#h: bowlcut
submariini · 2 months
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kampanscreek · 6 months
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Funger arting.
D'arce does things to my mind that are unimaginable to the common person.
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zippidi-dooda · 5 months
Yuu: you're kinda ugly, you know that
Rollo *face scrunching up, now hiding behind his handkerchief feeling hurt*: you're very brazen, aren't you
Yuu: yeah, but you know what else?
Rollo *almost glaring*: hm?
Yuu *pushes his cloth down and cups his cheek*: I still fell for you anyway *kisses his other cheek*
Rollo: I-uh-buh-what? H-how dare you! I cannot believe you after such fickle things. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have business to attend to
Yuu *shouting as he hurries away*: I'll keep trying to win you over! And date you with intent of marriage! Just you wait, My Love!
Yuu: ... hm? Where'd the rain come from all of a sudden? Ah, and there's lightning? I should go inside
Sebek: My Liege, you must try to remain calm!
Silver: yes, we know you're upset but if a storm brews too much, they may just cancel the entire event
Malleus: then so be it. This bowlcut looking, dorito chip wearing, sleep deprived, fifteenth century belonging headass is a fool if he thinks he can take my child of man away from me.
Sebek: *gasp* where on earth did you learn such language?
Silver: Malleus, we must try to stay calm, take a deep breath
Malleus: it shan't be him standing face to face with Yuu at the alter, but I. I am so much better than him in every sense and I have known them far longer. This is just a passing fad, a fleeting crush if you will. Perhaps they are just trying to upset me for being busy so often, I have been missing our nightly walk more often nowadays. Ah, I know, I shall take a slow stroll with them this evening at the place Professor Trein went with his wife. If it worked to give him a spouse, it shall work for me. It will be perfectly romantic I should think and they'll recognize their feelings for me immediately. You know, it may just be the atmosphere of this Fleur City that's making them act so strangely, and he was just the nearest being to express those feelings to. Silver, Sebek, I'll need you two to stay here and prevent that beast from interrupting our date, understand? Mark my words, Flamme, you'll rue the day you ever dared to cross me, Malleus Draconia
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duekko · 9 days
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📸 paidatonkiehuja.official Himos Juhannus ☀️🍑 📸@/photomikke
the bowlcut might be gone but the h ass thankfully remains
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Round 3, Group A: Matchup 1
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Kim Dokja vs Shigeo Kageyama
Reasons for being generic + Propaganda below
Kim Dokja
describes himself as having average looks. other characters calling him ugly is a running gag. has the most average korean man haircut to ever exist. the only spicy thing about his design is the white coat he gets some way in, but even that's co-opted by two other characters.
Just an anime boy with black hair and bangs. In universe everyone jokes about him looking ugly/generic. His powers come from him just being obsessive over this one web novel he's been reading the last 10 years. 
Black hair, protagonist, everyone is in love with him (this is somewhat a joke but also not really)
in canon he is called average. even ugly. additionally however if you look at his official art he’s just a guy w black hair. additionally if you look at any tumblr poll he’s in there will be people in the comments saying idk who that generic anime boy is but you should vote [the other character]. he’s not even japanese! he’s korean!! and i’m not kidding this happens all the time
black hair, dark eyes,literally a anime boy.
The point of his character is that you couldn’t pick him out of a crowd, he has a dead end job and no money, and his only reason for living is fictional characters (like all of us)
Man just looks so normal (the web novel calls him ugly but idk man just looks like A Guy in the webtoon) which I'm assuming is the point. He gotta look like a completely normal dude before you learn about everything wrong with him
there was minor outrage that the actor chosen to portray him in a life action movie is "too pretty." and i agree. i know him. he is default character customization settings
He's just a nerd (affectionate)
i love him
Mob/Shigeo Kageyama
Shigeo’s whole thing is being the most average boring middle schooler ever. He yearns desperately for a social life but he’s always been part of the crowd, so much so that his classmates and even his boss call him “Mob”. Also consider this post https://www.tumblr.com/codynaomiswire/190630281009/spot-the-main-character-amazing-mob-psycho-is?source=share
https://64.media.tumblr.com/15122b75c98b6a5978d892e284f5fe60/1c80e81d36417001-2f/s1280x1920/195aa0ce13b4bbea7fab38e3f930c250940fa9a2.jpg could someone who's never seen this anime pick him out as the main character
very plain face, and his hair is a simple black bowlcut. his design is intentionally as simple and generic as possible, mob appearing plain and unremarkable is a big part of his character. 
