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Is Branding Important in Mineral Fertilisers?
Does branding really make a difference when it comes to choosing fertilisers?
I often ponder this question, and my response varies depending on the fertiliser in question. Many years ago, we endeavoured to establish a distribution network in Turkey. With a Ukrainian production backing, a team of advisors experienced in building European distribution channels for another fertiliser giant, and a good reputation in the Turkish market, we felt confident.
Yet, we encountered failure. We lacked brand recognition. Well, technically, we had a brand, but who knew of it? Fertilisers bearing our logo and, let’s say, Gubretas’ logo, sold at vastly different rates.
The answer is unequivocally yes. Branding plays a pivotal role in the mineral fertiliser industry for various reasons. A strong brand identity can influence farmers' purchasing decisions, leading them towards fertilisers their ancestors have trusted for generations. A reputable brand signifies a commitment to reliability, effectiveness, and customer contentment.
Moreover, branding fosters loyalty and trust. Farmers who have had positive experiences with a particular brand are inclined to remain loyal, repeatedly choosing the same fertilisers. This loyalty is not solely based on the product itself but also on the trust and confidence inspired by the brand's reputation and track record.
Therefore, as the saying goes (in Hollywood?), you work for your name for the first 30 years, after which the name works for you throughout your life.
P.S. There may be an Indian tender coming out next week…
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Iskenderun Ports: A Gateway to Turkey's Trade and Shipping Industry
Iskenderun, a city located in the southeast of Turkey, is a major hub for trade and shipping. The ports of Iskenderun play a vital role in the overall trade of Turkey and have been a driving force behind the growth of the shipping agency business in the region.
The ports of Iskenderun have a total handling capacity of over 30 million tons of cargo per year. These ports handle a wide range of cargo types including dry bulk, liquid bulk, and general cargo. The major cargo types handled at these ports include iron ore, scrap metal, oil and oil products, and containerized goods.
One of the major ports in Iskenderun is the Isdemir Port, which is operated by Isdemir, a Turkish steel producer. The port mainly handles dry bulk cargo, primarily iron ore and scrap metal. It has three berths and a total quay length of 600 meters. It has a total area of 150,000 square meters and a total handling capacity of 3,000,000 tons per year.
Another important port in Iskenderun is the Atakas Port, which is operated by Atakas, a company that specializes in handling general cargo and bulk cargo imports and exports. The port has a total handling capacity of 10 million tons per year and offers a wide range of services including storage and handling of various types of cargo. It also has the capability to handle large project cargoes of up to 280 tons without the need for external equipment.
Apart from Isdemir and Atakas ports, Iskenderun also has other ports such as Orhan Ekinci Iskelesi, Limak Port, Gubretas Port and Yazici Liman Sariseki. Orhan Ekinci Iskelesi, has been in operation since November 1987, and has reached a capacity of 6,000,000 tons per year thanks to its improvements in service quality. Limak Port is a modern port that offers a wide range of services to its customers. Gubretas Port has a total of 50,000 square meters of open area, 20,000 square meters of closed warehouse, and 32,000 square meters of open A-type warehouse to provide storage services. Yazici Liman Sariseki is a port that provides service to the shipping industry.
The ports of Iskenderun are also well connected to the hinterland, with good road and rail links that provide easy access to the major industrial and commercial centers of the region. This makes it an ideal location for shipping agency businesses.
Shipping agency in Iskenderun plays a key role in providing services to the shipping industry. These agencies offer a wide range of services including cargo handling, freight forwarding, customs clearance, and ship agency services. They also provide crew change and transit strait agency services, helping ships navigate the busy waters of the region.
The shipping agency business in Iskenderun is well-established and has a strong reputation for providing high-quality services. These agencies have a team of experienced and skilled professionals who have a deep understanding of the local market and regulations. They also use state-of-the-art technology and equipment to ensure that all cargo handling and freight forwarding operations are carried out efficiently and safely.
In conclusion, the ports of Iskenderun play a vital role in the overall trade of Turkey, and the shipping agency business in Iskenderun is an important part of the shipping industry. These ports handle a wide range of cargo types, have a high handling capacity, and are well connected to the hinterland. Shipping agencies in Iskenderun, such as Heisenberg Shipping, provide a range of services to the shipping industry, ensuring that cargo is handled efficiently and safely. It is a city that is strategically positioned to be a major hub for trade and shipping in the region.
