#gwenvrse writes
gwenvrse · 4 years
dream come true
summary: You tune into Tom Holland’s Instagram live for the huge Marvel pub quiz. You would’ve never expected him to even notice you but never say never. pairing: Tom Holland x reader warnings: fluff word count: 1.5k notes: This is my very first time writing absolutely anything. I did this for fun but definitely let me know how I did! *gif by @morganstarks​​ *
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You’ve never been this excited about something as simple as a live stream. Not just any live stream though, it was the Marvel Pub Quiz hosted by none other than Tom Holland. Quarantine has seriously been such a bummer. You aren’t feeling as productive as usual.
Probably because of all the junk food and playing Animal Crossing for hours on end.
It was just so exciting to even feel like Tom remotely knows who you are. You’ll watch his live and there’s a teeny weeny chance that he could see your name. Then maybe click it. Scroll through your Instagram and maybe-
Oh god stop it. That would NEVER happen.
As it’s nearing the time for the quiz to start, you head to the kitchen to get a snack. Since this is a Marvel quiz, the only logical snack is popcorn because of all the Marvel movies you’ve seen in theaters. As you shove the bag in the microwave, your younger brother pops his head around the corner. 
“Watcha making???” He eyes the microwave.
You reply, “Popcorn…. For one.”
He pouts but it’s soon erased when he sees you pull out two bowls from the cabinet. You’re not feeling that cruel today.
“What time is that Marvel quiz? I can’t wait to kick Stephie’s butt in this quiz. She said I didn’t know anything about Marvel. Is she stupid?!” 
You rolled your eyes. “It’s in a couple minutes. And how dare she even think that. You’re the master of Marvel knowledge,” you say with a hint of sarcasm. The machine stopped beeping, and you separated the popcorn into two bowls. You hand one to your brother and head over to the couch. “Oh my god, it’s almost time!” You say with popcorn in your mouth. You open your phone and click on Tom’s icon. You cannot wait to see his cute face.
The live starts and you hear Tom’s sweet voice say, “Hey everyone what is up! I miss you all so so much and I hope everybody is doing well during these tough times.” He is so caring and thoughtful. You turn to your brother and he gives you a look that is slightly judgey.
I must’ve been smiling without noticing. Oh well. He’ll understand these feelings eventually.
It’s not exactly time for the quiz to start yet so Tom just stalls by talking to Harrison, Harry and Tuwaine. They go on for a bit and start arguing about what is the best episode of Kitchen Nightmares. Tom looked at the live and he quickly realized he was stalling for too long.
 “Oh shi- uh sorry,” he stutters, “I mean lost track of time there. It is now time to start the greatest Marvel pub quiz ever made! And that is totally true because I said it and I am never wrong.” 
The quiz starts, you and your brother are both using your massive knowledge of the Marvel Universe to answer questions as quickly as they come. A couple of the questions you both sat there arguing over who was right. Some questions were complete guesses because neither of you could remember the correct answer. After a few minutes, the quiz is done. You look over your answers, hoping they’re right because Marvel is one of the few things that bring you joy.
Tom smiles as he finishes taking a sip of water, “Okay! The quiz is done, so now I will start inviting people on the live to see if you guys got the right answers! These questions weren’t easy, I know that…” he pauses. Tom begins to struggle with the phone.
“Uh boys,” Harrison’s head pops up on screen next to Toms, “how do I invite someone on the live with me? I tried pressing this and-”
“Tom you’ve got to get better at this bro,” Harrison rolls his eyes
“Yeah yeah, I am a 90 year old man in a 23 year old’s body. I get it,” Tom replies
“Alright, so you press this button and type the person’s name in and then press invite. Got it, grandpa?” Harrison giggles as he walks away.
“Ha Ha. Anyways, let’s start inviting people! Let’s see who’s first,” Tom eyebrows pinch together a little while trying to find someone to invite. You adore his determined face.
You were hoping he would click on your username eventually but after a while it seemed like it wouldn’t happen. Seeing other fans on the live made you feel a little sad but also happy because they look so happy. You were glad that you had gotten most of the answers right so far. Made you feel a little better about the possibility that you weren’t going to be on a live stream with Spider-man.
“We have now gotten to the last question. And I am going to pick, uhhh, y/username! Please click accept to come on the live,” Tom smiled and you suddenly felt your heart in your stomach.
Did he really just- No… no. There’s no way. It’s gotta be someone else with a similar username.
Your brother snaps you out of it, “Y/n! He sent you an invite for the live! Accept it!” He was shaking you and almost jumping on you. You see the accept button and you press it.
Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. Is this real?
Your face appears below Tom’s on the screen. “Uh.. Oh my god. Hi” Your voice is so shaky.
C’mon, get it together.
“Hi there love, what’s your name?” Tom’s smile was so friendly. You could almost melt.
“I’m Y/n and this is my brother, Kevin,” Kevin’s head pops into the corner of the screen for a second as he waves to Tom. You are getting so red.
“Nice to meet you guys! Glad you could hang out and do this fun quiz with us,” Tom replies
You start to answer with, “We are really big fans. I love-” 
Kevin cuts you off, “You! Y/n loves youuuu! Y/n is always watching your Spider-man movies and-” You shot him dagger eyes and he stopped talking. 
But it was no use. You were beet red and could feel the heat in your cheeks. Thousands of people just saw and heard that. You were so embarrassed. You made a mental note to kill your brother later.
“Uhhh… disregard that! I just think you’re an amazing actor and I just really love you as Spider-man” You chuckled and tried to look nonchalant.
Tom smiles and lets out a small chuckle, “I like your brother. Good man. Ready for the question Y/n and Kevin?” You both nod yes. “What does S.H.I.E.L.D. stand for?” Tom makes a small wincing face. This one is a hard one. But you and your brother definitely have this one.
At the same time, you and Kevin say the answer, “Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division!” You both smile at Tom through the camera.
“Yes! You guys are so right! I can never get that one. Thanks Y/n and Kevin. You guys are awesome!” Tom winks and you can’t help but feel like that was for you.
Don’t be crazy.
You get off the live and can’t stop smiling. Kevin nudges you and you snap at him. “Why would you say that?! I was trying to be chill and you just made me look not chill at all!” You gave him a dirty look but definitely didn’t mean it.
Tom’s live ended while you were lecturing your brother. You sighed.
I can’t believe that just happened. Tom said my name!
You get up and bring your empty bowl to the sink and start washing. Kevin gets off the couch and you grab his bowl, “I’m going to my room, Y/n. That was so cool! I can’t wait to rub it in Stephie’s face tomorrow.”
You can’t stop thinking about Tom and the monumental moment that just happened. You don’t think anything will ever top that.
Tomholland2013 sent you a direct message
You take a breath in a little too quickly and almost start choking. Then you remember that people who got the questions right would get a signed poster. The dm is probably just for your address. You open the message. Tomholland2013: Hi Y/n! Thanks for playing!  I can’t believe you guys got that question right. It’s way too hard for me 😅 Anyway, could I get your address to send you your prize? I knew it. It’s still so surreal that Tom Holland sent you a dm on Instagram. Who cares if it’s not the dm that you wish it was? Y/username: Thanks for picking me! That was such a dream come true! Btw I’ll take the credit for that one, my brother had no clue what it was. My address is 111 Glendale Rd, NY, USA 😊 Dream come true to be on a live stream with a celebrity? I mean I guess but that sounds so weird. I regret everything.
You close your phone. You figure that’s probably the end of that conversation. Although the moment is over, you still feel the butterflies in your stomach.
