#groovy drop will be... TBD...
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anbaisai · 4 days ago
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Eeeh, I didn’t know today was also NRC Founding Day! What a coincidence. It must be fate or something!
Happy birthday to Mayu! 🎉🎉It just so happens to fall on the same day as Twst JP's anniversary, so let's have a big celebration today! ✨ (Voice lines under the cut!)
Credit to @/twstinginthewind for the blank Ramshackle card edit!
When Summoned: I didn’t think I’d get to celebrate my birthday in another world. I’m grateful that I’ve found friends in Twisted Wonderland to share this with.
Home: Wah, my hair’s sticking up everywhere!
Swap Looks: Time to get ready for the day.
Home Transition 1: Gotta make my bed before I go! Yup, everything’s neat and tidy.
Home Transition 2: I’m always so hungry first thing when I wake up. Alright, let’s see if there’s any leftovers from last night I can munch on!
Home Transition 3: I look like I have a sprout on my head? Well, we’ve gotta go out there and make sure it gets its sunshine then!
Home Transition - Login: I’m not expecting any gifts, but it would be nice to get some practical things like cleaning supplies. It’s hard keeping Ramshackle spic and span on the headmaster’s meager allowance…
Groovification: [LOCKED]
Home Transition - Groovy: [LOCKED]
Home Tap 1: Jamil-senpai wished me happy birthday and handed me a homemade bento. He really is just like a diligent housewife…
Home Tap 2: The Ramshackle Ghosts surprised me this morning. They woke me up by singing happy birthday. It was really thoughtful of them, so I’ll cherish this memory ‘til I’m a ghost, too!
Home Tap 3: I don’t do anything special to my hair or makeup. I just kinda do what feels natural! Although everyone here seems to know a lot about makeup, maybe I should try asking for tips some time...
Home Tap 4: Ace can’t be nice to me even on my birthday! He just gave me a noogie and said he’d bump me a few times, one for each year. Can you believe him?
Home Tap 5: I really didn't expect to be able to celebrate my birthday with so many people around this year. Nothing beats getting to share all this food with my friends- h-hey Grimmy! That's my share!
Home Tap - Groovy: [LOCKED]
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frostedfaves · 4 years ago
To Build A Home (10)
Pairing: Rosa Diaz x fem!reader
Summary: Rosa spent years building a friendship, relationship, and eventually a marriage and home with you. This tale follows your journey together up until her sudden murder. Now that you’ve tracked down her killer before anyone else, will you do the right thing and send him to prison or take care of him yourself?
Warnings: some emotional grieving with everyone involved, brief moment of soft!Rosa 
A/N: this is the last chapter of the series! I’m sad that this is ending (aside from future blurb requests) but I’m excited to have more time to work on other things! I haven’t really worked on I Don’t Feel Alive much in the past few weeks so posting dates are TBD, but I will be opening my requests again soon while I figure it out! anyway thanks again for all your feedback, comments, reblogs, any little attention you gave to this series, I appreciate it all.
Previous chapter here
A frantic knocking brings Jake and Amy’s attention away from their book or phone, the two of them locking eyes across the table. 
“Were you expecting anyone?” 
Jake shakes his head, following Amy as she jumps to her feet and heads to the door. Upon opening it, her heart breaks at the sight of you on the other side, holding a bouquet of flowers that caught a few of the tears spilling down your cheeks. 
“What’s going on?”
“I’m sorry for popping up so suddenly,” you spoke hoarsely, attempting and failing to clear your face with one sleeve. “It’s our first wedding anniversary and I was going to visit her grave but before I knew it I was here. I don’t want to speak to her that way and I don’t want to see her that way again and I don’t want to—”
You fell into Amy’s waiting arms as you broke, repeating “I don’t want to” until it turned into mumbled sounds mixed in with your sobbing. Jake quickly came around to close the door, putting the flowers you dropped off to the side before sandwiching you into a hug from the other side. 
After you’d finally calmed down enough to breathe the three of you moved over to the couch, sitting in silence until you were ready to share what was on your mind. You held the bouquet in your arms once more, cradling it to your chest with one arm while you organized your thoughts. 
“I didn’t even get to call her my wife for a year before she was gone.”
Amy shifted her teary gaze to you, placing a hand on your free one with a gentle touch. Jake sat on the other side of you, listening while trying to get a hold of his own emotions. 
“We’ll never get to celebrate one year, five, ten, fifty. I wanted all of that time with her and it was stolen from me so easily.”
“Why don’t you write her a letter?” Jake suggested quietly. “When my grandma passed, Gina and I wrote letters to thank her for everything she did for us, and basically say anything we didn’t get to say before she went. I actually, um...I actually wrote one to Rosa the other day.”
Your eyes watered as you turned to him, a tear dropping as you addressed him. “I’m sorry.”
“For what?” he asked, brows pressed together in confusion. 
“I’ve been so lost in my own grieving that I forgot you lost someone too.” You turned to Amy. “Both of you have.”
