#gui hang di macau
doctoralpha · 8 months
Ok, so a lot has happened in episodes 10 - 14 of Boys Over Flowers.
You know, I'm surprised it took me this long to come to the realization that this is another soap opera type kdrama. lol.
Under the cut, it's just me regurgitating the plot basically. Some of it is just so ridiculous, I don't know how else to process it other than typing it into the void.
Rich guy Gu Jun-pyo's mother tried to pay off Geum Jan-di's family so she'd stop dating her son. When they refuse she sets out to destroy their lives/dry cleaning business! When even that doesn't deter them, she pays a guy to kidnap Jan-di and convince her to give up. However, the guy also wants revenge on Jun-pyo for what he did to his brother in episode 1, so he lures in Jun-pyo and beats the crap out of him. He's about to hit him with a chair, but Jan-di jumps in the way and takes the hit. Then Jun-pyo's 3 friends, Yoon Ji-hoo, So Yi-jeong, Song Woo-bin (they call themselves the F4) show up to rescue them.
Two episodes later we learn that the chair that hit Jan-di injured her shoulder and she has to give up swimming! The only thing she feels she's good at.
Later, Jun-pyo's father dies and so now Jun-pyo has to take over as CEO of his huge family empire. Fast forward 6 months and Jun-pyo hasn't had time to contact his friends or girlfriend Jan-di. 6 months?! Jan-di saves up money and takes a plane to Jun-pyo in Macau.
She gets into trouble, but the F4, or at least 3/4 of them, pop up and rescue her. And they still can't get Jun-pyo to meet them.
Episode 14: Oh, Jun-pyo being owner of his company means he's responsible for keeping the company profitable, which also makes him responsible for the 700 thousand families employed by his company.
She finally talks to him and he dumps her! Now she's hanging out with Yoon Ji-hoo, who she liked at the beginning of the show, but he gave her up so Jun-pyo could be happy. But he's always liked her.
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stillness-in-green · 4 years
Spinaraki Week, Day 5: Free Day+
Post-canon, Shigaraki and Spinner fight--well, something like the good fight, anyway.  For @codenamesazanka​, whose endgame wish for Shigaraki can usually be summarized as, “Escapes punishment to go be a vigilante with Spinner somewhere.”
A drabble series using all the week’s prompts I didn’t hit otherwise, and a few blanks, so let’s just call it Free Day.
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Shigaraki's grinning when he walks into the alley, an unmistakable sign that he's onto something.
"Got a new target?" Spinner climbs down long enough for Shigaraki to grab hold around his neck before scaling upwards again.
"Better.  I picked up the trail on our old friend Tsang."  Shigaraki's all lean muscle in a crisp black suit.
"That bastard finally slipped up?  Ha!" A light switches on in one of the cheap apartments above them.  Spinner crawls easily around a corner, changing directions.  "What's our angle?"
"He'll be in town for the Grand Prix next month."  Shigaraki chuckles darkly.  "Game on."
Spinner stir-fries pork minchee over their ancient stove, adding soy sauce and molasses and listening as Shigaraki, perched on the edge of their ratty sofa, types industriously on his laptop, explaining their new lead.  The sound of New Oumun's nightlife drifts in through the window, a jangle of distant music and traffic wrapped in the hum of eight-hundred-thousand people living on an island thirty kilometers square.
Spinner slides the meal onto one big plate, snags two forks, and drops onto the floor between Shigaraki's knees, leaning back comfortably as Shigaraki steals a fork and leans over him to dig in.
Spinner wakes to an empty bed and sighs, standing up and dragging himself over to the window.  Unsurprisingly, Shigaraki's sitting on the tin awning below; he doesn't look over as Spinner eases down beside him.  He stares out over the city, in the direction of the glittering casino towers but not really at them, expression blank and cool.
His bad hand trembles faintly, barely noticeable save that Spinner knows to look for it.
Shigaraki doesn't speak as Spinner closes his hands over Shigaraki's own, Shigaraki's deft, pale digits curled lightly between Spinner's claws.  
