#gurkha immigration
laurenconway · 2 years
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greatworldwar2 · 4 years
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• 442nd Infantry Division
The 442nd Infantry Regiment is an infantry regiment of the United States Army and best known for its history as a fighting unit composed almost entirely of second-generation American soldiers of Japanese ancestry (Nisei) who fought in World War II. Beginning in 1944, the regiment fought primarily in the European Theatre, in particular Italy, southern France, and Germany.
Created as the 442nd Regimental Combat Team when it was activated February 1st, 1943, the unit quickly grew to its fighting complement of 4,000 men by April 1943, and an eventual total of about 14,000 men served overall. The unit earned more than 18,000 awards in less than two years, including 9,486 Purple Hearts and 4,000 Bronze Star Medals. In 2010, the Congressional Gold Medal was awarded to the 442nd Regimental Combat Team and associated units who served during World War II. Most Japanese Americans who fought in World War II were Nisei, born in the United States to immigrant parents. Shortly after the Imperial Japanese Navy's attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941, Japanese-American men were initially categorized as 4C (enemy alien) and therefore not subject to the draft. Not long after the attack on Pearl Harbor On February 19th, 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066.
It was targeted largely for the internment of people of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast. In March 1942, Lieutenant General John L. DeWitt, issued the first of 108 military proclamations that resulted in the forced relocation from their residences to guarded relocation camps of more than 110,000 people of Japanese ancestry from the West Coast, the great majority of the ethnic community. Two thirds were born in the United States. The US government required that all internees answer a loyalty questionnaire, which was used to register the Nisei for the draft. Question 27 of the questionnaire asked eligible males, "Are you willing to serve in the armed forces of the United States on combat duty, wherever ordered?" and question 28 asked, "Will you swear unqualified allegiance to the United States of America and faithfully defend the United States from any or all attack by foreign or domestic forces, and forswear any form of allegiance or obedience to the Japanese emperor, or any other foreign government, power or organization?"
Nearly a quarter of the Nisei males answered with a no or a qualified answer to both questions in protest, resenting the implication they ever had allegiance to Japan; some left them blank. Qualified answers included those who said, yes, but criticized the internment of the Japanese or racism. Many who responded that way were imprisoned for evading the draft. more than 75% indicated that they were willing to enlist and swear allegiance to the U.S. The U.S. Army called for 1,500 volunteers from Hawaii and 3,000 from the mainland. An overwhelming 10,000 men from Hawaii volunteered. The announcement was met with less enthusiasm on the mainland, where most draft-age men of Japanese ancestry and their families were held in internment camps. Roosevelt announced the formation of the 442nd Infantry Regimental Combat Team, saying, "Americanism is not, and never was, a matter of race or ancestry." Ultimately, the draft was instated to obtain more Japanese Americans from the mainland and these made up a large part of the 14,000 men who eventually served in the 442nd Regiment.
The 442nd Combat Team, less its 1st Battalion, which had remained in the U.S. to train Nisei replacements after many of its members were levied as replacements for the 100th, sailed from Hampton Roads, Virginia, on May 1st, 1944 and landed at Anzio on May 28th. The 442nd would join the 100th Battalion in Civitavecchia north of Rome on June 11th, 1944, attached to the 34th Infantry Division. The 1st Battalion, 442nd Infantry at Camp Shelby was then redesignated the 171st Infantry Battalion (Separate) on September 5th, 1944. The newly-formed Nisei unit went into battle together on June 26th, 1944 at the village of Belvedere in Suvereto, Tuscany. The battle of Belvedere showed that the 442nd could hold their own and showed them the kind of fighting the 100th Battalion had gone through in the prior months. After only a few days of rest, the united 442nd again entered into combat on July 1st, taking Cecina and moving towards the Arno River. On July 2nd, as the 442nd approached the Arno, 5th Battalion engaged in a hard-fought battle to take Hill 140.
