, and she did what she could to keep his focus off of his mouth, as well as reminded him to take his pain medication.
It was nice to have a whole Sunday to themselves, just the two of them.  Richie wished that he’d had the guts to spend more alone time with her, but at least he had her all to himself now.
(y/n) liked having him over as well.  Even though he did whine about his jaw, and made more inappropriate jokes than usual.  He couldn’t help it.  However a part of her found it charming.
(Any of their friends would have made fun of her for thinking so.) ___
She drove him home that evening, since it was a school night and his parents were expecting him back.
It was a short drive, but the whole time his leg was bouncing anxiously in his seat.  To the point where it started to make (y/n) nervous as well.
It got to the point where she just couldn’t take it, and reached a hand over to place it on his knee, still his leg.
“What’re you thinkin’ about?” She asked softly, glancing over to him quickly, before looking back at the road.  “Are you worried about going home?”
She was well aware that Richie didn’t always get along too well with his parents, and it had been odd that they weren’t the ones to help him out after the surgery.  She assumed his nerves were because he didn’t want to go home to them.
When he didn’t answer, she looked at him again.
“Richie?” She called, thinking maybe he’d zoned out.  He’d been doing it a lot today, and again, she’d wrongfully assumed it was the pain.
“Sorry,” He finally spoke up, and let out a long sigh.  “I can’t seem to focus today”
“That’s okay,” She said, about to retract her hand, but Richie grabbed it before she could.
She cast him one more glance at the odd action, her worry increasing, but she didn’t take her hand away.
“You don’t have to apologize,” She added, folding her hand into his.  “And hey, if you want to come over tomorrow after school, I’ll kick your ass some more at Space Invaders” She added, trying to keep her tone as chipper as she could so the mood would lighten.
There was still a heavy tension in the car though, and it was completely Richie’s fault.  
(y/n) wasn’t sure what was going on with him, but it was starting to make her shoulders droop and she wanted a hole to open up beneath her and swallow her whole so that she didn’t have to deal with it anymore.
When they arrived at his house, she walked him to the door, as she always did, because she was polite like that.
With a sigh, she gave him a perplexed look, a nervous smile plastered on her lips.
“You know if they’re weird or something you could come back over,” She said, rambling a bit from her own nerves.  “You’d have to sneak in, probably through my window, and honestly please try to wake me up first because I will think that you’re a murderer trying to break in-”
“Okay, (y/n), calm down, I’ll be fine,” Richie cut her off because she was really starting to derail.  “I don’t mind staying here tonight, it’s no big deal”
She bit down on her lip, and nodded her head.
“Alright then,” She said softly.  “G’night, I’ll see you in the morning”
She forced a bright smile, before turning and heading off of his doorstep.
Maybe she just needed to go home, take a bath, and call Beverly to talk this through in order to calm her mind-”
“(y/n) wait!” Richie called, after she was already halfway down the driveway.
She spun around, a look of shock on her face from his outburst, but he continued yelling before she could say anything.
“Did I kiss you yesterday?” He blurted out before he could chicken out.  “See I- I keep on replaying it in my head and I just can’t fucking tell if it actually-”
“No,” (y/n) answered abruptly, walking back towards him.
Almost instantly, Richie deflated.  His heart sank to his gut and he frowned.
“That’s not what happened,” She explained.  “You told me that you wanted to get married-”
“Oh god” Richie muttered, hanging his head.
“-and then you told me that you were gonna get me to fall in love with you,” (y/n) continued to recall yesterday’s events as she walked back up to him.  “And then you admitted that you’d liked me since the second grade- very incoherently by the way-”
“Oh my fucking god,” Richie leaned his head back, staring up at the skies.  “If you’re up there, please, kill me now”
(y/n) giggled at his antics, and stopped just in front of him.
“And then I kissed you,” She corrected, softly.  “Is that what you’ve been all anxious about today?” She asked, a teasing smile on her lips.
Just like that, all the nerves that he’d passed off to her, disappeared.  She crossed her arms and cocked her head to the side.
Richie covered his face with his hands in embarrassment.
“Why are you so bothered? Did you not… mean it-?”
“No! I- of course I meant it!” He said quickly, and (y/n) nearly jumped at how quickly he’d declared so.  “I just- I feel bad that I… I didn’t remember”
A small smile quirked up on her lips, and she stepped forward, leaning up on the tips of her toes and pressing a light kiss against his cheek.
He dragged his hands away as she did so, revealing a pink blush on his face.
“You were all drugged up Richie, don’t feel bad,” She said sweetly.  “Had I known you’d been overthinking about that, I would have talked to you about it, or something.  I just figured it didn’t need to be talked about”
“Well I- I wasn’t sure and I didn’t want to uh… you know, ruin anything”
(y/n) grinned, a wide, cheeky grin.
She pulled his hands away from his face completely, and tugged on them just a little bit to pull him closer.
“Ruin?” She repeated, tilting her head to meet his downcasted eyes.  “Richie, you wanted to marry me yesterday, like, more than I’ve ever seen you want anything,” She explained, her wicked grin turning into a sweet smile.  “And I don’t- I don’t think that really ruins anything in my opinion,”
Bashfully, he looks at her, trying to hide his own smile.
“I didn’t think I’d get you all nervous though, Trashmouth” She teased.
“Jesus christ, fuck you,” He said, his tone too sweet for the words.
His hands pulled out of hers, only to grab onto her waist with one, and tuck the other behind her head, pulling her in close so he could lean down and slant his lips against hers.
He’d been right, her lips were soft like marshmallows.  And sweet like them too.
She pulled away after a moment, and she giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck.
“I’ll take you to that church now, if you’d like” She teased.
“You’re gonna make fun of me a lot, aren’t you?” He grumbled, gazing down at her affectionately.
“Oh, definitely.  I think it’s only fair, seeing as I dragged your ass all over the place yesterday.  Because you claimed you couldn’t walk”
“Nah, I just wanted your hands all over me,” Richie teased, leaning down to steal another quick kiss.  “I better get inside”
She bit down on her lip to keep herself from grinning like a lovesick fool, and nodded her head, dropping her hands from around his neck.
“Alright,” She said softly.  “I’ll see you later then, Rich”
He winked back at her as he opened the door.
“See you tomorrow, wifey” He retorted, and went inside before she could tell him for the millionth time they weren’t getting married.
But as she was driving home, she thought what the hell? Maybe he’s right. ___
taglist: @thegr8kush​ @lemonypink​  @darling-egg​
xoxo ~ jordie
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cocastyle · 5 years ago
The In-Between Chapter 3
Stranger Things x It Crossover
with some Bill Denbrough x reader
Word Count - 4,480
Warning - cursing? (if some people don’t like that kind of stuff)
A/N- chapter 3!! I know you all are excited for the Party and the Losers to meet, but that sadly will not happen until after the next chapter. this is because I have a certain plan for everything and right now, they just haven’t appeared yet. however, that does not mean the Party will not make certain appearances before the big meeting (an example being this chapter). anyways, I hope you all are having a great day and thank you for all the love and support!
if you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
T H E I N - B E T W E E N
Intro The Losers’ Club The Party Prologue 1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Epilogue
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“Shit," Y/N muttered in exasperation as she slammed her home phone down in frustration. Running a shaking hand through her hair, Y/N leaned against the kitchen counter as she tried to think of a solution to her problem. Her problem being that not a single member of the Party was picking up their phone.
Y/N stared at the phone hesitantly before picking it up and quickly dialing her friend's number. "Steve Harrington, I swear-" Y/N began to mutter, but she was once again met with no answer. She slammed the phone down even louder than earlier before slumping against the counter, her head falling into her hands.
This couldn't be happening. The Upside Down being back. Pennywise being back.  Mike being missing. . .
None of this was real. There was just no way.
For a moment, Y/N felt as if she was about to cry. The stinging feeling in her eyes as her vision began to blur ever so slightly only made her more frustrated, her body shaking out of both fear and stress. Fear for her friend and for anyone else that these two threats could harm and stress over how she was supposed to find a solution.
Without the Party, Y/N was the only one that understood how to fight back against the Upside Down. But much like the Losers had to fight together to be able to defeat Pennywise, Y/N and the Party had to do the same with the Upside Down.
How was she supposed to fight the same creatures that had been haunting her nightmares for years now without the very people who had helped her defeat the place not once but three times?
How was she supposed to save Mike?
"Y/N?" a small voice called out making the girl jump in surprise and turn to see both Eddie and Richie standing in the kitchen doorway. Eddie was looking at her in concern while Richie tried to play it off like he didn't want to be there even though they all knew he was worried for her too.
Y/N quickly wiped her eyes to get rid of the small tears that had started to form and plastered a fake smile on her face. "Oh, hey," she said as she waved ever so slightly at the two.
"Shit, you aren't crying, are you?" Richie asked, the tone in his voice making even him wince at his harshness although Y/N was unaffected.
Eddie whacked the boy and glanced over at the girl. "I think what Richie was trying to do was ask if you are okay."
"I don't know about-" Richie began, but Eddie was stomping on his shoe within a second, the boy stopping mid sentence to mutter a bunch of curse words as he hopped up and down on one foot.
"I'm fine," Y/N said, making both boys glance at each other before looking to her with their eyebrows raised. "Really, guys. I'm fine."
"Well, I'm fucking not. So if I'm able to tell you just how not fine I am, you should be able to do the same without lying to my face," Richie told her in slight annoyance as he walked over to stand closer to her, Eddie following right behind.
"Richie's right. None of us are fine and we all know it. Then we have Bill out there worrying more about if you're okay than if he's okay. We had to stop him from coming in here five times by the way since we knew you were on the phone. So don't give us the whole 'I'm fine' crap cause we know you aren't," Eddie said.
Y/N stared at her two friends in silence before she leaned her back against the counter with a sigh and let her head fall back into her hands. Richie was the first to go over to the girl which wasn't really a surprise to any of them. Richie may try to act like he didn't care about things, but when it came to Y/N or even any of his friends, he cared a lot more than he let on.
The boy's arms wrapped around her and Y/N let her body fall against his as her shoulders began to shake, tears filling her eyes. Eddie smiled sadly and walked over before hugging her from the other side and leaning his head on top of hers. Y/N instantly latched her arm on top of Eddie's and was quick to hold his hand as the three stood there comforting one another.
It took a minute, but Y/N eventually managed to stop crying and sniffles as she wiped her tears away. "I'm not fine," she admitted. "And I haven't been fine since the last night after the arcade."
"Why? What happened?" Eddie asked while Richie took his sleeve and helped wipe the girl's tears away. Eddie and Y/N both glanced at the boy and he rolled his eyes at the two before ruffling Y/N's hair just to mess it up and make a point.
Y/N let a small smile peak through and that was enough to make her realize that she could tell them what had happened, that she wanted to tell them what had happened.
"It was late last night, right before the storm hit. I was taking the trash outside to help my parents out when I heard something in the bushes across the street. I thought it was just the wind, but then something started to walk out of the bushes and the lightning flashed, revealing the one thing I thought I would never see again," Y/N told them. Her face paled slightly and for a moment it was as if she was seeing the events of last night all over again.
"A demogorgon."
"Demogorgon? You mean those things you have mentioned before? The ones you fought in Hawkins?" Eddie asked.
Y/N nodded and let her eyes flicker over to Richie, waiting for a snarky response to come from the boy, but all he did was watch her in silence, waiting for her to finish with her story. She let out a small sigh of relief at that and continued.
"It was like I was paralyzed, but then the thing started to come towards me and I snapped out of it and ran inside. Then came the freaky part cause I looked outside my window and instead of the demogorgon, I saw that thing, that clown," Y/N shuddered.
"You saw It?" Richie asked, his eyes wide.
Y/N nodded. "Yeah. Then the lightning kept flashing and all of a sudden both the demogorgon and It were together and with each flash they got closer and closer until they were just on the other side of the window. I was so freaked out that I screamed and fell back, but by the time my father came running in, they were both gone," she finished, her body shaking slightly just from retelling what had happened.
"Well, fuck. No wonder you were acting so weird all day. You were scared shitless," Richie muttered as his eyes flashed with concern.
"That's why you were so concerned about Mike," Eddie concluded causing the girl to nod.
"I wasn't sure if what had happened last night was real or not, so when Mike didn't show up, I got a little scared. It reminded me too much of what had happened to my friend Will back in middle school.  Then I saw that portal and fucking clown earlier tonight I knew what I had seen wasn't a dream and that Mike had been taken," Y/N explained.
"So that's why you're trying to call your friends. You're hoping they can help," Eddie realized.
"Exactly," Y/N said.
"Well what did they say?" Richie asked. "Were you crying cause of them? Did they say something?" He was starting to get a little defensive of the girl and for a moment she was reminded of Steve Harrington, the boy who was practically her brother.
"No, they didn't say anything actually because they didn't answer. That's why you found me crying—because I was so stressed about not knowing what to do," Y/N explained.
Eddie and Richie frowned, but they didn't get a chance to respond because there was a knock on the door. The trio turned to see Bill standing in the doorway, concern in his eyes as they flickered over the three before landing on Y/N.
"E-E-Everything okay?" Bill asked, although he was really asking to see if Y/N was alright.
"Not really," Y/N admitted. "No one's answering my calls."
Bill frowned and looked to the ground for a moment before looking back up at the girl. "W-W-Wait, today's M-M-Monday, right?" He asked.
"Yeah," Y/N replied, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Why is that-?" A loud gasp escaped her lips as a lightbulb went off in her head. "Billy boy, you are a genius!"
"What's so fucking special about Monday?" Richie asked as Y/N sped by the boys and out the door, but not before stopping to kiss Bill's cheek in a thank you.
Bill instantly turned red in the face and blinked a few times to get out of his daze before looking over at his friends. "S-S-Since it's Monday, Y-Y-Y/N has another way of c-c-contacting her f-f-friends," Bill explained. "However. . ." He trailed off and looked to the ground as he realized what everyone was going to have to do in order for her to be able to contact the her friends in Hawkins.
"I'm lost," Eddie muttered.
"M-M-Monday is the day Y/N t-t-talks to Dustin," Bill explained. "B-B-But she doesn't exactly c-c-communicate with him over the ph-ph-phone."
"What does she do? Write a letter?" Richie asked sarcastically. Bill just gave the boys a small almost apologetic smile.
"Y-Y-You'll see."
- - -
"You've got to be shitting me," Richie muttered as he stared up at the huge hills in front of them, the rest of the Losers all looking at the view in front of them with wide eyes as they realized they would have to climb it.
Bill and Y/N glanced at each other, both of them knowing how tired their friends would be by the time they reached the top. Y/N often hiked the small mountain, knowing it was easiest to reach her friend from up there, and Bill had even joined her on a few occasions so they both knew how difficult it was and just how much complaining to expect.
"Oh, it's not that bad," Y/N assured them as she tried to keep her voice as optimistic sounding as possible so that the Losers wouldn't give up hope.
"Y-Y-Y/N's right. We w-w-walk it all the t-t-time," Bill said.
The Losers all glanced at each other and Beverly sighed before nodding her head. "Then lets get going. This might take a while," she sighed.
Y/N sent the girl a thankful smile which Beverly returned. "Come on guys," Y/N said as she turned, tightened the straps of her huge backpack, and began to hike up the mountain. Bill quickly followed after her and Beverly began hiking only a few seconds after them.
It was no surprise that Ben went next as he hurried to catch up to Beverly. That left Stan, Richie, and Eddie. "I'm going to have a fucking asthma attack," Eddie muttered with a shake of his head as he took a puff of his inhaler and began to climb after the four.