He doesn't speak, but he leans closer.
A tip for a successful vigilante career: people never bother hiding much from children.  Spinner allows himself to be climbed on by four local brats, even the one with the purple ooze quirk, as Shigaraki carries on a discussion in near unintelligibly rapid Cantonese.
"Do the trick!" the youngest one demands, holding up a box she retrieved from who-knows where, a heavy padlock hanging from the front.  Shigaraki rolls his eyes but obediently touches three fingers to the lock; a second later, a blue marble rests in his palm, the box lies open, and the kids are telling him everything.
They get a check-in from Toga a week before the Prix.  She chatters happily away on video-call, firing periodic barbs over her shoulder at an annoyed-looking Skeptic.  
"So you guys have a new thing going down?"
"Yeah.  That bastard from Hong Kong who tried that rice extortion racket last year."
"Hah!  He deserves you two.  Oh! Kurogiri says to say hello!"
"Does that detective know you've been visiting?" Shigaraki drawls.  He doesn't even tense, Spinner marvels, as Toga peals laughter at the suggestion.
"Duh, no.  I'll tell him you say hi too," she pronounces sagely, and Shigaraki doesn't argue.
"Hey, Shigaraki!  It's almost time; what's taking you?"
"'S gotta look right."
"You're gonna be in and out in minutes; you--blue?"
"Getting bored of black all the time."
"....Why do I have a hard time believing that."
"Believe what you want. But I thought you liked blue, Spinner."
"What are you--why are you grinning like that?"
"...This is about my old vest, isn't it?"
"It's fine.  You even got Re-Destro on polka dots for a while."
"Look, you KNOW I had to--"
"Trendsetting for the whole army.  So fashionable."
"I swear, I'm gonna--mmg."
"..Heh.  Save it for after."
Shigaraki leaves the casino with a tail.  Several tails, actually, and at least one of them has some experience, because he doesn't just watch Shigaraki or the street around him; he looks up, up and around, at the skies, the roofs of buildings, parking garages, all the usual spots.  
A fire-user, a man with a maw full of jagged teeth and big moon-pale fish eyes, and the experienced one, whose quirk they haven't been able to figure out.
Spinner tucks up tighter beside a wheezing air conditioner unit as they pass below him.  
In the distance, high-powered car engines scream.
Third guy had a blindness-inducing quirk.
Now he has Spinner's machete driven into his neck, no vital signs, and Shigaraki writhes on the ground, growling through his agonized groaning.  A fissure opens up in his neck as he claws at the cement, another across his temple and down the side of his face.  
"No pulse on any of them!" Spinner says frantically, dropping down beside him.
"Haaah.  We're too good at this, Spinner."  Shigaraki grins horribly, wounds beginning to trickle blood. "S'okay.  We've still got Tsang."
"But I thought we were gonna--"
"Yeah.  You just gotta get me there."
It's not as neat as they planned it, Tsang tossed into the path of a bunch of race cars still marbleized, then loosed with a snap.  
Instead, they have to free him long enough for Shigaraki to off-load the blindness quirk and Spinner just bodily tosses him into the oncoming headlights.  Messier, all around, and there are probably already blurry new pictures of them getting around social media.
But by the time they shake most of New Oumun's “heroes” and bribe or blackmail the rest, Shigaraki's wounds have closed up, he's back on his feet, and they make it home clean.
Spinner gets Shigaraki into the shower with only minimal bullying; afterward, the two of them settle back on the window awning.
 Shigaraki tucks himself between Spinner's legs and leans back against his chest, arranging his broad arms around his own shoulders with an air of sated possessiveness.
They watch the downtown spotlights of the district swing across the clouds in comfortable silence.
"There's probably gonna be some people calling us villains again," Spinner says at last.
Shigaraki hums in disinterest, eyes half-closed. 
"League of Villains’ leader has nothing to say, huh?" 
"He's on vacation.  No comment."
