#guild wars pof
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ennunanaiurov · 7 months ago
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They stare
More Guild Wars 2 art cuz I love this game and the newest expansion is 10000/10 and because I miss Rytlock tbh
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therealpactcommander · 8 months ago
POLL TIME (PLEASE yap in the tags i want to see your blorbo lore)
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lady-quen · 5 months ago
I have been granted far too much power. (sound on)
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brightwingedbat · 7 months ago
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"If I had a nickel for every time a scorned human god escaped imprisonment in the Mists to then lead a warpath through Elona whilst also using its people as fuel for their armies and then be told the other human gods can't do anything to help, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice."
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ascalonianpicnic · 2 years ago
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here's to the end of dragons character select screen before it presumably gets replaced
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anghraine · 6 months ago
Speaking of GW1 and GW2 ... I've had plenty of complaints over the years about how GW2 has chosen to handle and retcon human-centric GW1 lore, the framing of the human gods, etc. That said, I've recently been appreciating that GW2 has retained a particular element of GW1's treatment of humanity and their gods that I've always really liked.
Humans in the GW universe are not really generic everymen, as humans so often are in fantasy settings. Nor are they so wildly varying and unpredictable that there's no sense of humanity having its own distinct flavor like the other playable species do. In many ways, they occupy a vaguely "elvish" position in the world—they've been on this world for a very long time and used to be a major power, or rather, made up many major powers with various warring factions that sometimes found common cause.
But in more recent eras, many of the ancient human civilizations have dwindled and/or suffered various atrocities and/or lost their minds. And culturally, humans tend to have a strong affinity for the mystical and even more for the divinely mystical, which their political power in previous eras was directly tied to. The vast majority of humans in this world are faithful worshippers of a human pantheon of six gods (formerly five).
Not all humans are magical or religious, to be sure, but a lot of them are, to the point that this seems their most distinctive cultural quality. Minor NPCs tend to have background dialogue invoking the gods ("By the Six!"), or referencing one of the gods (often but not only the goddess Dwayna, leader of the Six). The main human NPC of the core game, Logan Thackeray, continually references the gods, as do most of his military fellows.
Most interestingly, though, if you choose to play a human, you will automatically be a devout adherent of the faith of the Six regardless of any other choices you make. In addition, human PCs are blessed by one specific god among the Six whom you choose at character creation.
This mostly has minor flavor effects in practice. A priest of the god you chose permanently hangs out in your home district, and sometimes other priests of your god can perceive some mark of their deity's favor when they look at you.
Howeverrrrr, when I say "their deity," I don't mean that they exclusively worship the god they've dedicated their lives to, or that "your god"—the god whose favor you enjoy as a human PC—is your god in any remotely monotheistic way. Humans faithful to the Six are faithful to all the Six until one of the gods falls to evil. And when that god becomes the villain of the second GW2 expansion, various human NPCs are shown going through a crisis of the soul regardless of whether he was their particular patron or not. Having a more specific personal tie to one of the gods, or being particularly blessed by one of them, or being specifically devoted to a life of service to one of them, does not in any way prevent humans from devotion to the rest of the pantheon.
Mechanically, this means that no matter which deity you choose as your particular patron, your human PC starts the game with the ability to pray to Dwayna, goddess of life and air and healing. When you pray to her, a blue image of Dwayna materializes, heals you, and vanishes. As you level up, your human-based skills will extend to prayers to the other gods.
Praying to Lyssa, goddess of illusion/chaos magic and water and beauty, confounds foes by inflicting random conditions on them and random blessings on you. Praying to Kormir, goddess of spirit, order, and truth, will free you from negative effects like immobilization. The final prayer you can use, iirc, and the most powerful, is the prayer to Balthazar, the god of fire and war who ends up going super evil. If you're playing a fragile class like an elementalist or mesmer, praying to him is actually great, because he blesses you with two fierce hounds made of flame who fight alongside you and soak up damage. (Praying to Balthazar does feel a lot weirder in retrospect, I'll admit.)
In any case, the point is that you can pray to ANY human god and receive a brief visitation from that god, because the entire human pantheon are your gods even if you're only special to one of them. A similar dynamic is at work for NPCs as well. A recurring NPC in the core GW2 story, for instance, is Rhie, a priestess of Grenth, god of cold, darkness, judgment, and death (he's not evil, just goth). Even by priest of Grenth standards, Rhie is greatly favored by him, and as a result is able to perform powerful rituals dealing with the boundaries between life and death. But there's no expectation that this means she should abjure the other gods in any way, and she certainly does not (in fact, she provides a Human Religion 101 rundown about the gods in general in her first appearance in the human storyline).
And it's so common in fantasy, I feel, that polytheistic cultures are conceptualized as giving adherents a wider choice of gods to be the one they actually worship for real, often with the implication that worshipping one god in the pantheon naturally translates into hostility or apathy towards other gods in the same pantheon. And so I do enjoy playing a religiously devout character who has a special patron deity blessing her and who is emphatically polytheistic throughout her entire original storyline.
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aurillium · 1 year ago
guild wars 2; 30 day challenge
there’s been a couple of these done in the past already, but i fancied making a more up-to-date version. do feel free to take part and use #30daygw2challenge so i can see your entries!
