#group fan cam
one of my 2nd gen kpop groups had a reunion performance and i actually can't handle it I feel like a teenager again
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ayoyoungg · 2 years
team 2 could pull off BANG but team 8 can’t pull off The Boys me thinks
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eunimaybe · 29 days
౨ৎ — jungwon dating idol you
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idol!jungwon x fem. reader | things he do when he’s dating you as an idol
genre: fluff, est. relationship | wc. 0.4k ♡ a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for AGES. not my best work, but i still wanted to post it ^^
jungwon would be trying so hard not to look your way at any ceremonies and award shows to prevent any rumours or scandals. when he bows because your group passes by, he will be staring at his shoes and refusing to meet any of your eyes. — more under cut!
he definitely gets shy when you show up on the big screen, and he’s lowkey vibing to your songs as he watches you dance. probably melts on the spot when you smile at the audience. (he likes telling himself that it’s for him and him only.)
jungwon wouldn’t be showing it, but he probably gets so excited when you and his promotion schedules and activities clash, because what do you mean that he gets to see you for five seconds as you pass by him for your performance in music bank?
jungwon is most definitely asking the staff if he can please please please have a dance challenge with you for his/your latest comeback.
jungwon would definitely collect your photocards, probably trades and buys from your fandom under an anonymous name and makes you sign every one of them.
he also collects your albums and has them in a little drawer and flips through them when he’s bored. (he may or may not have tabs on your pages)
jungwon has a whole playlist with every single one of your group’s songs and has your parts perfectly memorised. he will not hesitate to sing along when the song comes to your part when he’s in the car or in his room.
jungwon is an avid viewer of your fan cams and he leaves comments complimenting you.
jungwon probably watches ship edits of you and him on tiktok whilst giggling and blushing. he’s down bad for your fr.
jungwon is always getting into online fights with your haters, he can be a menace if he wants to be.
jungwon constantly tiring his members out by talking about you nonstop in the dorms. y/n this and y/n that. the members have had enough.
he also gets really sad when he sees you flirting with your fans.
he would just randomly crash at your dorm or practice room without notice in the middle of the night.
jungwon just loves you sm <3
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tbaluver · 1 month
Hi! I’ve been really enjoying your lads hcs, and I want to request where reader is an idol. Thank you and have a good day!
When You're An Idol- The Love And DeepSpace Men
parings in order: Xavier x Reader, Zayne x Reader, Rafayel x Reader, Sylus x Reader genre: fluff fluff a/n: hihi anonnie ! i'm happy to hear you're enjoying my works i hope this was okay ! ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ fun fact i used to be like a big kpop stan in like high school but now i just enjoy their music anyways okane kasegu watashi wa suta any likes and reblogs are always appreciated! enjoy!
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Oh he's your biggest fan.
He'll have all your albums and photocards. He'll even have plushies and keychains of your character that you made for a collaboration event. He'll even have that keychain on his sword.
If you were in a group, he doesn't really recognize the other members there because to him you are the face of the group. You're the main visuals, dancer, vocalists, and rapper. His eyes are always placed on you.
He streams all your shows, music videos, fan cams, music, any minute and second he can. Any concept you had was his favorite concepts. He secretly saves some fan edits of you.
He in fact does get jealous when there's rumors about you having a dating rumor with another idol. You'll reassure him and you'll immediately deny the rumors are false to the public. They probably just caught you and Xavier on a date and assumed it was a different idol.
He's also very protective of you in public. He's basically like your bodyguard. He'll lead you away from any fans and paparazzi's when you both just want some alone time.
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Just because you're an idol does not mean he's not your doctor. He STILL is and he insisted that it's beneficial for you that he's your doctor. And who are you to complain? With both your busy schedules, you two can catch up for a bit when you have a checkup. He will still scold you if you're neglecting your health and will tell your managers that it's doctors orders to not put you on a harsh diet or practice.
Y'know how surgeons listen to music while performing a surgery? Well he listens to your entire discography on LOOP while he performs a cardiac surgery. It helps him focus and you get more streams ! No one is allowed to change the music or complain. His colleagues would not have expected him to like your music so they just assume it's because your his patient and that's why he listens to your music.
Nobody knows that you two are dating so you keep your relationship private so no one can disturb your personal lives. He also just doesn't want to be in the spotlight in general.
He'll support you in any way he can. He's not really the type to go to concerts but for you he will. He'll even have his light stick and memorize the fan chants to your songs. If he can't attend your concerts because of work then he'll make sure to stream the live version ones.
He would also send you texts before you have any performances or interviews. He'll make sure to watch on his breaks to support you and will send you a text afterwards, saying how you did so well and he's proud of you.
He's probably also the type to send you flowers or have food delivered to you whenever you're working. It's to keep your relationship private but also a way to show that he loves and supports you.
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His artwork would make frequent features in your music videos which speculates some rumors about you two dating. And you two would make it so OBVIOUS. On both of your social medias, you two would post the same location at the same time. If you two posted a selfie, fans would see you two have matching jewelry or detect you wearing his clothes. He'll 'accidentally' take pictures of your merch in the background of his pics. Rafayel doesn't care if fans found out, I mean it's about time.
He would have a field day with your stylist if they dared to give you the worst outfit, makeup, hair color or style. He would want that stylist to be fired immediately and he'll style you himself.
He'd be so excited when you'd invite him to an event. You two would have matching outfits and you two would be the cutest and prettiest couple there. He's already used to the cameras, interviews, and the people there. It's like him going on an exhibition tour but this time it's more fun because he's with you by his side.
You two would have a lot of photoshoots together. But he just loves to be your personal photographer. He'll make sure to make his own photocard of himself so you can have it on the back of your phone case like how he has a photocard of you on his phone case.
Any of your shows that you have, he'll attend. He'll make sure to be front row and center so when you see him in the crowd, you can blow him a kiss.
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Fans and paparazzi's would be so worried when they found out you were caught entering the N109 Zone. They thought you were getting kidnapped and they just thought the area was too dangerous for their beloved idol. You had to post on social media that you were okay so you and Sylus had to find a better way to meet up.
He would sing your songs in the karaoke room with Luke and Kieran. When you're there, you'll have a duo song or it'll get really competitive.
He also knows how to play the organ so if somehow you needed that instrumental you let him feature in it privately.
Sylus would buy a concert VIP room so he doesn't risk getting caught at your concert. He'll even bring Luke and Kieran because they're your second biggest fans there. He'll tell you which area he is in the concert venue and you'll make sure to look in that direction to acknowledge and appreciate that he's always there to try and support you. He would also have a massive smile on his face when you're performing. He loves to watch you perform and doing something you love.
You two are always facetiming whenever either of you are away. You both miss each others company a lot and can't go by a day without communicating even if it's just a small update.
If any fans tried to stalk you or make you uncomfortable just let him know and he'll take care of it himself.
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ningvory · 6 months
hi, can i reqs (g!p)itzy!reader being mentored by twice’s sana. and as they grow closer sana realizes reader is a bit oblivious and innocent to her flirty attempts and gets excited to corrupt the younger woman?
you can add other things if my reqs was too vogue, just no omorashi please.
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parings — mentor!sana x itzymember!innocent!gp!reader
warnings — corruption kink, public sex,unnie kink, riding, handjob, teasing, sana’s lowk mean, choking, degrading, pet names, uhh lmk if i miss anything, half asleep so not proofread but lmk if you guys want a part 2 since i did leave it on a cliffhanger..
word count — 1k (1,026)
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having the sana as your mentor was literally a dream come true for you! ever since twice debuted she’s always been someone you look up to.
when you first got the call from your manager that sana was gonna be your mentor for the next few days, you almost fell outta your bed from the shock! you and your group were quite close to all the girls, so it was okay for you all to call the twice girls unnie.
today was the day where she would start mentoring you. when you walked into the red practice room, sana was already sitting on the black leather couch provided for the idols and trainees under jyp.
when sana finally notices you she thought you were the cutest! the way you kept stuttering over your words and giving her awkward smiles had her grinning and letting out a few chuckles. she’s watched a few of your fan cams and you’re a whole different person when you’re not on stage.
once you two actually got started sana couldn’t help but flirt with you from time to time, from brushing over your cock with her pretty manicured fingers to groping your body in different areas. but you just seem clueless to what she’s doing, not daring to speak up or even push her away from you. of course this made the older get excited to see how well she can corrupt you into her obedient lil’ toy!
on the next day you thought things were gonna be the same as the previous, but sana had you going full out and trying out various of difficult choreos, it almost seemed like she wanted you to exhausted today.
it had been about 5 hours of nonstop dancing which was normal for you but it always had you exhausted. you were limp on the floor catching you breath. you had to take your shirt off so you were left with your sport bra along with your gray sweat pants and your white air forces.
“great work today, princess.” sana says as she began walking to you direction.
she’s suddenly hovers over you, one leg beside both of your legs. she slowly sinks herself down, sitting right on your clothed cock.
“wha— unnie what are you doing?” you start to say, raising your upper body up and resting your weigh on you arms.
she clasps her hand over your mouth, making you stop talking. doe eyes looking into hers waiting for her to talk.
“shh. let me use you, you don’t wanna leave me hanging, right?” she looks down at you, full on expecting you to not your head and of course you do. you don’t wanna leave your unnie wet and needy! :((
so of course your cock grows hard, why would it not when you have a pretty lady slowly rocking her hips along your clothed cock. “aw~ is unnie getting you hard from just a bit of rubbing?” she teases you making you let out a little whimper.
she starts to kiss you, to muffle your moans. her tongue easily wins for dominance as she raises her hips up to her bottom half and your sweatpants and boxers, angry cock laying flat on your tummy.
she parts her lips from yours, watching how the string of spit connects to your lips until it breaks from her moving too far from you. sana wraps her hand around your cock, stroking it up and down slowly, wanting to savior the view of you falling apart from her hand alone.
“u-unnie! please—please more!” you managed to whimper out, tears in your eyes daring to fall down as you sniff from the overwhelming teasing.
“you want unnie to go faster?” sana grins, looking down at your angry cock that’s leaking with precum before looking at your pouty lips.
“how can i say no to my baby when she’s been such a good girl f’me?” she coo’s speeding up the tempo of her hand, watching how your hips start bucking up mindlessly in her hand before thick spurts spew out of your cock, landing all over her hand and you tummy.
“did i say you could cum? just thinking with your cock, huh?” she says before pushing her fingers into your mouth, forcing you to taste yourself.
“since you wanna cum without permission from me, let’s see how many times you can cum inside me.” she pulls her fingers covered in your spit out of your mouth. and straddles your hips, sinking down on your sensitive cock.
high pitch moans leave your mouth, her cunt was squeezing your cock so tightly you couldn’t help but begin crying! tears falling from your eyes that were crossed and back arched, hands gripping her hips.
“w-what do you say to unnie for letting you inside me?” sana moans out, ass checks smacking down on your heavy balls while she goes to grip on your neck.
“t-thank— thank you ‘sho ‘mush u-unnie!” you choke out, incoherently you try your best to match her unforgiving pace but to no avail! her cunt was just squeezing your cock so tightly and her hand cutting off your airflow had your brain fogged up, letting out incoherent babbles and mindlessly thrusting up into sana.
she once again kisses you but more deeply, muffling the mixture of both of your moans. it had your cock throbbing from the sounds of her moans and sounds of her bouncing on you.
she started moaning more louder and pulled away from your lips hips were getting sloppy as she got closer and closer to release until she began squirting all over your pelvis and lower tummy.