Spinner chuckles and welcomes in the quiet.
———–      ———–      ———–      ———–
Points of Note: 
-New Oumun is Macau 200 years in the future.  Here’s all the mental image you need.  The Grand Prix is a famous street racing event that, by this point in time, probably includes some pretty wild allowances for quirk use.
-Tsang is from a Hong Kong crime family; pretty much all of Macau’s imports--including all of its food--come shipped via Hong Kong.  My thought is that the two islands have, if not quite merged together, definitely grown in each others’ direction somewhat in the time since quirks Happened to the world.
-Shigaraki mostly burned out All for One (the quirk) in his final battle with Deku.  His 75% complete status combined with the damaged AFO quirk, over-used super-regeneration, and the strain of the last fight has left him a somewhat precarious existence, with his enhancements spiraling into breakdown if he disrupts his balance overmuch.  That said, he definitely did not burn out as much as Midoriya thinks he did, a fact Shigaraki is perfectly content to keep to himself, not least because returning to his role as supervillain is not entirely off the table if Midoriya and his classmates don’t follow through on promises to improve the state of their society.
--Mr. Compress is in the wind.  Shigaraki has his quirk, but by arrangement--he's laying low, but will want his quirk back eventually, once he's established his new identity.  
-Toga has shacked up with a rogue faction of the MLA and is reconnecting to her quirk in a way that tells her it's okay, it's always been okay.  She's handling it with Skeptic and Geten; the three of them have developed a relationship that seems to consist almost entirely of bile and spite, but they close ranks terrifyingly well.
-Kurogiri is overseeing the treatment of the remaining Noumu.  He's in a somewhat delicate honor-bound arrangement overseen by Tsukauchi--he doesn't try to run away as long as Tsukauchi doesn't try to cage him--but he's keeping to his word so far, periodically in communication with Aizawa, though Shigaraki is pointedly incommunicado.  There are issues there that will need to be resolved eventually, but Shigaraki's in no hurry to do so.
-Trumpet becomes instrumental to the MLA ideology surviving and its sounder points being addressed--he does some prison time, but the Commission is completely unable to stop him from turning his trial into a media circus the likes of which the country hasn't seen in decades.  It helps him sleep better at night, anyway.
-All for One, Dabi, and Re-Destro are dead.             -AFO was killed in the Tartarus jailbreak--NOT by Shigaraki, but rather by a guard who realized what was about to happen and made the call, just before Decay got him, to pull the trigger on all the guns aimed at the Lord of Evil’s head.  This was unsatisfying for pretty much everyone.           -Dabi was, one way or another, lost to The Todoroki Plotline.           -Re-Destro almost certainly dies at some point during the "war", protecting his savior and liberator, and willing him to carry on towards tearing down all the systems that entrap people.
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Black Gold (Chapter 2)
(Here’s Chapter 2 of the fic I’m writing! I hope you guys like it!)
The European Union Newsroom; November 6th, 7:39 P.M.
“You better tell us everything we need to know, EU! There are people we care about who could be in grave danger, but you won’t tell us anything about it?!” Germany said angrily, slamming his hands onto the EU’s wooden desk. “You three are the only people who I will not give any information to. I could care less if people you care about are in danger,” the EU replied firmly, looking at the three with his hollow black eyes. “My own grandchildren were involved! Along with my son! How dare you exclude us from this information?!” France shouted, glaring at the EU. “Especially because of you, France. You leak intel to our enemies. You cannot be trusted with such classified information,” the EU said. The UK sighed. “France, let’s go find out ourselves. It’s the only solution. Besides, the EU can’t stop us if we go with our own national passports and not the European Union ones he gave us when we joined this bloody union,” he said, taking his lover’s hand and leading her to their car. The airport was only a few miles away, so it would be a short drive, yet a long flight; 16 long, painstaking hours to be exact. “Shouldn’t Germany come along too?” France asked, looking at the UK. “No. He is needed here. We have to go and find Austria for him just so we can make sure everything is alright.” The UK answered. “Alright. There should be tickets booked for us in the glove box. I booked them earlier since we were planning to visit anyway.” France said.
