#hélène jegado
alexar60 · 5 years
Hélène Jégado (histoire vraie)
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La Bretagne ! Ses plages, sa campagne, ses phares, son kouign-amann, ses crêpes et…. la brave Hélène Jegado. En 1851, Hélène Jegado trouva du travail à Rennes comme cuisinière chez Théophile Bidard de la Noé, professeur de droit et politicien député d’Ille-et-Vilaine. Seulement 15 jours après son arrivée, trois domestiques meurent subitement. Le politicien, passionné d’affaires criminelles, demanda une autopsie des corps. Le résultat révéla qu’ils ont été empoisonnés à l’arsenic. Hélène Jegado, la principale suspecte, est arrêtée le 2 juillet 1851 et envoyée devant la cours d’assises d’Ille-et-Vilaine. Bien qu’elle nie tout en bloc, les témoignages pendant le procès permirent de découvrir la vie de cette gentille fille. Elle est née en 1803 à Plouhinec. A 7 ans, elle commença sa carrière de domestique chez le curé du village de Bubry. C’est en 1833, alors qu’elle travaillait chez le curé de Guern qu’elle commença à tuer des gens. En effet, les parents du curé, une de ses nièces de 7 ans, ses domestiques puis le curé lui-même et enfin Anne, la propre sœur d’Hélène trouvèrent la mort en très peu de temps avec les mêmes symptômes (douleurs à l’estomac et vomissements). On pensa automatiquement au choléra qui faisait rage à cette époque. Elle retourna à Bubry ou trois personnes décédèrent dans les mêmes circonstances. Puis elle travailla dans de nombreuses villes ou des gens trouvèrent une mort similaire. Par exemple, elle est employée chez le maire de Pontivy qui perdit son fils de 14 ans du…choléra. Bon 7 autres personnes sont aussi mortes du choléra à Pontivy à ce moment. Elle partit à Ploemeur et c’est une petite fille de deux ans qui décéda. Elle se rendit à Locminé, Hennebont, Lorient, Auray et Plumeret ou des cas isolés de décès par choléras furent signalés. Elle est décrite comme vulgaire, malpolie, analphabète ne parlant que breton mais aussi courageuse à la tâche, pleine de compassion, attentionnée et toujours au chevet des malades qu’elle empoisonnait avec des petits plats et des tisanes (D’ailleurs son gâteau préféré est sur internet au lien suivant : http://lapassionauboutdesdoigts.fr/non-classe/le-gateau-de-helene-jegado/ ) Ceci expliquant pourquoi, elle ne fut jamais soupçonnée. D’autant que ses employés bretons, profondément catholiques, refusaient les autopsies au nom de la religion. En 1849, elle trouva du travail à Rennes comme cuisinière. Rebelote ! La femme de chambre de son employeur décéda du choléra ainsi que le fils de 7 ans d’un autre employeur. Enfin elle rencontra Théophile Bidart de la Noé qui la fit arrêter. Profitant du délai de prescription de 10 ans à cette époque, elle ne fut jugée que pour trois meurtres et trois tentatives d’empoisonnement. Après sa condamnation à mort, elle avoua les meurtres ainsi que son obsession pour l’Ankou, figure de la Mort, dont elle voulut devenir l’incarnation afin de surmonter ses angoisses. On estima qu’elle a tué 37 personnes mais elle reconnut en avoir tué plus dont son père et sa mère. De nos jours, on pense que ses victimes étaient au nombre de 60, faisant d’elle la plus grande empoisonneuse de France et…de Bretagne. Le 26 février 1852, elle est guillotinée devant une foule immense, place du Champs de Mars de Rennes (l’actuelle esplanade De Gaulle). Son masque mortuaire est exposé dans le musée de Bretagne de Rennes. En conclusion, méfiez-vous des bretonnes. Elles ont toutes un côté empoisonneuse…
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far-butter · 5 years
Ok I have very mixed feelings about this Fleur de Tonnerre (eng title if any??) film about Hélènne Jegado. Also I’m drunk and should be sleeping so it does sound like an appropriate moment to make a meta so here’s my philosophical review no one on the earth asked for :
They somehow managed to have the most Breton element of the cast being the horse, which trails the wagon with the bishop. Of all the Bretons in the world and all the people who claim being one despite it being bs they didn’t managed to have one in the main cast. The actors accents somehow made me laugh because they’re super not-Breton, save maybe for the mother in the beginning. Man I DO recognize accents from here and that’s...not this. Also the outfits are gorgeous but probably not all from here? I think they kinda mixed them up? The hats aren’t even the same? Looks like Bro-Gernev (’cause our local trad clothes are black and grey I think??) to me but ok, I admit I’m not very knowledgeable about this stuff.
The story is romancized af. They made a sobby love story that has scenes making me uncomfortable personnally and also I’m not fond of Benjamin Biolay’s acting and his character rubs me the wrong way. There’s also a rape scene, just so you know in case you intend to watch. These sex scenes absolutly add nothing to the story. Also free titties for no reason? There is already a trope about Breton women being dumb sluts, thank you very much, we didn’t ask for more (tell my grandmother “Children From Different Fathers In A Tiny Village” about what good it does).
Jegado’s killed many children and members of the same families and somehow it isn’t in the movie? Also the context with the cholera’s epidemic which make impossible to have the exact account of her victims and the fact that her trial was made during war, with a legist who was too busy being dead on the battlefield to come and the facts that she was not executed for her numerous murders but for the murders of rich and influencial peoples and was condamned on their bare accusations without proofs because of basic classism are somehow skipped too? Also excuse me but given how her trial went I don’t think mr. Judge was nice and understanding. Probably more like “ok another dumb peasant who doesn’t differenciate flour from poison”.