"I can't believe we are doing this," Stan whispered to Richie, turning his head to look at the boy.
"Me either," Richie said as he looked up at the hills one last time. He took in a deep breath before slapping Stan on the back. "Come on, Stan the Man. Let's start moving or we'll never get up this fucking mountain."
Stan nodded and reluctantly began to walk up the hill with Richie by his side. "I mean, it can't be that bad," Stan pointed out before he glanced over at his friend. "Right?"
- - -
"I'm dying," Richie cried out as he plopped down on the ground on the top of the hill, his breathing fast and shallow. "I think I'm developing asthma cause my lungs fucking hurt. I can't breathe. I'm going to die."
"Shut the hell up," Eddie muttered with a roll of his eyes as he lightly kicked the boy who had laid on the ground by his feet. In Eddie's defense, Richie has been the one to lay there and he was being a bit of a prick.
Richie sent a glare in his friend's direction before reluctantly pulling himself up and turning to see everyone — except for him and Eddie — was watching Y/N as she rummaged through her bag and began to pull out equipment.
"What the hell is that?" Richie asked as he pulled himself up onto his feet. He walked over to where Y/N was, Eddie right behind him, before he scrunched up his nose in disgust and said, "Is that a fucking radio?"
"Yep," Y/N replied, not fazed by the person that was Richie Tozier.
"No offense, Y/N, but how is that supposed to help us?" Stan inquired.
"Yeah, didn't you tell us before that Hawkins is like a little less than a day's car ride away?" Ben questioned, everyone's eyes falling on the girl.
"Well, for starters, this radio is unlike any radio you have ever seen. Not only did I make it myself, but there are only two like it, one of them being this one while the other belongs to my friend Dustin who helped me make the radios. We made them one summer at science camp and they help with long-range communication," Y/N explained.
"So why did we climb this hill?" Eddie asked.
"Because the higher up we are, the better signal we will have," Y/N replied.
"What if Dustin doesn't have his radio on?" Beverly asked.
"That's where the whole it being a Monday thing comes into play. Dustin and I usually try and talk on the radios every Monday if we can. It's the only time I can really talk to my friends without any interruptions. And since it's a Monday, Dustin should be on. However, since we were at the Well House and the back at my house trying to call everyone, I missed the usual time we talk. So right now we are going on pure hope that Dustin is still there," Y/N told them.
"We're going off hope? Hope?" Richie asked, his eyes wide as he looked at his friends as if to confirm that they thought this idea was crazy as well. However, none of them seemed to agree with the boy. Richie rolled his eyes and let out a sigh, "This is fucking stupid."
"You know who else said that? Your mom when she gave birth to you," Y/N retorted before she proceeded to pretend to be the boy and let out a holler as she held a hand out to Eddie. Eddie snickered and high fived the girl while Richie frowned.
He could tell this was going to be a long night.
- - -
The night turned out to be just as long for the Losers as Richie has predicted, each of them so tired that their eyes struggled to stay open. The only thing keeping them awake was their fear for Mike and the sound of Y/N desperately talking into the radio and repeating every five minutes, "Guys? Dustin? This is Y/N. Does anyone copy? I've got a code red situation. I repeat, a code red situation. Over."
Besides Y/N, Bill was the only other person fully awake, both him and Y/N talking about nonsense as they kept each other awake and awaited a response. The others had all walked a little ways away to lay on the mountain-like hill as they talked, leaving Bill and Y/N by themselves.
This led to the two taking about anything they could think of, even going as far as for Y/N to open up to Bill about what had happened the previous night with It and the demogorgon. Bill had been a little upset that she hadn't told him, but understood seeing as she hadn't wanted to cause a panic when not knowing if what had happened was real or not.
But as the time drug on, the two slowly began to grow tired. Before they knew it, Y/N had found herself leaning against Bill and was struggling to keep her eyes open while Bill was resting his head on top of the girl's with an arm wrapped around her and his eyes closed.
Y/N let out a small sigh and spoke into her radio as she let out a tired yawn, "Guys? This is Y/N. . .again. Does anyone copy? This is a code red situation. I repeat, a code red situation. Over."
Just like the other times, she got no response. Y/N huffed and tried again, "This is Y/N. I have a code red situation. I repeat, a code red situation. Is anyone there? Over."
A groan escaped Richie's lips as he looked at the watch on his wrist to see that it was eleven o'clock. "That's it!" He exclaimed as he got up onto his feet, his sudden actions and booming voice startling everyone awake including Eddie who gave Richie a deathly glare.
Bill jumped from beside Y/N and his eyes shot open before he looked down to see just how close he had gotten to the girl while he was asleep. The two blushed slightly and sat up straighter before looking over at Richie.
"This is ridiculous!" Richie yelled. "They obviously aren't going to answer, so why are we wasting time when we could be using it to help Mike?"
The Losers didn't respond, each of them looking down as they realized Richie was right. Y/N, however, shook her head. "You don't get it, Richie," Y/N began, but the boy was quick to shake his head and cut her off.
"No, you don't get it, Y/N! That fucking clown has our friend and the longer It has him, the less likely it is that Mike is even alive!" Richie yelled.
Y/N frowned and got up onto her feet. "You think I don't know that? You have no idea what I've been through, Richie! The Upside Down is not something you want to fuck around with and I'm sure It is not any better!" she argued.
Richie let out a groan of disbelief. "You're seriously still going on about this? You know what, we shouldn't even be arguing right now. We need to save Mike because it's our job as his fucking friends to help him!" Richie yelled.
Y/N was seething at the point, the anger and fear coursing through her body only making her think irrationally. She opened her mouth to yell at her friend, but she felt someone lightly grab her wrist and tug on it.
The girl spun around and instantly softened at the sight of Bill. He gave her a small sad smile before whispering, "Y/N, Richie's right. I'm sorry, but we need to help Mike."
She hesitated at that, her eyes flickering over all of her friends as she realized they all agreed with Richie, that the longer they waited, the more harm that would come to Mike.
A small sigh escaped the girl's mouth and she gently pulled her arm away from Bill before hugging her body. She was just abut to open her mouth and give up when the sound of static filled the air. Y/N instantly turned at that, her eyes landing on her radio as a voice began to fill the air.
"Y/N? This is Dustin. Did I hear you say a code red situation? Over."
Y/N didn't know whether she wanted to cry or yell out in joy, so the sound that escaped her lips was a mix between a squeal and a sob. She rushed over to the radio and quickly picked up the com before pressing a button and spewing out at a hundred words a second, "Dustin! Oh boy, am I glad to hear you! Sorry for not being on earlier. I was a little busy. Yes, this is a code red situation. I repeat, a code red situation! I need you and the gang to get to Derry as quick as possible. Over."
There was a moment of static before Dustin said, "You're messing with me, right? You want us to go to Maine? That's at least a seventeen hour drive! Are you crazy? Over."
Y/N groaned in frustration while the Losers all watched her. "Dustin, listen to me. I wouldn't ask this of you all if I wasn't serious. Over," she insisted.
"Give me one good reason why we should come down there. Over," Dustin said.
The girl paused, her eyes flickering up at the look at the Losers who had all crowded around her before she glanced down and whispered, "They're back."
There was a long silence before Dustin's voice came through sounding both scared and confused, "What?"
"You heard what I said!" Y/N said as she raised her voice. "They're back and now my friend is missing just like what happened to Will all those years ago. I need you guys to come to Maine. Do whatever it takes to get here. Have Nancy or Jonathan or even Steve pile you all in a car and drive you here cause this is unlike anything we have ever seen, Dustin. And I can't. . .we can't do it without you guys. Over."
"Whose we? Over," Dustin said.
Y/N glanced over at her friends and they all looked at her expectantly. "You'll see," Y/N said into her com. "Does this mean you'll get the Party to come or what? Over."
There was a long silence, one that had Y/N practically rocking back and forth anxiously. Then the familiar sound of static filled the air before Dustin said, "Copy that."
Both Y/N and the rest of the Losers all let out a collective sigh of relief. "Hold tight and try and get as much information as you can about what's going on without getting into too much trouble. We're on our way. Over," Dustin said.
"Thank God," Y/N sighed. "See you soon. Over."
"Be careful, Y/N."
"You too, Dustin."
The connection went dead not even a second later and Y/N turned off the radio before turning to look at the Losers who were all watching her in silence. She pulled herself up onto her feet and gave them all a small determined nod, "Now let's go find Mike."
- - -
Loud knocking on his apartment door was not what Steve Harrington wanted to wake up to. Opening the door to see that the knocking belonged to none other than the little shit heads that he had someone frown to care about — he was still unsure how that had happened — well that was when he realized that was even worse than having to wake up when someone else was knocking.
Steve yawned and rubbed his eyes before leaning up against the doorway, his eyes squinting as he looked at the faces of Dustin Henderson, Mike Wheeler, Eleven Hopper, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair and Max Mayfield.
"You better be here selling Girl Scout cookies or I'm going to shut the door in your face," Steve warned.
"We're not here selling-" Steve didn't even let Lucas finish his sentence before he had slammed the door in the kids' faces. He let out a yawn and turned to walk away when the knocking suddenly came back, only this time more persistent than before.
Steve let out a small groan before opening the door and looking to the seventeen year olds in annoyance. "What could you possibly want at-" Steve paused to glance at the clock on his wall and let out a groan, "-one in the morning? You do realize you have school tomorrow and I have work, right?"
"School and work can wait," Max insisted. "This is more important."
"If it's not Girl Scout cookies then I don't know how it can be any more important than that," Steve sighed as he yawned again.
"It's Y/N," Dustin said, that simple sentence causing the older boy to freeze mid-yawn. Steve let his eyes flicker over to the boy and the look he gave him was one that told him to continue.
Dustin took in a deep breath before beginning his small speech that he had already given to the other members of the Party, "So I was supposed to have my normal conversation with Y/N like I usually do on Monday's, right? Well she wasn't there when I got on tonight which I thought was really weird so I changed frequencies and talked to Susie for a bit before going back to talk to Y/N. When I changed frequencies, Y/N was back on and talking about a code red situation. So basically, she really needs our help because the Upside Down is back and her friend has been taken. She needs us to drive to Derry, Maine like as quick as we can."
"Maine?" Steve asked his eyes wide. "That's like a seventeen hour drive at least!"
"That's what I said! But she really needs us, Steve. All of us," Dustin told him. "Jonathan and Nancy already can't come and Robin is out of town, so you're our last person we decided to come and recruit before we end up driving ourselves all the way to Maine."
"Listen, Dustin, I've got work and-"
"It's Y/N," Dustin said, his voice raising slightly in anger. "Our best friend. She's done anything and everything that she could for us and right now, she needs us to return the favor. Don't act like you aren't sure if you can come because I'm calling bullshit! the two of you were closer than anyone else! You are practically family! She needs you, Steve! So stop being an asshole, go put some clothes on, and get in the fucking car!"
Steve blinked in surprise at Dustin's little outburst before relaxing slightly and nodding. Dustin was right. Y/N needed him. The boy let out a small sigh and turned to walk back into his apartment.
"I'll get the bat."
* * *
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woollyslisterblog · 5 years ago
1834 May Thursday 7th (part two)
asleep ab[ou]t 1/2 h[ou]r out ag[ai]n at 2 3/4 - off to Lightcliffe at 3 - then in 40 min[ute]s sat w[i]th Mr and Mrs W[illiam] Priest[le]y (Mrs W[ilia]m H Rawson and 2 of her d[au]ghters there the 1st 10 min[ute]s) till 4 - Mr P[riestley] w[a]s evid[entl]y a lit[tle] embarrass[e]d thank[e]d me for my call - we were tete a tete the last 10 min[ute]s – talke[d] of the alterat[ion]s at Shibden - there 20 min[ute]s - then W[illia]m H Rawson there all the ti[me] and left them there - then 20 min[ute]s at Lidg[a]te gett[in]g out a few th[in]gs to go to York by Matt[hew] -
Sarah's d[au]ghter tak[e]n ill last night - Mr Robins[o]n call[e]d in this morn[in]g - put 7 leeches on her temples – afr[ai]d of inflam[m]at[io]n on the brain; b[u]t the girl m[u]ch bet[ter] this aft[ernoo]n –
saunt[ere]d thr[ough] my walk - (h[a]d stopt a few min[ute]s talk[in]g to Mr Geo[rge] Robins[o]n ab[ou]t the wat[e]r - ready to try the matt[e]r at York any ti[me] - to tell Mr. Jos[e]ph Wilkins[o]n thus very civ[ill]y b[u]t the wat[e]r on as fast as he turn[e]d it off) Jos[e]ph weed[in]g oppos[i]te the hut all the aft[ernoon] - h[a]d g[o]t on ver[y] well -
at ho[me] at 6 1/4 – din[ner] at 6 3/4 - coff[ee] Matt[hew] bet[ter] tonight b[u]t determ[ine]d n[o]t to s[e]nd h[i]m to York till Sat[urday] - ca[me] to my study at 8 wr[ote] the last 11 lines - fr[om] 8 1/4 to 9 wr[ote] and s[e]nt off by Jos[e]ph 3 pp to ‘Miss Walker, Heworth Grange, York’ ment[io]n my calls of this aft[ernoo]n and ab[ou]t Sarah’s d[au]ghter be[in]g taken ill last night h[a]d Mr Robins[o]n twice this morn[in]g - 7 leeches on h[e]r temples, and b[o]th to keep head cool and medicine - bet[ter] this aft[ernoo]n - I saw h[e]r - go[in]g on well - will wr[ite] ag[ai]n tomor[row] ev[enin]g - bet[ter] n[o]t na[me] it to Sarah till aft[er] hear[in]g fr[om] me ag[ai]n - will s[e]nd Matt[hew] off on Sat[urday] morn[in]g if he is well w[hi]ch I hope and expect –
h[a]d Mark Town fr[om] 9 till 9 50/60 – mention[e]d hav[in]g look[e]d at the hang[in]g hay - n[o]t laid d[o]wn right - n[o]t clean[e]d – nev[e]r plough[e]d at all s[in]ce my fath[e]r plough[e]d it - the oats will n[o]t ma[ke] m[u]ch – decline then for lett[in]g him ha[ve] an[y] mo[re] land - he h[a]s qui[te] en[ou]gh – b[u]t will see ab[ou]t a sm[all] cow h[ou]se for h[i]m in the course of ab[ou]t a m[on]th in w[hi]ch ti[me] he w[oul]d like to ha[ve] it -
let[ter] 3 pp tonight (newspaper n[o]t co[me]) fr[om] Miss W-[Walker] York - n[o]t to s[e]nd Jos[e]ph - if Matt[hew] is n[o]t well en[ou]gh to s[e]nd, can do without h[i]m - Smith bet[ter] and can go to the post off[i]ce - Is she to pack her th[in]gs for leas[in]g the lodg[in]g or n[o]t bef[ore] I go to h[e]r - Wilson b[oo]ksell[e]r wr[ite]s her word he h[a]d g[o]t for me a Juvenal Lubini - Is he to s[e]nd it to Miss W- [Walker]? Yes! –
1/4 h[ou]r w[i]th my a[un]t - bad night last night - poorly tonight and all day - fine day -warm b[u]t n[o]t m[u]ch sun - F62 1/2° in my study now at 10 ½ p.m. -
Oh dear Mark Town still not cutting it as a farmer. I wonder if he will get his cow house. Still tense between and her former close friends the Priestleys. This is probably all from me as this weekend is an orchestral one. Posted in Dublin airport of all places.