16 long hours later, and both the UK and France arrive in Yellowstone, Wyoming. “America is waiting for us outside,” the UK said, checking his phone as they left. France looked around and noticed America’s car. “You guys weren’t supposed to come for another month! Why are you here?” America said to his mother. “We heard about the whole incident in Salt Lake Creek. How is Wyoming?” France replied, looking at America.
“She’s fine, but I still didn’t expect you guys to come until Christmas like you normally do,” America said. “Especially since the whole incident could’ve been explained then. But since it’s so recent, and none of us know who made those six OPEC members try to steal oil from me, I can hardly clear anything up.” The UK noticed there were medical supplies in the back of the car. “America, why are there so many supplies back there?” He asked with worry. America fell silent. “I’ll explain when we get to my place. Hop in.”
About an hour and a half later, the UK and France are sitting on the couch with America. “Mind explaining the medical supplies to us now?” France asked her son. America took a deep breath.
“Well, during the incident, as I was trying to reason--”
“You mean to argue, dad?” said Wyoming from the kitchen.
“Like I was saying.. While I was arguing with Saudi Arabia and Russia, there was sudden gunfire. One single shot had been fired, and it got Texas in the leg. He’s fine now, but it was one of the most restless nights of my life. Saudi Arabia said it was him, but I don’t believe it. He was in front of me, not in the East where the bullet came from. So now we don’t know if someone was trying to assassinate me, Texas, or one of the culprits,” America said. “It could’ve been a seventh OPEC member who they made a sniper just in case they got caught,” the UK said. “Maybe,” America replied. “But why Texas? Sure, he has oil, but that doesn’t make him a target. The OPEC organization strictly forbids and foreign oil rigs on U.S Soil... Well, I believe they do anyway.” France then noticed a drop of some kind of substance on the floor. She went to it and kneeled down, picking some up with her fingertip. “France? What did you find?” The UK asked. “I believe it’s some form of cyanide, but I’m not sure,” France replied, taking off the glove she had on. “Let me see it,” America said, taking the glove from France. “Yep. That’s cyanide. A dangerous form of it, too.”
“But who would bring cyanide into a home with over 50 people living inside of it? Wouldn’t that be considered manslaughter? Or mass genocide?” The UK asked, looking at both of them. “It can be in-between,” France replied. “Unless there is no doubt that this was attempted mass genocide. Then again, it could still be a danger. Who knows if we’re standing right next to something that should be killing us right now, but it isn’t.” America tensed a little at the thought of dying and leaving all of his kids behind. Who would take care of them? Canada or Poland? Both, possibly. But if his parents died with him, that would cause a mass panic all across the globe; not just North America and parts of Central America or the Caribbean. “Don’t worry. I’m sure it’ll be fine. Just as long as--” the UK was cut off by Canada suddenly breaking the door down. “Step away from that area! There were signs of a bomb from one of my own satellites right in that place!” Canada said, getting his parents and brother away from that area. “Sorry, America, but I have to break the floorboards open,” Canada then said to his older brother. “Yeah, yeah! Whatever! Just get that bomb out of my house!” America replied, staying near his parents. Canada grabbed a crowbar he brought and forced the floorboards off of the floor. He grabbed the bomb and studied it. He then found the date the bomb was made. “January 1915. The same year dad was bombed about 51 times by the German Empire,” Canada said. “The bomb isn’t going to go off. It’s been deactivated for years now.” The UK looked at America in shock. “Why in Heaven’s name do you have a World War I bomb in your own home?! As a souvenir of all of the people and money I lost?!” He said angrily, clearly upset by the memories. “Or as a reminder that your own father almost died because of that German wanker?!” France grabbed the UK and held him close. “Calm down,” she said. “It’s nothing but a decoy.”
