#grummy cat
roetrolls · 2 years
Green Light
It is, once again, far too late for you to be awake right now. Unfortunately for you, your whirring brain didn’t seem to get the memo.
Resigned to another sleepless morning, you sit down at your desk and pull one knee up to your chin, squinting in the harsh light of your laptop screen. Grumley hops onto the table and settles into a loaf beside your keyboard, purring when you move to scratch him between the ears.
“I know Grums,” you coo, lifting his face to give him a kiss on the head. “You’re lonely, huh?”
He closes his eyes, relaxing into your touch.
“Missing your bestie… You’ve got bad taste, stinker.”
A soft mrrp invites you to keep talking. 
“You only like him ‘cause he reminds you of a laser pointer, that’s what I think.”
Outside, a car revs by on the empty street below, probably the only one you’ll hear at this hour. The world feels impossibly still. With a sigh, you click into your inbox and absently check for new messages, your monologue to the cat quickly transforming into a soliloquy. 
“You know what’s fucked, Grummy? I’ve got bad taste too. I think he’s nice.” You set your temple on your knee, dislodging your glasses slightly, and open your last email exchange with Kivolo.
Even here, your prose is excellent. ☺
You stare at his compliment for a few seconds, then push your glasses up to rub at your eyelids. It’s infuriating how little he infuriates you. A few months ago, you thought he was a douchebag. But now? You think he’s just weird. 
Good-natured and weird.
“I have every right to hate him!” you exclaim to the air. “Any normal person would think he’s a creep! And I’m lying awake at day trying to come up with reasons to feel wronged.”
Rolling yourself away from the desk, you get up and begin to pace, listing infractions on your hand while Grumley squints at you from his perch.
“He got me reassigned to his ship like three times,” you start, tapping one pointer finger against the other. “But what did he do with that? Nothing! It just… Made me look good to my superiors! It got me a raise!”
You throw your hands up briefly, exasperated, before returning to your mental list.
“He spent the entirety of the Yule Ball glued to my hip, and it was the most painless event I’ve ever attended!”
Grumley meows.
“Yes, thank you, Grummy, excellent point. Glad we’re on the same page.” You give the cat a curt nod before resuming. “He knew what floor I lived on, and it was fucking creepy. He admitted to coming here! And it’s fucking ridiculous because he said he wouldn’t do it again and I believe it!”
That was a big one. Finding where you live and scoping it out in secret? Red flag! Literal walking, talking, glowing red flag!
But he told you it was an isolated incident, to check how secure your apartment was. He acknowledged that that didn’t make it right, he apologized, and promised not to come back, and damn it all, you truly believe that he meant it.
At every turn, he has proven himself a baseline decent guy, valuing your autonomy and heeding your concerns. He’s been intense, sure, but not once has he crossed a boundary once you’ve established it.
He makes you feel respected, and that fact is baffling.
With a groan, you flop back into your seat and start drafting a new email, pulling Grumley into your lap as you type with one hand.
Think I should invest in a red lamp. This cat cannot get over you.
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scaredycait · 3 years
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My brother and I found a cat yesterday and we fell in love with him
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bonbonthedragon · 3 years
Meeting You Changed Me (7)
Dad!bakugou x fem!redaer
A series
Summary: When Bakugou leaves an ugly divorce, leaving him as a single dad he never can imagine himself finding love again, not when he was never actually in love. People manipulate and lie and he can’t trust anyone but those close to him and now protect what he has left. But maybe...just maybe he can give her a chance.
Warnings: fluff, very tiny angst? Some suggestive themes
Series Masterlist
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(Y/n) point of view
Mornings were difficult.
The sun beamed through the curtains of (y/n)s apartment, making the woman groan and turn over. It couldn’t be time to get up yet, it just couldn’t.
“Mphhhh” she grumbled into the sheets as her alarm rang “yeah yeah, I know.” Her hand hit the top and she swung her legs over the bed, almost hissing when her feet hit the cold tile. It should have been carpet...hers used to be carpet because she hated the cold floors. Her grummy mood didn’t last too long as a familiar feline came rubbing up against her leg. “Hey girl” she whispered, scratching the cats ears as she purred into it. Then the meowing began. Oh jeez. Aki sang as she left her humans warmth and began toward the kitchen.
“I knew you could only be cute for so long”
Walking out the room, (y/n) followed the calico out, who only continued to complain about her lack of food in the bowl. Until she opened the container and fed her did she calm. The old kitty was beginning to lack in weight and she could only eat so much seeing her age. Her nub of a tail waggled happily though and (y/n) was only glad she could provide a roof for the once street cat. At least she can do something right.
