lovelytaes-blog · 3 years
Friends - jjk
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pairing: gryffindor!jjk x f. slytherin!reader
synopsis: Where you and Jeon Jungkook have been best friends since you were little. Only... there's 2 problems...
1. You're completely and utterly in love with your best friend.
2. He's a fuckboy.
genre: fluff, some angst, f2l, idiots to lovers (kinda LOL)
warning(s): mature language, kissing
word count: 6k
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notes: SURPRISEEEE!!!! Here is, yet again, another little hogwarts drabble, by yours trulyyyy. thought this was cute, it's a little angsty lol, low-key kinda hurt my heart.
buuuuut, I hope you guys enjoy it! let me know what ya think!!! reblog, like, comment, I welcome it all! Until next times, lovers (:
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Jeon Jungkook.
Everyone loved him. Girls wanted to be with him, boys wanted to be him, professors even envied his brilliance. Point is, everyone knows him or knows of him.
He’s also your best friend.
It’s weird, really. You being in Slytherin and him belonging to Gryffindor, no one really expected you two to get along so well, but you did. You two had been best friends since before Hogwarts, actually. You grew up together because both of your parents had been friends for a long time. Both of your mothers were from Ravenclaw, with your father being in Slytherin and Jungkook’s dad was in Gryffindor. However, the different houses never stopped them from becoming friends. So, it was not surprise to them when you two continued your friendship, even in separate houses.
When you had first been sorted into Slytherin, Jungkook smiled and gave you a thumbs up, while you took your seat at your new house. Unfortunately, that smile faded when the hat had announced that Jungkook was being sorted into Gryffindor. It wasn’t a surprise that he’d be placed there, but that didn’t mean you hadn’t hoped that he’d be sorted in Slytherin too. He was your best friend after all, you both have been inseparable since practically birth! But you had to get used to it. The house placements are definite once they’re made.
You turned around from your group of friends, to catch a glimpse of those doe eyes you adored so much. Smiling, you waved.
“Hey, Kook!”
Jungkook was running towards you with Taehyung, a very sweet Hufflepuff whom you met through Kook, trailing behind him. Taehyung was a bit shy at first when Kook introduced you two. You remembered how he threw you a boxy smile and a small wave that made your heart swell with how cute he was. Tae’s shyness soon melted away the minute you had offered to walk with him to your first class together: Transfiguration; your two houses were slotted together and you figured you’d walk with him there. You learned a lot about Taehyung just from that walk! Both his parents were Aurors and worked at the Ministry. He shared his favorite color, what he liked doing in his free time, he even shared with you his favorite snacks he likes to get from Honeydukes. Needless to say, he was much more like you than you thought, so the two of you became really close, along with Kook.
“The ball is coming up; do you have a date?”
You didn’t think that this is what Jungkook was so excited about. Hogwarts hosted these balls every so often, and maybe this was the year Jungkook would finally ask you.
“Who would ask me?” You laughed to yourself while your friends waved goodbye to you, and you turned around with your full attention on the two handsome boys.
“You really should give yourself more credit, Y/n.” Taehyung scoffed running a hand through his hair, “You’re just intimidating.”
It was your turn to scoff, “I am not, if anything, I’m the most approachable Slytherin there is.”
“Actually,” You felt an arm wrap around you, “I am the most approachable Slytherin.” You peered up to see your housemate, and another one of your best friends, Park Jimin, grinning down at you. Shoving him off of you, you glared huffing out whatever.
“Shut up, Chim.” You glared before looking back at Jungkook and Taehyung.
“I’m just saying, Y/n,” Jimin shrugged, “you’ve got one of the worst resting bitch faces that I have ever seen.” The three boys snickered, while you rolled your eyes.
“Didn’t know this was a roast Y/n kinda day.” You hissed, “but to answer your question, Jeon,” You turned your head to look at him, “I don’t have a date.”
“Bummer.” He whispered, “Me neither, I’m thinking about asking that one chick in DADA.” Your heart sinks, guess not this year… don’t know why you keep getting your hopes up for something that’ll never happen.
“Aria?” Jimin smirked, “Good choice, she’s cute.” Jungkook smiled widely.
