#h; serghei
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farrah: previously gifted kid who lost focus/interest in academic pursuits and choosing extracurriculars/a personal life to seek validation. kept up her grades but didn't perform as stellar as she should have
serghei: previously gifted kid who burnt out. barely passed near the end but had a career waiting for him so there was no need to excel.
noel: average kid who felt the need to evade the shadow of her siblings. wanted to do better than both of them but things didn't come as easy. studied to death. higher ed for the sake of being elite
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Italian Adventures Part II: Bologna
Finally, the time has come - welcome to Italian Adventures Part II: Bologna!
Boyfriend introduced me to the gorgeous city of Bologna not long after we got together, and I can’t help but wonder if that’s why it holds such a special place in my heart. On our first trip there, I fell head-over-heels for the city & ever more smitten with Boyfriend. We’ve been back a handful of times since that first visit, & every time - without fail - we dream of uprooting everything we have here in Dublin & running off to the Emilia-Romagna capital. It’s romantic, it’s quaint & peaceful, it miraculously remains somewhat untainted by tourism, and it’s the birthplace of one of our favourite meals: the mighty ragu.
Bologna is known as ‘La Grassa’ in Italian - which translates to ‘the fat’ in English - & it isn’t hard to see why: you will be extremely hard pressed to have a bad meal in the city. Although I’ve included a list of our favourite restaurants below, use that more as a guideline to get out & find the places that work for you; we’ve eaten at a hell of a lot more restaurants than are listed here, but these are our old faves. Wherever you find yourself, please don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy two dishes - tagliatelle al ragu & gramigna alla salsiccia - both of which are specialties of the city. You can thank us when you get home.
As with our Italian Adventures Part I: Florence guide, there is a huge amount of recommendations in this post. To make life easier, I’ve streamlined everything into six sections: Stay / Coffee / Eat / Drink / Museums + Attractions / Places to See + Things to Do. The difference between the last two sections is an entry fee; Museums + Attractions are all paid entrance, while the Places to See + Things to Do are free.
Happy travelling, friends!
Airbnb // we stayed in the most fantastic apartment on our last visit. The flat - Silent Bright Apartment - is located a stone’s throw from Strada Maggiore & was honestly the best Airbnb experience we’ve ever had. It was spacious and clean, it had a balcony, it overlooked the blazing rooftops of the city, the kitchen was extremely well equipped for cooking, the bed was amazing, and there was a bathtub in the bedroom. The location was about an eight minute walk to the main square in the city. Basically: it. was. perfection. Added bonus: there was a totally adorable turtle roaming free in the courtyard below! We named him Sporo and had a really hard time leaving him behind.
Albergo delle Drapperie // if you’re looking for something more central, you can’t really find anything better than this boutique hotel. It’s quite small, and it literally overlooks the bustling market stalls of the old town. If I remember correctly: the hotel is across the road from a beautiful flower shop (feast for your eyes), around the corner from Tamborini (feast for your belly), and a further few minutes walk from Osteria del Sole (feast for your Italian soul), which is kind of exactly where you want to be.
Caffe Zanarini // for us, this is the Gilli of Bologna. The coffee is fantastic, the pastries are even better, and the space has that super Italian feel to it that just warms my heart. We normally nab a spot along the bar & enjoy our breakfast the true Italian way, but once in a while we treat ourselves to the somewhat extortionate prices for a table outside on the square. Let me tell you, it is always worth it, if even just for the people watching. (And pigeons.) A must-visit.
Trattoria Serghei // three words: gramigna alla salsiccia. After ragu (duh), this is the dish of Bologna, and Serghei do it extremely well. It’s a small, traditionally run family joint that we find ourselves returning to time and time again. The food is always exceptional. We normally go for the ragu & the salsiccia pasta dishes to start, and then share a big hunk of meat as a main - the last time, it was an insanely tender pork shank that was about the same size as Boyfriend’s head. Amen to that! A must-visit.
Osteria de Coltelli Da Biagio // a tiny bit further than some might be willing to venture, but the food is worth it. The dishes are on the larger, heartier side of things, and the meal as a whole was outstanding value for money! ... that said, we did notice the staff favoring the locals over tourists like us, but the quality of the food was high enough for us to let this slide.