The 442nd, alongside the 100th Battalion continued to fight in Italy reaching the German Gothic Line. On the Italian Front, the 442nd had contact with the only segregated African-American active combat unit of the U.S. Army in Europe, the 92nd Infantry Division, as well as troops of the British and French colonial empires (West and East Africans, Moroccans, Algerians, Indians, and Gurkhas), and the non-segregated Brazilian Expeditionary Force. The 442nd also served in France for a time. The 100th/442nd Regimental Combat Team is the most decorated unit for its size and length of service in the history of American warfare.
The record of the Japanese Americans serving in the 442nd and in the Military Intelligence Service (U.S. Pacific Theater forces in World War II) helped change the minds of anti-Japanese American critics in the continental U.S. and resulted in easing of restrictions and the eventual release of the 120,000-strong community well before the end of World War II. In Hawaii, the veterans were welcomed home as heroes by a grateful community that had supported them through those trying times. However, the unit's exemplary service and many decorations did not change the attitudes of the general population in the continental U.S. to people of Japanese ancestry after World War II. Veterans were welcomed home by signs that read "No Japs Allowed" and "No Japs Wanted", denied service in shops and restaurants, and had their homes and property vandalized. Anti-Japanese sentiment remained strong into the 1960s, but faded along with other once-common prejudices, even while remaining strong in certain circles. Conversely, the story of the 442nd provided a leading example of what was to become the controversial model minority stereotype. In post-war American popular slang, the phrase "going for broke" was adopted from the 442nd's unit motto "Go for Broke", which according to the 1951 film Go for Broke! was derived from the Hawaiian pidgin phrase used by craps shooters risking all their money on one roll of the dice. The 442nd RCT was inactivated in Honolulu in 1946, but reactivated in 1947 in the U.S. Army Reserve.
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wildcat2030 · 6 years
At the cutting edge of modern science, DNA sequencing promises to transform many aspects of human life. It’s already playing a significant role in law enforcement, as well as medical and historical research. But there’s a growing inequality in its impacts and in the chances of your genetic data being recorded – whether that’s by choice, for research or medical benefit, or by compulsion by the state. Britain’s home secretary, Sajid Javid, apologised to parliament on October 25 for his department’s compulsion of immigration applicants, including 51 relatives of British Army Gurkhas, into DNA testing to prove their identity. The revelations, first reported in June, were the latest indictment of the impacts of the government’s “hostile environment” immigration policies. In his statement, Javid said that 83 applications had been refused, including seven which had been refused purely on “suitability grounds”, because applicants had not submitted to mandatory genetic testing. But the UK is not alone in employing this innovative technology to enforce its borders – Canada, France and Norway are also adopting or considering adoption of these techniques. Meanwhile, border forces under the Trump administration recently used compulsory DNA tests to reunite migrant families they had forcibly separated.. While in each individual case familial DNA testing would give some additional “proof” of relationship to investigators, across Western countries a system seems to be in creation where compulsion to DNA test becomes a prerequisite of citizenship for certain migrants. Yet it’s a piece of evidence that would not be required of non-migrants in any similar civil or criminal proceeding. The inequalities in access to and use of DNA by the state do not end there, however.
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jaggedwolf · 6 years
Seeing the difference in the commentaries on Crazy Rich Asians between Asian-American writers and Singaporean writers, and the comparisons to Black Panther has crystallized some thoughts for me.
Obviously the Black Panther comparison is meant in terms of the impact on popular culture and on representation, not genre or plot, but the films do share a crucial similarity. 
They’re these huge American-produced endeavors with all-POC casts that are...not set in America. Isn’t that a little bit funny? A little convenient? 
It’s easy to overlook it for Black Panther, of course, because Wakanda is fictional, an impressive hypothetical. Wakanda is whatever Black Panther says it is, because it doesn’t exist. It can be the magical backdrop it needs to be with little baggage.
Crazy Rich Asians has the magical backdrop of Singapore. Except it actually exists. For those familiar with certain strains of racial discourse in the USA, the use of Singapore as a convenient setting of “Asianness” smacks of a familiar romanticization-exoticisation of the homeland. In order for those dual attitudes to function, one needs to ignore inconvenient facts like the 26% non-Chinese population and Singapore’s own complicated immigration histories.
