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// Fields of nature and grass are scarce in the Guyoh Region. Many of the cities there have industrialized the nature there in favor of technological advances.
Because of it, many Pokemon there have grown a bit more aggressive due to the lack of natural territory. Some even actively sabotaging a few machines.
The Pokemon that joined humans are different as well. Much more aggressive in their approach towards battles, only seeing it as a means to get stronger. Some even speculate that the Pokemon use their trainers for their own good in a way!
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It sure was grand wasn't it? Cain was amazed by the sight! It looked so much more warm and friendly than what he was used to!
Guyoh was a region built upon the principle of the survival of the fittest. Of strength and power and not on warmth and kindness.
So this atmosphere kind of made him feel a little awkward. What were the customs here? Perhaps he should approach a local? Good thing that one just walked in!
" Uh...hello? Could you..maybe help me out here? "
He asked, his voice obviously muffled and more deeper sounding due to his mask. In fact, his appearance did intimidate a lot of people around them. He really did stick out like a sore thumb! He hated it but for once he had to talk to someone.
She finally made it, the Elite Four. It took a lot of battles and traveling but she looked up at the tall banner welcoming trainers to the Indigo Plateau. She walked with her head held high eager to take on the challenges that awaited her. Haruko saw other trains with their pokemon as she walked to the registration office. It was a truly welcoming environment.
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"I am as brash and straightforward as they come. When I say something, I mean it."
He already knew that but still couldn't believe it. How was he supposed to react? Was he supposed to do something now?
" Oh...okay? Thank you? I'm...not used to being...flirted with. Guyoh..my homeland mostly favors the strong..."
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thinking about a scientist who gets very into their experiments and starts to get a little corrupted bc they want to see reactions and stuff and they even do something very bad(like experiment with no good chemicals) to their assistant for science and the study of how one reacts to things until the scientist goes downright mad
#i want to make a mad scientist oc#like actually mad and not just making weird shit tyoe mad scientist#itll be like the 'its just a little guyoh theyre a bit fucked up actually'#yknow#im just thinking of a backstory for them now#i have thoughts in my head#white streak that gets like thicker and starts covering their whole head as they slowly start to get more insane#like they start out as a regular scientist until they kinda just get obsessed and their assistant tries to stop them before its too late#and they had like long hair until they cut it when things got out of hand#safety hazard and all that#and im thinking non binary amab#bc like its just cool#i cant make any of my ocs as cis or having a set gender#and i just picture like amab bc its fuvking cool y'know why wouldnt they be#i want them to have a burnt lab coat that they always wear and stuff#im just writing down my ideas so i dont forget#brown hair that is choppily cut and ised to go down just past shoulders#media.warning.insanity#im just thinking about it#tw insanity#save for later
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May we have more for the actors au thingy? Sounds interesting:)🌿
basically angela and curly r like big time child star actors right????? so like REALLY famous n shit
whyd i add that aspect????i wanted a compilation of them being normal siblings n shit while also getting the recognition they full on deserve
and pony is like not as big AS an actor as them???like hes kinda popular but yknow not as well kniwn as angela and curly BUT he gets his big break n this movie that curly and angela r also in
no heres why this au is spectacular
•pony is nervous bc uh oh big time actors r around him and they r attractive, especially they guyoh no!!!!!
•purly moments caught in 4fuckingK
•funny blooper moments r also caught on camera n yea :DDD
i hope all thus makes sense🤞🏽
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*walks in with Starbucks* “Whats up guyoh no oh fuck no oh fuck oh n” *noclips through the door floating backwards*
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i am forcing you to look at the guys
whoaaa the guys :0
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//The Guyoh Region is infamous for making rather rough deals with other regions. There is always an underlying threat with them, seeing how that Region specializes in warfare and combat.
Sure they haven't attacked another Region in modern times but in the past? They were definitely keen on conquering other regions for their resources.