“France, it’s still a bomb from when I almost died! Do you even know how upsetting that is?! What do you expect from me? To be calm about this whole situation?” The UK said, getting out of France’s arms. “You know what? This was a ridiculous reason to even come here. I’m going back to London.”
“But dad--”
“No buts! I’m going home. You can come along if you want to, France. Unless you wish to discuss the raids on London during World War I with our own children.”
France remained silent. She didn’t even look her own husband in the eye as he left. “Kids, you know full well your father cannot handle such sensitive topics. Do not bring that up again. It was nice seeing you, America,” she said as she left with the UK. Canada turned to America. “So what are we going--”
“Leave, Canada! Don’t come back!”
Canada rushed out immediately. Why was his family suddenly getting torn apart? It was all okay before. Why now? Canada needed to find someone. Someone he knew would be on the other side of the world, and that America nor the rest of his family trusted. He had to find China. He would know exactly what to do.
Beijing, China; 12:35 A.M.
Another day had gone by just like that. China had not expected the days to go by so quickly, but that’s what he got when he was a workaholic and most of the world was against him. Then again, it was nice to come home to friends he lived with due to loneliness. Firstly, there was Mongolia. He was the more peaceful one of the household next to China. Next was Macau; a micronation very few nations even know to exist. He was rather uptight for a small nation, but anyone can get like that when they have not yet been internationally recognized by the United Nations leaders and the UN himself. Finally, there’s Hong Kong. She moved out recently, but before, she was a rather bright and smart girl with a lot of imagination, like the UK.
“Hey, China. What’s with the sad look in your eyes?” Mongolia asked, facing China as he kept making dinner. “What do you mean? I always look like this,” China replied as he opened the door to his room. Mongolia just sighed. “Alright, if you say so,” he said quietly, fixing the apron he had on. China closed the bedroom door behind him and immediately took off his jacket, hanging it on a coat hanger right above his door. He then grabbed out his portfolio and began flipping through the paperwork as he sat on his bed. The paperwork was mainly financial, war strategies, military costs, and a few other things that China despised working on. Especially since the UN leaders piled work on top of work on the poor man. He always kept working though, regardless of what people told him to do. There was a sudden knock on his bedroom door. It sounded rather familiar, but so did most knocks. “Come in,” China said, putting the paperwork away. He then heard the clicking of winter boots and immediately saw the Canadian’s face. “Oh, hello, Canada,” China then said in surprise. He had expected Macau of Mongolia, but not Canada of all people. “Hey, China. Can we talk? It’s about the recent incident that included my brother, my niece, and my nephew,” Canada said softly, looking at China. “Yes, of course,” China said, making room for Canada to sit on the bed. “What happened, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Well, it started all the way back in Salt Lake Creek, Wyoming, at around midnight. America and Texas were taking shifts guarding the oil rigs and they were on break while some of America’s top guards took their places. While they were talking, Saudi Arabia and Russia were both found listening in for intel. Well, what we believe they were doing at best. Saudi Arabia won’t tell any of us exactly what happened. Four other guards caught Austria, Venezuela, Iran, and Nigeria in the other rooms with their own oil barrels trying to harvest the recently pumped oil. Algeria was supposedly there as well, but no guards found her. They are assuming she was the sniper they hired to try and take out either America or Texas or possibly the other OPEC members if they were ever caught and were forced to give out classified information. Wyoming is still trying to recover her heavy financial loss, but it’s hardly gotten better. Now, I’m one for being optimistic, but this whole situation is even getting me hopeless that there won’t be a possibility of a war or two going on at once,” Canada explained to China. He watched China’s face become terrified to upset as he spoke. “Yeah, I knew you would be upset when you heard that one of your best allies was involved.” China was indeed very upset at Russia. He would have jeopardized his own life by doing such a thing! He has kids! What kind of father would do that?! “I am upset. Russia should not have risked such a horrible thing. Especially when he has kids who look up to him and try to be like him. If they grow up with that image of their father in their head, they will attempt the same thing. So will their kids. And so on,” China said firmly, looking at Canada. He still had a hard time believing it even when he was told by Russia himself that he had attempted it. How could his best ally do this and jeopardize their relationship? Their ties? Unfortunately, China had to find out the hard way when he was suddenly pushed onto a flight to Tokyo, Japan, the very next day.