The whole point of his character design is that he looks bland and blends into the background (hence his nickname "Mob"). There are characters with way more exciting designs, even including his brother who at least has Anime Hair™️, meanwhile Mob is just very plain with his bowlcut and monochrome design
a very obvious candidate. black hair, spends the majority of screentime in a school uniform, got his nickname (mob) literally bc of how generic and bland he is. a perfectly common face. no aspirations, no hobbies, no academic achievements, no sport talents. just a guy. regular dude. the only notable thing about him is his immensly powerful psychic abilities but he avoids using them in daily life, doesnt like to show them off and supresses them as well as his emotions
the point of mob's entire character is to be generic and plain. even his nickname "mob" was given to him by others to show that he is just part of the crowd and nothing special.
He's got a bowlcut, a very simply designed face, and usually is only seen in his school uniform. 
He is designed to look like the most generic middle school boy with a plain unexpressive face and a bowl cut, and his nickname Mob comes from the fact that he doesn't stick out and everyone sees him as a background character. He spends most of his time going to school (he is bad at math) and reading manga and daydreaming/zoning out. He's socially awkward and gets nervous around girls. He started working out recently. He also has psychic powers but it's not a big deal it's just another trait someone can have like being charismatic or smelling bad 
look at him. his literal entire point is that he is just some guy. his name (mob) was given to him because hes so bland and doesnt stand out that hes part of the mob / a background character in everyones life. it's also, in japanese, the equivalent to the english term "john doe." 
Hair is a black bowl cut. Wears a school uniform, plain face. His whole thing is basically being completely average except for his insane psychic powers. He suppresses his emotions and powers because he just wants to live a normal life like everyone else.
bowl cut. standard school uniform. literally designed to look like a generic background character
classic bowlcut kid, literally designed to look generic and blend in
He's literally just a schoolboy with a black bowlcut and no distinguishing features. Look at he: https://mob-psycho-100.fandom.com/wiki/Shigeo_Kageyama?file=Mob+Fullbody.png Ofc, he's also an OP psychic, but he looks so entirely generic I think he fits perfectly
look at him. He checks every “how to look as generic as possible” box
Normal kid (appearance wise)
He is meant to look generic, he is this very powerful esper but he has black hair, a bowl haircut and mostly dresses in his school uniform. He looks like a background character even though he is the protagonist.
i love him so much he's like a son to me
(this person submitted an reddit img link so it automatically set to one)
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i love mob so much he is my boi
…but also, if it helps, mob's character is "boy with bowlcut, almost always seen wearing standard japanese middle school uniform, who speaks in a monotone voice and has no strong opinions of his own (for reasons but its not important)"
He's literally earned the nickname Mob for being so bland and generic looking (Mob being a term Japanese programers use for background NPCs). He also was purposefully designed by the creator to be as un-protagonist looking and plain as possible.
he is literally just some guy and that is the point of the entire show is that hes not special hes just a guy. this is a good thing :)
he has my exact autism :)
Look doesn't he seem like a very polite young man? With no distinguishing features whatsoever? Yeah. He's THE generic anime boy. Immense psychic power notwithstanding
He <3
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shimbongulus · 7 months
Thorns and Stars
(Warning! There are spoilers for Undertale Yellow's pacifist ending up ahead! Don't read if you haven't played it! Or do. I'm not your dad.)
The sun fractalized through the branches of trees in the park, making Martlet squint a bit as she relaxed on a wooden bench. 
The days since freedom came had been absolutely wonderful. Sunlight for the first time in most monsters’ lives, a decent peace with humanity, and a chance for a new start in a world they got to explore all anew.
Martlet had been doing her fair share of exploring around Ebbott, at least, but she wasn’t as young as she used to be. Her brief morning flight was evidence of that as she nursed a mildly aching wing, her fingertips massaging sore muscles and brushing over feathertips that frayed with age. 
She rued how unruly her down had gotten as she aged, but she reminded herself that was a sign of age - she got to see her down get all unruly, and feel her muscles lose the endurance they once had. It meant she had made it far enough to see the sun, that fabulous burning yellow disc that Monsterkind had dreamed of for so long.
But at the moment her wings weren’t the only things aching.
For the past decade and then some, she had been coping with the loss of a friend who had been in her life briefly but brilliantly. Starlo, Dalv and Ceroba had been excellent companions in the process of mourning and grief, and she had managed to grow around it, but it still bristled its thorns from time to time. 
Was there a world where they got to age with her? Was there a world where they came at this point in time? Perhaps.
Suddenly, a childlike voice echoed from Martlet’s right. “Is your wing alright?” She turned to look, and immediately recognized the figure of Frisk Dreemurr, the human name that every monster knew and would know for centuries to come.
“Oh, just fine. Things start to ache as  you get old. It’s whatever.” There was something incredibly familiar about Frisk’s presence and energy, something that seemed to summon the sweetness of the rose that dwelt somewhere within the thorns of grief.
“Say… you’re Frisk, huh?” They gave a nod, “Yup. What’s your name?”
“Martlet. I’m originally from Snowdin, but I’m currently staying in an apartment in New Waterfall.” 