“Isn’t she though?” He swooned, “She’s the sweetest girl ever AND she’s smart, beautiful… Really my type.” You caught sight of Taehyung’s eyes as he frowned at you. You kept your face neutral, but it took everything in you not to frown yourself.
In 4th year, you had attended your first drinking party in the Slytherin common room. So, of course you had invited Kook and Tae, along with their other friends Jin; a loud Gryffindor who had the funniest dad jokes anyone has ever heard, no doubt that they were lame, but they could still make anyone laugh. Hoseok; a quiet puff, but also super funny, his smile and his laugh could light up a room in a heartbeat. And Namjoon; probably the smartest person you had ever met in your life, he was way too wise, way beyond his age for sure, but could you expect any less from a Ravenclaw?
Anyways, this was the first party you had been to where there was drinking. It was a lot of fun, up until you witnessed Jungkook making out with another 4th year Gryffindor in the corner of the room. Taehyung had been by your side the whole night, witnessed your eyes well up in frustration, the change in your mood, and he was there when you needed a shoulder to cry on. That night was the night you had finally figured out that you really, and I mean, really liked Jungkook.
It was your typical best friends to lovers scenario. Your parents loved him, his parents loved you, what could be more perfect? Except, he didn’t feel the same way about you.
That night Taehyung had rubbed your back and wiped away your tears. He suggested you tell Jungkook about how you felt, but you didn’t want to make it awkward or jeopardize your friendship, so you did your best to push away those feelings.
Obviously, that was easier said than done. You had continued to go to the same parties as the rest of the boys, and every time it’d be the same thing; Jungkook finding someone new to make out with, sometimes even leaving with them for the night. And every single time, your heart would ache a little more than the last. Taehyung couldn’t bare to see you hurting, but what frustrated him more was how stubborn you were; you could’ve told Jungkook, but you chose not to, but it wasn’t his place to tell you what to do. So, he’d let you sulk at the party, but then the next day you acted as if you didn’t just lose a piece of your heart the night before… Taehyung knew you were strong, he trusted you, but he couldn’t help but worry about you; you were like a little sister to him, so seeing you cry over a boy who couldn’t even tell that his own best friend is in love with him… Well, for Taehyung that was like a stab in the heart.
Apart from Taehyung knowing your crush on Jungkook, Yoongi; an older Slytherin boy, who was friends with Jin and Namjoon, knew. He had seen you the very first night you had witnessed Kook and the Gryffindor girl making out. When the party had cleared, and Jimin went to bed, he stayed in the common room with you to talk about it. Ever since then, you and Yoongi were pretty close too. He comforted you when Taehyung couldn’t sneak into the dorms—which was way easier for you to sneak into the Slytherin boy’s dormitory than having Taehyung sneak out of the Hufflepuff dorms and to the Slytherin chambers.
You snapped out of your flashbacks and stared at Jungkook who was looking at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Hm?” You hummed.
“Are you coming to the Gryffindor party tonight?” You shrugged, “Come on! Could you be my wing woman? I think Aria is gonna be there and—”
“Jungkook.” Taehyung snarled before whacking the younger boy on the back of the head, “Don’t ask Y/n to do your bidding.” Jungkook rubbed the back of his head, groaning.
“What the hell, Hyung! I was just going to ask her to send Aria my way and put in a good word for me.” You let out a breath, shoulders slumping.
“Sorry, Kook,” Your voice was hoarse, “I’m not really feeling well. Maybe some other time.” You sucked in your cheek, shrugging your bag further up your arm and turning around, “Good luck, she’s a lucky girl!” You gave a small smile and trudged your way back into the castle.
* * *
You had been hiding up in the owlery since your 4th period ended. You had been petting Athena, your baby snowy owl, for hours while you were finishing up an essay for Potions. No one really knew you came up to the owlery, so it was technically your little get away from everyone. And you just didn’t want to see Jungkook because you knew he’d try and guilt trip you into coming to the party tonight since this is the first time you’re actually missing a party with him. However, you weren’t sure you’d be able to handle seeing him and his hookups any longer, 3 years of witnessing that was long enough, wasn’t it?
Athena’s big eyes peered up at you, as if feeling your sadness, she cuddled closer to you and nipping at your fingertips gently.
“Figured we’d find you here.” You looked up to see Taehyung and Yoongi entering the owlery.