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years ago
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Book Of Genesis - From The Latin Vulgate (1859 - Haydock Translation of The Roman Catholic Bible) - Chapter 23
The Hebrews now entitle all the Five Books of Moses, from the initial words, which originally were written like one continued word or verse; but the Sept. have preferred to give the titles the most memorable occurrences of each work. On this occasion, the Creation of all things out of nothing, strikes us with peculiar force. We find a refutation of all the heathenish mythology, and of the world’s eternity, which Aristotle endeavoured to establish. We behold the short reign of innocence, and the origin of sin and misery, the dispersion of nations, and the providence of God watching over his chosen people, till the death of Joseph, about the year 2369 (Usher) 2399 (Sal. and Tirin) B.C. 1631. We shall witness the same care in the other Books of Scripture, and adore his wisdom and goodness in preserving to himself faithful witnesses, and a true Holy Catholic Church, in all ages, even when the greatest corruption seemed to overspread the land. H.
This Book is so called from its treating of the Generation, that is, of the Creation and the beginning of the world. The Hebrews call it Bereshith, from the word with which it begins. It contains not only the History of the Creation of the World, but also an account of its progress during the space of 2369 years, that is, until the death of Joseph.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin. HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock’s notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock’s Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers’ marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as .
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (½) and three-quarters symbol (¾) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber’s copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 23
Sara's death and burial in the field bought of Ephron.
[1] And Sara lived a hundred and twenty-seven years. Vixit autem Sara centum viginti septem annis.
[2] And she died in the city of Arbee which is Hebron, in the land of Chanaan: and Abraham came to mourn and weep for her. Et mortua est in civitate Arbee, quae est Hebron, in terra Chanaan : venitque Abraham ut plangeret et fleret eam.
[3] And after he rose up from the funeral obsequies, he spoke to the children of Heth, saying: Cumque surrexisset ab officio funeris, locutus est ad filios Heth, dicens :
[4] I am a stranger and sojourner among you: give me the right of a burying place with you, that I may bury my dead. Advena sum et peregrinus apud vos : date mihi jus sepulchri vobiscum, ut sepeliam mortuum meum.
[5] The children of Heth answered, saying: Responderunt filii Heth, dicentes :
[6] My Lord, hear us, thou art a prince of God among us: bury thy dead in our principal sepulchres: and no man shall have power to hinder thee from burying thy dead in his sepulchre. Audi nos, domine : princeps Dei es apud nos : in electis sepulchris nostris sepeli mortuum tuum, nullusque te prohibere poterit quin in monumento ejus sepelias mortuum tuum.
[7] Abraham rose up, and bowed down to the people of the land, to wit the children of Heth: Surrexit Abraham, et adoravit populum terrae, filios videlicet Heth :
[8] And said to them: If it please your soul that I should bury my dead, hear me, and intercede for me to Ephron the son of Seor. dixitque ad eos : Si placet animae vestrae ut sepeliam mortuum meum, audite me, et intercedite pro me apud Ephron filium Seor :
[9] That he may give me the double cave, which he hath in the end of his field: for as much money as it is worth he shall give it me before you, for a possession of a burying place. ut det mihi speluncam duplicem, quam habet in extrema parte agri sui : pecunia digna tradat eam mihi coram vobis in possessionem sepulchri.
[10] Now Ephron dwelt in the midst of the children of Heth. And Ephron made answer to Abraham in the hearing of all that went in at the gate of the city, saying: Habitabat autem Ephron in medio filiorum Heth. Responditque Ephron ad Abraham, cunctis audientibus qui ingrediebantur portam civitatis illius, dicens :
[11] Let it not be so, my lord, but do thou rather hearken to what I say: The field I deliver to thee, and the cave that is therein, in the presence of the children of my people, bury thy dead. Nequaquam ita fiat, domine mi, sed tu magis ausculta quod loquor. Agrum trado tibi, et speluncam quae in eo est, praesentibus filiis populi mei; sepeli mortuum tuum.
[12] Abraham bowed down before the people of the land, Adoravit Abraham coram populo terrae.
[13] And he spoke to Ephron, in the presence of the people: I beseech thee to hear me: I will give money for the field: take it, and so I will bury my dead in it. Et locutus est ad Ephron circumstante plebe : Quaeso ut audias me : dabo pecuniam pro agro : suscipe eam, et sic sepeliam mortuum meum in eo.
[14] And Ephron answered: Responditque Ephron :
[15] My lord, hear me. The ground which thou desirest, is worth four hundred sicles of silver: this is the price between me and thee: but what is this? bury thy dead. Domine mi, audi me : terra, quam postulas, quadringentis siclis argenti valet : istud est pretium inter me et te : sed quantum est hoc? sepeli mortuum tuum.
[16] And when Abraham had heard this, he weighed out the money that Ephron had asked, in the hearing of the children of Heth, four hundred sicles of silver of common current money. Quod cum audisset Abraham, appendit pecuniam, quam Ephron postulaverat, audientibus filiis Heth, quadringentos siclos argenti probatae monetae publicae.
[17] And the field that before was Ephron's, wherein was the double cave, looking towards Mambre, both it and the cave, and all the trees thereof in all its limits round about, Confirmatusque est ager quondam Ephronis, in quo erat spelunca duplex, respiciens Mambre, tam ipse, quam spelunca, et omnes arbores ejus in cunctis terminis ejus per circuitum,
[18] Was made sure to Abraham for a possession, in the sight of the children of Heth, and of all that went in at the gate of his city. Abrahae in possessionem, videntibus filiis Heth, et cunctis qui intrabant portam civitatis illius.
[19] And so Abraham buried Sara his wife, in a double cave of the field, that looked towards Mambre, this is Hebron in the land of Chanaan. Atque ita sepelivit Abraham Saram uxorem suam in spelunca agri duplici, quae respiciebat Mambre. Haec est Hebron in terra Chanaan.
[20] And the field was made sure to Abraham, and the cave that was in it, for a possession to bury in, by the children of Heth. Et confirmatus est ager, et antrum quod erat in eo, Abrahae in possessionem monumenti a filiis Heth.
Ver. 1. Sara. She is the only woman whose age the Scripture specifies; a distinction which her exalted dignity and faith deserved. Gal. iv. 23. Heb. xi. 11. She was a figure of the Christian Church. C.
Ver. 2. City. Heb. Cariath arbah, Jos. xiv. 15. --- Which is Hebron. Serarius thinks it took its name from the society (cherber) between Abraham and the princes of the city. Hebron the son of Caleb possessed it afterwards. --- Came from Bersabee, (G. xxii. 19.) or to the place where the corpse lay, at Arbee, which signifies four; as Adam, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, with their four wives, reposed there. C. --- And weep. In the middle of this word, in the printed Hebrew, there is left a small c; whence the Rabbins ridiculously infer, that Abraham wept but a short time. But the retaining of greater, less, suspended and inverted letters in the Hebrew Bible, can be attributed to no other cause than a scrupulous veneration even for the faults of transcribers. Kennicott
Ver. 3. Obsequies, or solemn mourning, accompanied with prayer. Acts viii. 2. Matt. xii. The Jews are still accustomed to say, when they bury their dead, "Ye fathers, who sleep in Hebron, open to him the gates of Eden;" herein agreeing with the Catholic doctrine, as they did in the days of Judas the Machabee. H.
Ver. 6. Prince of God, powerful and holy, and worthy of respect. H. --- A great prince. See Acts vii. 5. where S. Stephen says, that God did not give Abraham a foot of land, meaning as an inheritance; and that Abraham bought this double cave, for a sepulchre, of the sons of Hemor, the son of Sichem; (C.) from which latter he seems to derive the name of the place, which is here called Hebron. H. --- Nothing is more common, than for men and places to have two names; though some think, the name of Abraham has been inserted in the Acts by a mistake of the copyists, when Jacob was meant. See G. xxxiii. 19. C.
Ver. 7. Bowed down to the people. Adoravit, literally, adored. But this word here, as well as in many other places in the Latin Scriptures, is used to signify only an inferior honour and reverence paid to men, expressed by a bowing down of the body.
Ver. 16. Sicles. About £50. H. --- It was no simony to buy land for a sepulchre, as it was not blessed. M. --- Current money, was such as passed among merchants, though probably not yet coined in any part of the world; and therefore we find, that Abraham and others weigh the pieces of silver or gold. In this manner were bargains concluded before witnesses, who in those days supplied the want of writings and lawyers. C.
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undertale-rho · 6 years ago
Underearth: Book 1 - Chapter 23
The inside of the laboratory was dark. The only light that Frisk could see was from a massive monitor screen that appeared to be displaying... him? Frisk continued further inside, hoping to find the exit before something found him. Clinging to the right wall, he crept further and further into the lab. A bit further in, he heard a door open, causing him to freeze in place. A second later and the lights turned on. Right in front of him was a large yellow lizard, about Frisk's size. It wore a white lab-coat, a bra, panties, and glasses. After turning on the lights, they went to observing whatever was on a clipboard in their left hand before looking up and spotting Frisk.
"Oh. My god." she said, dropping the clipboard on the ground. "I didn't expect you to show up so soon! I haven't showered, I'm barely dressed, it's all messy, and..." she turned around and stayed silent for a moment before turning her head back to face Frisk. "Ummm... H-h-hiya!" she turned around fully, the lab-coat now fully buttoned up. "I'm Dr. Alphys. I'm Asgore's Royal Scientist! B-b-but, ahhhh, I'm not one of the 'bad guys'!" She stuttered as she spoke, tripping over words all awkwardly. "Actually, since you stepped out of the Citadel, I've, um... been 'observing' your journey through my console. Your fights... Your friendships... Everything!"
Frisk looked back at the large monitor he saw as he walked in, still displaying a live image of him.
"I was originally going to stop you, but... Watching someone on a screen really makes you root for them. S-so, ahhh, now I want to help you! Using my knowledge, I can easily guide you through the Hotlands! I know a way right to Asgore's palace, no problem!"
She stopped for a moment, crouching down a bit to pick up the clipboard.
"Well, actually, umm, there's just a tiny issue."
"What is it?" Frisk responded.
"A long time ago, I made a robot named Mettaton. Originally, I built them to be an entertainment robot. Uh, you know, like a robotic TV star or something. Anyway, recently I decided to make them more useful. You know, just some small practical adjustments. Like, um..."
She began tripping over her words again.
"Like what?" Frisk questioned, a bit annoyed.
"Anti... anti-Human combat features?"
Frisk couldn't believe it. It's as though everything down here has a side purpose of slaughtering Humans. And that self-rightious 'Undyne' called me a murderer.
"Of c-course, when I saw you coming, I immediately decided... I have to remove those features! Unfortunately, I may have made a teensy mistake while doing so, and, um... Now he's an unstoppable killing machine with a thirst for Human blood?" She then gave out an awkward laugh before getting back on track. "But, ummm, hopefully we won't run into him!"
Just as she finished saying that, there was a loud banging sound.
"D-did you hear something?"
Another banging sound.
I swear, if that's this 'Mettaton', I'm gonna be pissed.
Another few banging sounds.
"Oh no." Alphys said before a large explosion happened and all the lights went out.
"OHHHH YES!" Frisk heard a new, unfamiliar voice. "WELCOME, BEAUTIES..." A spotlight turned on to reveal a rectangular metal box on a singular wheel, four dials on the bottom, an array of massive pixels on the top-mid, and two arms sprouting out the sides. "TO TODAY'S QUIZ SHOW!!!"
Music began playing as lesser spotlights came down, covering the lab in colored lights.
As Mettaton began clapping, confetti fell from the ceiling onto Frisk. "NEVER PLAYED BEFORE, GORGEOUS? NO PROBLEM! IT'S SIMPLE! THERE'S ONLY ONE RULE. ANSWER CORRECTLY... OR YOU DIE!!!"
While Frisk had never been on a game show before, he wasn't particularly in the mood at the current time.
"LET'S START WITH AN EASY ONE!!" Mettaton began. #1: What's the prize for answering correctly? A: Money B: Mercy C: New car D: More questions
It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that D was the blatantly correct choice.
"D" Frisk said confidently.
#2: What's the king's full name? A: Lord Fluffybuns B: Fuzzy Pushover C: Asgore Dreemurr D: Dr. Friendship
Frisk remembered that Undyne called him Asgore Dreemurr, which sounded like the most correct out of all the options anyway.
#3: What are robots made of? A: Hopes & Dreams B: Metal & Magic C: Snips & Snails D: Sugar & Spice
He knew that Metal was involved, but he wasn't sure if Humans used magic in their robotic creations.
#4: Two trains, Train A and Train B, simultaneously depart Station A and Station B. Station A and Station B are 252.5 miles apart from each other. Train A is moving at 124.7mph towards Station B, and Train B is moving at 253.5mph towards Station A. If both trains departed at 10:00AM and it is now 10:08, how much longer until both trains pass each other? A: 31.054 minutes B: 16.232 minutes C: 32.049 minutes D: 32.058 minutes
Easy? You call this easy? I can't even remember half of what was said!!
Oh yeah, like 30 seconds is enough time to figure out a physics question!
"TIME'S UP!" Mettaton shouted as a bolt of lightning extended from his finger and hit Frisk straight in the chest, sending him flying into the wall behind him.
Frisk fell to the ground, coughing up blood and, in another second, vomiting onto the floor. His chest burned, but, like all forms of attacks he'd encountered so far, not a single mark was found.
Frisk looked up at Mettaton, his vision all blurry.
#9: In the dating simulation video game 'Mew Mew Kissy Cutie', what is Mew Mew's favorite food?
Before Mettaton could finish reading the question, Alphys interupted him and started shouting the answer. After a minute, Mettaton stepped back in and began scolding her.
#?: Who does Dr. Alphys have a crush on? A: Undyne B: Asgore C: You, the Human D: You don't know
Frisk, fighting through the headache that now plagued him, thought back. Undyne spoke of Alphys, though this could simply be idle speculation, and perhaps just one-sided if that were the case. Asgore was an unknown variable. He himself was out of the question for him. The most correct answer would be D. But, whatever it may be, perhaps curiosity, Frisk chose a different answer.
As soon as Frisk had said that, Alphys turned as red as a lobster while Mettaton spoke down to her.
I did?
Mettaton rolled back away from Alphys towards Frisk.
And with that, Mettaton blasted off through the roof of the lab, heading further into the mountain, no doubt.
A silence rung over the lab for a few minutes before Alphys finally spoke up.
"Well that was certainly something."
Frisk began walking towards the exit of the lab.
"Wait, wait!" Alphys called out to Frisk. "Let me give you my ph-phone number! Th-then... m-maybe... If you need help, I could..."
As she spoke, Frisk pulled out his phone. When Alphys saw it, she was shocked.
"Wh... where'd you get that phone!? It's ANCIENT! It doesn't even have texting. W-wait a second, please!"
She then grabbed the phone out of his hand and ran off up a conveyer belt. He then heard a load of mechanical sounds coming from the floor above before Alphys finally came back.
"Here," She said, handing Frisk back his phone "I upgraded it for you! It can do texting, items, it's got a key chain... I even signed you up for the Underground's #1 social network! Now we're officially friends!"
Great, just what I've always wanted. To be friends with *those* kinds of people.
Alphys then gave out a very awkward laugh before going silent for about a minute before saying something about a bathroom and running off.