Coffee finished, cat fed and hair up, it was time to start the day. She slipped on her uniform and opened the door to the stairs and made her way down stairs. She couldn’t be more fortunate she lived above her work. Though she wished some days she had a helper to open up instead every once and a while, but she chose to hire non because being alone was better. Even with that she couldn’t stand silence, maybe that’s why the loud ass cat running around her apartment still lived with her. But with him gone it just-
Open sigh, go open the cafe up (y/n). Thinking about it does nothing.
Grabbing a window marker and the keys, she opened up shop. The door stood pegged wide while she erased the calligraphy ‘closed’ to a beautiful ‘open’ with pinks and yellows she drew on the glass. Stuffing the markers back in her apron, she headed inside and went to work, setting up every pastry and steaming the machines to be hot for when someone came in. She set her phone to play some Lofi beats and headed toward the chalk board.
She felt her chest ache as she stared at the green board. She chuckled and took out a Clorox wipe and began to wipe it down. Maybe today they would come in and That little boy would want to draw again. So she left it blank. It seemed weird being blank, she never left it blank. Gazing at it for a while she decided to grab a white piece of chalk and get to work. After an hour, with the additional customers coming in and having to attend too, she was now finished and satisfied. On it was just a simple sketch of a Spider-Man outline as the 2-D comical hero soar through the city on his web. She then took out red, blue and colors for the city to then on the board ledge.
“Spider-Man?” A regular customer asked, the old man smiling and raising a brow “never knew you liked marvel”
“As far as Marvels hero’s go, they are the only exception.” She smiled back, setting down the last chalk piece.
“Not even Allmight?” Fuji asked
“Hmmm, well he’s okay too” she shrugged, passing him and filling his cup with a pitcher
She checked her watch. 7:08.
It would be a while until then but at least the place didn’t feel empty.
Heads turned and so did hers at the sudden muffled sound. Oh lord this cat. Shaking her head (y/n) made her way to the door to the stair case. She must have opened the door again using thee table by the door and walked down. Opening the door the small cat walked out “well hello” she hummed, picking her up gently “who would have thought you’d visit?” The woman sarcastically snarled at Aki, who only mewled back “uh huh, great response” it wouldn’t be the first time she’s gotten out and roamed the shop, so far non of her customers complained. So she let Aki down and she trotted happily to the small cat tree in the corner by the window of the shop. People began to coo and Aw at her.
Well it seemed the shop settle this morning. Nothing to really do. It was just Wednesday after all. Maybe she should be productive instead of cleaning the shop for a sixth time since yesterday....
Before she could even think, the bell to the door rang and a force so powerful ran into her legs that she almost tumbled over. “Oh-“ (y/n) caught herself and held onto who ran into her before they too fell. Tatsumi looked up with big eyes and just snuggled his face more into her leggings, as if he were a cat rubbing on her. God he’s so cute.
“Tatsumi” a low voice called out, soft but in warning
(Y/n) looked up to meet his piercing red gaze, eyes like rubies as they stared her down. The hero was tall and built, it was easy to tell with the skin tight tank top of his hero suit he wore that he worked out often. His steps fell heavy against the flooring as his hand left the glass door and let it shut. With the glare he had on his scared face it was difficult not to know what he was feeling. Was he angry? Never mind, Pro hero DynaMight was always angry. Though it was hard to accept him that way now since seeing him coming into the shop and how he acts with his son.
Tatsumi tugged at her pant leg “Dada said I could come and- and say hi before I go to gradmas and grandpas!”
(Y/n) glanced back up at the man and back at Tatsumi, giving him a smile “oh well that’s sweet, good morning Tatsumi”
“Good morning!” He squeezed her tighter then backed up, giving the woman grabby hands.
Hearing Bakugou grunt, (y/n) looked up, his eyes hadn’t faltered one bit since she began giving Tatsumi her attention. He just kept staring at her. Like she just cussed him out or offended him in some way. With some hesitation and a small confirming nod from him, she bent down and took Tatsumi in her arms. He giggled happily and went to wrap his arms around her neck, giving her a proper hug.
“Ohhhh” she cooed. Gosh this boy was so sweet! “Big hug! Thank you!” (y/n) hugged him back best she could in the awkward position. He smiled and leaned in to kiss her cheek sweetly, and oh did her heart melt. Though when he did she noticed how bakugous frame went from bored and annoyed from waiting to being as still as a tree. His brow slightly twitched and his eyes were wider than before.
Getting the gist, (y/n) put Tatsumi down, but the boys grin left as fast at it had came. She couldn’t help but crouch down and boop his nose, making his furrowed brows soften “looks like it’s time for you to be going,” he frowned at her, not in a mean way, but sad “oh it’s alright!” She reassured “I’ll see you again, but I think your dad has places to be”
Tatsumi turned around and gave his father pleading eyes. (Y/n) almost wanted to shrivel from embarrassment because this wasn’t her child and as far as she was aware she was irritating the hell out of the No.2 hero. She was not about to get caught up in gossip or make someone mad. Bakugous eyes shifted to his child....and the staring contest began. You could almost visibly see the tension in Bakugou crack as the seconds passed. Tatsumi wasn’t giving up, she didn’t think he would. After a good minute Bakugou sighed and took out his phone. He glanced at it once before huffing, going to sit on one of the sofas and cross his arms almost in a childish way.