“How’d you know where I’d be?” You mumbled while Athena flew up onto your shoulder. Taehyung slid his hand in his robes and pulled out an old looking parchment paper and winked. You wrinkled your nose.
“You guys still have that?”
“’Course we do,” Yoongi said taking a seat next to you, “Now, what’s going on in that pretty head of yours, little one?” Taehyung plopped down on your other side, Athena hopping off of your shoulder and perched herself on Tae’s. Taehyung winces at her talons digging into his shoulder, but he relaxes as your owl retracts them.
You sighed, “What else?” Yoongi bent over to look towards Taehyung.
“Kook asked Y/n to be his wingman for Aria.” He scoffed, rolling his eyes, “The shit I said to him after she left.” Taehyung shook his head. Your eyes widened.
“What did you say?” You asked, your voice laced with worry.
“Whoa, relax, jagi,” Taehyung said lifting his arms up in surrender, “I just told him that, that’s not something you ask your girl best friend.” Yoongi nodded.
“Yeah, that was stupid. That kid’s as dense as a fucking troll.” Yoongi huffed cracking his neck, “Fucking lucky I wasn’t there, I’d punch him square in the face.”
“Okay,” You huffed, “no need to kill him, Yoongs. He doesn’t know how I feel about him.” Yoongi clicked his tongue.
“You know,” He turned to you, “for a proud ass Slytherin, you’re such a scaredy cat.” You groaned loudly.
“Forgive me for not wanting to ruin an 18-year long friendship.” Scribbling the last bit of your essay, you shut your notebook and tucked your quill back inside your bag, curling up next to Yoongi who wrapped an arm around you.
“Would it really ruin it, though?” Taehyung asked while he leaned against you, “What’s the worst that can happen?”
“Aish—Taehyung you’re just as stupid as Jeon.” Yoongi grumbled, flicking the younger one in the head, causing him to cower.
“A lot can go wrong, Tae.” You whispered, “Kook could reject me, he could ignore me, he could stop talking to me… The list can go on.” Sighing you propped yourself up, Yoongi’s arm dropping from your shoulder.
“But what if the feelings are mutual?” Taehyung probed, “There’s still those possibilities; what if he really likes you but is thinking the same way you are? What if all those girls are just cover ups so you’d come clean and tell him you’re jealous because you’re in love with him?”
“Right,” You puffed, “because making out with many girls and leaving with them by the end of the night is a total cover up.” You smacked the back of Tae’s head with some force, “Are you even listening to yourself, Taehyung?”
Taehyung glared, rubbing the back of his head, “Okay, first off,” he grumbled, “ouch!” He turned his body to look at you, “Second, why are you so against the idea? Don’t you want him to feel the same way?”
You paused.
Of course, you wanted him to feel the same way, there’s nothing you wanted more. But the idea of him remotely feeling the same way, just seemed too far fetched to you. Even if he did, there wasn’t a time where you had felt that he treated you more than just a friend…
“Obviously, she does, you nitwit,” Yoongi snarls, “but wouldn’t you be convinced the love of your life doesn’t like you when he’s out there flirting up a storm with every other woman?”
“Okay,” You held up a hand, “can we stop calling my best friend the love of my life? That’s a bit much.” You hissed, clearly annoyed.
“Y/n,” Yoongi sighs softly, “you’ve been in love with Jungkook since you were 13… I’m pretty sure love of your life can be a proper statement.”
It’s true. You have been in love with Jungkook for years; whether he felt the same never crossed your mind. You were most certain that he didn’t, if he did, wouldn’t your friends have all noticed by now? Wouldn’t you have noticed? The ache in your heart only increases when you think about how Jungkook acts towards someone he likes. You reallythink about it.
You remembered back in 2ndyear when Jungkook told you that he was starting to like this girl from his house. Yun-ji. She was really pretty for a 12-year-old and everyone knew that. Not only was she pretty, but she was also really nice and super smart. You remembered how excited Jungkook was when he told you that Yun-ji had asked him to study with her in the library and that he had to cancel the plans you two had; it was nothing serious, but you and Kook always set aside one day of the week to just relax and chill out while watching whatever was on the television in the common room, but when he wanted to cancel your only day to sit around and not do homework, you couldn’t help but feel the tightness in your chest.