Who cares! It’s unfair to ask more of a fun Asian romp than we do of fun White romps! We didn’t ask Ant-Man and the Wasp to express white diversity! (An actual tweet I saw)
Nope. An American film setting itself in Singapore gets to be subject to this criticism, because no matter the Hollywood racial politics at play here, there’s also the global ones at work. The big Hollywood machine determining how a country is seen.
It’s a great opportunity for the cast and the director, a win in the American context. That doesn’t mean people can’t critique it in a Singaporean context - a context where there’s still the assumption Singapore is unprepared for non-Chinese minister, where Malay soldiers are often blocked from sensitive positions because they’re seen as terrorism risks, where job ads frequently say “Chinese-speaker required” when the job doesn’t require it, where implicitly immigration into the country is controlled to ensure our relative racial populations stay the same. 
People aren’t being petty about what kind of Asians are in this film - they’re pointing out all the ways it falls into the same old tropes about what does it mean to be Singaporean. About whose stories get to be Singaporean stories.
It’s a film based on a book by a Singaporean-American author who hasn’t lived there since he was 11, who doesn’t know the difference between a Sikh and a Gurkha, and I doubt he cares. It is it’s own kind of symbolism that this is the book with an all-Asian cast that got turned into a Hollywood film. 
I hope the film does fantastic, given that all Hollywood cares about is money. I hope it’s everything people want it to be. 
But the film doesn’t care about my Singapore, and I get to point that out too.
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bpande · 4 years
Tour Guiding Map on Mustang
Mustang is divided between Upper and Lower Mustang. In Upper Mustang, Tibetan culture, traditions and religion are highly prevalent in the region. The people in Upper Mustang are mainly from the Loba Tribe that still support the fact of the earth being flat. The Loba tribal is highly religious and they give high regards to religious prayers and festivals every day. On the other hand, in Lower Mustang, the people are of Nepali tribes and reside at the far southern fringe (Sehgal, 2017).
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Figure 1 - Loba tribe carrying foods in Upper Mustang (Source: Sehgal, 2017).
Mustang was a Buddhist kingdom in the past, which until the 1950s remained isolated from the rest of the world. Being an old and tiny kingdom of Nepal, Mustang had hardly any tourism activity till the 1990s. The local Nepalese used to surcharge for visitors who were going trekking to Mustang. Mustang is part of Lo's old kingdom. Jomsom is the capital and administrative headquarters of the Mustang district. Further, north of Kagbeni, the traditional Tibetan-style district is generally regarded as the Upper Mustang (Canadian Himalayan Expeditions, 2021). The first time when adventurers from the West became engaged in Upper Mustang, owing to prohibitions in the area by the locals and the Chinese for protecting the ancient culture and way of living, they were able to only get a glimpse into the kingdom. The destination marketing at Mustang began very late as the trekking groups in Mustang were allowed for the first time in 1992. Later the destination image transformed into one of the most popular attractions for trekkers as they were its target segment. The restrictions are even present today as the Nepalese government issues only a ten days special permit from Kathmandu, which is mandatory for all the tourists interested in travelling with a guide in groups having two or more people (Sehgal, 2017).
The history of Mustang dates back to the fifteenth century when it was a major trade route between Tibet and the Indian subcontinent, following the salt trade route. However, in 2008, when the Kingdom of Nepal became a republic state, the suzerainty of Mustang ended. However, even today, Mustang has made few compromises with the modern lifestyle as life here continues in a similar fashion as it was centuries before. Tibetan Buddhism temples, ancient rituals and practices still play an important role in the everyday life of the people of Upper Mustang (Sehgal, 2017). Mustang was the land of Milarepa who is regarded as the key figure in Buddhism and was a popular mystic Guru (TripAdvisor, 2021).