With Alphys finally out of the way, Frisk continued out of the lab.
A Whole New World : Quiz Show
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sleeplesscitizen · 6 years ago
Happy Bun noises! He's helping for once! || Akira || Trial 3-2 || Re: Yajiro, Fukai Attn: Yajiro
Akira flinched again when Chika finally spoke up, yelling at everyone about her being innocent. He turned from her and continued to listen to everyone speak- mostly Yajiro.
He perked up after the puzzle master finished and picked up the egg timer again- quickly winding it a bit before placing it back down. "I-If... it was... f-flint then..." He paused for a moment, staring at the timer.
When the timer went off a moment later, there was no sound but the bunny did hop in place on the base of it, enough to make a small thump noise.
"Th-they... c-could've put the flint... between the base a-and the bunny..." he gently pulled on the rabbit- lifting it from the base just a little, enough to slide something between it. "Th-the timers can... b-bet set for... Three hours. They c-could've... easily be s-set up a-ahead of time..."
The locks were brought up and he perked up again. "Y-you're right, Nobira-san...! Th-they came f-from Domino's S-Speedy Bike a-and Repairs Shop..." Similar to Yajiro, Akira somehow produced one of said locks, still in the package. "F-five of them locked u-us from the b-bomb site t-too... W-we had to... f-find how to... r-reset the codes to g-get in."
Akira heard the question directed at how different they felt in the bodies and he shifted awkwardly in his spot. "I-It's... the same w-with me... Th-this body is... a lot heather than m-mine... Th-the stuttering w-wasn't ph-physical... s-so I guess... th-that's why i-it's here..." He lifted his hand as well, seeing how it wasn't shaking in the slightest even though he knew he was terrified. "I-I... also d-don't r-react a-as much to... n-negative emotions... I g-guess i-i'm getting a lot of..." he paused trying to think of the word.
"H-happy... chemicals..." He didn't even try. Embarrassed bun noises as he looks back to the ground, finishing what he wanted to say.
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losers-witch · 7 years ago
shut up (eddie kaspbrak)
anonymous asked:
can you do an Eddie x Reader where the reader is Bill’s cousin and she moves in with Bill’s family and she and Greta makes fun of her for her family issues and eddie defends her? thanks!
thanks for the request! i had the idea right away! again, this is very early into the summer so mike, ben, or beverly won’t be coming in yet, sorry :( also, i have headcanons in mind but does anybody have requests for headcanons? anyways, enjoy the story!
pair: eddie x reader
prompts | request here
it masterlist
“bill here will show you around derry, won’t you billy?” your aunt gave you a big, almost fake, smile and you gave her a sheepish one back.
“y-yeah, y-you c-c-can c-come m-meet m-my f-f-friends!” bill gave you a warmer smile, one that actually made you feel better about moving.
your mom and dad recently got a divorce and your mom didn’t have a job to generate money for the both of you so, she called your aunt and she arranged for you to come and live in derry with your cousin bill. you got to derry on friday but it took you two days to get settled in. 
the last time you saw him was when georgie died, which wasn’t too long ago but you only stayed in derry for a day. not that much time to actually see derry when you’re being faced with a casket holding your sweet, little cousin.
“sounds great!” you say to bill and you noticed your aunt walked off already. “when?”
“r-r-right n-now, a-actually. w-we’re g-g-going t-to h-hang o-out b-by th-the q-q-qua-quarry.”
“that sounds fun, even though i don’t know what that is,” you laugh and bill motioned you to follow him. he led you out of the house and towards his bike. 
“y-you c-can r-ride i-in th-the b-back, j-j-just d-d-don’t f-fall. w-we’re g-g-going t-to m-meet u-up w-with e-e-eddie f-first th-then w-we’ll wait for th-the o-others to c-come by the p-p-ph-pharmacy store,” bill rambled as he got on his bike and you carefully mount it behind him. “r-ready? le-let’s g-go.”
“where’s that friend of yours?” you ask, gently hitting your head on the cold metal of the pole. “we’ve been here for five minutes.”
“h-he’ll b-b-be h-here s-s-soon,” bill mutters, his words getting lost in the wind. “i-it’s p-p-probably b-b-beca- oh! th-there h-he i-is!” bill points to a boy riding a bike similar to bill’s.
“e-e-eddie! th-there y-you a-are,” bill motioned him over to where you guys are and bill turned to you. “e-e-e-eddie, th-this is m-my c-c-cousin, y-y-y-y-”
“y/n l/n,” you roll your eyes playfully at bill. “bill, we’ve been knowing each other since we were in diapers, you stuttering my name like that kinda hurts my feelings.”
“right!” eddie looked at you, a nice and warm smile on his face. “he stutters my name, too. he got better at it but not by much.”
“f-f-fuck y-you g-guys,” bill joked and mounted his bike once more. “l-let’s g-go t-to th-the p-pharmacy.”
you climbed back on bill’s bike and held on to bill’s shoulders as you, him, and eddie bike the short way over to the pharmacy. you could see the pharmacy within a minute and the boys swerved into the alley next to it.
“what time did you tell them to be here?” eddie asked bill.
“l-l-like at th-three th-thirty.”
“what time is it?” you chimed in, leaning over to look at bill who was on the other side of eddie.
“th-three f-fifteen,” bill said after checking his small wristwatch.
“okay, i’m going to get a refill for my aspirator,” eddie stood up and pulled out his aspirator from his pocket and shook it, taking a deep inhale of it. “wanna come in with me, y/n?”
you felt a tingle spread through your cheeks, “yeah sure, bill? are you fine with us leaving you here?”
“y-yeah, i-i h-have t-t-to w-wait f-for th-the o-ot-others, a-anyways.” bill waved you two off and you follow eddie into the pharmacy. the two of you walked up to the counter where a girl with brown hair and a bitch face was standing, flipping lazily through her magazine.
“hey greta, can i have my refill?” eddie placed his aspirator on the counter and greta barely looked up from her magazine before heaving a great sigh. she took the aspirator with a heavy hand and went to the back.
“is she always that rude?” you grimace at the spot where she just was. eddie snorted and leaned in to whisper to you.
“rumor has it, she has a stick so far up her ass that she has to keep her face like that so she won’t die,” eddie giggled and shook your head, laughing as well.
greta came back aned basically threw eddie his aspirator before going back to her magazine. you let out a hmph noise and went to walk out with eddie until you hear greta call the two of you back over.
“aren’t you y/n l/n? the new girl?” greta asked, slowly closing her magazine.
you slowly walk up and cross your arms in front of your chest, “yeah, that’s me,” feeling a bit bold. “what’s it to you?”
greta let out a dry, mocking laugh, “then you’re the girl that got sent here because her daddy didn’t want her anymore and mommy is just too poor to care for anybody, aren’t you?”
you felt your eye twitch and you were about to say something but before you could say or do anything, eddie beat you to the punch.
“shut up, greta,” he snarled. “don’t bring y/n down about her family when yours isn’t perfect either. your mom and dad don’t even sleep in the same bed anymore. i overheard your dad yesterday talking about divorce lawyers so don’t start talking.”
you stared at eddie in awe. this boy has guts.
“my parents are not getting a divorce!” greta protested and eddie raised his eyebrows at her. 
“i suggest you go check with your dad then,” you smirk. “ta ta, pest.”
greta stomped her foot but walked off. you grin and turn towards eddie who had a smile spreading across his face.
“thanks, eddie. you didn’t have to do that but i do appreciate it,” you lean in and plant a kiss on his cheek. you saw a pink tinge start to grace his cheeks and he was at a loss of words. you turned on your heel and started to walk towards the door, forcing your smile down.
maybe derry won’t be so terrifying after all.
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cry-away-the-monsters · 5 years ago
Angel is definitely glad he’s not upset at her about being a little snippy, offering a sheepish smile at the reassurance that it’s okay. She supposes she didn’t really have any sort of attitude or serious snippiness going on, but she’s always hyper aware of how she expresses pain and upset; if she has even the tiniest bit of a tone, she fears she’s acting out toward someone unjustly and that she’s abusive or that she’s generally just awful. She still has to work through that mindset, she knows that...it’s just very difficult to when that’s all she’s been told to feel about her upset. No matter how unjustly angry someone was with her, she’d always be labelled as the bad guy without question. She certainly has never been safe in her own head...she’d always be her own worst critic, really.
She does notice his discomfort over her talking about getting older...and as much as she hated to bring it up, there were times where she needed to clarify. She can’t just say she’s sore in the hips and expect him to not send himself into a spiral. Of course, talking about her getting older doesn’t help...but can she really do much about that? No...it’s just a fact of life. She’s going to get older and more achy as time goes on, all the way until her death. She’d avoid discussing as much as possible, of course...but she can’t always evade it. Understanding his discomfort and avoiding going into those discussions as often as she could is key, but...it’s unavoidable.
She at least wants to joke a little about it, take some of that pain away.
A very small squeak is prompted when he leans over and kisses her, a smile on her face in response to his words. “Th-thank you, Springtrap...and I-I promise, no matter h-how old I get, y-you’ll always be number o-o-one to me. You a-and the kids are th-the most important people t-to me...and, no m-matter what happens or wh-who or what tries t-to get in our w-way, we’ll get through a-any obstacle. No Henry o-or Glitchtrap or Fazbear Entertainment w-w-will keep us Aftons d-down,” she says confidently, smiling a bit more. She hums happily when he reaches down to stroke Casey and Bonnie’s squishy little faces, letting out a small giggle when Casey waves one of her arms around, lightly smacking Angel’s breast in all of that. She laughs softly, the more serious topic seeming to keep her focused enough for now to not be bluescreening too much.
Letting out a relaxed sigh, Angel closes her eyes for the briefest moment, glancing down at Casey and Bonnie, then looking up at Springtrap. She’d lean on him if she could, but for now she stays still. She hums a tiny bit before looking back down at the kids, pondering for a moment.
“...y-you know, I’ve been th-thinking lately. I’d...sort o-of like a change. N-n-nothing too big, just...s-something to ‘spice things u-up’, so-to-speak. M-maybe...get a shorter h-haircut? Nothing too big, p-probably just...not as long a-as this. It’s getting m-more annoying to manage a-as time’s going on...I-I’m a little tired o-of getting tangled up i-in it when I s-sleep. Or...perhaps I c-could try colouring it? B-back to how it w-was when I was y-younger. It’s not hard t-to find that kind o-of brown...or maybe I-I could just try s-some different clothes. Maybe g-go back to a l-less drastic change I d-did back in high s-school...I had a b-bit of a darker ph-phase back then, perhaps I-I could try dressing a-a little less...well. G-grandma-y. I like my s-sweaters, but...I’m getting a-a little tired of w-wearing them all the t-time. I feel less o-of a need to h-hide myself n-now. Or...perhaps I c-could just try wearing m-makeup a little more o-often. Nothing big, just l-lipstick or s-something.
“I’m not sure. I-it’s hard to decide a-and I’m too tired r-right now to think t-too much on it. I-I know I h-have bigger things t-t-to worry about today...b-but I suppose I w-want to do something a-about it and think a-about it a while l-longer before that. Money i-isn’t a problem, but...i-if I suddenly cut o-off a bunch of m-my hair and change m-my wardrobe too much, th-th-the kids will think I-I’m going through a s-senior-life-crisis. Certainly d-don’t need to cause w-worry about that,” she explains with a small laugh.
The 5’3” brunette woman looks up at the oddly familiar-looking, rather grotesque, decayed version of the bunny mascot she once saw dancing around on a stage as a child, looking at him with a very confused look on her soft, rounded face, as though trying to figure out what the hell to say. “S-so uhm. Are you a-actually Spring Bonnie?” she stammers, a very soft voice coos out, a rather thick but pretty English accent quite noticeable. [[ cry-away-the-monsters ]]
“…Technically. I was once Spring Bonnie, I always wore this suit. It was mine…now I’m trapped in it forever. I call myself Springtrap now.” He responded, standing much taller than the woman, seeing as he was 7 foot. “It’s not so bad, I get to live forever and be something else…” He noticed how she had the same accent at him, it was not too often he met anyone around from where he was born. “You shouldn’t be here though, it’s dangerous…”
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years ago
1836 Oct[obe]r Fri[day] 21
7 50/..
12 5/..
No kiss fine rath[e]r hazy morn[in]g and F[ahrenheit] 47° at 9 10/.. a.m. at w[hi]ch h[ou]r br[eak]f[a]st in 25 min[ute]s –
then out w[i]th Mr. Husb[an]d plann[in]g and sett[in]g out the cross dry-wall arch - to be groin[e]d ag[ain]st the 2 pres[en]t
arches finish[e]d up to the S[ou]th end this morn[in]g – Ingh[a]m + 2 men and a boy – Rob[er]t Mann + 3 at the Lodge r[oa]d
close to the Lodge this morn[in]g prepar[in]g end of the r[oa]d – lagg[e]d and rubb[e]d a piece - Mark Hepw[or]th and co.
