#guessknee state of play
guessknee · 1 year
130423 Final Fantasy XVI Showcase
"I'm going to drop 200+ hours in this game"
some quick notes then ill start blabbering :)
Naoki Yoshida as producer! he played a huge part in the relaunch of FF XIV and saved the game honestly love that man.
The story of FF XVI isn't related to any of the other games so this can be a great game for anyone to play even if they aren't caught up with the stories of other games.
okay now we ramble
CLIVE ROSFIELD <3 already a slay we love to see it
having a world map system with updated locations as the story progresses and the ability to fast travel is a GOD SEND omg the amount of times id get lost especially in the crisis core remake that had me LOST when i had to get Cloud the clothes in that one part (iykyk).
riding chocobos. enough said.
combat. final fantasy but with real time combat. the interface also looks amazing its simple (doesn't take up too much space on the screen) but its easy to understand. and theres button mashing sections in combat. i LOVE a good button mashing its the rhythm game player in me i swear. theres also a lot of accessibility features in the game which is great to see cause you can tell they really want everyone to be able to play adn it can also help with casual players who dont want to be stressed out and rage quit every 10 minutes (lowkey me). side note. controlling infrit. end of side note.
the leveling and ability system reminds me of a mix of final fantasy x and god of war just based on looks alone and i LOVE both of those games.
the training area. this. they popped off with this. it sounds like a "oh who would really use this" type of thing but honestly sometimes you gotta just keep retrying combos and other things just to get used to it so if im ever confused about anything i will definitely end up there.
story focus mode. i think if i replay the game depending on how long it takes me to beat it or if i really want a platinum i will replay on story focus mode so i can relive the story but without being as stressed.
MEOW MEOW WOLF FRIEND. we can give him treats. literally shed a tear when i saw that.
arcade mode. im gonna grind in the training area so i can smoke kids in the arcade mode. i dont have classes in the summer so all my time WILL be put in this game hence the "200+ hours"
theres bounties to hunt. theres a library to fill. theres so many side quests to complete when you want to take a break from the actual story or if you complete the game and want to play even more. I cant wait to see what is needed to plat the game.
im so excited for this game i cant wait. the last game i played that i dropped a lot of hours in was persona 5 (not royal) and i dropped a little over 180 hours into the game...
0 notes
guessknee · 1 year
SOP 022323
lowkey mid for those who dont have a ps vr2
nothing this state of play stood out to me. there was a big focus on the ps vr2 which is understandable since the system just came out. i want the vr2 at some point but right now im having fun with my ps5 :)
onto the games I was excited for
Street Fighter 6
the street fighter art style gets me everytime i love it
the new look for cammy... thats all i have to say
Resident Evil 4
the voice acting was a bit... but we only saw a small part so I wont judge it too much
the part with the scope got me hype i love a good fps <3
common capcom W
0 notes