Tomholland2013: Thanks again for playing, love. By the way, I think it’s really cute that you’re in love with me 😉
~*~*~*~*~ tagging some mutuals that i love w all mi corazon: @chaoticpete​ @underoosjae​ @peterismymans​ @bubblebucky​ @rogvewitch​ @quackeroos​ @andromedaaaaaaaaa​ @sovereignparker​ @lost-space-ranger​
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chaoticpete · 3 years
Young Avengers!
Young Avengers x F!Reader, Peter Parker x F!Reader
Warnings: bit of a crack, some fluff
A/N: Not my best but just a fun little thing I wanted to write since we are getting the young avengers (Allie this is for you 💜💜)
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(I know the picture has absolutely nothing to do woth this BUT HOW COULD I NOT SHARE THIS)
“Do you think they’re ready to go on a mission like this on their own, Tony?” Steve asks as the original team watches the younger ones.
Peter and Harley are arguing over some lab mishap earlier, Billy and Tommy having their own petty argument. You and Casey are debating and Kate just watches everything rolling her eyes wondering how she even got here.
“Nope! But we have no other choice. It’s an undercover mission and the event is the target son’s party. And not exactly like any of us can blend in with that crowd.” Tony says looking at them.
He looks at Clint and squints. “I think I’m even starting to see some grays.” He said pointing at Clint’s head as he swats his hand away. “Let’s go discuss with the children.” He says opening the door and walking into the conference room.
“Younglings, hooligans. Whatever you are. Eyes on us.” Tony says walking in the rest of the team following in. “We have a mission for you guys.”
He presses the remote and a shady man pops up the screen. “Hans Wittaker. His name has been moving up very rapidly lately. And he has something we want.” He says before changing slides.
“There are some plans that we would like to access but, we can’t beat his firewall from outside but we can from the inside.”
“But why do we have to go get it?” Casey askes.
“Because Wittaker is holding an event for his 18-year-old son. And we’re not exactly nobody’s at this point and don’t exactly blend in with a teen cast.”
“And no one really knows what any of us looks like.” Peter finishes. “Bingo.”
“So here’s the deal. Kate will be watching from the outside. Making sure everything goes smoothly. Casey will be blending in with the crowd being Y/n backup if anything goes wrong. Billy will be working for staff and Tommy will be on standby with Kate. Y/n will be the bait. Pete-“ you cut Nat off.
“Why do I have to be the bait? Why not Casey?” “Yeah, do you guys not remember last time Y/n had to flirt with a guy?” Harley asked. “When she stabbed that guy with a fork,” “Or was it when she broke the other guy's finger?” The twins ask laughing.
You flip them both off. “I think she’ll do just fine,” Casey says. “And those guys deserved it putting their hands on her like that,” Kate interjected. Peter places his hand on top of yours. “You'll do great N/n.” He says, giving you a small smile. “Thanks, Pete.” You said taking his hand in yours.
“Simp,” Harley says in between a fake cough before Casey smacks him in the arm.
“Is everyone clear and their positions?” Steve asks, rolling his eyes. “Eye eye captain!”
“Oh, and Y/n, let’s not try jumping off the roof this time.” “But what if I need to make a quick getaway?” “You're just keeping the kid distracted. If anything, don’t break anything on him.”
Your heels make a click sound so you make your way through the marble-tiled room. You swiftly scan the room giving billy and Casey slight nods when making eye contact.
Noticing a small crowd you see a suave, blue-eyed brunette. “Locked on target.” You say from behind your champagne glass. “Go and talk to him,” Nat says from your coms. “I mean I really don’t want to.” “Y/n.” “Fine, I’m going.”
“Well, it seems I finally found the guest of honor.” You say approaching the guy. It takes everything inside of you not to kick him in the chest as his eyes roam over your body as if undressing you.
“Well, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you before. Definitely would’ve remembered an angel, such as yourself.” He says grabbing your hand and places a kiss. A small giggle leaves your lips.
“I don’t like the way he’s watching her,” Peter grumbles from across the room. “We all know she’s your girl but Y/n can take care of herself. Now come on we have to find the office.”
“Why don’t we just change that then?” You say a teasing smirk. “Go somewhere a bit more...private.” you finish while taking one of his hands and placing it right on your hip.
“Okay, Y/n is getting the kid to leave the room getting like three of the guards to follow him. Harley and Peter, you guys know what to do. Casey and Billy stay on stand by.”
Sadly, the plan didn’t keep going so well.
“Uh, so you guys know how you told me not to break anything on him,” you say looking for a way to escape.
“Y/n what did you do?” “She broke his arm and shoved him into the closet.” “Kate!”
“Okay well, I still have things to download.” “I think you're safe, Harls. All the guards are heading to Y/n’s location.” Casey says. “I’m going to help her,” Peter says leaving the office door.
“No, if they know were here the whole mission will be corrupted,” Billy says. “Right now they think Y/n is just some psycho.”
“Y/n you need to get out of there!” “Oh, I’m sorry I didn’t realize that.” You say frantically looking around. Banging begins coming from the room door and the bathroom door.
“Is there like any secret entrances or something? Don’t evil rich people usually have those things?” You ask while starting to pull books off the shelves.
The banging on the door gets louder as they begin to kick in the door.
“Got it!” Harley exclaims. “Great now everyone gets out of there.”
“You guys know how you told me not to jump from anywhere. Gonna have to break that rule.” “Y/n don’t. It’s an 80-foot drop.” “I’ve jumped higher.” “Yeah with a harness on.”
You climb out onto the balcony. “Guys she’s gonna do it.” “Where the hell is Parker?”
You hear the door give in and guns start clicking. Looking over your shoulder you give the guards a sly smirk. “Almost had me, boys,” you say before leaping off, a loud whoop leaving your lips.
“I really hope som-off” you get cut off and you come in impact with a red and black-clad body.
“Perfect timing,” you say giving peter an innocent smile as your wrap your legs around his waist holding onto him tightly.
“Do you have a death wish or just love to give everyone a heart attack?” Tommy asks through the coms. Before you could answer, Peter lands on a roof top and chimes in.
“She’ll have to answer you later. We have somethings to discuss with what happened at the party." He says before turning off both of your coms.
Tags:: @tommyunderoos @spideyspeaches @frenchfrostpudding @holland-styles @gwenvrse @allegra-writes @blizzardbabe @cherry-hyejin @kitkatd7 @buckys-other-punk
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peterscurl · 4 years
i just wanted to make a post about how there kinda is a lack of diversity of the readers. It’s quite obvious the reader is known to be white. Especially in the Tom and Marvel fandom. There are a lot of fans who could feel excluded because the reader isn’t described in a similar way that they look. I understand that it’s hard to describe a reader a certain way but please be neutral about it. Especially with body types because not all bodies are the same. I just feel like a lot of the white fans are always represented in the fics unless someone specifically asks for a specific type of reader. Just please try to make the reader suitable for everyone.
please reblog this so it can be seen for everyone
tagging people: @joshuaparkers @allegra-writes @th0ttie4tommy @champagneholland @chaoticpete @deadlyaffairs @hollandprkr @its-a-leap-of-faith-kid @gwenvrse @spideygenius @ameelia @cxdricdiggory @quaksonhehe @sarcasticallywitty15 @sovereignparker @greywithae @blissfulparker @popculture-parker @popculturetrash15 @fancyxholland @peterplanet @peterparkersthot @taciturnspidey @londonspidey @beverlyparkerr @nasa-parker @tomshufflepuff @adriannajackson @starlight-starks @spideypeach @spideyspeaches @promisedparkers
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Defending Peter Parker (Round 2: Tom Holland)
Here <- Andrew Garfield
Soooooo I'm doing this cuz I'm bored to show y'all how dumb some of your arguments and criticisms of the live action spidermen are. I did Garfield already. I'll do Maguire if someone shows me where people have hated on his spidey cuz all I ever see for him is people treating him like he's the most perfect Peter Parker to ever exist. I'd never tell anyone how they're "supposed" to feel about a situation so I won't do that and also don't take this seriously I'm just a dumb teenager. I'm just taking the dumb opinions y'all like to pass as fact and rebutting them with actual facts.