cart[in]g lagg[in]g st[one] and rubble all today and Frank cart[in]g gravel and scraplings fr[om] n[ea]r the Lodge to the glen
bridge, and bring[in]g b[a]ck fr[om] there rough st[one] for the gard[ene]r and Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d wall[in]g up the s[ou]th high bank of the
r[oa]d – Rob[er]t Schof[iel]d’s man Jos[e]ph Sharpe scrap[in]g and tak[in]g mud off the r[oa]d on this side the glen bridge all
the day and Rob[er]t S- [Schofield] help[e]d him this aft[ernoo]n fr[om] ab[ou]t 3 p.m. when I took the gard[ene]r off to set out the
lit[tle] divers[io]n in the walk at wh[a]t us[e]d to be the bot[tom] of the Dolt - John Booth ca[me] to help us –
hav[in]g 1st walk[e]d out the pony Julia poor[l]y and Geo[rge] rode Bufler this aft[ernoo]n w[i]th A- [Ann] to Cliff Hill –
Rob[er]t Mann + 3 in front of the h[ou]se low[erin]g the gr[ou]nd and levell[in]g up tow[ar]ds the dry arch[in]g this aft[ernoo]n –
Rubble-break[in]g to be stopt at Mytholm quarry fr[om] this aft[ernoo]n - the rubble good for noth[in]g – st[one] to
be br[ou]ght fr[om] N[or]thow[ra]m and brok[e]n n[ea]r the Lodge - Booth + 3 got 3 large st[one] set on the west tow[e]r
today – Ja[me]s Sharpe still at the drab-room chim[ne]y and h[a]d n[o]t finish[e]d it tonight - in the aft[ernoo]n he was
help[in]g Ab[raha]m (Murgatroyde) w[i]th the ash-pl[a]ce etc in the new court, and Ab[raha]m made up rat-holes
in the cellar this morn[in]g - Taylor’s son the tinner and his man all the day here lin[in]g at the back
of the store-r[oo]m cupb[oar]d w[i]th sheet-iron ag[ain]st the rats – fr[om] 9 35/.. to 6 5/.. (exc[ept] ca[me] in at 1 for 1/2
h[ou]r to sit w[i]th A- [Ann] at her lunch[eo]n) out - in front of the h[ou]se - in the Lodge r[oa]d – w[i]th Jos[e]ph Mann
at the meer-drift, and fr[om] 3 to 6 w[i]th the gard[ene]r and John Booth in the walk (vid[e] line 12 ab[ov]e fr[om] this) –
dress[e]d – din[ner] at 6 1/2 – coff[ee] upst[ai]rs – 1/2 asleep on the sofa 1/4 h[ou]r – then r[ea]d tonight’s pap[e]r and sat
look[in]g ov[e]r genealog[ica]l maps etc w[i]th A- [Ann] till 10 20/.. then till 10 35/.. wr[ote] all the ab[ov]e of today –
fine day – F[ahrenheit] 47 1/2° now at 10 35/.. p.m. – wr[ote] 2 p[ages] to Marian till 11 10/.. p.m. ‘Shibd[e]n hall
‘Fri[day] ev[enin]g 21 Oct[obe]r 1836. My d[ea]r Mar[ia]n you were right in suppos[in]g, the fun[era]l w[oul]d ta[ke] pla[ce] on Mon[day] –
‘the week is n[ea]rly ov[e]r; b[u]t it shall n[o]t qui[te] pass away w[i]thout my hav[in]g writ[ten] to you, as you
‘wish – So[me]how or oth[e]r, I ha[ve] felt partic[ularl]y disinclin[e]d to writ[in]g ev[e]r s[in]ce Mon[day], and I ha[ve] hith[er]to left
‘undone man[y] th[in]gs that out to be done soon. and that I m[u]ch wish were done already - the
‘recent change here h[a]s seem[e]d to Miss Walker and mys[elf] a gr[ea]t[e]r change than any w[hi]ch h[a]s gone
‘bef[ore] -  gr[ea]t[e]r than even we ours[elves] h[a]d th[ou]ght of - I forg[o]t the size of your ring-finger. will you tell it me
‘as soon as you can - as yet, noth[in]g of this sort is ord[ere]d, - nor ha[ve] I op[ene]d a draw[e]r, or look[e]d at an[y]th[in]g –
‘But for this irresolut[io]n w[hi]ch m[u]st n[o]t last m[u]ch longer, you w[ou]ld ha[ve] h[a]d this let[ter] in a parc[e]l w[i]th
‘so[me]th[in]g by way of rem[em]br[an]ce - I shall try to arrange this matt[e]r next week, b[o]th in your own case, and in that of
‘Mrs. Veitch - the serv[an]ts will go to ch[ur]ch on Sun[day], and we ours[elves] the Sun[day] foll[owin]g - we ha[ve] h[a]d a sick h[ou]se b[u]t
‘are all bet[ter] - all well, I th[in]k, now - the vic[a]r n[o]t being at ho[me], neith[e]r here n[o]r at Whitkirk, Mr. Stewart
‘d[i]d the duty - you will be gl[a]d to hear that we were ab[le] to board up, and ma[ke] ev[er]yth[in]g ver[y] decent for Monday;
‘and, I bel[ieve], all w[a]s manag[e]d m[u]ch the sa[me] as bef[ore] - Miss Walk[e]r joins me in love to yours[elf], and rem[em]br[an]ces to your fr[ien]d –
‘and bel[ieve] me, my d[ea]r Mar[ia]n, alw[a]ys affect[ionatel]y yours AL- [Anne Lister] my comp[limen]ts, if you please, to Mrs. Button’ –
0 notes
yesyunniechan · 8 years ago
Detective Conan 996 [Japanese to English Translation]
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High school girls are making fun of Conan-kun?..
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K: So you're saying that you think the criminal came from the outside, keibu-dono?
M: We can't ignore that possibility…
K: B-but those 3…
K: All had motives to kill Saraie-san…
M: Yeah…
M: The former chef of this cafe, Motosu Toshinori-san… had his cafe criticized by the victim’s blog…
M: The waitress Naomura Isuzu-san… was troubled by the victim's attempts to court her…
M: The manager of this cafe, Hasunuma  Tamao-san… is getting married next month, and there's a possibility the victim, being her ex-boyfriend, was trying to threaten her with revenge pron…
[They followed Ran, and a murder occurred at the cafe she visited!! The truth is…?!]
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M: When the murder weapon, this vase, which is close to 30 kilos,
M: Is filled with water, it's impossible to wield it around for all 3 of them...
M: And it looks like...
M: There's no tool to break victim's locker padlock in such a way!
K: But keibu-dono... Only those three could've brought the murder weapon - vase in here.... 
M: Looks like the window was opened when Saraie-san's body was found...
M: Saraie-san probably opened it in order to smoke...
M: And the manager Hasunuma-san told that she could've forgot to check whether it is closed...
M: Maybe it was left open...
M: And somebody invaded the cafe through this window at night, and moved the vase in here... They saw Saraie-san who opened window and was smoking, went through the kitchen door...
M: And killed Saraie-san with the vase... this person with superhuman strength, since they wielded the vase filled with water, which weighted more than 40 kilos, and then destroyed the padlock!!
S: That's a fake...
TN: Sera uses katakana word 'feiku'.
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K: Eh?
S: I doubt the criminal possessed anything resembling superhuman strength…
S: Right, Conan-kun?
S: Conan-kun…
C: A-a, shit!
T: I've bought it all, Mouri-san! A padlock and two wrenches!
K: Hah? Did I ask you get those things?
T: Eh? But Sera-san said…
S: Well then, let's start!
S: The demonstration in which we'll break a padlock with little strength…
S: And beat a man to death with a heavy vase!!
TN: Maybe not, Sera-chan…
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S: At first, the padlock...
S: Correct me if I'm wrong, the toolbox...
S: Was inside this shelf, right?
S: And inside... there were two identical wrenches, eh?
T: Y-yeah! Those are there!
S: If we put those two wrenches...
S: Into the closed padlock's shackle which is in the shape of letter 'U'...
S: And use our body weight from the upside...
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S: Here! Look, it's broken!
T: R-really!
M: Awesome!
K: However! On the locker with a broken padlock...
K: There were no traces of wrenches pressed against it!
S: After killing Saraie-san, they took the key from him...
S: Opened the padlock, removed it from the locker, breaking it in a way I described AFTER that... And then they put the padlock back to the locker!
S: They rummaged through it... 
S: Making it look like the criminal aimed for the contents of Saraie-san's locker!!
M: Then this locker...
S: Probably nothing was taken from there!
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K: But even using those tools, it's impossible to wield this vase, right?
S: You don't need to wield it!
S: Ah, my bad!
S: Will you get the wrench from under the shelf, please?
K: Geez...
K: Shit! It got quite deep inside, I can't reach it with my hand...
K: Eh?
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S: And like that the vase was dropped on the victim's head from above!
M: I-I see!
M: They asked the victim to get something from under the shelf!
M: And without wielding the vase, they killed him by just lifting it!!
S: And then after putting victim's upper half of body...
S: Like this...
S: They put the flowers that were in the locker in the vase, filled it with water...
S: And, aiming at the bloodstain that was left at the floor...
S: They dropped the vase, let the water flow...
S: And along with the bloodstain disappearing... the created an illusion that this vase was filled with water at the first place!
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S: See! Just as you said, oji-san! Bandaging the wrist afterwards...
S: To make us think that it was dislocated at the first place! Like that!
M: So?
T: Who is the criminal?
T: This trick...
M: Could've been used by any of them...
S: I know, right?
K: Oi-oi...
T: You told us that much...
M: And you don't know who the criminal is?
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C: Waitress-onee-san, you were wearing socks earlier... Why'd you take them off?
N: Eh?
C: When you were picking up the shards of my glass... You had socks on, didn't you?
C: Why'd you take them off?
N: I-I'm tend to sweat quite a bit… so they got pretty wet because of that, and I felt uncomfortable and took them off…
C: He-eh… really?
N: Y-yes!
C: H-hmm…
C: And not because they were stained with blood…
C: When you dropped the vase?
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N: Wha?!
S: I see! Since your shoes and pants are black, blood isn't visible on them...
S: But you needed to remove your socks...
C: Ah-le-le! There's something under the shelf!
S: Really... Looks like a pearl ear-pierce...
C: Looks like something is stuck to the floor!
S: I see... She asked Saraie-san to vacuum the floor, to retrieve the ear-pierce...
S: With a vacuum cleaner, that was next to the toolbox... Using a thin nozzle for the hose...
S: But since it was stuck to the floor with a glue, he couldn't take it...
S: And she killed him with a vase, while we was trying to reach it!
T: But what about the large amount of water?
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C: Uwa-ah?!
K: Geez! What are you doing, brat?!
T: But this locker belongs to Naumura-san, right?
M: I see... she divided the water into those bottles and hid it in her locker...
T: Yeah... And because she put flowers in those bottles, they didn't wither!
M: But why Isuzu-chan would...
H: Why did you kill Saraie-san?!
N: ...Honestly, the cafe of my family was criticized severely in his blog...
N: But since my parents committed suicide because of all their debts...
N: this cafe is no longer...
K: So as I said, driven with revenge...
N: No... at first I didn't even think about killing him...
N: My dad was in poor physical condition, and my mom had to replace him at cooing... so the taste did worsen...
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N: Well, I decided to work here, because I learnt that the owner of this blog is called Saraie-san who work here as a waiter...
N: I wanted to meet him and gave him a piece of my mind...
N: 'I'm the eye candy of the cafe you destroyed!'
N: 'Laugh at me all you want!'
N: But he... Guess what he said when we met?
S: You're cute <3 Are you from Tokyo? Want to date me?
T: H-he didn't know? That you were the eye candy girl...
N: Yes! Although he said in his blog that the taste worsen... although he said he's disappointed, since he visited our cafe for years...
N: This man never tasted our food...
N: And criticized us only by the gossip!!
N: I couldn't forgive him...
N: And I dropped the vase on the head of this 'Full Stomach Professor'...
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N: Full with my murderous intent...
K: This case left a bad taste in my mouth…
TN: I can also pun, Gosho.
So: You can’t let these sorts of blog swallow you whole…
TN: And Gosho is still leading.
R: But you were great, Conan-kun!
R: Noticing those socks…
C: It was an accident…
S: But you understood everything the moment we arrived at the crime scene, right?
C: I saw that the waitress-onee-san had taken off her socks… and that the dead waiter-onii-san's elbow was dirty….
C: So I decided to take a look under the shelf in order to see whether anything might have been left on the floor… 
C: And I noticed an ear-pierce stuck on the floor…
K: What do you mean? You can't tell whether something is stuck or not just by looking at it!
C: You can! When a pearl ear-pierce falls on the ground, the weight of the needle pulls it downwards… But that ear-pierce’s needle was facing upwards…
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R: A-awesome! Conan-kun, you're a genius!
TN: Or Shinichi.
C: Not at all…
R: Eh?
C: Because I still don't understand anything… about Ran-nee-chan's journey…
R: Conan-kun is so cute!
S: So he’s a brat after all, a brat!!
Se: Ac-tu-ally…
R: This trip…
S: Is a high school tradition…
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[The field trip!]
C: A…
C: A-a-a!
K: Really?
R: We've got flyers and everything?
C: I completely forgot!
S: We didn't think that Shinichi-kun would miss out on an event like this…
R: Maybe he’ll be there as well?
Se: That would be fun!
C: I…
C: I want to go!!!
[The truth behind Ran’s cheerful behavior = big event = School field trip!! Next issue, what will Conan do?!]