“p-please! unnie—can i cum, can i cum? need to cum so bad!” you cried, begging the older to let you cum, placing your feet on the ground and pounding up into her, desperately not wanting to ruin your high.
“cum for unnie, whore.” sana says in a low and sultry tone. and it has you shooting your load into her. you cum so much it starts leaking out of her warmy cunt.
“don’t think we’re done, slut. it’s only just the beginning.”
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idyllicidols · 1 year
Cheat Day.
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Another request. I forgot if the person wanted to stay anonymous so I'll leave them out to be safe. Something different with it being third person, but it felt needed with the content.
TW: gangbang
Wonyoung was always expected to be perfect. Her days were filled with endless rehearsals, rigorous diets, and sleepless nights. She yearned for a life of freedom, where she could make mistakes and be herself. Her long awaited day off was under commencement–and mistakes were definitely going to be made.
Three of her most dedicated fans, handpicked by the dollesque idol herself, received a private DM from an unknown account with a time and address. They were apprehensive about the message, but the never before seen photos piqued their curiosity.
The room was dimly lit, the only sound being the soft hum of the city outside. Wonyoung, clad in a silk robe, stood before them, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She took mental notes on each one as they introduced themselves.
"Donghyun." She recognized him as a man who had been to nearly every concert and fan meet–his loud screams often heard over all the other fan chants. The messy haired boyish man looked like he just got off work. A disheveled suit with his tie loosely knit. Now that he was in such a private setting, he looked at her with an innocent admiration.
"Minsoo." The hottest of the bunch. His right arm covered in tattoos, his hair perfectly sculpted, but not greasy. He gazed upon her as if he already knew what she had planned. If the other two failed, she could depend on him for a good time.
"Junho." A recognized community member. Almost her whole fandom and group members knew of him. Her most dedicated fan. At every event, making sure to capture her in the perfect light. His fancams were the most popular, some even doing better than official recordings. A casual friendship had grown, and this was her way of showing her appreciation.
Her voice was steady and confident as she spoke, "Tonight, I'm not an idol. I'm not a performer. I'm yours, to do with as you please."
Junho and Donghyun exchanged astonished glances, their minds racing with the implications of her statement. They couldn't believe the woman they had idolized for so long would offer herself so freely. But Minsoo smirked expectedly.
Junho spoke up, "Wonyoung, we can't take advantage of you like this. You're an idol, and we're just fans."
Wonyoung's expression turned determined. "You can't deny me this. I've been living this life..always holding back, always being the perfect idol. Tonight, I want to be something else."
Donghyun joined in, "But you could ruin your reputation."
Wonyoung's voice hardened, "I don't care about my reputation. I want this. I want to be used, to be fucked."
She looked to Minsoo, her eyes pleading. She was right, she knew she could depend on him to get things rolling.
"If you're sure, Wonyoung, we can't deny you anything."
With a sultry smile, Wonyoung nodded, "I'm sure."
Minsoo undressed her slowly, untying the knot to her robe. She let it fall off her shoulders, the light from the window acted as a spotlight to her perfectly slender naked body. She was a tiny, delicate thing, but one with fire burning within her. The other two watched in awe as his hands roamed her body while his tongue explored her mouth.
He easily lifted her up and tossed her on the bed, his kisses trailed down from one pair of lips to her other. His hands were rough, their movements urgent and demanding.
"You cucks going to just watch or join in?" Minsoo aggressively berated the other two men into action.
Donghyun was the next to act, seizing this rare opportunity, kissing and touching wherever he pleased. Wonyoung moaned in pleasure as the two men grasped at her body. But she couldn't help but feel bad for Junho.
"Join us sweetie…" She called out to him. "... You can record this too if you like, just make sure you keep it to yourself…" flashing a sly smile.
That was all it took. Junho set up his camera, then joined in on the fun. He knew he would never get a chance like this again, and wasn't going to miss out.
Without another word, the three men moved in unison, Minsoo between her legs, Donghyun and Junho each taking one of her breasts in their hands and began to fondle them gently. Their thumbs brushed over her already sensitive nipples, sending shivers down her spine.
"Oh, god," she gasped, her head falling back as she felt a sudden rush of pleasure wash over her.
"Is that good, baby?" Junho asked, his voice filled with concern and desire.
She nodded, her breath coming in short, ragged gasps. "Yes, it's so good."
As the men continued to pleasure her breasts, their hands moved in a rhythmic pattern that had her on the edge of ecstasy. Minsoo was gifted at his craft, his tongue danced against her wet folds.
"Oh, God," she cried out, her body trembling with pleasure.
His tongue moved in slow, deliberate circles, the pressure building with each pass. Wonyoung's breath caught in her throat as she felt the pleasure growing, spreading throughout her body until she was sure she couldn't take any more.
And then, suddenly, the pressure was gone, and she was left feeling empty and wanting.
"Please," she begged, her voice pleading. "I need more."
Minsoo smirked, knowing he had Wonyoung right where he wanted. He spread her legs wider, revealing her sensitive, throbbing clit to his waiting mouth.
"Oh, fuck," she gasped, her hands clawed at the sheets as pleasure washed over her once more.
Minsoo began to suck on her clit, his tongue moving in rhythmic, deliberate motions that had her body convulsing in pleasure. Then the final nail in the coffin, his middle and ring fingers dug into her wet quivering pussy. Squelching sounds echoed out with his fingertips constantly brushing her g-spot.
"You're gonna make me cum!" she screamed out, her voice strained and desperate.
Her body tensed; involuntarily trying to fight off the pressure that was overwhelming her system. But the other two held her down as they continued to explore her body. The pressure built in her stomach had nowhere else to go, a stream of sticky clear fluid shot out of her, her strongest orgasm in months taking over.
"Oh, god," she gasped, her voice barely audible over the sound of her own pleasure. "It feels so good."
An orgasm that intense should've left her helpless, but this was her only night of escape. Her animalistic desires insatiable, she rose from the sheets, her thin body covered in sweat.
"I'm gonna ride your fucking cock."
Wonyoung demanded as she pushed Junho on his back. He watched as the idol he's fantasized about so many times slowly lowered her mess of pussy onto his cock. It was better than he could ever dream, so tight and so warm, he never could have imagined how good she felt.
"You're so tight." Junho cried out.
He had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming. But it got even better, she planted her feet and started bouncing up and down. Her sopping wet pussy glided easily-massaging his shaft with her moist caverns. She screamed in ecstasy, the first real cock inside of her in months felt better than any toy–it was a living thing, with its heat radiating inside of her.
It was hard to know who was having a better time - Wonyoung finally letting loose or Junho feeling the tight walls of his dream girl squeezing his cock. She was lost in ecstasy, the feelings of hands on her body almost forgettable.
Minsoo was there to give her a stark reminder. Wonyoung gasped when a strong force pushed her forward, making her turn around in surprise. Then she felt something hard pressed against her asshole, the tight ring on her virgin hole clenched in resistance.
"What are you – AH!" Wonyoung cried out before she could finish her question. A predictable result. There were three men and she had an accompanying hole for each. But what she didn't expect was for it to happen right off the bat. No preparation; no fingers or toys - just Minsoo's hard, massive cock breaking past her defenses in one fell swoop. Drool started leaking from her mouth, the intense feeling of getting fucked from both ends beyond her wildest dreams. Cries of pain filled the room, Wonyoung stretched out further than she ever thought possible. You would think she begged for them to stop, that the pain was too much to bear...
"Fuck me harder!" She screamed out, the pain of being fully engulfed by cock reminding her that she was alive–washing away months of the stressful idol life.
It was a sight to behold, Minsoo aggressively fucked the blabbering idol. His hands gripped her hips, holding her in place as he drove into her with relentless force. It was a stark contrast to Junho, feebly thrusting upwards trying to keep pace. Wonyoung moaned, her head flailing as she felt her insides being stretched and filled. But soon they got in sync, fucking and stretching out Wonyoung's body at perfect intervals.
"Is this what you want, you filthy whore?" Minsoo growled in her ear, his hot breath sending shivers down her spine.
"Yes," she gasped, "Fuck me."
"Hey Donghyun, why don't you keep her quiet before the neighbors complain."
Donghyun was like a perfect little pet, listening to everything anyone told him. As he stood up and pressed his cock against her lips there was no hesitation. Wonyoung opened up her lips and sucked like it was a popsicle. Now she was truly filled, a cock in each orifice, her body being used for greedy desires. It was only right, she worked so hard to stay fit, it would be a shame to keep it hidden away and locked up.
Donghyun was perfectly content standing there while she sucked and licked. Wonyoung however was not, grabbing the back of his thighs and taking him deep in her throat–a jolt of pleasure blasting through him every time she let a muffled moan vibrate against his cock. Actions spoke louder than words, her desires clearly obvious. His hands tangled in her long hair, thrusting his hips, fucking her face with the intensity she craved.
As the men continued their relentless onslaught, Wonyoung felt her body being torn apart, her mind filled with pleasure and pain. She could feel the cocks pounding into her, stretching her, filling her completely. Her moans and cries filled the room, echoing off the walls as the men continued to use her.
"Fuck I'm gonna cum!"
Wonyoung was in no place to protest, a cock in her throat keeping her from replying. Nor did she want to, wanting nothing more than the feeling of hot cum filling her up.
"That's it," Minsoo grunted, "Take it all."
Minsoo was the first to concede–a thick stream of hot cum painting her insides. He slid out from behind her, her gaping ass leaking down to the sheets. He grabbed Donghyun, pulling him away. Wounyoung heaved in relief, finally able to breathe without a cock pounding her throat.
"Clean up my mess." Minsoo demanded. Wounyoung's relief was short-lived–opening up her mouth, happily sucking the cock that just took her anal virginity. Donghyun stared at her asshole with intrigue, kneeling down behind her. She smiled in response, feeling him pressed against her puckered hole. While her mouth was amazing, Donghyun longed to fuck something much tighter, and there was nothing tighter than Wounyoung's ass.
Junho had surprising stamina, his fingers biting into her sensitive flesh as he pinched and twisted her nipples. Wonyoung writhed above him, her body on fire with pain and pleasure. She could feel her own orgasm building, the pressure in her pussy and ass growing unbearable.
"I'm going to cum," she gasped, "Oh, God, I'm going to...ahhh!"
Her body trembled as the orgasm ripped through her, her muscles contracting as she was filled to the brim. That set off a chain sequence–her contracting body milking every shaft inside of her. Luckily for her, all the fans were just as insatiable as she was–knowing this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
She was tossed around like a ragdoll, her tiny body fucked in every position possible, her tight holes nothing but a dumping ground for cum. They were like a well oiled machine, switching positions and holes, making sure that she always experienced something new. The only time one of her holes wasn't being fucked was when they needed to recover. Donghyun and Junho grew bolder as the night went on, fucking her with a ferocity that almost matched Minsoo.
The men continued their assault, their grunts and groans filling the air as they emptied themselves into her. Wonyoung's cries echoed in the room, a plethora of hands and tongues covering every inch of skin–three cocks stuffed in her holes, giving her everything she could ever ask for. She was reduced to nothing more than a living, breathing, screaming orgasm.
The sun was starting to rise, and the men pulled out, their spent cocks dripping with cum. They stepped back, leaving Wonyoung sprawled on the bed, her body covered in sweat, her mouth, pussy, and asshole leaking with cum.