La Capriata // wandering along a covered archway off Strada Maggiore one day, we stumbled across LC & decided to stop in for a lazy lunch. We ate in the most beautiful sun-drenched courtyard, surrounded by lemon trees. The food was outstanding. It was super fresh - we had an amazing caprese salad that was beyond delicious - and perfectly traditional; I had an unforgettable ragu with homemade pasta served in a Parmesan bowl. A bowl made of Parmesan = the stuff of dreams!
Pizza Regina // sometimes, you just need a pizza and you need it to be reliable. We opted for the less traditional take-out option and brought our meal with us to Osteria del Sole so we could have it with a beer. We ordered a custom made pizza - n’duja + mozzarella - & devoured it within five minutes of sitting down. It was amazing!
Lindt // I’m kind of a bit sorry/not sorry for including this in my list. Listen, just hear me out: we had delicious chocolate gelato in the most amazing chocolate hazelnut dipped cones and it was worth every single penny. I regret nothing.
La Sorbetteria Castiglione // for a more authentic gelato experience, we always trek a little bit out of our way and it never disappoints. Our faves are the pistacchio and nocciola!
Osteria del Sole // definitely one of our favourite places in all of Bologna. According to my notes, it’s the oldest osteria in the region - 1465 apparently! - and it is so bloody brilliant in it’s simplicity. You make your way through the market streets, buy some antipasti goods in the nearby market, bring it into Osteria del Sole, buy a drink to go with it, and have your lunch picnic style alongside locals at one of the long communal tables. It is fantastic. An experience not to be missed: a must-visit.
Osteria I’Infedele // a recent find. Similar in style to Osteria del Sole in that it was small, filled with locals, cheap & relaxed, but it had a more youthful vibe to it and a wider drinks selection of cocktails etc.
RosaRose // located on Via Clavature, this is a fantastic spot for people watching. Boyfriend & I sat outside for hours one evening, listening to a nearby street musician, soaking up the atmosphere, enjoying the free platter of food that came with our spritzs, watching the sky change from blue to pink to dusk. Perfection. To experience the true Bologna vibe, this is a must-visit.
Enoteca Italiana // a beautiful wine shop that has a small amount of barrels & stools for dining on. We enjoyed some wine with a delicious meat & cheese platter on one of our first visits, and have since returned for breakfast & coffee.
Bar Senza Nome // a fantastically vibrant bar, located on a buzzy street lined with heaps of similar places. However! This one, apparently, is the only bar in Italy that is run & managed by deaf people. It’s amazing! You go in & the walls are lined with how-to sign language photos for ordering your drink! If you aren’t brave enough, the barmaids read your lips and that’s equally as amazing. Such a fantastic experience. Added bonus: you can eat your weight in free monkey nuts while drinking extremely cheap spritzs! Probably our favourite bar in the world. A must-visit.
Birreria Popolare // a hipster craft beer place that was located conveniently near to our apartment. We were drawn in by the beer emoji sign out front, and we sampled some nice Italian beer. Added bonus: if you’re lucky enough to visit at the right time (we were), you get a free platter of food with your drinks!
Le Stanze // I kind of liked the thought of this bar more than I actually enjoyed our experience there. It’s located inside an old chapel from the 16th century, and there are original frescoes still lining the walls & the ceilings. It was cool to see the artwork, but there was nothing distinctly Italian about the place. It was overpriced, and too touristy for our tastes.
M U S E U M S + A T T R A C T I O N S
Palazzo dell’Archiginnasio // one of the most magical, dreamlike buildings I’ve ever visited - somewhat reminiscent of Hogwarts. Boyfriend & I spent ages wandering back and forth along the arched passageways, but the real draw (and the part you have to pay into) is the wooden Teatro Anatomico from the 17th century, where they used to hold anatomy lessons. Worth the €3!
Santa Maria della Vita // the lure of this church, although pretty beautiful in its own right, is actually a fantastic group of wooden sculptures hidden in the back. They charge a measly €4 to see the group, but it’s certainly worth it: the scene depicted is the moment that Jesus dies, and honestly they are some of the most expressive pieces of art we’ve seen.
La Due Torri // yes, it’s very steep, and yes, it’s claustrophobic.. but it’s worth it for the breathtaking views over the terracotta rooftops of Bologna. Added bonus: it’s super cheap! A must-visit.
Palazzo Fava // a renaissance palace & art gallery space. The very first time we went to Bologna together, we saw an amazing Edward Hopper exhibition here, so it’s definitely worth checking upcoming shows just in case!
