#group 3's 2nd member: arei nageishi
"Pfft- Hehe!"
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"Well at least I don't have an ugly ass bowtie like David's."
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"Arei. Shut your mouth."
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"Arei's right! That bowtie is a no-no!"
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"I can never agree more....! That bowtie is a fashion disaster!"
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"I'm- I'm seriously so done."
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Ohhh no-
....Xander was only met by the sight of-
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David turned his head to see Xander standing by the entrance of the hideout.
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".....X-Xander...why did you come back?"
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Without saying another word, Xander walked further into the hideout, grabbed his weapon (a normal looking knife, the one from earlier this morning), and then walked out of the hideout, trying his best to ignore what he had just walked in on.
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A giggle came from Arei.
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"....What the fuck is it now...?"
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"Aww~ Are you sad that you nearly showed your true self infront of your biggest fan~? That's soooo sad...."
Clearly, David caught on with the fact that Arei's tone of speech as she said this was filled with sarcasm.
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"Shut the fuck up."
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“T-that’s enough you g-guys…” Aliza move the mask back to place just to hide her blushing face
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"No, 'cause it's so fun to tease you both about this, though!"
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"Arei....I swear to god..."
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"Enough of this. We still have those guys to deal with."
*Andy points towards Eileen's Claws of Death, since the Dark Council Order members are still in there.*
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"Oh yeah."
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"I got attacked. Nothing else."
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"Well alright, I guess."
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"Ugh, are we done here yet? I'm tired as fuck, you know?"
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"Will you two stop bickering for one moment?!"
*Togo punched through one of the robots' head, destroying it. She then summoned her scythe, the tip glowing bright yellow. When she slashed the air, the robots in front of her were sliced in half.*
*Tyler and David were both silent, however.*
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"You guys...?"
*Arei turned around to see the sight of David shielding Tyler from one of the robots with a blue shield. Tyler was practically frozen in place, while David pushed the robot away using the shield, before the shield disappears.*
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"W-wait, how could you do that...?"
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"Heh, if you didn't noticed already, members of the Clear Skies Foundation have these so-called watches that have abilities of their own."
*As David explained, he casually shoots the other robots.*
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"Be lucky I saved your ass, Tyler. Because if not, then you'd be dead as fuck."
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"Right. As if I even needed your help to begin with."
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"Now now, you two!"
*Eventually, everyone managed to get rid of all of the robots.*
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"Phew, great work, team~!"
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"Alastor, I'm being serious! We were supposed to be looking for Ace, not getting ambushed by Nova Flamma!"
*'Alastair' raised her arm to the side, pointing to the pile of dead demons a few feet away from them.*
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"Empress- No. Togo, I'm gonna be damn honest with you. If I knew Arlo and the Order teamed up to try to kill you..."
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"Don't you think I would have stopped it?!"
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'Huh?! This girl....She knows Ace?!'
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"...?!" 'Wait, which Ace is she talking about...?'
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Aliza tilted her head in confusion
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"Yeah, we all know that he's really fruity and stuff."
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"What the fuck, you two?! No! I-I'm not!"
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"Bitch! We literally know you looked at David with those motherfucking eyes last night when he gave you that water bottle!"
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"Not to mention your sweet dynamic with him!"
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"I mean, I'm not one to read romance stuff but I've heard of this thing called 'enemies to lovers', and I feel like it fits you and David well!"
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“Well..there are some interesting ones, mine is the Ultimate…Occultist..”
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"What a weird talent. Fitting for someone who looks weird like you."
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"Wh- A-Arei! Noooo!!! Don't say shit like that!"
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"Um, sorry about her. She tends to be a bit of a....bully."
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“Oh, hey! Welcome back, guys!” *Ami slowly waved at them.*
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“Y’all feeling a little better now? What, with everything being stressful right now and all.”
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"Haha, yeah, I'm feeling more better now~"
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"But good 'ol Teruya here REALLY had to ruin that by winning against me in Uno."
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"Not my fault I got lucky."
