#grossglockner veliki klek
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Za aklimatizacijo na višino pred sobotno tekmo na Monte Roso sem izbral goro Grossglockner, ker na njenem jugovzhodnem slemenu leži najvišja koča v Avstriji – Erzherzog-Johann-Hütte (3454 m). Zato glavni cilj ture ni bil osvojitev vrha, ampak spanje (aklimatizacija) v omenjeni koči.
GPS sled
Južna stran Grossglocknerja
GPS sled: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sw6wktc8f1jhsl8/activity_2780064255.gpx?dl=0
S Sašo sva iz Kalsa (1920 m) štartala šele ob 11. uri dopoldne. Prej niti ni bilo potrebe, saj bova enodnevno turo razbila v dva dni. Mimo koče Stüdlhütte (2801 m) sva se povzpela na ledenik Ködnitzkees. Ledenik je zelo položen. Kljub temu ima precej prečnih razpok, ki pa so trenutno še vse skrite pod snegom. Nekomu pred nama se je rahlo vdrlo v eno od teh razpok. Zato sva se čim bolj držala ustaljene gazi. Od severovzhodnega roba ledenika do koče Erzherzog-Johann-Hütte pripelje ferata. V koči sva pustila večino stvari in okrog petih popoldne nadaljevala proti vrhu Grossglocknerja.
Začetek poti v Kalsu
Na ledeniku Kodnitzkeed
Ledenik Kodnitzkeed
Ponavadi je od tu dalje vedno na poti nepopisna gneča. Tokrat pa sva bila začuda čisto sama. Vreme pa božansko. Čez ledenik Kleineglocknerkees sva se vzpela na Kleineglockner (3770 m). Na tem delu je bilo precej malo snega. Zato je bilo kar zahtevno plezati z derezami po skalah. Spust iz Kleneglocknerja v škribni Glocknerscharte močno olajša jeklenica (drugje je ni!). Nato pa je sledil le še kratek plezalni vzpon (I) na vrh Grossglocknerja (3798 m). Vrh sva imela sama zase. Razglede na vse strani pa prav tako.
Vršna piramida Grossglocknerja
Zvpon iz Glocknerscharte na Grossglockner
Ledenik Pasterze
Strm vzpon na Kleineglockner
Greben med Kleneglocknerjem in Grossglocknerjem
Spust iz Grossglocknerja
Spust iz Kleineglocknerja
Sledila je nočitev v koči. S PZS kartico ta stane sprejemljivih 26 €. V koči pa je bilo ponoči dovolj toplo, da spalna vreča ni bila potrebna. Zunaj koče pa so se temperature spustile krepko pod ničlo. Ponoči sem zaradi vpliva višine zelo slabo spal. Gotovo bi bilo zame dobro, če bi se zadržal na višini vsaj še en dan. Zato razmišljam, da bom šel še enkrat prespat na Kredarico. Ob 5:09 uri zjutraj naju je pri koči pričakal čudovit sončni vzhod. Nato pa je bilo žal že treba iti v dolino. Ledenik in snežišča, katerih jeziki segajo skorajda do koče Lucknerhutte (2241 m), so sestop zelo olajšali.
Na vrhu Grossglocknerja
Križ na vrhu
3798 m visoko
Sončni vzhod
Grossglockner (greben Stüdlgrat), junij, 2015
Grossglockner iz Kalsa, september 2013
Gorska cesta na Grossglockner, julij 2009
Grossglockner Za aklimatizacijo na višino pred sobotno tekmo na Monte Roso sem izbral goro Grossglockner, ker na njenem jugovzhodnem slemenu leži najvišja koča v Avstriji - Erzherzog-Johann-Hütte (3454 m).
0 notes
201809_1596 Austria, Hohe Tauern, Großglockner by ├ Ad DeCort (NL) ┤ The Grossglockner ; German: Großglockner or just Glockner is, at 3,798 metres above the Adriatic (12,461 ft), the highest mountain in Austria and the highest mountain in the Alps east of the Brenner Pass. It is part of the larger Glockner Group of the Hohe Tauern range, situated along the main ridge of the Central Eastern Alps and the Alpine divide. The Pasterze, Austria's most extended glacier, lies on the Grossglockner's eastern slope. The characteristic pyramid-shaped peak actually consists of two pinnacles, the Grossglockner and the Kleinglockner (3,770 m (12,370 ft), from German: groß, "big", klein, "small"), separated by the Glocknerscharte col. The name Glocknerer is first documented in a 1561 map designed by the Viennese cartographer Wolfgang Lazius. The denotation Glogger is mentioned a 1583 description of the Tyrolean Kals legal district, then referring to the whole ridge south of the Alpine main chain. In the 1760s, the Atlas Tyrolensis listed a Glockner Berg, the prefix Gross- ("great") is not mentioned before the first expedition in 1799. According to the scholar Belsazar Hacquet (1735–1815), Glockner is possibly derived from German: Glocke ("bell"), referring to the mountain's characteristic shape. It may also be a Germanised version of the Alpine Slavic word Klek ("mountain"), as maintained in the Slovene name Veliki Klek. The Grossglockner lies on the border between the Austrian states of Carinthia and Tyrol (East Tyrol). The peak is part of the Glocknerkamm ridge in the Glockner Group that branches off the main chain of the Alps at Mt. Eiskögele, heading in a southeasterly direction and forming the boundary between the East Tyrolean municipality of Kals am Großglockner, about 8 km (5.0 mi) in the southwest at 1,324 m (4,344 ft), and Carinthian Heiligenblut, about 12 km (7.5 mi) in the northeast at 1,291 m (4,236 ft). This boundary is also the watershed between the Kals Valley and its Teischnitz and Ködnitz side valleys on the Tyrolean side and the Möll Valley with the Pasterze glacier on the Carinthian side. The region around the mountain has formed part of the Grossglockner-Pasterze special protected area within the High Tauern National Park since 1986. The Glockner is the highest mountain in the Alps east of the Ortler range, about 175 km (109 mi) away, and, after Mont Blanc, has the second greatest topographic isolation of all mountains in the Alps. Even its topographic prominence, at 2,424 m (7,953 ft), is the second highest after Mont Blanc in the entire Alps (see the list of Alpine peaks by prominence). That makes it one of the most independent peaks in the Alps. The view from the Grossglockner summit is one of the farthest of all mountains in the Eastern Alps. It ranges out to 220 km (140 mi) or, taking account of atmospheric refraction, almost 240 km (150 mi). Its view over more than 150,000 km2 (58,000 sq mi) of the earth's surface reaches as far as the Upper Swabian Plateau in the northwest, to Regensburg and the peaks of the Bohemian Forest in the north, to Mt. Ortler in the west, to the Padan Plain in the south, and to Mt. Triglav and the Totes Gebirge range in the east. source: Wikipedia https://flic.kr/p/2bVtY1y
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