#griovimo darbai
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darbobirza · 7 years ago
Griovimo darbu darbininkas
Kompanija:UAB Grigoma Įmonės veiklos sektorius:   Miestas:Vilnius Veiklos sritis:Statyba Pareigos:Statybos darbininkas Paskelbta:2018.03.28 Galioja iki:2018.04.03
CV.lt darbas Vilniuje: https://www.cv.lt/statybos-darbai/griovimo-darbu-darbininkas-vilniuje-1-314677764/?cid=rss-info-link March 28, 2018 at 08:56PM
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bukimevieningi · 5 years ago
Nacionalinio stadiono griaučių nugriovimas kainuos 3,4 mln. eur. be PVM (video)
Nacionalinio stadiono griaučių nugriovimas kainuos 3,4 mln. eur. be PVM (video)
Taip taip, 3 400 000 eurų be PVM, tiek kainuos stadiono konstrukcijos griovimo ir žemės sklypo sutvarkymo darbai.
Nacionalinio stadiono projektavimas buvo pradėtas 1985 m. Tų pačių metų rugpjūčio 15 d. pasirašyta sutartis naujam stadionui statyti. Pirmojo stadiono projekto autorius buvo architektas Algimantas Nasvytis. 1987 m. vasario 13 d. patvirtintas projektas. Iki 1991 m. buvo sumontuoti…
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griovimodarbai-blog · 7 years ago
Griovimo darbai Vilnius kaina
Atliekame griovimo darbus Vilniuje. Geromis kainomis, darbus atlieka patyrę specialistai.  https://utilizatorius.lt/griovimo-darbai/
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ciatavolietuva · 8 years ago
Pagaliau Kaunas sulaukė: griaunamas apleistas „Respublikos“ viešbutis
Pagaliau Kaunas sulaukė: griaunamas apleistas „Respublikos“ viešbutis
  Praėjus beveik ketvirčiui amžiaus nuo tos dienos, kai Kauno centre įšalo „Respublikos“ viešbučio statybos, startavo jo griovimo darbai. Jų ėmėsi statinį su sklypu prieš metus įsigijusi „Vičiūnų grupė���, miesto širdyje statysianti modernų verslo centrą „Magnum“.
Visas griovimo procesas truks 3–4 mėnesius, jį sudarys keli pagrindiniai etapai. Visų pirma išvalytos gausios per dešimtmečius į…
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griovimodarbai · 1 year ago
What are the most important criteria when choosing a demolition company in Vilnius?
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If you have decided to renovate or expand your house in Vilnius, the right choice of demolition company can be decisive for the success of the entire project. But what criteria should you use when choosing a demolition company ? We will provide you with key considerations to help you make an informed decision.
What is a competent demolition company?
The demolition company should be licensed and have all the necessary permits and certificates. It should also have qualified personnel with a good knowledge of demolition processes and safety requirements.
How to evaluate the experience and reputation of a demolition company?
Check how long the company has been on the market, read customer reviews and recommendations. You can also ask to see a portfolio of their work.
Where to look for a reliable demolition company in Vilnius?
Although many offers can be found on the Internet, we recommend that you refer to the recommendations of your acquaintances, and it is also worth checking with the Vilnius Builders' Association or other professional ratings of institutions.
Why are criteria important?
Choosing the right company not only ensures the quality of work, but also your safety, and the fact that the work will be completed on time and according to the contract.
Who should be consulted before choosing a demolition company?
With architects, civil engineers, other specialists or even friends who already had experience with demolition work.
When is the best time to hire a demolition company?
It is best to do this when you have a clear plan and time frame for your project. It's also important to start early so you can properly evaluate and compare different services.
What should I know about the terms of the contract?
The most important thing is to understand the price structure, the period of work, how the construction waste will be handled and what the warranty obligations are after the demolition work is completed.
What are the main mistakes when choosing a demolition company?
The most common mistakes are choosing based on the lowest price, not paying attention to the company's experience or not reviewing the terms of the contract in detail.
Choosing the right demolition company can give you peace of mind about the success of your project. We hope these tips will help you make the right decision. 
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