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“Yes, let’s. Just act cool when they come back in.” *Ami said as she started to head back to the hideout.*
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Xander followed Ami from behind, and the two make their way back to the hideout.
(Back at the hideout...)
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"Uno game!"
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"Ha! Take that, Nageishi! I knew I'd win this time!"
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"Ugh! I thought you wouldn't win this time, but you fucking did! How horrible!"
Arei then noticed David walking in, Tyler following him suit, his cheeks more....flushed than usual.
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"Oh! Hey, you guys are back."
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“Wow, impressive!” *Ami applauded Kanade for her performance before turning to Tyler.* “Is everything alright?”
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"Oh? Me? Ahaha, I-I'm...."
He fell silent for a moment, before groaning.
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"I'm....gonna go outside for a bit. I need some fresh air."
And with that, the boy walked out of the hideout.
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"Okay then, bye!!!!"
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'There's definitely something wrong here....'
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“Oh, you’re a guitarist? Groovy!”
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“I’d love to hear what you’ve got! Plus, anything is better than silence…”
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"Alright then! Let me think of a song to sing real quick."
After a bit of thinking, Kanade finally managed to find a song she could sing. She then strums the strings of her guitar and sang the song she thought of. After awhile, she was done singing.
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"That was amazin'...!"
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"That...wasn't so bad."
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"E-eh...? T-thanks, this is one of the rare times I sing without my sister. Usually she'd be the one singing too."
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"Mr. Tyler? Are you okay?"
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“Oh… Shit, I am so sorry, I had no idea.” *Ami paused, looking around before continuing on,* “I’ll be right back.” *And with that, she dashed out of the room to grab Arei a glass of water. And after a few moment, she came back with said water for her, handing it to the Ultimate Bowler.*
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"A-ah....You...don't need to be sorry. Thanks, by the way."
Arei drank the water, before sighing.
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"Are you...feeling any better now, Arei...?"
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"....Kind of."
Without anyone noticing, David left the hideout. However, Tyler did noticed it, but decided to leave him be.
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"....Um...Maybe to lighten up the mood...."
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"Hey Kanade, aren't you a guitarist? From that one band?"
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"Oh, why yes I am. Why? You want me to sing a few songs?"
Tyler nodded.
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"Well I'll be happy too!"
Kanade went off to grab her guitar, before coming back with it. She then strums on the strings of her guitar and sang a song.
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“Mmmm…” *Ami bit her lip as she looked at the ground, feasting lost in thought. After a moment, she looked back up at everyone,* “Why don’t we look for them?”
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"I....I was with her during the time Alicia decided to really destroy everything. We stuck together through it all."
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"However, we had to run away from Alicia's guards because they found our hiding spot. And....and...!"
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"....." *Hic*
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"Ah! A-Arei!"
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"Most of us are tired right now. Maybe next time."
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“Congrats, Kanade!” *Ami let a soft, happy sigh escape her,* “Gee… Y’all kinda made me realize how much I missed being around people. In a good way, of course!”
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"Now that you mentioned it, yeah...."
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"Mr. David, Arei, it has been awhile since we saw our classmates, right?"
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"I don't exactly wanna admit it, but I miss Eden."
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"Well I guess she was your first actual friend at Hope's Peak, right?"
Arei silently nodded at that.
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"I don't know where my sister is either."
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"I....I just hope she's alive and well..."
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*Ami let out a soft laugh,* “Now now guys, no need to start a fight.”
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“Oh! Have y’all eaten yet? I bet you’re all starving… If we have the supplies for it, I could probably whip up some gumbo for everybody!”
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"Ah! We've already eaten earlier, actually. Thanks for your offer, though!"
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"I was actually gonna offer an uno match to all of you."
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"Oh! Uno? I'm in!"
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"I'm in too!"
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"Uno, huh? I'll join in too."
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"Brace yourselves for my skills, though. I'm sure I can beat you all in one go!"
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"Oh really~?"
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"We'll see about that!"
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