“Ya got 10 minutes” he gruffed
Tatsumi ran up to him and planted his hands on his fathers knees “hour!” He shouted back
A vain could be seen on the hero’s head as he leaned forward and became eye level with the smaller blond “15”
“50!” he protested
Bakugou growled slightly, still not threateningly but more to himself, like it was hard for him to say no to the kid “20”
Tatsumi whined from the back of his throat and bounced up and down impatiently. “40!” At this point (y/n) just guessed that he had learned his numbers high enough for this argument, he was the age Ren had began counting high.
Bakugou clenched his jaw, not blinking once as he stared down Tatsumi. Then he leaned back, legs spreading to get comfortable, making Tatsumi’s hands leave “30 minutes and that’s final” he said
Tatsumi beamed and jumped up and down. She didn’t think he knew exactly how long that was but it was more that 20. He climbed on the couch to kiss his fathers cheek, just as he did (y/n)s. “Tank’ you!” And Bakugou grumbled a small ‘welcome’ under his breath, helping Tatsumi off the couch and ruffling his hair a bit before he took off.
What just happened...?
She didn’t have time to process until Tatsumi had grabbed her hand and led her to the chalk board. “This is what you want?” She asked. He nodded his head eagerly.
“S-sp’ire man!” He pointed and squealed
She chuckled and showed him the chalk already laid out, telling him to have fun. Just like that he began to color in the sketch, just as she had planned. She even went to get the stool so he could get higher and reach what he couldn’t. After a few minutes of watching she glanced at the blond across the room, who was watching Tatsumi until his eyes met hers. His face seemed to turn from it pale tan to a light pink, quickly turning his head away and lips tugging to a frown. Okay rude. All she did was look at him.
As much as she was hesitant about him, she didn’t want it to be awkward like this if he was willing to bring Tatsumi by all the time. It had been a good 3 weeks, almost a month and still she hasn’t had a proper conversation with the hero. Seeing as tatsumi was busy and there were no new customers, (y/n) went over behind the counter. Unbeknownst to her, red eyes were watching.
She moved around the back and set down two coffee cups, pouring in the espresso. Soon she followed in the cream and didn’t bother making a design for times sake. Grabbing the two mugs she went toward the couch. He didn’t dare look at her the whole time she walked over and set down the coffees.
“Ya own this place?”
(Y/n) hummed
“Ya always let cats in your cafe?” He grumbled
(Y/n) looked over at Aki, who slept in the sun by the window “only her, shes good though. The customers don’t mind her so I let her down.” She sat next to him on the other end of the sofa, crossing her legs and leaning against the arm rest. Silence. As much as she wasn’t too fond of him, she found herself getting annoyed he didn’t want to talk to her. “Uh...it’s nice of you to let Tatsumi come by.”
He grunted
“He’s really sweet, never met a boy so energetic and happy”
He rose a brow, “yours not that way?” He asked, generally wondering.
She shook her head. “No...he wa- he’s rather shy, doesn’t talk much.”
“Tatsumi can’t stop talking” he looked over at his son “does this thing where he has to narrate everything he does when at home. Even though he’s potty trained, for a while now, he still has to scream ‘ima go pee!’ Then he runs to the bathroom.”
(Y/n) broke into a fit of giggles at that, not noticing how the blonds eyes immediately left his son and snapped to her. When she looked back up though he instantly looked away. She fixed herself and sat back straight up, taking a sip of her coffee, he did the same.
Bakugou was about to open his mouth for his own question before the door rang, a customer. An officer walked in and he shut his mouth, knowing she had to take it. The barista stared at the man for a couple seconds before actually getting up “be right back” she reassured.
A million alarms were going off in her head as she went toward the counter, eyes never leaving the officers. He seemed pretty timid as well and it was obvious a tension was clouded around them. Bakugou went over to sit by Tatsumi, which was closer to the counter.
“How may I help you” (y/n) nearly gritted out, tapping the screen
“Miss (L/n)-“
“I thought we were done with this, so either order something or leave.”
No one would dare speak to a member of the police like this, they would be arrested. But this man was rather...familiar with the her.
He lowered his voice and leaned in “We have a lead on Asher, it’s not a good one. In the course of a separate investigation with one of our undercover hero’s, your name was mentioned by him, as well as your late sons.”
