#guys i love pokemon so bad so im stoked. my indie blog is a pokemon one so
punisheye · 1 year
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here's wolfwood's spiramonster for the event. it doesn't have a name yet so bear with me here.
it's about the size of a horse. in pokémon terms it'd probably be a ghost(sorry)/fire type. it's very aloof, stubborn, and extremely protective of its people. very good with children. loves to nap. probably still thinks it's a lap dog despite being huge.
the fur around its paws and on its tail is super smokey/wispy and fades into transparency near the ends. it's EXTREMELY fluffy, its fur is very dense and very soft. very good for protecting itself.
it can spit out a liquid that's very venomous against others but has restorative properties when used on itself. its claws can extend and retract in battle. it can exhale smoke from its mouth and nose when it wants to, usually as a threat display.
doggy :)
venom shot: a spray of the bright blue venom from its mouth, has the chance to cause poisoning. on the chance it tries to use this move while under a confusion status effect, it will heal itself instead.
punishment: just like the pokémon move, the damage it deals is higher depending on how many increased stat-stages the opponent has.
smogscreen: exhales plumes of smoke to obscure the opponent's vision. it has the chance to inflict minor damage on the opponent for each round it's active.
flamethrower: we all know this one.
crunch: Chomp :)
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