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Figure 2 - A Buddhist temple in Upper Mustang (Source: Sehgal, 2017)
A magnificent square-walled region, Lo Manthang, situated upon the 'Plain of Prayers' is the old capital, where the present king resides. The average elevation of Mustang is 13,200 feet and is situated north of the Dhaulagiri and Annapurna mountain giants. Hence, it lies to the north of the Himalayan range and also shares a portion with the Tibetan highlands geographically. In Mustang, the region is surrounded by colourful stratified rock and also resembles a barren desert (Canadian Himalayan Expeditions, 2021). Thousands of cliff dwellings are one of the Mustang’s most interesting visitor attractions, with the majority of them being inaccessible. Archaeologists have highlighted that these cliff dwellings would date back to 8-10,000 BC (Gurkha Adventures, 2021).
The transport and accessibility to Mustang is available by road and air. In reaching Mustang through the air, a flight needs to be taken from Kathmandu to Pokhara. The road transport service is also available on a 6 to 8 hours long journey through Prithvi Highway. Afterwards, to reach Jomsom, a Jeep facility is available or a 20-30 minutes flight journey. If any visitor is interested in going Mustang by walking, it is likely to take three days. In order to explore the Kingdom of Lo, the starting point is Jomsom (TripAdvisor, 2021). Further, as Upper Mustang is part of the ACAP, the trekking can also be done using Annapurna Circuit trek. It is likely to take nine days when trekking through the Classical Circuit route from Besi Sahar to Kagbeni without involving in the side treks. The Nepalese government has recognised Upper Mustang as a restricted zone for trekking and trekking costs for 10 days in 500 dollars. However, if the visitor is interested in extending their trekking period, then it will be charged 50 dollars additional per day. It is mandatory to trek in a group with at least two visitors excluding the guide whose presence is also mandatory in trekking. The permit for trekking and all the relevant arrangements for trekking should only be made by an approved trekking company (TripAdvisor, 2021).
Another visitor attraction at Upper Mustang is the Tiji festival, which is the most important festival in the region. According to ancient mythology. The festival celebrates the victory of good, Dorje Jono, over evil demons. Dorje Jono is regarded as a god in Vajrayana Buddhism and is also known with the name Vajrakumar, Vajrakila and Dorje Phurba. Vajrayana Buddhism is one of the oldest Buddhist practices which is prevailing mainly in India and Nepal (Marianne, 2018). The Tibetan language is spoken by the people in Mustang (Mustang Trekking, 2021).
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Figure 3 - Tiji festival (Source: Marianne, 2018).
The food and accommodation facilities are available at tea houses, guesthouses, hotels or lodges in the villages that come in trekking pathsṣ. These accommodation facilities have all the relevant facilities for the visitors along with western-style toilets. All types of foods are available in Mustang ranging from local Tibetan foods to Western foods such as tea, coffee, breakfast items such as corn flakes, oatmeals, granola, egg items along with pizza, noodles, pasta, sandwich, momo also called dumplings, spaghetti, vegetables and soups (Mustang Trek Nepal, 2021).
In terms of destination management at Upper Mustang, the Department of Immigration at Nepal is responsible for handling all the permits for the visitors and issuing necessary permissions. In order to gain visitor information, it is required to visit the website of Nepal Immigration. Upper Mustang which comes under Province No. 4, the locations where permits are available for the visitors are Lomanthang Rural Municipality, Lo-Ghekar Damodarkunda Rural Municipality and Baragung Muktichetra Rural Municipality in Upper Mustang (TAAN, 2021). There are also signage and information boards in the region for tourist benefits.
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Figure 4 – Signage in Upper Mustang (Source: Ramblin' Boy, 2018).
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Figure 5 – Information for tourists (Source: Ramblin' Boy, 2018).
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sikhmarriage · 4 years
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maximuswolf · 4 years
Settler Colonialism and the recruitment of Buffalo soldiers - An excerpt from Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz's Indigenous Peoples' history of the US. via /r/communism
Settler Colonialism and the recruitment of Buffalo soldiers - An excerpt from Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz's Indigenous Peoples' history of the US.