Frisk gave that smile that caused the rose of grief to give its fragrance in Martlet’s soul even stronger as they extended a hand and shook with a firmness that shook her to her foundations. “Nice to meet ya, Martlet.” Suddenly, their face drew sympathetic. “Oh, I’m sorry, did I say something?” 
“W-Wha?” Small flecks of wetness on the periphery of her vision grew to Martlet’s awareness. “O-Oh, uh, it’s.. It’s not you. You just…”
She took a deep breath, trying to compose herself as she spoke the sentence, “You remind me of an old friend of mine. In a really good way.” She brushed some of the tears away, but a few miniscule replacements came behind them. Martlet tried her best to repress the sadness and lean into the bittersweetness that welled up from within her. 
Frisk pulled to a seat beside them, adjusting their blue-and-purple-striped jacket to keep the untimely spring cool out. “Who were they, if you don’t mind me asking?” 
For a moment, Martlet found it hard to summon words. What words could describe that brilliant, bright little candle that had come into their life for that moment those years ago? Friend? Compatriot? Companion? 
“Clover. Their name was Clover,” was all that she could manage for a moment, her blue bowlcut shifting in a slight breeze as a few tears flecked from her chin to her lap. 
Her voice shook slightly as she spoke, “T-They were a human, the last one to come before you. I h-helped them through Snowdin and to the Dunes…” Frisk put a hand on the tip of her shoulder, as if to ask permission to hug them. Martlet nodded as the child stretched an arm across as much of her back as they could reach.
“They were a really, really good friend. They were really strong, and really compassionate, like you.” Something seemed to wake up in Frisk as their brows raised and they asked, “Did they wear a cowboy hat?”
Martlet nodded, the tears slackening a little bit. “Yeah - yeah, they did.” Frisk seemed to look down into their lap, pondering as she continued, “They had a little toy gun, too. They loved coffee, and sweets, and pancakes, and dancing, and adventuring… They were tough as nails, and stronger than anyone could have ever believed.”
Frisk looked up and frowned a bit as they quietly nodded. Martlet then realized Frisk had obviously seen the container. “How did it happen?” 
Martlet’s head hung a bit as another few tears trickled down. “While they journeyed, they heard about the wrongs we’d suffered. They g-gave up their soul s-so that we…” Martlet tried to finish the sentence, but they could speak no more, and a pathetic little squeak came from her mouth as the tears seemed to come unfettered and undammed, coming in a small shower from her face as Frisk hugged her that extra little bit harder.
They squeezed Martlet’s feathered shoulders as the bird-monster cried, whispering, “It’s okay, it’s okay,” to her. Martlet’s tears finally slackened a bit as she reciprocated the hug to Frisk. 
Suddenly, the human looked up at them with bright eyes full of an idea. “Would you mind if I ran and got you something?” Martlet tried to voice a “sure,” but all that they could manage was a little nod as their breath still failed them from the emotional moment shared with the one who helped break the barrier.
She sat and watched as the human ran down the street, past the old brick building and away to some corner of this new town. She was alone now, for the moment, and wondered how Starlo and Ceroba were doing. Last she had seen Dalv, he was making moves to a more open stretch of ground to the east of the mountain, good for growing the fields of corn he excelled at growing.
Starlo and Ceroba were staying somewhere in New Home, she knew, and she wondered if they would ever complete the move up to Surface Home, but as far as she knew they were happy as it was. 
Martlet smiled a bit. Even if Clover was gone, she still had a good crowd of friends. She started to make a mental note to arrange a get-together between Frisk and everyone else, when she felt a tugging at her sleeve. 
As she turned, she saw Frisk, who had made their way back in front of her with nary a sound, giving her a start for a moment, “Aah! Oh, gosh, you scared the feathers off of me.” Frisk smirked, “Really? Looks like you still have ‘em all.” 
She shook her head, “You know what I mean.” It was then that she noted Frisk’s hand was clasped around something small. “Hm? What’s that you’ve got there?” Frisk smiled, “Something I found in the Underground when I was making my way through.”
Their hands unclasped to reveal a little six-pointed star with small brass knobs sticking out at each star-point. A word shone out from the center of the well-polished and well-kept keepsake, “DEPUTY.” 
Martlet’s hands involuntarily stretched out for the star, which Frisk eagerly handed to them. She caressed the thing and felt its contours, caressing even the pin which once held this to the chest of the human she had known so well.
She smiled a bright, happy smile at Frisk as the sweet rose that lived inside grief gave off a perfume they had not smelled since the thornbush had first grown. She felt love emanate from the little badge and embraced it, taking her arms and physically embracing the love - or at least its momentary source, Frisk, which Frisk was all too happy to accept.
“Thank you, Frisk.”  