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batterymonster2021 · 6 years ago
News Now Stream 4/24/19 (FNN)
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/news-now-stream-4-24-19-fnn-6/
News Now Stream 4/24/19 (FNN)
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Grew to become tragic right now our sister station fox thirty two in Chicago reporting that a physique has been determined. Near this wooded discipline in Woodstock Illinois that is very close. To in the area of where this lacking boy he is welcome right here to information now we predict. A an FBI investigation as quickly update on that as good. Well as we got these live pix into the newsroom — a bit earlier this morning it started off as Ariel’s placing and now not wonderful in any respect. To see – you recognize with the reports of a lacking baby — that you would have photographs coming in of a of an area being searched. You consider the story. Of a younger lady who went out for a jog this was final 12 months. There in the Midwest in Iowa in a small city in Iowa and turned up missing in they’d more than one syringes for her. Out in the farm lands out corn fields — simply hoping — To you already know be able — To either find her or recover bodies.And so it was now not. T unusu owing t high ierest in th case and the tusands of rertedlyipshat ha bn see see pturesike tthoned in fo t the teportitarted Mike witn th- certainly one of t first rorts fm e of o fox thiy two Had bnoundn thisrea. An thiss juso upda erybodhis ia litt fiv Andot gd conct wh the Poli had bn tthis coupls residence my. Andt streh morthan sixtye pas long. In toes I had chanco plean somefhe nil but the ther me in to rea toouch in of bod nevertheless it sr how thing areaid It tme itounded le he ws mostorder on the cellphone call and n we d have at let sten to th rightow. Nce the cent gage You canisten nghborhdeah ree e tele o staon down here wers taketo buyreek So — Tn tre is is nwas a velopmen thi i– Forrom e Chicoribune rorting. At thisery rnin. Policepoke with e mogain And aer that the oicer return to. . Agaiith the ibune efrom portin. Weere athe pole stion through It w a coue of hrs lat And e nexthing wknew a legislation forcemt newconferceas beg set r latein theay d then whave t pictus from t sce.F g u n rselves — Th thi ecificlys t through of a lile misng A t lite Boy you g awher inhisveearld bo. Is outind oin theuburbsyesrhon e ah yea so th is t particularly.Burbs andust ver erybyn th enrcemen w for six days nowas ll i’ve been ying ttrack do that lt. So a l of bl ribbo in the market olle . Sign at a hom- just wn the stet fro where. This familiva And it jusit doe’t loogood concsions werin staby mod for ths confence thas anoerind interting aect tit all. Is theact tt the FBI isn morehan just police matter thicr all right so we will be able to have tha fut sttbin iwasupposedo At ts hrut now it’been nce ph again up simply aittl bit sog y need to speak about will have it. For you correct here. News now that isne of thbig orie her of theay viously all right one more — keeping trackf justoments ago president trump in the First lady running down the steps of Air force One in Atlanta. The place they’ll be soon talking concerning the drug difficulty in Americ- specially opioids — The president correctly on the south lawn of the White condominium or slightly elier this morning with anothe onef the impromptu news conferences and he did not begin off.With the aid of speakme abo how theirst girl e . A faiamount otime worng on a fact Malani in to ke se he was once getting the fts. Ght and said tt I lieve we’re. Areelling folkshat ere’ bee abo a 17% reduion. A reporte usef opioids thinhisast yeaand she mentioned she sok her head to t affia. An so- Forhe fst cple whicou d’tm e evy bits mh as is.Rng o And nowhis jor speh. Atlta wch i wbelie — righ therend hers a liv okt the pium correct there youan see as t crowd he is waing. For threside a the Fst La a when at hpens of coursee’llu heren news now s Alread rig ohe sta we’ve various mong parts already and it tbrintia and that i as we it forheseig. Monts to happen yh an is most like anymore my he eve with a wita littlender ten minute. Impromptu othe uth garden it’s like. Ght there are such a large amount of ou of what he d to say today heb speakme about. Fairly he stated in summaryhat wts to e thount as Spificly knohow vonrom prime wi thery tsubpoenaskw yo proper and yowonder Wh doe the presidentiste to it appears he’s a very good relationshipith s ne cef of staff? US- Somebodyay b aisin the president on kind of you kn wha tone he will have to be takingow we don’t totally is is own man he is gog to tweet anything he wishes to tweet and say atev he ntso sa — but ithisartilar instance — He what he did do the cost and i have been wondering when at was once going to come back — Becausehe wle his argument in opposition to Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats is that they are gng to prove themselves to the part of investigate examine .And not truly get quite a few matters executed. So t they’rell kds ople — And adlis Nancy Pelosioday pronouncing with the president is stonalling the United Stes Congso see is xes hs no gng t it can be a legal fht goes downm. Up allhe w in e Suemetelnd courtroom — so that is kinfolk of brewingut tre in phrases of the connection between the 2 but if the president’s gonna make the argumt.On the Democrats are the party of examine — investigate collusion examine obstruction of in my tax vested in my family then he wishes to get off that matter. Proper so he he used to be on a for just a little while at present and you’re going to play some of that i am sure Yoll hear he was obviously on that subject for just a little whilst speaking aut Moeer and how he made the assumption. The molars television would have financ and looked it is taxes don knoif tt’s e ca or no longer — Bh e vot. And he stated it is time for . To determine how we can begin to work on some of tse b issu the h so that’ll binteresting simply see himake that transfer it as he df cou keeup on at. Ah and rig n mean once spng breakheirxtendedor tir spring bak proper now so I nogetting the information one ey’re no longer even there to acquire the hiya man could be great Mike to have a have a job the place that you could set yrwn cash and also you’r On vation -So Thf holidays I mea On the u to ke ae other sidofhe cn whh of path were trained to do — If u we aongressm oa nato fro s Newersey.Or Delare. Omewre close to DCt’s allyot tt b a dl b the theongred mennd the senators from Washington and Ogon and kn youave two full days ofirniau avel ery sgle wee bathom s. Monday is a trav dayo get ther –n ce you’re wondering why are there not various headline o of Congress on a Monday or Friday. That’s why. Tuesday Wednesday Thursday those of the three working days so and Monday presupposed to be the day th fly i.Ide is ppos to be in these days the fly and so that is kindf the way in which itorks. Michael it’ any such day we must add up the wle quantity vacate days.. I believe it’l a particularly quite as I heardou sa a ltle bit oDelawa and their spkingn Delare I about. Bing oka the tremendous dayor overbi inl intesting isn it.Nuth Becae the headlin the day past was at a NeHampshe and it’s impornt state. Buit cou potenally ba that Bere Sands is pretttleit st ll identified aretty willighten n that — part of Ne door in rmont — ts in Moouth ces o with is a country wide.Pollhat sa holdn a mine w e . O and oted Jdish. Most cching with the aid of. In that her pu that w Hashireollere’s eir snapsh. Of whe stands nationally witby 27% sick wel aheadfernie Saers at 20%. An to dge aittle further hind welsubstaially fuher bind. Th set theres a relatively intestingtory- This moing ou therey that — Thes somof these candites de dot knowho relatively Weeally d’t and however that a few of ese ndidat are. Or rame-p wi dirn ved genne rht So name the D. O. . All on who to penal complex. And that i mean he he’s starseen singo rapid. To Joe with the aid of hring h numbe ve beestrongndor the st parof stad stro we asmehereas hwas somef thosstorie — That we so netiveowardoe Biden or thls whene wasn his decion king pcess seriously i youe anotr ndidatend you suppose youe goome magi iormaon peop who a willi to co ahead to share that hazardous.Inrmatn whyot put it out there when the man nonetheless making an attempt whether he’ll run or not so whonows I truly think like within the entrance of the curiosity of frt trsparency. And any one from The N Yor Time n in Keokuk Iowa after they report a sty. That. Clearlys poor at a unique candidate I feel like they should have the state. Who gave them that knowledge? This is it’s referred to as off fl study it happs at all times – however I consider like they should say ay soul somepposition study was supplied to us with the aid of. Select your candidate toll so ye. She seems to pleasant. Ah however Ieant do hapn al pa oft is everybo intriguing as kinof cerom zero tobling up e hero. Litelly inside about oneonh Annie Elizabeth Warren must be thinkinghat I need to do.We s wor anoer pgrama malove polits yomay be aware she li. Bu she is she is seriously hanging the recommendations available in the market and then what happens is. Other candidates tral to consistently resnd ther d her ide m e mo rect one was once cngen the x sucta firms like Amananno be in a sittion whe the make as a lot moneys they do. And Jeff basins pen’s riche he does on companies on all those forms of thinnd a we l be aware of we suggested to the Amaz page zero on federal That’snbelievable so you recognize loophole I determine you’re actually feel for the year conservative or liberal you appear at that and you say welow c that. Mentioned I goa pn for tha. Thrigh.Ng on bothhe lt and No I that may be a road to enty entynd is ju htingp erybody but now let show you litt bitn president trump’s remark oside othe White apartment.As with lani- As wel. The variety of specific they’re thmari one sure they areff visiting collectively on this one is fascinating. Stay silent though k there we go — more news now coming. The inventory market. Three from an financial standpoint is doing the first-rate usually it can be ever performed. Waiting ales ain. Clos to or over 100 occasions is an president. The time of the election. Excellent they’ve ever been by means of a long way. We now have virtually a hundred to sixteen individuals working today of the us that’s extra th. Three earlier than. We’re doingell and we’re doing things are goi goo I deliver within the Firstady right now she’s labored very difficult on the costs. Had been down about 17%.From last 12 months whichs pretty potent what down. 17% for the opioids problems a bi probl is a. We’re ndli. The medical professionals areorki with us. They are working with extra work s woing th us. Is amounof progrs Jo AnI ha beethe st And esidt a admn y far. We simply went by way of theall whi. The place you ad? Real ehteeangrDemos at eight psident drop the eight AM with ad. They we contriy cases Alary but eher th a passion. I do not know. And eyame witno llusn a virtually alame Atrneyener situated on the he all over the place the situation.S They check my finciand th cheed my taxes I asme. Washe mt. U shouldrobay. Feel I read whereheyotry I I say is enghe hundred ople. Get back to infrtr. The slicing tas get bac to loweringrug ices thas wh. Quite that is what we should do The survey i These armpartial pee .Twty tnty t goain with e peoplehat see And ey’rnot ing n ains me the onlyay ty ca may just lo. D Ion’consider tt’s nna opsite tt’s at a l ofe opleayin. The ly w the getockeout r me. Nonnseut ty suld relatively foced o n ivehis a ligatedust you understan alstince acquired intoffior the lasta now. Youant litate. Afr the DNC. Lary The rty jobll othese things thas what to be litigated. Seeing that that was once a rigged syem. Breaking down i am breaking down the swap should you look at what’s taking place. They getting. Fi what’ gng to ppen from w on b I ope. I en is vetrong. However ifou can di. Alrit people and sy rig he with us were folwing a two bit ftou’re tang aive appear Illins wre pole andBI agtsre at a sce in odstoc Illinshere ty recoved a b. Learngn simply littl bit i at is. Unfortately indd the misng t gone week and then to e rightou e awting psident trump remar dhe Fir Lademarks abus he on this untry we’ ve itll f youight he on newnow hk g righ now in theed buttill.Maintaining an extraordinarily strongoday I each person possibly sure welcome bo the d we’ll he psideeref trpike I sdt simply ase alws have it for u he in i entetyhat’ wre we wish to e neonferences. T a slice of a you don get everytng o rig rig he on information n f . Let’s get me da to trade briefs right now from Tracy Carr. Via Amazon ia way to make receivingour ckages mor convenient andafe whe you arawayrom hom. Allows for supply individuals to place packages inside your dwelling or auto to make certain they is not going to get stolen beforeou g hom and now Amazon has improved t servicewo gages you can nd eligible discipline and have a my queue linked garage door.Opener if you alrdy possess a m queur enerll youaveo do i nnected with the E. Key by means of Amon as. Disneyould en as mh as % 0% of al ticket earnings in North the united states this summer that’s in keeping with a rert within the rap biest dralong with seval polar filmranchises T ory for The Lion King a Aladnre all set to debut in the coming months. For reog on to fox business dot com in Ne. Factor there so much Tra you for that updat wel thisext orye first bught it tyou stery as itas hpeni On t lucest twey fourearbut nown freakingay that wasanuel Frco’s rction when he realiz he was keeping.Sevehundreand sty eigket worth llion dlars in m heart started rt for out five or t minutes anco w the oy perso to check al Fivnumbers. Even as onarch twey seventh making him the seconigge a loery htorye says he had od fling abo snding t On his way hom from rkast moh. I truthfully felt soucky thatI di lookt at e cama a I fairly wante to n bought it becausIy feeling Franco says he saved his mouth shut aboutis b win Evenallo e after knewhat I’of wor I I work aa stop houseent in mu that — i am re to evyone awork quality however and Ieally desired say sething that I kn that i was bad decion and that i pe for wk aga.As for wt’s nextor Frao he ys that he wan to be careful about how he spends his winning. T wanted to trel theorld I pl to li my liormal as as muc ase osehe lum sum ch optn for hello wina after taxes he’salkingway withhry six llion dolrs. Lauren Bncha fox ns tha u Laen tre whiife wellut I sorhere.Chaing as jother immiate aft Winng the jkpe dn’tant opleo fi out That’sow peo fi outf the. En y’re ite rht aer dide just w the lotte Iyeoplgone woerf the waa lo of fowl thoffiayin.Uorke — Isotere oious someing’ goi onnteg hofullhe spends it had inveed- Sma allightext doorhat r ye we e awting pside trum to lk d cris Inhis cntry and abrdo a dera procuto nowakin onharmaceucal companie introduced the firstver dru traffiing crges once more a armaceical cpany a two distriting prescriion medicinal drugs helped gas the opioid epidemic Lawrce dol the thirdheging former CEu cooperative for our DC with algedly tfficking tens o llions of pills to armacies.Recognized tillegay allotting naotics the iictment also claiming our DC and its executives made the deliberate resolution to not invesgate or alert federal rulators about phmacyustome ty kne extra disnsino pele for nonedicalses om twenttwelveo twty sixteen thef l skyrketed durghe perd RDC genered one pnt tallege in . Billion dlars of earnings fro e sale of managed substances. The station used to be tied to that sales. The seventy five 12 months old former CEO surnderin to thorities on Tuesday he is chard wit consring to distribute oxy code .And coniring to defraud the Drug Enforcement Administration which carry a minimum ten yr jail sentence greenbacks attorneys pronouncing he’s being framed. Mr down won’t. Serve as their scapegoat. Utterly intends to fight that is In N Yor Jry bb gaen. Ne Theror tt uate a brand new learn proper now sws that teenagers rather believe. They believe — typically the whole thing is riskless take a appear at this. One it’s become this new things like I have no idea myophomo ar in excessive university to dwelling here began vaping to help her quit cigarettes but i don’t feel it is doing a lot.To residence knows and understood each hit a virtual ges a a higy coentrated. Nicotine in new studyut of of teegers sdyouaid th four dates n nicotine pducts scan pitive foricotinathen resechs shown of cocaine. As a entire. As heroin addiction psychologist health practitioner Harris straighter issues this potential lack of knowledge amongst young humans about what they’re feeding would go away them settl wh the nancia burden and competencies wellness impacts of nicote liveio forhe res of eir n me you. Cry even grter stilating feelin in line with thU. S. Cents for disse ctrol and prevention estimatour int eight . Incrse fm the yea befor% everybode a lotf thes.Inhe batoom within the liary the peop in oseooms w flaved.G up withhese ping pducts absutely no that they appea to yoger audiense t the flavorsffery sobody’s nicotine baiting merchandise. It imy favore the bacof the roomn citadel otheartf thei nufacters tappeal to younger individuals. A lot of which the Sny Brook university learn finds possibly didn’t understand what they’re hanging into their bodies if we are able to appeal to you with berries. After which it did she with nicotine that is a long term revenue movement it can be significant so you see it far and wide in the East Village I Max king.Box five news. And men and women we’re simply now moments far from an FBI update in Illinois on the the missing the boys search we’re going to bring it to your proper here. On information now you are taking a are living look at Woodstock Illinois this is where police and FBI sellers have been calming this wooded discipline. And our sister station fox thirty two in Chicago reporting that a physique. Has been determined in this field and now we’re ready for that replace could it be the lacking a fiveear olboy. Be me newsow by using xtwhat tragi and ce bko ne noy doppreateouoining u Ne Jery rig nowhere thereay wreo used to be hugehild predator skig the bd sieen ople have been aeste incding g s lksncluding aolicfficer Of making an attempt tsolit intercourse from a minor take a seem at this every body administrative center. In assistance partial agent in argeicha Reinhd Ofomelan. Shiff.Lke al have our And om Bern couy localaw implement. I’dike toecogze and Rdy St Bri g. An uer sdle rir p.C. Eutena. Da allowg committed. We’re also grateful to operatn unites president and CEO hi Nancy ailes thanks. Thanks additionally to an extremely good. Serv in a nner works d and nit No matte what i need at ast they are all cl amid the strangest hrs he’s perpetually therworking Secretary Alex Cesary best Alex was once dng. Robertedfield who’selping us a radids V as through twenty thirty and the place there was once going to be ready to try this. People are shot please arise sold. Forecely in a speeche will a renegad is through twenty thirty web ogress and so they failed to know speaking about they couldn’t speech general practitioner they stated you mean that that’s righte’reoing to ha it round a gated.By twey thirty thank y very much surgeon very imptant. Also with us i. Th lieenant goverr of this greatd Brn.N whoseork rough with The combo of Jeff Dunn and Bryan has bn. Quite often ueatae doing a fabuus job Jeff thank you very a lot Jeff where are y Jeff. Jeff thank you. Jeff. High-quality jobeall greohn Mrs And the Geoia Aorneyeneral Chris car. Chris thanks. He is within the figI ow that. As good as individuals of ngress Rick Allen. Drew Ferguson bBarry hell out of milk. Have a that’s a prettyall we we have been doing ok togher Avue. Now we have been doing god’s to the entire oplen this room to serve ery day. The frontiers and front traces I haa trouble it’s you ever in theratitude. Of our allntoouration you may not even understand it. Butur natn loves you and they love what you’re doing thanyou very much. The first responders who convey sufferers again to existence. Yo a theaw enfcement