The scenery in Breton lands is very well done imo tho? The atmosphere is here. I feel home, but two centuries ago so well done for the settings! Kudos guys!
Peoples from Rennes/Roazhon being casually condescending about Low-Britanny/Bro-Gwened/Morbihan sounds about right. I can say firsthand it’s still the case. We’re still dumb peasants in their minds, especially if we are attached to our culture.
I kinda like her psychology even if it is made-up? I don’t think there is actualy anything on her childhood about if she was mistreated or not irl? It kinda echoes to the “Mean/Austere Breton Woman” trope and seeking attention/love seems awkward to justify becoming a murderer but ok. The mother is kinda realist tho? It’s a trope but I see how bits of it are true. I have empathy for Hélènne. I don’t think she was like that irl but it feels good to imagine so.  I like how she casually half-confess her murders to people. She reminds me of Arya Stark lol. You should have make a women society to kill rapists and eat the rich gal. I would have rooted for you and you would have been my anar/feminist idol for ever lol.
Becoming a servant of an Ankou. Bitch I’m myself a devotee and I don’t kill people (I feel the urge to add “yet” to save the street cred). Also the actual Ankou idol isn’t from that town, but it terrified generations of children and I too couldn’t make a film about Breton without showing it so I understand the hype and inaccuracy. I never saw it in person but geez if it isn’t a replica then shit’s terrifying with the lights. Just so you know, it is not a cult of an Ankou per see we/most Bretons have, as an Ankou was christiannized as Sant-Erwan/Saint Yves of Truth. I have the intuition that the scene with the outdoors autel is 200% accurate. Yeash, people here use(d?) to ask the death of someone as a favor. Also the boat-sinking culture was a thing and the lanterns on cows were a thing too. Anyway, again the settings are cool 15/10. Would absolutly love to have the same autel with the skull and all it’s badass af.
The actress is not only not Breton tho, she also looks nothing like the actual Jegado. I guess real Breton women are not enough for Hollywood-like standards so she had to be young, thin, with straight blond hair (sorry to break your fantazies here but most Bretons are the exact opposite. Most people in the lands have the dark hair-eyes with clear shinings combo and that’s also how you see the genetics aren’t the same as the rest of France. Also we often look stoned -bc we tend to zone-out/daydream a lot more than other I observed- but at the same time we often have those intense soul-piercing eyes when we zone back in lol. Don’t know how to explain, just destabilizing eyes are a common and typical feature here because of the colors/eyes shapes). Some comparisons so you can make your own opinion :
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Overall :
Not much plot. Things that could have thicken it are skipped. Settings are cool. The flashback cuts are well-thought. Sometimes very hooking and realistic, sometimes not so much (yeah no. You don’t calm people having a melt down by yelling on them). My advice would have been “more murders less sex scenes”.  Bretons are depicted kind of as the “brave/good-hearted and dumb/helpless” tropes. Yeah, well it deserves its 2,5/5 note I guess. Would be 1,5 otherwise but I had a good time and we already don’t have much rep and even less accurate/not harmful rep so I’m not going to pull down lol. Let’s say it’s superior to “Un ticket pour l’espace” and of course can’t ever get worse than “Nos plus belles vancances” (aka the ultimate insult to Brittany and Breton people and cultures and a punch in the face of a film). I watched The Woman in Black before and I’d say it’s kinda the same pace of story, with no screamers of course. You can absolutly find it boring and with a pace either too slow or too fast I think. Idk maybe I just meh-level liked it maybe just because it’s Brittany rep, maybe I wouldn’t have liked it at all otherwise lol.
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ft-artcraft · 5 years
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Inktober 26 : dark - Made in reference of Hélène Jédago ( Lady serial killer, kill with arsenic). Thank you @bd.quaidesbulles for this wonderful conference about her, and Moca & Berthelot for their graphic novel. #jegado #quaidesbulles #qdb2019 #inktober #inktober2019 #dark #jégado #arsenik #brittany #bretagne #inktoberday26 #teatime☕ #artiste #bandedessinee — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2MRlWgC
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triste-guillotine · 6 years
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MANZER / HEXECUTOR "Pictavian Hexecution", Split 10" EP 2016 (Infernal alliance of The Pictavian Black Metal Bastards & the wild kings of Thrash Metal from Brittany)
Side Manzer 1. Sagana 2. Pictavian Aggression  (Hexecutor cover) 3. Nuclear Necropolis Side Hexecutor 4. Horrible Visions from the Past 5. Roazhoniz Bastards  (Manzer cover) 6. Hélène Jegado
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hydrosspyross · 7 years
How Wikipedia accidentaly makes my mom teach me stuff
Today in the car my mom starts talking to me about Hélène Jégado, who was a serial killer in Brittany in the XIX century (we started talking about Maupassant so yes that is very in topic, anyways)
and she became a killer because she was traumatized as a child by the stories of Ankou (rpz Britton tales and legends, Ankoù is Death, representation of cycles of life/death, day/night and all that stuff)
So Jegado, who was poisonning people she was cooking for with arsenic for literal decades (she got guillotined at 49, so points for efficiency), who killed around 60 people (estimates only) is the reason my mom started talking to me about tales and legends she learned as a kid, because Wikipedia talked about how a tale from Brittany traumatized a little girl in the 1800s
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actuenfrance · 7 years
#ActuEnFrance Moi, Hélène Jegado, cuisinière et tueuse en série pic.twitter.com/FcrN
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