#grog and prog
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franklins-leg · 6 years ago
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Maybe I should go to sleep.
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indifferent-century · 6 years ago
While things was as they was, d’ye see? we bluejackets had it all our own way; for if Johnny Crapau fought, we wopped him; if he built more ships, we took ‘em, d’ye see? And so Belzebub grew spiteful, and he says, ses he, whilst a British sailor gets his grog and his prog, d’ye see? I shall never be able to shove my oar in his boat and turn the world topsy-turvy... So he turns the tea-kettle into a boiler, claps wheels on the ships’ sides… and thus ruins, d’ye see? the out-and-out blue water English sailor forever... I never hears one of those varmint steamers a-sputtering, fizzing, and hissing, but I thinks I hears the devil a saying, “Ah, Jack, you villain, I’ve done ye at last!”
—An imaginary Greenwich pensioner, describing how the temperance movement and steamships are ruining the Navy. From Heads Of the People (London: Robert Tyas, 1841), 351-352.
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rowdyboysofpolaris-blog · 6 years ago
When Neftin and Vendra scared people away from the Zarkov sector Tachyon was still alive and in charge. Which means he was the one who gave it the alpha-9 classification and restricted people from traveling to it. 
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burlveneer-music · 7 years ago
MOONPARTICLE - Michelangelo Don't Stop from Hurricane Esmeralda (2018)
Guitars, Bass, Voices - Niko Tsonev Keyboards - Adam Holzman Flutes and Saxophones - Theo Travis Drums - Craig Blundell
Written and Produced by Niko Tsonev
Video shot and edited by Niko Tsonev
Video Tumbnail (Album Cover) by Brett Wilde
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franklins-leg · 6 years ago
so thanks to @blasted-heath I’m now blaring (and shouting) Genesis We Can’t Dance, probably much to the consternation of my neighbors. I forgot what a brilliant album this was.  You’re no son, you’re no son of mine I came here for help, I was looking for you
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franklins-leg · 6 years ago
I’m printing these off for my cube at work right now
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i might have just done something great
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chat-chouage · 4 years ago
Idea: combo of Prog Rock and Sea Shanties called "Grog Rock."
this song always gave me sea shanty vibes, i would totally make a genre called grog rock tbh
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madeinpop · 7 years ago
Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 5 all' 11 Aprile 2018 ǁ stagione 15
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, condividiamo sempre con piacere certe produzioni fatte con anima e cuore, come il progetto tutto al famminile ed acustico di WAV Women Against Violence, che sta realizzando un album con tutte le cantautrice che hanno aderito, per sostenere l'iniziativa vi rimandiamo alla pagina MusicRaiser https://www.musicraiser.com/it/projects/10193 sostenete sostenete sostenete. CHECcO & LoRIS
«Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti»
► segnalazione Made In PoP ◄
Ω  LAST NITE PARTY Ω Ω VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 92 ROSÀ (Vi) Ω Ω SABATO 7 APRILE Ω torna la festa indierock per eccellenza presentando un'interessante band,i livornesi SIBERIA, indierock cantautorale dal retro gusto wave. dopo i concerti si balla con i djset di CASTE, ORDINARY NOISE e PAUL dei SLAPS. https://www.facebook.com/events/553476635011892/
► FESTIVAL ◄ ► IRRUZIONI Festival varie location PADOVA fino a Sabato 7 Aprile festival diffuso di peripezie urbane organizzato da Associazione VOYAGER e altre realtà, programma completo e dettagliato qui http://www.irruzioni.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Irruzioni2018-Programma.pdf
► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 5 Aprile ᴥ Centro Culturale CANDIANI piazzale Candiani 7 MESTRE ore 21 prima serata della rassegna Indie Voices con protagonista la musa di David Lynch, CHRYSTA BELL, già protagonista di Twin Peaks e cantautrice texana. ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte e Cultura via SS. Fabiano e Sebastiano 13 PADOVA voce angelica e songwriting profondo per MANEL RODRIGUEZ artista tedesca. ᴥ YOKELZ Plan B pub piazza Marconi 1 TREBASELEGHE (Pd) daranno la scossa qui stasera i FLAT FIFTY indiepoprock. ᴥ COMARÒ via F.M.Preti 26 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) We//Net ospita il giovane e molto bravo cantautore ALESSANDRO RAGAZZO. ᴥ Osteria da TOCCHETTO via Risorgimento 27 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) rassegna band emergenti, stasera BEHIND BLUE EYES e HITO+. ᴥ POMOPERO Osteria Musicale via Castelletto 84 BREGANZE (Vi) austriaco di nascita ma teutonico d'adozione il cantautore/producer indietronico ANT ANTIC. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) il ritorno dei celeberrimi The MOORINGS folk rock in salsa celtica dalla Francia, in apertura il trio femminile KILL THE MAYOR poppunk. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) due band della scena alternative locale, CAU (indie) e NØEN (alt-rock).