She felt her heart drop at his name, Asher. It had been so long since she heard that name and she was planning to keep it that way. A lump caught in her throat and she looked down, brows furrowing “I- I don’t know who your talking about. Please leave.”
She gripped the counter and shut her eyes, whispering harshly “This is my cafe, and unless you have a warrant or something then Please leave.”
“I really think you should just hear me out-“
“Please” she looked up at him “not today”
The man stood for a couple more seconds before nodding his head. He had nothing else, he already felt guilty enough. So he tipped his head and left.
“Have a good day, miss (L/n)”
“Have a good day” she responded, tone not so cherrie. She turned to go back to the the couch, but Bakugou wasn’t there. Instead he had moved to be by his son.
“Sorry about that” she tried to smile as she crouched down by him and leaned slightly against the wall, Tatsumi still at it with the coloring. She shifted her attention to him, hoping to keep what just happen out of the way “it’s looking amazing, Tatsumi”
His little head whipped around and he smiled wide “tank you!”
Truly it was disastrous, the red and blue sneered outside of the lines and nothing was where it should have been. But it was his work and seeing him enjoy it was making her day ten times better. As she got lost in her thoughts Tatsumi’s hair began to turn a auburn brown and became a bit taller.
Ren looked back at her and his bright blue eyes glowed brightly in the cafe light. He stood on his tippy toes and bunnie stuck in his other arm.
“Mama” Ren smiled
She blinked rapidly as his hair went back to ash-blond and his shirt turned into a dark purple. His eyes were ruby red and she was looking back at Tatsumi.
“Miss (L/n)!” Tatsumi repeated
(Y/n) blinked a couple times before smiling again, nodding her head to show he had her attention
“Look!” And he pointed at the chalkboard
She looked up and saw that he had successfully colored the whole thing. She smiled and went to ruffle his hair a bit, making the boy giggle.
“That is amazing”
Out of the corner of her eye, she swore another pair of red was piercing through at her.
his hand began up her thigh, the other cupping her cheek “come on, (y/n)”
(Y/n) held her hand over his over her cheek, tangling hers in his “ash i-“
His other found her left cheek, blue eyes starring straight into hers as he kissed her hard. He pulled back “you’ll be fine babe~”
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improvidence318 · 4 years
i said screw it so here it is
howdy howdy, this is the anon with the 20’s lingo sheet. i don’t have a tumblr (though i wish i do tbh) and realized that i don’t know how to work shit on tumblr, so i’m just sending in the sheet through a text post. i am highly aware of the amount of power i’m bestowing upon you and honestly couldn’t give a damn
ab-so-lute-ly: affirmative all wet: incorrect And how!: I strongly agree! ankle: to walk, i.e.. “Let’s ankle!” apple sauce: flattery, nonsense, i.e.. “Aw, applesauce!” Attaboy!: well done!; also, Attagirl!
baby: sweetheart. Also denotes something of high value or respect. baby grand: heavily built man baby vamp: an attractive or popular female, student. balled up: confused, messed up. baloney: Nonsense! Bank’s closed.: no kissing or making out ie. “Sorry, mac, bank’s closed.” bearcat: a hot-blooded or fiery girl beat it: scram, get lost. beat one’s gums: idle chatter bee’s knee’s: terrific; a fad expression. Dozens of “animal anatomy” variations existed: elephant’s eyebrows, gnat’s whistle, eel’s hips, etc. beef: a complaint or to complain. beeswax: business, i.e. “None of your beeswax.” Student. bell bottom: a sailor bent: drunk berries: (1) perfect (2) money big cheese: important person big six: a strong man; from auto advertising, for the new and powerful six cylinder engines. bimbo: a tough guy bird: general term for a man or woman, sometimes meaning “odd,” i.e. “What a funny old bird.” blotto (1930 at the latest): drunk, especially to an extreme bootleg: illeagal liquor breezer (1925): a convertable car bug-eyed Betty (1927): an unattractive girl, student. bull: (1) a policeman or law-enforcement official, including FBI. (2) nonesense (3) to chat idly, to exaggerate bump off: to kill bum’s rush, the: ejection by force from an establishment bunny (1925): a term of endearment applied to the lost, confused, etc. Often coupled with “poor little.” bus: any old or worn out car.