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"hE's OnLy So PoPuLaR bEcAuSe He'S hOt"
😐If this is your main critique of Tom Holland's spiderman, pls go find another one. This is so overused. The "they're only famous cuz they're hot" excuse has been used for every hot actor/actress ever. At this point, it isn't even real criticism, you just come off as lame. And yeah, alot of people like him because he's hot, but that's definitely not the only reason.
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"hE's NoT sPiDeRmAn. He'S iRoNbOy!"
UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH okay let's get to it. (If you can't tell, I really hate this argument)
1) Let's be real. The fandom pushed irondad wayyyy more than the actual movies did.
2) If you still use this argument after Far From Home, you missed the whole point of what FFH was supposed to be.
I was scrolling through tumblr and I saw a great point that someone made.
That entire movie was about him coming into his own as a hero, facing his problems head-on, and dealing with the threat by himself. That was the point of the whole movie. Yes, he had the Stark tech to help him make a suit, but he designed it himself, and then he went up against a threat that had incredibly powerful Stark tech at their disposal and still won. By himself. Everyone was asking who the next Iron Man would be and Happy even flat out said "You're not Iron Man." Because he isn't. He came into his own. He is established now.
Peter started the movie a bit lost without Tony and just wanting to deny his responsibilities and get away for a while.
He ended the movie finally accepting himself for who he was and even having to fight against Stark technology. He had to rely on himself and instead of worrying about this title that's been put on him, he has to just go with his own instincts (all the way down to his web shooters running out and having to literally just rely on his mind and his body) and look his responsibilities in the face. Idk a better way for him to have broken out of being "ironboy".
3) Plus, they needed some way to bring Spiderman into the MCU. And Tony is practically the MCU's Bruce Wayne when it comes to "adopting" children. Of course he was gonna be the one to bring him in.
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"He HaS tOo MaNy MeNtOrS! tHeY nEeD tO sToP hOlDiNg HiM bAcK aNd LeT hIm GrOw Up AnD bE aLoNe!"
Hahaha no.
Tony- okie dokie that's only one
Happy- Happy Hogan is not Peter's mentor. He literally helped him out in ONE scene. That is not enough to be a mentor.
Mysterio- He is also not a mentor. Storywise, he was Peter's scapegoat to caste his responsibilities onto because he didn't want them/feel he was worthy of them. And then later he was a villain. Just because the two have one small pep talk, doesn't mean he's a mentor.
I think most ppl that say this stuff really just don't want Peter to have any help. What you guys fail to realize is that getting help does not make you any less of a hero. You can still be a solo hero and get a peptalk every now and then. Batman, Superman, Ironman. They all get help from people in their movies and I don't see anyone complaining about it or saying they need to be alone.
Also, grow up? This dude is literally a sophmore/junior in high school. They talk so much about how he's literally a kid. Alot of the spiderman comics take place with him still being in high school. He doesn't have to be an adult. And as far as maturity goes, it's not like he's a dumb kid. He's just a teen doing what teens do.
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"nO uNcLe BeN!"
Come on guys. How many times have we seen this origin story? We all know it.
The story takes place when he's ALREADY spiderman so Uncle Ben is ALREADY dead. (They even have his suitcase in FFH). Just because they don't really mention it doesn't mean it didn't happen. We don't need to see the same origin story again. I mean, does every Batman movie mention Bruce's parents dying in the alley? No. Cuz we all already know it does. Origin stories are integral but the MCU wasn't erasing his, they were simply just starting after it.
And in every spidey story Uncle Ben always teaches him "with great power comes great responsibility". Well if you watch the movies, MCU Peter learns his lessons in responsibilities sooooo we're covered there.
"When you can do the things that can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you."
Yeah yeah we all love Uncle Ben but him already passing doesn't mean the story's bad. That's just where they wanted to start lol.
"ThErE's No ReAl CoNsEqUeNcEs WhEn If LoSeS!"
Homecoming: If Vulture would've won, there would've been more easily accessible alien weapons available for criminals like the Shocker, the Tinkerer, etc. Also Vulture would have been a criminal loose on the streets. Regardless of his intentions, he was a guy willing to kill for what he wanted.
FFH: What Mysterio was doing, even though it was an illusion, was actually causing casualties. His workers talked about it to him over and over again. Especially if the last attack in London (i think?) would have worked, alot of people would have died. Also the world would have been tricked into depending on someone that actually couldn't really keep them safe.
Lol but regardless, Peter doesn't have to be dealing with a gigantic threat. The whole thing about being a superhero is doing what's right, regardless of how big or small the situation is. He's literally fought with the Avengers. I think he's proven himself.
All in all Tom Holland is the best (for me personally). I never have an issue when he's on screen and he's really just so awesome😊
Tagging great ppl: @allegra-writes , @yumings , @spideyyeet , @sunkissedspidey , @tommyunderoos , @chaoticpete , @sovereignparker , @thesherlockianavenger , @bubblebucky , @eridanuswave , @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr , @kidney9-9 , @gwenvrse , @the-weird-bisexual , @kelieah
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quackeroos · 4 years
𝙨𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙖𝙮 🥀 𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩
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Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Hanahaki!Reader
Status: Incomplete/On-going 
Summary: love is beautiful, but very painful. y/n stark learned this the hard way. now that peter and mj are together, y/n’s hanahaki is eating up the remaining time she has on earth. and as long as peter doesn’t know, she was willing to accept her fate.
Warnings: cursing, blood, angst,
note: i am accepting mood board submissions if any of you guys made one! would really love to see your works! just tag me in your posts.
mood board is made by me. i’m open for requests!
the first and original mood board is made by @gwenvrse. check out her works and request! ❤️
gif banner by @lolaywrites ! also check out her works they’re amazing 💗
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  
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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Alternate Ending 1
Alternate Ending 2
Extra Scene 1
Extra Scene 2
Extra Scene 3
taglist:  @tomhollandd @softholand @cunaeparker @euphoria-parker @midtownpetey @hollandstea @curlystom @screamholland @plutotown  @pastelpeter @underoosjae @parkeraul @blissfulparker @spideycurls @websliinging @hazsterfield @euphoria-parker @midtownpetey @parkeret @angelic-holland @angel-spidey​ @allegra-writes​ @dahliaspidey @spideycuddles​ @snowflakeparker @amsterdam-parker @blissfulparker @parkerpeter24 @sovereignparker @spideycurls @websliinging @farfromhaz  @pixiehollands @hazsterfield @roses-hxlland@parker-holland @kimireclusive @pparkerwrites @stuckonspidey  @sovereignparker @chaoticpete @theofficialtoiletpaperplug @megaprincesscakes @beiroviski @blossomholland @chaoticpete @spideygirl2003 @the-crazy-fanfictionist @dogsfoodartmaingoals@stretchkingblog97​
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hopesbarnes · 4 years
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Not So Sneaky
Summary: 4 times your brother Bucky almost caught your relationship with Peter. And the 1 time he did. Based on the request: “If requests are open, can you write a peter x reader fic, where reader is either bucky’s daughter, sister, or daughter like figure?” and written for @stuckonjbbarnes​ Angst VS Fluff Challenge. I had the prompt “Shut up! Just…Shut! Up!”