Donghyun was the first to leave, he had to return to work within the hour. Junho turned sheepishly shy, embarrassed at how he lost control fucking his bias, collecting his camera. She smiled at him knowing he would forever cherish that footage. Donghyun and Junho bowed when they left. Forever grateful for this experience their faces flushed with pleasure, their hearts filled with gratitude. They had experienced something that most could only dream of.
Minsoo stuck behind, his fingers buried inside Wonyoung until she forced him to leave. She thanked him for starting things right, pulling him in for one final kiss before he left.
Wonyoung laid there, panting and trembling, her body sore and aching. Forget dance practice, she would be lucky if she was even able to walk. But as she stared up at the ceiling, she couldn't help but smile - she had found a release she had been longing for, a release that would fuel her performances, her passion, and her life. She couldn't wait for her next day off.
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gaystayzennie · 25 days
Marked Up
Taeyong x Male reader
Summary: Anonymous ask where Taeyong and btm male reader are both leaders of nct and while doing the 24hr relay cam, fans see hickies on both of them. Flashback scene where they were getting heated in the living room and Johnny walks in on them during his own relay cam.
Warnings: NSFW, hickies, slight exhibitionism, bottom reader, general gay smut 🤷‍♂️
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1:00 PM
“Hi Czennies! It’s my turn for the relay cam! The time is 1:00 right now.” Taeyong waves at the camera with a big grin on his face. Panning the camera over, he introduces his guest. “I know you don’t get to see y/nie and me together much since he’s usually busy leading his group, but he’s here today to keep me company while I work on some lyrics.”
“Hi guys. Taeyong isn’t gonna be talking much since he’s busy working on his music, so I’ll show you my outfit while he works.” Y/n takes the camera from Taeyong for the moment and sets it up far enough back to show off his entire outfit. “Today I’m wearing a comfy outfit since I have a break from schedules. I’m wearing my favorite jeans today and a hoodie for a boyfriend look since czennies always like that vibe the best. And czennies told me I look good when I wear my glasses today, so I’m wearing that too. Oh and of course I’m wearing my friendship necklace with Taeyong today! You can’t really see it under my hoodie though sorry guys.” Y/n has his hood on covering up the entirety of his neck. Unbeknownst to czennies, this was an intentional choice to hide the hickies Taeyong had left behind this morning. Taeyong pipes up from behind him “We should show czennie our necklaces together! I’m wearing mine right now too.”
Y/n freezes. “They’ve seen it before Hyung, I don’t think it will be interesting.” Something lights up in Taeyong when he realizes why y/n is hestitating to show the necklace. “Come here y/n, I wanna show them again anyway!” He reaches out and grabs y/n’s wrist yanking him over to the couch where he’s perched, causing y/n to fall into Taeyong’s lap. “Hyung wait!” he yells desperately trying to get out of Taeyong’s firm grasp. Taeyong reaches to unzip the hoodie and tease the younger member. His plan was to unzip it just enough to pull out the necklace without revealing anything else, but he doesn’t plan for the way y/n jerks away from him. Shit. The zipper stops well below y/n’s chest revealing the dark mark he left earlier. Not only that, but his twisting around in Taeyong’s lap caused his hoodie to ride up high enough to show the many many marks scattered across his abdomen. Y/n rolls off the couch at lighting speed and zips his hoodie back up and immediately starts forcing a laugh in the hopes that he can cover up the awkward moment. Taeyong follows suit and laughs at y/n, exclaiming “You’re so dramatic y/n, I was just trying to show them your necklace!” The pair is quick to move on with the video like normal and they pray the moment was quick enough that the camera didn’t actually capture anything.
2:05 PM
Y/n is curled up in Taeyong’s lap again soon after their relay cam together is posted to youtube. Both of them are extremely anxious to see if their mishap was noticeable at all. “Taeyong skip ahead! Faster!” It’s takes everything in him not to snatch the phone out of Tae’s hands and skip ahead himself. “Wait there! stop there! That’s when it happened.” The pair leans in close and watches intently sighing a breath of relief soon after when they see that the moment was extremely brief and they did a good job moving on like normal. “See? I bet they didn’t think anything of it y/n. It just looks like you got embarrassed because you fell into my lap and that’s all.” Y/n feels a little less sure than Taeyong though knowing how closely fans tend to watch and analyze their content. “Let’s look at the comments just to be sure.”
Scrolling through, most of the comments look normal. All saying things like:
“Taeyong is such a hard worker writing music even on his day off”
“It’s so rare to see our two leaders together!”
etc. Until one comment catches y/n’s eyes.
“Did anyone notice the bruise on y/n’s neck when he fell of the couch?”
the comment is quickly getting a lot of replies.
“omg it looks like a hickey!”
“no I bet SM is mistreating him, there seem to be more bruises all over his stomach too if you look closely”
“guys I put it in .5 speed and I noticed there’s a bruise on Taeyong too”
“Oh my god! Right after that weird Johnny relay cam too. What do you think they were doing 👀”
“Everyone be quiet. We shouldn’t speculate about these things”
“Guess they’re not really “friendship” necklaces guys”
Fuck. This might actually be a problem.
10:00 am (flashback scene ~ NSFW plot begins here)
“Fuck! Don’t stop Hyung!” y/n whines out as Taeyong bites down on his neck. Taeyong giggles at y/n being so needy. He wasn’t planning on getting freaky so early in the day, especially out in the open like this… but he couldn’t help but suck another mark into y/n’s neck when he heard how desperate the younger member sounded underneath him. It had started off innocent enough with the two of them cuddling on the living room couch watching a movie together while they waited their turn for the relay cam. Y/n had started it actually. Eager to finally spend some quality time with his favorite person on his day off, he’d began kissing Taeyong. Taeyong’s lips were soft and tasted sweet from the lip balm he’d applied first thing this morning. Y/n could never get sick of the feeling of kissing Taeyong, his beautiful, talented, sexy boyfriend. God, he loved this man to death.
Eventually growing impatient, he began sucking on Taeyong’s collarbone hoping to send Taeyong a silent message. It wasn’t long at all before Taeyong grabbed y/n’s waist and had him flipped on his back so he could hover over him to return the favor and suck some marks of his own into y/n’s neck. His lips began trailing lower and lower until he was sucking and biting down on y/n’s abs earning heavy breathing from him. “You want to keep going pretty boy? Johnny should be at the gym for a while longer with his relay cam.”
“Yes please” moans out y/n. He can feel Taeyong’s member jump as it’s pressed against his thigh. It’s no surprise y/n’s own dick grows hard at the sight of his boyfriend hovering over him looking eager as ever to fuck him right then and there in the living room. “Your wish is my command” he says, pressing another deep passionate kiss into y/n’s lips. He then replaces his lips with a finger, telling y/n to suck on it. “Let’s loosen you up” he whispers, moving his finger down toward y/n’s center—until the door swings open loudly.
“Aright made it back home czennie! I can’t believe I forgot my gym bag!” Both of them panic hearing his footsteps get closer. “Shit!” Taeyong grabs the closest throw blanket off the back of the couch and yanks it across their bodies hastily. “Oh hey guys! I didn’t think you’d be up yet. I forgot my bag” Johnny says, walking into the living room. “Everyone say h-” Johnny pauses his movement taking in the sight of the two boys in front of him, eyes darting to the way y/n’s chest is heaving up and down and then to the marks on both of their necks. “Um actually, I think y/n is still sleeping, so I’ll just let you guys see Taeyong and y/n later during their relay cam. I uh… think it’s at one. Let’s head back to the gym” He says blushing like crazy with embarassement. Taeyong mouths out thank you and Johnny turns and walks out as fast as he can.
“Um. Let’s move to your bedroom please?”
“Yeah… sorry y/n” Taeyong blushed.
The end.
ps. sorry the story kind of ends abruptly. I wrote this in a rush as per usual, and decided to just keep this one kind of short. Let me know if you guys would be interested in a part two or if you have any ideas! Thanks for reading :)
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ronearoundblindly · 4 months
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omg not me freaking out that i am part of the group that gets bait gifs! FRIENDS!!!!!!! i'm fine. i'm chill. don't leave me!
This took me a minute to figure out what I wanted Sir Dorksalot to have done that was sketchy enough to have him make this face...
Watch The Fish, Jake Jensen x reader headcanon wholeass fic in bullet format because my god this got long
Warnings for mentions of masturbation and porn, accidental then totally intentional voyeurism, awkward and oblivious!Jake--so just Jake, yeah?--and smutty implications...
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🥹 roommates to lovers 😊
you rent a pretty large house maybe even with one or two others at first, but they move out
jake has to use it as a crashpad sometimes because he'll be away for so long at a time, but he pays rent and the entire electrical & internet bill no matter what
you keep a fish tank in the living room
after jake comes back from months in hiding abroad away, he gets so excited to be home and spend time with his niece that he hosts an after-game pizza party for her soccer team
someone practices headbutting the ball inside and nearly topples the tank
jake catches the whole thing with his broad arm-span and a decent amount of strength just in time when it wobbles the whole table beneath it. his heart nearly stopped, and he's so grateful the glass didn't break. thank god you weren't home.
however, you insist on moving the fish to your room instead once he tells you.
jake's a little sad to see them go. he pouts so much you decide to take pity on him, buying a web cam to mount beside the tank so jake can watch them whenever he wants. he loves to do voices for each one, personalities, soap-opera-like dramatic storylines, the works
as an aside you ask him if the sound can be turned off on the camera. jake says yeah but he mostly means he can turn it to mute on his computer.
which he does, for the record, but he has to remember to do it each time he pulls up the feed of da fishies. honestly, half the time he's wearing headphones and the other half you aren't home while he puts the Marauders (because there's just one fat one) onto his third monitor for background.
so he forgets that the sound is on and a thing he might need to avoid
weeks later, maybe months, jake finally removes his headphones after a very long stint of coding, completely unaware of what time it is and that you are home in your room
at first, jake is dead convinced that some porn ad has popped up in a window behind his work, something he would go apeshit about and ransomware bomb the shit out of whoever wrote such slippery spam
the fish are peaceful as ever, blooping away whilst jake frantically closes program after program trying to find the hot chick moaning on his desktop...until it's all closed and the buzzing remains though his tower's fan stopped...then the squelching noise starts
jake is frozen in place, looking away from the fish like they're the damn problem, but he doesn't cut the feed
he...he shouldn't
he should turn it off or just mute it like he promised
and he tries
he tries really hard, gang
it's the cursor's fault that it hits the command to send the audio to his bluetooth headphones instead of mute
and he sets the headphones down on the keyboard, gnawing on his bottom lip and watching his closed bedroom door in anticipation of...getting caught, maybe? he's not sure
he watches the fish putter around like it's no big deal
which it isn't, right?
you're human. he's human. humans have urges. they touch themselves--they touch each other, too--and there's no harm in that. if anything...jake encourages it, or he would...if you knew that he knew about this
the noises are so faint from the itty bitty speakers two feet from his face, but he doesn't pick them up, still debating what to do
because there's a big difference between what jake should do in this situation and what he wants to do
he mutes audio and then cuts off the livestream
at least, that's what he did the first time it happened
he knows he's a perv. jake can't help it.