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WHY IS KAKASHI THE BEST!?! KAMUI IS BROKEN!! | Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker Beta
I completely forgot about the common wayI need to try that out here we go , weoh I just one shot them so now thatwe've gotten all of the createdcharacter types out of the way it's timefor us to showcase up with the regularcharacter starting off with the one thatseems to me the most Opie which is aKakashi Hatake of the Sharingan eye nowto be honest this video may be a littlepre-recorded post-commentarynot pre-recorded I'm gonna be I'm gonnabe I'm gonna be honest guys this isuploaded on Christmas Eve it should beto be honest if I if I if I play mycards right this should be uploaded onChristmas Eve with my next video beinguploaded on Christmas so uh here we goat UM we're gonna be doing Kakashi I'mkind of time that's right because um asI said before this is a little bit ofpre-recorded um the reason that this isyou know being pre-recorded in and uhrecorded post post gameplay is becauseum I have a little bit of I had a littlebit of a problem with my audio and thelast one because if it didn't it wouldbe sounding a little bit like this allright now I'm sure all of you get mypoint here so without further ado we'regonna get it to this kakashi gameplay souh play the intro[Music][Music]all right ladies and gentlemen here wego Kakashi Hatake of the Sharingan I'mpretty sure one of his skills in this iscalmly so hopefully I'll be able to showthis off I'll show all commonly in thisin this game players so here we go umI'm pretty sure the other team had abouttwo two attack types and a range typeand I think he had a healer on there aswell so here we go here we go ladiesgentlemen here we go um I think I'mgonna go this way so I can get one ofthose get the flag here I'm gonna followcrunchy bite here think that's his namecrunch white I didn't I didn't see it umGabe breezy come on oh did we seesomeone do we see someone oh let's tryout this sheet Dori here we go here wego oh oh that was dumb that was dumbthat was dumb myself all right lookslike we're getting there there flagthere you can see they were gettingtheir flag oh we almost had the flag I'mgonna try to go help them all pleasedon't glitch on land go don't do notglitter on my hair here we go here we goall right we need to catch up to them sowe can help defend the flag or get theflag we're gonna follow dropping bombshere dropping bombs 28 let's get itlet's see here we go here we go we gotnine minutes left I just beat that outthe corner of my eye we're right therewe should be pressing our base here I'mpretty sure we're all here and it lookslike they're there as well so we'regonna try to all shit he caught me offguard right there oh we use the UHalright we're gonna use this let's seegive me okay don't glad you don't glitchdon't glitch oh that all right we hadtheir flag I was gonna say that that wasour flag for a second I was like whatall right yeah so it looks like they'reganging up on us here we go here we gowe gotta kill this guy we gotta killthis guy come on come on come on oh wegot the kill let's get it oh I'm dead Ohwhat the hell oh here we go we got theflag so all I need to do is defend themyou can see the flag is coming uphopefully we get this one I need to getthis one all we drop the flag art let'ssee we're gonna get this care
they'regonna get this shit door hopefully wecatch them can we catch oh he was alittle too shortalright come on come on come on see thiswas a perfect time to have the fireballjutsu all they got the flag back goddamnall right come onhe used his substitution so that's goodhe's dead too huh all right come onwe're yeah where we at where is he whatthe heckall right here is this is guy thatkilled me actually so god sage dark Ithink he was in one of my previousvideos to be honest come on come onwe're right there we're right there noway we shouldn't be hitting him there wegois he always not dead yet there we gohe's dead did they walk all over hisbody let's get it oh oh we could do itin the air oh that's dopethat's know I didn't know we could dothis you are in the air and it keeps youin the air a little bit too oh shit damncan you chill out oh I I'm the only onehere where's the team where's the teamwhere's the team oh my gosh indidalright we're here with the team herethey're not anywhere near our base itlooks like we're over there trying toget there their flag now oh you can seepop up and load up Garythat's dope all right here we go itlooks like they're coming here you see Ican see you in the cuts you're not slickthere we gocan we catch