Museo Civico Archeologico // fantastic archaeology museum to wander around if you find yourself looking for something to do. Particular highlights for us were the beautiful building itself, and the Egyptian exhibition.
P L A C E S T O S E E + T H I N G S T O D O
Market shopping // wandering along the tiny streets around Via Drapperie and Via Pescherie Vecchie, you get a real feel for the Bologna lifestyle. The flower shops, the fish stalls, the butchers, the cheese-mongers, we love it all. Our favourite places to stop into for some goodies are Tamburini & Simoni, both of which are reliably great. Definitely a must-visit.
Basilica di San Petronio // the central basilica in the middle of Piazza Maggiore. A beautiful internal space, much bigger than it looks from the outside. Note: if you want to take photographs inside the church, you have to pay a small fee.
R E L A T E D P O S T S :
Bremen, Germany // Paris, France // Amsterdam, Holland // Copenhagen, Denmark // Cork, Ireland // Edinburgh, Scotland // Westport, Ireland // Barcelona, Spain // Munich, Germany // Vienna, Austria // London, UK i - ii - iii // Florence, Italy
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Președintele Cehiei contrariază. Nu e convins de implicarea Moscovei în explozia pentru care guvernul său a expulzat 18 diplomați ruși. Președintele ceh Milos Zeman, cunoscut pentru pozițiile sale controversate și gesturile bizare, a șocat din nou, după ce a pus la îndoială teza emisă recent de propriul său guvern privind implicarea Rusiei în explozia unui depozit de armament din Cehia, motiv pentru care guvernul de la Praga anunțase la 17 aprilie expulzarea a 18 diplomați ruși. Președintele Milos Zeman a sugerat însă că explozia s-ar putea să fi fost, totuși, un accident, provocat de o manipulare greșită a explozibililor, și a spus că nu există dovezi concludente ale unui presupus sabotaj rus. Declarațiile lui intervin în condițiile în care lumea occidentală transmite, de o săptămână, mesaje de solidaritate și de sprijin pentru Cehia, după ce guvernul acestei țări a dezvăluit o agresiune gravă din partea spionajului rus pe teritoriul său. Șeful comisiei parlamentare cehe pentru afaceri externe, Ondrej Vesely, a spus chiar, referindu-se la explozia produsă la depozitul de muniţii de la Vrbetice, că a fost „cel mai mare atac pe teritoriul ceh, după 1968”. Guvernul de la Praga a acuzat doi agenți din spionajul militar rus (GRU) că au fost implicați în explozia de la Vrebretice, din 2014, soldată cu doi morți. Premierul ceh Andrej Babis a declarat că autoritățile au obținut „dovezi incontestabile”, în urma investigațiilor desfășurate de serviciul de contrainformații al țării. Cei doi suspecți ar fi fost implicați și în otrăvirea cu noviciok, în 2018, la Salisbury, în Marea Britanie, a agentului rus Serghei Skripal și a fiicei acestuia. Citiți și: Poliţia cehă caută doi agenţi GRU specializaţi în sabotaje şi asasinate. Unul are un paşaport moldovenesc pe numele „Nicolae Popa” Ce a declarat la televiziune președintele Milos Zeman Însă președintele Milos Zeman, care nu o dată a adoptat atitudini pro-ruse, a contrazis poziția guvernului într-o declarație televizată transmisă duminică, relatează Euronews. „Lucrăm cu două ipoteze în investigație. Prima este că explozia s-a produs ca urmare a manipulării materialului de către personal nespecializat”, a declarat Zeman. „A doua ipoteză este o intervenție din partea spionajului străin. Eu consider în mod serios ambele versiuni posibile”, a adăugat șeful statului ceh. El a avertizat totodată în privința oricărei „forme de isterie” și a cerut ca Republica Cehă să aștepte rezultatele anchetei oficiale. Ancheta a fost preluată între timp de procurorul general al Republicii. Opoziția este scandalizată Imediat după intervenția sa televizată, politicienii din opoziție l-au acuzat pe președinte că dezinformează. „Nu a fost o declarație adresată cetățenilor cehi, ci Federației Ruse”, a scris pe Twitter Markéta Pekarová Adamová, liderul partidului TOP 09. „Bagatelizare, punere sub semnul îndoielii, strecurarea minciunii. Totul a fost foarte inteligent împachetat”, a adăugat ea. Pavel Fischer, președintele comisiei de politică externă, apărare și securitate a Senatului, a spus că îndoiala pe care Milos Zeman o lasă să planeze lovește direct în reputația țării. „Cu afirmațiile lui manipulatoare, Zeman subminează direct apărarea propriului nostru stat”, a scris Fischer pe Facebook. „Zeman deja este de partea Rusiei și a devenit avocatul ei”, a mai spus politicianul. Milos Zeman, un vechi politician controversat În vârstă de 76 de ani, Milos