it becomes a game of sorts. it's like practice recon for learning a target's routine. not that jake needs practice at the job he already fucking has but that's how his brain justifies laying on his own bed in the glow of the fish tank feed with his headphones turned way up
he knows your bed is on the other side of your room from when he moved the fish tank in
he knows what your underwear look like from the laundry room downstairs
he knows what you smell like from the shared bathroom and the products lining your shelf
he now knows there's a bottle of toy cleaner in one of your sink drawers
and he shouldn't but he absolutely touches himself listening to you, fists himself when you're fucking a toy he imagines six-shapes-to-Sunday, teases himself when all you're doing is breathing softly from across the whole house and he's cold and covered in cum by the end
to be fair, jake hates himself because of all this, but he is now mildly addicted
he doesn't even exit out of the livestream anymore. it just stays up on his monitor like a screensaver, but he doesn't realize that once he takes his headphones out of range, the audio transfers to his speakers again
so jake goes on a mission for a few days, and at some point while you are cleaning up your room, playing music, you find two pairs of jake's socks in your load of clean laundry and go to toss them in his room...where the same music you're listening to way down the hall is playing...in sync...
you're horrified and then embarrassed and then quickly realized it might mean nothing
you have to test if it means something
jake returns from his mission on complete autopilot
just so damn tired
throws down his duffle on top of some socks he doesn't remember leaving out and just hits the shower for a long, long time
he hasn't talked to you yet
he hasn't even seen you except your car is home and your door is shut
he goes about his business
the volume on his speakers isn't high but he hears you speaking and assumes you're on the phone
he pays it no mind. he is glad to be home, glad you're fine since he's just been in a part of the world where most people are not safe.
in a weird sort of way, he feels he's earned the mundane sort of comfort that comes from "the same ol'" of this house
he's wiped out, so he crawls into bed with his headphones immediately, hair barely toweled dry, not bothering with boxers because...why make more laundry?
and then the worst thing happens
there's a man's voice coming through his headphones, and jake scowls in frustration and rage
did you go and get a fucking boyfriend? in a couple of days? or goddamnit is this some tinder shit in his home right now?
but it only gets worse
he can hardly contain himself, what with the gagging sounds and this dude telling you to take it like the whore you are, and JAKE WILL LITERALLY BURN THIS PLACE DOWN
now his ass is putting on clothes
now his ass is ready to riot
the sex gets more and more degrading; spanking noises and even choking, but not in a seemingly consensual way, which is when jake rips his headphones off, storms down the hall and barrels straight through your bedroom door
no one is. no you. no man.
just your laptop sitting on your desk near the fish tank, playing the money shot of a porn video he was just listening to
get the fuck out. get out. get out. his brain screams, and he bolts
he makes it three feet before stopping short
you're standing at the top of the stairs, a bowl of ice cream in hand, licking the spoon unbelievably slowly with your whole tongue
you're fucked. you're fucked. you're fucked. his brain adds helpfully.
"hey, jakey," you say with a smile. "whatcha doing?"
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A/N: this cat is officially my reaction to pretty much everything because...well...it's very accurate.
[Main Masterlist; Jake Jensen Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
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meazalykov · 3 months
Could I make a request for Obi please?
They already have a established relationship.
With her recently getting injured, could it be something along the lines of Reader got injured a few months before the World Cup and had to miss it, but Obi mostly was there for Reader. Now with it being the other way around this time, Reader feels conflicted about going to the Olympics as see knows those first few weeks are the hard but she won’t be there to support Obi.
my home is with you
lena oberdorf x uswnt!reader (requested)
authors note: i'm sad about her injury :( I wanted to see her at the olympics and start with bayern soon.. I know she will come back stronger ❤️ here's your request! normally i wouldn’t decide to write about this because it’s so soon, but i do requests (unless it’s too dark & much) so i hope you like :)
warnings: many injury mentions, very long chapter.
being back in your hometown gave you a sense of peace and warmth.
you haven't stepped foot in washington dc since 2018. you left your childhood club to go play at gotham for a year-- before moving to lyon (2020-2022) and then bayern afterwards.
waking up in the morning, you wished obi the best of luck against her game against austria. yes, she will be your competitor in the group stages against germany, but she is still your girlfriend of 2 years.
afterwards, you put your phone on dnd and put it in your adidas bag that you will take to the audi stadium. on game days, the captain (lindsey) highly discourages the players being on social media before games.
as the second captain after her, you agreed to follow that rule. social media can be toxic.
if someone really wanted to reach out to you for an emergency, they can do it through lindsey, emma, or your sisters who came to the game to support your send off to paris.
that's exactly what happened. while you were getting ready in your hotel room-- lindsey got an emergency call from sara dabritz, her lyon teammate who played for the german national team.
sara isn't on the german roster for the olympics, but alex popp asked her to call lindsey-- since she needed you to know of the news as soon as possible.
"sara?" lindsey's eyebrows knitted together. sara calling her during international break and the off-season has never happened before.
"where's y/n?" sara asked, ignoring lindsey's confused tone.
"I haven't seen her since this morning, she might be getting ready now. what's going on?"
"the entire german team is trying to get ahold of y/n. lena went down pretty badly during todays game-- it was her knee." sara swallowed.
lindsey was sad to her about the news. nobody likes when another player goes down with a *possible* acl injury.
however, she was scared on how she was going to tell you the news.
hours later at audi stadium, you walked into the stadium alongside trinity and hal. both of them play on this field for washington spirit, and the three of you bonded over the last few days-- knowing washington dc so well.
trinity and hal stopped at a water fountain to fill up their empty stanley bottles with water. your owala bottle was filled with cold ice water already, so you continued on with walking into the dressing room.
as you turned the corner into the room, you hear your coach Emma, say something along the lines of "well we can't tell her until-" before lindsey stopped her with her finger pointing at your entrance.
you were the first to arrive before the rest of the team, surprising to the captain and coach talking in the room.
"hey!" you smiled, unaware of what they know.
"hey y/n, ready for the game!?" lindsey casually says with a smirk on her face.
the poker face of the lyon player is perfection. something could be wrong but as the main captain, she can't let her emotions take over her logic.
as the second captain of the team, you had every right to question what emma and lindsey were just talking about.
however, you didn't. you were too excited to play in your hometown again. many uswnt fans came just to see you play on your turf again.
"I'm so pumped! my family came just for the send off to paris. some of them talk about "oh we can't never see you play since you're in germany." but now they're here so-" you rambled as you giggled.
for a moment, emma frowned at your happy sight. lindsey turned around to look at the coach with a guilty look, hating that they both agreed to not tell you *that news* until the end of the send-off.
"that's exciting. I'm positive we have a great game ahead." emma says.
your happy mood became a miserable one at halftime. being nil-nil against costa rica was not motivating since you wanted to impress your hometown community.
in the 70th minute, you scored off of a set piece shot by mallory swanson. the crowd screamed as they've realized that it was you, their fellow dc native, that scored the goal.
the game ended with a 1-0. you knew that the team needed tons of things to work on if you wanted a chance at winning gold in the olympics, but that will come with time.
after the send off ceremony, lindsey asked if she could personally talk to you in one of the empty conference rooms.
you agreed. at first, you thought that she was going to discuss olympic matters and what will drive the team to win gold once you reach france. since she is the first captain and you're captain whenever she isn't-- along with alyssa naeher.
however, lindsey was very tense as you sat down beside her in one of the wheel chairs. she made sure to close and lock the door as well-- this is when your heart started racing.
she is your friend and hates to give you the bad news.
"I need to tell you this before you go on your phone and see it in the locker room in front of the other girls." lindsey speaks.
your eyes widened, confused.
"what's wrong?" you start to panic.
"alex-- alex popp-- said that lena went down during the game against austria. it's her knee, y/n."
your heart shattered into a million pieces. you looked away from lindsey as you took a few deep breaths.
the blonde understood why you couldn't say anything after that moment. you thought about lena having a possible acl injury.
you panicked knowing that you weren't there to help her.
"I need my phone!'" you jump up from the wheel chair.
"here." lindsey said, pulling your phone out of her jacket pocket. she made sure that she had your phone on hand-- in private-- so none of the other girls were alarmed about seeing you so upset.
after you switched your iphone off from dnd, you had nearly 200 notifications.
the first is lena's parents-- asking you to call them whenever you had time before or after your game.
others came from lea-- updating you on what's going on with obi. she understands you were playing a game and couldn't answer right away.
some messages were from other footballers in the community that you're friends with, asking you to send well wishes to lena on their behalf.
is this how lena felt back in 2023?
back in april 2023, you were a starter in the second game against Ireland.
you weren't feeling the greatest, your friend mallory suffered a bad injury in the first game and you knew she wouldn't see the pitch for a very long time.
in the second half as the ball was coming from the air, you jumped up to head the ball. at the same time, an Irish player's foot went up in the air to get the ball.
the sharp part of the boots kicked at your ribs extremely hard. your breath was caught in your throat and you landed on the ground-- injuring your ankle by landing awkwardly.
the irish player received a red card, but you were struggling to breath as you needed medic immediately. alex and kelley stayed with you as you couldn't even sit up without squealing in pain.
your ankle was on fire and your lung felt like it was beaten in. torture would've been an understatement.
lena finished playing the game against brazil when jule pulled her-- harshly-- to look at the tv in the dressing room.
the german girl watched in horror as she seen her lover on the grass, you were crying your eyes out as you balled yourself together.
she noticed your hands going back and forth between your torso by your right lung, and your left ankle, as the medics tried their best to figure out what's wrong.
"what the fuck happened?" lena said angrily, in english-- confused as she rushed to grab the remote and turn the tv up.
"this isn't good for the united states before the world cup-- mallory went down on the first game against ireland and now *reader's last name* can barely move without a reaction." a german commentator speaks.
the entire german dressing room looks in horror.
your bayern teammates looked horrified as jule tried her best to comfort a stressed lena.
a replay of the injury happened on the tv a second later. everyone could see quinn's cleat harshly kick your ribs-- the landing on your ankle afterwards made some of the dressing room cringe as if they could've felt it themselves.
"yeah, I don't think we will see her in the world cup after this one." the woman commentator on the tv speaks when a stretcher takes you off the pitch moments later.
lena was quick to immediately call your mom and sisters, since they were there and she wasn't.
she knew how excited you were to play in your second world cup after winning the first one at age 17.
when you got back home to germany, lena was there for you. you suffered with a broken rib and grade 2 ankle sprain.
obi helped you stand up most days and picked up heavy things, since you couldn't even breathe without feeling pain for the first three weeks. lena did your chores at home, helped you with showering (your ankle made that hard to do), she did your hair. she did everything to make sure that you were okay.
you couldn't go to the world cup and watch her play, but you were still so proud of her-- even if she got eliminated in the group stage.
the injury that happened to you made lena fully committed to wanting to marry you. even through your bad injury-- you were there to comfort her once she was back from australia after a failed world cup campaign.
back in the conference room in dc, you rushed to call lea.
she answered in a heartbeat, you were surprised since it had to have been 5:30am in germany while 11:30pm back in washington dc for you.
"lea?" your voice cracked. you hated this for lena, more than your own injury from a year prior.
"how was your game?" lea tried to calm you down.
"it was fine, now what happened?" you ask.
lea didn't take offense to you wanting to know what happened. this reminded her on how lena was with you.
being her closest friend at bayern, and the one that put lena onto you, she understands the bond you have with your girlfriend better than anyone else.