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of sex, and a little bit of a steamy makeout.
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The One With the Weights 
“Who do you think can lift more?” you hear Peter, your boyfriend, say.
“Huh?” you ask pulling the earbud from your ear as you walk on the elliptical machine.
“Who do you think is stronger? I mean I know I’m like spiderman, but you have super-soldier serum. I think I can lift more!” He says smiling knowing your competitive side has to react to any challenge.
You slow down the machine to a stop and hop off giving him your best ‘mean mug’ face and walk to the weights. You move to add what you know you can bench and hope it’s more than Peter. He moves to spot you and you lift the weight effortlessly above your head and smile widely. He looks a little panicked but switches with you to lift the weight.
He lifts the weight above him with little struggle and you just huff and add more weights. It goes a few more rounds until you finally best him and lift more than he can.
“YES! YES! Who’s stronger now huh?” you shout and jump into his arms kissing him. Competitiveness makes you just the slightest bit eager.
“Shut up! Just...Shut! Up! You’re a show-off anyway” he mumbles against your lips, but you can tell he loves having a strong girlfriend. 
“Sure, baby,” you say and push him against the mirror kissing him more. It’s then your super hearing picks up chatter outside the gym and you jump off him and beeline to the elliptical, leaving him next to a weight you know he can’t lift. 
It would probably be easier to explain to your brother, Bucky, that you’re dating Peter. But then he would yell at you, “Y/N you’re 18 you shouldn’t have a boyfriend it’s not proper!” and you just did not want to deal with that. So the two of you hid it instead. 
“Oh Peter, I think that’s too much,” Bucky says entering the gym and they all laugh at Peter and you shrug to him, mouthing a ‘sorry’. 
The One With the Movie Night
In a tower with a solid mix of pop culture nerds and people who missed most of history, there’s a strong need for movie nights. They always went the same, Peter and Tony argued over what movie to watch while Steve, Bucky and you just went along with it. Your brother loved watching movies, and you loved watching movies with Peter. 
The tower still had no clue you were dating the boy, they just all thought you were best friends. Tony knew Peter had a crush on you but, and you quote, “Y/N is way out of your league, she’ll never date you.” Peter just silently laughed at that and went along with it. 
Jurassic Park is starting and you move the blanket over where your legs touch Peter’s to hide the fact you’re holding your boyfriend’s hand. He had soft hands and you loved touching in any aspect. 
Halfway through the movie though your brother tried to steal the blanket.
“C’mon Y/N, I’m cold,” he said and you tugged it back.
“You’re a super soldier you’re not cold. Leave my blanket alone!” you huffed. 
But he pulled it again, and it left you just enough time to let your hand move from Pete’s to your thigh. So much for hand-holding. 
The One With the Ice Cream Shop 
On Peter’s last patrol, he found a 40’s themed ice cream shoppe, where people dressed in period clothes to attend. You had been talking about how much you missed before. You were 14 years old when your brother was taken, and they kidnapped you as well. They injected you with the serum but froze you as the experiment didn’t make you compliant. It wasn’t until Natasha leaked all the hydra documents they found you, still in a cryogenic chamber. One day you were getting ready for junior high, the next people had phones and wore skinny jeans. But that was four years ago, now you were a little more adjusted to the world.
After he told you about the shoppe, you found a dress Bucky had gifted you a year ago in the nostalgic style you grew up in. You dressed as you did when you were younger and met Peter, who dressed in 40’s clothes as well for a cute date at the ice cream parlor. 
“I’m so happy you found this place,” you said taking a final scoop from the ice cream you split with the curly hair boy.
“Is this really what things looked like for you?” he asked marveling at the decor and outfits people wore.
“Yeah! Things sure were a lot cheaper though. And girls were not allowed on unchaperoned dates,” you said resting your head on your hand.
“I like it, lot simpler,” he said and you reached over the table to give him a quick peck. 
You were about to tell him more, but your brother walked in with Steve being tugged behind him.
“Y/N! Peter!” he said and smiled wide. Guess your date was over.
“Hello, Mr. Barnes!” Peter beamed and you wanted to die. 
“I told you a thousand times, just call me Bucky,” Bucky said and Peter shyly nodded. “What are you guys doing here anyway?” 
“Probably the same thing you and Steve are. Well minus the date part. Peter found this place and knew I was a little nostalgic so he took me here,” you explained hoping he would buy it.
“Never did get to take Stevie on a proper date back then, gotta make up for time lost,” he said smiling over to the blonde man in line. 
“Well we were just about done, so see you back at the tower!” you said and tugged Peter out of the shop. 
Guess even ice cream shops weren’t safe for a hidden relationship anymore. 
The One With the Picture  
Peter had a ton of schoolwork and couldn’t make it to the tower for two days, and you were dying. You missed his kisses, and cuddles and were being overly needy today. So you figured you would flush him out, so to speak. 
You decided to tease him and put on your cutest lingerie and take a scandalous picture captioned ‘I miss you:(‘. Even a guy as patient and shy as Peter couldn’t turn that down. You saw the picture change to read but no response. You were upset but pushed it off.
A few hours later Peter came through your window in his suit and looked startled.
“Y/N, I uh well. I got called on a mission last minute and well,” he said looking flustered. 
“Spit it out!” you said getting nervous.
“That was the closest we’ve come to getting caught. But we didn’t!” he said and collapsed on your bed.
“Start from the beginning,” you said and laid next to him. 
“I was out on this last-minute mission with your brother and Nat and then on the quinjet, I got a notification on my phone of your picture. I didn’t know it was that so I opened it and Nat almost saw my phone so I had to close it really fast and switch to a chat with Ned. It was really nerve-wracking and Natasha kept looking at me. So maybe she saw the pic but it didn’t show your face.” 
You sat up immediately. Natasha bought the set with you, there was no doubt she saw. 
“Nat bought the set with me! Crap Pete stay here,” you said and threw on a sleep shirt and shorts and ran to her room. You banged on the door and she opened it and tugged you in. 
“Got something to share,” she said smugly.
“Please don’t tell my brother!” you begged and she looked at you smiling.
“Of course not. You’re an adult, your brother doesn’t need to know what you’re up to. Or I guess who you’re up to.” You practically jumped her to hug her. 
“Thank you, thank you!” you cried.
“I do expect details tomorrow!” she said as you left the room and you shot her a thumbs up.
+ The One With the Burger 
Living with a bunch of other people meant little to no time to yourself. Or more importantly to be with your boyfriend. So times when the two of you were free and everybody was busy, meant you were in your room with him beneath your thighs.
His lips were against yours and there was nothing sweet about the kiss. The two of you were both strong, and your time together reflected that. Rough kisses with grabbing hands, bruises that healed quickly, and multiple rounds. 
You were just getting into it though. Your shirt was still on (his wasn’t) and you were barely grinding against him. All that went away though when your brother opened your door, without knocking.
“Hey Y/N want to get some burger- oh my god. MY EYES!,” he said and you scrambled off your boyfriend and wiped your lips subconsciously. 
“Bucky! Hi, my loving and calm big brother!” you say throwing Peter’s shirt at him. 
“I did not need to see that!” he exclaims.