► VENERDÌ 6 Aprile ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) terza serata di selezione del contest per il Veneto dell'AREZZO WAVE Festival, sul palco BACK to NOISE (Vi) il solo FEYDAN (Tv) e La SORTE (Vr). ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA ospite la bravissima Sara Ardizzoni con il suo progetto DAGGER MOTH one/woman/band tra chitarre elettriche e minimalismo elettronico. ᴥ VIRGO Rock Club via Padana 32 SANT'ANGELO di Piove di Sacco (Pd) serata stumentale progressive con i QUARTO VUOTO band trevigiana di area Lizard Records. ᴥ AL BUSCAGLIONE via Marsala 50 PADOVA serata hammond groove con El DUO composto dai maestri Giulio CAMPAGNOLO hammond e Gioele PAGLIACCIA batteria. ᴥ BIOS LAB via Brigata Padova 5 PADOVA spazio al progetto roots-blues self-made di Stefano DENTONE & Antonio GHEZZANI canzoni proprie e chitarre autocostruite. ᴥ GRINDHOUSE via Longhin 37 PADOVA warp up del festival che si terrà a fine mese con tre band locali, TUTTO BRUCIA punk/HC GRAMIGNA post-HC e ISCHÆMIA post/neo grunge. ᴥ RICKY’s Pub via Commerciale 12 ABBAZIA PISANI Villa del Conte (Pd) il venerdì spazio alle ottime realtà locali come i 3CHIODI prog/grunge/stoner e The WANKERSS hard/punk. ᴥ BISTROCK via Rometta 13 San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) fusione tra sonorità di ieri e oggi, questo sono i DIRTY ROLL. ᴥ CIVICO 4 via Portello 4 PADOVA inizio ore 20 per il live pop punk con cantato in italiano dei giovani FORGET IT. ᴥ Spazio MAVV via Gelsolino 43 VITTORIO Veneto (Tv) sarà qui SID GRIFFIN grande artista americano co-fondatore del movimento Paisley Underground, con lui anche Alberto GROTTO. ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO la grande icona della scena jazz nazionale ROSA BRUNELLO e il suo combo LOS FERMENTOS. ᴥ MATTOROSSO via Piave 108 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) boogie hard rock per il grande LU SILVER (ex Small Jackets) e la sua String Band. ᴥ DIEGO ARMANDO Pub piazza Caduti 6 VALLÀ di Riese Pio X (Tv) accoppiata di band di rock in italiano, i CLUB SANDWICH e i FESTA degli IMPICCATI. ᴥ KRACH music Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) sguaiato hardrock con venature glam per i GIVE US BARABBA e in apertura HELL'n'THEN. ᴥ OUTSIDER pub via San Cassiano 72 QUINTO di Treviso (Tv) l'appuntamento live questa settimana è con STEVE SALUTO & the RIKKANZA rock con ifluenze blues e soul. ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) cantautorato al femminile per il duo STORIE STORTE, persone, storie e viaggi contromano . ᴥ NOVAK Club via Castellana 59 SCORZÈ (Ve) appuntamento con MAXIMUM Festival #2 di GoDown Records, sul palco i celeberrimi californiani The LOONS capitanati da Mike Stax, in apertura i "nostri" MOTHER ISLAND + djset garage, freakbeat con svariati dj's. ᴥ ARG0 16 Arci Club via delle Industrie 27 MARGHERA (Ve) serata di sperimentazioni con KRISHNAMURTI (Giovanni Lami e Lorenzo Abattoir) basato sull'uso del shurti box, strumento indiano, e poi il manipolatore SIMON WHETHAM e ancora Mauro e Matilde SAMBO, djset della splendida LECRI. ᴥ Laboratorio MORION salizada San Francesco del a Vigna VENEZIA cucina a km zero, libreria antagonista e concerto del bluesman canadese LEE HOLMES accopagnato dal suo combo The Beautitones. ᴥ GROOVE via Martiri Libertà 8 LUGO (Vi) in arrivo da Mikwaukee (Wn,Us) the FOX FACE (Dirtnap records) punk'n'roll al femminile. ᴥ Bar ASTRA contrà barche 14 VICENZA ore 19 nel passaggio qui del tour italiano si esibiranno l'esuberante miss STEREOCHEMESTRY cantautrice berlinese d'origine slava ma veneta d'adozione e lo svedese GUS RING. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 MONTECCHIO Maggiore (Vi) serata a tutto punkrock con i DURACEL impegnati nel loro "Supermarket tour" in apertura FDP. ᴥ Bar The BROTHERS via Olimpia 1 GREZZANA (Vr) rock dall'anima soul per il trio guidato da GARY HUDSON. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA ospite la cantautrice e producer VEDA BLACK giovane londinese alternative soul. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) ritornano ad esibirsi live e soprattutto su questo palco i SPAGHETTI SUPERSTAR r'n'r casereccio, in apertura HI FI STACEY alt/hard/rock.