"lena tried to tackle and get the ball away from a player but her knee popped. I think you need to watch this for a better understanding." lea speaks.
on the FaceTime you can see lea typing on a few things on the phone.
you looked up at a confused, yet guilty lindsey. she felt bad for you since you were far from your home in germany.
the notification on your phone showed that lea sent a link to a twitter video. you clicked on it and watch the whole thing play out.
its hard to tell at first, but slowly you could see obi's knee pop out.
this made you sick to your stomach.
after talking to lea for a few more minutes, then waking up lena's parents to talk to them (they didn't mind, they really wanted to hear from you), then laura, then klara-- you were exhausted.
you were allowed to go on the bus early and choose if you wanted to sit alone on the way back to the hotel.
lindsey told all of the girls that something happened- she explained the situation which caused the girls to feel bad for lena and your situation.
you called lena, in private, once you were back in your hotel. she sounded so hurt which caused your eyes to let out tears (quietly) as she talked about her medical scanning tommorow.
many people would do anything to participate in the olympics. you were grateful to be a bronze-medal olympian already heading to seek gold-- but you wanted to go home to lena in munich.
the best player on the uswnt was you, no debate. after scoring in the 2019 world cup final at 17, winning two champions leagues with lyon, being the second best-player now in the bundesliga with bayern, and carrying the national team to bronze in the last olympics-- the team looked up to you.
the girls let you have your space for a while. even on the plane on the way to france.
tierna, your closest friend on the national team, sat beside you. she was quiet as she watched movies while you anxiously looked at your phone to receive some kind of news.
after the plane landed, the girls were quiet as they headed out. you realized that you couldn't sit in pain waiting for the day that you will get home to munich-- that will affect the team chemistry.
as you were in your hotel room, lena called you.
"hallo liebe." you spoke softly.
you heard lena cough before a few seconds of silence started.
the fact that lena called you instead of facetiming you, you knew it was bad. the three letter injury is something u feared for lena as your eyes widened.
"its both." lena mumbles.
"its both?" you question softly as you request to switch the call to FaceTime.
lena accepts and you see her in the hospital room, tears dried down her cheeks as her red face is covered by her hands.
"acl and mcl." she breathed out as she looked at you through the camera.
you frowned as reality hit.
lena couldn't start a bayern next month.
lena won't go to the olympics.
she will have to sit out for at least eight months.
you know she will be okay, since she has the team and medical doctors to help her heal.
however, you were sad that you couldn't drop everything to go back to munich.
"obi." is all you could say.
"I already know what you're thinking-- and don't." lena randomly says.
your eyebrows knit together in confusion as she looks at you with a unreadable look.
"don't leave your team just to come here. they need you-"
"but you need me a lot more." you cut lena off.
she knows you're right, but she can't be selfish-- even with her injury.
"you will be home soon liebe, I know you love me and will care for me as soon as you can." lena says.
"once I'm back in munich, I will be there for you. you aren't going through this alone-- we will fight through this together and you will be stronger." you gave a sad smile as lena smiles for the first time since she went down on that grass.
"Ich liebe dich" she whispers.
"Ich liebe dich auch" you say back.
"when is your surgery scheduled?" you ask.
"we don't have an exact date yet, but they said it might be the week of the 29th." lena says as she lays back in the hospital bed in her black shirt and black shorts.
you didn't respond as lena flipped the camera, showing you a closer look at her knee.
"I am so sorry." you say.
"its not your fault." lena says.
"I know- but again-- I just want to be there for you."
"and you will soon, don't abandon your team." lena made it clear.
"okay, I won't" you sigh.
of course you felt bad that you didn't want to be in france, but in germany instead helping lena. however, you were sad about the group stage match against germany.
lena and you talked about that match as being one of the last moments where you will be "rivals" before she joins you in the season for bayern. now, neither will happen.
days later, the united states plays germany in the group stage after beating zambia 3-2.
you were in the starting lineup. emma needed you for this match, making sure that you talked to a sports psychologist before this match-- just so you were mentally prepared.
you knew how the germans played, so you would be a key to winning the group stage match.
as the teams were going to take their starting eleven picture, you see the germans hold up a shirt in honor of sydney and lena-- who were injured and couldn't be in the olympics.
you sadly smiled at this, happy that they're remembering them.
however, you got your act together fast. lindsey wasn't in the lineup so you were the captain of the match.
at halftime, it was 1-1. trinity rodman scored a goal in the 10th minute but klara equalized in the 34th after an error from #3 on the USWNT.
in the second half, you scored a golazo in the 55th minute after dribbling around sara doorsoun and alex popp.
unfortunately, lea equalized in the 88th minute.
the game ended 2-2 and you weren't happy or sad about it.
all of the german girls greeted you immediately with hugs and kisses on the head. you accepted them. you missed them dearly and they were the closest thing you had to lena right now.
"lea love!" you sigh in relief when you hug her tightly for thirty seconds. the cameras capture the beautiful sight as most know the significance.
"I wish obi was here right now." you lean your head on lea's shoulder as she kissed the side of your head, above your left ear.
"I do too. I hate how fate works." lea speaks through her german accent.
"same." you roll your eyes. not in anger, but in disappointment for the situation and how things can play out for the worst.
"how are you?" lea asks.
"can I be honest?" you ask. lea nods her head.
"I want to be with her. I am so grateful to be here for a second time but I can't imagine her being alone without us." you whisper into her ear.
you didn't want any of your teammates to hear you. lea is your closest friend so you know she won't tell on you.
"she's not alone, she has her parents-- but I totally understand. she will be okay." lea smiles lightly as she pulls a piece of hair of yours behind your ear, a piece of hair that fell out of your ponytail during the match.
lea is right, lena's parents are staying with her at the new house you both own until you can go back to munich-- which could happen in a few days or weeks depending on the outcome of the olympics.
"I know. she's a fighter.' you smirk.
"and a lover." lea winked at you.
lea loves the way that you and lena respect and are in-love with each other. being the third wheel is annoying sometimes (when she has to hang out with y'all instead of her own girlfriend) but she is happy for the both of you.
after multiple matches of the olympics, the united states is awarded silver after losing against france 2-1 in the final.
you were the one that scored against france.
if you said that you weren't in a rush to get home to munich, you'd be lying.
lena's surgery was pushed back to this morning. so you took the uber straight to the hospital from the airport.
the taller german was asleep as you quietly walked into the hospital room. obi's parents hugged you and congratulated you on silver.
knowing that they've been with their daughter for many days, you offer them a break.
"you guys should go down to the cafe and grab lunch for yourselves, please don't take offense to this but ihr seht beide sehr müde aus." (you both look very tired) you whisper since you didn't want to wake lena.
they loved you like their own daughter, so it didn't take them much convincing for them to get a break-- knowing their daughter was in safe hands with you.
when they shut the hospital doors behind them, lena woke up from the noise.
you took out a blanket from your carry on luggage, your back faced towards lena so you didn't see or hear her wake up.
"liebe?" you turned around quickly when you saw lena awake.
she had the same tired look that you're used to seeing when you wake up beside her, but she was smiling at your sight.
you pout in happiness as you walked up to hug her upper body.
"my sunshine, I'm so happy to see you awake." you kissed the top of her forehead as her head pressed against your chest.
lena closed her eyes in comfort, she missed you the most.
"to see me awake? omg I didn't die." lena laughed.
"oh lena shut it, you know what I meant." you giggled back, happy to see lena cracking a joke through her pain.
you look down her body to see the scar on her knee peak out from her hospital gown.
on the inside, you felt terrible. you hated seeing lena in pain. you'd rather it be yourself than her.
on the outside, you looked at lena as she gave you a peak on the lips.
after that, you saw the ponytail of her hair tangled.
"hold on lena." you pull yourself away from her arms and reach into your tote bag.
"no don't leaveeee!" lena says
"I'm not I'm just going to help you with your hair-- it will help you relax."
you pulled out a soft brush from your bag, refusing to use a comb and risk pulling on her hair after she had surgery.
"you're so sweet" lena looks at the brush in your hand and turns her head to the side, so you have better access.
"anything for my baby." you tell her as you kiss the right side of her temple.
"i'm just glad to be back home." you mumble as you start brushing through obi's hair, getting the tangles out slowly and softly.
"isn't washington dc your home?" lena giggled, joking and teasing about the game you played in dc almost a month ago.
"nope, my home is with you."
I hope you're happy with what I wrote from this request! #comebackstrongerlenaoberdorf ❤️🙌
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myouicieloz · 5 months
Huh Yunjin x 6th member!reader
Synopsis: you can’t take your eyes off her, specially when she’s dancing. thankfully, yunjin makes sure to put up a show for you.
Warnings: suggestivee. safe for work ma babes ^^
Word count: 1.6k
Notes: I SHALL PERSEVERE. fuckass writers block 😤. i will noooooot proofread this ^^
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“Oh my God. Are you ok?” Yunjin asks, turning her attention away from her choreography as soon as she catches you desperately choking on water.
You throw your phone on the other side of the couch— as well as the bottle you were holding, in hopes of controlling the coughing fit that has you shaking rather violently. Still trying to gasp for air, you manage to nod, thumbs up to let Yunjin know you’ll most likely live.
“Just fine.” Your voice comes in between breaths, still accompanied by weakened coughs. “I drank too much at once.”
She giggles, walking towards the couch so you can sit side by side. You make sure to grab your phone back so your bandmate doesn’t reckon the cause of your coughing fit: scrolling through TikTok, you found a fan cam of the red-haired girl performing at their showcase just days ago.
Her bare waist, tight cropped and low-waisted jeans were enough for you to breathe in deeply, looking anywhere in the empty room but at her; carefully to not be reminded of the sin that was your bandmate’s body. Not only that, but the way she moved, too— sharp and flawless, skilled as she played with her hair and bit her lip while looking at the damn camera. Yunjin is well aware of how hot she is, and she sure as hell makes good use of that when performing.
It’s torture.
“Are you sure?” She frowns, and it’d be adorable if your mind wasn’t clouded by how she’d react if you just pushed her down the small sofa and ruined her relentlessly until someone had to barge in, worried about the screams coming from the room— only to find her whimpering under your touch, begging for more. “Your face is all flushed, and your skin feels hot. Y/n, are you sick?”
You shake your head, doing your best to duck from your bandmate’s attentive touches. It’s comforting to have her hand cupping your cheek, but her touches are electrifying. A single brush of her fingers is and your heart skips a beat, along with a familiar ache that starts growing in your core.
“It’s nothing, unnie. Don’t worry.” Her smile is so pretty. She loves to be loved by you. “You might want to take a small break, though. Come on, you’ve been here for hours already! Don’t push yourself too hard.” You offer, even though it’s obvious she’s going to decline. Yunjin’s too much of a perfectionist, so much so that it’s incredibly common to find her in that same practice room during late hours of the night, rehearsing the group’s choreography so she’ll be nothing but perfect once they go on stage.
The hate train Lesserafim’s been receiving has been getting to her, you know it as much. It’s easy to see in her chapped-off nails, disheveled hair, and how she never stays still, due to the amount of coffee she consumes on a single day. She’s too hard on herself, and you wish she’d open up more. How much better would it be if she just didn’t bottle it up so much, and relied on you instead? You’re bandmates, after all.
Touchy as she’s always been, Yunjin grabs your hand and leads you to the middle of the dance room, in front of the mirror. You’re left standing awkwardly, with a confused face until she rushes back with a chair. “Actually, I needed your help with something.” She gestures for you to sit, which you do. “It’s my turn to record something for TikTok, and manager-im asked it to be a dancing piece. Can you tell me if it’s good?”