After a long, grueling flight to Tokyo, China finally reached Khaosan Tokyo Samurai Hotel in the big, technological city he would be staying in. Of course, he hated it. He and Japan had never gotten along, due to their major and minor conflicts in history, and the executions of China’s own people by Japan during the Second World War. He set his suitcase down next to one of the two single beds in the hotel room and sat on the bed. “Well, another day, another stupid conflict you got yourself dragged into, China,” China muttered to himself. As he was making tea, he suddenly got a phone call from an old friend, yet a slight enemy; a frenemy, in better terms. The United States. “Nǐ hǎo?” China asked as he answered the phone. “Hey, China! Old pal! Uhm, do you have any spare planes?” America asked.
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I?”
“Dunno. You seem to loan them to North Korea a lot, even though you constantly barrage his name around the rest of us. Are you two a couple or something?”
China immediately freaked out at that statement. “What?! Are you kidding, Měiguó?! Why would you even assume that?!” China asked in shock.
“Whoa, calm down there, pal. It was just a question. Anyway, I need one of your planes at Yellowstone Regional Airport by next week. If that’s possible.”
“Yes. Yes, of course, that’s possible. By next week works. I’ll be out of Tokyo by then.”
“Wait why are you staying in Tokyo?”
China hung up before he even answered America’s question. Of course, it was only because there was another situation involving China, Japan, and, unfortunately, the Philippines. He wasn’t exactly ready for the meeting. At all. China just went to sleep so he wouldn’t keep himself up all night with his own paranoia.
The next morning, China was suddenly joined by Russia; the same person who was caught red-handed stealing Wyomingite oil from Salt Lake Creek. “Russia,” China greeted his former ally. Russia remained silent for a few moments. “China, I just wanted to apologize--”
“Apologize for what? Breaking and entering? Almost being annexed? Risking our whole relationship? Take your pick, Russia!” China replied firmly, glaring at Russia. He was more upset with the fact that Russia, his own ally, had the audacity to think an apology would just work. “China. Look at me when I say this,” Russia replied. China looked up at Russia, his golden and red eyes staring into Russia’s blue ones. “I’m sorry. For everything,” he said softly. China couldn’t help but forgive Russia. If only he wasn’t so gullible, then maybe this wouldn’t even be the person he was going to marry. “It’s alright,” China said with a sigh. “I forgive you, Rus..” China then noticed Russia was holding two cups of coffee. “Did you get one of those for me like usual?” China asked.
“You read my mind, Chai.”
“Hey, you and I both know only the UK can call me that.”
“Haha! I know. I’m still calling you that regardless. You can’t stop me, Chai.”
China just sighed softly, followed by quiet laughter coming from him. Maybe this was what he really needed: a good laugh. Just once in a while. He didn’t feel like he needed to keep being stressed out, but now with this whole upcoming meeting, he knew that yearn for happiness or just a simple laugh would return quickly as the meeting began.
United Nations Administrative Office, Shibuya-ku, Japan
It was now past midnight when the meeting finally took place. China was sat next to Russia and North Korea, like usual. North Korea wasn’t really allowed inside, but China managed to get him a seat next to him and as far away from South Korea as humanly possible. Along with Japan. The Philippines has sat next to Russia and Vietnam; one seat away from the very person he was enemies with. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, leaders also were forced to attend due to the Philippines’ and Vietnam’s presence in the room. “What seems to be the issue?” The UN asked firmly. “It has been going on for weeks now, and I suspect it has something to do with you two,” he added, shooting a glare at the Philippines and China. “Or possibly you.” Another glare was shot at Russia, along with both Koreas. “Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, what did I do?” South Korea asked when he was glared at. “I only have to come here because North has too as well!”