him oh we were just alittle too short all right come on comeon where are you well what the hell brooh you're that little that little rockthing that saved me I seem because I'vebeen falling right with him oh where doyou think you're going what do you thinkyou're going oh shit alright come onhere we goOh what the hell oh where are youpointing where are you pointingcertainty god damn bro this thing islagging help that ass all right we gocome on come on come on that's up themcome onwhat isn't it legit beasts oh there wego the teammates is there finallystepping in where are you going whereyou going where you going bro why can'twe hit him why can't we hit this manthere we goChidori oh no actually it's calledlightning plague for uh for Kakashi Ibelieve I mean to catch up cuz lookslike dropping bombs is about to dieI hope he's dead he's dead alright comeon come on guys say you dart you we needto get our revenge on you there we goyou're dead you're dead once again Ithink I think our to kill them to behonest oh we got the shot hang on let'sget it I don't even know what theSharingan does to be honest I don't knowthat John looks dope though I'm notgonna lie alright come on come on comeon get Dori Oh what the hell alright isthe shine gone gone I don't know oh yeahoh we killed him damn where the hell isthe flag oh they're already on their wayto to the house so if we just keep themhere and we bring the fag to fly to thehouse cuz it don't look like anyone elseis there but it looks like he's likehalf healthoh I died goddamn alright let's get itwe got to fly let's go here we go heywhoa KakashiI'm not Kakashi what the hell I'mfucking lightning blade you can see wefilled up on the catering they're notthe king the calm we so hopefully we'llbe able to use that once I find anopening here we gooh shit there we go we do a shine con Ohwhat the hell I didn't even get hit ohshit shit oh wait oh is that what theSharingan is it's a Sharingan like yo Ithink oh I should shit shit hold on homewe need to kill this manall right he's dead there we go he'sdead oh yeah that where are you going ohcalmly oh we missed a goddamn goddamnalright Joe Joe Joe Joe Joe calm downcalm down calm down calm dead I thinkI'm dead am i I'm at nineteen house I'mnot dead yet come on where you at we'reyeah I'm at night you're if I make thiscomeback with 1900 nope I'm dead bro Ithink that what the Sharingan does isacts as like a second substitution ifthat's the case then the Sharingan isdope and I kind of see it okay I kind ofsee the what they uh I kind ofunderstand you know the concept of itbecause if you use Sharingan um you cankind of see through their movementswhich means you will be able to evade ityou know what I mean so I guess they allsay carrying the keyring oh you're thatSharingan it's clutch bro that Sharinganis so clutch well let's go alright comeon come on what's his name Fox truckergoddamn oh I guess my other teammatesdead alright he's he's getting the flagwhy can't I hit the man why can't I hitthem in does he have the flag alright hedoesn't have the flag not yet not yet Ohgoddamn alright hopefully it doesn'tkill me hopefully it doesn't kill me isthat our Danny got the same shit withGod am i here we gowhat I should oh the carrying can Ibreak through oh it doesn't breakthrough it oh we only need one morelet's go and we cut them let's get italright so Ohwhere you at it where are you goingwhere are you going we're gonna do thesharingan here hopefully oh is it hardto work let's get ityou're that Sharingan this close I'mtelling you that thing acts its axislike literally a second substitutionespecially especially aside from thelightning floor let's get it he's deadwe want to the next one oh yeah I seeyou I see you you think you're in theklutz the cuts what the hell let's getit we're gonna charge up this oh is healready dead oh no he's not dead whatthe hell our short goddamn Oh what thehell oh I had that Sharingan I came inthe clutch but that strong on thisclutch I'm telling you trying on thisclutch come on come on come on come onwhere we goingI need to kill this guy we need to killthis guyoh shit and I'm tired I can't I can't Ioh shit they got me trapped it got metrapped and I'm dead let's get it westart we'll start off with the SharinganI see you over thereyou think you're slick come on pleaselet this reach him oh my gosh we were socloseor in a glitch me out oh my gosh look atthat off to the side you can see how itsays I was defeated twice that looksawful no and did anyone just peep thatmy mans was just walking on air allright we dropped the fly we drop the flythat's not really good we need to