#gurjinx oc
ladynoirelf · 3 years
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Censored version here, Mothria and Gurjin engaging in an intimate reunion after he receives leave to go home.
Story and Uncensored version here:
Just the picture is here:
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ladynoirelf · 3 years
Dark Crystal Tik-Tok challenge: My s/o doesn't love my anymore.
Deet to Rian:
Mitjan was preparing lunch when the holo-crystal rang. He pressed it up from its sheath with his elbow to accept the transmit.
Mitja whipped his head at the sound of his daughter sniffling and on the brink of tears. Paternal instinct began to surge through him.
“What happened Deethra”? He asked, trying to keep the panic down in case it was nothing.
“R-Rian...He said”. Deet dramatically covered her mouth with a trembling fist “He said that he doesn't love me anymore”.
“I did NOT say that! Why are you lying to your father”?! Rian called off the screen. Mitjan couldn't tell if he sounded annoyed or was in jest.
“What did you say then”? Deet sniped at her right.
“I just said that I’m not buying you a fizzgig. You have a whole farm of slimy worms back home, those are your pets”.
“But they're not here, are they”?!
“I'm not having a fuzzball rolling over and shitting on my carpet”!
Deet rolled her, turning back to her father “So yeah this relationship might not last long”.
“Oh Deet”. Mitjan sighed, cutting off the call and going back to cooking lunch.
Rian to Deet:
Gurjin was shocked that Rian was calling him right now. Usually when he was on a date with Deet his phone would be on vibrate so he could focus on their activity.
Thinking the worst, Gurjin picked up after the first ring.
“What's wrong”?
“Deet doesn't love me anymore”.
Gurjin could make out his friend’s monotone expression, imagining a look of deadpan on his face.
“My girlfriend of 2 years doesn't love me anymore”.
“I didn't say that”! Deet exclaimed, clearly sounded offended.
“What did you say then”? Rian challenged, leaving Gurjin to wonder if he should have even picked up the phone.
“I said I didn't want to go to the armory expo with you, I’ve been seven times I’ve had enough”.
“It's the same thing”!
“No, it is not! I'm tired of learning about the different wars and the glorification of bloodshed. Can't we go to the zoo or something ”?
“You liked it the first seven times”.
“I just started dating you, I was being nice”.
Gurjin hung up just as Rian let out a scandalous gasp. This sounded like a private matter.
Brea to Kylan:
“Darling, your sister is calling”.
Tavra turned off the treadmill, taking the towel Onica offered before her cell phone.
“Thanks, love” she grabbed the water bottle before answering the holo call “Hello”?
Said sister was greeted at the sight of her sister dramatically crying with glossy amber eyes.
“What's wrong this time”? Tavra chuckled, recognizing the famous crocodile tears her sister is known for in their household.
“T-T-Tavra” Blubbered Brea “Kylan told me...he doesn't love me anymore”.
A tanned hand gently landed on Brea’s head, giving her assuring head rubs. Tavra immediately recognized the affectionate gesture to come from Kylan.
“Brea, I just said I wouldn't marry you today”.
“It's the same thing”! Brea cried, burrowing her face into the couch arm.
“We’re still in university and I don't have enough money to get you a ring or-”.
“WELL GET ONE THEN! PLEASE”! Tavra winced at her sister’s harsh wailing through the speaker.
“I said soon...maybe”.
“Well it seems that two have that figured out. I'm gonna go mack on my girlfriend now, see ya”.
Tavra quickly cut off her sister’s pleas, hurrying to find Onica.
Kylan to Brea:
Naia sipped a bit of her smoothie before answering her phone after the first ring. As she always did when Kylan called.
“Hey”. sighed Kylan, he sounded dejected which caused Naia some concern.
“Are you...Okay”?
“Yes, I mean as okay as one can be when their significant other tells them they don't love you anymore”.
Naia bit her lip when she heard a soft groan from Brea.
“I did not say that”!
“Oh no? Clarify what you said then”?
“I just said, respectfully and kindly, I'm not watching ‘Jara-Jen’ with you for the 50th time this week’”.
“Oh wow, seriously Klan”. Quipped Naia with a smirk.
“Hey! It's a good series and with amazing plot and dialogue”!
“I know because we’ve seen it 50 times this week”.
“It's a good show, Naia can you support me here please”.
Naia sucked her teeth “SSory Ky, gonna have to go with Brea on this one”.
“Fine, You're dead to me for the next five minutes”. With a humph, the click of the end of the call signaled Kylan hanging up.
Naia looked at her phone in confusion.
“Why specifically five minutes”?
Mothria to Gurjin:
A little while later after Kylan’s little call, Naia was surprised to get a call from Mothria who was often too busy on this day.