1. which race was the first one you played with? 2. show us your favourite fashion look you’ve created 3. which core Tyria map is your favourite? 4. your favourite world boss? 5. an enemy you find really annoying 6. favourite elite spec 7. do you have a favourite place to afk/chill out? 8. favourite expansion 9. your favourite npc 10. an action screenshot! 11. which profession are you not good at? 12. any friends you play with? 13. favourite dungeon/fractal/raid/strike mission 14. favourite enemy faction (inquest, white mantle, etc.) 15. an underrated part of the game you love 16. favourite living world season 17. show us something you worked hard on! 18. favourite elder dragon 19. a place that reminds you of a fond memory 20. favourite jumping puzzle 21. favourite legendary weapon 22. what is the best thing about guild wars 2? 23. your favourite meta event 24. what’s something you hope ArenaNet will add someday? 25. favourite belief system (eternal alchemy, spirts of the wild, etc) 26. emote! 27. your favourite non-playable race 28. your favourite mount 29. which character is your main? 30. now show us your character roster!
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muzarry · 1 year ago
Big bastard boy I kinda miss you
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otvian · 1 year ago
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Internet broke me
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herald-of-aurene · 3 months ago
Folks who's commander isn't Aurene's champion, I have a question, how do you handle the commander's death in PoF? Does your commander still die? Does your champion die? Does no one? :v
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i-mybrunettelady · 11 months ago
gw2 screenshot ask game
Do we have gpose/photo capture mode? No, unfortunately, but it doesn't stop us from taking beautiful screenshots and gifs and making beautiful kiddos and dressing them up! In honor of that, I'm borrowing an ask game I once saw on the ff14 side of things - send someone a character you'd like to see and one of these prompts below! Screenshots and gifs are all welcome! I'll try to cover most of the game, too! Let's show how gorgeous Tyria and gw2 can be <3
Screenshot associated with base game (Central Tyria maps)
Screenshot associated with LWS1 (Southsun Cove)
Screenshot associated with LWS2 (Dry Top and Silverwastes)
Screenshot associated with Heart of Thorns (Verdant Brink, Auric Basin, Tangled Depths, Dragon's Stand)
Screenshot associated with LWS3 (Bloodstone Fen, Ember Bay, Bitterfrost Frontier, Lake Doric, Draconis Mons, Siren's Landing)
Screenshot associated with Path of Fire (Crystal Oasis, Elon Riverlands, Desolation, Domain of Vabbi, Desert Highlands)
Screenshot associated with LWS4 (Domain of Istan, Sandswept Isles, Domain of Kourna, Jahai Bluffs, Thunderhead Peak, Dragonfall)
Screenshot associated with Icebrood Saga (Grothmar Valley, Bjora Marches, Drizzlewood Coast)
Screenshot associated with End of Dragons (Seitung Province, New Kaineng City, Echovald Wilds, Dragon's End, Gyala Delve)
Screenshot associated with Secrets of the Obscure (Skywatch Archipelago, Wizard's Tower, Amnytas, Inner Nayos)
Screenshot associated with racial cities (Hoelbrak, Divinity's Reach, Rata Sum, Black Citadel, Grove + Lion's Arch)
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gw2-correct-quotes · 1 year ago
"I've died before; It's overrated. Where do I find this cave?"
~ The Commander (Before doing something stupid)
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blufox3542 · 11 months ago
I still find it so funny that Path of Fire takes place in the Crystal Desert because like:
Rogue human god cast out by his peers goes on a revenge crusade during which he tears through the Crystal Desert/Elona and leaves permanent damage and corruption in his wake part 2, electric boogaloo (now it’s fire themed)
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lady-quen · 23 days ago
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"Hush, Commander of the Pact. The Dawn will not come this time. But, ah, who needs the light..? Fear not your Night."
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A piece I've been wanting to do ever since @commanderteag made his for Maolmuire - right here. Juxtaposing Maelmordha's younger, Valiant self and his current lich self.
As the heir to Riannoc's failed Wyld Hunt, Mael spent his early days researching forbidden necromancy as well as anything else that could possibly help him take on Mazdak the Accursed. Little did he know the path of Pact Commander would lead him to turn to his darkest side and become a reflection of his people's very first nightmare - a necessary evil, to claw a shadow of his life back from the ashes and take on a rampant god.
His death traumatically severed him from the Dream, rendering him completely Soundless - without Mother's songs and guidance, he was left to lead the Pact through both their and his own darkest times. Even Caladbolg itself burned his hands, eventually leading him to give up the mantle of Knight of Thorn.
"Take a good look, boy, because this is what we'll be."
"...How so? What for? What caused us to fall this far?"
"The love we yet had for this world."
"That's impossible. Monsters don't know what love is. You don't - you are not me!"
"I'm sorry. You've yet to learn there isn't a clear divide between the righteous and the monstrous."
"....Was it worth it?"
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kigurou · 8 months ago
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I don't normally post here because I am shy af and shit but. I love my time with my friend when she actually plays GW2 and I help her through content.
This was one of my fav moments where I'm screaming at her for running into 4 ANGRY FIRE ELEMENT DJINNS FOR A DAMN CHEST. I did save her yes because I did main Weaver at the time BUT THAT'S BESIDES THE POINT. I LOVE YOU KEL, BUT STOP COMMITTING THE UNALIVE FOR A CHEST. ;-;'''
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mystery-salad · 2 years ago
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