cake-eater: a lady’s man caper: a criminal act or robbery. cat’s meow: great, also “cat’s pajamas” and “cat’s whiskers” cash: a kiss Cash or check?: Do we kiss now or later? cast a kitten: to have a fit. Used in both humorous and serious situations. i.e. “Stop tickling me or I’ll cast a kitten!” Also, “have kittens.” cheaters: eye glasses check: Kiss me later. chewing gum: double-speak, or ambiguous talk. choice bit of calico: attractive female, student. chopper: a Thompson Sub-Machine Gun, due to the damage its heavy .45 caliber rounds did to the human body.  chunk of lead: an unnattractive female, student. clam: a dollar coffin varnish: bootleg liquor, often poisonous. copacetic: excellent crasher: a person who attends a party uninvited crush: infatuation cuddler: one who likes to make out
daddy: a young woman’s boyfriend or lover, especially if he’s rich. daddy-o: a term of address dame: a female. Did not gain widespread use until the 1930’s. dapper: a Flapper’s dad darb: a great person or thing. “That movie was darb.” dead soldier: an empty beer bottle. deb: a debutant. dewdropper: a young man who sleeps all day and doesn’t have a job. dogs: feet doll: an attractive woman. dolled up: dressed up don’t know from nothing: doesn’t have any information don’t take any wooden nickels: don’t do anything stupid. doublecross: to cheat, stab in the back. dough: money drugstore cowboy: A well-dressed man who loiters in public areas trying to pick up women. dry up: shut up, get lost ducky: very good dumb Dora: an absolute idiot, a dumbbell, especially a woman; flapper.
earful: enough egg: a person who lives the big life
face stretcher: an old woman trying to look young fella: fellow. As common in its day as “man,” “dude,” or “guy” is today. “That John sure is a swell fella.” fire extinguisher: a chaperone fish: (1) a college freshman (2) a first timer in prison flat tire: a bore flivver: a Model T; after 1928, also could mean any broken down car. floorflusher: an insatiable dancer flour lover: a girl with too much face powder fly boy: a glamorous term for an aviator For crying out loud!: same usage as today four-flusher: a person who feigns wealth while mooching off others.
gams (1930): legs gatecrasher: see “crasher” get-up (1930): an outfit. get a wiggle on: get a move on, get going get in a lather: get worked up, angry giggle water: booze gimp: cripple; one who walks with a limp.  Gangster Dion O’Bannion was called Gimpy due to his noticeable limp. gin mill: a seller of hard liquor; a cheap speakeasy glad rags: “going out on the town” clothes go chase yourself: get lost, scram. gold-digger (1925): a woman who pursues men for their money. goods, the: (1) the right material, or a person who has it (2) the facts, the truth, i.e. “Make sure the cops don’t get the goods on you.” goof: (1) a stupid or bumbling person, (2) a boyfriend, flapper. goofy: in love grummy: depressed grungy: envious
handcuff: engagement ring hard-boiled: tough, as in, a tough guy, ie: “he sure is hard-boiled!” hayburner: (1) a gas guzzling car (2) a horse one loses money on heavy sugar (1929): a lot of money heebie-jeebies (1926): “the shakes,” named after a hit song. heeler: a poor dancer high hat: a snob. hip to the jive: cool, trendy hit on all sixes: to perform 100 per cent; as “hitting on all six cylinders”; perhaps a more common variation in these days of four cylinder engines was “hit on all fours”.  See “big six”. hood (late 20s): hoodlum hooey:  nonsense. Very popular from 1925 to 1930, used somewhat thereafter. hop: a teen party or dance Hot dawg!: Great!; also: “Hot socks!"  Rarely spelled as shown outside of flapper circles until popularized by 1940s comic strips. hot sketch: a card or cut-up
"I have to go see a man about a dog.”: “I’ve got to leave now,” often meaning to go buy whiskey. icy mitt: rejection insured: engaged iron (1925): a motorcycle, among motorcycle enthusiasts iron one’s shoelaces: to go to the restroom ish kabibble (1925): a retort meaning “I should care."  Was the name of a musician in the Kay Kayser Orchestra of the 1930s.
jack: money Jake: great, ie. "Everything’s Jake.” Jalopy: a dumpy old car Jane: any female java: coffee jeepers creepers: a term of exclamation jitney: a car employed as a private bus. Fare was usually five-cents; also called a “nickel.” joe: coffee Joe Brooks: a perfectly dressed person; student. john: a toilet joint: establishment juice joint: a speakeasy
kale: money keen: appealing killjoy: a solemn person knock up: to make pregnant know one’s onions: to know one’s business or what one is talking about
lay off: cut the crap left holding the bag: (1) to be cheated out of one’s fair share (2) to be blamed for something let George do it: a work evading phrase level with me: be honest limey: a British soldier or citizen, from World War I line: a false story, as in “to feed one a line.” live wire: a lively person lollapalooza (1930): a humdinger lollygagger: (1) a young man who enjoys making out (2) an idle person
manacle: wedding ring mazuma: money milquetoast (1924): a very timid person; from the comic book character Casper mind your potatoes: mind your own business. mooch: to leave moonshine: homemade whiskey mop: a handkerchief munitions: face powder
neck: to kiss passionately necker: a girl who wraps her arms around her boyfriend’s neck. nifty: great, excellent noodle juice: tea Not so good!: I personally disapprove. “Now you’re on the trolley!”: Now you’ve got it, now you’re right.