I recently read Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz's indigenous People's history, and this is a really interesting excerpt about Buffalo Soldiers:
Buffalo Soldiers
Many of the intensive genocidal campaigns against Indigenous civilians took place during the administration of President Grant, 1869–77. In 1866, two years before Grant’s election, Congress had created two all–African American cavalry regiments that came to be called the buffalo soldiers. Some four million formerly enslaved Africans were free citizens in 1865, thanks to the Emancipation Proclamation, which took effect in January 1863. The legislation was intended to have a demoralizing effect on the CSA, but it gave belated official recognition to what was already fact: many African Americans, especially young men, had freed themselves by fleeing servitude and joining Union forces.27 Up to 1862, Africans had been barred from serving in their own capacity in the army. Now the Union Army incorporated them but at lower pay and in segregated units under white officers. The War Department created the federal Bureau of Colored Troops, and one hundred thousand armed Africans served in the unit. Their courage and commitment made them the best and most effective fighters, although they had the highest mortality rate. At the end of the Civil War, 186,000 Black soldiers had fought and 38,000 had died (in combat and from disease), a higher death toll than that of any individual state. The state with the highest casualty count was New York, with troops comprising mostly poor white immigrant soldiers, largely Irish. After the war many Black soldiers, like their poor white counterparts, remained in the army and were assigned to segregated regiments sent west to crush Indigenous resistance.
This reality strikes many as tragic, as if oppressed former slaves and Indigenous peoples being subjected to genocidal warfare should magically be unified against their common enemy, “the white man.” In fact, this is precisely how colonialism in general and colonial warfare in particular work. It is not unique to the United States, but rather a part of the tradition of European colonialism since the Roman legions. The British organized whole armies of ethnic troops in South and Southwestern Asia, the most famous being the Gurkhas from Nepal, who fought as recently as Margaret Thatcher’s war against Argentina in 1983.28 The buffalo soldiers were such a specially organized colonial military unit. As Stanford L. Davis, a descendant of a buffalo soldier, writes:
Slaves and the black soldiers, who couldn’t read or write, had no idea of the historical deprivations and the frequent genocidal intent of the U.S. government toward Native Americans. Free blacks, whether they could read and write, generally had no access to first-hand or second-hand unbiased information on the relationship. Most whites who had access often didn’t really care about the situation. It was business as usual in the name of “Manifest Destiny.” Most Americans viewed the Indians as incorrigible and non-reformable savages. Those closest to the warring factions or who were threatened by it, naturally wanted government protection at any cost.29
Many Black men opted for army service for survival reasons, as it gave them food and shelter, pay and a pension, and even some glory. The United States had its own motives for assigning Black troops to the West. Southerners and the eastern population did not want thousands of armed Black soldiers in their communities. There was also fear that if they demobilized, the labor market would be flooded. For US authorities, it was a good way of getting rid of the Black soldiers and the Indians.
The Civil War also set the template for the rapid “Americanization” of immigrants. Jewish immigrants fought on both sides in the war, and as individuals they earned a level of freedom from US bigotry they had never experienced before.
Indian scouts and soldiers were essential to the army as well, both as individuals and as nations making war on other Indigenous nations. Many decades later, Native Americans have continued to volunteer in US wars in percentages far beyond their populations. Wichita Nation citizen Stan Holder appeared in a 1974 documentary film on the Vietnam War, Hearts and Minds, in which he explained his volunteering for service. While growing up he had heard the older people’s stories about Wichita warriors, and, looking around, the only warriors he could identify were marines, so he enlisted in what he considered a warrior society. It is no accident that the US Marine Corps evokes that image in angry young men. As with Black men who volunteered in the Indian wars and enlisted and served in other wars, Native men seized the security and potential glory of the colonialist army.