You gulp when she launches her jacket lazily onto the ground, setting up her song of choice on her phone. The beat starts slow as the singer’s sweet voice echoes through the room, and Yunjin walks towards you in unhurried, precise steps. There’s not enough air, with all your mind clogged by her, and you can feel the slick dripping from your cunt. Once she finally reaches you… it’s insane. Her fingers brush your collarbone, the shadow of a proper touch has you shivering as she places both of her hands on your elbows and pushes herself down, her hips swirling just as the melody drags on— you can’t do anything but hold her by the hips, adding pressure to her rocking back and forth in your lap.
Her covered cunt brushes against yours and it’s the best feeling you’ve ever experienced; it feels heavenly, to have the friction just right where you need it. Yunjin’s arms go up in an arched movement, leaving her pretty neck all exposed. It’d be so easy to just push her in and suck on her porcelain skin until no makeup could hide such hickeys. Along with the song, she breathes in, which rides her crop top enough that you can see her lack of a bra.
It’s borderline painful: the way her actions lit your body on fire, the desperate need for more, the way she does a hair flip, still so attentive to the music you don’t even hear anymore. The only bang in your head comes from the pleasure building up down in your lower abdomen, waiting. Anticipating.
Yunjin grabs you by the neck just as the chorus hits, brushing her mouth against yours. She makes her way down to your neck, teasing her teeth against your clavicle whilst her other hand toys with the hem of your sweatpants, tapping in the right rhythm. “Do you want it?”
“More than anything.” Your response comes immediately. You’re soaked, and there’s nothing more in the world you want more than for her to touch you. “Please, Jen… Want your fingers inside.”
Yunjin is always eager to please, and you’re so glad for that. Her hand makes her way past your panties, and she smirks once she’s met with the mess you’ve made. “Does my dancing turn you on that much?” Her sultry tone does nothing but entice your moans, “Oh, Y/n… that’s pathetic.”
In any other situation, you’d give her mockery an answer just as filthy. But as her fingers brush your slit, gathering slick as Yunjin uses your juices to press her thumb on your clit, you can only muster a loud whine. Tangling your arms under her neck, you lift your hips a bit further, in hopes of having more.
More. It’s all you want. You need more.
“Jen, f-fuck. Please, I need—“ Two of her fingers enter your cunt unannounced, making you grasp. Yunjin’s movements are just as precise as her choreography, thrusting in and helping with the ache in your pussy right where you need it.
You’re not proud of how lewd you sound, all at your bandmate’s mercy as she fastens her pace on your dripping sex. She’s still in your lap, and the combined pressure feels just perfect.
Yunjin’s mouth leaves a trail of kisses in the valley of your boobs, her wet, cherry lips enticing the fire in your body. “I know what you need, baby. Just let go for me, you can do it.”
One command of hers and the tingling sensation that has been building up in your body explodes, allowing you to feel the wave of pleasure you’ve been so eagerly anticipating from the moment you entered the room. You cum with a high cry, with Yunjin’s fingers going even faster as you ride out from your orgasm. It’s not enough, though — you still need more. You think she’s going to give it to you, but your friend’s fingers retreat completely.
Yunjin’s left you a breathless mess, hot and bothered and just so desperate to have her in any way as you stare at her, hopeless and confused.
“Why’d you stop?” You whine, puting.
Yunjin laughs at the sight of your puppy eyes, so big and watery from frustration.
“Because that was it.” Her answer is resolute as if she didn’t make you cum seconds prior. With a fake frown, she adds, “Should I post it? Is it good enough?”
Taking a deep breath, you bite your lip as your hands find their way to her waist, bringing her to your lap once again. Even the smallest amount of friction _hurts_, from how horny you are, and you wince.
Noticing your struggles, Yunjin giggles as she leaves small, wet kisses on your jaw. You decide to play coy, too, “Not at all. In fact, I think you need a lot more practice. Go again, from the beginning… please?”
Yunjin laughs so hard she drops her head back, pinching your nose. “Sure, baby. I think so too.”
You kiss her again, exploring your way into her pretty mouth as your hands lift her shirt, groping her tits. Yunjin makes an effort to be perfect, and you’re so glad for her hard work.
“Oh, and Y/n?” She calls you, her tone all innocent. Yunjin’s lips are addicting, and she’s such a good kisser… it’s nearly impossible to focus on anything else. You hum in acknowledgment, and that seems to be enough for her, “You should lower your phone’s brightness before watching my thirsty edits, next time.”
You’d for sure choke again, if it weren’t for her devious laugh, silencing your shock with her sultry movements on your lap.
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mt-oe · 3 months
Idol!Mizu AU where Mizu is in a girl group 🫡 she's known for being the "handsome" girl of the group but also her and reader having constant romantic tension with each other on stage
Fans speculating whether or not Mizu and Reader's interactions are just for fan service or more genuine
Hey dear!
I hope you're still there! I wanted to look for girl groups with a similar trope (or at least what fans make it out to be) to better visualize the idea. Though I think I made this more dramatic than the idea.
Honestly, I really have to thank you because your idea introduced me to C-Pop and it's been great so far! Thank you so much <3
Hope you enjoy! Mwa mwa :*
warning/s: not proofread, short, she/her for mizu, implied afab reader
note: Yes, I used oshi no ko for the pic, but I do not condone incest. That's fucking disgusting. It was the only idol manga I knew with the panel vibes I was aiming for ;;
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It was 6:57pm at Tokyo Dome. The venue usually filled only by the brightest and most talented idols was now filled with fans clutching their light sticks and banners excitedly. Admins from both official and unofficial fan pages handed out fan made photo cards to anticipating hands as they sang along to the music video playing as they waited and practiced their chants.
Outside, those who got out-lucked by others during the ticket selling or just couldn't afford the tickets, waited, hoping for even a glimpse of their bias by some lucky chance. Some were even hoping that a scalper would come pass by, try not minding how overpriced it would be. Double, triple, or even quadruple the price. It didn't matter. Any price would be worth it just to watch the biggest and hottest idol group in the world.
The talk of the town—the world rather.
Four members recruited as trainees at the same time, each scout claiming that they were a once-in-a-lifetime find, now formed under one group. They were charming, addicting, and they knew how to get everyone hooked.
Akemi, the group leader and princess. Born and raised in Kyoto. Undeniably pretty, soft, alluring, yet at the same time, fierce, well-spoken, and confident. "I want to be great," she said during the interview. And indeed, great she is. Rumors had it that she was the daughter of a famous businessman, but due to the lack of evidence, the rumor stayed a rumor. Ise. She may be the oldest in the group, but her charms never faltered with age. Always the face in sexy and mature concepts. Brands aiming for a more elegant and stronger appeal would come rushing at every given chance. Faced a lot of backlash at the start of her trainee days for being scouted along the streets of Kabukicho. However, after a long struggle and proving her talents, the information was finally forgotten, drowned in the sea of praises. Mizu, the lady killer. Homegrown from Kohama. The talent manager almost put her in a boy group due to her androgynous-borderline-masculine look. Usually stoic and aloof. Everyone would kill for her to smile at them. She rarely posts on social media. Her managers have to beg her for a crumb of an update. Fortunately, the company somehow found a social media manager for her. Now fans await her gym pictures, drooling over her abs, and her livestreams where she basically just does the most normal things. Everyone eats it up though. You. Everyone considered you as the doll of the group. An all-rounder, handling singing, dancing, and the most active when it came to fan interactions. You definitely had the most fan meeting fan cams. Able to handle every concept equally, whether it be the typical cute idol concept or a more mature sexier concept. The face card never declines.
Anyone who didn't know them had to be living under a rock or something.
Several news reporters struggled amongst each other to get the latest news about the on-going concert. Some fans even got interviewed about their sentiments, ranting on live television about how excited they were. Traffic reports had to be monitored constantly with how large the traffic jam was.
Finally, the clock struck 7.
It was go time.
The lights dimmed and the general announcements were given. Though it wasn't like anyone cared. They were too busy scrambling back to their seats, making sure their light sticks were on the correct settings. Excitement rushed through them as they watched the back-up dancers get into position on stage.
Cheers erupted from the crowd as the music started. The stage filled with smoke and colorful lights, adding to the hyped up feeling. Fans stood up as they saw the silhouettes of their idols, screaming their lungs out.
"Tokyo! Did you miss us?" the familiar voice of Akemi could be heard as the platform was raised, causing a massive wave of screams and cheers from the crowd. You suppressed the urge to gasp as you finally got the opportunity to see how big of an audience your group had amassed. You knew your group was famous, but to see what Tokyo Dome looked like sold out?
It was like a dream.
A sea of lights glimmering in the dark, like stars littering the vastness of the sky. Each a different color to represent their bias, some blinking multiple colors to represent their equal love for each member. If you had to envision what a fantasy world would look like, it was definitely this.
Your eyes looked over the tarps hung over the railings, all welcoming your group back in Tokyo, expressing their love. Each banner causing your smile to brighten as you sang through the mic, a bounce in your step while you roamed through the stage, wanting to interact with everyone equally.
Enjoyment ran through your body as you performed. An intense want to bring your fans the same joy that they brought you motivated you to do your best. You could feel your heart swelling with affection for your fans. The blood in your veins running faster as the lights shone brighter and brighter but never outshining you.
What can you say? The stage was your playing field.
Everything was going great. The song was going well, no technical difficulties, and none of you were getting tired yet. Your skirt fluttering animatedly as you continued to roam around, waving and reaching your hand to those in the VIP standing area. As the song reached it's final chorus, you were about to stand up straight when your foot suddenly slipped, causing you to fall forward.
A gasp made it's way off of your lips as you closed your eyes. All your thoughts going blank as you waited for the pain to hit you. However, seconds passed and...nothing.
Oddly enough, it feels like the stage became a bit more quiet. Slowly, you opened your eyes, expecting to see the floor and a bit of blood. Instead, your eyes met the surprised—and maybe even swooning—eyes of your fans.
Confused, you looked back to see Mizu's hand gripping your arm tightly, preventing you from falling. A stern yet concerned expression on her face. She looked back at you, eyes narrowing as she pulled you up into her arms effortlessly. Her lips tugged into a small smile, hands wrapping around your waist as you giggled and gave her a nod to thank her silently. Ah, damn it. You could see the amount of Tiktok edits made later.
Fans squealed at the interaction, whispering and fawning over how romantic it was. The constant romantic tension between the two of you was no secret within the community. It started as a joke during the group debut with how many times the two of you interacted behind the scenes, but now everyone's wondering whether there was something more to it.
Song after song, your group performed tirelessly, starting with songs from the cute concept albums. Eyes were on you and Akemi mostly, having fit the concept the most. However, you couldn't help but feel a particular set of eyes on you, even when it wasn't your part yet.
You looked around, before your gaze landed on Mizu's, who immediately looked away. A small amused huff leaving you as you walked over to her, bumping her lightly with your hip, making her eyes widen slightly.
The lights soon dimmed as the group finally finished with the first half. The other members leaving the stage to give way for each other's solo songs.
Wiping the sweat off of your forehead, a cold sensation suddenly pressed against your shoulder, making you jump. It was Mizu. In her hand was a water bottle. She chuckled and handed it to you, amused at the residual rush you felt. "You're doing an awful lot, aren't you?" she chuckled, sitting down next to you, her pants already changed for her solo.
"Well it's Tokyo Dome after all," you sighed dreamily, taking a huge gulp of water before smiling sheepishly at your makeup artist who looked pissed at you for ruining the lipstick she just retouched. "Who knew we'd reach this far?"