off one’s nuts: crazy Oh yeah!: I doubt it! old boy: a male term of address, used in conversation with other males. Denoted acceptance in a social environment.  Also “old man” “old fruit.” “How’s everything old boy?” Oliver Twist: a skilled dancer on a toot: a drinking binge on the lam: fleeing from police on the level: legitimate, honest on the up and up: on the level orchid: an expensive item ossified: drunk owl: a person who’s out late
palooka: (1) a below-average or average boxer (2) a social outsider, from the comic strip character Joe Palooka, who came from humble ethnic roots panic: to produce a big reaction from one’s audience percolate: (1) to boil over (2) As of 1925, to run smoothly; “perk” pet: necking, only more; making out petting pantry: movie theater piffle: baloney piker: (1) a cheapskate (2) a coward pill: (1) a teacher (2) an unlikable person pinch: to arrest. Pinched: to be arrested. pinko: liberal pipe down: stop talking prom-trotter: a student who attends all school social functions pos-i-lute-ly: affirmative, also “pos-i-tive-ly” punch the bag: small talk putting on the ritz: after the Ritz Hotel in Paris (and its namesake Caesar Ritz); doing something in high style. Also “ritzy.”
rag-a-muffin: a dirty or disheveled individual rain pitchforks: a downpour razz: to make fun of Real McCoy: a genuine item regular: normal, typical, average; “Regular fella.” Reuben: an unsophisticated country bumpkin. Also “rube” Rhatz!: How disappointing! rub: a student dance party rubes: money or dollars rummy: a drunken bum
sap: a fool, an idiot. Very common term in the 20s. says you: a reaction of disbelief scratch: money screaming meemies: the shakes screw: get lost, get out, etc. Occasionally, in pre 1930 talkies (such as The Broadway Melody) screw is used to tell a character to leave. One film features the line “Go on, go on – screw!"  screwy: crazy; "You’re screwy!” sheba: one’s girlfriend sheik: one’s boyfriend simolean: a dollar sinker: a doughnut sitting pretty: in a prime position skirt: an attractive female smarty: a cute flapper smudger: a close dancer sockdollager: an action having a great impact so’s your old man: a reply of irritation speakeasy: a bar selling illeagal liquor spill: to talk spoon: to neck, or at least talk of love static: (1) empty talk (2) conflicting opinion stilts: legs struggle: modern dance stuck on: in love, student. sugar daddy: older boyfriend who showers girlfriend with gifts swanky: (1) good (2) elegant swell: (1) good (2) a high class person
take someone for a ride: to take someone to a deserted location and murder them. tasty: appealing teenager: not a common term until 1930; before then, the term was “young adults.” tell it to Sweeney: tell it to someone who’ll believe it. tight: attractive Tin Pan Alley: the music industry in New York, located between 48th and 52nd Streets tomato: a “ripe” female torpedo: a hired thug or hitman
unreal: special upchuck: to vomit upstage: snobby
vamp: (1) a seducer of men, an aggressive flirt (2) to seduce voot: money
water-proof: a face that doesn’t require make-up wet blanket: see Killjoy wife: dorm roomate, student. What’s eating you?: What’s wrong? whoopee: wild fun Woof! Woof!: ridicule
You slay me!: That’s funny!
zozzled: drunk
  have fun.
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creepy-crowleys · 3 years
Subject: Once More Into the Tower From: Daimon Kiyota
Hey there, you hotsy-totsy cat! I was just getting zotzed on old memories and the lovely music of my dear friend, the Pachinko Machine. A little giggle water and the lovely little balls did the weirdest thing. They spelled out your number! Got me grummy, remembering the old times. Recall when we tapdanced beneath the waves right past those dapper droppers and right up to Samael’s house in the sky? Ah, good times.
I never did thank you properly, did I? You probably didn’t even lay peepers on the real prize. Oh but these mitts, they danced and played music on the vault. They pinched such a darb sta- my position with the Dragon. And I have YOU to thank! But we didn’t chill the whole tower. Orochi has 8 heads. 8 sets of peepers, 8 jaws of flame.
Jeepers Creepers! I got it! You like your chin music. I love to watch you play. Orochi has a lovely little secret, buried below. Guarded by hatchetmen and tinmen and hotsy-totsy bangers! There’s more to the tunnels. We went North when we swam through the concrete. You go South, you’ll find the way to their playground. Have fun!
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bramblewoodcleve · 7 years
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lynx in Grummie.
