#gwenhwyvar lavellan
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Still half half-assed but still heaps better than the one from two years ago. ^u^ Weddiiiiing!
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some Gwen & Josie family cuddles (sans one baby) inspired somewhat strangely by THIS post about why boobs are soft. x’D Imagine Keira asking and Josie answering pretty much, and then Gwen going O_u
ETA: once more with COLORS.
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I suddenly had a lot of feels about Gwen and Josie, and Gwen growing into being a mum specifically. ;u; I don’t know what brought it on but I’m loving it aaaaaaaa.
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It occurs to me that I’ve never really talked at any particular length about what Josie and Gwen’s place is like? I’ve talked about (and drawn bits of) the Handers Safe House but never about Gwen and Josie’s house. ^u^ SO:
When Gwen initially moves to Antiva, she moves with Josephine to the Montilyet estate, and I think at first they live in the kind of main building? The manor? Mansion? Yeah whatever you’d call it. The family house. But it quickly becomes apparent that while Gwen genuinely likes Josie’s family, she can’t really handle living at such close quarters with them?
So someone, probably the Dad Montilyet (Yves), suggests that a little side building that’s mostly been like a sun room / studio be renovated and added to so that the two of them could have their own place, especially when they start talking about babies???
And so they get this little side building and it’s expanded a little bit - the studio is transformed into a kind of a sun room / main room which is the part visitors see - it has a view both towards the gardens/courtyard, and towards the sea. Ocean? One of those. Or the harbor, if the estate is close enough to have a view. Either way: water with a chance of ships and boats going around.
Then they have a doorway (but probably not a door, just some like. dividers? curtains?) to a roomy back room where they have the big bed (probably like a fancy four-poster bed with some curtains and stuff, thicker in the colder seasons, and sheer in the summer), and a big desk that’s big enough for two so that Gwen and Josie can both work around it at the same time (and spare a corner for the kids if need be), some wide window seats (that also are a feature in the sun room), like the kind you can sit on, with some pillows and stuff. And then there’s the kids’ room, and in the BACK of the house is a little bath room of their own that is really cozy and nice and kinda dark? With a door to the back of the house. The front door opens towards the main building, but the bathroom has a little foor to this kinda little nice covered porch.
And like - it IS small! Actually quite small even if there are multiple rooms. Cozy.
And then somewhere on the property is Gwen’s aravel which is also part of THEIR space and nobody else really goes there, or is welcome there, just the two (and eventually four) of them. 
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I have forgotten how to draw Gwen; this took WAY too long. xD Anyway here’s the ace mum!
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(this didn’t want to flow at all lmao. I blame the circus exhaustion. Also I blame no refs we die like lazy-butts.)
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Long time no (proper) Gwenhwyvar! So here’s a post-game Gwen, alive and well. ^u^
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One of the daily life prompts I got was SICK DAY for Gwen and Josie (twice, actually). ;u;
- Josie tucks handkerchiefs into her sleeves. Gwen is outraged. - Josie is impossible to stop fretting about work. She hates being sick. - Gwen spends time on the floor, drags a pile of blankets there or something. The bed’s too soft. OR she drags herself to her aravel. - Gwen’s basically a cranky tired gremlin when she’s sick. Doesn’t bite anone close to her though. xD
ETA OH and the prompts were from @samaxsonvevo and @phoenixrei! Thank you!
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Mindfullness May, Day 5: daytime sky
Oh look a Gwen! 8D This is her marveling at how the sky is EMPTY. As in doesn’t have a green death-hole in it anymore. xD
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60 and 61 for the OC ask meme
Thank you! ^u^ Answering for Jay and Gwen
60. What is something that they’re sure to laugh at?
Jayden: animal antics, himself, gas probably honestly, Anders’ jokes, hugs most of the time, puns & dad jokes (when he catches them, which isn’t always or immediately necessarily - he isn’t dumb but sometimes it takes him a while to register that there was a joke there). Jay laughs at a lot of things, he’s not hard to make laugh honestly. xDGwenhwyvar: her children (mostly WITH them but kids say and do the darnest things sometimes and she loves them very much), insult that make her angry make her give this humorless little laugh; it’s scary, Josephine destoying fools with diplomacy, one of Leliana’s ravens that has learned to cuss and tends to do it at odd and often inappropriate times.
