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Antibiotics (3 days), pills for mucus reduction (5 days), pill for pain and inflammation (5 days), pills for coughing (5 days), herbal powder for my tiredness (5 days), comes out to $16.33. AGAIN, your government is LYING TO YOU, America. There’s no excuse and again, this ain’t socialism. I paid cash for the medication and for the locally administered national health insurance policy. So, whatever bullshit they feed you on either side of the aisle, that’s all it is. Bullshit. #americanhealthinsurancetyranny #medicalmafia #gunsdontmakeyoufree #stoplyingtoyourself #thechainsyoudontsee #medication #drugprices #bigpharmabootonyourneck (at Wanitakashiro, Otsu-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIiYjhWph86/?igshid=1gspbf5bmq4t6
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This was considered an emergency by the clinic and the doctor thought I might have pneumonia because I’ve been coughing every night for a week. But it’s just minor bronchitis. Still, look at this bill. ¥2,230 = $21.42, and there’s no follow up bill. This is NOT socialism, Americans. Japan is a hyper capitalist country. They have employer sponsored and union sponsored health insurance as well as niche market health insurance options, supplemental, AND the locally administered national health insurance system. There’s no follow up bill. This is the bill that I paid in cash. We pay for our health insurance premiums at City Hall. POINT BEING, the USA has 0% fucking excuses for holding YOUR health as their hostage just to keep you under their thumb with a boot on your throat. Anyone giving you “how are we going to pay for it” song and dance is lying to you. #noexcuses #americanhealthcareisafraud #theyrelyingtoyou #allofthem #americanhealthinsurancetyranny #medicalmafia #gunsdontmakeyoufree #economicfairnessmakesyoufree (at Wanitakashiro, Otsu-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIiXQLYpOJp/?igshid=txnf1nmtsl89
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I had a walk in blood test with a CBC (comprehensive blood count), a comprehensive chemistry panel, a TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), and B12 level. In the USA, I’d need a doctor to order it and even with insurance it would run me roughly $500. Here in Japan (a capitalist country, by the way) it cost me ¥4,389. Looks like a lot, but that comes out to $40.13. SO, to those of you out there who think that anything we’ve had going in the American healthcare system over the past few decades is even REMOTELY ACCEPTABLE. You’re wrong. We’re THE wealthiest country on planet earth. There’s absolutely no excuse whatsoever. STFU about socialism, because this isn’t a socialist country at all. Their economy is worse than ours and still they’ve managed to pull this off. My medication (Copaxone) at brand name in the USA is $5,640/month, here it’s $450, brand name. It’ll be even better once generic is approved. Thing is, IT WILL NOT IMPROVE IF YOU KEEP FLIP FLOPPING FROM RED TO BLUE TO RED TO BLUE. There are no liberals. There are no conservatives. Not even 1 Republican is on your side. Maybe 4 or 5 Democrats MIGHT be, but that’s like expecting a mouse to kick a cat’s ass. #dumpbothparties2020 #2partytyranny #medicalmafia #stranglehold #yourhealthistheirhostage #gunsdontmakeyoufree #troopswontkeepyoufree #yourparticipationmatters #healthcareinamerica #nationalhealthinsurance https://www.instagram.com/p/B6flHPlpcqx/?igshid=1vgm6jjxes9iq
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