catchup to them so we can get that flag bro Ikeep saying we got the flag and wedidn't all right come on come onactivate the Sharingan hopefully we'llbe would act in the second substitutionfor us there you go come on come on weneed to kill this guy oh we already didand he's dead oh no no don't oh let'sget it bro like that came in clutch broI don't know if I don't know if I kindathat I died or not or whatever well wegot the dub let's get it three-zip weswept them who so I think it's a rapit's a rap all right any we got themoves let's get it bro I'm telling youthose attack types they definitely getyou the most points because you're incombat the most you know what I meanwe're only 40 ahead of the other guy andwe look up to level 6 let's get it broalright um so yeah we start off with awin hopefully we go to 4 to 100% so yeahwithout further ado ladies gentlemenlet's go ahead and get into the next onealright ladies and gentlemen here we areback with the final flag battle oh youcan see they have we have nerds allactually premium got money boy j-money afools with the names they have Sakurathat's the best part the first time I'veever I've seen soccer to be honest allright here we go we're gonna go this wayprepare for Bellaprepare for this Joan to start here wego let's get it I'm hoping that we allstay as a team here so hopefully we allstay as a team where's oh you're alreadygoing on aheadso scratch that team playing um let'ssee then I activate the Sharingan justin case anything goes wrongwhere you going oh there you are I'mgonna follow you guys I'm gonna try thatwe gotta stay as a team for this forthis all to work you know what I meanlet's see we're gonna go ahead on tothis cage here so we can go ahead and uhoh well you're going for the flagimmediately let's hope this gets thereit's at least gonna catch yourself let'sget it are we're gonna make sure we getthere Ohman I hit the far distance let's get itcome on come on let's get it what isyour name living my can't what the hellel Michelangelo we'll see well what areyou doing what the heck come on we needto we need to take care of you you feelme damn yeah I was just playing I wasjust playing I was just playing calmdown calm down chill chill chill do theSharingan you know I'm saying the extraor said the extra uh all right yeah I'mabout to die actually come on we need tokill this guy you know what does she doga lightning but I gotta make sure I hitI say let him play in the statutory allright he's dead oh we killed each otheroh that's the first time that's everhappened all right looks like they'retaking uh we got the flag actually wegot the flag I knew that I knew thatlook at that bro look at that the bottomthe bottom left bro we killed each otherbro that's crazy all right come on Sidlet's get it hit him with that spike tohim in Boulder oh I tried to hold themoff looks like he got out of it just intime come on oh this is actually afemale come onyou know what this quick a littlelightning blade on why did it go away Idon't know why it went away oh man ohyeah she's dead she's dead she's deadshe's dead so the thing I know it iswith death is that it does that thathuge little the yellow spark type ofthing you know what I mean anytime thatanytime someone knows to never becausenot die let's not die come on we needthese service to work with this all nawsoccer I don't know it's socceroh it's nap all right let's not die hangon to this this clip here film where'sthe flag they get the ball they got theflag back then I died for no reason allright looks like there's somebody overhere so we're gonna go ahead and helpthem know a little bit okay I thought hewas gonna catch us with that let's getit come on Michelangelo bro you you'vebeen you've been trying to press thisalive you're dead for surelet's get it I looks like somebodyelse's China oh no he's running awayhe's lucky running away come on we needto catch up to him there's someone thereoh yeah there's someone there and he'strying to take the flag can't want tohappen that's not happening okay lookluckily we don't die that's soccer broshe's definitely trying to purse theflag but she's not all right it lookslike they're taking our flag we need tomake sure that doesn't happen sock areyou dead oh no he got us she got us shegot us make sure to remember that's agirloh my gosh bruh I need to learn how toblock like that for sure do theSharingan hopefully we'll be able to doa where you had where you at hit youwith this lightning blade wait for youto come up there oh ho I think here I'mso glad I got ahead of a pro I'm so gladI got out of it I'm telling you Ohsoccer is a healer type I