Zeman este președintele Cehiei din 2013, după ce anterior a fost prim-ministru timp de patru ani (1998-2002) și președinte al Camerei Deputaților. A fost reales președinte al țării în 2018. De-a lungul carierei sale politice a fost implicat în numeroase scandaluri și controverse, iar obiceiul său de a consuma alcool în exces a devenit subiect de discuție în presă de mai multe ori. Citiți și: Gest bizar al preşedintelui Cehiei. A ars o pereche uriaşă de chiloţi roşii în fața presei Este considerat unul dintre liderii europeni cei mai prietenoși cu Kremlinul. De curând, administrația sa prezidențială anunța că ministrul ceh de externe, Tomas Peticek, a fost demis pentru că s-a opus achiziționării și folosirii vaccinului rusesc Sputnik. A fost a doua demitere din acest motiv a unui ministru din Cabinetul ceh. Cu o săptămână înainte fusese demis și ministrul sănătății. Tomas Peticek a mai spus jurnaliștilor că demiterea sa a fost legată, pe lângă refuzul vaccinului, și pentru că se împotrivea implicării companiei rusești Rosatom în construcția unei centrale nucleare în Cehia. Zeman a criticat de-a lungul anilor sancţiunile impuse de UE Moscovei şi a exprimat în repetate rânduri opinii proruse. El a fost singurul lider occidental care a participat la parada din mai 2015 de la Moscova, după ce stârnise indignare declarând că „în prezent că Crimeea nu poate fi oferită înapoi Ucrainei”. În 2016, președintele Cehiei își reafirma în mesajul de Crăciun refuzul de a primi în țara sa „migranți musulmani” și critica elita „neputincioasă și birocratică” aflată la conducerea Uniunii Europene. Rusia, în centrul unui scandal diplomatic de proporții europene Moscova a negat că ar fi fost implicată în explozia depozitului de muniții din Cehia și a expulzat, în replică, 20 de diplomați cehi, dar și 5 polonezi şi 3 slovaci, după ce guvernele acestor țări expulzaseră, la rândul lor, diplomaţi ruşi ca gest de solidaritate faţă de Praga. Praga, la rândul ei, a ordonat ulterior ca încă 63 de diplomați și angajați ruși să părăsească țara până la sfârșitul lunii mai. Uniunea Europeană și NATO și-au declarat, de altfel, sprijinul pentru guvernul ceh condus de Andrej Babis. Pe de altă parte, această criză intervine în contextul în care mai multe capitale occidentale și-au înmulţit în ultimele săptămâni expulzările de diplomaţi ruşi, pe fondul altor acuzaţii de spionaj, de atacuri cibernetice sau de ingerinţă electorală. Doar în martie și aprilie au fost trei astfel de cazuri, în Bulgaria, Italia și Statele Unite. Și România a expulzat luni un oficial din Ambasada Rusiei la București. Autoritățile române au decis declararea persona non grata pe teritoriul României a lui Alexey Grishaev, adjunct al atașatului militar în cadrul Ambasadei Federației Ruse la București. Surse guvernamentale au declarat pentru Digi24 că Alexey Grishaev desfășura „activități de spionaj”. Editor : Luana Pavaluca The post Președintele Cehiei contrariază. Nu e convins de implicarea Moscovei în explozia pentru care guvernul său a expulzat 18 diplomați ruși appeared first on RecordNews. https://ift.tt/3eCgqLp
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‘ i’m sorry . i should have made more of an effort with you . ’ ~ serghei @ niko !! (:
ANOTHER CHUG DOWN AND IT SETTLES in his stomach like a disastrous interlude to their fate as brothers . a laugh as bitter as the amber liquid that promises to coat the destruction within he places the bottle back down with as much care as he speaks his words ❛ there are a lot of things you should have done , serghei . ❜ the words fall , but malice grows like thorns upon his drunken verse and he’s left to simply smile at the older incarnation of himself . ❛ at this point , do you really think it would have made much of a difference ? do you think we would be the best of pals ? inseparable ? ❜ to niko , the sour feeling set in his stomach was clear and now ��exposed as if the knife to the gut had shined out the light . the answer was no . yet still --- he sits with his brother and speaks of nothing more than idle bullshit that come tomorrow will mean nothing ---------------------------- FAMILY after all , was above e v e r y t h i n g
haunting of hill house !! @murios
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50cm:Floyd's Pro Cycling unveils 2019 team kit - Gallery
Floyd's Pro Cycling, the US Continental team established by Floyd Landis, has added four more riders to the 2019 roster along with three new supporting sponsors. The team also announced adding Dirty Kanza and Leadville 100 to the list of off-road races on the team's upcoming calendar.