“Y/N,” Jake placed his hand on your shoulder, offering you a sad smile. “Yes we all lost her, but she meant something different to each of us. We can’t always relate to each other’s pain with this because it’s different for all of us, and it’s not selfish to take the time to focus on working through what you feel.”
You returned his sad smile with a little more hope behind yours, placing the flowers on the table in front of you and grabbing both of their hands. 
“I love you guys. Thanks for always being there for me.”
Amy chuckled a bit, squeezing your hand between both of hers. “It’s one of my favorite things to do.”
You’d barely been home from Jake and Amy’s apartment five minutes before there was a knock on your door. You opened it and a grin appeared on your face at the sight of Terry and the twins. 
“Hi, Auntie Y/N!”
“Hi, sweet angels!” you greeted them as you pulled them into a group hug. “Hey, Sarge. Everything okay?” 
“Yeah, I just picked the girls up from a playdate and I needed to bring you this.” He handed you a plastic bag that you instantly recognized. 
“Is this the—”
“Yeah.” He sighed heavily. “I was going through the case file and realized this was still in evidence. I was able to sign it out because it had no relation to anything, and based on what today is, you may need it.”
“Daddy let us put something in there for you, too!”
“Yeah! It’s an invitation to dinner tomorrow and your favorite cookies,” Cagney added, her eyes suddenly widening. “Sorry, that was supposed to be a surprise.”
“It’s okay, Cagney,” Terry assured her with a pat on the shoulder before turning back to you. “Are you going to be okay? We would love to have you tonight, too.”
“I’ll be fine, and I’ll be there tomorrow. Thanks for the gift, angels,” you addressed the twins as you hugged them one last time.
You took your time opening the bag once you were alone, setting the card and cookies to the side and using your shaking hands to sift through the rest of the items. Underneath things like toothpaste and deodorant sat a little booklet titled “First Year of Many”.
You took a deep breath and opened it to a page with a handwritten note, handwriting you knew to be Rosa’s. Blinking back a few tears, you stroked your finger along the page carefully before finally reading her last words to you. 
“Y/N Diaz, I love you. I was going to stop there, but I know you love it when I get mushy or whatever. So I’ll add that this has been the best (almost) year of my life. Being your wife and having you as mine is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, especially after the horrors of coming out to my parents and being framed. You’re my favorite person in the world, and I can’t wait to celebrate our wedding day every year for the rest of our lives.”
By the end of the note you were sobbing again, and you had to take a few moments to breathe before you could move onto the pictures. Each one was from different days in the past year starting with your wedding day, and you admire her beauty through nonstop tears. Some were taken on special events like birthdays, with or without friends, and others were simply selfies from lazy days where you fell asleep before she did. 
You closed the book and took the bag in your bedroom, setting the book on your bedside table to look at again later and placing the other items in the bathroom. You grabbed your phone and sat on the couch, dialing Rosa’s number and trying not to cry again when you heard her voice for the first time in months. 
“Rosa Diaz’s phone. Leave a message or don’t.”
“Hey, baby. Um, happy anniversary. I really liked your present, by the way. Nowhere near as good as what I was going to get you.” You laughed a bit, sounding somewhat pathetic mixed in with sniffles. 
“I miss you so fucking much. I miss your voice, your snorting laugh, riding on the back of your motorcycle, and cuddling morning, afternoon and night. I’ve never known pain like this before and I never want to again.”
A couple seconds of silence passed before you started again. 
“I hope you’re safe and happy wherever you are. I hope you have unlimited axes to throw, and the Nancy Meyers movies are easily accessible. Most importantly, I hope you don’t miss me as much as I miss you because this really fucking hurts. Arlo and I feel like an incomplete puzzle without you. Anyway, I love you and—”
The automated voice cuts you off and you hang up instantly, not needing another reminder that you’ve run out of time to talk to Rosa. Part of you felt lighter after spilling your thoughts out to her, even if she couldn’t hear them. You smiled as Arlo padded sleepily into the room and climbed onto the couch to lie next to you, resting his head on your thigh. You thought back to Rosa’s vows, realizing that her wish of building a home with you had been granted.
You just wish she’d gotten the chance to live in it a little longer.
Tags: @creepingwolfberry @rosadiazswifey @milkfromhell @marie-03 @jay-is-groovy @gaulty74 @xetherealbeautyx
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kumarvarun13 · 6 years ago
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1- i forgot that you existed
2-cruel summer
come in production. i'm actually getting chills now. the chorus sounds so pretty. this sounds like if 1989 and reputation had a baby. *chefs kiss* that bridge. is. so. heartbreaking.