► SABATO 7 Aprile ᴥ LA STANZA Associazione Culturale via Leopardi 25 San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) nel passaggio qui del tour italiano si esibiranno l'esuberante miss STEREOCHEMESTRY cantautrice berlinese d'origine slava ma veneta d'adozione e lo svedese GUS RING. ᴥ BAHNHOF Live via Sant'Antonio 34 MONTAGNANA (Pd) suoni violenti e poderosi per i gruppi LAST MINUTE to JAFFNA (To/heavy & psych) 8FULSTRIKE (Pd/hategroove) e NADSAT (Bo/noisemath) ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA performance sperimentale del duo bolognese MACK. ᴥ Bar MAUI via Kennedy 54 TAGLIO di PO (Ro) WannaBe collective organizza un aperitivo tra motociclette e rock'n'roll, suoneranno The BOYLERS. ᴥ DUMP latgo Bailo 7 TREVISO serata Marker Shop, il celebre negozio skater e non solo, con live degli interessanti TWO BIRDS ONE STONED attitudine gargae con inserti blues. ᴥ birreria OLD SALOON via Feltrina 19 PEDEROBBA (Tv) serata punk e metal all'italiana con ANGRY DRIVERS (Mo) RAISE YOUR FALL (Mo) LUCIF&R's NAK6D BODY (Tv). ᴥ RADIO GOLDEN bar piazza San Martino 13 CONEGLIANO (Tv) la tostissima Sara Ardizzoni aka DAGGER MOTH one/woman/band tra chitarre elettriche e minimalismo elettronico in apertura il duo BELFAST. ᴥ Cso DJANGO via Monterumici 11 TREVISO serata strumentale e sperimentale con i locals WATERPROOF armati di djdgeridoo e i bolognesi MASSTANG dirompenti e visionari. ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciaio 4 TREVISO dal Mexico carichi della loro attitudine garage punk i sensazionali LOS EXPLOSIVOS. ᴥ MATTOROSSO via Piave 108 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) sonorità oscure per il live dei MADAME SADOWSKY e il djset di Alex DEL DUCA. ᴥ GALA via Canova 288 ASOLO (Tv) klezmer sound e gipsy jazz per il COLLETTIVO ORKESTRADA CIRCUS. ᴥ KRACH music Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) serata stoner/doom/spacepysch con le band HUMULUS (Bs/Bg) e i locali The BLACK LOOSE. ᴥ Auditorium SQUERO isola San GIORGIO Maggiore VENEZIA dalle 17 performance "Ba-Rock Cello" per il violoncellista solista GIOVANNI SOLLIMA che va a lla scoperta dei punti di unione tra la musica classica e il moderno rock con composizioni personali. ᴥ ARG0 16 Arci Club via delle Industrie 27 MARGHERA (Ve) Input-Ve ospita la cantautrice neo-soul JOAN THIELE, in apertura KLUNE nuova realtà indierock patavina. ᴥ ARCADIA Csa via Lago di Tovel 18 SCHIO (Vi) dalle 20:30 festa molesta per i diec'anni di attività per The NUTRIES metalpunx a festeggiare assieme a loro LINEA di CONFINE, GROG, i CARLITO (ritorno sulle scene) e JESUS ain't in POLAND. ᴥ AUDITORIUM via Compans CARRÈ (Vi) ore 20:30 in occasione del festival letterario "Parole a Confine" ci sarà il concerto della grandissima CRISTINA DONÀ che presenta le sue "Canzoni in COntroluce". ᴥ VIAROMA17 via Roma 17 DUEVILLE (Vi) postpunk disturbato per due band su Maple Death records, HAVAH e HIS ELECTRO BLUE VOICE. ᴥ CENTRO STABILE di CULTURA via Leogra 4 San VITO di Leguzzano (Vi) gipsy night con l'arrivo del duo A HAWK & A HACKSAW dal New Mexico con Jeremy Barnes dei Neutral Milk Hotel + djset BimBumBalaton. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 MONTECCHIO Maggiore (Vi) serata old school con i RESPIRO NOCIVO ska-punk e i ROUND7 hardcore. ᴥ BOSTON SQUARE viale Brenta 70 TEZZE sul Brenta (Vi) alternative metal per i milanesi ANEWRAGE, in apertura MORE THE MURDER metalcore, FATE UNBURIED death prog e BLOODFIELD thrash. ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) concerto della band locale The MASONS che renderanno omaggio allo scomparso amico Stefano, sul palco anche altre band. ᴥ Bar The BROTHERS via Olimpia 1 GREZZANA (Vr) chitarrista dalla spiccata personalità rock blues per l'argentino DEMIAN DOMINGUEZ e la sua Band. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA per festeggiare il primo compleanno del locale sarà qui SID GRIFFIN grande artista americano co-fondatore del movimento Paisley Underground. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) glam hardrock di stampo eighties per i FALLEN ANGELS.