Being the best friend that you were, you told him that it was no biggie, and he gave you the biggest hug in return. You remembered how brightly he smiled at you while he waved goodbye and ran towards the library leaving you by yourself to head back to your dormitory alone.
You didn’t realise that after the first cancellation, you’d continue to be cancelled on. Kook always kept you up to date on his new girl hangout of the week, that he’d repeatedly cancel on you every time you both had planned a day or night to chill. First it was Yun-ji, then it was Lee-ya, then it was Yoonmin… There was always someone—some girl—that was more important than you. You would watch how your best friend fell for all these girls, how he’d treat them with love and care; he’d bought, more like used what you’ve learned from transfiguration, Yoonmin—his first ever serious girlfriend, that he told you about, to your dismay—flowers every Friday, and would constantly ask you to reschedule your planned dates. And you couldn’t say no to him, you loved seeing his bunny smile when he would bring up his planned dates with Yoonmin. You couldn’t be selfish and keep your best friend from being happy—that wasn’t you.
So, you let him go.
You let him cancel on you every time, only to reschedule, but cancel again because “Yoonmin wanted to do this…”, “Yoonmin wants to do that thing…”, “Oh, sorry, Yoonmin…”. After a while, you had stopped making plans with him, hanging out with Yoongi and Taehyung instead, sometimes even inviting Jimin along to Hogsmeade to grab some butter beers.
It wasn’t until Yoonmin and Jungkook broke up, did things go back to the way it was… Except, Kook hooked up with more women afterwards. You were there when he was sad that Yoonmin had broken up with him, but he wasn’t crying about it. He paid no mind to it actually, he said that “he didn’t want to be tied down anyways”.
So, he partied, bringing you along, only to leave you halfway through with random girls on his arm every night. And each night, that ate you alive. You wanted nothing more than for the man you love to look at you the way he eyed the women his eyes settled on, you wanted to be the one wrapped up in his arms, you wanted to be the one he kissed; but you knew Jungkook saw you nothing more than just a friend. It was painfully obvious. He never conjured up flowers for you just because, he never wrote you notes to magically appear at your seat when you sat down, he never rushed up behind you to give you the ‘behind hug’ every girl dreams of getting; Jungkook never did those for you because he simply didn’t feel the same way. It was the truth, and it definitely hurt.
But you’d never forget, after all those times he’s hurt you without knowing, the moment you truly understood that you were nothing but a friend to him…
It was 4th year; the Yule ball had been planned and the castle was buzzing. You had been asked out by many suitors, even those from the visiting school, Durmstrang, but you had rejected everyone in hopes that maybe Jungkook would ask you to be his date. You and he have been talking about the Yule Ball since you both were kids, and you both made a promise that if no one got asked, or no one accepted from anyone else, you’d go together; that was your promise. It was two days before the dance, and you still didn’t have a date, nor did Jungkook ask you. You, finally plucking up the courage to ask him yourself to stick by the promise you two had, you had written out a simple note that read ‘Be my date to the Yule ball?’ and tying it to Athena’s leg. She was perched on your shoulder while you walked towards Gryffindor’s dormitory, only to see Jungkook talking to Jin.
“Have you asked Y/n to the ball?” Jungkook chuckled.
“Hyung, I’m not asking her to the ball.” You had felt your heart drop.
“Why not? You two have been best friend for years? I thought you liked her?”
“No, hyung, I don’t like her like that. She’s just a friend, and besides, I already asked Jisoo yesterday to accompany me.”
You choked back your gasp, as you spun on your heel and gently slipping the note from Athena’s leg and shredding it with a flick of your wand. Not only was Jungkook not going to ask you, but he confirmed the relationship between you two. Just friends. He never saw you anything more and that alone hurt you more than him cancelling on you for his flings. Jungkook also had kept a secret from you. Something you both had promised to never do. He never told you about asking Jisoo to the ball, and he didn’t tell you until the day of. Needless to say, you didn’t bother showing up to the Yule ball. Yoongi and Taehyung were worried about you and checked in on you before they headed out. He was weary of you when you had said you caught a stomach flu and couldn’t attend, even Jimin had offered to make you a potion to help you feel better, but you had declined. Yoongi and Taehyung had begged you to let them stay with you, but you couldn’t do that to your best friends, so you had firmly stood your ground and had threatened to hex them if they didn’t leave within the next 4 minutes.