Drug traffickers to justic. You’re the doctorsurse and coung force tbuild.E and solace and A brighter and brighter ture. Of americans overcome dependancy For a brand new life of freedom.My ainistrations depying each resource atur disposal to empower you. Support you. Ane g Weill not sol this epidem ernight. However wilstop. There is simply nothing that is — Plaster topic how you cutt i know one of the most persons on this room nothi stoou. Until our j is done.N telyou. Andhenaybe o findomething new and that i hop tt’s going to be quickly b we willucceede have resule mbers that I heard two weeks ago. That was shocked to listen to. Whenakin gigantic progress each 12 months more tn seventy thound pcious American lives are misplaced?O the opioids and drug . And inmy opinion t quantity is way higher than that. To guard all american citizens my administration declared the opioidpidec nation extensive A colossal step.Mgency.Sincehen we have now secured a report six billion dlars. Opid crisi.G to combat the And that is essentially the most ever. And we’r going for even better numbers ts ye. Th 12 months we providedinety sutance abuse.Eventse The aid for patients and communities ahe lgestver leslative effor to fight a nation’s hisry.Sis in r it is the larst ever. Following the w Ofy health care provider geners and lots of hers ltear th distribution. Ofhe ordos revsing dgs naudible Naloxone. Multiplied by over. A million. Models prey aming stuff. Expa aesso remedy recovery another relevant pursuits and serces. L tought ouration we supplies to statesotaling a document two billion dolla. Areow allowing stateso use Medicaid money to pay for residential treatmen amenities a ty’re beinbuilt all over the country.In my first yearn ofce the number of paentseceiving. Medication aisted tatment at neighborhood wellness facilities ineased by means of 64% comprehend what the esident did the nor the present. We don’t have any alternative we don’t have any choice We passed t cre bac. To develop treatment for motrs and phical based oopios.N For our. ‘remprovi suffering administration fewer veterans or ooids on the grounds that Jak you at. Zero-002-30. By t manner f thehis. Forty toet it.Whats up’ve been attempting Asou recognize. Simply rectly I signed n oice. Veteran cano and if the wet goes to be. Ys or weeks or months which is prate health practitioner. Go out and notice a Take on the spot care. We pay for to care for the it can be been an outstanding it can be it is new and it’s been. Incredib theifference it is bad. And simply monthsgo I sigd bipaisan criminal justice among different critica chang the firs step back supplies addiction tatment to americans in prison. That in jus four months. Greater than sixen thousand intes are participating a new drugs trit. Criminalustieform I need to say — Peoe getting out of pron. And in view that our founding theyere havingn inconceivable time tting a job.Bu becau o financial system is doing wel. Rhaps the best it can be er bn numbers in history.Mpyment best the whole thing considering the fact that of th Becae of thi prisone getting ou. S employers becse I spe to quite a bit oar overjoyed. Th hado thought. I am so proud of thatohe nice financial system has me it. Muchasier they get out and th they have to prov themselvesndever bought they pve theelves. W job not alof them. Brilliant there may be nothing falabouany us. T they a doing apectacular b. So Iant tthank all of you d Iant to thank cgresan wish to ank you f serving to me with that case must be had been very instrumental thank you very much exndingederal efforts tobor i help. Recoveri americans fd a gre. In our store into looking to me.As a result of our historic fiscal boom ao. Adding up all american citizens from all walks existence. Incling individuals who havbeen for the period of theain of addicti. Getting a second a thi and in see and so they’re mang it. Theye makg it and ty reallyave sothinto le. R some of th say w love gettin ue r jo. D if they d’t just like the job on account that of what is happene it’s a micle a over the wld that talking abo wt’s happed. Ifhey don’t like the job the have choice also just like the vets ey he choice the alternative o going out and discovering a Thathey ke bter.Colossal impa last year a recor seventy three% of the new jobs went to folks who are Coming back to work for thee no. First time in ny yrs. These new eloyed citizen are becoming a member of fivpoint fe Fod jobs nce the electn. Drivin l employment rat. To its lowest lel in fiy one years. Ands you recognize when you’ve hed me sayt. Lost. Amerin uneloyment Inhe histo of our untry. Asian Amerin unemploent lowest io cotry. Lowest in the historical past of our. People the graduate witut a lowest in the hisry o o nation. Females Sorry. Lowest in sixty e years. But will quickly have the document. Will quickly have the file. We’re ing have that document. To we’re all Amecans we’re all . We a the strongest when n one My administration is dedicated to ensuring that each citizen n liveith digty and intent and proudly purehe Ameri. Adnistration’s robust aid. For faith headquartered Initiatives. Americas a nation that belies within the werf pray. An we lieve within the grace of Ouof here with us tay is door Montyurke’s. Nineteen years ago Monty tned his lifestyles Fr his fatherland church helped him to get.No Mon works for Tennessee is. What a quality state. Thats director of their religion o. Established covery. And inform us a little bit bit about yourork excellent. My administration can be barkedn a urecedent crinal networks crackdonne legal internatial spments. The deadl flo of medicines in our cotry. The prior two yea ctoms math a cocaine and heroiand Fent all. At the southn border. Are up forty five% and gng up so much excessive l Problyo thnumbersoday. Deining cturing call it extra pplehanver befe a few of thot ople wwant in oucouny An i will s borr patrol has been incdible the’s on no account been a.That border. The ke theres tay up thugho Mexic Mexicwas starng. To detain and carry back to thei. Once they got here from? Bua lof iis drugsnd drugs are Being Gotteny us we’re spping the dr flows so much as we can quickly. ‘re gonna have wall this might bery powerfulalls it is underneath conruction. The mediag about it. The media doesn’like. To one in all many matters had been doing however en that wall is conclude you intendo have. It can be fouhundred milesf wall constructed. Via the tip of nt yr have been probly ahead of schedu a bit of . ‘ll have a trendous impac on druy an we haany different tngs includg te Than you c b hundrs of miions o bucks of e bes. Ug dection eipment that you could have.D I aays say ts becse as od as at gear is ingeniou. The greatest equipmente world is a dog. Dogs. A ctain kind oGerman shepherd ipartular. To a greater job thanour hundred million llars valued at of are you able to bs would realize tha. He said to the boer patrol the otr day they had been giving me. A little bit of a run down on ths 1000’s with close to five hundred llion greenbacks valued at of equipmt at t porf entry. I mentioned how does this compare.To these exceptional to althis I saw. He.Saronestly the puppies about I sa you bought to be kding it incredie and so they showe mend it can be in reality splendid within the quality puppies and we chish them. Ale kills. Tee hundr ericans a wee. Ninety% of which entersur nation through our southern border. We’re doing the whole thing. To empow ourselv s that we will keephis poison out of our co.And far from our kids one can find some very very gigantic variations within the coming month. Ere were shooting men and women tt you wouldn’t think? Announced that famous run when I came down and i am certain no person noticed this when I got here down the escalator with. Malani a our waitresI do not suppose any person noticed that. However I made an extraordinarily powerful assertion abo the border. It is now not that dangerous will restrained.Thattatent was once peanuts. In comparison with truth peanutst reity.All time in comparison with however we’re confronti. Ality and cfronting the grave secury and you control during drawback on our southern boer. And at’s why Ie declared a countrywide emergency which is exactly what it is. We now have secured historical funding to strengtn border protection. Incling the apparatus. During the wall. The extra border patrol marketers.Is that youon’tven have got to understand aboo knowbout. Congress mus also acte f however. Obsolete Uhhuh. Thank you Mr pside firly speak. Time and opportunity to Borofessnally and peonal. Fami’s lif.Ed mlife a my Wo forhe sta pole in Virgin for thirty e year. Enter . Drnforcentection for enty tee of thirty one ars. On the same conferces ago whilst Ias here fr yearsgo my s J. Ttli druaddictn. The stor is o to . Andas medated at younger e. Eighens . E hao move out othe hoe beuse tha is the andance a percent officer.Yocan that home was once ghteen birthy. On theay you n Eiteen Ioved o of r dwelling. He wlde wot decions armade in s existence. We did so. About a ye or twlater. . For severe four fiers. Fromis ha. S Our round to in myife. You case The arsted a cple instances. Foposseson a distribion beforehristm. Welve ys cemb trteeh twent seventeen elver Of a hern and t in all over the place th peopltalk aut Yourerror drugs ere is stigma and thetigma desires discontinue. You wanto thk aut stmahink abo a famy that’seen tot . And that is oy one fily of sevey t seventeethe lel. Onbecausopioidnd heroin e stigm needso discontinue y ed to are your sry. Ou t bracetsveryy sinc my son’s dth l proper wrists a rple braceletTo honor those who have e s in t morni datof birth.Date oh On my left ist i’ve. To forhin bl line. Ever ordose any person’srd to sim. Baby Educion that is wt we’ here d tt’s whyou’re her he adequate the fir editi of ybe ifou her forhe fir time. E colborative brastorm to sttegize. To figurout th oblem colltively. Wi the message I wanto carry toi Dot choose. There seventyhousandit Twenty senteenign. Hiname was once. Matthew J. Simmer For thanks . I believe can sayith security that. Ur bitter boy is watching down rhtow in the event you and really pud of hi father. Ve very oud of we’re making grer tern. As aesult of my negotiionses with.President xi. Of China. Doing an awfully enormous trade deal. They’ve announced that nt week. To prevent chinese spent in any respect which is most of it. Practically all frontt all comes from China. From being shipp to e usa An the extra I appreciate his from president xi they’ve agre that. They will make it ar crime. It can be no longer against the law now sits down as an industrial drug. Antheye gonna make it a criminal offense and so they’re going t charge people with the perfect stage of crime In Ch. Like in our couny. The perfect degree of crime may be very very excessive it’she perfect you paid the superb pric. So I appreciate that very so much. Nce I sigdhe discontinue act int regulation our effective customs and border protectionffics of stopped. Over six timesore packages from achieving Amerin drste g deal. And border prection officers. At the seaport in Savannah. Just lately discovere an estimated nineteen million dollars worth In shipment of Coloian Polls.At present we’re proud to be joined by using two officers who helped in finding James longnd Erica nles. Andhank y bot f your courageous work. The the place are you people had been I you come on come on up here Thank t ofll. And agn than you f all you ppor it’een aong rd d wre glaand e priden Gl to ve y all bind ubehind us. As y all o our bigge hel nearly day. A hstack day for your recreation thanks. Thanks both very much high-quality job. So many incredle men and women tha I met doingxactly wt you’re doing. To allf the customsnd border safeguard presents t sellers and state and neighborhood regulation forcement. The he tod we An we’re with you all the way. We had billions of dolrs of mitary equipmenthichhe previo ade to offer u. To legislation enforcent and that i u very a lot. Many drug companies are giving Euroan international locations a better deal. They give their o nation and that has to discontinue wvelrea Mang se that ourreat seors Medare. Will share within the discounts given to other countries.You know what that mns. The sophisticates out there that do ts for a residing you know exactly it’s a b deal unds like. The deal nevertheless it really is a g deal. At long final we’re stopping the drug corporations in foreig countries fromeading. The procedure i do know all abo the vicinity the method on account that I had the approach riggeon me. I suppose you realize what i am unluckily so as to be your sound bite tonightut ts approach used to be rigged if. The rig within the method agast our first-rate senior. D to he docrs and scientists devi discomfort klers. For opioids.E have neay doled f. And affliction research thanks very ch dtor co on and. It used to be a w extra money than any human bein thank you. Such an importan we will in finding that answer is goingo be a gigantic. Lots of the challenge i suspect how close are we he is saying ok.You get it. Get a one yr in the past we pledge to cut nationwide opioid prcriptions. By using one third. Capable during my time ioffi we’ve got reduced the total quantity of opioids. Prcribed with the aid of 34% that is a horny potent number. Gl to document at present the drug overdose doe or down within the various states that we hd in chk. Thones hardestity the opioid problem. Ne Hampsre. West Virginia IowPennlvania And y steeply dn within the of these cases. An mighty success. When I campaigned ithos states tt factor? That no person would suppose it. Except you really involved Over the last two years our national prescription drug. Take again days. Of amassed nearly three factor seven million poundsf prescription medicinal drugs. At seven tim. Of Air force One an extraordinarily first-rate planehat’s parked about ten minutes away. Ry very b gigantic heavy plan consider of that seven instances.Anthe next drug take back day is. Mostmportantteps to endinge th ts is to pvent young persons. Om ever making use of medications within the fit situation. Public awaness camignbout the horrificufferinghat drugs inh % of young americans where’s Kelly and Kelly a arise kellyanne nway andhe’s. Ad becse you know.Where these when you do itropey we had somerea. Ung peoe looking at these is they is not going to sta I think in lots of methods. You do not see the effect for 4 or 5 years however i’m many methods because. Probably the most principal matters we cane doing so we’re doi that and was once spending some huge cash on that I suppose it very imrtant.When they seem AT andomebody cos to them and wts t promote them medicinal drugs they usually celebrity occupied with what they jt noticed on televisi or anyplace they? It is going to be a little bit tougher for them to ke tt sale and that is ok with me. So we were on a’m very motivated that in. The rst yeare naonal surve on druse and altheported tha one hundred ousand fer teetarted abusin prescription affliction ller. One hundred thousand with.Wit us in these days is Ax gos And hisom extraordinary mom. Shelly. As a young adult Alex overcame addiction and is now. Th his mother they centered an group to helpfamilies i c. Plse come up and share your retailer thank you Afternoon. Ay that’ my title Alexs we are able to ag Manyf youlready kw tt bu perps wt you dn’t kn is thathis imy mom and we’re a household in long run restoration. I coultellou a aut how addicon used to be grounogay in hell ld overgain be’ve hrd enghf deatndestrtion for a w yea. L l Anmy frienAmandaallo been . Ing theork thoicesf ho to he peoe irecove ay in covery. AnI’dikeo us this tim to y a bighank y to ery whorksirelesslvery day tompro t livesf pple Becae Mar saidt great wdo Sohankou a for beiogethe.Voices of hope . Thank you each. Ex and Shelley reminders o greatest resource within the combat against medicines. Is the heart and the mind and we will prevailecau of theeoe. Braveness commitment and Li allf you in thisoom you are the united states’s genuine source of . So let us resolve the together we will support Cherishing ceor o felw everchalngeroughvery steand On their road to rec. We will be able to rea o to anybody who isurti olost retailer seeing that eve American serves to grasp e gly ofope.The joof belongi And thelessings. Of heali. We can stand proudly in the back of our deted medical professionals and nurse and clinical authorities who wk so rough. And so they achieve this so much. We wlonor andelebrate the extraordinary guys and women of law . Love our laenfoement. You are aware of it’s but over the last two and a 1/2 yea. La enfcement. Has becomeot. You have a bit of oblem rig. T t hot. Peoplelevethat regulation enrcemen me than er fore becau we respt you. Youtheighe levs we appreciate e job y do is notable and hazardous. But isncredie. We will be able to try to provide every baby a loving house. Every house a thriving future we will be able to renew the bonds of faly and fait that the link us together as citizens. As patriots and as american citizens. Supply in not let up wwill no longer and will under no circumstances ever ve up d saving Your les. We will be able to end this rrible menace. F addictione will make our citiesag and our future brighter than eve. Asne United countries we will work Weillor a ande will combat for the d when eveamily throughout ourand. Andive. A dg fre Ameri thanks god bless you and god bless.The U.S. Of the usa thanks. President trump speaking for almost 45 minutes in Atlanta — depend tking abo. The da entire in this country who are quite speakme about the opioid situation and even citing. Some former addictsnd persons in healing at this moment — Shared the stage with — to inform ofr hope to so many millionsan of usa citizens. Extra information now it’s coming up next Illinois wer wtingor the physique full an. On ns now butbviously a very a td this very second it wa expecd too ti he in izona thawe bought shed bk ahour.O elev a obvuslyow it’s sti — were wtingor tha som irty mutes aer ttush again so wlla lo at thhoteally it is g story notnlynllinoi but no is . Story as wexpected right her on t on that one right here for you i’m My ces you understand it’been a nothat thes wjust had.S reward tn o goackut to w Jsey I plea forou -e ginng othatews conferce.Inewerse wre the w a youngster pretod sixteen humans arreste incling ac yingo ha s wit t under age. Rsonhat s obousl a tr thereut wilontie nowo ge tm t coeren T.Orsmatt ns Duri opetion hom ae n chatith the chaeefendas over vario socl med plformseading u to e made.Tupshen threstere Ar und cov artmentas in rgen cnty a it wastaffe withozens of ficersnd evidenceha. T d ? D r Ne Jerse. Fourf thes defenntsphia travel thiy o g These pdato travedearles. An some distance eac hopgo to find thr victs vulrable eac ping tfind tm alon. But as an alternative a t s chd on whh they cld press.Thesew e rested. Thirtn ofhe defendants cg eratn house ane wer restedhenhey aivet are a different alledlylanned to mallnd wasrrestethere. The 2 rs . Chars of condegree Lorg d or seconegree atmpted seal aault. Botcng t moralof a cld.Trd dree Ondefendt chang Kair ceshird degree arges of atmpted divinghe mors o a ild a posseion ofhild -*-*. Kaer used to be alrea awaing ntenngn a guilty ea in a the Bgen coty procutor’ fice. Two n aegedly sen exicit phos of tmselveo base thi degre chaes ofthe dercd marial wh thchild the geral mentiede additionally restedfficereteropic — To gd junr of e rge wod p.C. Dartmen for legedly arrging sith who o helievewas a fteen ye ancient gl.As fs theenalti for seco dege chaes carryey ntence ofive toen yearsn jail Thd dege crges lift a nten of threto fivyears prison. St oe tseefendas weidot arrest. Folloe and tectiv phrase seaessly NEsigit devicncludi thdefendt’s ce phos. Labotory on the Bgen untyeon deo osecor’s offic wherehey wi underull forensic aminatns. These aminatnsill detern evence of a princouers constutedditional ces ofth unday Loring.Sealssault f child enngerme. Firs apprancesere helnd two me wd detained penng tri. 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Folk as staff have exhitedommitmr over tg actual rlly bris lot o otion make difficult.The iestigati- f .