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doopcity · 5 years
cat I drew at work, dubbed "grummy cat" by a coworker
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origamilogicdev · 7 years
Grummy Cats
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grembitc-archived · 5 years
my favorite thing about aizawa is that he plays this rough outer shell but we all know he cares deeply about his students and will do anything to protect them
my favorite line- i love it when he blabs about caring for cats like he did with koichi and shirakumo in the latest vigilante chapters
ITS STill erasermic
ive actually seen some art of people shipping him with students annndd,,,,, no.
random headcanon- when he’s home alone he likes to braid his hair and do complicated hairstyles for fun
unpopular opinion- some people say his hair looks gross but no i still wanna pet him 
--i rly need to listen to more songs huh--
my fave picture is just- any pic of teen aizawa. always wins my little grummy heart
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bastardrobocop · 7 years
i just looked at my cat and said "grummy tumpy boy" and I'm not totally sure what I meant to say
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Crime-related slang:
baby grand: heavily built man
barrel house: illegal distillery
beef: a complaint or to complain
behind the eight ball: in a difficult position, in a tight spot
belt: a drink of liquor
bent car: stolen car
bit: prison sentence
boiler: car
box: a safe or a bar
box job: a safecracking
brace (somebody): grab, shake up
bracelets: handcuffs
bull: a policeman or law-enforcement official, including FBI
bump off: to murder, to kill
burn powder: fire a gun
button man: professional killer
call copper: inform the police
caper: a criminal act or robbery
century/C: $100; a pair of Cs: $200
cheese it: put things away, hide
chewing gum: double-speak, or ambiguous talk.
Chicago lightning: gunfire
Chicago overcoat: coffin
Chicago typewriter: a Thompson sub-machine gun
chilled off: killed
chisel: to swindle or cheat
chump: a person marked for a con or a gullible person
clean sneak: an escape with no clues left behind
clubhouse: police station
chopper: a Thompson sub-machine gun
chopper squad: men with machine guns
clam: a dollar
cool: to knock out
cooler: jail
crab: figure out
crushed out: escaped (from jail)
daylight, as in "fill him with daylight": put a hole in, by shooting or stabbing
dib: share (of the proceeds)
don't know from nothing: doesn't have any information
dope: drugs, esp. cocaine or opium
drill: to shoot
drop a dime: make a phone call, sometimes meaning to the police to inform on someone
droppers: hired killers
drum: speakeasy
duck soup: easy, a piece of cake
dust out: leave, depart
Edisoned: questioned
embalmer: a bootlegger
fog: to shoot
fuzz: the police
gat: gun
glaum: steal
goog: black eye
goon: thug
grifter: con man
grand/large: $1000
hatchet men: killers, gunmen
heat: the police
heater: gun
heavy sugar: a lot of money
heeled: carrying a gun
highbinders: corrupt politician or functionary
hinky: suspicious
hock shop: pawnshop
hogs: engines
hot: stolen
ice: diamonds
jam: trouble, a tight spot
juice joint: speakeasy
kale: money
kick off: die
lay off: cut the crap
lead: bullets
lead poisoning: to be shot
left holding the bag: to be blamed for something
line: a false story, as in “to feed one a line.”
made: recognized
moll: a gangster’s girl
nailed: caught by the police
newshawk: reporter
on the lam: fleeing from authorities
on the level/on the up and up: legitimate, honest
orchid: an expensive item
packing heat: carrying a gun
paste: punch
patsy: person who is set up; fool, chump
peaching: informing
pen: penitentiary, jail
pigeon: stool-pigeon
pinch: to arrest or to steal
plug: to shoot
pull a Daniel Boone: to throw up
put the screws on: question, get tough with
quiff: prostitute or promiscuous person
rap: criminal charge
rat: inform
rats and mice: dice, i.e. craps
real McCoy: the genuine article
Roscoe: gun
rotgut: bootleg liquor
sap: a fool, an idiot
scratch: money
scratcher: forger
shyster: lawyer
sing: make a confession
sitting pretty: in a prime position
snake charmer: a woman involved in bootlegging
snitch: an informer, or to inform
squirrel: to hide
stiff: a corpse
take someone for a ride: to take someone to a deserted location and murder them
tiger milk: some sort of liquor
tighten the screws: put pressure on someone
tip a few: to have a few drinks
torpedo: a hired thug or hitman
trip for biscuits: wild goose chase
trouble boys: gangsters
under glass: in jail
wearing iron: carrying a gun
whisper sister: female proprietor of a speakeasy
white lightning: bootleg liquor
Slang Bill uses most or others use most to talk about him:
all wet: incorrect
attaboy!/attagirl!: well done!
blow: (1) a crazy party (2) to leave
cash: a kiss
cash or check?: do we kiss now or later?
cast a kitten/have kittens: to have a fit
cat's meow: great, also "cat's pajamas" and "cat's whiskers”
choice bit of calico: attractive female, student
copacetic: excellent
dame: a pretty woman
dapper:  fine appearance for a man's clothing
dish: a pretty woman
get a slant: take a look
giggle water: booze
hair of the dog: a shot of alcohol.