The explicit purpose of the buffalo soldiers and the army of the West as a whole was to invade Indigenous lands and ethnically cleanse them for Anglo settlement and commerce. As Native historian Jace Weaver has written: “The Indian Wars were not fought by the blindingly white American cavalry of John Ford westerns but by African Americans and Irish and German immigrants.”30 The haunting Bob Marley song “Buffalo Soldier” captures the colonial experience in the United States: “Said he was a buffalo soldier / Win the war for America.”31
The army of the West was a colonial army with all the problems of colonial armies and foreign occupation, principally being hated by the people living under occupation. It’s no surprise that the US military uses the term “Indian Country” to refer to what it considers enemy territory. Much as in the Vietnam War, the 1980s covert wars in Central America, and the wars of the early twenty-first century in Muslim countries, counterinsurgent army volunteers in the late-nineteenth-century US West had to rely heavily on intelligence from those native to the land, informers and scouts. Many of these were double agents, reporting back to their own people, having joined the US Army for that purpose. Failing to find guerrilla fighters, the army resorted to scorched-earth campaigns, starvation, attacks on and removals of civilian populations—the weapons of counterinsurgency warfare. During the Soviet counterinsurgency in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees called the effect “migratory genocide”—an apt term to apply retrospectively to the nineteenth-century US counterinsurgency against Indigenous peoples.
Submitted November 11, 2020 at 09:43AM by parentis_shotgun via reddit https://ift.tt/32CyXlo
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y3s2-20192020 · 4 years
Nepalese Ethnoscapes in Pilok
Ethnoscapes are “the landscapes of group identity”: They are in particular no longer bound to certain territorial locations. 
There are two journeys by trekking to Thailand from Nepal and a Boat from Nepal-India-Myanmar-Thailand. Trekking is free but took time but commonly used especially from Nepal to Pilok.  Pliok is a sub-district of Kanchanaburi province, located at the border of Thailand and Myanmar. My project will start by tracing the origin of the Nepalese community in Pilok.
The hand-drawn map refers to my own family biography immigrants from Nepal to Pilok.
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A collective maps of My family ethnoscapes across one century.
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1935:    Grandpa family emigrant by walking from Nepal to Myanmar took about 3 to 4 months
1947 - 1988:  The beginning of the journey grandpa family unsuccess escaping from world war 2  and grandpa joined the Gurkha Army that consisted only Nepalese army  in Myanmar for 40 years in Army 
1988:  The journey of my dad and friends traveling from northern Myanmar to Pilok by using a train, car, boat and then trekking up to Pilok took about 4 days.
The picture in 1955 where the mine target destination and  the main work of Nepalese people in Pilok and now inactive of mines and disappeared of Nepalese villages
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The illustrated map shows the difference between 1955 and 2018 where now Pilok is a tourist place. 
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1955 The difference in 4 sizes of red dots is referring to the numbers of Nepalese people in each village of a rectangle when the mines were active.  But now about 10 adults Nepalese still live in the second and fourth rectangle. Pilok is a tourist place. 
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These are the present Nepalese people in Pilok at Epu and Phapae 2
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Pictures that shows the contrast of communities, mines, and landscapes in the past and the present.
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In 1986 all the mines in Pilok shut down and new gens move to the city and the community disappear. A gif that shows disappearing Nepalese village a year by year of Pilok from 1984 
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ukvisaimmigration · 2 years
Sole Representative Visa UK | Spouse Visa
Sole Representative Visa UK is the best way for business owners in the United Kingdom to get a visa that meets their specific needs. With Sole Representative Visa UK, you will have one individual who will handle all of your visa requirements for you – from preparing your application to ensuring that everything goes smoothly during processing. To find out more about our services or to make an appointment, please visit our website: https://www.aschfordslaw.com/representative-of-an-overseas-business/ or call us at (+44) 20 7604 6868.
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
UK apologises for forcing DNA tests on migrants | News
The British authorities has apologised to a gaggle of migrants searching for to stay and work in the UK after a assessment discovered that their functions have been rejected after they refused to provide DNA samples in help of their functions.
Talking on the Home of Commons on Thursday, Residence Secretary Sajid Javid stated: “on the finish of June we turned conscious of some immigration circumstances the place the availability of DNA proof had been made a requirement – and it was not merely a request.
“This revealed steerage was improper and has now been up to date … As we speak I need to take this chance to apologise to those that have been affected by this course of.”
In accordance with the Guardian newspaper, a assessment by the Residence Workplace discovered that not less than 449 calls for for DNA have been issued to migrants, together with 51 to Gurkha troopers – Nepalese recruits who served within the British army – and a few to Afghan nationals who labored as translators for the UK.
