#gustav kreed
razorbeard · 7 months
📁@ Gustav
📁- Gustav is a part time black Smith, learned it from his grandfather when he was in his teens and it's always been a hobby he enjoys dabbling in, something about making something from nothing is relaxing and fulfilling for him.
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razorbeard · 8 months
☺ : What is your muse’s smile like? Do they smile often? For Cale and Gustav!
Cale usually has a slight smile on his face in most casual situations but when he's with people he actively gives a shit about he's a wide energetic smile, heartfelt and joyful. Gustav is much more subtle and usually laced with some kind of smug/playful energy to it. But if you're people he actively care about and look out for it's much softer and less filled with smug cocky energy.
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razorbeard · 5 years
Oh fuck, Gustav remembered hearing something about these critters ripping a guardians arm off or something along those lines. He grabbed the large machete like blade he had holstered on his belt near his lower back and pointed at it at the critter as he slowly backed away as he said. “Aye now....you back the fuck up! I ain’t gonna die cuz of a fucking goose!” He legit turns and high tails it out of there. 
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razorbeard · 5 years
“I’m not sure if I’m enjoying your tone.“ - to gustav
The hunter laughed as he sized Taasi up, he had recently been introduced to her by Appolyon, the warlock on his fire-team. “Well missy, enjoying it or not it’s kind true aint it? I’ve seen this before with Polly there. Brings in a new lil guy or gal like yourself he’s getting sweet on and shit. So don’t expect me to be all buddy buddy with ya.” To say Gustav was a bit of asshole would be putting it mildly, his fire-team all knew he was a bit of dick and if he thought something of someone more then likely, nine out of ten times he’d let them know and this was no exception. 
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razorbeard · 8 years
bad ending! For all your characters
-Cale-There was no turning back, no chance of redemption no chance of absolution no peace until his vengeance was sated. He had been consumed been devoured from the inside out and turn into a shell of the man he used to be, the brave guardian he had started as slowly peeled away to reveal the soul of a man consumed by anger consumed by revenge who’s only purpose was to make those who had wronged him PAY. Friends lovers allies, those didn’t matter to him they meant nothing to him, they were only chances to be hurt again, to be torn apart again. So he resigned to the fact this was a mission he alone could take, that he alone would complete and that he alone would be the sole victim of its possible failure. In the end it would consume him, and his mission would fail and he would fade to dust and be forgotten time and only be remembered as the Vengeful one, not the man he was not the man he COULD of been just simply the rage that fueled him and in turn defined him.-Gustav-Another case of rage consuming ones actions, Gustav would be driven to burn the world that had wronged him to the ground, no enemy would stop him no one would get in his way. You were either with him or against him, this mentality this drive for righting a wrong that had ruined his life and taken the one good thing he had in this world would lead him down a path that would turn him into a enemy of the city, guardians would look to him as a example of a man who was consumed with his past life, not able to move past the loss and make himself better for it. He would be so lost in that life that any bridges he formed would be torn and burned to pieces by his drive to fix the wrong that was committed against him. It would lead him to his death to fight against a superior force be it the Devils or the gang that “Sold” him and his brother. But none the less his end would come to him like it did before he was a guardian and leave him feeling unfulfilled and hollow. -Pavel-The old Veterans end would come to him like any warrior of the light, he would not falter in his  duty, he would stay true to himself and the promise he made to his dead children. He would never give up, never surrender never back down when those in need, needed protection he would sacrifice it all to spare someone the pain he had lived with day in and day out, the pain that ate away at his soul the pain that drained him with each passing moment. It was a pain that never left him no matter what he did no matter who he met it was always there in the back of his mind. torturing him in his waking moments and in the silence of the night. He would in the end die like a warrior going home, singing his death song and welcoming his end. He would be a tortured man but when his end came it would be a welcomed end, a release of sorts and a moment he had been ready for, for much longer then he had expected.-Appolyon-The end of this Warlocks story would not come in a wave of death or a drive for vengeance it would come with the search of knowledge of power.A search that would cost him more then he had to offer, his very soul would be sacrificed and what made him “HIM” would fall away and the beast that resided in his body, the beast that was held in a cage in his mind would be free to do with the body of his former captor as it saw fit. 
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razorbeard · 8 years
*looks at gustav and pulls out a fire extinguisher*
Gustav: *His hand is resting on the empty holster at his side, his eye burning brightly with solar energy.* You feeling lucky punk? 
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razorbeard · 8 years
💋💌😇🚿 Gustav~
💋 Kissing? The olive skinned hunter grinned teasingly as he read the question on his PDA, his dark red eyes gleaming teasingly as he leaned back before speaking with that Cajun drawl of his. “Nah Cher you wanna learn bout muh kissin yeh? Hmmm well how bout you pass me yas number and we’ll set a lil sumthin sumthin up hmm? I think I’ve got more then muh fair share of experience so if you’re looking to learn a lil something extra or hell..............trying to teach your man a trick or two......” He grinned slyly as he winked at the PDA camera as he recorded and added. “Dun be shy now.” 💌romance/flirting ?The Human gunslinger raised a brow softly as he read the next one and couldn’t help but laugh a lil as he said. “Damn someones just lookin fer a few pointers aye sweetpea? Mmmmm well good ol Gustav is more then HAPPY to help spice up ya love life a lil.” 😇 following rules?He grinned viciously as he relaxed there in the lil chair as he thought about this extremely complex question he was about to answer and simply said. “Cher as the saying goes....Rules are meant to be broken, I think that kind of sums it up wouldn’tcha think?”🚿hygiene?Now this question was a little out of left field for him but none the less he laughed a little as he looked at it once more and said. “I pride myself in muh Hygiene, I mean I get a lil dirty from teh job I do, killing can be ah.....QUITE messy, Ether is a SON of a bitch to get outta cloth, I’ll tell you what! But no....When it comes to personal hygiene I’m on point wiff that. May not look like I’d be the type but hell, ain’t picking no one up if ya smell like pits.” 
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razorbeard · 8 years
Hey Gustav, what if two women wrestled over you? Would you join them? (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Gustav: *A coy grin spread across his face* Oh no no I would stop the fight and show them that there’s more then enough of  me to go around.... >;D
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