61. When bored, how do they pass time?
Jayden: Jay makes himself useful when he’s bored and tends to generally keep active to keep FROM being bored a lot because dealing with boredom is not something he is good (which is also why he’s an impatient patient when he’s sick, he gets SO BORED), finds anything at all to do. xD He knits, takes the dog on a walk, plays with the cats, tends the garden or the animals, spins yarn, makes bandages or grinds herbs for potions etc, or heads to the clinic or to Merrill’s to look for something to do (if he’s in Kirkwall), and so on. Anything and everything.Gwenhwyvar: In Skyhold, Gwen usuall wanders the grounds when she’s bored, or goes to the library to find something interesting to read, or goes to pester Leliana for stories and rumors (I tend to think she’s a bit more forthcoming with them unless she’s busy), or failing that, goes to Josephine, or failing that as well, maybe takes a nap somewhere, or tries to do some leatherworking. After the game she likes to go see what her children are doing if she’s bored, that never fails to entertain her, or pulls out her journals to work on them, or goes to nap or just spend quiet time in her old Aravel.
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replied to your photo:
“Long time no (proper) Gwenhwyvar! So here’s a post-game Gwen, alive...”
.... I hate to ask and maybe I'm being dumb but is their name a reference to the RA Salvatore books about Drizzt? (On a more related note, this picture is AMAZING ,,,)
I get that a lot :’D It isn’t, tough! I HAVE read maybe one of those books when I was like twelve (so more than half a lifetime ago (or half MY lifetime)) and didn’t remember the panther’s name at all (or that there WAS a panther tbh). I just went to babynames.com to look for names that had a certain aesthetic that appealed to me and seemed to fit the character and Gwenhwyvar popped up and it was perfect. ^u^
Also thank you!
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Wanted to just. post this gif separately because my heart can’t take it and it was part of a rambly weird post back when I made it. ^u^
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Pfffftbtb the sleepiest cuddles. I mean it’s not even Gwen and Josie being particularly sleepy, but I am. xD I wanted to do something a lot less scribbly, but sometimes you get a scribble when you want something else. That’s all right. ^u^
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For the OC meme thingy - My Tharion Lavellen took his role as First very seriously and got very used to the idea of taking care of his clan, so ended up as a total mother hen to the rest of the companions (especially Sera because she seems far too used to having no one to look out for her and he Worries). Also took him a while to be able to joke properly with any of them because he was busy being In Charge and felt guilty if he had too much fun because he could have been saving the world instead
awww! He sounds like a total sweetheart! ^U^
Gwen Lavellan didn’t start out as the First of her clan in my headcanon - she was Second, maybe, or idk, one of the mages anyway! She came from an alienage to the clan so I don’t think she would have been just... made First just like that. When her clan was destroyed and she was the only one (?) left, she started thinking of herself as the First of a dead clan and took THAT position very seriously - she WAS the only mage left. She preserved as much of her clan’s knowledge as she could gather from the wreckage and remember in her journals that she handed both to her eventual children, and made copies so that people from other clans might also see them. It was both a desperate attempt to keep the memory of her clan alive and to preserve their knowledge, and to deal with her grief. ;n;
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Heck yeah oc facts!! As an artist, Dion draws a whole lot. He draws most people & things he sees & he has drawn all his friends at least 10 times, but he has never drawn himself, not even once
Eeeee Dion! He must have so many sketchbooks and loose papers lying around, all full of drawings, and that is a super lovely image. ^u^ Is there a reason he doesn’t draw himself, or is it just something that never occurred to him? If you don’t mind a follow-up question, that is. x’D
Hmmmm, Jay doodles? Surprisingly a lot of my OCs don’t draw all that much even though I draw ALL THE TIME, but Jay doodles into any loose pieces of paper that are at hand, including contracts, invitations, Anders’ Manifesto (luckily MOSTLY only the discarded pages). It’s mostly stick figures and crude figures but usually they catch the essence of what’s depicted pretty well. ^u^
I someone asked him if he draws he’d say no, because I think he really doesn’t consider it something that he does with purpose, kinda, but just something that happens when he’s bored or is trying to concentrate on paperwork (and doesn’t quite get there). ^u^ Something for his hands to do.
Gwen can draw patternwork stuff, I think, but does so rarely - she mainly uses it in leatherwork as a template to transfer onto the leather, and she’s very meticulous and slow about it.
Feel free to send facts about your OCs to me pretty much any time like this tbh. What’s better than hearing about other people’s characters AND getting to blabber about yours at the same time?! :DDD
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Overload /// I haven’t drawn any Gwen in a long long time and I miss her. Also my paintings are in hthis weird half-experimental half-lazy limbo atm. xD I’m sure there’s progress hiding under all that. 8)
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