► DOMENICA 8 Aprile ᴥ TETRIS Project via Roma 87 ARZEGRANDE (Pd) dalle 12 griglie roventi e dopo pranzo live per i giovani FORGET IT poppunk SARA KENNEDY altrock MEDS indierock VAN GOGH SEASON postrock e jam jazz e acustici. ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO di San Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) dalle 17 aperitivo electrorock con The DIGITALS duo garage/sinth e FLAT FIFTY indie/ultrapop. ᴥ GOTO STORTO via Villanova 8 TREBASELEGHE (Pd) aperitivo targato RocKonnection con presentazione nuovo disco dei BLARING SILENCE alternative metal/rock, il loro compagnia anche i WELKIN rock metalloso. ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) aperitivo con la sognante musica da film dei GRIMOON combo deluxe rock, psichedelia ed elettronica. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 MONTECCHIO Maggiore (Vi) aperitivo desertico con gli ELEPHARMERS (Cagliari) e i locals A FOREST MIGHTY BLACK. ᴥ DUMP latgo Bailo 7 TREVISO stasera qui il duo israeliano JONZ folk intimo armonioso ed ottimista. ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) GoDown records ospita una delle due date italiane della superband croata PUNČKE stoner/altrock.
► LUNEDÌ 9 Aprile ᴥ meno sette.
► MARTEDÌ 10 Aprile ᴥ Osteria FUORI PORTA via Tiziano Aspetti 7 PADOVA serata WAV Women Against Violence con le cantautrici IRENE BRIGITTE e LIL'ALICE, in favore del Centro Donna Padova. ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte e Cultura via SS. Fabiano e Sebastiano 13 PADOVA concerto che chiude il workshop di REBETIKO tenuto da Sofia LAMPROPOULOU, con tutti i partecipanti.
► MERCOLEDÌ 11 Aprile ᴥ SHERWOOD OPEN LIVE vicolo Pontecorvo PADOVA il classico appuntamento del mercoledì tra birre artigianali cicchetti e pizze e i cantautorato di grande spessore stilistico per VERDIANA RAW (Pippola Dischi).
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anon-e-miss · 8 years ago
A Dark Praxus Mini-Fic
The restrained Enforcer remained as unresistant of his stasis cuffs and shackles as he had the time Jazz had seen him. It could not be said that the drone was relaxed, in fact his posture was absolutely rigid. As the operative turned interrogator scanned the small and secure interview room that served as the Praxian Enforcer's cell, he noted the energon cube sitting on the table, in front of the preprog Enforcer; it was completely untouched. Jazz frowned and he re-calibrated his visor to take a more indepth scan of the captive's frame. To his consternation, his scans showed that the mech's fuel levels were approaching critically low levels.
A question nibbled at the back of Jazz's processor and he walked around the table and lifted the cube. It was almost certainly the same one that had been sitting on the table during their last interrogation. The fluid energon inside had formed a thick film, as only stale energon did. The Polihexian twisted the cube in his servos and watched the mech. There were no signs of the desperate hunger the captive Enforcer had to have been feeling. Though the preprog watched him, his cold optics were focused on Jazz's faceplates, not on the cube. With the stasis cuffs in place, there was no way for the drone to hold the cube and the saboteur wondered if his jailers, Autobots, not Praxians at this point, had actually thought of that. Angry with the fate of Althihex, had they placed the cube close but hopelessly out of reach on purpose?
“This cube's been sittin' a long time,” Jazz said, conversationally. He received no response but this came as no surprise. The mech was choosy over what he consider within his dignity to answer. “Enforcer 093426, you can't tell me ya aren't hungry. Have they kept your cuffs on the whole time?”
“My jailers have removed my cuffs for a total of seven joor each mega-cycle,” the pre-prog replied in the same monotone shared by all the Praxian pre-prog Enforcers. Unlike forged mechanisms, who’s frames were built in the gestation tanks of their originators, pre-progs, also called cold-constructs were mass manufactured, with identical frames powered by second-tier sparks taken from Vector Sigma.
“Then why haven't you drunk this?” The Polihexian asked. “Fool's Energon, or not are you really in the position to be choosy?”
“I have not been given permission to drink,” the Enforcer replied. There was no affect in his voice, he was not capable of emotion, like all pre-prog dones. Yes, there was something in the drone’s posture that made Jazz thing the Praxian Enforcer thought he was an idiot.
“Seriously, mech?” Jazz scoffed. “You single-handedly rerouted the Autobot advance by hacking into the datanet, 'n sendin' them off towards Nova Cronum. You sure as Pit didn't have permission to do that.”
“That was a different matter,” the Enforcer replied. Naturally, he made no move to elaborate. This drone made absolutely no sense. The Praxian pre-programmed Enforcers were classed as state of the art drones, rather than cold-constructs. They had sparks, failed creations of Vector Sigma, merely pure energy, these second-tier sparks were not emotion centres like first-tier or standard sparks. The fact that this drone had independently hacked the datanet, the fact that he had had the inspiration to do so was what Autobot Command found so troubling. That the Praxians seemed less troubled by this development, was also a concern.
“How is it different?” The saboteur asked. “You haven't been hacked, so we know the 'Cons didn't get to you that way. So either you worked alone, or you had orders from inside the Enforcers.”