half seas over: drunk, also "half under."
hotsy–totsy: pleasing
icy mitt: rejection
Jane: any female
keen: attractive or appealing
kisser: mouth
know one's onions: to know one's business or what one is talking about
“let’s blouse!”: “let’s blow this popsicle stand!”
off one's nuts: mentally imbalanced
off the track: describes a person who becomes insanely violent
Oliver Twist: a skilled dancer
pan: face
panic: to produce a big reaction from one's audience
piker: A coward
pos-i-lute-ly: absolutely, affirmative
prune pit: anything that is old-fashioned
quilt: a drink that warms one up
screwy: crazy
sheba: girlfriend
skirt: a pretty woman
spifflicated: drunk
spill: to talk
streeted: thrown out of a party
tasty: appealing
tight: attractive
vamp: (1) an aggressive flirt (2) to seduce
what’s eating you?: what’s wrong?
windsucker: a braggart
wrong number: not a good fellow
ya follow?: do you understand?
you slay me!: that’s funny!
Slang Dipper uses most or others use most to talk about him:
applesauce/horsefeathers: flattery, nonsense, e.g. "Aw, applesauce!”
balled up: confused, messed up
cake-eater: a lady's man
canceled stamp: A shy girl at a dance or party
flat tire: a bore
grummy: sad
Jake: OK, fine, e.g. "everything's Jake.”
mill: typewriter
milquetoast: a timid person
Mrs. Grundy: a priggish or extremely tight-laced person
so's your old man - expression of sarcasm
wise head: a smart person
wurp: a killjoy
Slang for Pacifica:
bearcat: a fiery girl
egg: a person who lives the big life
handcuff: engagement ring
high hat: a snob
insured: engaged
middle aisle: to marry
Miscellaneous slang:
and how!: very much so!
ankle: to walk, e.g. "let's ankle!”
bank's closed: no kissing or making out, e.g. "sorry, mac, bank's closed"
bent: drunk
berries: (1) perfect (2) money
bushwa: a euphemism for “bullshit"
canned: drunk
chin: conversation; chinning: talking
chin music: gossip
clammed: close-mouthed (clammed up)
coffin varnish: bootleg liquor - often poisonous
darb: a great person or thing
dimbox: a taxi
dimbox jaunt: a taxi ride
dip the bill: have a drink
dogs: feet
dry up: shut up, get lost
ducky: very good
dud up: to dress up
edge: intoxication, a buzz
fella: fellow (as common in its day as “man," "dude," or "guy" is today)
flogger: overcoat
fried: drunk
get in a lather: get worked up, angry
get sore: get mad
go chase yourself: get lost, scram
greenland: a park
grungy: envious
hit on all sixes: to perform 100 per cent; from "hitting on all six cylinders"
iron one’s shoelaces: to go to the restroom
jaw: talk
lay off: cease action
level with me: be honest
mac: man
mitt: hand
nifty: excellent, great
now you’re on the trolley!: now you’ve got it, now you’re right
ossified: drunk
owl: A person who’s out late, a night owl
petting: making out
piffle/bunk/hokum: baloney
pipe down: stop talking
punch the bag: small talk
rain pitchforks: a downpour
razz: to make fun of
Reuben: a country bumpkin
rhatz: how disappointing, or “darn!”
rub: a student dance party
rummy: a drunken bum
says you: disbelief
scram: ask someone to leave immediately
screw: get lost, get out, etc.
smoked: drunk
spiffy: looking elegant
stilts: legs
swell: (1) good (2) high class
tell it to Sweeney: tell it to someone who is gullible
that's the crop: that's all of it
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creepy-crowleys · 4 years
((Meanwhile in other factions...
Subject: Confrontations and Revelations From: The Dragon
Jeepers creepers! Hang on to your stilts. There’s been a change to the management. Now I have a smartphone, HO-HO-HO! This cat is going to be a little more hands on from the here on. I’m your dingle dangler now. No fortune cookie static! This is nonsense written with straight razors. The dragon shimmies down the sky ladder, and the dragon evolves – it grew a new mouth. 
Now, you need to flop in the shade until you beat the heat. Dig? Earth-bound angels and super corporations and the world fuzz are coming down on you. But don’t get grummy! The Blues and Reds will be all sour at the exposure. But that’s just another bit of chaos for us to find opportunity in. We’ll be hitting on eight in no time. Marquard probably thinks he got away on the sly. But he’s inherited you and me and a sack full of cackling woe. Whoa!
Word to the wise:consider making a change to your face and hair. The night has a thousand eyes.
The Dragon is now under new management.))
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alwayservin · 12 years
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This is gonna be so many people during the season finale.
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