gutmeats · 3 years
Sunday Six
Fic Title: Nothing I Do Will Ever Have Consequences, Ever, In My Life
Fandom: Hollywood U
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Avalon Hammond (M!MC)
Warnings: tobacco use
Im currently working on a..... very thorogh rewrite of HWU, both the main storyline and the hunt dates and i figured id share a chunk from my favorite scene in the first chapter. for context, im scrambling up the in game timeline slightly so the masquerade date happens before the MC starts attending hwu, and as of this scene im sharing neither hunt nor avalon are aware of the fact that he's about to be their professor.
also unrelated but ive made it my goal in life to give all of my fics the most ridiculous titles i can. originally this fic was supposed to b named after an ABBA song, but i like this title better.
“It doesn’t have to be that. Just… something you feel like I should know about you. What makes Thomas tick?”
“Hm.” Thomas plucks the half-smoked cigarette from Avalon’s lips and takes a slow drag off of it, then places it back in his mouth, fingers lingering against his lips for only a second too long.
Avalon short circuits.
Thomas turns his head away to blow the smoke out, then nonchalantly states, “I used to be a director. I’ve made some movies, been nominated for a few awards. I even won a couple.”
"Wow, that’s pretty impressive," Avalon says, trying to keep his cool from the indirect kiss they just shared. "But what do you mean, used to be? You don't seem any older than me, you can’t be retired already." 
Thomas sighs, lowering his head. "To put it simply, I was blackmailed."
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