Luckily, the two boys gave up, letting you be, and hanging their heads low.
Snapping out of your thoughts you shrugged, “Doesn’t matter if it’s true or not… He never felt the same way.” You whispered before tugging your bag to your shoulder, leaving your two best friends to stare at you with sad eyes.
* * *
“So, did you find a date?” Jungkook whispered beside you while you were writing notes in Potions.
“No, I’m not going.” You whispered back not allowing yourself to look at him. You continued to write, ignoring the ache in your heart that seems to be more frequent ever since the night in the Owlery with Yoongi and Tae.
“WHAT?” Jungkook shouted, earning a chorus of shh’s and a glare from the professor at the front of the room. Jungkook sheepishly ducked his head in apology, before turning back to look at you.
“What?” Jungkook coughed out quieter, “What do you mean you’re not going? It’s our last ball!” He whispered louder.
You shrugged, squinting at the board, “Exactly that: I’m not going. I haven’t been going for years, what’s one more?” I’m not going just to watch you make out with your date, was what you wanted to say but you decided against it, since the words from 4thyear kept playing in your head.
Just a friend.
“But it’s our last one in our Hogwarts careers! The absolute last ball we’ll have together” He whines, “You have to go!” You rolled your eyes finally looking at him. Jungkook didn’t fail to notice your eyes slightly swollen and red from what he can assume was from crying, “Hey, wait, jagi, what’s—” but before he could voice out his concern you opened your mouth.
“I do not have to go, and I especially do not have to listen to whatever you say, Jeon Jungkook.” You whispered harshly, your voice cracking slightly, “I am not going to this stupid ball, so get that through your fucking head.” You snapped, closing up your book as the bell rang to switch classes. You shoved your chair back, tugging your bag over your shoulders and exited the room and away from him.
Jungkook stared you down with wide eyes following your figure before you disappeared out the door. He bit his lip looking down; you had never spoken to him so harshly in all your years of friendship, he almost didn’t notice the crack in your voice when you mentioned the ball, had he not been so focused on you, but when he heard the slight pain in your voice he couldn’t help but feel a dull ache in his chest; he felt a deeper wave of sadness when you had walked away from him abruptly before he could find out what was really wrong.
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4 days before the ball
You had been avoiding Jungkook all week. You had decided that it was best to give yourself space from him. After reminiscing your past with Jungkook, all your feelings have been crashing down on you. Yes, you love him, but there was no point in telling him and ruining your friendship, since you know he doesn’t feel the same way. But it’s been 3 years, maybe it’s changed? You scoffed, you really needed to stop getting your hopes up over something that’s never going to happen. You’d been crying all week, confused, frustrated, you didn’t know what to feel. It was all just annoying to deal with, and the fact that Jungkook kept showing up wherever you turned, wasn’t helping.
The entire week Jungkook has been doing his best to talk to you, but every time you saw him, you’d turn away briskly and lose him within the crowds. You were so thankful that Hogwarts was as crowded as it was. He even tried seeking you out in your dormitory and thankfully Yoongi-oppa would always make up an excuse as to why he couldn’t see you.
Last night
“Hyung, is Y/n in?” You knew Jungkook’s voice anywhere, he sounded desperate, and his voice sounded croakier than usual.
“Ah,” Yoongi lifted his arms in a discreet way to look at you, to which you shook your head as you wiped underneath your eyes, “Sorry, Kook… She’s—she just headed up to bed.” You heard Jungkook let out a sigh.
“I know it’s late hyung, but can’t you just let me in to talk to her?” He sounded sad… It almost made you want to talk to him, but you had decided against it. You needed space—space from him—you wanted the ache in your chest to stop.
“I’m sorry Kook… I can’t.” Yoongi shut the door and looked over at you with sad eyes.
“Y/n… He’s a mess, talk to him.”
You shook your head as the tears began falling again, “I can’t, Yoongs… I need—I want— I don’t deserve to keep hurting.”