“Then knock!” you shout back. 
“So are you guys a thing?” he asks sitting on a chair holding his head in his hands’ processing.
“Yeah,” you admit quietly.
“Ok. Cool. Cool. How long?” he asks.
“A year,” you say in an equally quiet voice. 
“Mhmm okay. That’s fine. Just please don’t let me see that ever again.”
“Can Pete join us for the burger?” you ask smiling.
“Sure fine whatever, c’mon,” he says.
Well if you knew he’d be this cool with it, you never would’ve hidden your relationship. But you know what they say. Hindsight’s 20/20.
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Perm. Tags
@brokenthelovely @inkedaztec @buckysmischief @hailmary-yramliah @poppunkdork @bythebloodofafangirl @gwenvrse @momobaby227 @winterprincess-sky @marvelousmrstark @starstruckpersonearthquake @katshrev @captainscarletwanda @lexy9716 @aroyaldarknessblr
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emmaswcns · 4 years
i was tagged by the loveliest of the lovelies, @danielsousa​ <33 thank you for tagging me ily
rules: bold everything that applies to you and tag people you’d like to get to know better.
i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses or contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes// i have dyed or highlighted my hair // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails // i typically wear makeup // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backward
hobbies & talents
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to t.v shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long-distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sunrise // i enjoy rainy days // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colors // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favorite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mum friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs // i have a cat
tagging: @gwenvrse @bewilderedmoth @anakinskyiwalker @thwippeter @lonelypistachio @warriorbountyhunters @agentmmayy + anyone else who’s interested!
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chaoticpete · 4 years
Hellllo maybe a request of Tom bringing you to the ffh premier and bringing your daughter along as well and having Haz watch over her when she is scared of the camera? Short and fluff thanks love!
Request: Hellllo maybe a request of Tom bringing you to the ffh premier and bringing your daughter along as well and having Haz watch over her when she is scared of the camera? Short and fluff thanks love!
Hi Anon! Thank you so much for the request! Hopefully, you're still around cause I know it's been a minute...heh But I hope you like it and I hope it was worth the wait eee
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Little Star
You place your hand on Tom’s shaking leg. He places his hand on top of your and gives you a thankful smile. “Sorry love, just a bit nervous with this one and people’s reaction.”
It was the premiere of “Spiderman: Far From Home”. It was a big movie, as it kicked off the next phase for the MCU but also tells a story after half of the world being gone and coming back. But you knew that wasn’t what he was actually nervous about.
You look across the limo to see your five-year-old daughter sitting across from the two of you with Haz as she looks out the window. Yes, you had Hope at just 18 but she was both of your guy’s world, and you wouldn’t change anything for the world.
When Tom’s career really kicked off you both agreed to keep her away from the spotlight. Sure, the fans knew about her (let’s be honest they can find out anything they want it’s kind of scary), but they respected both of your wishes.
“There are so many people here! Are all of them going to see that movie?” she asks looking over at the two of you. “Not all Pumpkin, some of them are just here to see daddy’s new movie.” Hope nods as if she understands.
Kneeling down to look her in the eyes, you take her little face between your hands. “Hope, baby, there’s going to be lots of people when we leave the car okay? And it’s going to be loud with lots of cameras. Don’t let go of your uncle Haz’s hand okay?” She nods and you press a sweet kiss on her forehead.
“Next car.” the driver says letting you know that it almost your turn to come out. Pulling up to the carpet, one of the security guards opens the door and Tom steps out making the crowd, (if even possible), go louder.
He turns around taking your hand in his as you step out of the vehicle. A Chorus of awws is let out when Hope and Haz come into view.
As you and Tom walk a bit ahead of them so he could do some interviews and take pictures, you look back to see Harrison now holding hope in his arms. She gave the crowd small smiles as she waves back at them before nuzzling her face back into Harrison’s neck.
“I see you brought your daughter tonight.” the interviewer for E-News says smiling.”She is absolutely adorable! Any chance we’ll be seeing her on the big screen soon?” “Not sure, I mean she hasn’t shown any interest in it. Right now we just want her to be a regular kid.” After saying that the three of you turn to see Hope and Harrison posing together and taking pictures. “Or it seems we might have a little star on our hands.” You say laughing.
Tags:: @tommyunderoos @sovereignparker @allegra-writes @gwenvrse @kitkatd7 @buckys-other-punk @peterismymans @parkerpeter24 @peeterparkr @spideyspeaches @starlight-starks @spideygenius @chloe-geoghegan1
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chaoticpete · 4 years
Among Us (1)
Avengers x reader c r a c k
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Tony runs from storage straight to the cafeteria, Nat following close behind. He slams the button, summoning the other crew.
“Tony, why was this meeting called?” “NAT WAS CHASING ME!!” “I WAS NOT!” “YES! You chased me around storage!” “I was watching you because you’ve been sus this whole time! Not to mention really quiet when the last two bodies were found!” “She does have a point Mr. Stark...you have been a bit more quiet than usual.” “Kid!”
“Nat..what were you doing to follow him?” Steve asked. There were only four players left. Steve, Tony, Nat and Peter. They knew they got one out with Y/n who was caught killing Harley in a stack kill.
“I finished all my tasks, so I was on cams for a bit and I saw both Steve and Peter but not Tony. Also he was standing in the cafe for a while before moving to storage which I followed him too.”
“Hmm,” Steve thought, “what do you think queens?” “I’m sorry Mr. Stark but I have to go with Ms. Widow. You have been sus the past two rounds since we booted Y/n.” “I JUST DIDN'T HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY! AND MY GAME IS BEING LAGGY!” “The Great Tony Stark having computer problems? Totally him. I’m voting Tony.” Nat says as she votes him, Peter and Steve following behind.
“GUYS! You’re all dead now it’s Nat!” Tony yells as his red character was ejected out.
“What the hell?! It wasn’t Stark?!” Nat yelled as the game appeared back in the cafeteria.
The game ends after Peter kills Steve and everyone turns their mics back on. “Y/n I can’t believe you killed me and your defense was that I had it coming?!” Harley yells into his mic still slightly surprised. “Well...you did! You kill me everytime you're an imposter! And you ate my muffin!” Harley is quiet after that.
“I can’t believe you guys believed Nat over me.” Tony grumbles. “I can’t believe none of us believed it was Peter.” Steve grumbled. “Yeah what was with that? I was his partner and even thought his lies were terrible!” “Blame Y/n for leaving me to fend for myself.” “I still stand by that he deserved it.” “I’m sorry Mr. Rogers and Mr. Loki for killing you guys.” “Oh no don't be sorry small midgardian, I’m surprised you managed to trick me as well. I thought it was the widow woman till you killed me.” “I can’t believe Y/n jumped out of a vent, killed me then jumped back in and no one cared when my body was found.” Clint grumbled. “Gotta admit that was some hard core gaming right there.”
“Where’s Thor? He’s been quiet the whole time.” “He’s hurt cause he keeps getting killed first ha.” “Guys stop killing Thor first.” Steve said, rolling his eyes. “Ugh fine.” “Fine.” “I guess.” “No promises.”
“So...new game?” Harley questioned. “Sure, this actually is kind of fun.” “We told you guysssss.” “Remember do your tasks and no killing Thor first.” Steve said before turning off his mic.
A smirk makes its way across Loki’s face when he sees that him and Nat are both imposters. “Thor where are you?”