3- lover
brb i'm just going to go find a man/woman fall in love and get married k bye. this bridge is making me cry. for the 23rd time today. bc i cry at how cute this is. ILL SAVE A SEAR FOR YOU AT SVERY TABLE!! this woman is an amazing writer. and the vocal and harmonies are *chefs kiss*
4-the man
come in complexity. YES A BOSS ASS BITCH. alpha type hell yeah. this is such a bop. my ass is shaking in my bed. IF I WAS A MAN ID BE T H E MAN. we love a hard working queen. she's literally not saying a single thing wrong. women are so powerful like men could never. SHE SAID BITCHES. I- ID BE A BITCH NOT A... she's pissed at men bc we suck. i know. i'm sorry. well this is a song i can't play at work. and i oop. this production is so cool. jack? you did that if this is you. oh it fades out. so pretty
5- the archer
fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuckkkkk.
i'm going to cry now. not the speeches. fuck he drums are coming in. i'll start taylor *cries* the pre chorus is so good. like. ugh. all of my hero's die all alone. who thinks of that. like. so powerful. also still not over the they see right through me part. fuck it's humpty dumpty. all of my enemies started out friends. i can with her. and i've listened to this song for exactly a month. i know what happens and i'm still shocked. ugh *chefs kiss*
6-i think he knows
what in the ass shaking is this. my ass can't stop shaking. she's so cute. yes taylor. spit barzz. that falsetto. this is my favorite chorus so far. i'm only on track 6. i have 12 tracks. this is so groovy. yes sing those ad libs. the HARMONIES UGH. BREAK IT DOWN. love this so much. one of my favs. she's slowing down. please tell me she picks it up again. she is. it's coming. this is my favorite so far. updates to come
7-miss americana and the heartbreak prince
oh this is slowing down. what in the reputation. this is so good. she's talking about the dark times. this is so complex. so much is going through my head. i love the screaming. THE STRINGS. she's a bad bad girl.
8-paper rings
stay stay stay is shaking. this is red. red is back. this is going to be so cute on tour. i want a paper ring. this is stay stay stay part 2. someone make me a paper ring. yee haw 🤠🤠this is such a fun song. i love the key change. so good. i want your dreary monday's. ID MARRY YOU WITH PAPER RINGS. INCANT. SHES IN FUCKING LOVE. LIKE SO IN LOVE.
9-cornelia street
this production. this is so simple but so powerful. this chorus. silence to the beat picking up. this is so cute. this isn't about joe. is it? wait. they almost broke up. and then they didn't. this such a beauty. omg i'm starting to tear up. this is good. wait it's not over. that bridge has the same tune as invisible. this is what everyone thought the album after 1989 would sound like. it's a more mature 1989. this is so deep
10-death by a thousand cuts
what's happening. the guitar. the pop. omg. this is the morning after a breakup. she's literally going through all the phases in love. omg. i don't know. this is a really pretty song. this is her facing the reality of what happened. this is giving me a thousand years vibes. idk why but it is. this is so good. i'll be alright. this is taking the spot for my favorite(sorry track 6)
11-london boy
this is literally already so good. this is joe's song. omg she's in love. DARLING I FANCY YOU. she's talking all about london. she's putting a fake british accent for some words or is that just me making it up? either way. this is so good. shout out to london. this might be my favorite production so far. it's different.
12-soon you'll get better(ft. the dixie chicks)
13-false god
what's with the sax. the sax is actually really nice. false god = a toxic relationship or the hard parts. this is a really good song. this is the coffee shop taylor i want. this is really good
14-you need to calm down
this is mellow production with such amazing and complex lyrics. i love this. my heart dropped. this is so good. i love the flow of the pre chorus. this is a pretty chorus. this is the baby that wildest dreams and out of the woods had after 1989. this stripped back bridge with her vocals and just the drums this is going to be a favorite.
16- me!(feat. brendon urie of panic! at the disco)
i like the song. not my favorite. but the placement of the song within the album is def a plus. it's really fits where it's placed. is "hey kids spelling is fun!" in the final album version? let's see. it's coming.... THEY TOOK IT OUT. i actually liked that part. it was cute and made the song less serious and much more of a fun song. plus it fit with the lyrics in the bridge.
17-it's nice to have a friend
idk how to feel about the steel drums. tbd. this is a simple song. very taylor and a simple beat. i actually like that. come in trumpet. this is a very calming song. the chorus oohs are really nice.
oh this is nice. this is really nice. it's a self reflection. i sounded the good and trusted the wicked. that's deep. this is really good. a nice closer to the album. oh it's picking up. love is golden. this is good. a good good closer. i love this final chorus. step into the daylight and let it go. this voice note ending. it's so raw. and personal. and an insight.
final thoughts: this might her best work. lyrically and production wise. there's not a song i didn't like at first listen. i know there is one song (track 11) i probably won't listen to that much because of how emotional it made me.
my initial top 5:
1. death by a thousand cuts
2. i think he knows
3. afterglow
4. paper rings
5. the archer
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dingydiamond · 6 years ago
New Music: Sy Ari Da Kid x Paxquiao Drop “2 Sides Of A Story”
New Music: Sy Ari Da Kid x Paxquiao Drop “2 Sides Of A Story”
Source: TBD / TBD
  New Music: Sy Ari Da Kid x Paxquiao Drop “2 Sides Of A Story”
  Respected by many for living the words that they speak in their lyrics, Sy Ari Da Kid and Paxquiao bring straight facts on “2 Sides Of A Story”. Right now in industry, wordplay is seeming to make its way back to the forefront (fingers crossed), the two Atlanta rappers take turns mixing groovy instrumentals with…
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