Martlet could not explain it if she had tried, nor if she had been the most knowledgable monster in existence, but for a moment it was as though she felt Clover there, with her. As if she could hear the words murmuring through some consciousness of hers, “It’s okay. It’s all okay. You’re free now.” 
The thorns seemed as they were all coming up roses now as she enjoyed the remainder of the afternoon with a new friend.
(Thanks for reading! Be sure to go give this fic a kudos on Ao3 too!)
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hollowsart · 2 months
kept forgetting to post these, but here, some silly scenarios and out-of-context moments & more with (my) Guy Gardner & Feste that I wrote up for @arcade-writing :) ;)
==(Warning: This is an EXTREMELY LONG POST)==
--(tfw you start shipping your friend's self-insert with canon.. Guy/Feste is so real and official in my heart and soul cuz it's so funny, and I really wanna share some of these snippet things I wrote cuz they're just too good to keep to myself)--
(Anyways, when I say this is long, I MEAN IT)
Guy: Guy Gardner works alone! Ain't nobody worthy of workin' alongside me, you'll all just slow me down--
Feste: -walks in-
Guy: the ONLY guy worthy of workin' with me is sweet cheeks, here! -puts his arm around Feste's shoulders, giving a little squeeze, and kisses his cheek- I ain't accepting ANY offers. Ain't nobody could or ever WILL replace my best man!
Feste: ❔❔❔❔❔
Guy: Can I stay the night with you? I don't have the energy in me to go to mine. I just…… I just wanna….. cuddle for awhile… if that's alright with you…?
Feste, realizing just how bad Guy is doing: I will destroy whatever made you this way, just give me the word… but after we've had some sleep. You look awful.
Guy: ..Thanks.
Guy slicks his hair back and upwards one time at the beach, it's all wet and he makes a joke to Feste like "Hah, whadda y'think of my new hairdo?"
Feste looks like he's gonna be SICK. The utter horror that Guy did his hair in a way that looks like how Feste has envisioned in his nightmares.
Feste storming up to him, smacking his head and then quickly ruffling the hair until it sits like a bowlcut again and then kissing him and holding his face firm to look at him like "NEVER do that again."
Guy is confused and flustered, but he promises.
Guy: You wanna go blow up some asteroids later? I wanna see what that ring can do!
Feste: Oh, it's a date!
Guy, faltering, ears going red but his face isn't: What
Guy: So why're you called 'Feste'? is it like some kinda self given title, like an ironic wordplay for the fact you're a Pink Lantern? I thought all you guys were supposed to be all 'ohhh la de da, mwuah mwuah I love life, I love you, and you, and you, and everything~' but you're more like when love festers and dies.
Feste: ………Yeah, haha. yeah that's totally the reason. Pretty cool, right? festering love…
Guy: Yeah.
Feste: So what about you? Why's your name 'Guy'? Sounds pretty generic and bland compared to your gaudy personality.
Guy: GAUDY?! WHY YOU-- Ergh.. No. My parents named me that. Guess I was just a disappointment to everyone since birth. Hah.
Feste: Are you okay, Guy? Do you wanna talk about it?
Guy: ………..No. I'll be fine.
Guy, puffs out his chest: Well now I'm THE Guy. The Guy everyone talks about! I'm THAT Guy! SO my parents can SUCK ON IT. ~'PathETIC PUny GArdnEr'~ is no more! If they could see me now, they'd be soiling their pants at what I'm capable of! I'm doin' more work savin' the world and more than that lousy old man has in all his years as a cop!
Feste: Are you done?
Feste: Guy……have you ever considered your parents are idiots and their opinions don't matter?
Feste: do I need to kill them for you?
Guy: I thought you guys didn't kill?
Feste: I can make an exception.
Feste: I killed out of love and star sapphire has tried to kill Hal, I think I can kill your parents
Guy: Hal probably deserved it. Ah. Nah. Y'don't gotta kill'em. For all I know they're probably long gone by now, or on their way out, at least. Haven't seen or spoken to'em in years.
Guy: Good riddance, I say.
"Feste of Earth, your heart is so very lonely. Come. Join us and you will find your heart full once more in time. There is a great sense of love within you. With us, we shall help you to unlock that potential, to feel what it is that you desire. You will. find Love."
Feste: I'm sorry. W H A T
Star Sapphire: Feste of Earth, allow me. -leans down to caress his face and read into his heart and mind-
Feste: uhhhh uuhhhhhhhhhh
SS: I see what it is your heart desires. We shall heal you. This may take some time, however, as the universe is vast.
Feste: huh?? okay???
Guy Gardner on earth just stepping out of the shower:
Pink Ring: Guy Gardner of Earth--
Guy: WHOA HOLY &^#@$&@^#$^$@#?!??!
Pink Ring: --You are whom we seek. For there is one who is need of you.
Guy: The @#^$&# are you on about??
Pink Ring: Come. Accept this ring and see for yourself.