“I was given no command to reroute the advance,” the Praxian pre-grog said. “I have received no orders regarding the Autobots, at any point.”
“But you did it,” Jazz said. “You did it, but you won't drink a cube because no one's given you permission.”
Again, thedrone elected not to answer. Though he was incapable of emotion, he mimicked stubbornness with considerable skill. Jazz put the cube in his subspace, it was beyond drinking at this point, so far as he was concerned at least. He had no interest in rescheduling this interrogation session. If the Enforcer did not get energon soon, he would be in stasis, and the saboteur had no idea just what fall out might come from that. The Praxians were very clear that they wanted their drone back. He put two digits to the side of his helm and commed the guard on the other side of the door.
“Get me a cube of Fool's Energon.”
“He won't touch it,” the reply came.
“Humour a mech,” Jazz replied, and he removed his digits, severing the call. As he waited, Jazz watched the pre-prog. The longer he waited, and the longer he looked, the Polihexian found small signs of the Enforcer's state. His optics were dimmer, the gleam of his finish duller, still he sat as straight and as perfect as he had when he had taken is seat in that chair.
Jazz heard the guard's approached before the war-frame reached the door. The faint sound of the code being entered followed and the Polihexian stuck out his servo. Ironfist took one step into the door, optic glowing bright as he saw Jazz and his open servo. He moved to pass the cube over but paused at the sight of the Enforcer, seeing the pre-prog was still restrained, his shoulders relax.
“Thank you,” Jazz said, gently taking the cube from the Autobot's servos. “So, I've got this... Now get.”
“If you're going to released the cuffs...” Ironfist argued.
“Nothin' personal or anything, but I don't need your help to manage a half starved pre-prog,” the saboteur repled. He herded the guard through the doorway and latched it without another thought.
The operative vented and shook his helm. Warriors often still forgot that mech of his sort did quite well on their own. Jazz turned back to the Enforcer, and found him watching him, with a focus the Polihexian had not seen in him before. Caught off guard and unwilling to show it, Jazz walked to the drone's side.
“Don't cross me,” he warned as he deactivated the stasis cuffs, and tossed them across the table.  “I'll kill you before you can take another vent.”
“Consider me warned,” the pre-prog replied. Though he reminded himself of it time and again, Jazz kept on thinking of this Enforcer as a sentient mech, rather than an intelligent machine. Perhaps, that was where the feeling of unease came from. Had a 'Con made that remark, Jazz would have taken it for sarcasm, but this was a pre-prog; he should not have been capable of sarcasm. The Praxians had described this drone as a state of the art construction. Jazz found him eerie. Machines were not meant to mimic living mechanisms. And still, the drone did not reach for the cube.
“Do you need an engraved invitation?” Jazz asked, exasperation setting in. The mech gave the cube a cursory glance and looked back up at his interrogator.
“The fact remains, I do not have permission to drink,” he replied.
“For Primus' sake, I give you permission,” the saboteur exclaimed. “The Enforcers gave authority of you over to me, so drink!.
With a slow, perhaps even tentative servo, the pre-prog reached for the cube. His digits curled around it, and he stared at it for a long klik. Jazz watched, wondering just what he was seeing. It seemed as though the pre-prog did not know what to do with the cube. Perhaps he just did not yet have the strength to life it; the affects of stasis cuffs could linger. Finally, under the Polihexian's watchful optics, the Enforcer lifted the cube to his lipplates, and took a small sip.
He promptly aspirated it. Secondary vents opened as his primaries choked. Jazz snatched the cube up before his charge could spill it. Alarm flared in his processor. It only took a klik for the pre-prog to regain his composure and if Jazz did not know better, he would have thought that the Enforcer looked annoyed.
“Have you forgotten how to drink?” Jazz asked with a small chuckle.
“It has been forty-two vorn since I last drank a cube,” the pre-prog said. “It would appear my primary fuel intake no longer functions.”
“You haven't drunk a cube in how long?” The saboteur asked, and his optics brightened behind his visor. “How in the Pit have you fuelled?”
The mech looked down at his chassis, and Jazz followed his gaze. To the Polihexian's surprise, the secondary fuel intake, located directly over the pre-prog's fuel take on his abdomen, was uncovered.  Keeping his optics on the Enforcer, Jazz touched the valve, normally sealed except when utilized by a medic and found that it no longer even had a cover. In fact, the edges were scarred.
“What in the name of Primus,” he swore. “What have they been doin' with you?”
“I am the Core,” the Enforcer replied. “I have been stationed in the Tactical Hub beneath Enforcer commander for three thousand, four hundred and eighty six stellar-cycles. The Hub supplies all the necessities for my upkeep.”
“You were plugged into your work station?” Jazz asked, both horrified and stunned. “For over three millenia?”
“Yes,” the pre-prog confirmed.
“That's.... that's...” the saboteur stammered.
“It would be horrifying, were I a mech,” the Enforcer interrupted. “Except I am not.”
“Are you?” Jazz asked. “Are you not?”