The paper stated not less than seven individuals, together with 4 from one household, have been denied the correct to remain within the UK as a result of they refused to supply DNA samples to show that they had household ties.
“Nobody ought to have confronted a requirement to supply DNA proof and nobody ought to have been penalised for not offering it,” Javid stated.
“Obligatory testing mustn’t have been a part of this scheme and this requirement has now been eliminated.”
‘Disrespect the legislation’
Campaigners described Thursday’s revelation as one other signal that regardless of the Windrush scandal, the federal government “persistently inspired insurance policies and follow which disrespect the legislation”.
The Windrush scandal refers to immigrants from Caribbean nations comparable to Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados who have been invited to the UK between 1948 and 1971 and later wrongly detained, denied authorized rights and threatened with deportation.
Steve Valdez-Symonds, Amnesty Worldwide’s UK refugee and migrant rights programme director, stated the Residence Workplace had “as soon as once more been uncovered as being a legislation unto itself”.
“The house secretary must withstand the truth that issues in his division are systemic, power and deep-rooted. Over a number of a long time, successive governments have persistently inspired insurance policies and follow which disrespect the legislation and hurt the individuals straight affected.
“This dysfunctional division can’t proceed to be rewarded by being given extra powers whereas very important safeguards, comparable to enchantment rights and authorized support, are stripped away.”
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from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/uk-apologises-for-forcing-dna-tests-on-migrants-news/
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directedbywomen · 7 years
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Today - Day 2 of 365 Day #90minDirectedbyWomen film viewing practice - I was moved by Asmita Shrish’s short Auntie Ganga, which is currently streaming for free on Viddsee.
“A 67 years old Ganga, lives with her husband who is an ex-Gurkha soldier in Aldershot, trying to blend in to what is unfamiliar to her at this old age and making it familiar. This is the film that delves into human condition when you are immigrant at old age and what becomes of your relation once you get old. Auntie Ganga discovers day-to-day lives of old women through auntie Ganga about their struggle to blend in with the society in spite of cultural and language barriers.”
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lexlawuk · 4 years
Gurkha Family Member Case Study: Pun and Anor (Nepal) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
Gurkha Family Member Case Study: Pun and Anor (Nepal) v SSHD #CaseStudy #Gurkha #GurkhaFamilyMember #IndefiniteLeavetoRemain #UKImmigration
The Brigade of Gurkhas has been part of the British army for over 200 years and these Nepalese soldiers have fought hard alongside other British Army regiments. However, they have not always enjoyed the same rights as other members of the British Army, including the right to stay in the UK; the country that they put their lives on the line for. Within the last 20 years the Home Office has opened…
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tuesdayblogworld · 6 years
Sajid Javid apologises to immigration applicants forced to give DNA samples
Sajid Javid apologises to immigration applicants forced to give DNA samples
The home secretary has apologised to immigrants – including to Afghan nationals who worked for the British armed forces and Gurkha soldiers – who …
from Google Alert – immigration https://ift.tt/2JfHy2L via IFTTT
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nbntv-blog · 6 years
Home secretary apologises for immigrant DNA tests
Home secretary apologises for immigrant DNA tests
Image copyright House of Commons
Home Secretary Sajid Javid has apologised to people who were wrongly forced to take DNA tests to prove they were entitled to settle in the UK.
A Home Office review found there were at least 449 cases where letters had been sent with the demand.
Mr Javid told the House of Commons that some relatives of Gurkhas and Afghan nationals employed by the UK government…
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ukvisaimmigration · 2 years
Work Permit Requirements in the UK - Aschfordslaw
Starting your own business in the UK can be a daunting task, but with the help of Aschfordslaw, you'll have everything you need to get started. We offer UK Work Permit services for individuals who wish to visit the UK for business purposes, and our team of experts can guide you through the process.
 Visit More Info Us: https://bit.ly/3SuiGqF
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ukvisaimmigration · 2 years
UK Immigration Uxbridge: What You Should Know Before Moving to the United Kingdom
If you're planning on moving to the United Kingdom, then you'll want to read this blog post. In it, we'll provide you with everything you need to know about UK immigration Uxbridge, including the requirements and deadlines. We'll also provide a list of local immigration lawyers who can help you with your application. So, if you're in the UK and want to know more about the process, read on!