Guy: ..You gotta be ^&#@%&# me. I already got a ring -walking to retrieve the green ring on the table- I think I'm good now #%^$@# off--
Pink Ring: I am afraid you have no choice. This is an emergency of the heart and soul.
Guy gets YOINKED by the pink light and the ring nestles itself onto his wedding ring finger, his outfit changes and he gets portaled to Feste.
Guy's Pink Ring: Feste of Earth. Your heart and soul's match has been found. May you both find comfort in each other's love.
Feste & Guy:
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Guy: I got a scar from taking an imitation toy parachute for a joy ride when I was 8. didn't go so well, got a scar on my head from it, you wanna see?
Feste: you what
Guy: Yeah! Look! I jumped off and landed wrong, snagged my head real good-- check it out!
Guy: -brushes his hair out of the way and leans down so Feste can see the scar-
Feste: I thought they hit you for stealing it-- that's kinda disappointing.
Guy: How dare you.
Feste sits in his room, getting ready for a surprise night out with Guy. He tossed out some verbal hints, but never right out said where they were going, but Feste could only assume it had something to do with cowboys. Still, Feste was going to dig through what he had to find something to fit the theme.
He was halfway dressed and digging through his dresser when he heard the door open, a sound of boots with the spurs that one could never mistake following suit. Feste looked up to see Guy leaning on the door frame with his arm, the other propped up on his quirked hip, legs crossed. He was dressed like a fancy cowboy, green suit with matching stetson and all. The tassels swayed from his movement.
"Y'ready, par'dner? We're gonna be late if y'don't get yerself dressed. C'mon, we're goin' to a rodeo bar. It's hoedown night an' they got th'bull out. Y'don't wanna miss that, now do ya?"
Feste shuddered at the accent Guy was putting on. If it weren't for their date, he'd have half a mind to jump him right then and there. Grab that stupid bolo tie and matching belt buckle, too--
"Come on, Feste! Don't tell me yer gonna be wearing just some jeans and a t-shirt. Don't you have anything, y'know.. more appropriate?"
"Why would I have--"
"Y'know what? I'll buy you one on the way! Get your shoes on and grab your stuff and let's go!"
Guy was a little too excited for this.. it was kind of cute, Feste thought.
Feste in the Lantern break-room one early morning, pouring some juice or whatever, they hear the door open and glance to look, but it turns into a double whiplash take as they see Guy Gardner walking in completely shirtless in only his boxers, a pair of ridiculous socks, and some slippers. he's shuffling in yawning, stretching with one arm behind his back while the other is scratching that happy trail from to navel to waistband.
bro doesn't even acknowledge Feste, just cracks open the fridge after scratching the light shadow on his face, grabs a carton of milk with a cheap tape and sharpie label on it with his name and starts chugging it, free arm resting on the top of the fridge door. he finishes, puts the cap back on, stuffs it back in the fridge, shuts the door and FINALLY looks over to see Feste.
"'Sup.. Didn't know anyone else would be up this &^%$ early." his voice is still groggy and has a slight gravel to it. and for once, he doesn't sound agitated.
Feste, questioning how this man can even survive, making up theories in his head about how he is and junk when he's back on earth:
Guy, on earth, walking with some lackluster groceries back to his place: -kicking garbage and using his ring to put it in the trash, shouting at a guy for bumping into him and almost getting into a fight about it-
Feste, watching: I was so right
Guy: -sees a kid trying to get something out of a tree on the side of the street- HEY! Hey! What do you think you're doin'?! -runs up and grabs the kid out of the tree-
Feste: Oh no -readies his ring-
Guy: That's dangerous! You could've fallen and gotten hurt or worse, you could've went crashin' into the busy street! You're lucky ole Guy Gardner's got his eyes on this city, kid! Ain't nothin' gonna slide past this Green Lantern! What're you tryin' to get outta that tree anyway?
Kid: -points and looks sad- sorry Mr.Gardner Green Lantern, sir..
Guy: Ah, it's nothin', kid, no worries. I got this, just you watch! -shifts them to his hip as he uses his ring to fly up and gets the thing down for them, handing it right to them- There now, y'see?
Kid, being placed back on the sidewalk: yay! Thank you!! You're so cool!!
Guy: It's nothin', kiddo, now I want ya t'promise me y'won't go climbin' anymore trees like that, y'hear? I don't want any o'you runts gettin' hurt doin' somethin' stupid like that. And.. -squats to the kids height and talks a little quieter- I may be a Green Lantern and we don't feel fear, but don't you go tellin' anybody you heard this, but you got me scared for a minute there!
Kid: Whoa.. Really?! I'm sorry! I promise!! I pinky promise I won't go doin' anythin' like that again! -holds out their hand-
Guy, laughs and gives them the pinky promise: Yeah, that's a good kid! Now run along and play safe!