Tags:: @underoosjae @sovereignparker @allegra-writes @hey-its-grey @gwenvrse @marvel4geeks @kitkatd7 @spidey-boy-89 @buckys-other-punk @peterismymans @dreamofaprilsblog @parkerpeter24 @marvelousmrstark @peeterparkr @spidey-reids-2003 @starlight-starks @localpeter @chloe-geoghegan1 @spideysparklee
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
Defending Peter Parker (Round 1: Andrew Garfield)
Here <- Read this one too if you want (you don't need it to understand this one... but still.. give me the attention🥴)
Soooooo I'm doing this cuz I'm bored to show y'all how dumb some of your arguments and criticisms of the live action spidermen are. I'm doing Holland next. I'll do Maguire if someone shows me where people have hated on his spidey cuz all I ever see for him is people treating him like he's the most perfect Peter Parker to ever exist. I'd never tell anyone how they're "supposed" to feel about a situation so I won't do that and also don't take this seriously I'm just a dumb teenager. I'm just taking the dumb opinions y'all like to pass as fact and rebutting them with actual facts.
Here <- link for Tom (coming later)
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"hE's ToO cOoL"
This just tells me you don't really read the comics. Or if you do, you only read for one type of Peter Parker. People forget that his character is FLUID.
The completely BS idea that Peter Parker is this insanely socially inept uwu guy is just really false and I don't know where it came from. (Oof welp, actually I do. It came from all the people that think that there can only be one type on top) The hate for Andrew's Peter is so unwarranted. There are so many versions in comics and in shows where Peter's not overly awkward and he's actually pretty confident and does good with making friends. People really just took Tobey Maguire's and said that his was the only version that could possibly be right so apparently that made Andrew's wrong? Like no. Tobey's is not law. He was one of many versions and just because Andrew's was cooler, it did not make his wrong. Check out the spiderman cartoons. Literally any spiderman comic. Peter's got swagger when the story calls for it.
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"cRiNgEy AcTiNg"
This is the only point where I'll use my opinions. If you can, with a straight face, say that the acting in TASM was cringey, but the Tobey Maguire movies are your favorites, you're either a pathological liar or you have absolutely no sense. The Tobey Maguire spider-man movies, while still being good, have literally the cringiest acting I've ever seen. They literally have a whole montage of the dude strutting down the street like an idiot to show that he's being "bad" like??? But your problem is Andrew Garfield's quirks? Um, next caller!
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"sKaTeBoArDiNg & pHoToGrApHy"
(Yes. I've heard this idiotic one before)
Again. Read a comic book. Tobey Maguire's is not law. (Also, Tobey's spidey had photography too sooooooo? I am confusion?? Why do ppl even have a problem with what hobbies he does or doesn't have? That has nothing to do with the character)
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"nO-oNe CaReS aBoUt HiS pArEnTs' StOrY"
...hehe fair 👀, keep going.
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"i DoNt LiKe GwEn"
Okay, I'm all for Gwen Stacy slander here, just not TASM Gwen Stacy slander. The chemistry was there and she was MUCH better than little miss Mary "you didn't see my play, peter" Jane. (I wont put her over Zendaya tho) She was a really good love interest and honestly their chemistry was one of the best parts of the movie. Gwen never tried to hold Peter back and she always helped out as much as she could.
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"gOoD sPidErMaN, bAd PeTeR"
This ties right back into the first one. Everyone had a view of what Peter Parker was "supposed" to be after Tobey Maguire's, so when Andrew's came out and he wasn't "nerdy enough" for people, they immediately assumed it was wrong and hated on him for being cool and funny.
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All in all I give Andrew Garfield's Peter an 8/10. He's super cool and I despise it when people hate on his character and his acting as if he didn't BLESS them by gracing their screens.
Comment anything I might've missed!
Tagging great ppl: @allegra-writes , @yumings, @spideyyeet , @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete , @sovereignparker , @thesherlockianavenger , @bubblebucky, @eridanuswave , @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr , @kidney9-9 , @gwenvrse , @the-weird-bisexual , @kelieah
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peterscurl · 4 years
OKAY but like imagine constantly giving surprises smooches or pecks on the cheeks to Arvin because he can't help but smile or get flustered when he gets kissed!!! GIVE ME SOFT ARVIN ANYDAY
Smooches |a.r|
You and Arvin had been dating for a few months and he loved you dearly. He always gets shy whenever you both kiss or you show him affection in anyway. It was just something he never really experienced. You liked how the tip of his ears turned pink and how his eyes would get wide when he looks at you.
“Y-Y/N!” Arvin said quickly after you had kissed his cheek. He was sitting in the livingroom of your apartment.
“What? I just wanted to show my boyfriend some affection.” You smiled and sat on his lap.
“You just do it on purpose.” Arvin pouted a bit and held you close. You smiled and kissed his face. Though he would never admit it; Arvin loved whenever you hugged or kissed him. It made him feel safe.
“Yeah cause I like your reaction.”
Arvin smiled softly and moved to hide his face in your neck. “I love you.” He said quietly and kissed your neck.
tagging: @joshuaparkers @blissfulparker @allegra-writes @th0ttie4tommy @popculturetrash15 @chaoticpete @spidey-reids-2003 @fancyxparker @deadlyaffairs @peterparkersthot @hollandprkr @its-a-leap-of-faith-kid @theliterarymess @gwenvrse @dvhling @timotheeholland @im-salt-but-not-salty @quaksonhehe @localpeter
if you want to join my taglist click here!
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chaoticpete · 4 years
Matter of Time
Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Part 4.0
Summary: What if you met what might possibly be the greatest guy in your life? Only one problem there’s a bit of a age gap. But what if something happens that gives you a chance to be with the guy you had a bit of a crush on? Will you take it?
Warnings: I’m so sorry, but no this is not the end
A/N: Lemmes just also thank you too an anon, lovely allicat ( @allegras-sunflower ) and The amazing @spideyspeaches for helping me with the messages and not even knowing it heh. Anyway enjoy!💖
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First part
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Second Part
You stand on the front steps of the school as students all around you walk into the building. It’s odd. The ones who disappeared really have no idea what to do. Everything is the same, yet different. New classmates along with old ones, new teachers, and the ones they did know, some look older.
You hear whispers as you walk over to your locker. Those who went to school with you the time would wave or give small smiles in your direction. Others would do the same, knowing what you lost in order for their families to gain them back. Others were more confused because last time they heard about the “Y/n Stark” you were winning the national science fair, and for them that was just two months ago.
“Y/n!” you turn to see Peter walking over to you, another boy by his side. “Peter!” you pull him into a hug. “How does it feel to be back with a new graduation class?” you ask going through your locker. “Weird. But the weirdest thing is that you’re in it.” he teases. “Oh, you must be Ned!” You say pulling Ned into a bit of a hug. “Oh my gosh, you’re really Y/n Stark.” Ned asks a bit starstruck.
Letting out a laugh, you look at Ned. “I am. And it’s nice to put an actual person to the name. Peter used to talk about you a lot when he would come over.” Ned looks over at Peter in shock. “You talked about me to Y/n Stark?! Before the blip?!” “Yes? I used to babysit her you know.” “More like I babysat you sometimes,” you say hinting at all the times he would mess something up in the labs.
“Well, well, well. So I guess it’s true. We have a Stark gracing us as a classmate.” A guy says walking up to your group. “Hey, Penis Parker! See you were lucky enough to come back so I can torture you for the rest of high school.”
“Flash, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that. We’re about to be senior soon. It’s old.” You raise your eyebrow and look over at the guy. “You’re Flash?” You ask giving him a quick once over.