#shippingworldwide#shipping news#shipping#maritime#marine corps#compass#iskenderun#turkey#heisenbergshipping
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Fertilizer Market Market Size to Worth Around US$ 230.4 Bn by 2030
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Yükselen Hisse Senetleri
Yukarıdakilere ek olarak, diğer çeşitli önde gelen kripto para birimleri Monero (XMR), Bitcoin Cash (BCH) 'den oluşmaktadır. EOS ve Ripple (XRP) Finans Haberleri. Her ne kadar bitcoin lider olduğu kadar model belirleyicidir. Ziyaret etmek : https://f-ekonomi.com/gubretas-hisse-senedi-264.html
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El negocio secreto del presidente turco Recep Tayyip Erdogan tras la compra de Razi Petrochemical de Irán por la Gubretas de Turquía #Turquia #Iran #Corrupcion https://soyarmenio.com/noticias-internacionales/el-negocio-secreto-de-erdogan-con-gubretas-e-iran/
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Gübretaş, NPK tesisi yatırımı için mühendislik hizmet alımı sözleşmesi imzaladı Gübretaş‘ın Kamuyu Aydınlatma Platformu’nda yer alan açıklamasında, şirketin, İskenderun‘daki mevcut tesislerinin modernizasyonu kapsamında 200 bin ton/yıl kapasiteli NPK tesisi yatırımını hayata geçirmek amacıyla Espanola de Investigacion y Desarrollo ile mühendislik hizmeti alımına yönelik sözleşme imzaladığı belirtildi. Açıklamada, yatırımın 2023 yılında devreye alınması ile Gübretaş NPK üreti... Devamı ve Detaylar için https://www.kamuweb.com/ekonomi/gubretas-npk-tesisi-yatirimi-icin-muhendislik-hizmet-alimi-sozlesmesi-imzaladi.html
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2020’yi rekorlarla tamamlayan GÜBRETAŞ, yine üreticinin yanında
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Gübretaş ve Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi Ar-Ge serası açıldı https://sahrahaber.com/gubretas-ve-gebze-teknik-universitesi-ar-ge-serasi-acildi/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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Gübretaş Kalsıyum Sıvı Gübre mutbirlik.com'da! https://www.mutbirlik.com/urun/gubretas-kalsiyum-sivi-gubre-20-litre
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GÜBRETAŞ, bu yıl tesis yatırımlarını 2 kat artıracak https://www.parabilgi.com/gubretas-bu-yil-tesis-yatirimlarini-2-kat-artiracak/?feed_id=28963&_unique_id=5e7a0fa5a6cfc #poyraz #sektör #Şirket #tarım #yatırım
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"GÜBRETAŞ Kaliteli Üretim İçin Eğitim Semineri Düzenledi" https://gggmedya.com/ekonomi/gubretas-kaliteli-uretim-icin-egitim-semineri-duzenledi-2/
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Gübretaş Hisse
Eşler arası ağ üzerinden güvenli ve aynı zamanda gizli alımları garanti eden dijital para birimi seçeneği kripto para birimidir. Büyük miktarda para kazanmanın sırrı, ideal yatırımı yapmaktır. Ziyaret etmek : https://f-ekonomi.com/gubretas-hisse-senedi-264.html
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Gübretaş sahasında tespit edilen altın kaynağı Bileciklileri heyecanlandırdı Bilecik’in Söğüt ilçesinde, Gübretaş‘a ait sahada 3,5 milyon onsluk altın kaynağı tespit edilmesi kentte memnuniyetle karşılandı. Türkiye Tarım Kredi Kooperatifleri Genel Müdürü ve Gübretaş Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı Fahrettin Poyraz’ın duyurduğu gelişme, ilçe halkını da heyecanlandırdı. Altın kaynağı tespit edilen Gübretaş sahası havadan görüntülendi Gübretaş’a ait maden sahasında 3,5 milyon on... Devamı ve Detaylar için https://www.kamuweb.com/ekonomi/gubretas-sahasinda-tespit-edilen-altin-kaynagi-bileciklileri-heyecanlandirdi.html
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