forgot aboutthatso I mean that's why they're gettinhealth oh yeah you use your substitutionwhich means you're done oh no I shouldgot me on the Chidori there yeah yo lookat that she's that for what is happeningwhat is happening what is this what isthis bro what is this what the heck ohdon't tell me I lagged out oh my gosh donot tell me I like that just now brocome on now come on now look at that browe just lagged out of the game in um youknow what I'm gonna do another one I'mgonna do another one just because wecan't end Kakashi like that you knowwhat I mean I've ended too many videoslike that so we're gonna go ahead goright into another one and I will seeyou guys there okay ladies and gentlemenhere we are for the final flag battle ofthis video now I'm actually I wasactually kind of pissed well not whenthe that act that happened last time youknow what I mean because if you guysplead in the beta you know what I meanit's obviously going now by the timethis video is uploaded but if you guysplayed in Nevada you guys know how longit takes to get into a room you know tome especially if there's those peoplewho just get into a room and exit onceyou get to like that 8 out of 8 orwhatever but we're gonna file chakrawhich is actually pretty ironic that hisname is chakra his PSN name of coursehere we go maybe get him I hope you gothim I don't know if I got him when I hithim with those so he falls off I hope hefalls off alright look at it oh oh goddamn he has the executioner's bladewhich means he's a defender most likelyall right let's see here we good now youthat's my cumin Boulder that definitelylooks dope with uh with the white hairI'm not gonna lie let's do the Sharinganjust in case we need an extrasubstitution here oh there we go comesin clutch hold onalright we need this she Dory or thislightning but I gotta make sure I getthat right and we need this like oh wowalright alright come on we need thislightning blade to charge up and wecan't let this defender kill usI ain't we're dead ah you can see wehave the flag which means we're all offyou drop the flag well there goes thatwe need to defend him though we need todefend him we see we got two playersthere no one's hereOh someone is here oh my gosh Naruto'shere jeez alright we need to get an artson first because our flag is uh and he'sdead let's get it now we got to defendthe others all right here we got and itlooks like that guy chakra is going togo over there and defend them as well sowe gotta follow him then I get that wegotta get our our flag so we can end upwinning this so here we goI'm gonna go this way so we can get tothe cage here are there's someone overthere alright what's his name I was getit come on come on come on where yougoing I mean your day are you dead Ihope you're dead please beat it ohyou're not dead yeah I know what you'reletting hit you with a lightning bladehow you did oh my gosh you're still notdead alright looks like they're startingto press just a little bit so we got tomake sure we don't die so they don'thave a free free lane to our to our flaghere so she's dead we need to others andyeah you know what I think I'm gonnamake my way to the flag a little sneakyway I could see you over there and youprobably conceived me as well so we'regonna turn back aroundalright come on can we color look at herhell's bro look at her health oh that'sa guy that's the guy oh my gosh look athis health but all we gotta do is hithim with a little kunai and he's dead ishe dead oh my gosh it's not dead no Idon't I don't know I died do not die youknow I diedalright he's dead he's dead so we'regood Gucci now we gotta make our way tothe flag it looks like somebody's aboutto die the bad thing is we don't have ahealer so that means we're not gonna beable to you know recover our health inany way so we just gotta I don't knowwhy but it looks like it looks like Ididn't get hit at all alright so they'restarting to gang up over on their baseso we need to we need to make sure weget their flag all HFD and a martyrpresent oh my gosh or token we'retalking we're joke Annie hey oh wowthat's an anger ass fucking setupsomeone hit you with the water prison Imean it's obviously gonna be rarebecause the water prison is the ultimateat that but that still is a banger setupyou know I mean hitting with the waterprison and then someone hit him with therusting gun or or a Chidori or even afire style fireball jutsu you feel me ohhe gave us what the oh we went we faceright through the man oh no nevermindand we're dead looks like he cut himselftoo which is cool we got the flag back Ineed to go over there so I can defendthem in hopefully hit