New riders added to the eight previously announced in December are Alec Cowan, Noah Granigan, Emile Jean, Noah Simms and Jacob Sitler. Cowan is a time trial threat, while Granigan placed second at the 2018 US under-23 nationals. Sitler is a classics contender, while Jean and Simms are GC riders.
The new quartet will join Jonny Clarke, Emile Jean, Travis McCabe, Carson Miles, Robin Plamondon, Keegan Swirbul, Serghei Tvetcov and Nick Zukowsky on the 2019 roster.
The team's 2019 road schedule will feature several marquee US races, including the Redlands Bicycle Classic, the Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah and the Tour of the Gila. The team's calendar will also include races in Asia at the Tour of Langkawi and Tour de Taiwan, according to a press release announcing the new additions.
The team's inaugural season will also see Floyd's Pro Cycling riders starting multiple gravel and mountain bike events, including the Belgian Waffle Ride, Dirty Kanza and Leadville 100. The team's first gravel race will be Paris to Ancaster in Canada on April 28. The 70km mixed-surface event takes place on the "roughest farm lanes, trails and gravel roads we can find," according to race organisers.
Helping support the team throughout the 2019 season will be newly signed presenting sponsor Worthy Brewing. The local Bend, Oregon, brew pub is owned by longtime Landis supporter and Bend resident Roger Worthington, who is making his first foray into the national scene after supporting local racing in Oregon for years.
You can read more at Cyclingnews.com
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John Murphy won een high-speed sprint finish in fase 4 bij de Tour of Utah
John Murphy sprint naar de tweede overwinning van de week voor het Holowesko-Citadel team in fase 4 bij de Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah. José Rodriguez (Elevate-KHS) was tweede en Mihkel Raim (Israël Cycling Academy) eindigde derde in South wielerkleding bedrukken Jordan.
Hoewel het een lange race donderdag was op 199 kilometer, was de route plat, dus de algemene standpunten veranderden niet. Rally's Rob Britton bleef de gele trui dragen. Gavin Mannion (UnitedHealthcare) bleef in de tweede plaats voor Serghei Tvetcov (Jelly Belly) in de derde.
Twee laatste wegbreekrijders, Lorenzo Rota (Bardiani-CSF) en Gonzalo Serrano (Caja Rural), werden gevangen als de eindkringen begonnen.
UnitedHealthcare begon al vroeg op de lange, rechte eindkilometer. Het bleek dat UHC te vroeg van Travis McCabe weggelaten werd. Hij bleef even even wakker, en Axeon Hagens Berman maakte zijn zet rechts, waarbij Chris Lawless wielerkleding online werd opgericht.
Maar Lawless ging ook te vroeg. McCabe versnelde opnieuw, maar zijn sprong diende als een springplank voor Murphy die tussen McCabe en Lawless squeeerde.
De 32-jarige voormalige Amerikaanse criterium nationale kampioen heeft zijn sprint perfect gehaald. Rodriguez volgde maar kon niet langs komen. Raim eindigde derde om het een schoon podiumvee te maken voor continentale teams in fase 4 bij de Tour of Utah wielerkleding.
De 185.4km podium van vrijdag 5 eindigt met een bergafwaarts naar Bountiful, maar het peloton komt voor twee gecategoriseerde beklimmingen van Bountiful Bench in de laatste 35km race.