You were miserable, and so was he. You knew it. You would arrive to class either earlier than Jungkook would, and you’d opt to sitting next to Roe, your female friend in Slytherin, each class. Jungkook’s gaze would always find yours, before the color would flee from his eyes when he notices that you hadn’t saved him a spot. You’d leave quickly to avoid him and rushing to your next class before he could even turn to look your way. His eyes would search the room for your bright brown ones, but his shoulders would drop immensely when he realises that you were gone. You’d even started going to lunches and dinners earlier, only to quickly leave the minute his gaze finally finds yours when he sits at his house table.
As the days go by, it was getting easier to avoid him, and the heartaches were lessening. However, the love you have for him was still lingering, and you know for a fact that it wouldn’t go away. Yoongi and Taehyung have been pushing you to talk to him, to at least tell him why you’ve been avoiding him, but you deny every time. Even Jin has asked you why you’ve been so MIA and avoiding Jungkook, which you opt to say that you’re way too busy that the NEWT classes you were taking was what was keeping you so unavailable. Jin didn’t seem to believe you for a second, but he encouraged you to speak to Jungkook, claiming that he’s been cooped up in their dorm for days and wouldn’t leave unless for class and food. You had simply shrugged and said you’d do your best if you weren’t studying.
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Night of the Ball
You were staring at the gorgeous gown that hung before you. You had been contemplating whether or not to go to the ball; you didn’t want to risk seeing Jungkook with his new conquest, but you had wanted to go… Yoongi and Tae have convinced you to go since it isyour last year ever, and they insist that ever Hogwarts student needs to partake in the school festivities at least once. So, here you were. Your long hair was half up in a messy bun and flowy curls draped down your back. Your makeup was simple, not too dolled up, but enough to know that you had fixed yourself up for the special event. You finally took the dress off the hanger and slid it on. It hugged your waist perfectly, accentuating all your curves, and showcases your smooth legs through the long side slit. It was a gorgeous deep purple that complimented your dewy skin. Sliding your black heels on, you exited your dorm.
Taehyung and Yoongi had told you to meet them in the Room of Requirement to pregame before the dance, which seemed odd to you, but they insisted that the Ravenclaws had wanted to keep it lowkey, because they had hidden all their fire whiskey in there. Your mind eased up since Namjoon had nodded in agreement.
Once you made it to the room, you entered noticing that there was a figure that was pacing back and forth. You stiffened when you saw the black hair with blue streaks that you were all too familiar with.
“Y/n.” Jungkook breathed, you noticed the darker circles that kissed his skin below his red eyes.
He’d been crying.
You almost felt guilty for avoiding him, but you had to do what was best for you. Scowling at yourself when the heartache that you had thought was gone, returned when you stared at the man in front of you.
“Y/n…” Jungkook stepped closer to you; You were frozen, unmoving, you couldn’t move. You were stupid, you shouldn’t have believed Tae and Yoongi, this was so typical of them.
You turned away to find the exit, only for Jungkook to gently grip your wrist before you could leave—before you could leave him.
“Please…” He whispered desperately, “C-can we talk?” His voice cracked. You sighed loudly.
“There’s nothing to talk about, Jungkook.” You stated before ripping your arm away from him. Jungkook made a sound, much like a whimper, as you continued to have your back to him.
“Why have you been avoiding me!” He raised his voice.
Jungkook never raised his voice at you.
“I have been trying to talk to you this whole week, y/n! I’ve tried to talk to you in class, in the Great Hall, I even tried to get Yoongi hyung to let me into your dorms!” Jungkook yelled, gripping his hair in frustration, while you wrapped your arms around your waist.
“I haven’t been sleeping, I’ve been unfocused in classes, I’ve been skipping Quidditch because I have been trying to figure out what I had done to you that was so bad that you’d avoid me like a Death eater!” He was breathing heavily, you could hear his voice quivering, you knew he was either crying or about to cry.
“What had I done that hurt you so bad that you had been crying? What had I done that hurt you so bad, that you can’t even—you can’t even look at me anymore?” You flinched as you heard Jungkook choke out a sob. You refused to turn around, your own tears falling down your cheeks. It hurt, so bad that he didn’t know why you were upset.
And why were you?
You were angry because Jungkook didn’t love you the way you loved him, you were hurt that he never saw you the way you saw him, you were sad that all you ever were to him was just a friend when you saw him as way more.