“I hardly have the authority to claim otherwise,” the pre-prog replied. Jazz shook his helm, and at the same time, stepped back and placed his digits to his helm.
“Get me Ratchet, get me Ratchet now.”
Jazz stood outside the “cell” doors, scowling at the guards as they murmured at each other. They thought he was insane. It raised his hackles that they dared to theorize together just how this pre-prog or some other filth might have corrupted his processor. He was Special Operations, and Primus only knows what sorts of mechanism and things Jazz had run across in his vorns of service. As if a drone could hack him! The glitches whispered together, thinking he could not hear them. There were be payback for this insult. Later.
“You do realize I could still hear you even if you were on the other side of slaggin' door?” He hissed, and gestured to the door behind his back. The cluster of guards stammered incoherently.
The saboteur jerked his helm to see Optimus approaching, alongside Ratchet. Internally he berated himself for allowing his temper to distract him. Fools forgotten, the saboteur turned his attention to the Autobot leader.
“For the record, I haven't lost my processor,” he said.
“Yes, you have,” Ratchet replied, sarcastically. “Vorns ago.”
“The Lord of Praxus was concerned when I raised the question of an examination,” Optimus explained. “The Praxians guard their security zealously. If the Enforcer Core's schematics were to fall into the wrong servos...”
“I've got this, Prime,” Jazz insisted. “Me and Ratch can keep a secret.”
“I trust you,” the Matrix-Bearer replied. “It is the Lord's protests that have convinced me to allow Ratchet to exam the prisoner.”
“You think they're hidin't somethin'?” The saboteur asked. “I was thinkin' the same thing.”
“I want him restrained the entire time,” Optimus said.
“Boss Bot, he's been chained up the entire he's been here, even for recharge,” Jazz said. “I'll be right next to Ratchet through the whole thing.”
“Crowd me and I'll put a dent in your helm,” Ratchet replied. “Everyone here seems to be forgetting that this pre-prog hasn't actually lifted a digit against anyone. Everything he's done has been through the data-net.”
“I will be waiting for Ratchet's verdict,” the Prime said. “Go.”
Jazz typed the code into the door and stepped in even as it was still opening. Ratchet followed on his heels. The moment the medic set optics on the Enforcer, his engine growled. The saboteur knew that sound well. It was reserved for patients he deemed foolish, and saboteur almost pitied the pre-prog who watched Ratchet stalk over with unwavering optics.
“What's your designation?” Ratchet asked.
“I am Enforcer 093...” the pre-prog began.
“Your designation, not your serial number,” the medic interrupted. Ratchet held the pre-prog's optics as Jazz looked on, curious.
“Prowl,” he replied, keeping the medics gaze, when he noticed the Polihexian’s visor focuses on him, he caste his optics to the table.
“Even drones have nicknames, Jazz,” Ratchet chided the saboteur. “And if this one's a drone, I'll eat my wrench.”
“Ratch?” Jazz asked.
“Cursory scans show systems comparable to the standard Praxian frame-type,” the medic said. “Prowl, open you diagnostic port for me.”
The Enforcer, hesitated for a klik. A soft puff from his vents, with his helm still bowed, he relented. A small panel twisted away, revealing a port at the back of his neck. Every mechanism Jazz had ever met had this same port, in this same spot. He supposed drones likely hand them as well, and yet... Jazz watched keenly as Ratchet unspooled cabling from inside his forearm and inserted the end into the Enforcers... Prowl's port.  
“Grant me access to your firewalls,” Ratchet ordered.  “Bring up your self-diagnostics for me, and your system's log. Good. I'll take care of your fuel warnings in a klik. Low coolant too, hmm? Yes, your frame deactivated your primary intake after they were out of use for a dozen stellar-cycles. Reactivating it now. Good. Now what are these errors? ATS? What the Pit is that? Prowl!”
Ratchet reared back, and Jazz leapt forward, yanking the medics cable from the pre-prog's port without hesitation. Prowl, as Ratchet called him, winced and then stilled. Jazz ignored him in favour of Ratchet. The medic shuddered, his vents heaved and his platting clattered. Just as the saboteur was about to take the Enforcer apart, Ratchet pulled himself together.
“Those are some nasty booby traps,” he hissed, rubbing his forehelm. “I'm fine, Jazz. I just poked something I shouldn't have.”
“My apologies, Medic,” Prowl said.
“My fault, should've known better,” Ratchet replied. “Relax, Jazz. The Praxian's have some traps built into his processor to protect their investment.”
“Explain that one to me,” Jazz ordered.
“The ATS is a collection of tactical systems and processors,” the Enforcer explained. “It is why I am the Core.”
“It's a fragging mess,” the medic grumbled. “You are a fragging mess. But before we argue on that one, you need that cube.”
Ratchet stood, old joints creaking as he did. Though the medic chastised his patients for poor frame maintenance, Ratchet was often lax on the care of his own frame. He took the cube off the table, then turned and glowered and the saboteur.