Kid: Okay! Thank you again!! bye!!
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had this in the drafts for a LONGGG ASS TIME:,,,
i just stayed up all night thinking about trans dean!!! (hbo dean) and wrote an approximate 5 page essay of my thoughts!!! (written by a transmasc)
(just on how dean is trans while keeping majority of the plot is the same, but also better than canon..)
Starting at the beginning. born Deanna. Dean always wanted to present more masculine. as a little kid always wanted to play with the boys stuff and dress in daddys clothes not mommys. in the first scene of him holding baby Sammy, it’s very much possible that he could still look pretty much the same considering the popularity of bowlcuts in young kids especially amongst little girls at that time. After Marys death, john never knew how to shop for girls clothing, so Dean just got the most basic looking clothes, already making him slide into that masculine nature. He probably grew out his hair after Mary died for a while (because of johns inability to take care of his kids and give them regular haircuts), until lets say 6?? when Dean figured out how to use scissors on his hair. John is unfazed, like as long as it doesn’t get in the way, and monsters cant grab deans hair(idk, things like that)
Bobby is the first to figure out Dean is trans. obviously. he pays more attention to the kids than john does. Dean just acts like a boy, thinks he’s a boy, though still being technically a girl. He’s complained before to Bobby about wanting to be a boy and hates being seen as/called a “dyke” or a “tomboy” by classmates and teachers. Dean doesnt think anything is wrong with expressing those emotions, still being just a young kid.
Around 8?9? Dean end up just straight up telling john he thinks he’s actually a boy and john couldnt care less tbh, trans men were nearly invisible to society at that time, especially to someone like john who probably grew up under a rock about those things more than anyone. John probably just somehow believed what dean said.. but in a twisted fucked up way… In Johns head Dean is now “a boy with feminine parts, and that is not right, you cant be a man and feminine.” (something like that) So John double time forces hyper masculinity upon dean much too early, as a compensation for anything possibly non-masculine about dean. Trans men are not a concept in johns mind and he doesnt care at all what it could mean other than Dean just being fucked up. This ideology weighs heavily into Dean’s trauma and daddy issues. Especially when john has angry drunk outbursts of ridiculing Dean for the way he is, doing things like deadnaming and misgendering Dean on purpose.
John obviously didnt know or care about anything gender confirming beyond, “I have a son, I buy boy clothes, it’s easier in so many ways having two sons now.” Bobby was the one who fully supported and understood dean and tried to do everything he could to understand deans situation and help him with the transition.
also. no one really knew of john as a hunter at the start. so its easy for john to switch to saying he has two sons, without causing problems.
Puberty for Dean would fall around 1990/91. By that time hormone blockers were already a thing available for kids who had puberty too early, [BUT amongst my research on hormone blockers for trans people I couldn’t find when That became a common practice, and when or where it became easy(ish) to get such treatment without being denied or hatecrimed in some way...] (will have to do more research on some subjects, I still have several books and articles I need to go through) However, I do know testosterone was actually an accessible thing around the 90s for trans men(ofc i still cant find what the age is for being aproved to start hrt unfortunately).
But, I believe, thanks to Bobby’s cunning schemes, he can get what Dean wants/needs in an easy way (ex; lying about Dean’s age or gender[saying he’s intersex or a male with a hormone deficiency], stollen medical prescription forms, etc)
So maybe, most of Deans life he is stealth to most, (even if he doesnt get testosterone until later in life, there are multiple accounts of trans men more than fooling a vast majority of people into thinking theyre cis, even when literally having sex with women believe it or not(ex; Brandon Teena/Boys Don’t Cry film, a popular 50s gospel singer i forgot the name of, much more) Dean is definitely super crafty in canon so he is always finding ways to pass.
Sam knowing Dean is trans makes sense(even if he doesnt have a word for it at first) considering how close they are as siblings. And I think funnily enough he might not even know Dean is “trans” until he attends a gsa class in college(bonus: Sam is he/she/they nonbinary in my hc and they find out that too)
[Side note, because of genes*, it’s very possible for an afab in the winchester family to be up to 5’10(lets say dean is 5’9 though). He wears those 1 1/2 inch heeled boots he does in canon (funny how he’s canonically trans coded sm), with shoe inserts on top of that and, boom. easily 5’11-6’0. yet, he is still more than four inches shorter than his younger brother.(idk i think sam should chill like maybe he can just be 6’2or3 in hbo, bc *john is still 6’1or2, and mary’s family also has tall men*)]
Moving on. According to the timeline dean discovering girls (and boys) happens next at 12/13 (pls help i’m on the aro spec and dk the normal age you get crushes)
but since we already know john is even more strict about Dean’s masculinity than he would be with someone whos amab (notice john canonically is less forcing of masculinity upon sam... i wonder why....) Well in saying that, here comes the intense homophobia. Dean cannot like men. “thats for girls. and Dean said hes actually a man, and I cant let dean be feminine in any way” or some bullshit like that.