them with a coupleof cheese dories or a lining oh my goshBravo I keep being that mixed up allrightyeah we got the flag come on handle witha lightning blade please tell me we hithim no way we didn't hit him all rightthere we go he's deaduh-oh I had the flag oh no that's badthat's bad that's bad we're gonna dothis give us a little extra give us alittle extra extra substitutionhopefully we could be able to wear beable to take this to the to the to thecrib oh you can see the ball has thereI'm not gonna I'm not gonna get you aslong as you don't get me yeah I'm saying- I kind of thank you feel me you youyou get your flag we get ours you feelme I'm elec oh no no no no let's get ourflag just let us get our flag and we'llbe Gucci oh my gosh look where the flagis look where the flag is come on get ustwo there get us that flag come on comeon come on okay there we goso they got a flag or we got a flag didthey get their flag flag is beingcaptured so we got our flag did theydrop their flag oh my gosh did they droptheir oh yeah we drop their flag whatthe hell huh so you're kind of sick browe took away we took our flight to thecrib and this guy we just crossed pathsyou feel me we need to kill her causeshe's becoming a little bit of anuisance you feel me what was that thatwas like oh that was not lightning so amI saying come on come on come on oh andshe's the defense diver I completelyforgot about that we're gonna chargethis up for when her droning runs outand then we're gonna hit it with it youfeel me there we goand we got it let's go all right lookslike we're capturing the flag again sowe might go two for two we might just gotwo for two or two for two and one andtwosince we technically got that time fromthe the lag game you filming all rightwe didI didn't even peep that we died I wasjust and I was just in the combat youknow I'm saying just playing the gameall right let's make sure everybodywe're good we're all good at the baselooks like someone's there this shouldbe easy and he didn't get us with thewater person you really thought andyou're dead he that was he that wasflashy look at that bro that was dopethat was dope dope that might make mytop ten list bro the way that just thatthat sheet that lightning blade justfroze in place like that that made itlook so clean bro all right let's seehere we go here we go there's someonedon't know where there's someone otherway yeah you thought you were slickthought you were slick come on where youatare you on the other side come on allright there you are about a look quicklittle lightning blade let's get it andwe're gonna go ahead and uh gang up onyou filming oh there's another one overhere and the Naruto oh my gosh damn mewith the fireball oh no no no no get outof the way get out of the way oh allright let's get it let's get to theNaruto it looks like you're trying toget your way make your way to the flagthere but you're not a we got him withthis Yuri I was actually not expectingto get him with it oh he admits with theshadow clone that's deep I come onaren't over yet where you at I'll hityou with another clone B I hate you withanother clone B let's get it make surewe defend the base make sure no one'sthere we still got the Sharingan thereyou can see that I think him right nownow I don't know I think the Sharinganis actually kind of limited like theByakugan is if you think about it butI'm not too sure I see you there yeahyeahChina you think you're slick you thinkyou're slick oh I went for the wrongperson there let us go I guess yeah Iguess so die all right come on come oncome on just kill him there we go he'sdead there we go he's dead you're juststanding there are you even here are youthere well I don't know I I think theircontroller diedI think the controller died we're gonnakill him anyway we're gonna can we'regonna kill him anywaywe got the combo we ready so anytime wecould just get them oh they're takingour flight they're taking our flagthat's not good that's not good we needto get that flag back so we're gonna goover here get the flag they thinkthey're slick going over there by thecliff come on all we need to do is hithim onceoh and we completely miss that oh howdid we miss like that all right theydrop the flag that's goodtake care of you real quick where yougoing where are you going come on whereare you going come on get up get upagain I'm gonna forget it oh my gosh ohmy gosh all right come on we use oursubstitution hey what the quick littlelightning blade we need to lock onto himand they got him with the water prisonthat Sharingan comes in clutch I'mtelling you they trying on his clutchesoh all right come on where