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The Renewal of Taylor Swift - Cruel Summer in Christ: Blest Winter 3 #Shorts
The Renewal of Taylor Swift – Cruel Summer in Christ: Blest Winter ☁️𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘☁️ I’m loved with the touch of His scars And I’ll cry like a baby coming home, not so far (Oh) Say, “He’s back, ” and it’ll be true (Revelation 22:7) That man wanna lose His life just to save you And I knock in through the Heaven gate (Revelation 22:14) Every day that winter just to praise His name (Oh) And His songs last…
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The Renewal of Taylor Swift - Cruel Summer in Christ: Blest Winter 3 #Shorts
The Renewal of Taylor Swift – Cruel Summer in Christ: Blest Winter ☁️𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘☁️ I’m loved with the touch of His scars And I’ll cry like a baby coming home, not so far (Oh) Say, “He’s back, ” and it’ll be true (Revelation 22:7) That man wanna lose His life just to save you And I knock in through the Heaven gate (Revelation 22:14) Every day that winter just to praise His name (Oh) And His songs last…
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The Renewal of Taylor Swift - Cruel Summer in Christ: Blest Winter 2 #Shorts
The Renewal of Taylor Swift – Cruel Summer in Christ: Blest Winter ☁️𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘☁️ Bow your head low In the flow of the ending foreseen He’s not lying (Oh yeah, you’re right, we need Him) He says that He’ll just fix it up with these guiding sounds We’re now guiding (Oh yeah, you’re right, we need Him) So turn the new leaf, winter’s a ride He’s always waiting for you just to turn to His side He…
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The Renewal of Taylor Swift - Cruel Summer in Christ: Blest Winter 1 #Shorts
The Renewal of Taylor Swift – Cruel Summer in Christ: Blest Winter ☁️𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘☁️ Believers dream high in the clouds of the sky (Revelation 1:7) I know that He’ll make it (Oh yeah, you’re right, we need Him) Good, good girls Deadly sins with their prices (Romans 6:23) I know that He made it (Oh yeah, you’re right, we need Him) Showing me how, watching me grow He’s always waiting for you to be waiting…
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在基督裡更新的林俊傑 - 可惜沒如果:幸好有預定
在基督裡更新的林俊傑 – 可惜沒如果:幸好有預定 歡迎來到引導之聲,在這裡我們的基督教音樂將引導妳歸向祂,透過在基督裡更新的新歌向世界傳遞天國的福音。《幸好有預定》是一首由林俊傑的《可惜沒如果》改編而成的信仰歌曲,帶領聽眾反思人類的罪性(羅馬書 3:23-24)與神奇妙的救贖計劃。這首歌生動描繪了基督為全人類犧牲自己的性命,承擔我們的罪,並賜予我們藉著祂得以重生的機會。歌曲以深情的歌詞呼喚我們放下舊我,認罪悔改(以弗所書 4:17-24;約翰一書 1:9),提醒我們救恩觸手可及。「如果這天妳,不被魔鬼限制,妳會怎麼做」的歌詞,強調信仰的個人選擇與恩典的力量。這首歌宣告,藉著基督的犧牲,只要我們回應祂的呼召,就能擁有新的開始。根植於聖經,這首歌頌讚神的預定之恩,祂將祂的選民聚集到祂面前(馬可福音…
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The Renewal of TC & Coldplay - Something Just Like This in Christ: Someone Just Like This
The Renewal of TC & Coldplay – Something Just Like This in Christ: Someone Just Like This Welcome to Guiding Sound, where our Christian music will guide you to Him, sharing the Kingdom’s gospel through the renewal of new songs in Christ. “Someone Just Like This” is a faith-driven reimagining of The Chainsmokers and Coldplay’s “Something Just Like This”, transformed into a powerful song about…
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The Renewal of TC & Coldplay - Something Just Like This in Christ: Someone Just Like This
The Renewal of TC & Coldplay – Something Just Like This in Christ: Someone Just Like This Welcome to Guiding Sound, where our Christian music will guide you to Him, sharing the Kingdom’s gospel through the renewal of new songs in Christ. “Someone Just Like This” is a faith-driven reimagining of The Chainsmokers and Coldplay’s “Something Just Like This”, transformed into a powerful song about…
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The Renewal of Coldplay - The Scientist in Christ: The Christian 3 #Shorts
The Renewal of Coldplay – The Scientist in Christ: The Christian ☁️𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘☁️ Nobody said it was easy Oh, it’s such a shame for you to part Nobody said it was easy No one ever said it would be too hard You’re going back to the start #GuidingSound #引導之聲 #Coldplay #TheScientist #ARushOfBloodToTheHead #MusicalTransformation #JesusChrist #Christian #Christianity #ChristianSong from Guiding Sound 引導之聲…
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The Renewal of Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove in Christ: lookslikeyourelookingforHim 2 #Shorts
