#gwyn… godspeed to you
gwandas · 2 months
I do not identify as an elucien/gwynriel shipper… a more accurate term would be ally or sympathizer to the cause
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redstringraven · 18 days
i mentioned previously that on/off through the past couple weeks i've been working on and rebuilding liáfsini's scrivener, so i can continue not only fleshing out the realm, culture, and magic system itself but also my 'continued canon' after '03 season four.
since i've been having a good time with one of the tools i've been using, i thought i'd throw it down here should anyone else want or need a thorough and unique worldbuilding worksheet!
this is the leviathan method, by kittyspace. while you don't need scrivener to use it, know that you WILL need a 'base outline' to act as the skeleton you'll be building upon. i'm using gwyn/ash's plot arc as my outline. there are fifty-two questions to consider, some of which you'll need to return to and repeat as you go. it's called a leviathan for a reason, and i've really enjoyed using it so far. i'm currently on part 11 and hope to have 12 wrapped up by sunday.
have fun if you think it'll be useful for your storytelling or worldbuilding for your characters, and godspeed! 🐢🌲
edit: if you're looking for a rebloggable version of this post so you can archive the link, here you go!
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nikethestatue · 3 years
I like it when you mention that sjm doesn't write women fighting over a man because is true. she doesn't. What made me dislike the gw/nriel side was not the ship. I don't get the appel but the ship is ok. What made me dislike the pairing is how the fans twisted the characters: Gwyn, elain and Azriel. Elain as the jealous woman who'll see Gwyn and Azriel together and lose her shit, when in canon she's kind and everyone adores her. Gwyn as this warrior violent woman who can be a feminine delicate flower and it suits her (which is funny, because her fans always shame elain for her femininity) and Azriel as this sick man in the head who can only be fixed by gwyneth. People think that just because they hate elain, means everyone in acotar universe and sjm hate her too. And it's more likely that their fav will end up in love with Elain as well.
Everything is topsy turvy with these weird assumptions.
Let's see--it's Elain who was rich, who was poor, who was a coward, who was rich, who was turned, who survived, who was moved to a new species, to a new body, to a new place, to a new life, who was rejected, who was mated, who was kidnapped, who was in the War, who was given a dagger without any training, who killed a tyrannical villain, who went back to heal, who decided to make something of herself and her life, who helps out, who volunteered to look for the trove.
Canonically, everyone likes Elain. She is the one who can convince anyone of anything. Elain is kind and spirited. Just because people refuse to see her -- sounds familiar? --it doesn't mean she isn't there and isn't making a ton of difference.
Elain changed the world on a global scale. Just because someone doesn't like it and doesn't want to acknowledge it, doesn't mean it's not true and wasn't what SJM wanted to write.
Elain has dignity, and if push comes to shove, she is not going to lose that dignity (not again) and isn't going to be running after Azriel or threatening Gwyn. She will wish them a godspeed and will probably make flower arrangements for their wedding.
Look how Elain behaved when she (thought that) Azriel rejected her. SHE apologized. To HIM. Thinking that she misread the situation. And she returned her necklace, because unlike with the iron ring, she'd made the decision that she was not going to cling to some man's token of affection anymore.
It's completely ridiculous that Elain would turn into some jealous wild bitch who will be hunting down poor innocent Gwyn.
a. who the hell wants to read that crap?
b. it would never happen and SJM is not going to stoop to writing something so atrocious
c. Elain might have some darkness in her--all of SJM's characters do, but it's not going to be based on basic bitch jealousy
d. Stop making Gwyn seem so utterly perfect and without any faults. If she will play a further role in the books, then prepare for some damn darkness to come from her. Because that's just how it is. If she is a one off, then I guess she is perfect and we don't have to worry about her again.
e. If SJM can make one SA survivor a very morally gray character who makes very questionable decisions, then you better believe that she can make another one just like that.
Allow for some room for darkness. SJM made her two most prominent characters a freakin' assassin who killed people for pretty dresses and money and a guy who rips into people's minds and steals from his friends.
Does anyone honestly think that she'll write a spotlessly perfect character?
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nightmaredaisy · 7 years
Lapp/Lautrec, Gwyn/First Pygmy (that's how Filianore was born), Hodrick/Shrine Handmaiden, and Hawkwood/any dragon.
Lapp/Lautrec5 = It’s alright, I ship it a little perhaps…
I see what you’re doing but why would you put Lapp in that kind of pain ! He’s a pure boy. Lautrec needs to be disciplined. DO NOT HURT MY BABE, LAUT
Gwyn/First (Furtive ?) Pygmy8 = I REALLY like this ship but it wouldn’t work out in canon.
As for Seath. Gwyn actually had a ton of gay lovers and gave seats of power and benefits to all of them. This is why Lordran is sinking, dude.
Hodrick/Shrine Maiden7 = I like it, would read a fanfic with them if it was well written.
You know, I am curious on how they ended up together. Was the Maiden always this much of a money-grabbing asshole ? Did the money ruin their marriage ? I bet it did.
Hawkwood/Dragon Senpai10 = One True Pairing (OTP). I will fight to the death for this ship.
Hawkwood goes every evening at the altar beyond the Great Belfry to flirt with the White Archdragon of the mountain. Someday, he says, he will notice me. The White Archdragon is very shy. But Hawkwood will not be deterred. Godspeed, Hawkwood.
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