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John Murphy vyhral vysokoskolsky sprint ve finale 4 v Tour of Utah
John Murphy přišel do druhého vítězství týdne pro tým Holowesko-Citadel v 4. etapě v Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah. José Rodriguez (Elevate-KHS) byl druhý a Mihkel Raim (Izraelská cyklistická akademie) skončil třetí v jižním Jordánu. Ačkoli byl ve čtvrtek dlouhý závod ve vzdálenosti 199 km, trasa byla plochá, takže celkové hodnocení se cyklistické dresy specialized nezměnilo. Rob Britton z týmu Rally držel žlutý trik. Gavin Mannion (UnitedHealthcare) zůstal ve druhém, před Serghei Tvetcovem (Jelly Belly) ve třetím. Dva finální odprodané jezdci, Lorenzo Rota (Bardiani-CSF) a Gonzalo Serrano (Caja Rural), byli chyceni, když začaly dokončit obvody. UnitedHealthcare zahájila předčasné ukončení dlouhého přímého kilometru. Zdálo se, že UHC příliš brzy vynechal Travis McCabe. Chvilku se odmlčel a Axeon Hagens Berman se otočil napravo a založil levne cyklodresy Chrisa Lawlessa. Nicméně, Lawless také šel příliš brzy. McCabe znovu zrychlil, ale jeho skok sloužil jako odrazový můstek pro Murphyho, který se stočil mezi McCabe a Lawless. 32-letý bývalý americký šampión kriterií v americkém měřítku dokonale časoval svůj sprint. Rodriguez následoval, ale nemohl projít. Raim skončil třetím, aby byl čistý pódium pro kontinentální týmy ve 4. etapě Tour of Utah. Páteční 185,4 km fáze 5 skončí se sjezdem na Bountiful, ale peloton bude čelit dvěma kategorizovaným cyklistický dres výstupům Bountiful Bench v posledních 35 km závodů.
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Tour of Utah 2017 Stage 4 John Murphy sprinted to the second win of the week for the Holowesko-Citadel team in stage 4 at the Larry H. Miller Tour of Utah. José Rodriguez (Elevate-KHS) was second, and Mihkel Raim (Israel Cycling Academy) finished third in South Jordan. Although it was a long race Thursday at 199 kilometers, the route was flat, so overall standings did not change. Rally’s Rob Britton kept the yellow jersey. Gavin Mannion (UnitedHealthcare) stayed in second, ahead of Serghei Tvetcov (Jelly Belly) in third.
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To Serghei: impact, location & restraint
impact — do they like spanking/being spanked? whipping/being whipped? hitting/being hit? any other kind of impact play not listed here?
big fan of spanking his partners. he likes the feeling of using his own hands, so has considerably less liking for things like paddles and whips. and if he gets a half chub by being slapped across the face by a pretty boy, then that's his business
location — where do they like to have sex the most? would they ever have sex in a 'risky' place (ex. in the office, closet, public bathroom, etc)?
serghei isn't big on the location of sex, per se, as long as it's feasible and he can do what he wants. he likes fucking his partners in lavish settings, though, preferring his own bed, resorts, etc etc etc
restraint — do they like being restrained? do they like restraining their partner(s)? are they into softer bondage or more hardcore BDSM?
restraint is a big no no for serghei! he doesn't like being restrained (it makes him feel like an animal) and he doesn't like restraining his partners with anything other than his own hands. he's much more vanilla than he comes off as. he's just. horny.
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web weaving -> serghei zugravescu
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noel and serghei - passive aggression, noel inevitably getting her way
serghei and farrah - childish remarks, hitting, slapping, kicking, serghei dodging high heels being chucked at his head, farrah inevitably getting her way
farrah and noel - knock down drag out wwe superstars snarling growling spitting hissing all they see is red, serghei pulling them off each other, one time noel ripped a patch of farrah's hair out, noel cried and asked for forgiveness, farrah didnt blink twice before telling her baby brother that she loved them
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he ain't heavy, he's my brother -> noel & serghei
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serghei: ranting european chain smoking uncle anger
joaquim: explosive punching holes in the universe overreactive anger
#serghei doesnt get angry as much as hes just annoyed and inconvenienced#joaquim has anger issues <3#h; joaquim#h; serghei
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serghei when a beautiful man is difficult and specifically gives him hell
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(fiskers don't make noise when they start up, just so you know) -> serghei zugravescu
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Serghei, are you a cat or a dog person?
"dogs. they're loyal. smart enough, but not too smart. protective. got fangs and a good sniffer. taste for blood." they had a lot in common, in other words.
a crooked smile cracks onto his features. "if you're talkin' about catboys, though. that's different."
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