you at whereare you atare you dying oh you're not dead yetwe're gonna lock on over here let's seemake sure no one's at the base we neverneed to make sure no one's at the baseall right come on no one's there we needto make sure we get to make sure to keepit that way you fill meto keep it that way no don't I die notagain not again come on I get this girllet's get this girl where you at whereyou're at where the heck are you ohthere you arewasn't there someone else though come ondenied I come on come on come on therewe go there we go oh no they're gettingthe flag they get in the fly begin theflight they in the flight wise there'sfilling up so fast he knew what therotten trick and I didn't even eat allright there you go you're not goinganywhere you're not going anywhere nardsoh I can't even see to be honest come onwe need to get this nerds offis he dead it looks like he's about todie yup he's dead rid of life I'm gonnaget that fly make sure we get it take itback to the base it looks like you'retrying to get the flag as well butthat's not gonna work that's not gonnaworkthat's not gonna work you feel me comeon get the flag get the flag get theflag there we go let's go and she's deadlet's get it two birds in one stone Icompletely forgot about the convoy Ineed to try that out here we go Kamui ohwell I just one shot them I just oneshot them with the common wheat bro notoh my gosh right now I know I don't evencare that I had to hide how do we carebro now I see why could gosh he's opennow I see why Kakashi zopi bro I justone shot them with calmly bro it's it'sa it's a rap it's a rap it's a rapcommon we Sookie we got 10 seconds leftso that matches over with that is what aperfect way to end it bro what a perfectway to end it bro I'm telling you we gota 1 second left and we caught the dubguy so I'm gonna end the video here I'vebeen recording long enough so that'sgonna do it for this video guys thankyou all for watching hope you enjoy itsmash like when if you enjoyed thisvideo subscribe if you're new share thisvideo with the friends I hope we gotsecond place wow we still got an s-rankso I'm cool with itum like I said especially like but ifyou enjoyed this video share this videowith a friends whether that's FacebookTwitter Instagram snapchat whatever youfeel me um just get us out there youknow I mean I don't know why but youguys you guys have definitely beenenjoying these Naruto blazing videos youfeel me we've been averaging around 70views you know what I mean but um I'mnot gonna hold you guys off any longerum next video is probably gonna be aSakura uh uhI think I'll make the next video Narutojust really want to save Sakura for lastbecause I don't know I don't know howshe'll do but I think I think I'll justgo the the to attack types first andthen Sasuke and then soccer you feel meso yeah I'm gonna have the video hereguys thinking for watching hope you doit it's your boy Laura class I have andI will see you all in the next video
Minato is the best Hokage.
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// I worked on the Regions I made for Cain and Amara! Please take a look and tell me what you think!
Vinculum Region
Guyoh Region
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i just fucking shrunk thw guyoh god /silly
this was gonna be a funny doodle of eteled and austin hut them i made eteled too tall so it's just Two Little Guys
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((For Guyoh, is there any legends there? Not legendary Pokemon necessarily, but like...folklore? You mentioned it's more military based but I was curious if it exists (and if so what would be one such folklore the people of Guyoh would know)))
// Well there is a legend of an ancient serpent! That carries knowledge beyond one's imagination.
It is actually the seen on the crest of the region! However, it is said that once you have witnessed the serpent you will never be the same.
As for other folklore, there is also a little(and terrifying)tale of a machine that convinces your Pokemon to fight against you if you do not uphold the rules given by the leader of Guyoh!
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// Due to the concept of 'conditional' love being prevalent in the culture of the Guyoh Region, it’s natural for Cain to show love by constantly making sure that he is useful.
Because he believes that love cannot exist if you're not useful since that's how he was raised. Therefore he may unintentionally hurt someone's feelings for not understanding that both he and them don't have to constantly prove themselves.
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