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years ago
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THE BOOK OF ECCLESIASTES- From The Douay-Rheims Bible - Latin Vulgate
Chapter 10
This Book is called Ecclesiastes, or the preacher, (in Hebrew, Coheleth) because in it Solomon, as an excellent preacher, setteth forth the vanity of the things of this world, to withdraw the hearts and affections of men from such empty toys. Ch. --- Coheleth is a feminine noun, to indicate the elegance of the discourse. It is very difficult to discriminate the objections of free-thinkers from the real sentiments of the author. It is most generally supposed that Solomon wrote this after his repentance; but this is very uncertain. S. Jerom (in C. xii. 12.) informs us that the collectors of the sacred books had some scruple about admitting this; and Luther speaks of it with great disrespect: (Coll. conviv.) but the Church has always maintained its authority. See Conc. v. Act. 4. Philast. 132. C. --- It refutes the false notions of worldlings, concerning felicity; and shews that it consists in the service of God and fruition. W.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin. HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers' marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as ---.
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (1/2) and three-quarters symbol (3/4) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber's copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 10
Observations on wisdom and folly, ambition and detraction.
[1] Dying flies spoil the sweetness of the ointment. Wisdom and glory is more precious than a small and shortlived folly.
Muscae morientes perdunt suavitatem unguenti. Pretiosior est sapientia et gloria, parva et ad tempus stultitia.
[2] The heart of a wise man is in his right hand, and the heart of a fool is in his left hand.
Cor sapientis in dextera ejus, et cor stulti in sinistra illius.
[3] Yea, and the fool when he walketh in the way, whereas he himself is a fool, esteemeth all men fools.
Sed et in via stultus ambulans, cum ipse insipiens sit, omnes stultos aestimat.
[4] If the spirit of him that hath power, ascend upon thee, leave not thy place: because care will make the greatest sins to cease.
Si spiritus potestatem habentis ascenderit super te, locum tuum ne demiseris, quia curatio faciet cessare peccata maxima.
[5] There is an evil that I have seen under the sun, as it were by an error proceeding from the face of the prince:
Est malum quod vidi sub sole, quasi per errorem egrediens a facie principis :
[6] A fool set in high dignity, and the rich sitting beneath.
positum stultum in dignitate sublimi, et divites sedere deorsum.
[7] I have seen servants upon horses: and princes walking on the ground as servants.
Vidi servos in equis, et principes ambulantes super terram quasi servos.
[8] He that diggeth a pit, shall fall into it: and he that breaketh a hedge, a serpent shall bite him.
Qui fodit foveam incidet in eam, et qui dissipat sepem mordebit eum coluber.
[9] He that removeth stones, shall be hurt by them: and he that cutteth trees, shall be wounded by them.
Qui transfert lapides affligetur in eis, et qui scindit ligna vulnerabitur ab eis.
[10] If the iron be blunt, and be not as before, but be made blunt, with much labour it shall be sharpened: and after industry shall follow wisdom.
Si retusum fuerit ferrum, et hoc non ut prius, sed hebetatum fuerit, multo labore exacuetur, et post industriam sequetur sapientia.
[11] If a serpent bite in silence, he is nothing better that backbiteth secretly.
Si mordeat serpens in silentio, nihil eo minus habet qui occulte detrahit.
[12] The words of the mouth of a wise man are grace: but the lips of a fool shall throw him down headlong.
Verba oris sapientis gratia, et labia insipientis praecipitabunt eum;
[13] The beginning of his words is folly, and the end of his talk is a mischievous error.
initium verborum ejus stultitia, et novissimum oris illius error pessimus.
[14] A fool multiplieth words. A man cannot tell what hath been before him: and what shall be after him, who can tell him?
Stultus verba multiplicat. Ignorat homo quid ante se fuerit; et quid post se futurum sit, quis ei poterit indicare?
[15] The labour of fools shall afflict them that know not how to go to the city.
Labor stultorum affliget eos, qui nesciunt in urbem pergere.
[16] Woe to thee, O land, when thy king is a child, and when the princes eat in the morning.
Vae tibi, terra, cujus rex puer est, et cujus principes mane comedunt.
[17] Blessed is the land, whose king is noble, and whose princes eat in due season for refreshment, and not for riotousness.
Beata terra cujus rex nobilis est, et cujus principes vescuntur in tempore suo, ad reficiendum, et non ad luxuriam.
[18] By slothfulness a building shall be brought down, and through the weakness of hands, the house shall drop through.
In pigritiis humiliabitur contignatio, et in infirmitate manuum perstillabit domus.
[19] For laughter they make bread, and wine that the living may feast: and all things obey money.
In risum faciunt panem et vinum ut epulentur viventes; et pecuniae obediunt omnia.
[20] Detract not the king, no not in thy thought; and speak not evil of the rich man in thy private chamber: because even the birds of the air will carry thy voice, and he that hath wings will tell what thou hast said.
In cogitatione tua regi ne detrahas, et in secreto cubiculi tui ne maledixeris diviti : quia et aves caeli portabunt vocem tuam, et qui habet pennas annuntiabit sententiam.
Ver. 1. Ointment. A fly cannot live in it. Pliny xi. 19. --- Hence the smallest faults must be avoided, (C.) and superfluous cares, (S. Greg.) as well as the conversation of the wicked, (Thaumat.) particularly of heretics. S. Aug. con. Fulg. 14. --- Detractors may be compared to flies: they seek corruption, &c. A little leaven corrupteth the whole lump. 1 Cor. v. 6. C. --- The wicked infect their companions, and vice destroys all former virtues. W. --- Wisdom, or "a small...folly is more precious than wisdom," &c. of the world. 1 Cor. i. 25. and iii. 18. Dulce est desipere in loco. Hor. iv. ode 12. --- Heb. "folly spoils things more precious than wisdom." A small fault is often attended with the worst consequences, (C. ix. 18.) as David and Roboam experienced. 2 K. xxiv. and 3 K. xii. 14. C. --- Sept. "a little wisdom is to be honoured above the great glory of foolishness." Prot. "dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking flavour; so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour." H.
Ver. 2. Hand, to do well or ill. Deut. i. 39. Jon. iv. 11. Chal.
Ver. 3. Fools. People judge others by themselves. C. --- Thus Nero could not believe that any were chaste. Suet.
Ver. 4. Place. If the devil tempt or persuade thee to sin, repent and humble thyself; or if thou hast offended the great, shew submission.
Ver. 5. Prince, who seems to have been guilty of any indiscretion.
Ver. 6. Rich. Such were chosen magistrates. Ex. xviii. 21. Prov. xxviii. 16. and xxx. 21.
Ver. 8. Him. Those who disturb the state or the Church, shall be in danger.
Ver. 9. Stones. Landmarks or walls. Prov. xxii. 18. --- Them. God will punish his injustice, in meddling with another's property.
Ver. 10. Made blunt. After being repeatedly sharpened, (C.) it will be more difficult to cut with it, and will expose the person to hurt himself, v. 9. H. --- Man, since original sin, is in a similar condition. --- Wisdom. The wise perform great things even with bad tools. Heb. "wisdom is the best directress." C.
Ver. 11. Silence. Prot. "without enchantment, and a babbler is no better." H. --- But he compares the detractor to a serpent, (C.) as he infuses the poison into all who pay attention to him. S. Jer. S. Bern.
Ver. 12. Grace. Pleasing and instructive. C.
Ver. 14. Tell him. How foolish, therefore, is it to speak about every thing!
Ver. 15. City. Being so stupid, that they know not, or will not take the pains to find what is most obvious. C. --- Thus the pagan philosophers knew all but what they ought to have known; (S. Jer.) and many such wise worldlings never strive to discover the paths which lead to the city of eternal peace: like him who contemplated the stars, and fell into a ditch. C.
Ver. 16. When thy. Heb. lit. "whose," cujus, as v. 17. H. --- S. Jerom give two senses to this passage, the literal and the mystical, according to his usual custom. The dominion of young men and of luxurious judges is reproved, as well as innovations in matters of religion. Is. iii. 4. Those are blessed who have Christ for their head, descending from the patriarchs and saints, (over whom sin ruled not, and who of course were free) and from the blessed Virgin, who was "more free." They have the apostles for princes, who sought not the pleasures of this world, but will be rewarded, in due time, and eat without confusion. T. 7. W. --- Child. Minorities often prove dangerous to the state, while regents cannot agree. --- Morning, as children eat at all times. This may relate to the ruler who is a child in age, or in knowledge, though it seems rather to refer to his counsellors. Is. v. 11.
Ver. 17. Noble. Royal extraction, (Esqlwn genesqai. Eurip. Hec.) and education, afford many advantages which others, who raise themselves to the throne, do not enjoy. Heb. "the son of those in white," (C.) or "of heroes." Mont. --- Eurim, (H.) or Chorim seems to have give rise to the word Hero. The advantages of birth only make the defects of degenerate children more observable. C. --- Heroum filii noxæ. "The sons of heroes are a nuisance," (H.) was an ancient proverb. --- Season. The time was not fixed; but it was deemed a mark of intemperance to eat before noon, when judges ought to have decided causes. Dan. xiii. 7. Acts ii. 15.
Ver. 18. Through. If we neglect our own, or other's soul, (H.) in the administration of Church, (S. Jer.) or state, all will go to ruin.
Ver. 19. Feast. As if they were born for this purpose, (Phil. iii. 19. C.) fruges consumere nati. Hor. i. ep. 2. --- Money. ---
             Scilicet uxorem cum dote fidemque et amicos,
             Et genus, et formam regina pecunia donet. Horace, i. ep. 6.)
- Heb. "money answers all purposes," (H.) to procure meat, drink, &c. C.
Ver. 20. Said. Pigeons are taught to carry letters in the east, and Solomon alludes to this custom, or he makes use of this hyperbole to shew, that kings will discover the most secret inclinations by means of spies. We must not speak ill even of those who are worthy of blame. v. 16. C.
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nimenim · 7 years ago
questions tag
tagged by @hwangminyeo thank you for tagging me even though I don't think I'm that interesting LMAO
drink: water, I mostly drank coffee and pepsi today :c hydrate yourselves 
phone call: I hardly use my phone's sole purpose, so idrk 
text message: someone telling me a list of things they love, the last thing I sent is probably an offensive meme/joke smh
song you listened to: Wanna One's Energetic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
time you cried: I actually don't remember, I usually bottle things up. it's unhealthy ik :<
dated someone twice: never dated someone once LOL
kissed someone and regretted it: nope
been cheated on: no
lost someone special: a bunch of my friends who I care about deeply
been depressed: yeah, I'm on vacation in another country rn and I just miss being back home, aND my friends are already studying for senior highschool entrance exams and idek what I'm gonna take in college. I don't even know if I'll end up studying in PH or DXB ;_; HALP
made new friends: yep
fallen out of love: YES, not the romantic kind of love, the 'I don't love these "friends" no more kinda thing
laughed until you cried: everytime tbh, especially when no one laughs at what I say, it's just so funny to me AHAHA
found out someone was talking about you: yeah, in a good manner though
met someone who changed you: everyone, actually
found out who your friends are: yep, 2016 was really dramatic
kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
how many Facebook friends do you know in real life: 95%, I don't really add people I don't know, or people I haven't interacted with in some way
do you have any pets: a cat, her name is Oreo because she's black and white in the middle😽
do you want to change your name: YES. I really dislike "Christen" because most of the time people say it wrong, it ain’t Christine, not Kirstine, NOT CHRISTY. IT'S KRIS10 😤
what did you do for your last birthday: dinner with my family, we grilled ribs, bacon and some steaks because I really like meat hihihi
what time did you wake up: 9am
what were you doing at midnight last night: I was watching Rick and Morty, then Return of Superman while waiting for Wanna One's debut. Then slept at 5am because I'm t r a s h
name something you can’t wait for: going back to home? I really miss riding the bus and train and spending 6 hours walking around a mall with people 😭
when was the last time you saw your mom: May 20
what are you listening to right now: Wanna One's Energetic (I just can't change okay, I await their vocals and raps and the instrumental that starts when Sungwoon sings "Mag kkeullyeo deo”  I'M IN TOO DEEP)
have you ever talked to a person named tom: probably not
something that is getting on your nerves: getting hungry when I'm about to sleep 😤
most visited website: youtube/tumblr/twitter
hair color: really dark brown, or black? I dyed my hair so many times idk anymore
long or short hair: medium? kind of by the underarms
do you have a crush on someone: kang daniel ha sungwoon ten chittaphon
what do you like about yourself: what I want to do, I do it, but not most of the time
blood type: either o or b
nickname: Chiqui (pronounced Chiki 😶) some people just call me Ten
relationship status: single as a pringle
zodiac: Taurus
pronouns: she/her
favorite tv show: Rick and Morty, Bojack Horseman, How I Met Your Mother, Mr. Robot
tattoos: none, I'd like some in the future. You guys should see my mom's, hers looks so dooooooope
right or left handed: Right
surgery: none
sport: I know how to play basketball and volleyball but don’t really play LMAO I've joined athletics though
vacation: currently in America rn
pair of shoes: I prob have >10
eating: nothing :(
drinking: nothing
I’m about to: maybe go to sleep or use tumblr for awhile
waiting for: this hunger to pass >:c
want: to study? weird because I hate school but I want to do something, ANYTHING
get married: yeah sure
career: hs student
hugs or kisses: I like giving hugs but receiving them is kinda ?? 
lips or eyes: both
shorter or taller: Taller
older or younger: older, or just be mature tbh
nice arms or nice stomach: ARMS daniel's stomach tho
hook up or relationship: relationship
troublemaker or hesitant: middle I guess? someone spontaneous yet has sense
kissed a stranger: nope
drank hard liquor: no 
lost glasses/contact lenses: nope
turned someone down: yeah 
sex on the first date: take me to a date and let’s see LMAO jk  no
broken someone’s heart: I hope not :c
had your heart broken: nah
been arrested: no
cried when someone died: yeah, my grandma died and I felt sad, I didn't get to spend a lot of time with her, didn't really get to know her
fallen for a friend: nope
yourself: depends on the situation, and my mood lel
miracles: not really
love at first sight: no
santa clause: no, I pretended I did to get more gifts LOL
kiss on the first date: no
angels: I don't know tbh
eye color: really dark brown
favorite movie: White Chicks, I die laughing every time I watch it
I tag anyone who wants to do this ^^
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