Despite spending your trainee days together, the blue-eyed idol was still an enigma to you. Someone you felt a strange sense of longing and comfort, but at the same time, someone you couldn't quite grasp.
Mizu smiled fondly at you, patting your head. "I always knew you could do it," she mumbled, eyes studying your form. The amount of stamina you had for performing never ceased to amaze her. Unbeknownst to you, she shared the same sentiments. You were incredible to her.
"Hey! No touching the hair!" you huffed, swatting her hand off playfully. "And you're here with me too, aren't you?"
She raised an eyebrow and gave a small nod, smile never leaving her lips. "I am, but you.." her voice trailed off into a fond whisper as she stood up again. Cerulean eyes squinted as she laughed softly, her voice hinted with something else. Admiration? Attraction? Love? "I never doubted you. You're more of an idol than anyone in our group."
You were about to question her about it, a small tightening feeling in your chest. You knew about the fan allegations and you knew Mizu knew about it too, but sometimes she made you feel like they were true; that your fans had noticed something you didn't.
As you opened your mouth to ask, her wardrobe manager rushed into the room and immediately scolded her for wandering off when it was almost her solo. She flashed you a small smile and a little wave before her face rested back into her usual stoic expression.
A sigh left your lips as you stared at where she previously sat. 'I'm going crazy, aren't I? She's probably just doing this to make the act more believable..' you thought, standing up as well to talk over to your makeup artist.
Your heart hurt slightly at the thought. What will happen once all of this was over? When the audience no longer cared about the small smiles and touches she gave you? You wished you could stay here forever, to be by her side through the ups and downs of this idol life. Maybe even after, in a more peaceful one. But realistically...
Mizu would forget about you then, wouldn't she?
The inner turmoil boiled up in your chest, making you sigh. 'I need to stop. We're in the middle of a concert,' you thought to yourself. Your eyes traveled to the small TV they had set up backstage, watching as the love of your life you bandmate performed her song.
The twinkle in your eyes brightening as you watched her. Each lyric, each dance move, each fan service, making your heart clench with a strange sense of longing. "She's going all out, isn't she?" your makeup artist said softly, attaching the gems to your face. You quickly snapped out of your love-dazed trance and huffed. "A bit," you replied. "But she's not going to outdo me."
It was frustrating. How both of you tiptoed around your feelings but never taking a step forward.
You couldn't take the step forward. A step forward meant the end of your career. Her career. You couldn't do that. Not when she was shining so brightly.
After a bit of preparation, it was finally your turn to be on stage, performing your solo. Undeniably, your performance was impeccable. Choreography practiced to perfection, each note hit, and every pose timed to give the most impact. However, despite how seemingly well you were performing, your thoughts were plagued by the uncertainty you felt.
After all this, it would be over anyway. When the lights of your idol career stops shining, so will her small reassuring gestures, so will the butterflies she gave you.
As the song transitioned to the next album, you were pulled out of your thoughts by a hand on your waist, giving you a small pat. Ocean eyes squinting as she smiled at you reassuringly. "Keep your mind on the stage," she whispered against your ear before turning her mic on.
She's right. You were getting distracted.
"Oh who do you think I am," you jokingly whispered back, covering your mic before joining Ise and Akemi walk around the stage. A chuckle escaped her lips as she watched you move, eyes filled with admiration unbeknownst to you. The interaction making her fans swoon as the romantic scene fueled their fantasies. She soon joined the rest as everyone did their best to give the performance Tokyo deserved.
Confetti flew around as the performance finally ended. You were now accepting gifts from your fans, catching stuffed toys thrown onto the stage. The turmoil in you continuing to brew, the stage really brought you a strange kind of happiness. Would you choose to stay here? Or would you take the dive forward into love?
Like a prince charming, here to save you from your thoughts, Mizu gave you a small pat. A hug hidden by the smoke covering the stage as the platform lowered. Oh why the hell were you thinking so much?
Maybe someday, the both of you would finally brave it out and confess. Maybe someday, the world will accept two idols falling in love. But today was just another job well done.
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pupyuj · 1 year
7th member and g!p wonyoung where rumors run around a lot that you and wonyoung don't get along well because you really can't look each in the eye and doesn't interact that much but in reality, you can't look at her in the eye because you're too shy after she fucked your brains out last night and you won't interact that much on cam because wony know that she'll just end up getting a boner and might just consider bending you over right there and then 🥰🥰🥰
sndbdjcncdk i love getting g!p wony asks it's my favorite thing 😩😩😩 it's so obvious that i got way too into this i'm sorry i'm an ive girl through and through .
ya'll know i love giving these things a little backstory and some build-up so... it was just supposed to be a cute little hook-up between you and your favorite dorm mate 😳 the two of you have just come home from a party, giggling and whispering flirty things to each other while you stumbled inside your shared dorm... hands touching and groping anywhere and passing it off as a joke but the next thing you knew you were making out on the couch with wony on top 😵‍💫 she was grinding and humping, needing relief for her cock bcs she has stared at you all night and wanted nothing more but to fuck you, not at all giving a damn about the consequences 🫣 needless to say, you absolutely did get fucked very good, too good maybe, on that couch (and in her bed right after)! you fell asleep in peace thinking that everything will be fine the next morning.. but oh, no they weren't 😬
suddenly you couldn't talk to each other like normal friends 😭 only a few words were shared between the two of you since that night, and you only looked at each other when it was absolutely necessary 😭😭 ofc the fans would notice it very quickly bcs all of your habits around each other have changed :( you used to sit very close to each other all the time, but now you're on opposite sides when the group is doing a live or smth 💔 on top of all that, you stopped talking about each other on fancafes, bubble, etc... it was a bit heartbreaking actually, it was like witnessing a friendship breakup in real time 😭😭 no selfies tgt, no random moments of each other on your individual instas, no reports of a 2 am convenience store run... oh, the (y/n) x wonyoung shippers were in the trenches during this time 😩 (annyeongz shooters can relate—)
and then it gets to a point where it was blown out of proportion online 😬 articles being made, think pieces being written about the current state of your friendship... there was a viral clip of you seemingly side-eyeing wonyoung and acting like a bitch behind her back... which your fans fought everybody to hell for bcs they knew you loved her more than anything 🥹🥹
it was yujin who took notice of this.. thing between you guys ofc and cornered the two of you one day, telling you to get your act together and sort your problems out bcs it was affecting the group dynamic too 💔 apparently jiwon was feeling guilty bcs it was now her that you took to those midnight strolls, and rei always felt like she was 'homewrecking' whenever wonyoung was affectionate with her and not you 😭😭😭 coming home after getting scolded by your leader, the two of you sitting on that very same couch where you fucked, awkward and silent...
"i miss you." it was her that broke the silence. that was really all it took for you to jump in her arms and hug her tightly :(( wony was your best friend, the one who knows all your secrets, the one who remembers every single funny moment in your childhood and reminds you of it to cheer you up, the one who always wiped your tears away when you cried — it hurt to not get along with her 💔💔 "we don't have to make that whole thing be such a bad thing... we can just laugh about it, and... and—" wonyoung looks at you, at your soft smile while you cupped her cheeks in your hands, at your lips (she remembers hoe you kissed her that night), at your body and the way you looked like you belong right on her lap... "and we can just do it again.. and again... over and over..." she says boldly. well that certainly caught you off guard, but who were you to say no?
the two of you were really just supposed to talk, but now wony has you bent over the couch, her hips slapping against your ass while her dick slammed deeper and deeper by the second inside you... your cunt fit perfectly around her cock, it was an almost hypnotizing feeling fucking you 😵‍💫 wony thrusting faster, getting bursts of energy every time you moaned her name... then she's right up in your ear, "w-we... we won't need to leave the dorm when we're bored anymore... we can just fuck.. all the time... does that sound appealing enough, baby?" she was asking.
you nodded, "yes, y-yes, wonyoung... ahh.. mhmm..! i'll always be ready for you... just say the word.. or better yet, just f-fucking... shitshit... just grab me and fuck me... i love your cock.. i love it..." you were convinced that there wasn't a better feeling in the world that getting fucked by your gorgeous best friend, and there really wasn't!
shdbfjfksf wony turning you around so she could look at your face while she pounded into you :((( you were so pretty to her, she will never regret fucking you that night 🤤🤤 deliberately clenching around her cock, smiling at the way it only made her pound you faster — you can't get enough of each other 😵‍💫 kissing as you both came, feeling absolutely at bliss while her cum filled up your cunt... she definitely breeded you all night, she had to make up for lost time! 😉 filled you up on her bed, the showers, on her bed again after showering, even when you slept she was fucking into you... just dumping all of her seed in you bcs she missed you so muchhh :((( and yeah you get your revenge bcs when wony woke up the next morning and she looked down, you winked at her with her cock deep down your throat... and then you rode her until she was a drooling, babbling mess...
sorry did i mention that you guys are just fucking insane? right after that, you were cockwarming her while the two of you had breakfast, then wony was feeling you up impatiently while you washed the dishes, then you were fucking on the couch again while the morning news was on... and you ended up getting ten missed calls from yujin that entire morning bcs wony got very, very busy spilling every drop of her cum inside your pussy AND YET....... it was never enough 🥵🥵🥵
did you ever get off her cock that whole day? probably not... but hey, it did wonders for your friendship!
fans now see that the two of you were closer than ever! back to being jokey around each other, wony now always had an arm wrapped around your waist and you were always combing her hair with your fingers bcs you knew it eased her, and ofc you grew more affectionate towards each other! maybe a bit too much.. but it was wayyy better than when you pretended like the other didn't exist 🤭🤭
see, what they all don't know is after that very fun and loud live at the practice room, wony fucked you to hell in one of those secluded rooms in the company building, making you see the stars while you came all over her cock 😵‍💫 yeah that hook-up was a blessing alright...
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tearsofastraeax · 8 months
THE FIRST TIME - prologue
🎀 stalker!könig x cam girl!reader tags: 18+ (no explicit smut in this one, but there's mention of tits and dicks so be warned), voyeurism, (online) stalking, reader is a cam girl & könig is insane :)
The first time König saw you he felt like the world stopped turning. Like every single person around him just stopped moving altogether. He never believed in love at first sight, never liked any of that romantic crap, never cared for anyone that way. 
But then he saw you. You looked so beautiful, just standing there, browsing through the indie section at the run-down vinyl store in the city. He barely ever went there, but he picked up cigarettes from the kiosk across the street and had some more time on his hands, so he trailed inside the small store. 
He immediately pressed his body into a corner of the store, absentmindedly letting his fingers skim through vinyls he couldn’t give less of a shit about. Instead, he stole glances at you. He noted the way your beautiful hair was swept over one shoulder and fanned out over your back. The way your dazzling eyes never left the rows and rows of old and dusty vinyls. The way a broad smile stretched across your lips when you found what you were looking for all this time and an excited little laugh left your pouty mouth. 
He could have melted on the spot right then and there. It only took one look, and he knew he could never forget about you, never want another. 
When you left the store, he waited before following you. Even though his tall statue was a sight to behold, his military training allowed him to blend in, to know how to follow someone without arousing suspicion. 
He needed to know more about you - something, anything. So, eventually, he ended up at your house, staring at you through the window. He tried to take in as much as he could, any crumbs of information to know more about you. 
That evening, when he arrived at his place, he immediately began to work behind his laptop. He scoured local Facebook groups, looked through social media profiles, and even retraced your address in hopes of finding you. And so he did, after painstaking research your name was right there. A satisfied smile grew on his lips as he finally skimmed through your social media accounts. He took his research very seriously, finding old pictures, friends, and family in the process.  