“Don't look at me like that, mech,” Jazz replied, servos up in a placating gesture. “Standard practice.”
“He needs real energon,” the medic snapped. “Medical grade, really. And coolant. Never mind his repair nanites are tanking.”
“Have you forgotten this is the mech that sent the Autobot army on a wild cybergoose chase, leaving Althihex to the smelter.”
“He's spend millenia in a basement cage, he made a mistake,” Ratchet argued.
“I made no mistake,” the pre-prog stated, bluntly. His glyphs silenced the other mechs' argument. “Althihex was already lost. I diverted the Autobots to prevent them from walking blindly to their slaughter.”
“What are you talkin' about?” Jazz asked.
“The Decepticons captured Althihex six orns before the call for help was made to Iacon,” Prowl explained. “In the time they held the base, the Decepticons infected their hostages with Cosmic Rust. In case the army laying in wait outside Altihex’s walls failed to crush the advancing Autobots, the infection waiting within the base would sweep through the ranks before they realized it was happening. With a 56.44% chance of the infection being carried back to Iacon.”
“You led them right to the Decepticons,” the saboteur pointed out.
“Into the Decepticon flank,” the Enforcer replied. “The weakest point of the battalion. The Decepticons were defeated with minimal casualties. When the Decepticon retreat began, in order to hide their use of viral warfare, they bombed the base.”
“You could have warned us,” Jazz argued.
“Enough,” Ratchet ordered. “He needs fuel and it isn't going to be this slag.”
Jazz should have intervened when the medic pulled a cube of medical grade from his subspace, but he stayed silent. What the Enforcer was saying had the ring of truth to it. It would not be difficult to prove if it was the truth either. For the time being, he would allow the pre-prog the benefit of a little trust and a little mercy, and he thought Optimus would approve. Still, the saboteur was not prepared to trust too easily and he did not remove the stasis cuffs from Prowl's servos.
Ratchet turned his back to the Polihexian and held the cube to the pre-prog's lipplates as he gently cradle his helm. It was rare to see the medic treat a patient so tenderly. It was generally a sign that they were too fragile for his tough love. Slowly, the shackled Enforcer drained the cube and when it was finished, whispered a glyph of thanks.
“It was not my intent to be discovered,” Prowl said. “Had I revealed that I had connected the Hub to the data-net and accessed the grids of every city, I would have been destroyed.”
“But I caught wind too fast,” the Polihexian replied. “And you couldn't cover your tracks fast enough. Why did you do it, hack the 'net, in the first place.”
“Stare at the same four walls, at the same screens long enough, you might get bored too, Jazz,” Ratchet interjected. “Tacticians need to know, it's the nature of the function. Am I right, Prowl?”
“That is as accurate an explanation as I might offer,” the pre-prog replied.
“If I can find evidence that you're right, you just might make it out of this in one piece,” Jazz said. “You outta have said somethin'.”
“I have revealed the ability, and the inclination to think for myself,” Prowl countered. “Whatever your conclusions, when I am returned to Praxus, I will be terminated.”
“Get Prime in here,” Ratchet ordered. Jazz remained where he stood, earning him a snarl. “Haven't you figured it out? He isn't a pre-prog. Odds are, none of them are. Their cold-constructs with programming to dumb them down so they can pass as drones. They don't have pseudo-sparks, they have real sparks.”
“Ratchet, that's insane,” Jazz tried to argue. “Did it occur to you that he might be lying?”
“I am telling you, he is a sentient mechanism, not a smart drone,” the medic hissed. “The fact that we even try and pretend there's a distinction is dicey at best. He's a mech, Jazz. Praxus might be running one of the biggest slavery rings in Cybertronian history.”
Note: I was intending to turn this into a full size fic, but the world is a bit cumbersome, and I haven’t had the mind to hash it out. Maybe some day.
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ratward · 8 years ago
New Upload *Funky Prog Disco From Italy On GROG Records*
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franklins-leg · 6 years ago
Honestly a level of radio quality that I will accept on road trips in order to avoid looking for a new station for an additional five minutes
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franklins-leg · 6 years ago
5.     a song over 5 minutes long
I know what some of y’all are expecting me to say. And I’m not going to indulge you. Not this time. Ask again. “Canadian Railroad Trilogy” by Gordon Lightfoot. When the green dark forests were too silent to be real…
That’s right folks. The folk rock has arrived. And as a (failed) anthropologist I always loved that line in the context of yes, the settler history/mythologies/reimaginings of America do tend to make the forests too silent to be real…..10.   something you’ve heard performed live
already answered for @theiceandbones, but another song I heard live this summer was K. T. Tunstall “Big Black Horse and a Cherry Tree” (ok that’s probably not the exact name but whatever). She out-Scottished Ian Anderson, which was not a feat I thought possible. 