“Hey! Shut it, you K-Pop addicted, good for nothing, brother!” North Korea said angrily.
“Why don’t you, you closed-off, overly paranoid, maniac?!”
“Quiet! Both of you!” Malaysia said angrily, her voice rising for the first time in a long time anyone had heard it. “We’re already risking war because of Russia’s attempt to steal U.S oil, I’m not going to deal with another Korean War if I don’t have to!” Both Koreans fell silent, still shooting the occasional glares at each other. “As I was saying,” the UN continued, “we need to figure out who is responsible for all of the tension in Southeastern Asia. ASEAN and I have both agreed that we either need to isolate all of Southeast Asia until this issue is resolved, or we shall start closing off trading ports with American, British, French, and even Pakistani items. Make your choice, and choose wisely, or else all of Asia will suffer.” Now, it was up to everyone in that room to figure out what to do next. Only a few people would know exactly what to do, however. Those were the people of the Commonwealth of Nations. They would know exactly how to solve this. If not, the world could stop entirely, economies could collapse within minutes, and many countries could be annexed. It would be a massacre of men, women, children, and most of all… countries, even continents would be devastated.
A/N: Sorry for the really weird formatting! I couldn’t get the darn thing to cooperate with me! I still hope you guys like it!
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Finally, I'm back with writing. It's been a while. Things have been crazy the past 2 years. A lot of lifelong lessons, fun memories, tragic events, new learnings etc.
Let me have a quick recap 😉
• Failed 3rd year 1st sem
• Moved to a new school, 4 hour drive from the city. Far, right???
• Been living independently for a year
• Not on good terms with my HS Bff (until now) but we do talk casually. Misunderstandings that ended up with a big issue.
• Moved dorms twice (issues)
• Tatay died 😔
• Had new friends
• Moved on from my ex (ikr) best feeling ever!
• Been travelling a lot locally.Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Boracay Island, Bacolod, Cadiz, Camiguin Island, CDO, Kalanggaman Island, Bukidnon, Dumaguete, Bantayan Island, Baguio, Sagada.
• Tried tinder (I know what you're thinking 😂)
• Met a guy from Tinder who works at the airport, such a cutie, been chatting for a month but no no, fckboy alert.
• Met a guy from Tinder. A med student and basically has an apartment near our place. Something happened, ONCE! (Yes I know like wtf), user lol keeps on asking me to do his schoolworks like the fck. Been crashing at his place, slept there a lot of times hahaha but decided to ditch him bc yeah user & not the consistent type. Only talks to me when I'm in the city and when he needs something hahaha lol.
• Met another guy from Tinder. A DJ, Aeronautics student. And a HS barkada of a friend of mine (small world ikr) Didn't expect this would work out. Been talking for almost 5 months already. Been hanging out a lot of times, spent a night together of like 3 times and sometimes just eating out just to see each other. Told myself I would pursue this if he would be consistent eventhough I'm not in the city. And guess what? He's been very consistent. Basically, he's my happy pill rn 💕 words cannot express how things with him have been so good. We do have little fights from time to time but good thing it doesn't last that long. Hopefully, this would really work out and last long. 🤞🏼
• Distanced myself to my previous set of friends
• Tried clubbing (newbie lol)
• Traveled abroad (Macau)
• Papa died. Biggest heartbreak, Ever. It was so sudden, like we were still talking on the day he was comatosed. I still cannot accept it. I just miss him so much. But I just hope he's now happy with Mommy Loma and also glad he isn't suffering anymore. But it still hurts tho. 😔😔😔
• Joined Cheerdance. Just to divert myself from the things that happened lately most especially from what happened with my papa.
• COVID-19 outbreak. Supposedly to have our internship (If I passed or pass lol) this summer but due to the situation finals didn't push through, schools have been cancelled. And we are currently on a Enhanced Community Quarantine. I just hope all of this will end soon so things can go back to normal.
Soooo, basically that pretty much sums up everything that I've been through xoxo
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