Welcome to the party
I don’t usually comment on the US political system.  One, I’m so not a fan.  And two, I’m not a US citizen!
But some things just can’t go by without a comment.  The Saudis, in a move that surprised ...Trump, apparently(?) (Everyone else could see the writing on the wall.  In blood.) have finally admitted that they killed Jamal Khashoggi. (they say in a fistfight now.  Sure, 15 against one, and he was tied up and held down.)
But what to say about the supposedly most powerful man in the world when he can apparently be told a bald-faced lie that he swallows without qualm? This doesn’t seem like the act of a very smart man...at best, this seems like the act of a very gullible one! I mean, he ignored the words of his own intelligence people to formulate an opinion made out of thin air!  His fawning adoration of petty despots (and his destruction of environmental and social protections) is getting to the point that it’s a really scary thing for the world, not just the US. 
When I was young, the US was somewhere we went all the time.  They were our friends and neighbours and we got along fabulously. I was very envious of my family members in California! 
But America today is a scary place. 
Those family in the US now? 
I worry for them...
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