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What is UK immigration Uxbridge?
It can be daunting to contemplate immigrating to the UK, but it's important to have an understanding of what the process entails. There are many steps that need to be completed, and each one can take some time.
Make sure you have all the paperwork ready - including your visa application, residency application, and proof of funds - and be prepared for the process to take some time.
If you're unsure about your eligibility or status, speak with an experienced lawyer who can help you navigate the UK immigration Uxbridge process.
What are the requirements for UK residency or citizenship?
When it comes to UK immigration, it's important to be well-informed before making any decisions. Many people move to the UK without properly understanding the requirements, which can lead to complications down the line. To avoid any problems, make sure you have a clear understanding of the following before moving to the UK: - What visa or residence permit you need - How long you have to have lived in the UK and been of good character - What financial requirements you may have to meet - Whether you will need to show evidence that you can support yourself while living in the UK.
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Who can help me with my UK immigration application?
Moving to the UK can be an exciting and turbulent experience. It's important to have an honest conversation with the immigration lawyer about your goals and expectations before starting the application process. Make sure to do your research and find someone who has a proven track record in helping foreigners become residents or citizens of the United Kingdom.
The process of applying for UK citizenship or residency can be daunting, but a qualified immigration lawyer can help walk you through the process. There are many different people that can help you with your UK immigration lawyer Harrow application, so it's important to select the right one for you. Good luck!
How can I get more information about UK immigration Uxbridge?
There are a variety of ways to get more information about UK immigration Uxbridge. Some of the most popular methods include contacting the government website or calling their helpline. Additionally, you can find helpful tips on websites like Move to TheUK or The Independent's Moving to Britain guidebook. If you're interested in moving to the United Kingdom, it's important to understand the process and what you need to do first. This includes researching your visa options and understanding the requirements for citizenship. Once you know what you need to do, the rest is easy - all you need is to get started!
When are the requirements for UK residency or citizenship?
Moving to the UK can be a exciting and life-changing experience, but there are a few things you need to know before moving forward. The first step is to determine if you're eligible. This will involve completing an application process that tests your knowledge about British culture and customs. If you're successful, you'll need to meet a few requirements, including being a permanent resident of the UK, having lived in the country for a certain amount of time, and being able to support yourself financially. Once you've met these requirements, you'll need to provide proof of residence and identity documents. This can include a copy of your visa or ID card, your birth certificate, or other relevant documents. Finally, make sure you have all the paperwork ready before moving to the UK - the sooner you get started, the less time you'll have to worry!
Moving to the United Kingdom can be an exciting and daunting process, but by following the tips mentioned in this blog, you'll be well on your way to a successful move. UK Immigration Lawyer Uxbridge can help you with all of your UK immigration needs, so be sure to consult with them before making any decisions. Keep checking back for updates on www.aschfordslaw.com as new information becomes available, and don't hesitate to leave your questions or comments below! 
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Frequently Asked Questions
The immigration residency requirements for the UK are outlined in the Immigration Rules, which can be found on the UK Border Force website. A person needs to have a personal immigration entry clearance, which is granted if the applicant is able to show that they have a genuine need to live in the UK and that they will not become a public charge. If a person does not have a personal immigration entry clearance, they may still be able to enter the UK if they are invited by a British citizen or if they have an invitation from the Home Office.
The UK has restrictions on immigration from outside of the European Union.
The benefits of UK immigration are that it encourages creativity and innovation, as well as talent from all over the world. The UK is known for its strong economy, and immigrants tend to be more prosperous than the native population. Additionally, immigration has been shown to aid in reducing social tensions and improving public safety. The main source of information for this question is the BBC.
The waiting time for UK immigration is three months. The source of the information is the UK Border Agency website.
The immigration process in the United Kingdom is broken into two parts: visa applications and immigration compliance. Visa applications are handled by the UK visa office, while immigration compliance is overseen by immigration enforcement.
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