Till he found an account with your face under an obviously fake name. 
He couldn’t believe his eyes, there you were, your sweet face, with those beautiful eyes and those sinful lips. You stared back at him, a smile on your face, your hands gently wrapped around your barely covered tits. You were wearing a stunning bra, just straps of leather that could barely cover your nipples. 
It felt like he was gaping at his laptop screen for hours, his growing cock straining painfully against his pants. And then he got into motion, the next half an hour spent discovering your cute little alter ego, the social media and OnlyFans accounts to promote yourself online and the star of the show, your account on a sleazy cam girl website. 
He was so incredibly excited, so needy, and desperate to see you. A message in all caps on your profile read ‘online every day at 8 pm’. His heart hammered in his chest, 1 more hour and he would see you. See how you would undress for him and touch yourself for him.  
He tightened his hands into fists, hunger racing through his veins. He could barely fucking think straight, his cock aching with desire. But he couldn’t do it, he wanted to save himself for you. He wanted to cum only when he could see you, you deserved it - his full commitment, because you were the only thing that mattered now.
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check out the stalker!könig masterlist for more
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babyaiker · 3 months
I’m writing this at 5am but when @verdemoun “kieran duffy hyperfixation page” themself encourages you to talk about your now 5 month long obsession, you know you gotta,,, 
Mini break down of Kieran’s characterization in the Paying A Social Call mission, lets go
Before I get too far please know I genuinely have no beef with people who baby Kieran. He’s a fictional character and we’re all just having fun, I just really like analyzing the text ^^
In my last post where I talked about my favorite part of Kieran’s character, I briefly mentioned how the mission Paying a Social Call (the mission in chapter 2 where Kieran is freed) contains a lot of characterization for Kieran that a chunk of the fandom misses. It was when I was watching someone's random stream did I remember how much was getting left out. While I've seen plenty of people rant about Kieran's mischaracterization in the fandom, details from this mission were often left out of the discussions I personally saw. So while I really don't care WHO you interpret Kieran as, having an excuse to rant about the mission I could probably quote start to finish is fun.
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Despite the circumstances Kieran finds himself in, he’s not a coward. He knows his worth and isn’t afraid to bite back at others for messing with him. The only reason he cowers and runs off is usually because he was physically hurt, threatened to be hurt, or knows the person he's talking to would gladly hurt him. We have evidence of him acting like this in maaany different ways through the hidden dialogue scenes in camp. His goddamn catchphrase “I ain’t no O’Driscoll” is an example in of itself, showing that he isn't just cowering and crying because of how he’s treated, he's actively fighting against it.
But now let’s actually get into Paying A Social Call, as the only thing Kieran does throughout the entire mission besides show the boys where Six Point Cabin is, is defend himself. 
The beginning of that quest is well… a beginning for sure. I’d probably be a mess too if I was starving and about to get my nuts ripped off. 
His whole “I ain’t no O’Driscoll” shtick only gets louder the second he’s untied. He’s as cooperative as he needs to be, but is gonna make sure everyone knows he isn’t happy about it. While there's a lot of snarky shit he can end up saying, the dialogue where he directly compares the Van Der Lindes to the O’Driscolls is something special. Like Jesus I would not be saying that shit in the predicament you're in right now! While you can still hear the unsureness in his voice, he’s not afraid to say it as it is. (I still find it interesting that even non Kieran fans will point back to that dialogue as foreshadowing and be like "aw shit the horseboy was right fellers")
Okok skipping ahead to the end cuz arughh there's a specific line said in the last scene that completely changed Kieran’s character for me. All I’ll say about the gunfight is that right before it, when John has his gun up against Kieran, while the camera pans to a group of O’Driscolls, you can see Kieran give Arthur a thumbs up when Arthur shushes him. It’s such a tiny detail but it amused me and my partner when we discovered it.
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At the end of the mission, after Arthur realizes that Colm isn't there, he confronts Kieran at gunpoint, pretty much ready to kill him. Kieran of course acts like how we’d think he would,,, he promptly begs for his life. But once Arthur spares him and gives him the decency of running away, Kieran doesn't grovel back to him, begging to be taken back, he fuckin yells at him. He understandably points out that letting him go free is as good as killing him, as the rest of the O’Driscolls would likely have his head for this (didn’t like typing that). His very blunt, angry line of “So I’m one of YOU now!” genuinely made me rethink what I’d been assuming about him. It likely dawned on me while I was staring at the streamer’s “hose goat” cam, but just demanding a spot in the gang like that isn’t something a coward would do. He is incredibly firm in his “fuck you, you’re stuck with me now”.
Even his dialogue after is just more examples of him being very aware of his vicarious situation (Arthur: “Alright, but I’m warning you”, Kieran: “Oh, I know”) and being more than eager to start proving himself useful (Kieran: “See Arthur, I ain’t so bad!” ^^)
I genuinely think the whole “whiney useless baby” assumption comes from the fact we play as Arthur. Arthur VERY adamantly views Kieran this way, literally calling him a baby as a way of antagonizing him. And because most everyone loves Arthur, they’re bound to view Kieran the same way he does. Unreliable narrator kinda thing, though I'm not saying that's a bad thing in the slightest. And with the magic of RDR2’s actually good character writing, I can sit here for 700 words summarizing why Kieran’s actually kinda cool sometimes. 
So ya, I wouldn’t say Kieran’s a coward, but I’m also not gonna say he’s some crazy cool badass murderer outlaw. He’s a dude trying to survive who’s been kicked out of or lost every home he’s known. He’s still a silly guy I wanna lovingly snap over my knee like a twig. With the life he’s lived you can’t afford to be unable to stick up for yourself, he’s just smart enough to know when it’s time to lay low.
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pinkyqil · 3 months
Mischievous reader headcanons pls?
Mischievous reader hcs/fun facts for you guys
Author notes: Use of she/her & they pronouns this is just for shits and giggles don't take it to heart and have a heartattack everything is fictional meaning fake made up !
Mischievous!r: calls herself cata protector cause she's a defender
Mischievous!r: for someone who causes a lot of trouble is the biggest crybaby, it's one of the ways that gets her out of trouble.
Mischievous!r: is a menace on social media it not that she as no media training she refuses to be perceived as boring making sure her mom and social media manager have a hard time cause she's either fighting with journalists or just being a wild teenager online.
Mischievous!r: is eligible to play for the Brazilian national team or the Spanish nt is one of the reasons why she hasn't gotten called up cause it an on going situations
Mischievous!r: on her way to mapi's places doing a live stream on Instagram she had gotten chased by a dog, ran the fastest for the first time in her career while she was getting chased by someone's chihuahua, mapi was on her balcony getting a full stage show laughing her ass off recording and poor r had a traumatic experience that was caught on camera least to say she had gotten injured by jumping a fence unsuccessfully but some how managed to save her soul later on got teased by the rest of the team and media not readers best or brightest moments.
Mischievous!r: either she's on live or on twitter shit talking about madrid player's only the ones she doesn't like and half the time it ends with her cursing out madridistas on live and it causes fuel between the two fans making her go viral numerous times. One of the times was when a madridistas tweets how can you be born in the city but hate it so much tagging r which she replied spainsh citizens but born in a ciudad de mierda photo background of Barcelona theme jersey room let's just say bbygirl almost got her ass canceled.
Mischievous!r: the moment of her signing she had already meet mapi which is were there "bad blood" started while her agents where working on something she found a way to sneak out and some how ended in the changing room deciding she would hide something that belongs to who knows who while she was in the act of doing so she gets caught red handed by mapi and frames it on mapi because she saw the cameras coming her way it and wanted to prostrate good characters, was a funny situation cause half of it was caught on cams anyway and got posted to the instagram page.
Mischievous!r: her little group that consists with vicky,salma,jana,bruna,cata,pina,patri and occasionally esme that group always as the older player's going mad whenever there all together on team bounding it so bad that r and vicky have to be separated cause they always doing dumb shit together
Mischievous!r: was forced to apologize about the things she said about madrid on national TV cause she could get a ban if she didn't. just to go back shitting on Madrid not even 5 days later got made fun of in the gc and the news went viral.
Mischievous!r: always causing trouble and caos everywhere she goes
Mischievous!r: nobody on the team knows but goes on motorcycling rides with mapi
Mischievous!r: the player she looks up too the most is aitana even before she joined barca aitana as always been a role model for her
Mischievous!r: if she wasn't a footballer she'll had become a gymnast
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overstuffd · 12 days
Live on air
(For @feedinboi, who requested a manipulative feeder secretly broadcasting you. Ingredients: weight gain, secret feeder, manipulation, being made into chubby public property)
I wonder when you realised you'd become so many people's personal porn?
It certainly wasn't the day I posted the first picture. Just a quick snap on my phone of you standing in front of the open fridge. Sent to one special group chat, with a promise of what I was going to do to you.
One picture a day, for a little while. Capturing you chugging the soda I poured into the diet bottle, adding extra sugar to the already calorie laden mix.
Replacing your meal prepped protein shakes with thick cream and mass gainer concotions, you never questioning why they tasted so much better than before.
Just one picture a day - to start.
But my little switches start having an effect so quickly. It seems a shame not to document more of your changes.
You don't notice when I start posting multiple pictures a day.
I'm still being careful, but the opportunities to show your growing spread are too tempting to pass up. You, reaching for something off a top shelf, the curve of your belly opeeking out from under your shirt. You, struggling to pick up an m and m that fell to the floor as you ravenously poured a whole bag into your mouth - I guess those appretite stimulants I added to your 'protein shakes' are working.
The aphrodisiacs are working too, at least juding by the photos of your rounded ass I snap as you sheepishly slip into your room, one hand already on your bulge.
I thought you might notice when I installed the kitchen cam. Still, I put it in the fruit bowl - somewhere you never checked these days. Then it was a simple matter to set up the live stream for all your fans to enjoy.
You, devouring four huge meals at the kitchen table. You, dazed from the joint I rolled you chugging chocolate milk straight from the carton. You on a midnight fridge-raid you thought noone would see.
Even if you haven't noticed the cameras, there's no way you haven't noticed the effect I'm having on your body. I have a perfect document of those pyjama pants stretching out, of the day you tore a hole in the ass bending to grab icecream from the freezer. Now you usually wear your overstretched boxers around the house.
I noticed a few half hearted attempts to diet. The lean chicken I marinated in cream. The broccoli I fried for you in butter. Your heart was never in them though. You didn't know it yet, but you were already addicted to being full.
You certainly notice the cameras the day you realise how are addicted you are. The day you wake up to find the fridge empty, the cupboards bare. The day you waddle to me, rubbing your hungry belly, desperate for something to fill the emptiness. The day I promise to order you a feast, on one condition.
That's when I set up the camera on a tripod in front of the couch. You, confused but so desperate to be fed you agree to anything I say, lying back on the couch pinned under your huge but empty belly.
Me, placing a delivery order from three different restaurants and pulling out the icecream I hid from you, now melted into thick, sweet cream.
Starting the livestream for your - appropriately enough - ballooning fanbase by jiggling your huge soft belly while you moan and beg to be filled. Holding the carton to your lips and puring it down your throat, massaging your doming gut as you gulp.
By the time you finish the carton you're gasping for breath, but you're nowhere newar full yet. Good thing too - the first of the breakfasts your fans have funded is arriving, and you're going to eat every bite.
Smile for the camera, gorgeous.
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