“Yep! But you can think of me as your future boo.” He says winking at you. “Never in a billion lifetimes thought I would have a chance with a Stark.” “Uh, you don’t. So you can just step out.” “You’ll want me one day.” He said walking away with his group.
“Freaking weirdo.” You say as you watch him walk away. “Sup losers.” A pretty girl says as she walks to your little powwow. “And Y/n.” She says giving you a small smile and nod before looking neutral again. “Hi, Mj right?” She nods and you give a small wave feeling like she’s not really the hugging type.
Someone covers your eyes. “Guess who?” They say and you can hear the smile in their voice. “Someone I can’t stand?” You joke. “Ruuddee!” She says as you turn to look at her. “Hey, Harper.” You say pulling her into a hug. “Hey N/n,” she says pulling you close. “Sorry about your dad. He was my favorite out of all of my friend’s dads,” she says giving you a small smile.
“And you were his favorite friend I had...just don’t tell Ethan it’ll crush him. Anyway, I want you to meet some people,” you say as you grab her hand turning back to the group. “Harper these are some of my new friends. Peter, Ned, and MJ. They came back from the blip. Guys this is my best friend Harper.”
Harper smiles and gives them all a wave before her eyes land on Peter. “Hey Y/n isn’t he-” “ANYWAY gotta go to first period, see ya guys!” you practically yell before slamming your locker shut and grabbing Harper’s hand before you book it down the hallway.
The three friends watch as you disappear. “She seems cooler than you nerds, see ya,” Mj says walking away. “Is she always like that Ned asks a bit confused at what just happened.” “Not that I recall.” Peter response just as confused.
Tags:: @tommyunderoos @sovereignparker @allegra-writes @cherry-hyejin @cunaeparker @hey-its-grey @gwenvrse @ambivalent-anarchy @kitkatd7 @buckys-other-punk @peterismymans @parkerpeter24 @peeterparkr @spideyspeaches @starlight-starks @chloe-geoghegan1 @mcuassemble @serendipitous-amor @timeless-crow @spideyyeet @unbelievableholland @qvrtcs  @everydaymj @lost-in-the-stars03 @throughparisallthroughrome @coni-martina @whatareyouhidingpeter @softfluffgirl @marvelobsessedteenager @far-from-holland @criminalyetminimal​ @fangirling12566​ @eternalharry​ @jessyballet @theofficialzivadavid @obsssedwithjustaboutanything @lauramacch
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peterscurl · 4 years
Hey if your still taking requests can we please get a Drabble of Tom and be Reader cuddling on a chilly autumn morning, maybe have a few soft kisses too :3
yes yes!!
Cuddles |t.h|
It was a chilly autumn morning and both you and Tom were sleeping in on this Sunday morning. Tom had just finished filming and was on a break for a few months. He had missed you so much and stuck by your side every second of the day. You didn’t mind it because you missed him just as much.
You started to wake up and smiled when you felt the warm embrace holding you close. You looked up to see Tom sleeping soundly with his lips slightly parted. He always liked to hold you in his arms when he slept just to know that you’re safe. The reasoning for that always made you smile because Tom has always been protective of you. You kissed his face gently.
This made Tom wake up with a small smile and didn’t open his eyes. “Y/N/N, it’s too early.” He said softly and buried his face in your neck. You giggled softly and ran a hand through his hair. “It’s ten am.” You said and hummed softly when you felt him kiss onto your neck. “What are you doing Tommy?”
“Kissing my girl.” Tom said and kissed up your neck finally kissing your lips softly. You kissed back and cupped his cheek gently. “I love you.” You said with a smile. “I love you more darling.” Tom said. “And I love how warm you feel, cause this room is cold as shit.” He chuckled.
“Yeah it’s been a really chilly weekend.” You said and played with his hair. “I think we should just stay in bed all day and cuddle.” Tom said and pulled you closer. “Yeah, but what about food?” You asked him. “Food can wait, I only want you right now.” Tom hummed and closed his eyes again. You nodded and kissed the top of his head.
a/n: hopefully you liked this!!!
taglist: @chaoticpete @joshuaparkers @greywithae @blissfulparker @allegra-writes @th0ttie4tommy @popculturetrash15 @spidey-reids-2003 @deadlyaffairs @peterparkersthot @hollandprkr @taciturnspidey @its-a-leap-of-faith-kid @londonspidey @beverlyparkerr @gwenvrse @nasa-parker @tomshufflepuff @pastelpeter @localpeter
271 notes · View notes
peterscurl · 3 years
faking it |p.p| coming soon...
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“Hey...can I ask you something?” You asked and glanced over at Peter who was texting on his phone.
“You know you can ask me anything.” Peter said and smiled and you. “But what’s up?” 
You started to sit up and fiddled with the hair tie on your wrist. “So I’ve been thinking...maybe we could fake date? Y’know since Harry keeps trying to ask me out and you want to make Gwen jealous...” You added. Peter looked at you and thought for a bit.
“Nevermind it was a stupid id-”
“No fuck it, let’s do it.” He smiled.
tagging my friends who might be interested!: @chaoticpete @catparkers @greywithae @blissfulparker @allegra-writes @illicitparker @popculturetrash15 @deadlyaffairs @peterparkersthot @hollandprkr @taciturnspidey @its-a-leap-of-faith-kid @londonspidey @beverlyparkerr @theliterarymess @gwenvrse @parkerlovebot @nasa-parker @tomshufflepuff @dvhling @quaksonhehe @euphorichxlland @buckyluvr @evwritesfics @starlight-starks @siriuslyslyslytherin @voguesir @mymilliefrommarketing​
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chaoticpete · 3 years
Dark Paradise
Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Warnings: character death, angst, get your tissues ready
Song inspiration: Dark Paradise by Lana Del Rey
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“Every time I close my eyes, it's like a dark paradise
No one compares to you
I'm scared that you won't be waiting on the other side”
You sit on your bed, engagement ring swirling along your finger, a sad smile on your lips as you hear the very laughter you fell in love with.
“You div! That’s way too much sugar! What are you trying to do, give us diabetes?” “You can’t say anything Y/n. Haven’t you ever seen him make pancakes?” You hear Harry say from behind the camera and the others laugh.
The memory runs through your mind as if it was just yesterday. For once everyone was home and wanted to do something, so the boys decided to host a baking contest and live stream it. It eventually became a donation project for The Brothers Trust.
It was you and Haz vs. Sam and Tom. Tuwaine and Harry were the judges (which you still thought was unfair since Sam was a professional).
You didn't even notice when your cheeks had gotten wet.
Hitting the spacebar, the video freezes.
You couldn’t help but smile back at the face smiling at you. A big, cheeky smile makes his face, and his eyes have crinkles at the end. Blue eyes staring as if he’s actually there looking at you.
Those blue eyes.
His blue eyes.
You’ll never forget the first time you guys met. He already made you nervous and the fact that he was actually interested and intrigued with what you had to say, staring intensely with those blue eyes of his.
Before you could anymore you began to feel a heavy way as if someone warped their arms around you.
Like how Haz used to wrap his arms around you.
A small knock is heard on your room door before a mop of brown hair sticks its head in. “Love? Are you ready?”
Wiping your eyes, you look up at Tom before taking a deep breath and nodding. Standing up you feel almost a cool breeze as if someone was holding you had just suddenly let go.
“You’re ok?” Tom asked as you suddenly began to look around as if you had no idea where you were.
“Yeah, yeah. Um, we should get going.” You say pushing past him to get out the door. Tom looks over at your laptop seeing what you watched before following you out.