She set her bola crafting down to answer.
“Hi Mothy”.
“Your brother no longer loves me”.
“What! That is a lie. Why the fuck you lying”.,
Oh Thra, again?
“Awww, is he being a jerk again”? Naia cooed.
“Yeah he is”.
“All I said was I'm not going to ditch my friends at the movies so you can go to couples yoga”.
“I'm hearing ‘let's break up, I no longer love you Mothria”.
“For the love of Agura”.
“Who misses out on an opportunity to see their girlfriend in tight yoga pants”. Naia bit back a mocking giggle.
“A gelfling who wants to see guts and gore”.
“... Gurjin I feel I should apologize to you”.
“For taking most of your brain cells while we were in the womb together”.
Naia cackled as she hung up and tossed her phone next to her, returning to her crafting with a mischievous smile.
Gurjin to Mothria:
Rian groaned as he was rudely interrupted from his nap by the blaring of his phone.
His hand stumbled as he tried to find it on the coffee table, unintentionally knocking some of the knickknacks off.
“Hey” he responded with a groggy voice, arm over his eyes.
“Rian, my friend, comfort me in my time of need”. Gurjin’s begging didn't even stir the man from his half-sleep.
“What do you want”?
“Mothria, my beloved lovemoth of four years, has told me that she doesn't love me anymore”.
“That is not what you said you dinkleberry”!
Rian pulled the phone away from ear at Mothria’s booming voice.
“Well what did you say?! Explain yourself woman”!
“I said you can't grope my butt when we shop. We’ll get banned”.
“Don't worry about that we can ask my mom to lift the ban if we do”.
“How would we explain that? ‘Hey Maudra Laesid, your son likes to sexually grope me while we're shopping and that leads to us being banned. Could you lift it please so we can continue to do so without consequences”?
“...I probably would word it differently, but yeah something like that”.
“Oh my-”.
Rian cut the line off, leaving the sogling couple to their dispute and allowing him to return back to his nap.
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ladynoirelf · 3 years
Sneek Peek of the new fic to be posted on Friday afternoon. With illustrations~
To those living in the Great Smerth, nothing could ever bet the soothing sound of the falling nightly rain.
The droplets falling into the murky swamp waters and flora echoed through the swamplands alongside the gentle songs of the songbird and the croaks of the rest of the bog creatures.
Nestled in her home a few miles away from the capital home in a curved ancient ape knot tree guarded by muski,
Mothria was in her room humming to sleeping baby eels curled in her lap.
Her long hair loose, dragging on the wooden floor as she gently swung in her hammock chair. Her work clothes exchanged for her a simple gauze top and panties, welcoming the cool air from the crack of her open window on her bare legs and arms. The muski in her lap curled around each other like tangled bootlaces, creating a warm bundle of chirping snores. Mothria stroked a finger against one of the slick backs of a teal colored muski as she continued to hum a gentle lullaby as she felt her eyelids begin to grow heavy.
Seeing that the muski were now unruffled for the night, she scooped them up in her hands before getting up to walk to a hole on the adjacent wall of her room. She pressed the muski to the hole, prompting them to head back outside to their sleeping parents resting under the roots of the tree. Two of the three slithered out of her hands, but one remained curled around her thumb and palm.
Clearly not planning on leaving the warmth of her home anytime soon.
Mothria tried manually untangling the little thing from her hand, but it only coiled tighter before securing itself on her arm by wrapping its tail around her wrist.
“Come on small one”. She cooed “you know you can't stay in here, your mother will be worried sick the whole night”. She tucked a finger underneath the muski’s chin, scratching right underneath the maw making the creature puur and trill in delight. “You don't wanna be a bad baby right? Be good and head home, i'll see you in the morning for morning yum-yum”. Mothria chirped, kissing the muski on the head and lifted it up to the hole to slither out of her hand.
Not before giving her finger a quick lick before gliding down.
Mothria stood on her toes to make sure the little eel didn't try to slither into another hole in the house to sneak back in. Once the creature was out of sight and she heard a slight ripple in the water below, Mothria pushed off the wall and began to prepare herself for bed. Blowing out her candles and cleaning her legs of the slimy residue with a damp cloth, she moved to the window to close it for the night.
To prevent other wandering critters from getting in.
Wrapping her hand around the wooden handle, she was closing the window when her ears picked up movement in the waters below. Thinking it was a muski trying to get in at the last minute, Mothria pushed the window open to stop it before it could sneak past.
Instead of facing an impish muski, a hand pulled on one of her long green locs to pull her down into a wet yet familiar kiss.
Mothria’s shocked yelp was muffled as she was suddenly looking into half lidded golden eyes that she has known since she was a childling.
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