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Daemon, Gurgidaemon
![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7b121cc7cae0ec3cf9c6f2b177472e1a/23a1ac4ec70e088f-53/s540x810/19e67710b67aada32c4439423d9d492ac257c36c.jpg)
“Mr. Wormy” © Mac Smith, accessed at his deviantArt gallery here
[Commissioned by @listmaker-lastcity, who asked for Pathfinder conversions of the fiends in d20 Modern. d20 Modern’s bestiary is an odd mash-up of D&D conversions, ports from Alternity, cryptids and paranormal monsters, and original creatures. The fiends are generally vaguely human-shaped, have one gimmick, and have no illustrations (at least in d20 Modern proper--one turns up illustrated in Unearthed Arcana, and the d20 Menace Manual fiends are better represented in art). As soon as I saw this image, I knew it was a perfect fit for what d20 Modern calls the festergog or vomit fiend. Since I’m putting them into existing PFRPG categories, and I knew what sort of death I thought the festergog should represent, I had to change the name to daemon standards. Which is a shame--the festergog is the only one that has a name worth using.]
Daemon, Gurgidaemon CR 9 NE Outsider (extraplanar) This creature resembles a fat slug with a humanoid torso and head. Tumors and growths dot its body, and its skin oozes a noxious slime. Its mouth is grossly distended with a protruding black tongue and rotting, uneven teeth.
The gurgidaemon is a daemonic patron of death by overconsumption. From the bird that chokes trying to swallow an oversized fish to the nobleman who slowly rots their liver with drink, all deaths from indulgence and gluttony are a gurgidaemon’s purviews. Although they are slow, they are implacable, and can move across rocky landscapes or through water with ease.
Gurgidaemons are not especially stealthy, and are usually smelled before they are seen. The fluid that oozes from their sores and tumors is incredibly foul, leading to their nickname among mortals as “vomit fiends”. A gurgidaemon usually opens combat by attempting to hinder enemy movement with their acidic spew or magic, then grabbing and swallowing creatures that it can reach. If a combat turns against them, they usually summon lesser daemons out of spite, and then flee.
Although gurgidaemons have genius intellects by mortal standards, they are obsessed to the point of mania with food and drink rather than applying their brains to other problems. Some are gourmands, trying to consume every different type of thing they can, be it animal, vegetable or mineral. Others focus their culinary expertise, tasting the differences between individuals within a specific city or lineage, or attempting to eat an entire species to extinction. They are most effective at ruining the lives of mortals in conjunction with other species of fiends, and work well with meladaemons and yagnodaemons to create deadly feasts for the upper echelons at the same time as widespread famine for the lower classes.
Gurgidaemon CR 9 XP 6,400 NE Huge outsider (daemon, evil, extraplanar) Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft., Perception +16 Aura noxious stench (15 ft., Fort DC 21) Defense AC 22, touch 7, flat-footed 22 (-2 size, -1 Dex, +15 natural) hp 115 (10d10+60) Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +12 DR 10/good; Immune acid, death effects, disease, poison; Resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10; SR 20 Offense Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft. Melee 2 claws +16 (1d8+8), bite +16 (2d6+8 plus grab) Space 15 ft.; Reach 10 ft. Special Attacks breath weapon (30 ft. cone, 9d6 acid, Ref DC 21, 1d4 rounds), gluttonous snap, swallow whole (4d6 acid, AC 17, 11 hp) Spell-like Abilities CL 10th, concentration +13 At will—greater teleport (self plus 50 lbs objects only), ray of exhaustion (DC 16), slow (DC 16) 3/day—hunger for flesh (DC 17), unholy blight (DC 17), vampiric touch 1/day—dispel good (DC 18), mass fester (DC 19), summon (2 ceustodaemons, 50%, level 5) Statistics Str 26, Dex 9, Con 23, Int 16, Wis 17, Cha 16 Base Atk +10; CMB +20 (+24 grab); CMD 29 (cannot be tripped) Feats Blind-fight, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack Skills Bluff +16, Climb +29, Intimidate +16, Knowledge (local, nature) +13, Knowledge (planes) +16, Perception +16, Sense Motive +16, Swim +29 Languages Abyssal, Draconic, Infernal, telepathy 100 ft. Ecology Environment any land or underground (Abaddon) Organization solitary or wallow (2-4) Treasure standard Special Abilities Breath Weapon (Su) A creature that fails its save against a gurgidaemon’s breath weapon is entangled for 1d4 rounds by the sticky fluids. The save DC is Constitution based. Gluttonous Snap (Ex) When a gurgidaemon successfully swallows a creature, it may make a bite attack against another creature in its reach as a swift action. Noxious Stench (Ex) All creatures within 15 feet of a gurgidaemon must succeed a DC 21 Fortitude save or be nauseated for as long as they remain in its noxious stench aura and for 1d4 rounds thereafter. A creature that successfully saves is sickened for 1 round, and then is immune to that gurgidaemon’s noxious stench for the next 24 hours. This is a poison effect, and the save DC is Constitution based.
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hey, i'm gonna be running a game of kingmaker soon and i'm thinking about replacing the original campaign villain with your writeup for hexxus (a. because he's awesome and b. because my players are going to flip shit in months/years time when i reveal the villain), do you have any recs for daemons that could show up during the game? i don't know a ton about golarion's planar lore, so some insight there could be helpful, if you're willing to give it. thanks!!
Some canon daemons that fit the theme (at least one of which is already in Kingmaker!)
Hydrodaemon (death by drowning/water, CR 8)
Nixudaemon (death by toil, CR 7)
Piscodaemon (death by poison, CR 10)
Sepsidaemon (death by infected wounds, CR 7)
Suspiridaemon (death by suffocation, CR 7)
And some daemons I have written that would fit the theme as well
Bagodaemon (death by novel/unusual means, CR 10)
Eurekadaemon (death by technological failure, CR 11)
Gurgidaemon (death by overconsumption, CR 9)
Sordesdaemon (death by pollution, CR 15). Note that the sordesdaemon is Pathfinder canon, but was introduced in 2nd edition. This is a retro-conversion
Yagnodaemon (death by bureaucracy, CR 13)
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