Somewhere in the future, before Dean turns 17, john is “worried” about deans possible attraction to men. Sends him on the nun hunt by himself. It’s a big step especially for Dean being afab and john still seeing him as weak and feminine despite believing Dean is actually a dude. (I think this is also the same reason, canonically, sam is so surprised that at 26 dean is going on his own hunts??)
But like- so if the last time Sam saw Dean, Dean was 22 and still an irresponsible youth, still new to the freedom of things that came at 21 and what not(even if dean has been drinking from a young age) and considering johns treatment of Dean, and Deans dependency on johns toxic grasp on him, Sam could still be surprised dean is on his own now[even if dean went on his own at 17, but sam wouldnt know that,, and plus it was just so john could teach him a lesson] So maybe john also let Dean go on his own at 23(before then dean always went with another person) and because he would soon see Dean and his hunting partner of the time, Lee, getting along “too well” he would just fr gaslight dean to just go on his own from then... (something like that)
Focusing back on Dean’s transition, I actually have no idea when dean would get top surgery bc of the busyness of a hunters life. but im thinking it’s a top priority of Deans for a while because of the discomfort of not being able to wear a binder when hunting, only a sports bra, which depending, could still be very uncomfortable for him dysphoria wise. (i know the struggle) Again, Bobby probably one to help with the whole process of payment, recovery and scheduling a good time.
When dean finally gets his top surgery it is when he is with Cassie. (theyre literally both t4t bi4bi) Dean by luck finds a nice girl at a queer bar and settles down with her and decides its time to chop the flesh bags and Cassie helps him in his recovery. (of course i think dean still goes hunting in secret and messed up the healing process and ends up with sorta messed up scars)
Now lisa well... (actually I think canon dean dated her before cassie, but she was only introduced later so-) okay Lisa lowkey gives me transphobe vibes-.. I wonder if it could be that even after they hook up she still isnt even aware that dean is trans, she still finds out someway though. (rip ben actually being from a random biker in this au, bc canon he is 100% deans kid) When Dean sees her again, they run into eachother and catch up despite lisa still being transphobic. She’s fine with just talking but keeping distance. Ben, already liking dean like a father figure, doesn’t understand why lisa dislikes him, even after she explains how Dean is trans, like most kids at that age it’s simple, if he looks and acts like a boy, he is a boy. Kids dont fucking know a thing about body parts or genders... Ben with that ideology, ultimately opens Lisas eyes on trans people and is now okay with Dean.
The only next big plot point I can think of?? is..
Cas raising Dean from hell. While recreating Dean, he sees Deans entire being through Deans perspective. and how Dean is meant to be rather than how he was born. In my mind it makes sense to cas as angel, by seeing Dean’s soul, his memories, everything that makes Dean, well.. Dean, that he is indeed a man. Also because angels have no construct of gender(besides how humans are born) and being genderless in the first place, Cas doesnt associate body parts with genders. He just knows dean is a man and is like “well if hes a human man he must have these parts i guess?”, Deans views of himself blurring his previous form, everything on how dean looks is slightly masculinized. Cas doesnt even think about how come these scars on deans chest are significant and important to him, at any point in the future he could still easily remove them, but he knew they meant something to dean in his mortal development and despite being a “flaw” they are the two scars he didnt wipe clean off of Dean’s body. Everything else, its like- as if Dean was born a man, or at least, however Dean wanted to look. (and still, cas removes all of deans tattoos. dean is pissed asf at cas. even if they had significance to dean, cas still removed them as it was not a part of his body and soul like the top scars, just a foreign blemish made of ink)
That is all i should probably fit in a post now, lmao
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onigiridon · 2 months
mob psycho 100 the only thing keeping me goin yall
got the silly
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spicybylerpolls · 4 months
Prior to coming out, does Mike feel guilty about masturbating to guys/Will?
A) yes, but he does it anyway and he feels guilty everytime. why can’t he just be normal?
B) no, he convinces himself that fantasy isn’t real and he’s straight because he has a girlfriend
C) yes, he feels guilty about jerking off in general
D) somewhat, he feels guilty if he jerks off to guys in general, but not Will. Will is different. Will’s his best friend. That’s not gay, is it? Is it?
E) yes, which is why he only jerks off to women 🇺🇸🏈👯‍♀️🫡
F) yes, he feels guilty and tries to think of El but his thoughts always turn to a certain bowlcut boy
G) yes, which is why he doesn’t jerk off as often as he would otherwise. distraction, distraction, discretion. take cold showers. gay be gone.
H) no, because he feels no guilt about exploring homosexual thoughts in his brain. As long as it doesn’t affect real life, he’s willing to be closeted forever. And Will’s 🍑 shortcuits his brain.