Tom glances over at you from the driver's side. “Do you wanna go get lunch after this? The guys at the pub have been asking for you.” He says looking back on the road.
“I just wanna go back home. Thanks tho, tell them I say hi.” You say looking out the window.
When you arrive, you both get out after Tom parks silence between the two of you. “Ready?” Tom asks handing you the flowers. “I don’t think I ever will be.” You say giving him a small smile before kneeling down to the ground coming face to face with the stone.
Tom walks away to give the two of you a moment alone.
“Hey haz, I know it’s been a while. I always say I’ll come to see you more often but, it’s not exactly the easiest thing you know?”
“I still talk to you every day.” A bitter laugh leaves your throat. “I can’t believe it’ll be almost two years ago when what should’ve been the best day of my life turned into the worst.”
You finally look up making contact with the stone.
Harrison John Osterfield. Loving son, brother, best friend, and fiancé. 4 July 1996 - 16 March 2021.
You still remember every detail as if it was yesterday. It seemed as if Haz has just called you saying that they were on their way just a bit of traffic but he couldn’t wait to be able to take you away with him that night as “Mr. Y/n L/n.”
“You’re such a dork.” You giggle as you watch the dress hanging across the room. The dress that will help represent one of the biggest changes in your life. “Yes, but your dork. Wish I could control time so I can speed it up for us to be together faster.” “So hurry and get here so we can begin.” You teased.
Exchanging I love yous, you go and finish getting ready.
Then you received the news. It was as if time had actually stopped. You couldn’t hear anything. Feel anything. You watch as his mom and sister sit on the couch in the room.
Snapping out of it you quickly grab your slippers and purse running out of there. ‘This can’t be happening, this is just one, awful cruel prank.’ You tell yourself hopping in the car not even caring if all of your dress made it in before you took off.
Honestly, you had no idea how you made it to the hospital in one piece so quickly. Gathering your dress you ran up to the receptionist. “I’m looking for a guy who was in an accident recently. His name is Harrison Osterfield, 5’10, blue eyes light brown hair.” You managed to get out.
“Are you family?” It took you everything in you not to reach over that desk and violently choke her.
“Do you not see this ring and my dress?!” You say trying to keep your voice low. At this point, the tears are violently falling from your eyes. “In a few hours, I was supposed to tell that man how much I love him and how much he means the world to me! So can you please tell me where he is?”
The nurse's face softens noticing that you are in fact a bride. A bride that looks like they've been to hell and back, but a bride. And the love of your life was laying in a hospital bed, not even sure if he would make it.
“Y/n.” You hear from behind you. Turning around you see Tom. Running up to him he quickly pulls you into a hug. “Tom, what happened?” “I don’t know. One second he’s behind me, next he wasn’t. The prick was coming from the opposite direction and ran the light.”
“I see you everywhere Haz. Every timenurse's I close my eyes, it becomes my own dark paradise. Just me and you.” You pull out his wedding band from your pocket placing it on the stone.
“We’ll be back together very soon.”
You walk back to Tom as the two of you begin heading to the car.
“Tom, do you believe what they say about when you die, you wear what you die in forever?”
“Possibly, why?”
“No reason. Just thinking about how Harrison will always be looking dapper.”
Later you close the bathroom mirror cabinet, watching your reflection.
Looking back at you as if it’s your wedding day all over again.
You’re almost surprised the dress still fit.
“I hope you’re waiting for me on the other side Haz.”
‘Your soul is haunting me and telling me that everything is fine
But I wish I was dead”
Harrison tag list:
@frenchfrostpudding @holland-styles @cherry-hyejin @tommyunderoos @gwenvrse @allegra-writes @kitkatd7 @buckys-other-punk
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peterscurl · 4 years
can you do a peter x stark!reader where the reader is super shy and asks nat for advice about when it’s right to have a first kiss and she knows it’s about peter. tony (her dad) over hears the conversation and asks nat to spill what she asked. eventually tony tries to keep them apart overprotective father shit and they have their first kiss and everyone walking in and sees it.
“Nat I need your advice...” Y/N said softly and sat on the couch with her. They were quite the opposite of their dad Tony, pretty shy and soft spoken.
“Yeah? What’s up?” Nat said and sat up looking over at Y/N.
“Um...when do you know if it’s the right time to kiss someone?” Y/N asked while playing with their fingers. It had became a frequent habit whenever they were nervous.
“Oh I see, you want to kiss Peter.” Nat teased with a light laugh, causing Y/N to nod slowly. “Okay, well the right time is definitely when you both are together and you do your little glances at each other. Then you just go for it. It’s easy.”
“But what if Pete doesn’t feel the same? Then our whole friendship is ruined...” Y/N sighed. “I can’t lose him.”
“I know babushka, but it’ll be okay. Trust your gut.” Nat smiled softly and rubbed their head. “Go kiss your man.” Y/N nodded and smiled softly. “Okay, I’ll go text him.” They said and went to their room.
Tony kissed Y/N’s head when they passed and walked in the livingroom. “What were you two talking about?” He asked and raised an eyebrow at Nat. “Tell me or I’m kicking you out.”
“Y/N’s first kiss.” Nat smiled. “With Peter.”
“I will not allow that. No way, my baby will not be anywhere near Peter.” Tony said and shook his head. “I’ll separate them.”
“Tony don’t interfere with your kids love life. They just wanna be happy.” Nat laughed.
“Too young, next thing you know they’re kissing all over the place.” Tony scoffed. “I don’t need that sight at all.”
It was later in the afternoon and both Y/N and Peter were in their room and he was showing them how to play Super Mario Maker 2. Y/N started to play a level but was already having trouble with it. Meanwhile, Tony was sitting with the rest of the avengers having F.R.I.D.A.Y record your every move.
“No no! I need help again Pete.” Y/N sighed and out the remote down in defeat when you failed the level for the third time.
“Y/N/N, it’s okay I promise. Here I’ll help.” Peter said and moved closer to them to place his hands on top of theirs. He started the level again and moved his fingers along with them, successfully going through the level and reaching the goal.
Tony was watching while pouring himself some coffee. “They better not do what I think they’re gonna do.” He said when he saw how close you two were getting, way closer than before. Y/N was smiling at Peter and remembered what Nat had told them earlier. This may had been the most nerve wracking thing they’ve ever done. But they had to do it.
Y/N glanced at Peter’s lips before placing their hand on his cheek and pulling him in for a kiss. Peter definitely didn’t expect that at all but loved it so much. He immediately kissed back and pulled them onto his lap.
Everyone cheered and clapped from in the kitchen. “Finally, they’ve been pining after each for months.” Nat smiled.
“I...really enjoyed that.” Y/N said and looked at Peter. He smiled and held your cheek gently. “Me too, we should kiss more often.” Peter said causing them to blush. They nodded again and kissed him softly.
It was safe to say, Tony eventually got over his protect my kid phase and enjoyed seeing Y/N smile more. Though he’d never admit it, he’s glad they’re dating Peter.
tagging: @perspectiveparker @th0ttie4tommy @allegra-writes @chaoticpete @gwenvrse @blissfulparker @joshuaparkers @greywithae @popculturetrash15 @popculture-parker @spidey-reids-2003 @deadlyaffairs @peterparkersthot @hollandprkr @taciturnspidey @its-a-leap-of-faith-kid @londonspidey @easy-and-steady @beverlyparkerr @theliterarymess @parkerlovebot @nasa-parker @tomshufflepuff @dvhling @pastelpeter @localpeter
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