#grumpen embertail
the-shiniest-plant · 3 years
CW: Depression, Self-Hate
One may look at Fionnuala and think “Wow, that girl’s just an endless source of optimism, isn’t she?”
They’d be wrong. Sure, she’s optimistic in public, yes, but she feels she has to be. It wouldn’t do well for Aurene’s image for one of her champions to be anything but happy as her public representative, right?
She has plenty of time to feel her negative emotions and deal with her traumas on her own, away from the public eye. The only ones who have ever seen her vulnerabilities in any way, shape, or form are those closest to her - Mother, Sitheach, Grumpen, Laranthir, Elspeth, and of course, Aurene herself.
There are days when her thoughts turn sour, storm clouds threatening to rain on what would otherwise be a wonderful day. “You’re not good enough.” They say. “You’ll fail to protect Aurene just like you failed to protect Mother when she needed you most.”
She tries to fight those thoughts off, defy them, tell them they’re wrong, but they’re persistent. They slip through her self-worth like water through cracks in a dam.
There are times when the dam breaks, when the thoughts become too much. Her beloveds come to her, Grumpen burying her in a big furry hug, Laranthir speaking soft reassurances and handing her a mug of warm, calming chamomile nectar. It’s difficult to stop the flood of tears, but they manage.
Laranthir insists on taking over as Commander for a few days during these times, on top of his Vigil duties. She feels she’s imposing on him when her emotions take hold, but he always smiles and reiterates his insistence, adding “As Commander, I order you to rest at home for a few days, let Grumpen and I take care of you.”
His “orders” are always tinged with playfulness, and Nuala knows she can always refuse, but his smile… she knows she can’t resist that. Grumpen and Larry know it too. Damn tacticians, the both of them, using her weaknesses to their advantage. But that’s what she likes about them - they know exactly how to get under her leafy skin and make her feel better.
“Yer worth it, Sparkly. Ye’ve got us righ’ ‘ere, an’ we ain’t goin nowhere til ye’re back t’yer sparkly, smilin’ self, y’hear me?” Grumpen rumbles, his grin full of crooked teeth that jut out every which way, care and concern behind his eyes as he buries her in his soft fur.
She can’t stay sad for long around those two… thank the Blessed Source for them both.
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the-shiniest-plant · 3 years
His name is Grumpen Embertail, he’s a Flame Legion Charr who’s been an outcast for most of his life. He’s got a face that only a mother could love, but Nuala cares him anyway. She’s never cared about physical appearances, only what’s in their hearts.
He’s very soft and cuddly, loves rifles and turrets, and has such a big heart! They were even in Whispers together but had passed by each other and not even spoken until she became a Crystal Bloom and they met at the Maiden in Divinity’s Reach.
They’re in love and it’s adorable and I’ll post pictures later!
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the-shiniest-plant · 3 years
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the-shiniest-plant · 3 years
She loves his softness. His gentle, happy purrs. His warmth. His big ol toothy smile. The way he makes her laugh. That he doesn’t mind that she’s “Corrupted”. The adventures they go on. The soft, affectionate nose boops. The cuddles as they read together during the stormy nights.
Fionnuala loves Grumpen for all of him, and he for all of her.
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the-shiniest-plant · 3 years
The OC Ask Cupid shoots you and inquisitive arrow:
Your OC and their S.O. got in a fight, and it is in fact your OC’s fault. How do they respond after the fight? How does their S.O.? How does it work if the S.O. is at fault?
Thanks so much for the ask!
Oddly enough, my Guild Wars 2 characters have never gotten into a fight with their S/Os, mostly because my S/O plays their S/Os and our mindsets are so alike that we rarely disagree on or fight about much! (Lucky us!)
BUT, hypothetically, if they were to get into a fight, and my character — in this case, let’s go with Fionnuala — realized she was in the wrong, she would immediately go up to Grumpen, her S/O, and admit she was wrong, and apologize for getting heated about it, giving him a big hug.
My S/O says Grumpen would give her a hug back, letting her cuddle in his floof for comfort, because when Nuala has to apologize for something she did, he knows she genuinely feels guilty and it’s nagging at her and making her feel sad about it, and comfort and reassurance is exactly what she needs at these times.
Now, if Grumpen was in the wrong, my S/O tells me he’d feel really bad about it, to the point where he shuts himself off a bit out of guilt, curling up in a corner and sulking for a while until he’s ready to talk.
Once he does, however, Nuala would accept his admission of guilt with a gentle, comforting smile, running her crystal-tipped fingers through his mane, softly speaking words of comfort and reassurance until he feels better. She’d then spend time cuddling him, helping him remember that unlike the people in his past, she’s not going to leave. She’s going to stick with her favorite gun loving fire cat through thick and thin, and knows that he’ll do the same.
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the-shiniest-plant · 3 years
I’m about to call Grumpen and Nuala’s ship “Catnip”. I mean, he’s a cat that loves a plant… Catnip!
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the-shiniest-plant · 3 years
I wasn’t asked for this, but I felt like doing the Ask List for Nuala, so here it is!
1. Full name: Fionnuala Lonraigh
2. Best Friend: Elspeth Fómhar
3. Sexuality: Pansexual
4. Favorite Color: Sky Blue
5. Relationship Status: Taken!
6. Ideal Mate: Kind Nature, Considerate, Supportive, Likes to cuddle
7. Turn-Ons: Cleverness, Smooth Flirts, Kisses to the Back of the Hand, Classy Lewdness
8. Favorite Food: Mild Elonian Butter Moa Curry over Rice, as well as red grapes, watermelon, and apples.
9. Crushes: Grumpen Embertail & Laranthir of the Wild
10. Favorite Music: Pop Music, Hip-Hop, Rock, Anything from Metal Legion
11. Biggest Fear: Dying and leaving those she loves behind
12. Biggest Fantasy: Helping Tyria Achieve Everlasting World Peace
13. Bad Habits: Nosiness, Tends to eavesdrop on conversations (Habits she developed in Whispers)
14. Biggest Regret: Leaving Tybalt to die on Claw Island
15. Best Kept Secrets: Are Best Left Untold
16. Last Thought: “I should probably get some lunch, and pick something up for Grumpen - Wait, no! Lunch Date! Where’s my QDC?”
17. Worst Romantic Experience: N/A
18. Biggest Insecurity: As much as she loves her Crystal Bits, she’s afraid people will be scared of her and loath to trust her intentions because she’s Dragon Corrupted, not that she regrets the Corruption at all.
19. Weapon of Choice: Dual Swords, and Shortbow/Hammer when range is needed
20. Role Model(s): The Pale Tree & Trahearne
Hopefully, with this, you’ve gained some insights on our favorite shiny salad!
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