You were being selfish… This isn’t his fault; you couldn’t make someone love you when they just—don’t.
“Y/n…” Jungkook sniffled, but he made no movements, “Talk to me… Please.” He begged. You covered your mouth with your hand as you chocked on your own sobs. Without turning around, you slumped over.
“That’s just it.” You croaked out, “You didn’t do anything.” You wiped you tears, but they just kept coming.
“Wha—what do you—”
“Jungkook, I love you.” You whispered throwing your head back, “I’m so in love with you it fucking hurts.” You couldn’t hear anything from him, so you continued, you had to, he had the right to know and maybe to fully let him go… You needed to confess.
“Ever since we were 13, I’ve loved you so much… I was delusional to even think that for a second, I could be anything more than just your best friend. I had hopes that you saw me as more than just a friend, but you began seeing other girls, going out with them, buying them flowers,” You laughed bitterly at the memory, “but you never did those things for me… And then 4th year; I was on my way to ask you to the Yule ball when I heard you telling Jin that you only saw me as a friend, and you had asked Jisoo…” You bit your lip, sniffling. You shut your eyes as the tears leaked down your face, “I tried to keep our promise from when we were younger… You remember that?”
Of course, he did… How could he forget? What you didn’t know was that he did want to ask you to the ball, but he was scared… Scared that you may not return the feelings he so deeply tried to suppress—to save your friendship, he couldn’t live with himself if he ruined it because he had fallen in love with you. He also couldn’t handle the rejection he’d get if you hadn’t felt the same about him…
Oh how stupid, he feels now.
“I knew then, that’s where I stood, where I always stood with you. You never saw me as anything more than just a friend, and that absolutely wrecked me; to know that my best friend, who I love so much, so much more than just a friend, could never see me as anything more. I’ve been so in love with you, Kook… I finally had enough this year.” You whimpered out, “I couldn’t handle seeing you with someone else tonight, but I owe it to myself to end my Hogwarts journey on a good note, with or without you, I don’t deserve to sulk over someone who doesn’t love me the way I love them.” You finished with a shaky breath. Jungkook had stayed silent the entire time. You had just poured your entire heart out, and he had nothing to say. Shaking your head, you walked forward to leave the room, but was stopped abruptly.
Jungkook’s hand flew out and spun you around and connected your lips with his. Stunned, you felt his lips move against your own as his hands slithered around your waist to pull you close to him, and tightening his grip just a little, as if he was scared that you’d leave him. Melting into the kiss, you could feel all the emotions that he was feeling sadness, anger, want? You could taste the saltiness of his tears mixed with your own, as the two of you molded as one. You had wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer, scared that you’d wake up from this dream. Slipping his tongue into your mouth to dance with your own, you felt his right-hand cup your face before he pecked you sweetly, pulling away.
You stared up at him in awe, his eyes still glistening with tears as he stared down at you.
“I’m so fucking sorry.” He whispered against your lips, “I’m so sorry Y/n… I—I never meant to hurt you… I-I didn’t want to risk our friendship.” You peered into his eyes, searching them for any signs of regret from kissing you, but all you found was shame?
“I’ve loved you for so long.” He breathed, “I didn’t want to risk it… I—I was a coward; I didn’t even think of the possibilities that you loved me too…” He says while dropping his head. You pulled his face to look at your own, caressing his cheeks you bite back a grin.
“We’re a mess, huh?” You giggled placing your lips on his again, to which he returned.
“We are…” He pecked your lips again, holding you closer, “Am—am I too late?” You cocked your head in confusion, “Do-do you still want me...?”
You grinned, pulling him into another sweet kiss, “I’ve always wanted you, Kook.” Pulling him in again, Jungkook kissed you sweetly, ignoring the fact that the door had burst open.
“Oh, thank Merlin!”
“HA! Told you there were positive possibilities, Y/n!”
“Yah! That is enough—watch those fucking hands, Jeon or I swear to—”
“I’m sorry I lied Y/n! Don’t kill me!”
“Just a friend, huh?”
“Wait a minute... Am I the only one that didn’t know they had a thing for each other?”
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@xpeachesncream, @writtenwhalien, @gee-nee,
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