I) He completely compartmentalizes and separates jerking off from his real life to the point where he doesn’t even REMEMBER what he’s done once post-nut clarity hits.
Please note that the purpose of this blog is not to be creepy or to make anyone uncomfortable. That's why I created the #spicy byler tag (I will tag all polls with this). If you don't want to see this blog or anything related to it on your feed, please block that tag. Not everyone is comfortable with this sorta stuff, and that's okay.
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
anon list
claim an anon, but a lot of emojis are taken so maybe sign off with a nickname as well so i can keep track! <3
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Incorrect quotes with the boys (P7/?)
Mikhail: How's the sexiest person here~?
Micheal: I don't know, how are they~?
Mikhail, flustered: I-
Will, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
8/10 it's fine.
Micheal, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
10/10 accuracy
Mikhail: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on.
Micheal: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Will isn’t
7/10 I could see this happening.
Mikhail: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Micheal: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!
Will: In that case, we're definitely lost.
5/10 friends don't lie
Mikhail: Micheal and I don’t use pet names.
Will: I see. Hey, what do bees make?
Mikhail: Honey?
Micheal: Yes, dear?
Will: Don't ever lie to my face again.
Mikhail: We need a distraction.
Micheal: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises?
Will, whispering: My time has come
7/10 *hits play* Is it early, Micheal?
Mikhail: Don't worry, I got a plan.
Micheal: Alright.
Mikhail: TraitorSayWhat?
Will: Excuse me?
Mikhail: What?
Mikhail: No wait-
9/10 we will be returning to some season one dyna-
Mikhail: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container.
Micheal: The cow???
Mikhail: What?
Will: Micheal, W H Y?
7/10 Will why would you share a refrigerator with this guy?
Mikhail: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon?
Micheal: I'm a knife.
Will, from across the room: They're the little spoon.
4/10 this is false
Mikhail: What do you think Micheal will do for a distraction?
Will: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Will: ... or they could do that.
7/10 yes, sure
Mikhail: What did you do with Will's body?
Micheal: What didn’t I do with the body?
Micheal: Okay, that sounded more sexual than I intended. I disposed of the corpse respectfully.
I don't know what to say
Mikhail: I know you snuck out last night, Micheal.
Will: Play dumb!
Micheal: Who's Micheal?
7/10 just for the Spiderverse because Wheeler-verse they literally share a room how would he not know?
Mikhail: I trust Micheal.
Will: You think they know what they're doing?
Mikhail: I wouldn't go that far.
8/10 pretty much
Mikhail: We need to get through this locked door. Micheal, give me your credit card.
Micheal: Here.
Mikhail, pocketing it: Thanks. Will, kick down the door.
10/10 top tier content right there
Mikhail: Hey, Micheal? Can I get some dating advice?
Micheal: Just because I’m with Will doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
9/10 I could see this
Mikhail, trying to ask Micheal out: Would you like to stay for dinner?
4/10 they literally live together.. in Mike's house..
Mikhail, texting Micheal: Micheal! Help I’m being kidnapped
Micheal: Where are you?
Mikhail: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help.
Micheal: I’ll call Will.
Will, answering their cell: Y’ello?
Micheal: Where’s Mikhail? They texted me that they were being kidnapped.
Will: Mikhail? Whaddya mean, they're right next to me-
Will: I’ll call you back. *hangs up*
Mikhail: WHO ARE YOU?!
10/10 bet you a man who appreciates your bowlcut
Mikhail: I told Micheal their ears flush when they lie.
Will: Why?
Mikhail: Look.
Mikhail: Hey Micheal! Do you love us?
Micheal, covering their ears: No.
10/10 literally them
Race you there, winner gets a comic!
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yisanged · 1 year
last night my dad was so pressed that i got called mr that he tried to give me bangs to make me look more female and it looks really bad because my dad doesn't know how to cut bangs or really hair in general. he tried to go at my hair the same way he cuts my brothers bowlcuts which are always janky and uneven anyways and it wasn't any different this time. i tried to tell him i didn't want him to but he was all like c'mmonn it'll be fine and then it wasn't.. even my mom was like what the fuck did you do. to be h i started crying about it. it's been like 5 million years since i've cried but my dad's fucking vacuum hair cutter got to me. i'm still not in a good mood but it's fine
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tenshindon · 3 years
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i just be drawin shit 
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citricacidprince · 3 years
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I like lemons 💛 🍋
Been stressed and realized I haven't drawn myself a new pfp in nearly a year? And my hair has changed more in the past few months than it has the past couple YEARS-
Haha I shaved my head at like 4 AM at a friends house and I haven't seen my blonde hair in years
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volleyballsimp · 3 years
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moodboard for the birthday boy, hanamaki takahiro 🍓[01/27/21]🍓
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