The Renewal of Coldplay – The Scientist in Christ: The Christian ☁️𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘☁️ We are truly loving our brothers and sisters (John 13:34) Solving the Bible His Way Study of religion, religion and messages All these will go straight to our hearts (Deep inside our hearts) And tell you He loves you, return and hug Him Oh, and you’re pulled to the start (This is only the start) Being His lost sheep,…
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The Renewal of Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove in Christ: lookslikeyourelookingforHim 2 #Shorts
The Renewal of Coldplay – The Scientist in Christ: The Christian ☁️𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘☁️ We are truly loving our brothers and sisters (John 13:34) Solving the Bible His Way Study of religion, religion and messages All these will go straight to our hearts (Deep inside our hearts) And tell you He loves you, return and hug Him Oh, and you’re pulled to the start (This is only the start) Being His lost sheep,…
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The Renewal of Coldplay - The Scientist in Christ: The Christian 1 #Shorts
The Renewal of Coldplay – The Scientist in Christ: The Christian ☁️𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘☁️ Come up to meet you, tell you His story You don’t know how crucial He is I have to find you, tell you you need Him Tell you what should be His way Tell you His knowledge and answer your questions Oh, let’s go back to the start Being His lost sheep, going home with Him (Luke 15:1-7) Show you our religion this…
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The Renewal of Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove in Christ: lookslikeyourelookingforHim 3 #Shorts
The Renewal of Coldplay – feelslikeimfallinginlove in Christ: lookslikeyourelookingforHim ☁️𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘☁️ Oh, it looks like You’re lookin’ for Him Maybe it’s your first time Sister, it’s His love He shows It sounds like You’re lookin’ for Him (He’s lookin’ for you) He’s savin’ you with His life This time you still have time, you know #GuidingSound #引導之聲 #Coldplay #feelslikeimfallinginlove…
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The Renewal of Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove in Christ: lookslikeyourelookingforHim 2 #Shorts
The Renewal of Coldplay – feelslikeimfallinginlove in Christ: lookslikeyourelookingforHim ☁️𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘☁️ He knows that what’s the current scene God and people, what’s the gap between? One waits to be saved One waits for opened hearts He knows, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la He knows, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la Still, He won’t let go Although your answer was “No” #GuidingSound #引導之聲 #Coldplay…
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The Renewal of Coldplay - feelslikeimfallinginlove in Christ: lookslikeyourelookingforHim 1 #Shorts
The Renewal of Coldplay – feelslikeimfallinginlove in Christ: lookslikeyourelookingforHim ☁️𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘☁️ He knows that it would make you sad He knows that it would buy you back So He just won’t stop Let your defences drop He knows that He was born to save All angels for my Christian faith Then it’s so bright outside He wants you on His side #GuidingSound #引導之聲 #Coldplay #feelslikeimfallinginlove…
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在基督裡更新的陳奕迅 - 孤勇者:得勝者
在基督裡更新的陳奕迅 – 孤勇者:得勝者 歡迎來到引導之聲,在這裡我們的基督教音樂將引導妳歸向祂,透過在基督裡更新的新歌向世界傳遞天國的福音。《得勝者》是一首激勵人心的讚美歌,源自陳奕迅的《孤勇者》,重新詮釋後,這首歌贊頌耶穌基督無私的愛、祂的犧牲和最終的勝利。將勇氣與堅定轉化為信仰的宣言,並再次述說那熟悉而深刻的福音故事——基督為尋找迷失的羊(路加福音 15:1-7),為作為她們的牧人引導她們(馬太福音 9:35-36),並呼召我們一起傳播祂無盡的恩典(馬太福音 4:19)。從耶穌謙卑的誕生(路加福音 2:10-12)、死後第三日復活(路加福音…
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The Renewal of Coldplay - Viva La Vida in Christ: Viva El Rey 3 #shorts
The Renewal of Coldplay – Viva La Vida in Christ: Viva El Rey ☁️𝕷𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘☁️ Not just a prophet and a holy priest (Acts 3:22; Hebrews 4:14-16) Oh, who would ever deny He’s king? (Revelation 19:15-16) Look, New Jerusalem bells a-ringin’ Angel Gabriel Choir is singin’ “Be my saviour, my Lord and shield“ (Psalm 28:7) My mission here is in a global field For this reason, I will explain He knew Saint…
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