15.   something to BELT SHAMELESSLY/do DIVA HANDS tooh dear, this is my M.O. in the car to most songs I like, but lately whenever “Guiding Light” (Mumford and Sons) comes on, it’s up full-volume and I’m banging on the steering wheel. sorry, everyone who has to see me do this.(I do the same thing with Lord Huron “The Night We Met,” which is a few years old and the fact that I still behave this way whenever it comes on probably makes that a better answer to this question. I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you) 
20.   a song you’re dying to master all the words to
I mean if I ever learn the words to Barenaked Ladies “Pinch Me” it will be a miracle. I bloody LIVED through the 90′s and I still don’t know what’s happening. 
25.   a song with a great music video
ah well we must go with Peter Murphy “Cuts You Up” for this one. everyone go look at these EXCELLENT PANTS.
30.   a song 40 years older than you
Thanks, now I’m regretting my vow not to use the internet/my music library. So, this would be a song from 1950. Glenn Miller was missing by that point, so he’s off the table. Uh… well, Tony Bennett was a thing then. How about “Firefly?” *checks google* crap that was 1958. Umm….. that “Istanbul, Not Constantinople” song? 1953! That’s better! And also the best I can do without cheating. *rapid-fire internetting ensues*So the thing with a lot of American popular music around the 40s (and back to the advent of the gramophone but this is not “Jillian gets on her turn-of-the-century-soapbox”) is that someone (or some firm, really) would write the lyrics, and then lots of different performers would release versions of it. Think Irving Berlin - wrote a lot of lyrics from WWI up through the 50s, really, and like EVERYONE sang those songs. Alexander’s Ragtime Band? Puttin’ On the Ritz? God Bless America? All popular music by Irving Berlin, which you could either consume via phonograph recording or via sheet music (for home use with a piano).Anyway before I repeat my entire college thesis via Tumblr, here is Jo Stafford performing a 1950 popular song “No Other Love.” The recording is also from 1950, so I have fulfilled the question.
35.   a great song you discovered thanks to a movieI discovered Glenn Miller’s “In The Mood” from Doctor Who…. does that count? I mean I would never have gotten interested in world wars propaganda without having heard it there and THEN WHERE WOULD I BE HMMM? (oh wait I still don’t have a job related to my degree, poop). 
40.   favorite disney songWhatever the guy is playing on his piano at the beginning of 101 Dalmatians, probably. It’s been forever since I watched that but I always loved the Fitzgerald/T. S. Eliot vibes of that movie even though I didn’t know who Fitzgerald or Eliot were at the time.  I’VE GONE DOWN A POPULAR MUSIC / TURN-OF-THE-CENTURY RABBIT HOLE HALP. 
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franklins-leg · 6 years ago
10, 19, 33!
10: something you’ve heard performed live
hmm, I’ve been to a good number of concerts, but this summer I dragged by parents to go see Live perform… well, live… and they were EXCELLENT. My favorite of course was “Selling the Drama.”  No I won’t be scarred like that, hey… 19: the last song you had stuck in your head
gosh it varies so often, but probably “Who Can it Be Now,” Men At Work. It’s certainly stuck in my head now. 
33. a song you have zero patience forthe freaking Safety Dance. just. no. EVERYBODY LOOK AT YOUR HANDS! 
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franklins-leg · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
excuse me while I buy this pattern 100% for the Moody Blues reference.  (ok maybe 80%…. I really do like knitting socks). 
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franklins-leg · 6 years ago
Hey can you tell us 31 and 39?
31.   a song you wish your parents didn’t know the words to
Well, my parents don’t generally sing in my presence. I was always the one getting in trouble for singing in the bathroom. Do they even know the lyrics to any songs? Who knows!I do know my mom wishes I hadn’t taught my dad the “Don’t put mercury in the trash” jingle, though :D :D 
39.   the most played song in your music library
Excluding the stuff I’ve been spamming for Fitzier playlists over the past couple months (heh), my most-played song on Spotify is “Andromeda” by Kent! Followed closely by “Cuts You Up” by Peter Murphy (let’s face it, that’s my most played song of my adult life), a bunch more Kent, and “Love Like Ghosts” by Lord Huron. 
(Heads up: Kent is a Swedish band. I don’t speak Swedish. But I do listen to them more than basically any other band, so.)
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franklins-leg · 6 years ago
Song 5, 14, 15, and 24 from the music ask please!
5. a song over 5 minutes long
“Mountain Men” by Jethro Tull!
14. a song made suddenly awful because of a special someone
My boyfriend has ruined most of Eddie Vedder for me by doing some terrible impersonation of his voice. Yeah, I really do like “Hunger Strike” by Temple of the Dog. So shoot me - I grew up in the 90s, I’m not gonna get over it.
15.   something to BELT SHAMELESSLY/do DIVA HANDS to
“Tale of the Tongue” by Peter Murphy
The street still screams……
(I’m aware that semi-goth new wave is not a conventional choice for singing full-volume, and certainly not for diva-hands. But I do it. I have a low-ish voice. It works,)
24.   a song that makes you wanna STRIPGosh, a lot of 80s pop/ synthpop, really. Here’s “Electric Blue” by Icehouse. 
I am dead serious.
(ask me more music things!)
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